27 มี.ค.
Stationeers - Not Simon
This hotfix addresses several issues with multiplayer caused by bad data being sent. This issue could cause a wide range of issues including stopping things in the game from updating their position or state.

Changlog v0.2.4891.22206
  • Fixed MK2 Crowbar and emergency crowbar sounds could get stuck on.
  • Fixed Duplicate entries in PipeAnalyser tooltip for Capacity and Liquid Volume.
  • Fixed Proximity Sensor tooltip shows incorrect unit.
  • Changed Save button on leave game pop-up to Save-and-Exit.
  • Fixed Leave Game Pop-up would soft lock the game if you clicked the save button.
  • Fixed OGRE horizontal miner disasappears due to overly aggressive culling distance.
  • Fixed a bug where the control binding panel was not usable while trying to rebind controls during gameplay. The panel now correctly display over the settings menu instead of under.
  • Added a simple yolk splat effect when eggs break
  • Fixed Byte Array read error which was causing FertilizedEggs to create de-syncs.
  • Fixed labeler not grabbing existing text from a sign when editing.
  • Fixed Clients on Dedicated Server were not receiving other clients AimIk position due to an early return for batchMode in Human.LateUpdate.
  • Fixed normal map problem for chicken
Stationeers - Not Simon
Much of our focus has been on heavy and deep architectural changes to the game. While we prepare our next big additions, this update serves some much needed quality of life and fixes.

Last Update Reception


We have been blown away with the reception to the last update, which gives us confidence that we should continue to focus on rounding out the "why" and "what" of Stationeers play sessions. A key foundation for our future updates is to build heavily on this. We plan to take existing work we have done and bind them together, as well as further work to redo lower quality areas of the game like terrain.

We set our highest concurrent players in Stationeers since the multiplayer refactor well over a year ago, as well as having much higher sales than normal. This is massively encouraging to the team so thank you all for the warm reception!

Pipe Upgrades
You can now upgrade pipes and liquid pipes to their insulated counterparts without having to rip them up and place new pipes. You can do this by using an insulated pipe kit on an existing insulated pipe while holding a wrench in your other hand. Only upgrades can be done in this way, an insulated pipe cannot return to a non-insulated pipe.

Pipe Igniter
Just like the regular igniter this pipe attachment allows you to create a spark and ignite the atmosphere inside a pipe network either manually or via logic.

Since the network refactor, and even before that, Chickens have suffered from a lot of issues making them hard to keep under control. We've fixed a load of bugs and tweaked a lot of small things that should make them a more manageable resource.

We've changed how much a chicken needs to eat as a base line and have also added a requirement for more food to lay an egg.

Previously, when a chicken laid an egg there was a 25% chance that it would be a fertilized egg, This meant that early on in your chicken farm it could be slow to get the desired amount of chickens, and later it might mean that you ended up with too many chickens.

Now every egg is fertilized but for an egg to hatch it requires a more specific environment. Previously, a fertilized egg would hatch if it was kept above 15C, which has been changed to a range between 35C and 40C. Furthermore, an egg will become unviable if it is exposed to temperatures below 10C.

Chicken Management
Considering the above changes you should now be able to control chicken breading and egg production with a combination of room temperature and available food. We will probably continue to tweak these values so feel free to provide some feedback once you've given it a go.

Avionics Data
While developing the new Rocket Update, we focused on making sure all of the new mechanics in space were automatable. However, some of the data exposed to the rocket UI on the rocket motherboard didn't get fully exposed to the logic system, making it hard for players to tap into the systems we did expose. Because of the amount of requests from the community, we've made more data available through the avionics to allow for more automation.

You can now access survey progression, discover progression, chart progression, and many values associated with asteroid composition, of your set destination.

This work also included behind-the-scenes work to increase the limit on logic values the game can use. But with that out of the way, we can support thousands of more logic types, so keep the requests for more data.

Patch Artwork
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[expand type=details][/expand]

Your support makes these updates possible


Change Log v0.2.4889.22194
  • Fixed FireExtinguisher throws errors when used outside on the moon.
  • Fixed Composters were outputting waste gasses at the incorrect temperature.
  • Added Pipes and Liquid pipes can now be upgraded their insulated variant. Use a kit (insulated pipe) on a pipe to upgrade it. A wrench in the off-hand is required.
  • Fixed Celestial tracker breaks game when place in rocket.
  • Updated manufacturing machines prefabs with new upgrade data.
  • Fixed flashlight not updating the lights state to match the mode for clients until it was put in or removed from a slot
  • Fixed issue where stationpedia phase change graph was using single precision floats when double precision required math was needed, causing some listed pressures to be off by several Kpa from actual.
  • Fixed Chickens not having Lungs
  • Fixed chickens taking reduced damage due to always having the offline and sleeping reductions applied to it.
  • Reduced chicken egg lay rate to be between 1 - 2 times per day averaging to 1.5 eggs per day
  • Added chicken using up nutrition when laying an egg. Chickens will now seek food if they do not have enough nutrition.
  • Added tooltips for chickens that tell you when they are hungry, very hungry, old and very old.(not exact values but just something to indicate their state)
  • Added a lifespan to animals and set it to four months for chickens(will probably need balancing)
  • Fixed bad normals on chicken. Removed normal texture until it can be replaced with a new one
  • Added an upper temperature for hatching a fertilized egg and set the range to 35 - 40 degrees c. Previously anything above 15 c was enough.
  • Updated egg and fertilized egg Stationpedia pages
  • Fixed fertilized eggs ignoring temperature range
  • Fixed an issue where emptied pipes would not run react or combust code, leaving them with stale data from previous fires.
  • Fixed chickens not laying eggs.
  • Changed all eggs to be fertilized eggs. Fertilized eggs will only stay viable if they remain above 10 C. If they drop below this temperature they will become unviable and turn white. The colour of the eggs has been changed from brown to a more real brown egg colour.
  • Added first pass on pipe igniter which can be used to spark its connected pipe atmosphere.
  • Added chicken lungs, and set their volume to 1/6th that of human lungs.
  • Changed chickens to only naturally eat to a certain level of fullness. They will only try and eat more when they are ready to lay an egg so that you can control egg production through feed.
  • Fixed flashlight's light material not being emissive when turned on.
  • Fixed flashlight beams being invisible when loading a game even when the flashlight is turned on
  • Fixed chickens not eating when they need to lay an egg
  • Added pipe igniter recipe to pipe bender
  • Updated Stationpedia descriptions for pipes
  • Fixed mars not correctly starting at the morning of day 0 by adding accelerated time offsets to worldsettings.xml
  • Fixed new eggs not having the correct reagent mix
  • Added new thumbnail for egg
  • Small Optimisation for Thing.Find function for when an invalid Id is parsed in.
  • Cleaned up some string creation for logic-types and replace with EnumCollection function calls.
  • Some general clean-up of logic code. Switching out for useage of static read/write methods for logic-types and referenceIds.
  • Changed Underlying Type of LogicType Enum from Byte to uShort. Corrected Network read/write types and type casts as required.
  • Added the ability for eggshells to be recycled; they will now produce a reagent mix containing 1 biomass
  • Fixed eggs not breaking into shells when colliding with force; they will now break into two eggshells when hitting a structure with sufficient force.
  • Fixed fertilized eggs being unbreakable
  • Fixed chicks having human Lungs
  • Made eggs in slots not become unviable. (temporary fix until we have a container that keeps eggs safe)
  • Changed chicks to take one day to mature (up from 2/3 of a day)
  • Changed tier 3, far trader, to always have fertilized chicken eggs, decreased the price from 1000 to 250, and increased available quantity to 2.
  • Added nutrition gained by chickens linked to actual nutritional value of the consumed food
  • fixed imbalance in chickens nutrition usage
  • Fixed Npcs as being treated as an offline player in terms of breathing, nutrition, etc
  • Fixed missing mode panel in Stationpedia for Avionics
  • Fixed logic dial Stationpedia page unnecicerally displaying it's modes panel
  • Fixed Some items could not have the gas-ratios read via logic for the new gases.
  • Added Avionics can be read with the reagent reader or the "LR" IC command to report on the reagent composition of sites where SpaceOres are mined.
  • Added GasRatio, TotalMoles and Temperature variables to avionics. Available for sites where ices are mined.
  • Added Site Deposit Logic Variables to Avionics: Density, Size, Richness.
  • Added Rocket Mining Logic Variables to Avionics: Quantity - amount mined per operation, TotalQuantity - the total amount of ore spawned at the target site, MinedQuantity - the total amount that has been mined at the target site.
  • Added Rocket Scanning Logic Variables to Avionics: Survey, Chart and Discover. These report the normalised Scan value at the target.
  • Added Rocket Navigation Logic Variables to Avionics: NavPoints - number of available NavPoints for target. ChartedNavPoints - number of ChartedNavPoints for target. Sites - Number of Sites at target. CurrentCode - The spaceMap address of the rocket's current location.
  • Exposed a number of new readable logic Variables to the Rocket avionics to help enable more rocket automation. These variables point to the Rockets Target Destination but will fall back to reading from the current destination if the rockets target has not been set.

