Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
This is a small patch addressing a few bugs, as well as a few minor balance tweaks. Enjoy! :)

If you want to read more about the enormous Update 2 patch, click here.

Check out the change log for all the juicy bits, and if you find a bug, don't forget to report it on Discord or the Steam Forums. :)

Update 2d Change Log

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Lowered "Goal Completed" sound a few decibels.
  • Boosted praying actions to give 3 essence worth 3 energy rather than 2 essence worth 2 energy. (aka; now you get 9 total essence per action, instead of 4)
  • Changed problem panel text for no food to also mention animal farms.
  • Placing God Towers and God Walls no longer grants God XP for "Buildings Constructed"
  • Corrupted buildings now spawn with a small amount of construction already completed so they can be targeted immediately.
  • You can now exit the game entirely from the region/play view.
  • Increased Chest Cost by 10%
  • Increased Chest award-rate by 33%.
  • When the game notifies you of a completed goal you completed in a previous play session, it no longer plays all the fanfare sound/particle effects, and changes "Completed!" to "Claim on Goals Panel!"
  • Goals "Rise From The Grave" and "Was I a Good Boy?" now tick up even if the resurrection fails, resulting in a zombie.
  • Changed "Default" crystal color to blue, so it looks less like a carrot in the UI.
  • Wild Doofy Doggos now count for the "War Crimes" goal.
  • Wild Doofy Doggos can now also initiate the Cullis Gate Easter Egg.
  • Mend spell now puts out all fires on buildings when cast.
  • Fire Elementals overall stats reduced by 33%. (The effective result is they scale 33% slower)
  • Zombies now tend to get more STR than DEX stats.
  • Other zombie variants now have the same stat gains as regular Zombies.
  • Wood, Stone and Crystal Combobulators now generate golems 50% slower, but still require the same amount of total energy per golem resulting in less overall energy used day to day.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a rare AI crash when the AI failed to reset it's assignment during some pickup actions. (Thanks to Veldrin for the fix)
  • "Dude, WTH Man" no longer incorrectly needs to be completed 4 times instead of 1.
  • Removed the goal output debug information from logs.
  • "Hands off me" goal no longer counts for any mob picked up.
  • Fixed all tooltips, tips, and various other UI elements that suggest using crylithium for fuel, even though crylithium is no longer used that way.
  • Problem panel no longer reports homes with food as not having them.
  • "Touch Grass" goal now works when playing using a different language other than English.
  • Fixed goals "Build All The Things" and "Tower Defense" incrementing when a god tower was placed.
  • "Energy" tip no longer pops up when you build an Essence Altar.
  • Doofy Doggos are now always named Moon Moon, even when wild.
  • Fixed several perk names being incorrectly formatted.
  • Fixed goal "Poor Weaponry" (Yes, again!)
  • Corruption towers can now fire at the village again. (Note, previously constructed towers may still not fire.)
  • Nephilim children now count to the "OMG" goal.
  • Fixed a minor UI glitch on building overlays that would cause some health stats to render outside of the background bounds.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
This is a small patch addressing a few bugs, as well as a few minor balance tweaks. Enjoy! :)

If you want to read more about the enormous patch that was just released on Saturday, click here.

Check out the change log for all the juicy bits, and if you find a bug, don't forget to report it on Discord or the Steam Forums. :)

Update 2c Change Log

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Trash burners now release or store 5 units of energy per tick, but the ticks are now 5 times longer. This fixes an issue where burners would cause too many particles to generate late-game.
  • All chest open costs now reduced by 50%. (Note, already existing chests will still have their old opening costs)
  • Temporarily disabled Twitch integration due to new API changes.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a few goals not progressing.
  • Fixed a resource loading issue in the engine that caused problems with some localization mods.
  • Fixed missing localization tag for the comet spell cost perk.
  • Updated many aspects of the Java JRE and engine to reduce some hanging that can happen for specific configurations.
  • Changed all .wav sound effects to .ogg to fix an additional hanging issue some users were experiencing.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution

Introducing the largest update patch ever in Rise to Ruins history. Update 2, the Achievement Update.

This patch adds a massive amount of new content, bug fixes, tweaks and over 100 Steam Achievements tied into a brand new goals system.

I've also started live streaming development on Twitch, if you're interested, you can follow me there. I'll mostly be streaming Rise to Ruins, Rise to Ruins 2 (Yes you just read that) and Rayvo2D Engine development. But I may also occasionally Stream gaming and other random things.

In addition, my wife is now officially SixtyGig Games new art intern, and she will be working on all current and future projects. If you're interested in stalking her, you can do so on Formerly-Twitter. Head over there and send her a "thank you" for making all the new achievement icons, chat bubbles, terrains and several other additions this patch. :)

Finally, check out the change log for all the juicy bits, and if you find a bug, don't forget to report it on Discord or the Steam Forums. :)

Alright, let's get into this! If you have any ideas on new achievements to add, or tweaks to existing ones, let me know!

Update 2 Change Log

Goals and Achievements System
  • Old goal system has been removed from the game entirely.
  • New goals system now has 117 goals (more may be added, post your ideas!).
  • Each goal unlocks a corresponding Steam Achievement.
  • Every goal is on a huge web map, and as you unlock goals, more goals will become available.
  • Like the previous goals system, all goals and their progress persist through dooming the world.
  • Goals can now be accessed in when in the play state (Playing in a region/map).
  • Goals no longer award perks, but award a lot of God Experience.
  • Free Chest Slots can be unlocked, awarding, you guess it, a free chest!
  • Chests are now gained 25% faster to offset the goals no longer rewarding perks directly.

Faith and Influence System
  • Villagers now gain and lose a new need, called faith, based on your and the world's actions. Anything they deem positive, they'll gain faith, negative, they lose it.
  • Villagers are now less likely to panic or be confused when they have high faith and witness god doing things in the village.
  • All spells now influence faith stats in some way or another when cast near villagers.
  • New Building: The Essence Altar. Villagers can now be assigned as "Occultists", who will go to the altar and pray. Completing a pray action will increase the villager's faith and the villagers around them, as well as generate free essence that will be sent to an Essence Collector.
  • New perks added for praying speeds.
  • Lightning and Meteor (all kinds, including the spells) will now raise or lower faith depending on where it strikes, and what it hits.
  • Villagers will now sometimes get a boost in faith when chatting with someone with significantly higher faith than they have.
  • Villagers now gain 10 faith when they domesticate a wild doggo or take a mate.
  • Villagers now gain faith when they mate, and villagers nearby gain a very small amount.
  • Nearby villagers gain faith when they witness a monster killed.
  • Nearby villagers lose faith when they witness another villager killed.
  • Nearby villagers get a bonus to faith when they witness an elder die of natural causes. (Living a "full life")
  • Villagers now conceive Nephilim children if their combined total faith is within 90% of their maximum faith.
  • Lightning rods can increase faith when a lightning bolt hits them.
  • A mob resurrected from the Resurrect spell get maximum faith instantly upon resurrection.
  • Completely rewrote how max influence is calculated, each villager now provides a minimum and maximum amount, depending on the type of villager they are. Children offer less, while elders offer more, and Nephilims offer additional bonuses.
  • All domesticated animals other than Doggos now provide 5 max influence each.
  • Doggos now provide 20 max influence each.
  • Doofy Doggos now provide 50 max influence each.
  • The amount of total influence to the max influence bar each mob provides is now based on their faith. For example, if their faith is only 50% full, they will only provide 50% of their potential maximum influence. (Note: This only counts for mobs with faith stats, like villagers. Doggos for example, will always provide max faith as they have no faith stats.)
  • New perks added for minimum influence, influence per animal and influence per villager.
  • Flowers can now generate near concentrated areas of energy on the map, and where essence moves heavily through.
  • Adjusted faith decay rates for all villagers.
  • Standard and High Quality housing both now offer faith bonuses when upgraded.

Essence and Essence Collector Changes
  • Significantly increased the speed newly spawned "resting" essence becomes active.
  • Greatly improved essence colors and trails.
  • Essence Collectors can no longer be fueled with or store crylithium.
  • Essence Collectors now hold much more energy.
  • Recolored and tweaked the Essence Collector art.
  • Essence Collectors construction requirements have been increased, and now require crylithium for the first upgrade, and iron ingots for the second.
  • Flowers can now be dissolved or cleared for a small amount of essence.

