SpellForce - Platinum Edition - THQ Nordic

Embrace Your Destiny in SpellForce: Conquest of Eo - Out Now!

Vienna/Austria, February 3rd, 2023 - Embrace the path of magic to become the most powerful mage in SpellForce: Conquest of Eo – out now and available on PC! Experience a unique mix of tactical battles, leading your armies and heroes to countless victories. Upgrade your tower to grow your strength and conquer the magical world of Eo in this ever-changing turn-based strategy role-playing game!

Make the journey from the humble beginnings of your old master’s small wizard tower and cross the perilous lands of Eo in your constantly changing quest for magical might. Face off against competing factions and send your armies and heroes on dangerous missions as you accrue magical knowledge to become the most powerful mage of all time.

SpellForce: Conquest of Eo offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience by combining elements of 4X strategy games, RPGs, and turn-based tactical combat. Your mobile base of operations - your mage's tower - and depleting resources keep players constantly moving, preventing the stagnation that can occur in the late-game of other 4X games. Instead, the game focuses on the thrill of discovery and danger of early gameplay, while also allowing for research and experimentation to improve units as they level up and acquire new equipment and abilities. With a wealth of procedurally generated adventures and RPG elements, SpellForce: Conquest of Eo transforms the classic RTS-RPG mix into a turn-based 4X RPG experience that is sure to keep players engaged.

Watch the latest trailer here: https://youtu.be/7GxwbnHWpKs

Launch Discount
SpellForce: Conquest of Eo is a new turn-based chapter in the SpellForce series, and will is available for PC at an SRP of $ 29.99 / € 29.99 / £ 24.99. If you are swift as the wind, you can save 20% for the first week after SpellForce: Conquest of Eo's release.

Get the game here:

For more information, follow SpellForce on Facebook or check out the official website.
Website: https://conquest.spellforce.com/
Facebook: https://fb.me/SpellForce
Discord: https://discord.gg/spellforce

Enjoy & stay tuned!
SpellForce - Platinum Edition - MegalomaniacNG
To celebrate this weekends spotlight sale of the SpellForce series we have a new patch for good old SpellForce 1.

This is the full changelog:
- Current version 1.61.10172

- Fixed a bug which caused the game to default to windowed window mode if no window mode was specified yet, contrary to the video options menu which showed "Borderless" as default.
- Borderless window mode is the new correct default.
- Fixed a bug which caused the game to default to windowed window mode if no window mode was specified yet, contrary to the video options menu which showed "Borderless" as default.
- Fixed a bug which assigned wrong battle abilities to army units. This fixes an interaction which caused runic army trolls to activate Berserk even at full health.
- Slightly adjusted field of view angle, it should now cover more area on wide displays.
- Fixed a bug which caused ranged units to momentarily become idle after shooting their weapon. This effectively increases ranged units' effectiveness in battle.
- Player-controlled units that were originally neutral or enemy to the player will now regenerate health and mana even if the player does not have an available food store.
- Graphic.FieldOfView config option is removed. Field of view now adjusts to game window's aspect ratio,
- Added fonts for bigger resolutions (notably for 1080p, 1440p and 2160p).
- Runes in runeboard now are of the same size as runeboard slots regardless of game window's aspect ratio.
-- You can specify a new option in config.lua: Graphic.Borderless. It is set to 1 by default.
-- If Graphic.Borderless is set to 0, the game will run in regular window mode at the specified resolution (see Graphic.WindowWidth and Graphic.WindowHeight).
-- If Graphic.Borderless is set to 1, the game will run in borderless fullscreen mode, disregarding the Graphics.WindowWidth and Graphic.WindowHeight options completely. This is equivalent to previous fullscreen mode with added benefits, but with no way to adjust resolution.
-- An option to change window resolution from in-game options menu has been temporarily removed. You can still change window resolution through Graphic.WindowWidth and Graphic.WindowHeight options in config.lua, as long as Graphic.Borderless is set to 0.
-- Default FOV value is 92, and it is recommended for 4:3 aspect ratio window. Recommended FOV for 16:9 aspect ratio window (i.e. Full HD) is 115. Allowed values are from 45 to 150. Higher values generally mean greater in-game view area.
- Adjusted in-game unit preview display. Units should no longer appear too wide on windows with aspect ratio greater than 4:3.
- Fixed a bug which allowed the player to open locked chests/corpse loot under certain circumstances.
- There is a special SpellForce_mod.exe available in the game folder. The differences between it and the regular version are currently as follows:
-- A special debug menu is enabled in the main menu. Note that this menu can be activated on any version of the game if Debug.ExtendedLoad is specified in config.lua.
-- Certain commands have been given a keyboard shortcut:
--- Ctrl+D toggles debug mode on/off
--- Ctrl+S toggles between different debug category modes
--- Ctrl+E toggles between different debug value modes, depending on the current debug category mode
--- Ctrl+F toggles between different debug display colors
--- Ctrl+H toggles decimal and hexadecimal debug value display
--- Ctrl+T toggles between different debug dot display modes
--- Ctrl+W toggles between different terrain display modes
-- Multiplayer mode over the Internet is disabled. LAN mode is still enabled.
- Allow the game to run in background (i.e. alt-tabbing) in all game modes always (previously only in LAN/Internet game modes, or if Debug.RunBackground was specified in config.lua)
- A nasty bug, which caused numerous crashes, infinite spawns on certain maps (Shiel, Farlorn's Hope, Kathai, probably more), way too bright lights in certain places etc., is no more - note that saves already affected by this bug will still be affected by it

