Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
The Quality of Life update has been released. This is another huge content patch, and an exceptionally large portion of it is player requested content! The highlights in this patch are the new upgradable housing, farms, storage and the new marketplace system. But there's a ton of other awesome new content, like $1.99 loot boxes. (Kidding, please don't kill me!)

Be sure to give the change logs a good once-over, and let me know what you think about the new patch down in the comments. I'm really excited to get this patch out to you guys, and I'd love to hear your feedback on all the changes.

Also just as a friendly reminder and not a shameless plug what so ever, by popular demand, I have launched a Patreon last week. If you're interested, head over and check it out. :)

YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE YOUR SHORTCUTS TO LAUNCH THE GAME. Some old launcher legacy code has been removed in this update. :)

InDev 29 Change Log

The Marketplace, Gold and Catjeet
  • A new mob has been added; The Catjeet. They are similar to villagers in stats, but they have more dexterity, less strength, fur and a tail.
  • The marketplace has been added to the game. When built, you will attract Catjeet provisioners and laborers, whom you can buy and sell resources with or hire, and become a permanent part of your village.
  • Buy and sell values of items are based on supply and demand, and adjust as your or the Catjeet's stock go up and down.
  • You can hire Catjeet laborers who visit the new marketplace, becoming permanent members of your village.
  • New job added; The Provisioner. The new provisioners will interact with the Catjeet, processing all buy and sell requests, as well as keeping gold stocked in the marketplaces.
  • Catjeet's resource inventory is global. Meaning if you sell 1,000 wood in one village, you can buy the same 1,000 wood in another later. Exception is in Skirmish mode, where each save gets its own inventory.
  • Catjeet generate new stock at dawn, the more Catjeet at your marketplace, the more stock will be generated.
  • The more marketplaces you have and the more upgraded they are will encourage more Catjeet to visit. Catjeet are also more likely to visit the lower the total Catjeet you have.
  • A new trade panel has been added to the left hand GUI that can be used to interact with the new marketplace and Catjeet.
  • Gold ore can now be harvested from rock, and smelted into gold ingots that can then be processed into gold coin sacks at the forge to buy items from the new Catjeet provisioners.

Upgradable Storage and The Storage Management System
  • All old storage buildings have been removed from the game, and replaced with a new storage building that can be upgraded 4 times.
  • A new gold storage building has been added to the game, to store gold ingots and coins.
  • You can now pause or disable storage of resources in buildings by clicking on their icons in the bottom GUI. Setting a resource to pause will prevent any more from being added, setting it to disabled will cause the workers to remove any resources that are already inside.

Upgradable Housing
  • All old housing has been removed from the game, and replaced with a single "Housing" building that can be upgraded in 3 paths, 4 times per path.
  • The upgrade paths are "Occupancy", "Standard" and "Quality". "Occupancy" will only increase the buildings maximum housing size, where "Quality" will provide significantly less housing, but will give a significant boost energy, happiness and health regeneration rates for its occupants. "Standard" as you might have guessed, is a balance between the two.

Upgradable Farms
  • The "Small Farm" has been removed from the game.
  • The farm is now upgradable twice, starting with 6 crop tiles, then 9, and finally 13.
  • Crop tiles now grow twice as fast to off-set there being less actual crops in the base farm before upgrades. Meaning the new base farm with 6 crop tiles grows nearly the same rate as the old large farm with 13, and a fully upgraded farm now grows roughly twice as fast as the old farm even though it has the same amount of actual crops.

Loot Boxes
  • Loot boxes are randomly hidden all over the map, it's up to you to find them!
  • Loot boxes can be opened with a key, for only $2.99 USD. You can buy them on the main menu. Buy in bulk and save! for only $100 USD you can get 100 keys!
  • Just kidding.
  • The keys to open the loot boxes can be found randomly in the game world when harvesting wood, water or wild food. They can also be purchased from Catjeet, and very rarely found in place of a loot box spawn. When a key is found, you can drop it on the box to open it.
  • Loot boxes can get annoyed with the player and teleport away if you click on them a bunch of times.