Reliquary and The Dead
  • New Building: The Reliquary. You can store bound souls at the reliquary, binding the ghost to the general area, and maintaining their vessel.
  • New Resources: Empty and Filled Eerie Vessels. Empty Vessels are made by the Occultists in the Reliquary with 1 iron and 1 gold.
  • Occultists can now "capture souls", when a villager or doggo dies, they will go to their corpse and "capture" the soul, placing it in an Eerie Vessel and take the Vessel to the reliquary to store and maintain for future resurrections.
  • Added all of the perks, job data and speed reductions for capturing souls where required.
  • Ghost no longer wander to random buildings.
  • Ghost now always try to hover around their vessel, or body.
  • New Resource: Ghost Dust, can be freely sold to Catjeet Provisioners. Who knows what they want with it though.
  • Ghosts not bound to a body or a vessel will eventually leave the map forever, when they do a ton of essence is released and they'll drop some ghost dust.
  • Completely rebalanced when ghosts fade in and out of view.
  • Doggos and Doofy Doggos ghosts now fade in significantly more frequently.
  • Doggos and Doofy Doggos ghosts are much less likely to leave the world forever.
  • Bound ghosts are 10 times more likely to appear at night.
  • Increased durability of god dust by 5x, the same as the new ghost dust resource.
  • Mobs now decay 20 times slower.

Spell Changes
  • Banish spell now only confuses friendly mobs in the area if it actually banishes something.
  • Banish confusion is now triggered from around the mob that was teleported away, rather than where the spell was cast.
  • Dispel God Structures and Dispel Golem now can cause villagers to be confused upon seeing it cast.
  • Dispel God Structures no longer panics villagers when cast.
  • "Confusion" area of effect of Cold Aura increased.
  • Generate Essence now has 1/4th the confusion/panic range.
  • Generate Essence now costs twice as much to cast, but generates twice as much essence per cast.
  • Conjure Material spell can now panic or confuse villagers.
  • God Tower and God Wall spells now cause villagers to be confused or panic when cast around them.
  • Grab spell now positively influences faith when you grab resources, and negatively when you grab mobs.
  • Grab spell now no longer makes villagers panic when you grab resources (Note: Still will for grabbing mobs)
  • Grab spell's panic/confusion range doubled.
  • Harvest Spell can now cause villagers to panic if a resource is spawned right next to them.
  • Harvest Spell's panic and confusion is now based on the location the resource spawned, rather than where the spell was cast.
  • Holy Potatoes and Holy Wood spells can now cause panic and confusion to nearby villagers.
  • Illuminate spell cost doubled.
  • Illuminate spell now increases faith when cast and active, but only if cast at dusk or night.
  • Recall spell now causes confusion and influences faith based on the location the actual mobs and resources left/arrived than where the spell was cast.
  • Resurrect spell now only causes villagers to panic if the resurrection fails and creates a zombie. (Note: They will still be "confused" if the spell is successful.)
  • Dissolve spell now has a chance to panic villagers.
  • Blessing villagers no longer triggers Nephilim to be born. Now, blessing villagers guarantees that they will become pregnant the next time they coitus.
  • Greatly optimized Cold Aura's CPU usage.
  • Slightly optimized Flame Spell's CPU usage.
  • Slightly optimized the Healing Aura spell.
  • New Spell/Disaster added: Comet. A huge ice comet can now fall from the sky, causing catastrophic damage around it and digging a deep hole in the ground.
  • Tripled cost of God Wall spell.
  • Increased the cost, and cooldown, of the Holy Potatoes and Holy Wood spells
  • Increased the cost of the Harvest spell.
  • God Tower now has a 5 second cooldown.
  • God Tower now also has a new spell cooldown perks.
  • Harvest spell can now rarely generate trash when harvesting.

Temperature Influences
  • Adjusted several spell descriptions to mention their impact on region temps.
  • Meteor strikes can now slightly heat up the region for a short time.
  • Blood Moons now make the region excessively hot.
  • Full Moons now make the region slightly cooler.
  • Eclipses now make the region very cold.
  • Flame spell extremely slightly increases region temps.
  • Cold aura now slightly lowers region temps.
  • Storm spell now reduces the temperature when cast.

Loot box Changes
  • Poking a loot box "circle" will confuse villagers and slightly increase faith, regardless if anything is uncovered.
  • Moving a loot box will cause confusion at both locations, negative faith in the departing location and positive in the arrival location.
  • Loot boxes being opened now positively influence faith (even when they're trashy!)
  • Loot boxes idle in the village will sometimes confuse a villager.
  • Loot box "circles" (before the box is uncovered) will now confuse villagers sometimes, as well as provide a tiny amount of faith.
  • Uncovered loot boxes and keys now give a burst of faith, but also can cause villagers to panic or be confused in a wide area.
  • Increased distance loot boxes cause panic and confusion when opening.
  • Villagers now panic if a resource from a loot box right next to them, but also gains additional faith.
  • Chances of a loot box being uncovered on click changed from 1 in 4 to 1 in 6.
  • Slightly adjusted where resources spawn when a loot box is opened.