- Fixed a bug which caused Fog of War to not restore on game load. This retroactively fixes all saves made on previous versions of the game.

- Fixed a bug which caused army units to spawn significantly slower if the unit requires 2 or more types of resources.
-- To compensate for this, army units which require Aria, Lenya or Moonsilver now have a longer spawn time.
--- This is still a net positive, excluding units that only require one of those resources and no other resources.

- Restored resolution option in settings. Added "Window mode" option in settings. Available window modes: Windowed (regular window), Borderless (fullscreen window), Fullscreen (proper fullscreen mode).
-- Resolution only affects the game in Windowed and Fullscreen window mode. Borderless window mode always uses full resolution.
-- For Resolution, Window mode, and a few other options in video settings, you need to restart the game for the settings to take effect. This is a temporary measure.
- Window can now be properly moved in windowed mode. Cursor clip has been disabled - you can now move mouse away from window in windowed mode.
- Added warning before travelling to another map via a bindstone if there are still active monuments.
- Adjusted healthbars above unit icons - should be more visible on high resolution displays.
- Fixed font size for unit name captions above in-game selected units on high resolution displays.

- Units can now cast all abilities (for example Riposte) and area of effect spells (for example Area Freeze).
- Avatars with ranged weapon will now autonomously attack targets within range.
- Fixed a bug which caused units to fixate on one building, even if all attack spots for the building were taken and there were other buildings free to attack.
- Rune heroes now seek to destroy buildings when there are no enemy units in range. This matches the regular army's AI behavior. Avatar AI is unaffected by this change.
- Improved decision making for Benefactions spell.
- Units controlled by AI can now cast Boons and Mirage.
- Allies/enemies now cast their aura if there are 1+ allies/enemies (depending on aura) around instead of 3+
- Units now cast Aura of Light regardless of how many allies are around
- Units now cast Extinct only when there is at least one enemy under a health threshold dependent on Extinct spell level
- Units now cast Death Grasp on allies who are under 25% MAX HEALTH, rather than on allies who are under 5 HEALTH