Social System
  • Villagers (and Doggos!) now have social stats, and will no longer just chat randomly. They will chat when their social levels are low or they have nothing better to do, reducing the amount of random downtime chatting.
  • When their social stats are too low, they will be much less likely to work and their happiness will plummet.
  • Finding a mate and coitus chances are now based on their overall social level. The higher their social, the better chance they'll accept a mate or coitus with one.
  • Tons of new chatting icons have been added to the game.
  • Chat AI has been partially rewritten to do a better job of finding chat partners.
  • Villagers can now gain social if they're in a home with other villagers at the same time.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Removed some legacy launcher code. YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE ANY MANUALLY MADE SHORTCUTS
  • Redesigned the sprite loader system to support more mob sprites without going over the 4k texture limit.
  • Fixed wood golem combobulators spawn caps during upgrades.
  • Fixed a bunch of very minor errors in some of the mob sprites.
  • Fixed some minor in-game mob coloring errors, mostly with ghosts.
  • Removed a duplicate name from the names list.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for particles.
  • Lighting now properly updates faster when speed is increased.
  • Holy golems no longer emit particles while the game is paused.
  • Optimized and rewrote the range and perimeter system.
  • Possible fix implemented for a very rare crash if a mob is shooting something with a bow they can not reach, and the bow is taken from them misfiring.
  • Fixed a rare issue where sometimes you couldn't grab or interact with a mob who was standing over a dead body.
  • Fixed a crash in the guard patrol behavior that would sometimes return way points the guard can not reach, causing lag or crashes.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for the mob job module.
  • Heavily optimized font rendering code.
  • Optimized the light rendering code slightly during all times of the day, and greatly during midday.
  • Optimized several of the mob searching algorithms, speeding up many parts of the AI.
  • Optimized the AI interrupt system, improving all AI slightly.
  • Fixed the motivation bolt from firing the incorrect missile type, sometimes causing crashes on load.
  • Optimized many parts of the GUI.
  • Optimized the way point generation system.
  • Lightning now properly hits the center of tiles, rather than the corners.
  • Ancient cullis gates and ancient radiance pools no longer count against the building cap.
  • Villagers and doggos will no longer try to chat with monsters.
  • Optimized the map AI module that controls map regrowth and spread mechanics.
  • Optimized the aggro checks slightly.
  • Golems no longer use crystal motivators as waypoints.
  • Fixed a few minor bugs in how waypoints were generated, that may have caused some crashing issues.
  • Fixed abandoned rain catcher shadow generation.
  • Optimized the resource pre-sorting algos.
  • Fixed extremely rare "invisible villager" bug, caused when you knock a villager out while they are in their home.

Interface Changes
  • You can now selectively grab things from buildings using the grab spell, similar to how the take from limbo spell works.
  • The rotation speed for the take from limbo spell type rotation is now double.
  • "No Production" now says "No Production Set", to help clarify the player needs to do something.
  • Redesigned the mob GUI a bit, changing most data types to fill bars instead of numbers, but you can still view the numbers by scrolling over them.
  • You can now mouse over a building and mob at the same time and see both overlay GUIs.
  • Lowered the default music volume, and raised the default sound volume.
  • Tip panel no longer renders behind the other panels.
  • Patreon link added to main menu.
  • Map zoom in and out keys have been moved to the [] key.\
  • You can now speed up and slow down the game speed with the minus and equals key (next to backspace for most people)
  • Moved the resource values of buildings off the title bar, and is now only displayed on the left hand of the dismantle notification message.
  • Changed the loading screen a bit.
  • Cleaned up and tweaked a ton of small areas of GUI code.
  • Changed the sleep icon a bit.
  • Tooltips now render at the bottom right of the mouse.