UI Improvements
  • You can now set the resource filters to "rate", an experimental data view that gives you a rough idea how much of a resource is being consumed or generated over a given time period.
  • The right hand resource bars can now be customized by opening the resource panel and selecting various types between food, water, dirty water, gold, faith and energy.
  • The right hand resource bars now display a fill bar rather than just numbers.
  • The right hand resource bar can now display 4 items, rather than 3.
  • Increased the intensity of the mouse cursor light.
  • Camp placement window now renders on the left side of the UI when the minimap is opened.
  • Sound and music controls now have 25 volume levels rather than 10.
  • Edge scrolling values in the settings menu now uses "O" instead of "[]" for the visual bar.
  • Main menu messages now have random colors.
  • "Mob rings" no longer appear when you mouse over dead mobs.
  • Added a resource arrow under the mouse when you grab resources.
  • The UI will no longer claim you can refine a resource at a building that can't carry it or its materials, even though the worker is allowed to refine that material.
  • Fixed several UI issues related to the new Essence Altars and Reliquary.
  • Areas where range is generated, but can't be used because it doesn't reach back to the main body of the village, now show up in red when viewing the range map.
  • You can now change your worker's job colors to anything you want by clicking on the new color picker icon on the left hand workforce or resource management panel.
  • Adjusted (hopefully) all blessed villager descriptions throughout the GUI.
  • Birth console banner now displays what mob type was born.
  • Easter egg logo is now 20 times more likely to appear.
  • Updated silk's description to mention its use in bows.
  • Improved the tooltip render boundaries math. (Note: There is an existing/known bug in high-res displays that may cause some overlap issues)
  • Tweaked the Hide Topography view's red grid slightly.
  • You can now view the corrupted tiles on the data map tab, including tiles under rocks, trees, etc.
  • Villagers who are repairing structures will stop automatically if the building becomes fully repaired before they finish their work.
  • Reworked the total gold, water, and dirty water resource counters (as well as the new faith counter) to all also show resource maximums on hover over, as well as fill bar.
  • Updated copyright date on main menu.
  • Completely overhauled the entire font rendering system to greatly reduce texture bleeding at some interface scale settings, and added ultra high resolution fonts for users who use 2x scaling or higher. This should mostly be apparent with 4k and similar displays.
  • Added kills counter stats to mobs and objects. (Note: Known bug exists where sometimes if a mob is killed on top of a building, that building gets a "kill")
  • The Perk list now extends to the top and bottom of the screen.
  • You can now use the scroll wheel on the perk list.
  • Added x.com social button to the main menu.
  • You can now draw road selections overtop harvest resource selections.
  • "Needs" thought bubbles added, rather than seeing occasional floating icons when a villager has a dire need (starving, homeless, sleepy) there is now a thought bubble that follows around the villager.
  • Added new particle effects to highlighted or selected buttons.
  • Re-centered console panel.
  • Changed the missing icon icon to a better icon that you should never see unless I missed an icon and need to load a missing icon icon.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Clouds! A completely new clouds system has been written from scratch.
  • New Building: Crylithium Firepits. Crylithium Firepits cannot be crossed by ghosts (Like Crylithium Walls), and provide more range than their regular Firepit counterparts.
  • Rations now require cooked meat rather than raw.
  • Rations food value increased from 100 to 120.
  • Initial spawn in villagers now spawn in pre-equipped with one ration and one water bottle.
  • Initial spawn in now spawns in cooked meat rather than raw.
  • Improved how range and corruption resistance is generated by buildings, offering more consistent results. (And in many cases, increasing range)
  • Wind and temp variations are now calculated instantly on load of a new game.
  • Changed Terminate Animal Pregnancy to Tending Animals in preparation for new tending mechanics in a future update.
  • "Wiser Elders" perk now also influences faith sharing.
  • Mobs now make cracking/squishy sounds when they decay.
  • Mobs now "pop" when poked a bit too many times, are dissolved with the dissolve spell or their soul is captured by an occultist.
  • Increased the villager initial spawn in to up to 20.
  • Nomads are much, much more likely to appear between days 1 and 3 to help avoid "bad RNG luck" early game.
  • Nomads can no longer spawn during the morning of day 1 to prevent new players from being overwhelmed with new information. (Note: They should almost-always arrive Midday day 1 now)
  • Replaced the particle effect that would generate above a resource about to be picked up, to an arrow that points down. The arrow gets increasing brighter green the closer the mob gets to the resource.
  • Significantly lowered the volume of rain in the game.
  • Villagers now are much less likely to work when their condition is compromised (Low hunger, thirst, overheating, etc). They also now factor in their hit points, poison and many other conditions and are less likely to work the more injured they are.
  • Recompiled executable to hopefully avoid some memory allocation issues on certain machines.
  • Increased animal slaughter speed.
  • Reduced screenshake when smaller buildings are destroyed (Mostly for walls)
  • The energy maintenance requirement for most golems is now 5 times higher. (sorry)
  • The energy maintenance requirement for Cube-E golems has been doubled.
  • Courier golems now have a small maintenance requirement.
  • All golems now die twice as fast when the comboulator runs out of energy to maintain them.
  • Doubled the amount Catjeet Provisioners restock daily.
  • Made Wilhelm scream slightly over twice as likely to happen.
  • You can now increase or decrease the brush size in both the play state and map editor by holding the axis lock key (Default: Left Shift)
  • Wilhelm Scream is now more common when throwing male villagers into Cullis Gates.
  • Throwing doggos (and especially Doofy Doggos) into a Cullis Gate is a REALLY bad idea.
  • Adjusted nearly all of the panic and confusion chances in the villager's AI.
  • Lightning and Meteor's panic/confusion range has been adjusted to more realistic values.
  • Tons of new animations added for villagers digging, picking up and dropping resources, and many old ones tweaked slightly.
  • Skirmish mode now starts with 20 +- 2 villages.
  • Slightly increased how much trash is generated when builders harvest rather than the dedicated harvester jobs.
  • The initial spawn in villagers now start with max hunger and thirst bars.
  • Initial resource spawn in can also spawn in food and water now.
  • Increased the initial spawn in resources from up to 32, to up to 64.
  • There is now a 1 in 50 chance your entire initial spawn in of villagers will be catjeet.
  • There is now a 1 in 200 chance your initial spawn in of villagers will also include doggos.
  • Doggo houses are now upgradable, and have new art.
  • Increased the amount of storage of all villager housing.
  • Changed "Ellen Page" to "Elliot Page" in the villager's name list (Thanks to ArcticFox011 for catching it)
  • Added tons of new speech bubbles to the game.
  • Changed death subtitle "Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you." to "Sometimes you eat the rous and sometimes the rous eats you."
  • Tons of new death messages added.
  • Farmers can now terminate animal pregnancies when the village is completely out of proper housing for them.
  • Towers and projectiles now rotate smoothly.
  • Nomads can no longer spawn on day 1, to avoid overwhelming new players with too much information.
  • Doggos are now more rare.
  • Very slightly optimized the animal spawn rate code.
  • Digging, clearing and removing road work now picks more randomized standing coordinates to work at.
  • The AI now automatically resets itself when you load an old save.
  • Updated the cut stone resource artwork so it looks more distinct from iron ingots.
  • Added pale Blue trees, stumps and dead trees, white snow, teal grass and mushrooms to the game for future biome plans. They can currently be accessed in the map editor.
  • Improved the map selection overlays in the world map.
  • Halved the chance villagers and animals can be turned into a zombie after dying with blight.
  • Cluckers can now do a rooster call at dawn.
  • Medkits "+" symbol is now magenta-purple to avoid lawyers with too much time on their hands going after innocent developers for war crimes, or something.
  • Reduced doggo bark frequency.
  • Added a diminishing returns to all idle sound effects. The more of that type of mob in the area, the less each of them will make idle sound effects.
  • Reduced the volume of the doggo barks.

Bug Fixes
  • Corrected a minor typo in the Trashy Trash description.
  • Population list panel no longer shows farm animals as unemployed.
  • "Captured Animal" fake resource no longer shows up on the courier panel.
  • Steamworks4j will now forcefully load the .dll files in the install folder's native library.
  • "Review The Game" popup no longer appears when nonSteamMode is true. (eg; Won't show up on Utomik or GOG copies of the game.)
  • Animal pens and clucker coops UI overlap issues in the building panel have been fixed.
  • When an animal is slaughtered, the damage is now correctly recorded as coming from the cook.
  • Fixed a bug where work decay ticks in MobBase.doWork() was not actually utilizing the input values.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Holy Golem speed perk to actually slow down the golems, rather than increase their speed.
  • Hide Topography button no longer can glitch out and leave the topography partially transparent.
  • Market buy and sell prices can no longer be less than 1 gold per item.
  • Crash issue when trying to buy a resource from the marketplace for 0 gold fixed (See above change.)
  • Fixed a bug where building's art wouldn't update when essence was sent from it.
  • Lightning Rod no longer incorrectly reports it requires a rain catcher, purifier or well.
  • Nephilim children now properly spawn a child Nephilim ghost when they die, rather than an adult Nephilim ghost.
  • Nephilim are now properly counted in the migration system.
  • Fixed an issue where Nephilim children sometimes wouldn't get their bonus lifespan stats.
  • Fixed several totaling errors on the population panel.
  • Mining facility's construction outline phase no longer generates a shadow.
  • Fixed font scaling issues at scales higher than 2x.
  • Fixed an issue where returning to the profile select screen without clicking a profile, then attempting to delete a profile, would always delete the first profile regardless of what profile appeared selected on the list.
  • You can no longer click other buttons in the play state and map editor UI when the settings menu is open.
  • Fixed a longstanding bug that could sometimes crash the game if a mob attempted to flee, and could not find flee coordinates (Thanks to Veldrin for the fix)
  • Devine Blessing no longer shows an incorrect cast radius when selected.
  • The spell (blast) radius of meteors is now properly displayed.
  • Fixed a spelling error in the blessed descriptions.
  • Newly born nephilim children are now properly recorded in the birth stats.
  • Animals no longer constantly escape being slaughtered. Although they can still escape rarely.
  • The description of the small and large fountains no longer call Water Masters "Well" Masters.
  • Fixed a few crashes related to deselecting road work outside map bounds.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent spell cooldowns from saving.
  • Fixed stray pixel on energy icon.
  • Fixed upgrading essence collector's values being slightly off.
  • Fixed (some) overlapping tool tips when the interface scale is higher than 1.
  • Slightly optimized how the courier AI finds work.
  • Fixed a minor bug in the road construction delivery AI that would misflag the current job task.
  • Slaughter Animal AI now checks for the correct TileX/Y coordinates before picking up the animal.
  • Armor and helmets now take damage when struck.
  • Dying mobs that get healed, or regenerate a hit point right at the exact moment of death no longer display a health bar when decaying.
  • Tweaked the god XP tally sound effects slightly, and implemented a possible fix to the "endless sound effects" bug that rarely occurs.
  • Fixed the very tiny freebie XP gains for "Villager Leveling Up" that the player would get every time the world map is reloaded.
  • Villagers and golems (and other mobs, where possibly applicable) retain their proper layer colors upon death now.
  • Fixed an issue with storage limits on housing being wrong while it's upgrading.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the migration system to crash the game if no valid coordinates were found based on the angle of entry.
  • Fixed a bug that could reduce the amount of spawn in resources and villagers at the start of the game if the camp is too enclosed.
  • Fixed a minor bug in the courier delivery AI that could make an AI misfire and deliver resources a golem could not carry.
  • Fixed a typo in one of the death messages.
  • Fixed several data map font rendering glitches, mostly related to debug and dev tool views.
  • Fixed a crash when you use a mouse with more than 10 buttons, and press any button over button #10.
  • Fixed a minor issue where on >1080p displays sometimes the game window would launch overlapping the Window's start bar.
  • Miscellaneous Storage no longer claims to recommend a Bowyer and Rock Tumbler before building.
  • Drones no longer show work progress bars.
  • "God XP jingle" stops playing when you exit the main menu.
  • Fixed a bug where 2 resources could spawn in the same spot during initial spawn in, possibly crashing the game shortly after.
  • Added tooltip on settings menu in the play state informing the player they need to exit to the main menu to change hotkeys.
  • Cube-E Golems no longer become invisible when repairing their spawn points.
  • Tweaked wood resources art slightly.
  • Fixed a minor bug where migrants were counted as arriving nomads in the statistics panel.
  • Decreased the background load time for sound effects for most multicore CPUs.
  • Reduced the bitrate of zoomwind.wav
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