Stationeers - Not Simon
Becoming Immersed
This may not come as a surprise, but Stationeers is a game about building stations. For a long time there has been a big divide amongst new players. Some jump in, want to take care of their needs, build an airlock, expand their little station to get hydroponics growing all their seeds to feed themselves, and start routing wires, pipes, and chutes around the station as they build all the machines they can. Others launch the game for the first time, and see enough food and water in their lander to keep them alive for a while. They build all their machines outside, progress through the production tree rather quickly, eat and drink in a vacuumed out cube, and run out of things to do. They fail to encounter problems that require the engineering challenges that are at the heart of what makes Stationeers so much fun.

Getting players to build rooms and then really live in them ensures that players interact with all the systems of the game, and makes them experience the immersion, and free form engineering challenges that so many of us love.

Getting you out of your suit
We want to gently nudge players toward building a pressurized base and experience all the engineering and base building that comes along with that. Currently, we're focusing our efforts on giving the player a reason to remove their suit. To do that we've introduced a mood and Hygiene system. These straightforward systems are intended to provide players with obvious station-building goals, while not feeling too much like a punishment if you struggle to deal with them.

Hygiene has no direct effect on a character's attributes but will affect the mood of the characters once it drops too low. Being in a suit with the helmet closed is a surefire way to have your hygiene drop, and hard suits are especially bad. Opening your helmet will slow your hygiene from getting worse and getting out of your suit will allow hygiene to naturally refresh over time. Explained in detail further down, you can construct and supply a shower to instantly refresh your hygiene to higher than default levels.

Your mood will drop if your hygiene is depleted or if you take damage. It's fairly easy to avoid in most cases. If you find yourself with a low mood it can easily be fixed by hanging out in your base and increasing your hygiene. If your mood gets too low it will cause your hunger to drop faster, and if it becomes critical then your tool usage and movement speed will take a very minor debuff.

Food Quality
Eating higher quality food will now give you a buff in the form of increased maximum hydration. Eating uncooked food will negatively impact your maximum hydration but canned and complex foods will give you a big boost to max hydration.

Not only the fastest way to replenish hygiene but using a shower will provide a higher level of hygiene than simply being out of your suit. It requires a clean water source and will output Polluted water that will need to be processed before it can be used.

Polluted Water
Polluted water is a new liquid with very similar water but cannot be used by devices that require fresh water. The shower will produce polluted water that will need to be cleaned. Polluted water will freeze into polluted water ice but will boil off into regular H2O steam. In the future more machines may produce polluted water, and more machines may be able to use polluted water. This is also acting as a test for us to start adding more liquids and gasses to the game in the near future.

Water Purifier
The Water Purifier works by consuming coal or charcoal and using it to filter polluted water back into regular H2O.

Drinking Fountain
To make managing hydration less of a chore we've introduced a drinking fountain that you can replenish your thirst with. By scattering these around your base you can easily stay hydrated.

Fire Extinguisher
This fire extinguisher replaces the old one. It functions the same when it has a canister filled with any inert liquid.

Hand Torch
This hand torch makes a nice addition to your tool-belt. It has two modes, a narrow and a wide beam.

Day Counter Fix
As you've probably noticed the day counter has been broken. While this update fixes the day counter, and in turn means that storms will now happen again. You can expect a few more updates to this but functionally all the worlds should be working and the behavior should remain the same going forward.

Those who have played both games will recognize many similarities not just in the game itself, like a focus on in-world interaction and knowledge bases, but also in our approach such as regular updates driven by community engagement and interaction.

ICARUS is a PvE survival game for up to eight players. Explore a savage wilderness in the aftermath of terraforming gone wrong. Survive the Open World, complete timed Missions or build your Outpost. Explore, build, craft and hunt while seeking your fortune and prospecting for exotic matter.