Pathfinding Arrows
  • Redesigned the path finding arrows that display when a mob is selected. They now show actual arrows, and are colored based on their job color.
  • When a building highlighted or selected, all the mobs assigned to it are selected, light up and show their current paths. This includes buildings under construction, spawn points, homes, work buildings and many others.
  • When highlighting or selecting a mob, they now light up.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Completely overhauled how water storage works, water no longer has a set storage value in buildings, everything is based on buckets, and buckets are created/destroyed as needed for space.
  • Removed light blocking code from all buildings.
  • Resource Limbo has been completely removed from the game, use the marketplaces!
  • Reversed changes to particle sizes, now all particles are the same size again.
  • Wild Doggos can now use gates.
  • Decreased firing rate of static tower, and increased energy cost.
  • The animation system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • The sprite sheet loading system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • Movement speed is now calculated into animation speed, so mob animations play faster or slower based on terrain.
  • Trimmed the mob overlay down a bit.
  • Slightly buffed crystal golems strength, boosting their damage and hitpoints.
  • Added map Perilous Waters to the developer's choice maps, made by Mckloshiv.
  • Combobulators will now stop producing golems when paused.
  • Tweaked confusion behavior a bit, and they now look in the direction that has caused their confusion.
  • Villagers can now get pregnant and coitus as soon as they are "generated", increasing early game reproduction rates.
  • Wild doggos are more likely to hang out in high-desirability areas, and their AI has been tweaked to prevent them from wandering off as often.
  • The maximum production settings are now 500, before switching over to infinite.
  • Villagers are now less willing to work if they're hungry, thirsty, unhappy or have low social.
  • All vegetation but crystals (Yes, the code thinks crystals are vegetation) now only spread if motivated, stopping trees from "taking over" the map extreme-late game.
  • Updated all world maps with the new upgradable housing, farming and storage.
  • The forge now uses even storage mechanics to prevent it from being clogged.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
The Quality of Life update has been released. This is another huge content patch, and an exceptionally large portion of it is player requested content! The highlights in this patch are the new upgradable housing, farms, storage and the new marketplace system. But there's a ton of other awesome new content, like $1.99 loot boxes. (Kidding, please don't kill me!)

Be sure to give the change logs a good once-over, and let me know what you think about the new patch down in the comments. I'm really excited to get this patch out to you guys, and I'd love to hear your feedback on all the changes.

Also just as a friendly reminder and not a shameless plug what so ever, by popular demand, I have launched a Patreon last week. If you're interested, head over and check it out. :)

YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE YOUR SHORTCUTS TO LAUNCH THE GAME. Some old launcher legacy code has been removed in this update. :)

InDev 29 Change Log

The Marketplace, Gold and Catjeet
  • A new mob has been added; The Catjeet. They are similar to villagers in stats, but they have more dexterity, less strength, fur and a tail.
  • The marketplace has been added to the game. When built, you will attract Catjeet provisioners and laborers, whom you can buy and sell resources with or hire, and become a permanent part of your village.
  • Buy and sell values of items are based on supply and demand, and adjust as your or the Catjeet's stock go up and down.
  • You can hire Catjeet laborers who visit the new marketplace, becoming permanent members of your village.
  • New job added; The Provisioner. The new provisioners will interact with the Catjeet, processing all buy and sell requests, as well as keeping gold stocked in the marketplaces.
  • Catjeet's resource inventory is global. Meaning if you sell 1,000 wood in one village, you can buy the same 1,000 wood in another later. Exception is in Skirmish mode, where each save gets its own inventory.
  • Catjeet generate new stock at dawn, the more Catjeet at your marketplace, the more stock will be generated.
  • The more marketplaces you have and the more upgraded they are will encourage more Catjeet to visit. Catjeet are also more likely to visit the lower the total Catjeet you have.
  • A new trade panel has been added to the left hand GUI that can be used to interact with the new marketplace and Catjeet.
  • Gold ore can now be harvested from rock, and smelted into gold ingots that can then be processed into gold coin sacks at the forge to buy items from the new Catjeet provisioners.