*Brushes dust off podium*
Hello? *tap tap*
Is this thing on? Hello?
*clears throat*
Ahem.. anyway..

Rise to Ruins Update 2 Unstable 4 has finally arrived, is content complete, and brings in the brand news goals system! Once Update 2 is out of testing, the new goals system will link up with Steam, adding one of the most requested features in Rise to Ruins history; 🎉Steam Achievements!🎉

This patch has obviously been a long time coming, and I'm hoping after a bit of play testing, I can get the full Rise to Ruins Update 2 out the door, activate the achievements in Steam and start work on Update 3.

I am looking for plenty of feedback on the goals and achievement system, the balance, and ideas for more. Feel free to spam me anywhere that works for you with your ideas, and they may very well become official Steam achievements!

I have also started streaming game development of Rise to Ruins, Rise to Ruins 2 (yes it's true!), and Rayvo2D, my new engine. If you're interested in following development more closely, you're welcome to either join the discord or follow me on Twitch.

If you find a bug, you can report it on the Steam Bugs Forums or Discord!

Previous Update 2 Unstable Change Logs:
Update 2 Unstable 1
Update 2 Unstable 2
Update 2 Unstable 3
Update 2 Unstable 3c

Update 2 Unstable 4 Change Log

Goals and Achievements System
  • Old goal system has been removed from the game entirely.
  • New goals system now has 117 goals (more may be added, post your ideas!).
  • Once Update 2 is fully released, each goal will unlock a Steam Achievement. (Note: I will try my best to get your test saves to unlock them retroactively, after Update 2 is released.)
  • Every goal is on a huge web map, and as you unlock goals, more goals will become available.
  • Like the previous goals system, all goals and their progress persist through dooming the world.
  • Goals can now be accessed in when in the play state (Playing in a region/map).
  • Goals no longer award perks, but award a lot of God Experience.
  • Free Chest Slots can be unlocked, awarding, you guess it, a free chest!
  • Chests are now gained 25% faster to offset the goals no longer rewarding perks directly.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Added pale Blue trees, stumps and dead trees, white snow, teal grass and mushrooms to the game for future biome plans. They can currently be accessed in the map editor.
  • Improved the map selection overlays in the world map.
  • Halved the chance villagers and animals can be turned into a zombie after dying with blight.
  • The Perk list now extends to the top and bottom of the screen.
  • You can now use the scroll wheel on the perk list.
  • Added x.com social button to the main menu.
  • Added new particle effects to highlighted or selected buttons.
  • Re-centered console panel.
  • Cluckers can now do a rooster call at dawn.
  • Medkits "+" symbol is now magenta-purple to avoid lawyers with too much time on their hands going after innocent developers for war crimes, or something.
  • Reduced doggo bark frequency.
  • Added a diminishing returns to all idle sound effects. The more of that type of mob in the area, the less each of them will make idle sound effects.
  • Reduced the volume of the doggo barks.

Bug Fixes
  • Added tooltip on settings menu in the play state informing the player they need to exit to the main menu to change hotkeys.
  • Cube-E Golems no longer become invisible when repairing their spawn points.
  • Tweaked wood resources art slightly.
  • Fixed a minor bug where migrants were counted as arriving nomads in the statistics panel.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

Update 2 Unstable 3c is a minor release addressing a few bugs and balance issues that creeped up. Check out the changelogs and enjoy!

If you find a bug, you can report it on the Steam Bugs Forums or Discord!

Previous Update 2 Unstable Change Logs:
Update 2 Unstable 1
Update 2 Unstable 2
Update 2 Unstable 3

Update 2 Unstable 3c Change Log

Miscellaneous Changes
  • You can now set the particle movement back to "retro" by setting retroParticles=true in the settings.properties file.
  • Houses can no longer store raw meat.
  • Reliquary vessel spots can no longer have roads built under them.
  • Added Easter Egg messages and sound effects when you sell a filled Vessel to a Catjeet in the marketplace.
  • Occultists now check to make sure the body they need to reach isn't under threat before attempting to go there.
  • Added all remaining missing perk names.
  • Increased the pray speed across the board by 10%
  • Boosted the amount of essence generated per pray cycle from 20-40 to 25-45.

Bug Fixes
  • Reversed a change that fixes a bug that won't allow some resources make/maintain values to be set in certain panels.
  • Waymakers will no longer try to clear roads in locations roads shouldn't be allowed to be placed anymore anyway. (Example: If you build a reliquary over roads, and the old roads are overtop the vessel parking spots)
  • Added test AI to help with kitchen ration output.
  • Applied an experimental fix that should prevent courier golems and migrants to attempt to go to a region that was recently lost to the corruption.
  • You can no longer place buildings in the red cut off area of your village range.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

Update 2 Unstable 3 has arrived! Just like Unstable 1 and 2, this patch adds a ton bug fixes and improvements, but most importantly, new content!

Some of the highlights of this patch are the brand new death/ghost mechanics, the Reliquary, Crylithium Firepits, vessels, clouds, and a ton of bug fixes and other QoL changes.

Next up, Unstable 4 will be "the big one" you've all been waiting for, and easily one of the most requested features of all time. The beta release of ... achievements! 👀 Just keep in mind, I may not be able to officially enable them until full Update 2 release on the main branch. But the system will be in place, and usable.

As with most of Rise to Ruins' patches, there's way too much to cover in a summary, so check out the changelogs and enjoy!

If you find a bug, you can report it on the Steam Bugs Forums or Discord!

Previous Update 2 Unstable Change Logs:
Update 2 Unstable 1
Update 2 Unstable 2

Update 2 Unstable 3 Change Log

Reliquary and The Dead
  • New Building: The Reliquary. You can store bound souls at the reliquary, binding the ghost to the general area, and maintaining their vessel.
  • New Resources: Empty and Filled Eerie Vessels. Empty Vessels are made by the Occultists in the Reliquary with 1 iron and 1 gold.
  • Occultists can now "capture souls", when a villager or doggo dies, they will go to their corpse and "capture" the soul, placing it in an Eerie Vessel and take the Vessel to the reliquary to store and maintain for future resurrections.
  • Added all of the perks, job data and speed reductions for capturing souls where required.
  • Ghost no longer wander to random buildings.
  • Ghost now always try to hover around their vessel, or body.
  • New Resource: Ghost Dust, can be freely sold to Catjeet Provisioners. Who knows what they want with it though.
  • Ghosts not bound to a body or a vessel will eventually leave the map forever, when they do a ton of essence is released and they'll drop some ghost dust.
  • Completely rebalanced when ghosts fade in and out of view.
  • Doggos and Doofy Doggos ghosts now fade in significantly more frequently.
  • Doggos and Doofy Doggos ghosts are much less likely to leave the world forever.
  • Bound ghosts are 10 times more likely to appear at night.
  • Increased durability of god dust by 5x, the same as the new ghost dust resource.
  • Mobs now decay 20 times slower.