- Critical Hits ability now works more reliably.
- Firebane visual effect now only stays for a short while. This does not affect the actual spell duration, which is still 1 hour.
- Conservation visual effect now properly disappears after the spell expires or if the spell is broken by taking enough damage.
- The following spells have had the previous changes reverted:
-- Death - no longer irresistible, damage no longer affected by black magic resistance
-- Area Pain - damage, cast time and cooldown reverted
-- Area Healing - cast time and cooldown reverted
-- Torture now properly deals damage to targets in range.
-- Assistance now properly distributes damage among nearby allied units.
-- Feet of Clay now correctly reduces casting speed instead of movement speed.
-- Enlightenment now no longer fails because of mind magic resistance check.
-- A number of spells has had its visual effects fixed.
--- Spells affected by this change: Poison, Feet of Clay, Area Freeze, Area Hypnosis, Roots, Area Roots.
-- Area Hypnosis now properly breaks on damage done after 2 seconds passed since casting the spell.
-- Raise Dead no longer works more than once per corpse.
-- Mirage no longer continues to drain mana even after the illusion was destroyed.
-- Roots now correctly targets enemy units at levels higher than 13.
-- Remediless now properly prevents healing from White Essence and White Almightness.
-- Cure Disease now properly cures Pestilence instead of Poison.
-- Area Healing cast time and cooldown changed.
--- Level 1-20 cast time: 1/.../1 -> 2/.../2
--- Level 1-20 cooldown: 2/.../2 -> 10/.../10
-- Revenge now scales with charisma. Heal per corpse, mana restore per corpse and maximum amount of corpses affected by Revenge changed.
--- Level 13-20 heal per corpse: 10/.../10 -> 15/15/20/20/25/30/35/40
--- Level 13-20 mana restore per corpse: 10/.../10 -> 4/4/5/5/6/7/8/9
--- Level 13-20 maximum amount of corpses: 5/5/5/6/6/6/6/6 -> 5/6/7/8/9/10/12/14
-- Roots duration, cast time and cooldown changed.
--- Level 13-20 duration: 20/.../20 -> 12/12/14/14/16/18/20/24
--- Level 13-20 cast time: 3/.../3 -> 1/.../1
--- Level 13-20 cooldown: 60/.../60 -> 3/.../3
-- Roots area duration changed.
--- Level 13-20 duration: 20/.../20 -> 8/10/10/12/12/14/16/18
-- Poison now stacks. Chance to apply poison on-hit significantly increased at early stages of the game. Damage and duration changed.
--- Level 1-20 damage: 2/2/2/3/3/3/4/4/4/5/5/5/6/6/6/7/7/7/8/8 -> 1/1/1/2/2/2/3/3/3/4/4/4/5/5/5/6/6/6/7/7
--- Level 1-20 ticks (1 tick = 2 seconds): 50/60/75/90/110/125/150/175/200/225/250/275/300/325/350/375/400/425/450/475 -> 30/45/60/40/50/60/45/55/65/50/58/66/55/61/67/60/64/68/65/68
-- Extinct now deals damage based on targets' missing health.
--- This damage occurs only if the target's health is not under the threshold specific to spell. If that threshold is reached, the spell works as before, killing the target instantly.
-- Death is now irresistible. Instead, damage it deals depends on target's black magic resistance.
-- Area Pain now does damage equivalent to Pain of respective spell level. Cooldown and cast time increased.
--- Level 1-20 damage: 5/6/8/10/12/15/18/22/27/33/40/48/57/67/78/90/103/117/132/148 -> 10/14/20/24/29/39/49/58/73/89/107/125/144/163/182/202/223/246/270/300
--- Level 1-20 cast time: 1/.../1 -> 3/.../3
--- Level 1-20 cooldown: 6/.../6 -> 15/.../15
-- Torture now has no practical corpse limit. Targets of Torture can now resist the damage and mana drain. Damage per corpse and mana drain per corpse changed. Cast time, cooldown and mana cost changed to match Revenge.
--- Level 13-20 damage per corpse: 5/.../5 -> 15/15/20/20/25/30/35/40
--- Level 13-20 mana drain per corpse: 5/.../5 -> 4/4/5/5/6/7/8/9
--- Level 13-20 maximum amount of coprses: 3/3/4/4/5/5/6/6 -> 100/.../100
--- Level 13-20 cast time: 2.5/.../2.5 -> 3/.../3
--- Level 13-20 cooldown: 12/.../12 -> 60/.../60
--- Level 13-20 mana cost: 10/.../10 -> 50/.../50
-- Units casting Meditation are now interrupted on ANY damage they take.
-- Mirage mana cost per tick changed.
--- Level 13-20 mana cost per tick: 5/5/6/7/7/8/8/9 -> 3/3/4/4/4/5/5/5
-- Fixed Area of Darkness affecting units allied to the caster.
-- Fixed Area of Darkness affecting units more than once, causing them to gain black magic immunity in some cases.
-- Mirror Image now properly costs mana to sustain.
-- Feedback now properly reflects magic damage (was physical damage before).
-- Feign Death no longer grants permanent invisibility under certain circumstances.
-- Fixed Thorn Shield and Wave of Rocks dealing disproportionate amount of damage under certain circumstances.
- Changes:
-- Dominate Undead no longer scales with charisma.
--- In effect, it should now affect undead enemies at a much higher level than previously, closely matching regular Dominate spells cast at high charisma levels.
-- Manashield duration time changed. This also fixes a bug where Manashield spell cast at level higher than 13 would not work at all.
--- Level 13-20 duration (seconds): 100/0/0/.../0 -> 15/17.5/20/23/26/30/35/40
-- Mirage tick duration and mana cost per tick changed to compensate for the bugfix. Cooldown changed.
--- Level 13-20 tick duration (seconds): 2/.../2 -> 5/.../5
--- Level 13-20 mana cost per tick: 10/10/11/12/13/13/14/15 -> 5/5/6/7/7/8/8/9
--- Level 13-20 cooldown (seconds): 2/.../2 -> 10/.../10
-- Thorn shield damage changed to compensate for the bugfix.
--- Level 1-20 damage: 3/3/5/5/8/8/12/12/16/16/22/22/29/29/37/37/46/56/67/79 -> 3/5/7/10/14/19/25/32/40/49/59/70/82/95/109/124/140/157/175/194
-- [EXPERIMENTAL] Rock Bullet damage changed to compensate for the bugfix. Mana cost changed.
--- Level 1-20 damage: 12/18/24/30/36/42/50/58/66/75/84/100/115/130/150/170/195/220/250/280 -> 12/18/26/35/45/58/72/90/112/140/178/210/248/286/332/390/460/540/640/800
--- Levl 1-20 mana cost: 10/.../10 -> 10/11/.../29
-- Fireshield damage changed.
--- Level 1-20 damage: 2/2/3/3/5/5/8/8/11/11/15/15/20/20/26/26/33/41/50/60 -> 3/4/6/9/12/15/18/21/24/28/33/38/44/50/57/64/72/80/90/100
-- Conservation shield value, cast time, cooldown and duration values changed.
--- Level 6-13 shield value: 70/90/110/130/170/220/280/350 -> 75/100/130/165/205/250/300/360
--- Level 1-20 cast time (seconds): 3/.../3 -> 2/.../2
--- Level 1-20 cooldown (seconds): 150/.../150 -> 10/.../10
--- Level 1-20 duration (seconds): 60/.../60 -> 15/16/17/18/20/22/24/26/29/32/36/40/45/50/55/60/70/80/90/100
- Allow the player to cast spells without deactivating their auras (still can only have one aura at a time)
- Shelter and Patronize spells are now working correctly
- Aura of Healing now prioritizes low health allies (instead of choosing randomly)
30 oct. 2020
SpellForce - Platinum Edition - Zyddie
Want to test out the newest game in the Spellforce 3 series?