Upgradable Storage and The Storage Management System
  • All old storage buildings have been removed from the game, and replaced with a new storage building that can be upgraded 4 times.
  • A new gold storage building has been added to the game, to store gold ingots and coins.
  • You can now pause or disable storage of resources in buildings by clicking on their icons in the bottom GUI. Setting a resource to pause will prevent any more from being added, setting it to disabled will cause the workers to remove any resources that are already inside.

Upgradable Housing
  • All old housing has been removed from the game, and replaced with a single "Housing" building that can be upgraded in 3 paths, 4 times per path.
  • The upgrade paths are "Occupancy", "Standard" and "Quality". "Occupancy" will only increase the buildings maximum housing size, where "Quality" will provide significantly less housing, but will give a significant boost energy, happiness and health regeneration rates for its occupants. "Standard" as you might have guessed, is a balance between the two.

Upgradable Farms
  • The "Small Farm" has been removed from the game.
  • The farm is now upgradable twice, starting with 6 crop tiles, then 9, and finally 13.
  • Crop tiles now grow twice as fast to off-set there being less actual crops in the base farm before upgrades. Meaning the new base farm with 6 crop tiles grows nearly the same rate as the old large farm with 13, and a fully upgraded farm now grows roughly twice as fast as the old farm even though it has the same amount of actual crops.

Loot Boxes
  • Loot boxes are randomly hidden all over the map, it's up to you to find them!
  • Loot boxes can be opened with a key, for only $2.99 USD. You can buy them on the main menu. Buy in bulk and save! for only $100 USD you can get 100 keys!
  • Just kidding.
  • The keys to open the loot boxes can be found randomly in the game world when harvesting wood, water or wild food. They can also be purchased from Catjeet, and very rarely found in place of a loot box spawn. When a key is found, you can drop it on the box to open it.
  • Loot boxes can get annoyed with the player and teleport away if you click on them a bunch of times.

Social System
  • Villagers (and Doggos!) now have social stats, and will no longer just chat randomly. They will chat when their social levels are low or they have nothing better to do, reducing the amount of random downtime chatting.
  • When their social stats are too low, they will be much less likely to work and their happiness will plummet.
  • Finding a mate and coitus chances are now based on their overall social level. The higher their social, the better chance they'll accept a mate or coitus with one.
  • Tons of new chatting icons have been added to the game.
  • Chat AI has been partially rewritten to do a better job of finding chat partners.
  • Villagers can now gain social if they're in a home with other villagers at the same time.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Removed some legacy launcher code. YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE ANY MANUALLY MADE SHORTCUTS
  • Redesigned the sprite loader system to support more mob sprites without going over the 4k texture limit.
  • Fixed wood golem combobulators spawn caps during upgrades.
  • Fixed a bunch of very minor errors in some of the mob sprites.
  • Fixed some minor in-game mob coloring errors, mostly with ghosts.
  • Removed a duplicate name from the names list.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for particles.
  • Lighting now properly updates faster when speed is increased.
  • Holy golems no longer emit particles while the game is paused.
  • Optimized and rewrote the range and perimeter system.
  • Possible fix implemented for a very rare crash if a mob is shooting something with a bow they can not reach, and the bow is taken from them misfiring.
  • Fixed a rare issue where sometimes you couldn't grab or interact with a mob who was standing over a dead body.
  • Fixed a crash in the guard patrol behavior that would sometimes return way points the guard can not reach, causing lag or crashes.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for the mob job module.
  • Heavily optimized font rendering code.
  • Optimized the light rendering code slightly during all times of the day, and greatly during midday.
  • Optimized several of the mob searching algorithms, speeding up many parts of the AI.
  • Optimized the AI interrupt system, improving all AI slightly.
  • Fixed the motivation bolt from firing the incorrect missile type, sometimes causing crashes on load.
  • Optimized many parts of the GUI.
  • Optimized the way point generation system.
  • Lightning now properly hits the center of tiles, rather than the corners.
  • Ancient cullis gates and ancient radiance pools no longer count against the building cap.
  • Villagers and doggos will no longer try to chat with monsters.
  • Optimized the map AI module that controls map regrowth and spread mechanics.
  • Optimized the aggro checks slightly.
  • Golems no longer use crystal motivators as waypoints.
  • Fixed a few minor bugs in how waypoints were generated, that may have caused some crashing issues.
  • Fixed abandoned rain catcher shadow generation.
  • Optimized the resource pre-sorting algos.
  • Fixed extremely rare "invisible villager" bug, caused when you knock a villager out while they are in their home.