Change Log v0.2.4870.22138
  • re-added time offsets to world starts where needed. Notably Vulcan starts at dusk, Venus starts at its reversed morning, and Moons start at non eclipsed mornings.
  • Fixed LodFlares not working on wall lights
  • Fixed Global Atmosphere Temperature on Vulcan would change very suddenly at dawn and dusk.
  • Fixed Atmospheric Ambience audio not correctly matching time of day on Vulcan and Europa.
  • Made new timescale calculation take into account day to sidereal day ratio for correctly sizing timescale to target 20 minutes.
  • Added back all the moons to be defined as tidally locked and added the tidally locked field to RotatingCelestialBody.
  • Refactored CalculateTimeScale. Removed unnecessary calculations and started using existing properties for the remainder of the calculations.
  • Fixed Europa started on uint.MaxValue days past due to a negative value not being handled.
  • Changed SetAllBodies function now takes the total simulation time instead of Real time. This means that time-scale changes mid playthrough no longer change the number of simulation days past. Simulation time is now the value that drives the simulation and is synced to clients. TotlRealTime is still stored for debugging purposes.
  • LongitudeAtEpoch is now used as a definition of the start of the year, instead of an offset. This means worlds should now start on day 1, regardless of orbital position configuration.
  • Changed timeoffsets of all planets to 0, to ensure correct time initialization.
  • Fixed recent regressions preventing tidally locked moons from correctly counting days
  • Removed unused Network write and read methods from celestial.cs
  • Refactored Removed Celestial Update() function. OrbitalSimulation.UpdateAllBodies now runs through the same code path as OrbitalSimulation.SetAllBodies
  • Added Double Lerp to RocketMath.
  • Fixed time of day variable being wrong.
  • Fixed day counter third pass - A general clean up and and refactor of the work that has been done. Removed and consolidated a lot of duplicate code for the calculations of current angle
  • Changed The orbital simulations accumulated realTime is now calculated back from the PlayerBody's TrueAnomaly.
  • Reverted change from rev22108 that was writing the TrueAnomaly of every orbital body to clients every tick.
  • Fixed Orbital Simulation on client not in-sync with server.
  • Fix for day passing spam on clients. Days passed was being sent to clients and then a different number of days passed was also being sent to the client and they were constantly overwriting each other causing spam in the clients console
  • Fix Second pass on fixing day counter. Day counter is now working for moons but requires slightly more work to be completely accurate.
  • Added FoodQuality Tooltip to player stats tooltip.
  • Fixed HygieneCritical Status Update was not registered causing the critical hygiene icon to sometimes not show on clients.
  • Changed Drinking fountain to use free-place instead of face-mount.
  • Changed Hid some un-used logic variables on Drinking fountain.
  • Fixed Drinking fountain throws error when there is no water in the pipe
  • Changed PlayerStats delta tooltip to "not increasing" from "stable".
  • Fixed Hygiene Could fall below 0.
  • Tentative fix for bodies disappearing in multiplayer.
  • Added the ability to overlay a comparison to another gas to the Phase Change diagram
  • Fixed first pass on fixing day counter. Planetary rotation and translation are now based on a unified value instead of separate simulations.
  • Fixed Default image for food quality not set correctly on new game.
  • Changed Shower and Drinking fountain to use same behaviour as WaterBottleFiller for assessing input pipe water safety. The presence of any toxic gasses or any other liquid types will cause the devices to error. Non toxic gasses pressurising the pipe will allow the device to operate as normal.
  • Fixed Gas Logic Variables not exposed on Condensation and Evaporation Chamber.
  • Fixed A number of devices were not respecting validity of their input and output pipe networks when running their atmospherics tick. This was causing pipe contents to get deleted when removing pipe segments from pipe-networks attached to operating machines.
  • Fixed Placing a device that connected to a DataCable that had a computer with a rocketMotherboard on the same data network could throw an exception locking the player and preventing any future interactions.
  • Fixed sliding panels on atmospheric devices open/closed state being inverted
  • Added Sounds and animation to drinking fountain.
  • Fixed Helmet light on/off and open/close sounds interrupt eachother.
  • Fixed Server import code running on client for vending machine.
  • Added On/Off sounds to flashlight
  • Added new icons for Food Quality.
  • Fixed Gas Tank structures did not have their destroyed build states set correctly.
  • Added ability to copy asset guid to clipboard from asset context menu
  • Removed some prototype editor tools that were not being used
  • Fixed info panel and sliding panel being visible before the final build state for some atmospheric devices.
  • Fixed Prefab Quantity set incorrectly on DecayedFood, Biomass & PipeLabel.
  • Fixed When buying decayed food from the trader the incorrect amount is spawned in the vending machine.
  • Tweaked nitrolyzer model to account for new info screen prefab.
  • Tweaked atmospheric device models to account for new info screen prefab
  • Updated water purifier to use new info screen prefab
  • Removed Old FireExtinguisher.
  • Undated Start Conditions and Trader Data to use new Fire Extinguisher.
  • Updated ground based telescope to use new info screen component
  • Updated several device prefabs to include info screen property (autogenerated by unity - will have no effect)
  • Added info screen component to device which will handle material switching when the device is powered/unpowered. Updated info screen prefab to use the new info screen component. Updated all atmospheric devices to use the new info screen prefab.
  • Added Recipes for Kit (WaterPurifier), Kit (Shower) to PipeBender.
  • Added Recipe for Flashlight to Tool Printer.
  • Added Hand Sanitizer consumable to Consumables Trader Selling Items.
  • Updated sliding panels and fans on atmospheric devices. Removed unity animators from all atmospheric devices.
  • Fixed fan rotation animation on air conditioner. Added rotator component to be used with atmos devices.
  • Fixed Polluted water would continuously evaporate into steam and then condense into water in a closed system.
  • Changed phase-change co-efficients for polluted water.
  • Added Prefabs for pure Ice Hydrogen, LiquidHydrogen and PollutedWater.
  • Changed PrefabHashmap from an Enum to a static class and removed autogenerating code for creating the class in WorldManager.
  • Moved animation components into their own folder (preserved namespace).
  • Added sliding panel device part prefab.
  • Swapped air conditioner sliding panel to use the device part prefab.
  • Added audio clip hashes for sliding panel open close and made them work with pooled audio system.
  • Fixed water purifier build states hidden.
  • Fixed valve sound on shower coming from incorrect position.
  • Changed shower will no longer operate when output pipe is full.
  • Added Drinking sounds to water fountain.
  • Changed Drinking Fountain behaviour to be the same as a water bottle.
  • Tidied up Hydration code: added helper functions for calculating mole use-age and moved some values to constants.
  • Tweaks to shower sounds.
  • Fixed hand orientation of fire extinguisher being incorrect
  • Fixed Flashlight missing blueprint
  • Updated Mood and Hygiene status icons with descriptive text
  • Changed shower to use one pipe instead of four for its final build state.
  • Updated Flashlight model
  • Fixed plants being able to consume any liquid. Will now only consume water.
  • Added New Atmosphere.Remove() function that takes in a quantity and gasType.
  • Added Sound to Shower.
  • Reduced Shower Water usage from 10mol/sec from 20mol/sec to and hygiene recovery to 10%/sec from 20%/sec.
  • Hid Some non-relevant logic variables on powered shower and water purifier.
  • Fixed items having a seemingly random initial velocity when dropped. Now they will have a small velocity in the players look direction.
  • Fixed flare gun prefab so that it can be stored inside tool slots
  • Fixed shower handle sound using from sound hash
  • Fixed shower handle sound emit position
  • Updated H2O liquid and gas icons with a blue color
  • Updated polluted water with a green color and change the symbol from H2O to PW
  • Fixed Missing Stationpedia icon for polluted water.
  • Added Water Purifier. A device to clean polluted water. can be constructed with (Kit) Water Purifier and requires Charcoal to operate.
  • Added polluted water icon to stationpedia
  • Changed showers to output polluted water when in use with player underneath
  • Added missing meta file for polluted water icon
  • Added powered shower variant
  • Updated models and thumbnails for Shower Kit and Drinking Fountain Kit
  • Added valve lever device animation component. Similar to valveonoff animation component but with selectable interaction type.
  • Added new valve lever component to shower
  • Added handheld Flashlight tool
  • Fixed MiningDrillHeads return 100x as much resources as they should when recycled.
  • Updated shower to use handle instead of wheel
  • Changed FoodQuality now authored as an enum.
  • Updated FoodQuality entry in stationpedia to show food quality description.
  • Fixed All plants except wheat had their water usage incorrectly set 10x lower than the default value. Water usage of plants has now been increased to 0.4mol/hr from 0.04mol/hr
  • Added PhaseChange Coefficients for Polluted Water.
  • Fixed Localisation error with polluted water in stationpedia.
  • Added an icon for polluted water.
  • Added recipe for drinking fountain
  • Changed max stack size for drinking fountain from 10 to 5
  • Added thumbnails to new fire extinguisher
  • Added recipe for new fire extinguisher
  • Added localization for new fire extinguisher
  • Fixed new fire extinguisher slot collider position
  • Added New Fire Extinguisher. Requires a liquid tank filled with an inert liquid to operate. (TODO: recipe and icons)
  • Changed Smart canisters now immune to fire in the same way as standard canisters
  • Sound pass on new fire extinguisher.
  • Changed Lockers now take 5x longer to be destroyed by fire.
  • Changed sanitizer tag to be spawnable
  • Changed shower steam particles to use spritesheet rather than default particle
  • Changed shower droplet particles to use vertical billboard
  • Updated hand sanitizer action string to use a game string.
  • Added hand sanitizer consumable which can be used to increase hygiene.
  • Tweaked shower particles and removed debug print
  • fixed another gastype case error.
  • Fixed spelling error of a Gas-type in english.xml
  • Reverted Volatiles rename to Methane.
  • Fixed PollutedWater not evaporating.
  • Added missing prefab
  • Added effect to showers when they're running
  • Fixed shower kit to only stack to 5
  • Fixed Missing cases in PartialPressure function.
  • Fixed plants causing error spam when planted
  • Added boiler-plate code for 'polluted water' liquid type. Is not used so should not effect current gameplay. Implementation with shower plus stationpedia details and icons to come.
  • Added a bonus to showering. Fully showering will give a bonus amount of hygiene past what you get from other forms of improving hygiene
  • Removed the Hygiene and Mood bars(mood and hygiene are still functioning the same but the exact % of these are not made available to the player)
  • Added shower (wip). Will increase hygiene when standing in the showers grid square without a suit or uniform. Outputs water for now but will be changed to output grey water when grey water is added.
  • Renamed Meson scanner to T-Ray scanner
  • Added Ground-Work for Combustion refactor: Volatiles has been re-named to Methane and boiler-plate code has been added for Hydrogen and Liquid Hydrogen. Hydrogen will be added to survival game-play in an up-coming patch, for now it is only available via debug commands and is not hooked up to the combustion code.
  • Added Phase-diagram coefficients for Hydrogen.
  • Added Support for GasMixture to contain up to 32 unique gas types.
  • Minor Code clean-up in Atmosphere and Gas mixture classes, removal of vestigial methods.
  • Fixed Can't read a number of liquid ratios from the gas sensor via logic.
  • Updated drinking fountain kit name in english.xml
  • Moved miscellaneous models into their own folder
  • Made drinking fountain respect drink through helmet difficulty settings
  • Added more error messages for drinking fountain tooltip to make error state more clear to players
  • Added drinking fountain device (first pass)
  • Set Mood and Hygiene rate to 2x for Stationeers mode and and 1x for easy/normal.
  • Fixed wrong material was applied on large direct heat exchangers.
  • Fixed wrong materials applied on build states of vending machines.
  • Fixed wrong material for physical info panel on heat exchangers.
  • Increased mood drain when taking damage.
  • Fixed Condensation fog not showing on clients.
  • Allowed screen space tooltip panel to refresh every frame if desired
  • Added tooltip to player vitals panel to show mood and hygiene state
  • Refactored AssessMood and AssessHygiene methods to make them more reusable for the tooltip
  • Made ToyLuna renamable with the labeller
  • Fixed an incorrectly authored IsValid check was causing Atmospheric Fog effect to not play when there were liquids present in a grid atmosphere. (rev. 21013).
  • Changed Room Mood recovery is slower if hygiene is low.
  • Changed wearing a hardsuit lowers hygiene 150% faster.
  • Fixed ui tooltip going offscreen when in the bottom right of the screen. Should now be offset correctly from the mouse based on screen quadrant.
  • Changed tradeables.xml to implement a revised data structure for CustomName, CustomThumbnail, and CustomColor definitions. This may cause issues with mods using tradables. This change was made to allow the Starting Conditions and Respawn Conditions to be migrated to this system in future which has much more functionality. Mod makers just need to make sure they migrate these three attributes to be elements. The outcome of not doing so is not entirely breaking, it would just mean items dont get custom name, color, and thumbnails but would otherwise continue to work fine.
  • Changed Doubled Mood reduction form incoming damage.
  • Fixed Going to sleep in sleeper would reduce mood.
  • Added NutritionQuality values of food to Stationpedia.
  • Made status icon object into a prefab
  • Removed event trigger based hover events on status icons and changed them to use pointer events
  • Removed unneeded StatusIconHandler class
  • Added MoodReduction Rate and Hygiene Reduction Rate to Difficulty Settings tooltip.
  • Changed disables Mood and Hygiene Reduction in Creative Difficulty and halved it in easy Difficulty.
  • Fixed mushrooms disappearing in oven
  • Changed Mood now drops if hygiene is at 0% and recovers if hygiene is above 25%
  • Changed time for Hygiene to fully deplete to 90min from 120min.
  • Changed Mood and Hygiene recovery constants authored as math.
  • Changed Time to Fully recover Mood in a room from 5min to 10min.
  • Changed Opening helmet halves hygiene loss rate. (previously it halted it altogether)
  • Changed Food Quality no longer effects nutrition capacity it now only effects hydration capacity.
  • Reverted the Character Food Quality calculation to what it was previously rev21755.
  • Changed Increased Raw Food Hydration capacity Multiplier from 50% to 75%.
  • Changed low Mood now only increases hunger rate. it does not increase thirst rate.
  • Reduced Low mood hunger rate de-buff from 25% to 10%.
  • Changed tooltip on player status info panel to use pointer enter/exit. Added placeholder code to be filled out with actual tooltip content.
  • Added Eating higher quality food will provide a buff/de-buff to the amount of food and hydration storage of the character. Raw food 50%. Cooked Food 100%. Canned Food 125%. Complex food 175%.
  • Fixed issue where character body could disappear when swapping suits if one suit is worn and the other is in your backpack. This change will also fix the same issue for body armour.
  • Added hunger and hydration penalty when mood reaches 0
  • Added modifier to decrease tool speed when character mood is zero. Note, this is very minor debuff.
  • Added new icons for mood and hygiene status updates
  • Fixed Taking damage reduces mood 100x too fast.
  • Changed Cleaned up Food Quality code. Implemented GetFoodQuality in INutrition.
  • Changed Simplified FoodQuality Calculation.
  • Fixed Loading an Old save sets mood and Hygiene to 0.
  • Changed Nutrition value of food is no longer reduced by decay.
  • Added 5% movement penalty when mood is at 0
  • Changed mood and hygiene status updates to not play repeating sound
  • Added status updates for mood and hygiene
  • Removed moodlet system in favour of existing status update system
  • Changed Hygiene degradation time to 2 hours and recovery to 30 minutes and mood degradation time to 30 mins with 5 min recovery.
  • Changed Allowed for status updates to opt out of playing critical beeping sound.
  • Fixed rocket battery tooltip not showing correct fill amount. (Added missing mode interactable to rocket batteries).
  • Added recipe for flare gun
  • Added small parachute to the flare gun(aesthetic change only)