We now have an open beta right here! https://beta.spellforce.com/

Come join discord as well and talk about your experience
SpellForce - Platinum Edition - THQ Nordic
Dear SpellForce community,

May The SpellForce Be With You!

Munich, Germany/Vienna, Austria, December 7th 2017: The critically acclaimed RTS/RPG-series SpellForce returns today with a new installment: SpellForce 3 is available as a PC-exclusive title.

By combining real-time-strategy and role-playing, SpellForce 3 takes the best from both and blends it together in a unique way. Players will create their own hero, and meet others along their epic journey through the 30+ hours of campaign gameplay. They will construct large bases and muster powerful armies, command three different factions, clash together in multiplayer matches or join forces in the co-operative campaign.

The story of SpellForce 3 takes place before the events of its predecessors, telling the tale of the aftermath of the Mage Wars – an exciting experience for players of the former SpellForce games and players who are new to the franchise alike. In SpellForce 3’s launch trailer, you can see all the features that will #MakeRTSGreatAgain:

Watch the release trailer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPLUNEVZ4HQ

SpellForce 3 Steam page:

If you are interested in, we are also offering the Digital Extras of SpellForce 3:

See you on the battlefield!
Your THQ Nordic Team
SpellForce - Platinum Edition - THQ Nordic
Dear SpellForce community,

May The SpellForce Be With You!