Interface Changes
  • You can now selectively grab things from buildings using the grab spell, similar to how the take from limbo spell works.
  • The rotation speed for the take from limbo spell type rotation is now double.
  • "No Production" now says "No Production Set", to help clarify the player needs to do something.
  • Redesigned the mob GUI a bit, changing most data types to fill bars instead of numbers, but you can still view the numbers by scrolling over them.
  • You can now mouse over a building and mob at the same time and see both overlay GUIs.
  • Lowered the default music volume, and raised the default sound volume.
  • Tip panel no longer renders behind the other panels.
  • Patreon link added to main menu.
  • Map zoom in and out keys have been moved to the [] key.\
  • You can now speed up and slow down the game speed with the minus and equals key (next to backspace for most people)
  • Moved the resource values of buildings off the title bar, and is now only displayed on the left hand of the dismantle notification message.
  • Changed the loading screen a bit.
  • Cleaned up and tweaked a ton of small areas of GUI code.
  • Changed the sleep icon a bit.
  • Tooltips now render at the bottom right of the mouse.

Pathfinding Arrows
  • Redesigned the path finding arrows that display when a mob is selected. They now show actual arrows, and are colored based on their job color.
  • When a building highlighted or selected, all the mobs assigned to it are selected, light up and show their current paths. This includes buildings under construction, spawn points, homes, work buildings and many others.
  • When highlighting or selecting a mob, they now light up.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Completely overhauled how water storage works, water no longer has a set storage value in buildings, everything is based on buckets, and buckets are created/destroyed as needed for space.
  • Removed light blocking code from all buildings.
  • Resource Limbo has been completely removed from the game, use the marketplaces!
  • Reversed changes to particle sizes, now all particles are the same size again.
  • Wild Doggos can now use gates.
  • Decreased firing rate of static tower, and increased energy cost.
  • The animation system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • The sprite sheet loading system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • Movement speed is now calculated into animation speed, so mob animations play faster or slower based on terrain.
  • Trimmed the mob overlay down a bit.
  • Slightly buffed crystal golems strength, boosting their damage and hitpoints.
  • Added map Perilous Waters to the developer's choice maps, made by Mckloshiv.
  • Combobulators will now stop producing golems when paused.
  • Tweaked confusion behavior a bit, and they now look in the direction that has caused their confusion.
  • Villagers can now get pregnant and coitus as soon as they are "generated", increasing early game reproduction rates.
  • Wild doggos are more likely to hang out in high-desirability areas, and their AI has been tweaked to prevent them from wandering off as often.
  • The maximum production settings are now 500, before switching over to infinite.
  • Villagers are now less willing to work if they're hungry, thirsty, unhappy or have low social.
  • All vegetation but crystals (Yes, the code thinks crystals are vegetation) now only spread if motivated, stopping trees from "taking over" the map extreme-late game.
  • Updated all world maps with the new upgradable housing, farming and storage.
  • The forge now uses even storage mechanics to prevent it from being clogged.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Hey everyone! It's time for another screenshot round up! Every few updates I revamp the Steam store page, adding more recent screenshots. One of my favorite things to do is to take screenshots that you guys have made and put them up on the store. I feel they're a more personal, realistic representation of the game, and of course, it's just fun to get the community involved!