UI Improvements
  • Increased the intensity of the mouse cursor light.
  • Camp placement window now renders on the left side of the UI when the minimap is opened.
  • Sound and music controls now have 25 volume levels rather than 10.
  • Edge scrolling values in the settings menu now uses "O" instead of "[]" for the visual bar.
  • Main menu messages now have random colors.
  • "Mob rings" no longer appear when you mouse over dead mobs.
  • Added a resource arrow under the mouse when you grab resources.
  • The UI will no longer claim you can refine a resource at a building that can't carry it or its materials, even though the worker is allowed to refine that material.
  • Fixed several UI issues related to the new Essence Altars and Reliquary.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Clouds!
  • Rations now require cooked meat rather than raw.
  • Rations food value increased from 100 to 120.
  • Initial spawn in villagers now spawn in pre-equipped with one ration and one water bottle.
  • Initial spawn in now spawns in cooked meat rather than raw.
  • Improved how range and corruption resistance is generated by buildings, offering more consistent results. (And in many cases, increasing range)
  • New Building: Crylithium Firepits. Crylithium Firepits cannot be crossed by ghosts (Like Crylithium Walls), and provide more range than their regular Firepit counterparts.
  • Wind and temp variations are now calculated instantly on load of a new game.
  • Flowers spawn chance is now 10 times slower.
  • Essence buildup (for flower spawning mechanics) is now 3 times slower.
  • Changed Terminate Animal Pregnancy to Tending Animals in preparation for new tending mechanics.
  • "Wiser Elders" perk now also influences faith sharing.
  • Elders sharing faith now provides a small amount of XP
  • Flowers can now be dissolved or cleared for a small amount of essence.
  • Mobs now make cracking/squishy sounds when they decay.
  • Mobs now "pop" when poked a bit too many times, are dissolved with the dissolve spell or their soul is captured by an occultist.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the migration system to crash the game if no valid coordinates were found based on the angle of entry.
  • Fixed a bug where the faith calculations were reversed, causing blessed children to be born more often.
  • Fixed a bug that could reduce the amount of spawn in resources and villagers at the start of the game if the camp is too enclosed.
  • Fixed a minor bug in the courier delivery AI that could make an AI misfire and deliver resources a golem could not carry.
  • Fixed a bug that can cause the new flower system to crash the game if flowers attempted to generate along the edges of the map.
  • Fixed an issue where flower generation would crash the game if the flower tilesets were never loaded.
  • Fixed a typo in one of the death messages.
  • Fixed several data map font rendering glitches, mostly related to debug and dev tool views.
  • Fixed a crash when you use a mouse with more than 10 buttons, and press any button over button #10.
  • Fixed a minor issue where on >1080p displays sometimes the game window would launch overlapping the Window's start bar.
  • Miscellaneous Storage no longer claims to recommend a Bowyer and Rock Tumbler before building.
  • Drones no longer show work progress bars.
  • "God XP jingle" stops playing when you exit the main menu.
  • Fixed a bug where 2 resources could spawn in the same spot during initial spawn in, possibly crashing the game shortly after.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

Update 2 Unstable 2 has arrived! Just like Unstable 1, this patch adds a ton bug fixes and improvements, but most importantly, new content!

Some of the highlights of this patch are the new upgradable doggo houses, further enhancements to the new faith system, tons and tons of new animations, the resource rate calculator, additional resource bar configurations, a new spell/disaster (a comet!), really high quality new font rendering, and a ton of bug fixes and other QoL changes.

As with most of Rise to Ruins' patches, there's way too much to cover in a summary, so check out the changelogs and enjoy!

If you find a bug, you can report it on the Steam Bugs Forums or Discord!

Previous Update 2 Unstable Change Logs:
Update 2 Unstable 1

Update 2 Unstable 2b HOTIFX Change Log
Bug Fixes
  • Mining facility's construction outline phase no longer generates a shadow.
  • Fixed font scaling issues at scales higher than 2x.
  • Fixed an issue where returning to the profile select screen without clicking a profile, then attempting to delete a profile, would always delete the first profile regardless of what profile appeared selected on the list.
  • You can no longer click other buttons in the play state and map editor UI when the settings menu is open.
  • Fixed a bug where the new flowers system wouldn't actually generate said flowers.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Areas where range is generated, but can't be used because it doesn't reach back to the main body of the village, now show up in red when viewing the range map.

Update 2 Unstable 2 Change Log

Resource Bar and Panel Changes
  • You can now set the resource filters to "rate", an experimental data view that gives you a rough idea how much of a resource is being consumed or generated over a given time period.
  • The right hand resource bars can now be customized by opening the resource panel and selecting various types between food, water, dirty water, gold, faith and energy.
  • The right hand resource bars now display a fill bar rather than just numbers.
  • The right hand resource bar can now display 4 items, rather than 3.

Faith and Influence System
  • Flowers can now generate near concentrated areas of energy on the map, and where essence moves heavily through.
  • Adjusted faith decay rates for all villagers.
  • Increased Essence Altar's desirability stat to 3.
  • Readjusted Cold Aura faith gains.
  • Now all villagers lose a very small amount of faith when another villager dies from any cause that isn't old age. Villagers who witness the death lose significantly more.
  • Standard and High Quality housing both now offer faith bonuses when upgraded.
  • Villager's mates now lose 25% of their total faith if they die.
  • Completely rebalanced influence amounts faith provides for all friendly mobs.
  • Healing Aura now provides much less faith to villagers already fully healed.
  • Now you gain additional/bonus faith if you use illuminate during an eclipse or blood moon.

Spell Changes
  • New Spell/Disaster added: Comet. A huge ice comet can now fall from the sky, causing catastrophic damage around it and digging a deep hole in the ground.
  • Tripled cost of God Wall spell.
  • Increased the cost, and cooldown, of the Holy Potatoes and Holy Wood spells
  • Increased the cost of the Harvest spell.
  • God Tower now has a 5 second cooldown.
  • God Tower now also has a new spell cooldown perks.
  • Harvest spell can now rarely generate trash when harvesting.