Stationeers - Not Simon
This hotfix addresses the issue with an error being thrown by dedicated servers that is preventing them from running.

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Stationeers - Not Simon
Sensor Lens Chips
Meson Scanner
This scanner allows you to view an AR projection of pipe and cable networks. The colors of cables and pipes will be correctly represented. This can be extremely useful when expanding bases with complex or hidden networks.

Celestial Scanner
The celestial scanner allows you to view the location of all of the orbital bodies in the solar system, You can see the name and distance of each celestial body. Again, this is just for fun, however, it could help you while working with the newly added telescope.

Flare Gun

You can use this tool to fire flares high into the sky where they will burn bright and linger. They can be used to guide home a lost Stationeer, or used to light up a large area at night while out on a mining mission.

Insulated Passive Vent
This is the same as a normal passive vent, but the vent will not transfer heat. This can be useful for situations where you want to use a passive vent on a wall but don't want energy transfer from the other side.

New Celestial Devices
The Ground Based Telescope and Celestial Tracker can provide information about celestial bodies. While the utility from these devices is limited it can be a fun way to explore the new orbital system and lays the groundwork for future content. An example might be tracking certain objects and extracting certain information may unlock new or better traders.

When aimed at a body in space, the Ground Based Telescope it will provide celestial information about the target. The Celestial Tracker is constructed in a rocket and will report the orientation information for a celestial object which can be used by telescopes and other devices.

Manufacturing Tooltips
As a continued effort to increase the information we provide via tooltips items in the manufacturing machine now have their recipe included in their tooltips. This provides what is need and what is currently available in the manufacturing machine.

Day Length Fix
A fix for timescale offsets has been made that was causing time issues. This, along with some incorrectly authored data, was especially affecting Venus. Days were not being correctly normalized to 20 minutes. This precision issue has been moved from about 100 days to 1 billion years.

It's not quite ready yet but after a little more testing and fixing the day-length setting will return to the world creation screen.

We need you!
Stationeers is a small niche project. We know times are tough and our project isn't for everyone. So if you like the work we do, we would love to encourage you to spread the word, grab our supporter DLCs, and watch Stationeers content creators on places like twitch and youtube. We want to keep developing this game for many years, well beyond any early access release and to do this we need your support