If you want to submit your screenshot to the event, the higher quality the better! I'm looking for screenshots that really show off all the features of the game. These screenshots can be of anything you want, any mode, anywhere.

This time around I want to do something extra though, I want to throw some testimonials up there. So if you have a review you'd like me to look at to steal quotes from, don't forget to link it down below!

The nitty gritty rules
  • Must be version InDev 29 Unstable 4 or higher!
  • 1920x1080 resolution is best, but I can accept some shots that are higher or lower.
  • Take them in full screen mode if you can (F10 to toggle in-game).
  • You can take screenshots either with the built in in-game hotkey (F2), or with Steam's overlay hotkey (F12). If you plan on uploading them to the Steam Community Hub, F12 is probably easier.
  • If you want, you can also disable the GUI by hitting F4.
  • Upload them to the Steam Community Hub, or upload them to a image sharing service of your choosing (imgur, for example). Make sure the images are as least compressed as possible! I can't use over-compressed images.
  • Please post a link to your image in the comments below so I can find them easier!
  • If you're also wanting me to use your review for testimonials, don't forget to link it as well!

The images and testimonials selected for the store will be put up on the store page, with your username on it. If you don't want your username posted, please inform me in the comments below when submitting.

You can submit as many or as few as you like, and you can have multiplies selected. The higher quality the better!

Have fun! Looking forward to your submissions. :)
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Hey everyone! It's time for another screenshot round up! Every few updates I revamp the Steam store page, adding more recent screenshots. One of my favorite things to do is to take screenshots that you guys have made and put them up on the store. I feel they're a more personal, realistic representation of the game, and of course, it's just fun to get the community involved!

If you want to submit your screenshot to the event, the higher quality the better! I'm looking for screenshots that really show off all the features of the game. These screenshots can be of anything you want, any mode, anywhere.

This time around I want to do something extra though, I want to throw some testimonials up there. So if you have a review you'd like me to look at to steal quotes from, don't forget to link it down below!

The nitty gritty rules
  • Must be version InDev 29 Unstable 4 or higher!
  • 1920x1080 resolution is best, but I can accept some shots that are higher or lower.
  • Take them in full screen mode if you can (F10 to toggle in-game).
  • You can take screenshots either with the built in in-game hotkey (F2), or with Steam's overlay hotkey (F12). If you plan on uploading them to the Steam Community Hub, F12 is probably easier.
  • If you want, you can also disable the GUI by hitting F4.
  • Upload them to the Steam Community Hub, or upload them to a image sharing service of your choosing (imgur, for example). Make sure the images are as least compressed as possible! I can't use over-compressed images.
  • Please post a link to your image in the comments below so I can find them easier!
  • If you're also wanting me to use your review for testimonials, don't forget to link it as well!

The images and testimonials selected for the store will be put up on the store page, with your username on it. If you don't want your username posted, please inform me in the comments below when submitting.

You can submit as many or as few as you like, and you can have multiplies selected. The higher quality the better!

Have fun! Looking forward to your submissions. :)
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

InDev 29 Unstable 4 has been released, this patch is (hopefully!) the final patch before release InDev 29 Stable on December 17th. Barring any serious issues, this patch should be compatible with InDev 29 Stable saves, but I can't make any definite promises. :)

This patch introduces the upgradable housing, a crap ton of optimizing and bug fixes, some balance changes, and shameless links to the newly launched Patreon.

As per usual, checkout the change log for details!