Munich, Germany/Vienna, Austria, December 7th 2017: The critically acclaimed RTS/RPG-series SpellForce returns today with a new installment: SpellForce 3 is available as a PC-exclusive title.

By combining real-time-strategy and role-playing, SpellForce 3 takes the best from both and blends it together in a unique way. Players will create their own hero, and meet others along their epic journey through the 30+ hours of campaign gameplay. They will construct large bases and muster powerful armies, command three different factions, clash together in multiplayer matches or join forces in the co-operative campaign.

The story of SpellForce 3 takes place before the events of its predecessors, telling the tale of the aftermath of the Mage Wars – an exciting experience for players of the former SpellForce games and players who are new to the franchise alike. In SpellForce 3’s launch trailer, you can see all the features that will #MakeRTSGreatAgain:

Watch the release trailer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPLUNEVZ4HQ

SpellForce 3 Steam page:

If you are interested in, we are also offering the Digital Extras of SpellForce 3:

See you on the battlefield!
Your THQ Nordic Team
SpellForce - Platinum Edition - THQ Nordic
Play the RTS/RPG hybrid ahead of its release in December | Multiplayer tournament announced during trial weekend

Munich/Vienna, November 17th 2017: The upcoming RTS/RPG hybrid SpellForce 3 will be playable for free on Steam from 10 AM PST November 17th, until 10 AM PST November 20th.
Players can play all three factions of the game in multiplayer matches for up to six players, or try the co-op mode. Also, one single-player mission is playable alone or with a co-op partner, which takes place before the events in the full game’s campaign.

You can find the free preview of SpellForce 3 here:

Watch the latest trailer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi_e_s4vgyA

Join The Tournament
During the free trial period, a SpellForce 3 tournament will be taking place with the chance to win a signed version of the limited Collector’s Edition or a Steam key of the game. You can earn points by playing (and winning) 1vs1 multiplayer matches – the players with the highest scores will win. You can find all the details on SpellForce 3’s official Facebook page: http://n.thq.com/73SI30gC8th

Stay tuned!
Your THQ Nordic Team
SpellForce - Platinum Edition - THQ Nordic
Play the RTS/RPG hybrid ahead of its release in December | Multiplayer tournament announced during trial weekend

Munich/Vienna, November 17th 2017: The upcoming RTS/RPG hybrid SpellForce 3 will be playable for free on Steam from 10 AM PST November 17th, until 10 AM PST November 20th.
Players can play all three factions of the game in multiplayer matches for up to six players, or try the co-op mode. Also, one single-player mission is playable alone or with a co-op partner, which takes place before the events in the full game’s campaign.

You can find the free preview of SpellForce 3 here:

Watch the latest trailer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi_e_s4vgyA

Join The Tournament
During the free trial period, a SpellForce 3 tournament will be taking place with the chance to win a signed version of the limited Collector’s Edition or a Steam key of the game. You can earn points by playing (and winning) 1vs1 multiplayer matches – the players with the highest scores will win. You can find all the details on SpellForce 3’s official Facebook page: http://n.thq.com/73SI30gC8th

Stay tuned!
Your THQ Nordic Team
SpellForce - Platinum Edition - THQ Nordic
Dear SpellForce fans,

We are happy to announce that the preorder of SpellForce 3 has officially started on Steam! Check it out!


Your THQ Nordic Team
SpellForce - Platinum Edition - THQ Nordic
Dear SpellForce fans,

We are happy to announce that the preorder of SpellForce 3 has officially started on Steam! Check it out!


Your THQ Nordic Team
SpellForce - Platinum Edition - Nordic Games
Dear SpellForce fans,

to celebrate the release of our brand new addon "SpellForce 2 - Demons of the Past" ( http://store.steampowered.com/app/245050 ) we have decided to decrease the price of Faith in Destiny and Faith in Destiny Digital Deluxe version.


So if you want to know more about the story of SpellForce 2 around the nameless and Zazhut which will end with "Demons of the Past", make sure to get your hands on the second addon of the SpellForce 2 universe now.

Your Nordic Games Team

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