Change Log v0.2.4765.21864
  • Added ground telescope recipe to electronics printer
  • Added Insulated Passive Vent. Kit is made from the Pipe bender. This is the same as a normal passive vent, but the vent will not transfer heat. This can be useful for situations where you want to use a passive vent on a wall, but don't want energy transfer from the other side.
  • Fixed ground based telescope auto rotate during placement not working correctly
  • Fixed being able to open/close the telescope when it is unpowered
  • Temporarily disabled mood, hygiene and food quality vitals in the ui
  • Fixed an issue where autosave could get stuck.
  • Cleaned up autosave logic.
  • Changed Europe world to be a slightl different lat/lon so that the dawn doesnt occur and then eclipse shortly after. Instead, because juputer will show at the horizon it means that dawn occurs during the eclipse, so the sun will appear after passing behind jupiter but be unobstructed for the rest of the day.
  • Added systeminfo command that prints debug information to the console.
  • Fixed celestial and other textures would not be loaded from mod or workshop folders.
  • Fixed time offsets for new worlds. Now timescale command has been deprecated, in favor of orbit timescale <v>
  • Fixed Celestial textures for mods would not be loaded, as only the core data folder is searched.
  • Added TimeOffset xml element for CelestialConstants for defining the offset time to start a world.
  • Deprecated the TimeScale command, as it is now more properly part of the orbital commands.
  • Added orbit timescale n, where n is the desired timescale. This more correctly allows timescale setting to be included with the orbital simulation.
  • Added TimeScale for Orbital Simulation is now synchronized with clients to allow different saves to have different day lengths and still be synchronized properly in future.
  • Fixed out of date comment
  • Adjusted how food quality works. Will no longer decrement over time and instead will move towards the quality of the last thing you ate.
  • Rework of SensorLenses sounds.
  • Added Open/Close sounds to ground based Telescope.
  • Fixed lever/switch sounds playing in incorrect position when the parent transform of the interaction object was offset from the root parent transform.
  • Made entity mood decrease relative to damage rather than using a fixed value
  • Updated table dock mesh, so it can be correctly connected to workbenches.
  • Added mood, hygiene and food quality values to the vitals section of the hud
  • Update lights with the colour black to produce white light instead of no light at all.
  • Hygiene will now increase when not wearing a suit and helmet
  • Changed mesh size of corn growth stages. (art asset)
  • Fixed TimeScale has to be manually calculated for planets to normalize to 20 minute days, making it difficult to renable players for setting day length. Now the rough estimate needed timescale is generated and then modified for the orbital average day length to get the correctly adjusted timescale to achieve a sidereal day length of the required time. Currently hardcoded to 20 minutes, but the setting will be added to new world screen soon.
  • Fixed WorldParticleEffect was creating a series of coroutines and was not checking for existing ones, causing memory leak when enabled. Now does not do this and has been ported to using a UniTask.
  • Added ability to force things to not use the texture array colour texture as this was stopping things rendering in the portrait view. This fixes glasses and sensor lenses not being visible in player portrait view.
  • Added sidereal day calculations to Celestial bodies.
  • Rebalanced Venus rotational speed to have real days/year a ratio, while still having 20 minute long real days.
  • Gave Asteroid Belt orbital values similar to earth.
  • Rebalanced GroundBasedTelescope sounds to be less clunky when tracking a slow moving object.
  • Added Rocket Celestial Tracker now only allows tracking of sun when not in orbit, for calibration purposes. When attempting to track other objects when landed will get NaN values. Tooltip will also indicate this for the player.
  • Added Rotation sounds to GroundBasedTelescope
  • Fixed more circumstances where stars would appear to "swim" and lag behind while moving the camera.
  • Fixed going into third person the camera position isnt taken into account when rendering the skybox so you can poke your head through jupiter etc which is quite disturbing and can generate an existential crisis.
  • Fixed SearchBar not working on Logic Hash Gen Input Panel.
  • Added new width for lines of code. Was 52, now 64. Additionally started displaying total file size and maximum file size, although this is not currently enforced.
  • Fixed Robot Battery consumption rate was not altered by difficulty settings. Added a new difficulty setting that is part of metabolism category. https://stationeers.atlassian.net/browse/STAT-3651
  • Fixed Grow light does not have Lock state https://stationeers.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/STAT/issues/STAT-3785
  • Fixed reagent processor was using a coroutine. Moved to using a unitask to reduce memory garbage collection.
  • Fixed a bug where centrifuges wouldn't output a stack of more than 50 even if the ore's max was higher
  • Fixed material on new corn model.
  • Fixed Corn used pistol grip anim and plays default equip sound. now uses side grip like other plants.
  • Updated corn texture.
  • Updating corn mesh.
  • Changed Sensor lenses sound fades down to a lower volume over 15sec.
  • Changed Sensor lenses visual effect cleans up a bit and the scrolling bar fades out over 15 seconds.
  • Fixed Collisions on rear of cable-less elevator shaft
  • Added tooltip to manufactory selection screen that will show the recipe requirements as well as what is in the machine, to help you know whether you can make the item you are selecting or not.
  • Fixed Mined ores would go into first free slot of mining-belt/mining-backpack even if there was an incomplete stack of the same type in the belt. Now ores will preferentially stack with any incomplete stacks and any remainder will go into the first available slot.
  • Fixed moodlets throwing errors when their ui elements were not being cleaned up correctly on leaving a game
  • Fixed Error when assigning pooled audio source to thing that is being destroyed.
  • Fixed Crowbar sound could get stuck sometimes when opening Apc.
  • Added Elevator shafts no longer need to have power connection to each shaft piece. Now if any piece is connected, all pieces are considered connected.
  • Added two new elevator shaft/level prefabs that have no power or data cable connection. These can be used to place elevators inside enclosed spaces.
  • Added minor refactors to some powered devices to reduce memory garbage collection.
  • Fixed AutoSave now uses threadPool rather than creating a new thread.
  • Fixed several cases where AutoSave thread was not being closed out when AutoSave was cancelled or copy world data failed.
  • Adjusted wind turbines build states as the required tools for construction/deconstruction were overlapping in a few of the states making it frustrating to build
  • Fixed a bug where dropping an item while in construction mode did not cause the player to exit construction mode despite no longer holding the proper item in their hand
  • Fixed Switches do not have a lock state, so can't be properly locked.
  • Added more tooltip information to the Rocket Avionics and Downlink.
  • Refactored UI tooltip generation for rocket UI.
  • Added build states to Downlink.
  • Fixed Logic Switch and Buttons would not respect lock state. Now they will not be user interactable if their Lock state is set. Credit: MrDropin via Discord.
  • Fixed airconditioner build state would sometimes leave UI elements shown when they should not be. Credit: Falcon via discord.
  • Fixed Rocket batteries were hidden in Stationpedia
  • Added Build states to Rocket Batteries. Old saves will automatically load in at completed build state.
  • Fixed Flickering during near or current eclipses when camera is moving. The physics update was not entirely sync'd with the transform and orbital simulation updates so it was impossible to verify exactly the state for the purposes of eclipse generation. Now to begin (or end) an eclipse, the state is measured over several frames.
  • Fixed DiodeSlides would not initialize their color correctly when loading. Credit: OwnerOfThePlace via Discord.
  • Fixed traders would rip you off when buying items that contained more than one kind of mole type. So if you bought a fuel mix, they would give you a canister that only contained the last mole (oxygen). This was because Set was used, and not Add. Now Add has been implemented, so the traders will fully populate the mole settings for anything they are using. Credit: Drone via Discord.
  • Added more information to the Rocket Uplink tooltip. Now shows whether it is connected to a downlink or not, and what rocket avionics is on the network (if any).
  • Added True Anomaly value to Ground Telescope output.
  • Fixed possible issue with batteries causing a lot of heat. Batteries in a cold environment will lose heat into the environment but the code was also setting "Sparked" to true for the atmosphere, which would cause ignition for anything.
  • Fixed Vulcan new world page from showing the wrong parent body name
  • Added sixth pass to Ground based telescope. All variables are not linked with logic system. Partial alignment will give some details, full alignment required for orbital details.
  • Fixed the "rotation drift" bug. This is where, over time, the position of celestial objects drifts from the position they should be. An example would be playing on Europa and noticing that Jupiter, over long times, moves away and then comes back. This was caused by rotation values for planets around their axis being stored as "floats", when a much higher precision is needed. To avoid this in future there will be a data change, which will affect any mods. However mod makers can deal with this in advance by putting new values in and leaving the old ones. Previously it would have taken just 108 days in the simulation before 1 degree of drift occurred. Under the new approach, it will take approximately 121.6 billion years.
  • Fixed structure batteries would not show their powered state in their on/off button correctly.
  • Added fifth pass to the Ground Telescope. Now correctly orients itself and shows its data correctly in tool. Locks controls when it is locked.
  • Fixed moodlets throwing errors when respawning
  • Added prototype moodlet system and hygiene, mood and food quality moodlets. Can be toggled with 'entity togglemoodlets' command.
  • Added prototype system where players mood will now decrease when they take damage
  • Fixed a bug where dragging a thing onto the flare gun would cause it to become stuck in the hidden chamber slot
  • Fixed the positioning of the flare gun so it no longer clips into the player's hand
  • Added wip hygiene and food quality stats to entity. These are debug only for now and do not affect any other systems.
  • Added Fourth pass on Ground Telescope. Now will display details in tooltip for the celestial it is pointing at. Contains a bug where the vector is influenced badly by the player moving around.
  • Added new meshes and thumbnails for celestial scanner chip and meson scanner chip
  • Fixed thumbnail for Reinforced Window (Thin) to show the correct mesh
  • Added second pass of Ground Telescope.
  • Fixed serious loading issue that would not apply Angle at Epoch for orbital bodies when setting the accumulated delta time in the orbital simulation. This resulted in the sun (and other bodies) being offset different from when loading.
  • Added first pass of ground telescope, that will provide celestial information of what they are targeting.
  • Added Icon Images for Genes and Variables to stationpedia to make it clearer what various pages were.
  • Added ability for sensor lenses chips to have different power consumption
  • Added celestial scanner sensor lenses chip which will show you the celestial bodies (wip current visualization will be the same as the orbit debug)
  • Added missing meta file for rocket battery prefab
  • Reverted changes to arc furnace. Material and activate button should now be showing correctly.
  • Fixed logic math not showing correct operation in the tooltip
  • Fixed rocket battery kit not showing correct blueprint when attempting to use precision placement
  • Fixed incorrect materials on arc furnace
  • Added Important Page highlighting to Stationpedia and sorting order prioritization. Now important pages such as categories and guides will be displayed first in search results and distinguished with an icon and back highlighting. This will make it easier for players looking for guides or information to find it.
  • Added recipe for Rocket Celestial Tracker to Rocket Manufactory.
  • Fixed Sidereal Year values was incorrectly shown in user interface.
  • Added missing change to meson scanner material
  • Fixed meson scanner performance issues and fixed some flickering colours
  • Added Rocket Celestial Tracker kit and cleaned up the tracker itself in code.
  • Removed some unused namespaces from celestial tracker which were causing build issues
  • First pass of fixing some of the tutorials.
  • Added ordered loading of things in save files. This will migrate new saves to be stored in order they are required to be initialized, saving time during load.
  • Removed deprecated SunTime command.
  • Added SetBatteries ?<stateEnum> command. This will recharge all batteries for debug purposes. Optional parameter is the BatteryState enum to set the batteries to, such as Full. Default is Full.
  • Second pass of RocketCelestialTracker. Now reports the Horizontal and Vertical alignment in degrees to the logic system as well as the celestial hash of what it is tracking.
  • Added first pass of Rocket Celestial Tracker. Placeholder art currently used. This device sits on the rocket and will report orientation information for celestial objects that can then be used by telescopes and other devices.
  • Removed some unused code from the previous meson scanner implementation
  • Tweaked the meson scanner to look better. Will now render pipe and cable meshes as an overlay.
  • Added Sounds to Flare gun.
  • Fixed Flare gun not working on clients.
  • Changed Increased render distance of roadFlare and increased range of roadFlare light when launched from flare gun.
  • Reduced time flares stay alive from 5 to 3 minutes.
  • Fixed Flare-gun shoot direction is now set by the players AimIK.
  • Fixed Autosave threads not being closed out once autosave was complete.
  • Added first pass on meson scanner chip which can be used with the sensor lenses to see pipes and cables behind structures (wip visualization)
  • Added missing meta files for a few textures
  • Fixed terrain generation was using a coroutine. Switched to a unitask.
  • Fixed accidental renamed variable in dlcmanager
  • Added suit for future content
  • Added wearing a hard-suit lowers mood twice as fast.
  • Added Flare Gun tool
  • Modified Road Flares to have a fuse timer and a slow descent when fired from a flare gun
  • Removed unused room lookup in the room manager (currently used room lookup is already present in the room controller).
  • Added Prototype Mood Stat to Character. Mood decreases while in a suit over a 2 hour period and can be fully regained over a 10minute period when in a room and not wearing a suit and helmet. Currently Mood has no gameplay effect by can be observed with eth debug command "entity state <Player Name>"
  • Added Mood reduction multiplier to DifficultySetting.
  • Added prototype room classification system. Room rules can be created in roomtyperules.xml and can currently only be viewed when using the atmos room debug visualizer.
  • Moved some room related classes out into their own files rather than having them all in one big file
Stationeers - Not Simon
Mining Drills
Pneumatic Mining Drill
This new drill uses gas power for mining, instead of batteries like others. The drill's mining speed is a function of the pressure differential meaning it will slow down as you deplete it's gas canister.