I will also be holding another "screenshot roundup" soon, and will be accepting screenshots that are 1080p or greater of your villages to use on the official store page. (1920x1080, full screen, on default/max settings preferred) So if you muster up some nice villages, don't forget to take a screenshot to submit for later! :)

YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE YOUR SHORTCUTS TO LAUNCH THE GAME. Some old launcher legacy code has been removed in this update. :)

You can report bugs over at the official website's Support and Bugs Forum, or on the Steam Discussion Board. :)

InDev 29 Unstable 4b *HOTFIX* Change Log

Big Fixes
  • New housing can now be dismantled or paused while under construction.
  • Fixed "runaway" progress bars in the object and mob panel GUIs.
  • Fixed storage priority flags so camps and ancillaries are properly lower priority than storage buildings.
  • Fixed an extremely rare bug where villagers would get stuck in their home waiting for their mate to arrive, even though both are already in the home.
  • Fixed a few rare case-specific crashes caused if a house is being upgraded and the AI tries to access it.

InDev 29 Unstable 4 Change Log

Upgradable Housing
  • All old housing has been removed from the game, and replaced with a single "Housing" building that can be upgraded in 3 paths, 4 times per path.
  • The upgrade paths are "Occupancy", "Standard" and "Quality". "Occupancy" will only increase the buildings maximum housing size, where "Quality" will provide significantly less housing, but will give a significant boost energy, happiness and health regeneration rates for its occupants. "Standard" as you might have guessed, is a balance between the two.

The Marketplace, Gold and Catjeet
  • Doubled the amount of stock Catjeet add to their inventory every day.
  • Keys now spawn in the starter stock for Catjeet
  • Catjeet starter stock is now 10 times higher.

Loot Boxes
  • Loot boxes now get annoyed with the player and teleport away if you click on them a bunch of times.
  • Natural loot box generation chances lowered by 50%.
  • Decreased suspicious key cost in the marketplace.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Villagers can now gain social if they're in a home with other villagers at the same time.
  • Miscellaneous storage can no longer store water buckets.
  • Changed the sort priority on ancillaries and camps from very low to low, the same as storage buildings.
  • All vegetation but crystals (Yes, the code thinks crystals are vegetation) now only spread if motivated, stopping trees from "taking over" the map extreme-late game.
  • Updated all world maps with the new upgradable housing, farming and storage.

Interface Changes
  • Patreon link added to main menu.
  • Map zoom in and out keys have been moved to the [] key.\
  • You can now speed up and slow down the game speed with the minus and equals key (next to backspace for most people)
  • When your available stock is 0, but you have villagers with that item equipped, the marketplace now properly displays "Empty".
  • Moved the resource values of buildings off the title bar, and is now only displayed on the left hand of the dismantle notification message.
  • Hit points, energy and spawn timers on the building GUI have all been changed to progress bars.
  • Changed the loading screen a bit.
  • Cleaned up and tweaked a ton of small areas of GUI code.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Chests, ancient cullis gates and ancient radiance pools no longer count against the building cap.
  • Fixed an endless loop in the provisioner AI when they have found resources to work with, but can't reach them all.
  • Villagers and doggos will no longer try to chat with monsters.
  • Villagers will now obey distance checks when chatting.
  • Tip panel no longer renders behind the other panels.
  • Gold ingots priority in the forge is now properly set to very high, so organizers will stop removing gold ingots before smelters can turn them into coins.
  • Monsters will no longer attack loot boxes when they're blocking a path.
  • Optimized the map AI module that controls map regrowth and spread mechanics.
  • Optimized the aggro checks slightly.
  • Optimized the waypoint generation system.
  • Golems no longer use crystal motivators as waypoints.
  • Fixed a few minor bugs in how waypoints were generated, that may have caused some crashing issues.
  • Fixed map writer rendering mobs incorrectly.
  • Fixed abandoned rain catcher shadow generation.
  • Marketplace can now be used even if its being upgraded or under construction.