Temperature Influences
  • Adjusted several spell descriptions to mention their impact on region temps.
  • Meteor strikes can now slightly heat up the region for a short time.
  • Blood Moons now make the region excessively hot.
  • Full Moons now make the region slightly cooler.
  • Eclipses now make the region very cold.
  • Flame spell extremely slightly increases region temps.
  • Cold aura now slightly lowers region temps.
  • Storm spell now reduces the temperature when cast.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Completely overhauled the entire font rendering system to greatly reduce texture bleeding at some interface scale settings, and added ultra high resolution fonts for users who use 2x scaling or higher. This should mostly be apparent with 4k and similar displays.
  • Tons of new animations added for villagers digging, picking up and dropping resources, and many old ones tweaked slightly.
  • Skirmish mode now starts with 20 +- 2 villages.
  • Slightly increased how much trash is generated when builders harvest rather than the dedicated harvester jobs.
  • The initial spawn in villagers now start with max hunger and thirst bars.
  • Initial resource spawn in can also spawn in food and water now.
  • Increased the initial spawn in resources from up to 32, to up to 64.
  • There is now a 1 in 50 chance your entire initial spawn in of villagers will be catjeet.
  • There is now a 1 in 200 chance your initial spawn in of villagers will also include doggos.
  • Doggo houses are now upgradable, and have new art.
  • Increased the amount of storage of all villager housing.
  • Changed "Ellen Page" to "Elliot Page" in the villager's name list (Thanks to ArcticFox011 for catching it)
  • Added tons of new speech bubbles to the game.
  • Changed death subtitle "Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you." to "Sometimes you eat the rous and sometimes the rous eats you."
  • Tons of new death messages added.
  • Farmers can now terminate animal pregnancies when the village is completely out of proper housing for them.
  • You can now draw road selections overtop harvest resource selections.
  • "Needs" thought bubbles added, rather than seeing occasional floating icons when a villager has a dire need (starving, homeless, sleepy) there is now a thought bubble that follows around the villager.
  • Changed the missing icon icon to a better icon that you should never see unless I missed an icon and need to load a missing icon icon.
  • Towers and projectiles now rotate smoothly.
  • Nomads can no longer spawn on day 1, to avoid overwhelming new players with too much information.
  • Doggos are now more rare.
  • Very slightly optimized the animal spawn rate code.
  • Digging, clearing and removing road work now picks more randomized standing coordinates to work at.
  • The AI now automatically resets itself when you load an old save.
  • Updated the cut stone resource artwork so it looks more distinct from iron ingots.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a longstanding bug that could sometimes crash the game if a mob attempted to flee, and could not find flee coordinates (Thanks to Veldrin for the fix)
  • Corrected Essence Altar tooltips.
  • Devine Blessing no longer shows an incorrect cast radius when selected.
  • The spell (blast) radius of meteors is now properly displayed.
  • Fixed a spelling error in the blessed descriptions.
  • Newly born nephilim children are now properly recorded in the birth stats.
  • Animals no longer constantly escape being slaughtered. Although they can still escape rarely.
  • Added missing revision tag to essenceCollector.makeshift.description
  • Fixed a UI error that would make praying speed bonuses not display in some cases.
  • Added perk category localization for faith perks.
  • The description of the small and large fountains no longer call Water Masters "Well" Masters.
  • Fixed a few crashes related to deselecting road work outside map bounds.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent spell cooldowns from saving.
  • Corrected the Crystillery's description, so that it no longer mentions fueling essence collectors.
  • Fixed stray pixel on energy icon.
  • Fixed upgrading essence collector's values being slightly off.
  • Removed previous fix that would stop sounds from playing if the sound is too far away or too quiet to be audible and re-re-calculated sound effect distance math.
  • Fixed overlapping tool tips when the interface scale is higher than 1.
  • Removed some debug loading data from the logs.
  • Slightly optimized how the courier AI finds work.
  • Fixed a minor bug in the road construction delivery AI that would misflag the current job task.
  • Slaughter Animal AI now checks for the correct TileX/Y coordinates before picking up the animal.
  • Armor and helmets now take damage when struck.
  • Dying mobs that get healed, or regenerate a hit point right at the exact moment of death no longer display a health bar when decaying.
  • Tweaked the god XP tally sound effects slightly, and implemented a possible fix to the "endless sound effects" bug that rarely occurs.
  • Fixed the very tiny freebie XP gains for "Villager Leveling Up" that the player would get every time the world map is reloaded.
  • Villagers and golems (and other mobs, where possibly applicable) retain their proper layer colors upon death now.
  • Fixed an issue with storage limits on housing being wrong while it's upgrading.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

A long time coming, I am happy to introduce that Update 2 Unstable 1 has arrived! This patch adds a ton bug fixes and improvements, but most importantly, new content!

The biggest additions are the new essence generation and faith mechanics. Now, you no longer fuel your Essence Collectors with crylithium. Rather, you now build a new building called an Essence Altar and assign new workers called Occultists to them. These new Occultists will go to the altar and pray, upon completing a pray action, they will boost faith in the area and generate essence that can be delivered to an Essence Collector, effectively replacing the fueling mechanics that were removed with a method the player can more directly control by building additional altars and assigning more Occultists.

The faith itself is a new system that bleeds over into many aspects of the game. Now villagers will gain and lose faith in you based on your or the world's actions. As their faith increases, you'll gain additional max influence to your influence bar, and they will be less likely to be confused or panic when they see you do anything.

As with most of Rise to Ruins' patches, there's way too much to cover in a summary, so check out the changelogs and enjoy!

If you find a bug, you can report it on the Steam Bugs Forums or Discord!

Update 2 Unstable 1 Change Log

Faith System
  • Villagers now gain and lose a new need, called faith, based on your and the world's actions. Anything they deem positive, they'll gain faith, negative, they lose it.
  • Villagers are now less likely to panic or be confused when they have high faith and witness god doing things in the village.
  • All spells now influence faith stats in some way or another when cast near villagers.
  • New Building: The Essence Altar. Villagers can now be assigned as "Occultists", who will go to the altar and pray. Completing a pray action will increase the villager's faith and the villagers around them, as well as generate free essence that will be sent to an Essence Collector.
  • New perks added for praying speeds.
  • Lightning and Meteor (all kinds, including the spells) will now raise or lower faith depending on where it strikes, and what it hits.
  • Villagers will now sometimes get a boost in faith when chatting with someone with significantly higher faith than they have.
  • Villagers now gain 10 faith when they domesticate a wild doggo or take a mate.
  • Villagers now gain faith when they mate, and villagers nearby gain a very small amount.
  • Nearby villagers gain faith when they witness a monster killed.
  • Nearby villagers lose faith when they witness another villager killed.
  • Nearby villagers get a bonus to faith when they witness an elder die of natural causes. (Living a "full life")
  • Villagers now conceive Nephilim children if their combined total faith is within 90% of their maximum faith.
  • Lightning rods can increase faith when a lightning bolt hits them.
  • A mob resurrected from the Resurrect spell get maximum faith instantly upon resurrection.

Influence System
  • Completely rewrote how max influence is calculated, each villager now provides a minimum and maximum amount, depending on the type of villager they are. Children offer less, while elders offer more, and Nephilims offer additional bonuses.
  • All domesticated animals other than Doggos now provide 5 max influence each.
  • Doggos now provide 20 max influence each.
  • Doofy Doggos now provide 50 max influence each.
  • The amount of total influence to the max influence bar each mob provides is now based on their faith. For example, if their faith is only 50% full, they will only provide 50% of their potential maximum influence. (Note: This only counts for mobs with faith stats, like villagers. Doggos for example, will always provide max faith as they have no faith stats.)
  • New perks added for minimum influence, influence per animal and influence per villager.

Essence and Essence Collector Changes
  • Significantly increased the speed newly spawned "resting" essence becomes active.
  • Greatly improved essence colors and trails.
  • Essence Collectors can no longer be fueled with or store crylithium.
  • Essence Collectors now hold much more energy.
  • Recolored and tweaked the Essence Collector art.
  • Essence Collectors construction requirements have been increased, and now require crylithium for the first upgrade, and iron ingots for the second.

Spell Changes
  • Banish spell now only confuses friendly mobs in the area if it actually banishes something.
  • Banish confusion is now triggered from around the mob that was teleported away, rather than where the spell was cast.
  • Dispel God Structures and Dispel Golem now can cause villagers to be confused upon seeing it cast.
  • Dispel God Structures no longer panics villagers when cast.
  • "Confusion" area of effect of Cold Aura increased.
  • Generate Essence now has 1/4th the confusion/panic range.
  • Generate Essence now costs twice as much to cast, but generates twice as much essence per cast.
  • Conjure Material spell can now panic or confuse villagers.
  • God Tower and God Wall spells now cause villagers to be confused or panic when cast around them.
  • Grab spell now positively influences faith when you grab resources, and negatively when you grab mobs.
  • Grab spell now no longer makes villagers panic when you grab resources (Note: Still will for grabbing mobs)
  • Grab spell's panic/confusion range doubled.
  • Harvest Spell can now cause villagers to panic if a resource is spawned right next to them.
  • Harvest Spell's panic and confusion is now based on the location the resource spawned, rather than where the spell was cast.
  • Holy Potatoes and Holy Wood spells can now cause panic and confusion to nearby villagers.
  • Illuminate spell cost doubled.
  • Illuminate spell now increases faith when cast and active, but only if cast at dusk or night.
  • Recall spell now causes confusion and influences faith based on the location the actual mobs and resources left/arrived than where the spell was cast.
  • Resurrect spell now only causes villagers to panic if the resurrection fails and creates a zombie. (Note: They will still be "confused" if the spell is successful.)
  • Dissolve spell now has a chance to panic villagers.
  • Blessing villagers no longer triggers Nephilim to be born. Now, blessing villagers guarantees that they will become pregnant the next time they coitus.
  • Greatly optimized Cold Aura's CPU usage.
  • Slightly optimized Flame Spell's CPU usage.
  • Slightly optimized the Healing Aura spell.