This also means that you can effectively give it an upgrade by using the smart canister to gain a much higher pressure differential.

Mining Drill Power Usage
All the electric mining drills' passive power usage was significantly dropped and the power used per ore mined has been removed and replaced by active power usage. The active power usage will consume power the entire time you hold down your mouse button to mine. This has resulted in some small miner balance changes but nothing that you should really notice, just don't run around holding down your miner!

Drill Heads
We've added a range of mining drill heads that can be used with the Rocket Miner. Each head has different attributes that allow you to customize your miner for the specific job that you're doing.
The base level of durability has also been doubled.

You can find the details of each mining drill head in the Stationpedia or via the tooltips of each mining drill head.

Bug Fixes
Orbital Simulation
The orbital simulation system in the game has undergone a major update, extending precision in time calculations to over 3 trillion years. This addresses previous issues with time accuracy in the game. Alongside this, old celestial data has been cleared from save files, and the system now dynamically recalculates celestial positions based on accumulated in-game days, resolving prior inconsistencies in time progression and celestial movements.

Light per Day Adjusted: The light requirement per day for potatoes has been halved from 600 seconds to 300 seconds. This adjustment means that potatoes now need less light to grow, which is particularly significant for environments like Mars, where solar radiation is low.

The grow time for potatoes has been increased from 3200 seconds to 4000 seconds. This change indicates that while potatoes now require less daily light, they take longer to reach maturity.

While we had already fixed the issue of checksum failing on trading data by removing some specific trades, we've now fixed the underlying issue and reinstated the troublesome trades.

You will notice that we've heavily reduced the number of fuselage pieces available to play with. There's now a single kit that contains a range of the fuselages that you know. The old kits no longer have recipes but will still be available to spawn via commands or in creative modes for those who wish to continue to use them. The reason for this was that the number of fuselages was overwhelming and it's hard to see the differences between them.

A range of changes we've made over the last few updates have exposed serious problems with the tutorials. We're actively working on these but some rather extensive work is required to make them more resilient to breaking from these kinds of changes. While we strive to maintain the tutorials it can be hard when the game is still under such heavy development.

Artwork Wallpaper

[expand type=Click to reveal a wallpaper version of this weeks wonderful patch artwork][/expand]

We need you!
Stationeers is a small niche project. We know times are tough and our project isn't for everyone. So if you like the work we do, we would love to encourage you to spread the word, grab our supporter DLCs, and watch Stationeers content creators on places like twitch and youtube. We want to keep developing this game for many years, well beyond any early access release and to do this we need your support



Change Log v0.2.4726.21691
  • Added more debug commands and information for celestials.
  • Fixed some issues with Venus time progress, however the Venusian solar day length is currently much longer than the Venusian day due to a combination of latitude and longitude for spawn position. This will be changed so a more expected day length is used. This means Venusian solar days are now still several hours long, which is not intended.
  • Added New MiningDrill multiplier values to Stationpedia.
  • Changed Drill head tooltip to show percentage values.
  • Fixed reagent mixes bought from the trader being split into individual stacks of one instead of stacking to the max stack size.
  • Fixed trader data select statements not being correctly executed which was resulting in blank items labeled as '???' appearing in the trader screen.
  • Added more debug information to celestial debugging.
  • Added more debug information and tools for both celestials and orbital simulation, to assist with modding as well as debugging issues.
  • Changed Disabled tutorials until they are fixed.
  • Fixed Generic Atmosphere tooltip showing Volume incorrectly. Now uses same verbage as Atmos Analyser: capacity in Litres and Volume of Liquids in Litres.
  • Fixed pneumatic drill not picking up loose ores when left clicking
  • Fixed some players experience a "swiming" starfield, stars appearing to move with lag, while player is moving their view around.
  • Tweaked colliders on large wind turbine as they were blocking construction of neighbouring turbines when rotated in a particular way.
  • Fixed DaysPast was recorded as a USHORT and INT inconsistently. With the new orbit simulate/set usages this could cause overflow issues.
  • Added missing file causing build error
  • Added six new drill heads that can be used in the rocket miner. These new drill heads have different attributes for speed, ore yield, ice yield, power consumption and mining head durability.
  • Changed Rocket fuselage pieces are now on a single Kit (Fuselage).
  • Reduced the number of cosmetic fuselage pieces. The removed pieces pieces remain available on the old kits and can continue to be spawned-in in creative mode if required.
  • Fixed pneumatic drill canister slot being incorrectly labeled as 'Battery'
  • Changed landing pad pieces to block face rather than block grid. This fixes the issue where hangar doors could not be placed between landing pad pieces, making some pressurised hangar configurations impossible to build.
  • Fixed Orbital Simulation breaks for rotation of player body after a period of time. This was caused by loss of precision. Now the whole system has been moved to use a single accumulated time. This new approach should maintain precision up to over 3 trillion years of accumulated time. The old celestial data has been scrubbed from save files, and now when loading first the game will approximate the value based on the number of accumulated days in the game. This will mean you may notice a small regression in sun position when you first load in with this update, as the game will be loading with the position at the nearest sunrise.
  • Added 'orbit set' console command usage. This is similar to the 'simulate' usage except the value is set not appended to the simulation.
  • Fixed root cause of trader checksum error. Some incorrectly authored data was not being handled correctly by the trader generation logic.
  • Fixed When a stock value was not set on a trader SellData instancing the trader would cause the base data to be modified.
  • Added second pass of new system for celestial data to avoid loss of precision in rotation that stops the days from progressing. Now there is the orbit simulate <value> ?<seconds,minutes,hours,days,months,years> command that helps with debugging and testing.
  • Fixed missing blueprint for hardsuit
  • Added first pass of new system for celestial data to avoid loss of precision in rotation that stops the days from progressing.
  • Fixed rocket chute storage fill ratio and quantity never reaching 100%
  • Fixed missing mesh for the mining drill head
  • Fixed missing blueprint for the hardsuit
  • Fixed bug where country overalls would not be printable even if you had the required dlc.
  • Added ability to check if anyone on a server has the dlc so that we can apply it for everyone on said server in certain cases.
  • Fixed typo in combustion centrifuge stationpedia description
  • Fixed Thing.HasOccupiedSlot ignoring the the 0th slot
  • Updated suit storage mesh so they do not overlap with eachother.
  • Updated the position of the backpacks in the suit storage to fit better with the new mesh
  • Updated the mesh for the emergency and hard suits to glove and boot elements to be inline with the basic suit. They now look much better in the suit storage.
  • Fixed issue where after completing a build state, clients could complete multiple subsequent states for free if they kept holding the left mouse button.
  • Removed usage clamp for pneumatic mining drill. Will now use much gas more quickly when drilling with a full smart canister.
  • Fixed ghost atmosphere leaking
  • Added idle usage cost to pneumatic mining drill which will be incurred when the tool is on. Can now be turned on and off with right click similar to the welding torch.
  • Added clamps to pneumatic mining drill gas usage and mine time ranges
  • Added pneumatic mining drill recipe to the tool manufactory
  • Added thumbnails for pneumatic mining drill
  • Added new pneumatic mining drill. Will work with any compressed gas and at high pressure will perform similarly to the heavy drill.
  • Rebalanced mining drills and moved the active power use to PowerTool so that active power usage can be expanded to any power tool. Additionally the active power use and passive power use are now additive.
  • Fixed food trader causing checksum error. This is a temporary fix by removing a specific problematic trade.
  • Fixed Heavy Mining Drill balance by making it mine faster and use considerably more power so that it is now an efficiency tradeoff and not a straight upgrade.
  • Fixed MkII mining drill not having updated power usages
  • Fixed error spam when editing prefabs if the GameManager not initialized. Have removed unused WorldGridController field on game manager which was being set when the world controller was initialized but never used.
  • Fixed medium transformer reversed was incorrectly tagged and could not correctly calculate its bounds.
  • Fixed mining drill speed
  • Modified mining drill balance. Mining speed has been buffed slightly, the drill now consumes a small amount of power while idle, and a large amount of power while mining.
  • Fixed ore will not auto move to mining belt if you are wearing a mining backpack. This also fixes the same behaviour that was present when clicking on loose ore in world with the mining drill.
  • Changed Replaced tomato seeds in Starting Organic Supplies Crate with 1x ItemKitGrowlight.
  • Reduced Volume of Sensor Lenses operating sound. Removed one-shot sound that plays when you turn on the sensor lenses.
  • Changed Potato Light per Day from 600s to 300s. This will allow a potato to grow on mars without a grow light, now that mars solar radiation has been reduced.
  • Changed Increased Potato grow time from 3200s to 4000s.
  • Changed Plant growthState materials to be GPU instanced.
  • Fixed Plant planted at high altitudes would be offset inside the planter.
  • Fixed client list not being cleared when leaving a game as a client and starting a new single player game. This would cause pause to stop working in the menu as well as make the game prepare data to send to clients unnecessarily.
  • Fixed recipe search window layout breaking when changing search text
  • Fixed logtoclipboard console command
  • Fixed compass value being incorrect
  • Changed numbers on the rocket info panel to be yellow to make them consistent with the rest of the ui and other tooltips in the game
  • Updated text on rocket info panels to be right aligned to make it consistent with other ui text in the game
  • Reverted Changes to combining stacks of reagent-mixes as this was causing floating point errors in some cases that could cause furnace recipes to stop working.
  • Changed moved reagent-mix Stacking changes to SpaceOre.cs. These still need to implement the new system as their contents add up to less than 1.
  • Changed DirtyOre mined from space that is processed in the recycler will waste half of its contents.
  • Changed the names of the space maps root nodes to be the 'planet orbit'
  • Added Back button on NewWorldMenu now clears all preview scenes
  • Fixed (dev) null reference when attempting to load first world selection as world data might not be loaded yet.
  • Fixed default world selection would be the first world preset, even if it was a hidden world. Credit: Freeze.
  • Fixed giant space person in sky when loading into a game. The main menu scene was not being cleared when loading into a game. Now forcing the main menu preview scenes to be cleared before entering a world.
  • Fixed liquid to liquid passthrough heat exchanger has one input incorrectly configured to be a gas input
  • Fixed MoveToWorld for dynamic things was setting the rotation to the local rotation rather than the world rotation causing things to collide with their old parent and fly off at high speed.
  • Fixed Plant state Visualizer throws error when destroyed by fire.
  • Fixed Error on client when furnace flame material was set from thread.
  • Changed trader checksum string to use Invariant culture.
  • Fixed occasional temperature low warnings when playing on Europa, due to status update occasionally assessing temperature in between radiation and suit AC step.
  • Temporarily disabled suntime command as it is causing the game to crash
  • Removed DepositMaterial SaveData classes.
  • Fixed Asteroid Minable deposit composition static data was being needlessly saved preventing fixes to data propagating into save games.
  • Added Additional data validation to MinableDepositDaata in SpaceMapData
  • Fixed spelling error in Deposit Composition of OrbitingAsteroidFragments05 caused game to fail to save when that asteroid had been generated
  • Fixed Opening new world menu, exiting back to main menu and then loading a game shows elements of the new world menu sky-box in the loaded world.
Stationeers - Not Simon
This hotfix addresses numerous atmospherics issues. There has been a wide range of atmosphere issues reported that all stemmed from the same issue. The most common, or at least the most noticeable, one was outside atmosphere contaminating rooms.

This will no longer happen but some saves may have devices with bugged atmospheres in them, this can be fixed by deconstructing the device completely and then rebuilding it.

17 ธ.ค. 2023
Stationeers - Not Simon
This hotfix addresses further issues with a specific trader causing errors in multiplayer, as well as a number of other small fixes and improvements.

  • Fixed food trader causing checksum error. This is a temporary fix by removing a specific problematic trade.
  • Fixed error spam when editing prefabs if the GameManager not initialized. Have removed unused WorldGridController field on game manager which was being set when the world controller was initialized but never used.
  • Changed Plant growthState materials to be GPU instanced.
  • Fixed Plant planted at high altitudes would be offset inside the planter.
  • Fixed client list not being cleared when leaving a game as a client and starting a new single player game. This would cause pause to stop working in the menu as well as make the game prepare data to send to clients unnecessarily.
  • Fixed recipe search window layout breaking when changing search text
  • Fixed logtoclipboard console command
  • Fixed compass value being incorrect
  • Changed numbers on the rocket info panel to be yellow to make them consistent with the rest of the ui and other tooltips in the game

13 ธ.ค. 2023
Stationeers - Not Simon
This hotfix addresses two main issues: the new world artifacts sometimes being present in the skybox, and a checksum error related to traders, but also includes a number of other small fixes.

  • Updated text on rocket info panels to be right aligned to make it consistent with other ui text in the game
  • Reverted Changes to combining stacks of reagent-mixes as this was causing floating point errors in some cases that could cause furnace recipes to stop working.
  • Changed moved reagent-mix Stacking changes to SpaceOre.cs. These still need to implement the new system as their contents add up to less than 1.
  • Changed DirtyOre mined from space that is processed in the recycler will waste half of its contents.
  • Changed the names of the space maps root nodes to be the 'planet orbit'
  • Added Back button on NewWorldMenu now clears all preview scenes
  • Fixed (dev) null reference when attempting to load first world selection as world data might not be loaded yet.
  • Fixed default world selection would be the first world preset, even if it was a hidden world. Credit: Freeze.
  • Fixed giant space person in sky when loading into a game. The main menu scene was not being cleared when loading into a game. Now forcing the main menu preview scenes to be cleared before entering a world.
  • Fixed liquid to liquid passthrough heat exchanger has one input incorrectly configured to be a gas input
  • Fixed MoveToWorld for dynamic things was setting the rotation to the local rotation rather than the world rotation causing things to collide with their old parent and fly off at high speed.
  • Fixed Plant state Visualizer throws error when destroyed by fire.
  • Fixed Error on client when furnace flame material was set from thread.
  • Changed trader checksum string to use Invariant culture.
  • Fixed occasional temperature low warnings when playing on Europa, due to status update occasionally assessing temperature in between radiation and suit AC step.
  • Temporarily disabled suntime command as it is causing the game to crash
  • Removed DepositMaterial SaveData classes.
  • Fixed Asteroid Minable deposit composition static data was being needlessly saved preventing fixes to data propagating into save games.
  • Added Additional data validation to MinableDepositDaata in SpaceMapData
  • Fixed spelling error in Deposit Composition of OrbitingAsteroidFragments05 caused game to fail to save when that asteroid had been generated
12 ธ.ค. 2023
Stationeers - Not Simon
This updated contains changes to data and prefabs that will break some saves. Old rockets have also been removed and will no longer be present in your saves. We have created a branch that will be frozen pre this rocket update: prerocket

Rockets are often considered a final goal in Stationeers. However, instead of designing them as an end game necessity, we’ve instead treated them as another system that weaves itself into all the other systems of the game. Rockets support building stations, and stations support building rockets.

Previously, the rockets were simple yet unforgiving. It was hard to tell what was happening, unless you already knew everything about rockets. You functionally had to build the best rocket system from the start, else your rocket was likely to be lost. Lastly, the old rockets flying were simplified down to a single number increasing and decreasing on the wall, which was ‘a bit’ of an oversimplification of space flight.

Rockets have become a new system for you to engineer. They are built from structural fuselages which house many internal parts. Fuel tanks must be manually positioned and plumbed. Similarly, placing batteries, cargo storage, pipes, wires, chute and many more devices is now a challenge for you to make decisions on. Will you choose an engine that slowly pulls its own fuel, or one that chugs more and more fuel as you pressurize your pipes toward bursting?

This is a massive update for the studio and our team, adding a ground-up rework of Rockets into the game. This not only provides fantastic new content for you to experience - but sets the stage for us to expand the game in a whole host of directions.

Times have been tough for many game studios lately and Stationeers is a very niche project. You - our players - are a very important part of our development, so please consider buying our supporter content DLC, leaving reviews, and helping spread the word about the game to people who might like it.