Loot box Changes
  • Poking a loot box "circle" will confuse villagers and slightly increase faith, regardless if anything is uncovered.
  • Moving a loot box will cause confusion at both locations, negative faith in the departing location and positive in the arrival location.
  • Loot boxes being opened now positively influence faith (even when they're trashy!)
  • Loot boxes idle in the village will sometimes confuse a villager.
  • Loot box "circles" (before the box is uncovered) will now confuse villagers sometimes, as well as provide a tiny amount of faith.
  • Uncovered loot boxes and keys now give a burst of faith, but also can cause villagers to panic or be confused in a wide area.
  • Increased distance loot boxes cause panic and confusion when opening.
  • Villagers now panic if a resource from a loot box right next to them, but also gains additional faith.
  • Chances of a loot box being uncovered on click changed from 1 in 4 to 1 in 6.
  • Slightly adjusted where resources spawn when a loot box is opened.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • You can now change your worker's job colors to anything you want by clicking on the new color picker icon on the left hand workforce or resource management panel.
  • Adjusted (hopefully) all blessed villager descriptions throughout the GUI.
  • Birth console banner now displays what mob type was born.
  • Increased the villager initial spawn in to up to 20.
  • Nomads are much, much more likely to appear between days 1 and 3 to help avoid "bad RNG luck" early game.
  • Nomads can no longer spawn during the morning of day 1 to prevent new players from being overwhelmed with new information. (Note: They should almost-always arrive Midday day 1 now)
  • Replaced the particle effect that would generate above a resource about to be picked up, to an arrow that points down. The arrow gets increasing brighter green the closer the mob gets to the resource.
    Significantly lowered the volume of rain in the game.
  • Villagers now are much less likely to work when their condition is compromised (Low hunger, thirst, overheating, etc). They also now factor in their hit points, poison and many other conditions and are less likely to work the more injured they are.
  • Easter egg logo is now 20 times more likely to appear.
  • Recompiled executable to hopefully avoid some memory allocation issues on certain machines.
  • Increased animal slaughter speed.
  • Added kills counter stats to mobs and objects.
  • Reduced screenshake when smaller buildings are destroyed (Mostly for walls)
  • Updated silk's description to mention it's use in bows.
  • The energy maintenance requirement for most golems is now 5 times higher. (sorry)
  • The energy maintenance requirement for Cube-E golems has been doubled.
  • Courier golems now have a small maintenance requirement.
  • All golems now die twice as fast when the comboulator runs out of energy to maintain them.
  • Improved the tooltip render boundaries math. (Note: There is an existing/known bug in high-res displays that may cause some overlap issues)
  • Tweaked the Hide Topography view's red grid slightly.
  • You can now view the corrupted tiles on the data map tab, including tiles under rocks, trees, etc.
  • Villagers who are repairing structures will stop automatically if the building becomes fully repaired before they finish their work.
  • Doubled the amount Catjeet Provisioners restock daily.
  • Made Wilhelm scream slightly over twice as likely to happen.
  • You can now increase or decrease the brush size in both the play state and map editor by holding the axis lock key (Default: Left Shift)
  • Wilhelm Scream is now more common when throwing male villagers into Cullis Gates.
  • Throwing doggos (and especially Doofy Doggos) into a Cullis Gate is a REALLY bad idea.
  • Adjusted nearly all of the panic and confusion chances in the villager's AI.
  • Added a faith counter to the resource panel UI.
  • Reworked the total gold, water, and dirty water resource counters (as well as the new faith counter) to all also show resource maximums on hover over, as well as fill bar.
  • Lightning and Meteor's panic/confusion range has been adjusted to more realistic values.
  • Updated copyright date on main menu.

Bug Fixes
  • Corrected a minor typo in the Trashy Trash description.
  • Population list panel no longer shows farm animals as unemployed.
  • "Captured Animal" fake resource no longer shows up on the courier panel.
  • Steamworks4j will now forcefully load the .dll files in the install folder's native library.
  • "Review The Game" popup no longer appears when nonSteamMode is true. (eg; Won't show up on Utomik or GOG copies of the game.)
  • Animal pens and clucker coops UI overlap issues in the building panel have been fixed.
  • When an animal is slaughtered, the damage is now correctly recorded as coming from the cook.
  • Fixed a bug where work decay ticks in MobBase.doWork() was not actually utilizing the input values.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Holy Golem speed perk to actually slow down the golems, rather than increase their speed.
  • Hide Topography button no longer can glitch out and leave the topography partially transparent.
  • Market buy and sell prices can no longer be less than 1 gold per item.
  • Crash issue when trying to buy a resource from the marketplace for 0 gold fixed (See above change.)
  • Fixed a bug that would cause sounds out of range to still play, but at zero volume. (Note: There is a known issue with extremely low volume levels causing issues with this new system.)
  • Fixed a bug where building's art wouldn't update when essence was sent from it.
  • Lightning Rod no longer incorrectly reports it requires a rain catcher, purifier or well.
  • Nephilim children now properly spawn a child Nephilim ghost when they die, rather than an adult Nephilim ghost.
  • Nephilim are now properly counted in the migration system.
  • Fixed an issue where Nephilim children sometimes wouldn't get their bonus lifespan stats.
  • Fixed several totaling errors on the population panel.
11. jan. 2022
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Greetings everyone,

It's time to get back on the bandwagon, and explain my current plans. Although they are always subject to change, I wanted to give everyone an update on what's been going on and where I'd like to see my company, Rise to Ruins and my future projects to go in the future.

As you all know, I've taken an extended break from game development as I focused on myself and my own health, my life, and the people around me. Most of you guys who follow me on Discord or Twitter have seen several of the things I've posted or said over the past year or so. A mistake I made on my previous announcement was the timeline though. I was unaware exactly how bad my mental health actually was at the time of writing it, and thus took an enormously longer time than I expected to start recovering.

The previous announcement is now only half the story, the other half is perhaps fascinating, I'm not sure. But it's another half that should be told, now that it can be.

The last 2 years have been quite an experience for me, good, bad and otherwise. It's hard to articulate it, because of who I am and how I am wired. But I will do my best to explain the situation and what happened. I'm not trying to make excuses, I do not care too. That's not the point.

I won't bother going over my life history again as I did in my previous announcement, but I will add some fun tidbits to it that may have some drastic changes on how everything is perceived, and I hope to give a better understanding as to what happened.

The first, and extremely likely most important addition to the story is on December 16th, 2021. I was officially diagnosed with ASD Level 1, or going by a (now obsolete) term more of you will recognize; I am a twice-exceptional person with Asperger's. If you want an example of what this means, I'm basically a real life Sheldon Cooper, just a bit less hyperbolic about it. (Fellow ASD: I get many people with ASD don't like this comparison, but it's very accurate for people like myself, we're just rare even among the ASD community.)

What does this mean? Well for you guys, not much. For me? Again, not much. I am still who I am, labels don't change that. I'm not magically some other person. But, it does give me clarity and explain some of my past actions, behaviors and why sometimes things just aren't in sync. As well, and most importantly, what the hell happened to me sometime in 2020.

What is important to understand, is why this happened. I've been working my entire adult life, non-stop in the pursuit of success to reach a level of security and stability, I achieved that in mid 2020, 20 years after first entering the workforce and 30 years too young, and my life fell apart. (Weird right?). I now can effectively retire whenever I want, although I won't. That feeling sounds great, until you realize I'm someone with Asperger's who made survival paramount.

I was burned out from 15 years of non-stop work. If you've read my previous announcement, you know my life. I've been on turbo for most of it, and I don't know how to not be on turbo. But I am not on turbo anymore, regardless I don't know how not to be. There in is the problem. In 2020, I suffered a complete emotional breakdown. I was never suicidal, but something was "super wrong". I couldn't articulate it, but something was, in fact, "super wrong". Things kept getting worse and worse, day after day.

Well, I figured out what it was more recently. It was a severe Autistic Burnout brought on by probably a decade of pushing forward non-stop.

I had no idea what this felt like, because I've been on turbo for so long I didn't even recognize I burned out (probably) over 5 years ago, yet I just kept on going anyway. People even asked me "How do you deal with burnout?" and my answer was a hilariously now-myopic "I just don't burn out I guess? I don't know how to stop." The first part was apparently a lie, the second was the truth.

I won't pretend I can handwave away the last two years, I won't even bother trying. But now I better understand how I went from a powerhouse, doing the work of 5 developers across probably a dozen skillsets, to so mentally exhausted and broken I couldn't even open my compiler or Photoshop without feeling tired.

That is ending. I feel much better, I am alive, me and getting back on track. I recognize what happened, and now I am working to a much better work/life balance, that doesn't involve me doing the work of 5 developers.

Course the next and most obvious question is a resounding "What the frick now then?!" Well, gamedev stuff obviously! I have been working on a plan over the past few months for my company, and what direction I'd like to take everything. As with all good plans, it absolutely won't go to said plan, but this is what's on the board:

- Reignite work on Rise to Ruins Update 2, adding achievements, a new goals/reward system, and a new essence generation/praying system.
- Release the entire Rise to Ruins source code in the semi-near future, so anyone and everyone can learn, edit, or do whatever they want with RtR's base code and share it openly with others. (Note: This is NOT mod support in the traditional sense, programmers in the known probably get what I mean by this.)
- A complete redesign of the Rise to Ruins website. Effectively turning it into a basic splash page, and removing the forum. (Will probably update the Steam store page too*)
- Launch of the Project Mary website, my next major project that will likely take 3-5 years to complete.
- Working on smaller projects, that will be done between RtR and Project Mary, these are smaller games. Things you'd normally expect to pay like $2-$5 on Steam. These won't be seen anytime soon though.
- Building a new Java-based 2D Engine that is faster than literally anything else gaming related that exists in Java right now. (and yes, I already have a working prototype that is multithreaded, faster than every single Java engine that exists, and uses 'modern' OGL.) This is the engine Project Mary and my smaller projects will be based on.

I will not ask for your support, but I will ask for your patience as I work through restarting work, and seeking a healthy life/work balance that will avoid all this crap from happening again in my life.

Have fun gaming! I look forward to your feedback on the eventual release of Rise to Ruins Update 2. :)
14. mars 2021
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Greetings fellow gamers!

Many of you have probably noted an obvious slowdown in development since Update 1c was released last year. First and foremost, I would like to absolutely reassure you that development is, in fact, continuing and Update 2 is currently in work, with Update 3 and 4 already planned out.

But why did this happen? Well, that's a story I thought I would never find myself in a position to tell, but here we are. So strap in! There's a lot of back context needed.

In 2013 I decided to learn to program as it was the only remaining skill left I did not have to make a video game. I had no experience what so ever outside of doing mods/scripting for various games over the years. I spent 8-9 months of my life doing nothing but working at Lockheed Martin as an Avionics Technician 8-10 hours a day, and another 8-10 at home learning how to program in my language of choice, Java. After roughly a year it was time to go pro, and I started development on Retro-Pixel Castles, or eventually to be renamed, Rise to Ruins. I saved up (or have been saving up, more accurately) around $90k working at Lockheed, because I lived out of a suitcase moving from one military base to the next every 4-6 months for 5 straight years. So, I did the totally rational thing you do when you want to completely change career paths into a job with an extremely high rate of failure that you have literally zero professional experience what so ever in doing, I quit my current job at Lockheed Martin.

Yes, you read that right. My first ever attempt to "go pro" happened within a year of learning to program and I quit my very secure job to do it. Despite all odds, I was successful in the attempt. I also got an Associates Degree in Psychology at a local community college and bought a house in cash (87k, near-condemned foreclosure) while doing all this because it was necessary. Thanks to my former military service I could go to college for free. In fact, they paid me roughly $1,200/mo to go on top of paying for books/tuition, it's how I fed myself in the early days of this. I also needed a place to live during this ridiculous adventure too, and reducing costs was key to my strategy working, so what better cost reduction than removing rent/mortgages all together? Long as I was in college for free and getting paid $1,200/mo to educate myself for the next 4 years, I could survive.

Development on Rise to Ruins itself was blistering fast as a result, because this whole plan would implode within 4 years when my education benefits ran out. It's easily a whole story in of itself, but I'll gloss over that for brevity's sake because that's not the point of this already really long announcement. Basically I dedicated years to work, spending a good 10-14 hours a day usually 7 days a week at the height of it just chugging out patches during Early Access. Fast forward to Rise to Ruins officially releasing in October of 2019, right before the pandemic started. My plan was (and still is) to continue to support the game post release. Rise to Ruins has done me very well financially, supporting my and my wife's lives without either of us having to get outside jobs.

But there's a problem. While Rise to Ruins does in fact currently support my livelihood and the entire 4 year plan became irrelevant by year 2 because Rise to Ruins' income started to support me and my wife by itself, it still isn't enough to finance the next game. The next game, code named "Project Mary", is another project that will likely take me multiple years to complete with a very long Early Access cycle. I cannot guarantee I can duplicate Rise to Ruins' Early Access success again, and Rise to Ruins' sales revenue will eventually dwindle. It must, it's just the nature of how it works in this business.

So, how do I get around this problem? Money. Lots of money. Well, Rise to Ruins makes decent money, but still not enough, I can't assure it will be there forever and I am against taking money from publishers and what not.

Coronavirus has entered chat.

In 2020 one of the worst pandemics in human history began and to my disadvantage, only a few months after Rise to Ruins released. I was faced with an awkward problem as I was locked in my home. I needed to find proper funding for my second game and I absolutely abhor taking money from publishers. I'm a solo developer and it's going to stay that way. The pandemic amplified this problem because it limited what I could do to solve my funding issue.

I knew Rise to Ruins profits couldn't sustain development for the multiple years needed to complete Project Mary, and a Kickstarter also wouldn't be right as an already successful company running a Kickstarter for funding is bad optics in my opinion. Even with full continued patch support, Rise to Ruins will eventually drop under the bar its sales support me, that's just how it works unless you have a mega-ultra-hit like Stardew Valley, Rimworld, etc that generates so much cash on the front end it doesn't matter. Rise to Ruins still had done me well, at the time of making this decision I had no debts of any kind, house and car paid off in full, and over $200,000 in my savings account. That sounds great, but it still wasn't enough to accomplish my goals and as I said previously, I felt a Kickstarter would be in bad tastes (and potentially not raise enough money anyway). I had to figure out how to generate even more cash during a pandemic without relying on Rise to Ruins, so I could work on the game without any future cash flow fears.

Repeating my normal methodology of throwing my whole-everything into a problem, I dedicated a ridiculous amount of time in one of the places I thought I'd never find myself; The soulless depths of the stock market. I studied, studied, and studied more. My whole life existed for one reason and one reason alone; Learn the market and use it to secure funding for Project Mary.

So uh, yeah, again in my life, against all odds, I did it.

As of writing this, I have turned $200k into $2.5 million dollars. That was actually higher before the recent tech crash in February and early March, where I broke a staggering $3 million. I am now pulling back from active investing, and transitioning to a semi-active-passive thing, so I can refocus on what's important; Rise to Ruins continued development, and starting development full time on Project Mary. I should hopefully have a minimum sustained additional income of $10k/month (that's not a typo) throughout all of Project Mary's development without actually touching the $2.5 million. That's not assured, but it seems likely.

This process impacted everything in my life, including my own mental health, that I'm still recovering from as I write this. Trust me folks, money doesn't buy happiness and while I have a lot of it now, the past 8 months have been absolutely exhausting and downright destructive to my mental health. I will simply need time to recover.

I hope you guys can forgive the lack of patches over the last year as I went through this adventure, and have gained some understanding as to why I did it at all in the first place. But, one thing is now certain for Rise to Ruins', Project Mary's and most importantly SixtyGig Games' future as a whole:

Funding Secured.

(EDIT/Update: No you ridiculously awesome goofballs, I didn't yolo into $GME. :P)

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