Despite all the challenges in the gaming industry, our studio hopes to continue to grow closer to our players, serve interesting niches and regularly update our games. While not a profitable project (our typical daily revenue including DLCs is around USD 800 gross, roughly 400 of which makes it to us), Stationeers is important to all of us in the studio. We hope that shows in the hard work we do with our updates, and we feel this one is no exception.

Not only does this update contain an entire new game around Rockets, it also contains a massive array of performance, usability, and general fixes. Our change log is so big that we can’t fit all of it in this post.

- CEO Dean Hall
International Uniforms Pack

This pack adds cosmetic uniforms featuring fifteen different international markings for wearing on characters in Stationeers.

Our DLC was made to provide a way for those who enjoy the project and want to further support it, and in return receive some simple new content. This content is not essential for the game. Consider purchasing this if you want to further provide support to its ongoing development.


Rocket Details
Rocket Control Motherboard
Devices on the rocket can be remotely accessed through the Rocket Control Motherboard. Specifically, the motherboard gets to traverse through the new datalinks. When an uplink/downlink pair is setup, the motherboard can access devices on the rockets and the rocket devices are made available on the uplink's network. This allows planetside logic devices to see rocketside devices on the networks, so traditional logic systems can still interact with rocket devices.

The Rocket Motherboard provides a visual representation of destinations to which rockets can travel. Each world has a uniquely authored map providing different locations and resources for rockets to obtain. When a destination is set, and the rocket engine is fired, rockets progress towards their destination. Scanners can be used to unlock new static destinations through the Chart action, instance new asteroids to visit by the Discovery action, or gather more information about a mining site via the Survey action. All these UI based actions and commands can also be activated via logic on the rocket avionics device.

Rockets act as a way for players to obtain resources and gasses. But Rockets now provide a framework for us to modify other aspects of the game. While not making the first cut of features for this release, we intend to add satellite deployments which can increase the number of traders who visit, contact bespoke traders, or even microwave remote power from space. We also want to ensure that traveling to other planets get enough attention, and isn't a side note. Traveling back and forth between worlds will be possible, but will require some significant changes to our save system.


Engine selection is important, as it dictates how efficiently you use fuel and how much thrust you can produce. The Pumped Gas Engine and Pumped Liquid Engine are the two simplest engines, pulling fuel directly from pipes and tanks. The Pressure Fed Gas Engine operates on gaseous fuel, and can produce the most thrust, but the fuel must be delivered to the engine at high pressures to be better than pumped engines. The Pressure Fed Liquid Engine can be the most fuel efficient, but managing liquid fuel flow via pressure can be incredibly challenging in such a dynamic environment.


Miners and Scanners do the bulk of the work in space gameplay. Miners gather ore, and output it into chute networks for transport to Cargo Storage. Scanners are used in three ways to explore space, unlock new destinations, and gather information. Miners and Scanners have a head slot that must be occupied by a mining/scanning head, else the device will not function.


Interfacing with the rocket on the launch mount is predominantly done through umbilicals. These consist of a main umbilical device placed inside of a launch tower. The umbilical can then connect onto an umbilical socket placed in the rocket. Variants exist for power, gas, liquids, and items. To allow better accessibility to the rocket during construction we’ve added several new stairwell variants, along with extendable access bridges.


We’ve added several cosmetic variants for the rocket fuselages, so that not all rockets have to look and feel the same. We took inspiration from the Mercury Redstone and Saturn V.

Rocket Control UI

We wanted to improve the accessibility of rockets, so that players who can't manually assemble a little-endian address in logic can still use rockets. The Rocket Motherboard has 3 main pages. The “Rocket” tab allows you to see and control devices, in a much more graphical way, which is important since when in space, you can't use your tablet to debug issues. The “Map” tab lets you see all of the locations you’ve explored, and see rockets moving around in space. The "Location" tab lets you see specific information about a location, if it has links to other locations, if it can spawn minable asteroids, or if it has resources to mine. It's also where you will start rocket actions, such as mining and scanning, which interact with the location.
[expand type=Click to reveal a wallpaper version of this weeks wonderful patch artwork][/expand]


As well as rockets we've also given traders a little love, including adding lights and other visual improvements and cleaning up the assets to make them more performant. There has been a specific focus on improving tooltips on the traders, and they should now provide much better information about what you are buying and selling. There are also a lot of bug fixes focused on traders.

New Traders
The new traders consist of three types: a Consumable Trader, similar to a convenience store, selling items like duct tape, cereal bars, and other useful goods, a Liquid Trader, specializing in bulk quantities of liquids such as liquid nitrogen, liquid volatiles, and water, and an Appliance Trader, who sells appliances and purchases materials required for creating them.

New Data Structure
To support new functionality, we have revised the data structure for traders. There is now much more functionality for us to make unique traders. It’s also easier than ever to make new trader mods. This does means existing trader mods will need to be rewritten.

Care Packages

Traders will sometimes want to buy care packages that contain a specific set of items. These care packages can be created by filling a cardboard box with the required items. Sometimes traders will pay handsomely for these key supplies and allow for a good profit to be made.


We've placed a significant emphasis on enhancing tooltips across all aspects of the game. Our goal is to display more comprehensive and accurate information, ensuring players have a better understanding of game-play and mechanics

Orbital Simulation

Our old skybox was based on what was effectively a "geocentric" world. The sun of the world would follow a predictable path in the sky, with only the angle of its rotation being configurable. Additionally objects in our skyboxes, such as the Earth in our Moon world, or Jupiter in our Europa world, were static objects in the sky.

As part of other prototypes and ongoing work at the studio, we developed an excellent way to model orbital mechanics using Kepler's laws of planetary motion. All skybox objects are now configured to be based on a real simulation, with planetary movement in the sky. Currently, this is mostly cosmetic but offers massive potential in the future for us to expand on our Rocketry update. For now though, the main impact will be on the apparent movement of the world sun. Your world now has its own orbit, so your suns' apparent motion will change throughout the orbit - giving you seasons which will affect solar irradiance.

Visually the results are stunning. Europa now shows a revised Jupiter with animated clouds and all the major Jovian moons. Saturn has also had a face lift.

World Data Changes

In line with the orbital simulation changes we have refactored how world data is stored. Previously, it could be defined as a 'template' and then used to initialize a world save. This was handy in that it allowed you to tweak a lot of settings in a save. but it also baked any bugs into your save and made synchronization and serialization in multiplayer very problematic. This was a source of a number of nasty desync bugs. So we have rationalized this together and firmed up how this works. To make a custom world you will need to make a mod. And this world data is loaded each time, not from your save but from the game data. These changes will break saves on old custom worlds.

World Difficulty Information

As part of the first steps of our future work to cleanup survival and game information in general, some substantial changes have been made to how we store and display difficulty settings. As before, these are fully moddable but we have also extended what can be included and changed in a difficulty setting. When starting a new world, the screen will show you information about that world, such as the atmospherics, storms, and any other important information.

When you select a difficulty, the new world screen will clearly show you the impact of that change. You can change the difficulty after loading with the 'difficulty' console command, followed by the name of the difficulty you want to select (case sensitive).

Performance Improvements
We've simplified our approach to occlusion to make it more constant and provide a significant performance improvement. Previously, the render distance was set individually for each object, leading to inconsistencies in how objects were displayed and shadowed across the game. To address this, we've shifted to a type-based system for determining render distances for both meshes and shadows. This means that objects of similar types now follow a uniform standard for visibility and shadow casting.

This refinement has substantially improved game performance, particularly in areas with complex structures. During our tests, we noticed a marked improvement in frame rates. For instance, a test map that previously achieved 30-35 fps on medium settings now smoothly runs at a full 60 fps on high settings without any noticeable frame drops, regardless of the viewing direction. This update is a game-changer for players with extensive stations, offering a smoother and more visually consistent experience.

There were some instances where a very large number of atmospheres could be present in the world. We've made some changes around how world atmospheres equalize back to the global atmosphere meaning that if you ever see many thousands of world atmospheres they should quickly be reduced to a reasonable amount.

We need you!
Stationeers is a small niche project. We know times are tough and our project isn't for everyone. So if you like the work we do, we would love to encourage you to spread the word, grab our supporter DLCs, and watch Stationeers content creators on places like twitch and youtube. We want to keep developing this game for many years, well beyond any early access release and to do this we need your support


A special thanks to Freeze for the extensive testing and feedback that they provided. It was more than helpful, it was essential feedback for getting this update out.

Change Log 0.2.4657.21547
We do not filter or redact our patch notes so these patch notes include work we are doing on the rockets that are not yet available in the game.
Change Log

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