InDev 29 Unstable 3b *HOTFIX* Change Log

Big Fixes
  • Fixed a lag issue when too many floater icons were generated at once.
  • Fixed a bug with provisioners sometimes not hiring Catjeet laborers even though a hire order was placed and the marketplace had enough gold.
  • Fixed a crash when dropping resources in the cullis gate.

InDev 29 Unstable 3 Change Log

Loot Boxes
  • Loot boxes are randomly hidden all over the map, it's up to you to find them!
  • Loot boxes can be opened with a key, for only $2.99 USD. You can buy them on the main menu. Buy in bulk and save! for only $100 USD you can get 100 keys!
  • Just kidding.
  • The keys to open the loot boxes can be found randomly in the game world when harvesting wood, water or wild food. They can also be purchased from Catjeet, and very rarely found in place of a loot box spawn. When a key is found, you can drop it on the box to open it.

Social System
  • Villagers (and Doggos!) now have social stats, and will no longer just chat randomly. They will chat when their social levels are low or they have nothing better to do, reducing the amount of random downtime chatting.
  • When their social stats are too low, they will be much less likely to work and their happiness will plummet.
  • Finding a mate and coitus chances are now based on their overall social level. The higher their social, the better chance they'll accept a mate or coitus with one.
  • Tons of new chatting icons have been added to the game.
  • Chat AI has been partially rewritten to do a better job of finding chat partners.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Can now poke dead mobs again.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for the mob job module.
  • Heavily optimized font rendering code.
  • Optimized the light rendering code slightly during all times of the day, and greatly during midday.
  • Optimized several of the mob searching algorithms, speeding up many parts of the AI.
  • Optimized the AI interrupt system, improving all AI slightly.
  • Fixed the motivation bolt from firing the incorrect missile type, sometimes causing crashes on load.
  • Optimized many parts of the GUI.
  • You can now buy and sell with catjeet even if the marketplace is being upgraded.
  • Optimized the way point generation system.
  • Lightning now properly hits the center of tiles, rather than the corners.
  • Mobs now obey terrain depth when highlighted.
  • Fixed a redistribution AI on load crash.

Interface Changes
  • You can now selectively grab things from buildings using the grab spell, similar to how the take from limbo spell works.
  • The rotation speed for the take from limbo spell type rotation is now double.
  • Spawners now show the paths of the mob types they spawn.
  • Construction projects now show the paths of the mob that are working on the building.
  • "No Production" now says "No Production Set", to help clarify the player needs to do something.
  • Redesigned the mob GUI a bit, changing most data types to fill bars instead of numbers, but you can still view the numbers by scrolling over them.
  • You can now mouse over a building and mob at the same time and see both overlay GUIs.
  • Lowered the default music volume, and raised the default sound volume.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Added harvesting and tending speed boosts to upgraded farms.
  • You can now buy and sell water bottles.
  • Halved the catjeet laborer's price.
  • Combobulators will now stop producing golems when paused.
  • Tweaked confusion behavior a bit, and they now look in the direction that has caused their confusion.
  • Villagers can now get pregnant and coitus as soon as they are "generated", increasing early game reproduction rates.
  • Wild doggos are more likely to hang out in high-desirability areas, and their AI has been tweaked to prevent them from wandering off as often.
  • The maximum production settings are now 500, before switching over to infinite.
  • Villagers are now less willing to work if they're hungry, thirsty, unhappy or have low social.

InDev 29 Unstable 2 Change Log

Upgradable Farms
  • The "Small Farm" has been removed from the game.
  • The farm is now upgradable twice, starting with 6 crop tiles, then 9, and finally 13.
  • Crop tiles now grow twice as fast to off-set there being less actual crops in the base farm before upgrades. Meaning the new base farm with 6 crop tiles grows nearly the same rate as the old large farm with 13, and a fully upgraded farm now grows roughly twice as fast as the old farm even though it has the same amount of actual crops.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Fixed a crash on load bug in the redistributing AI code.
  • Fixed a crash in the guard patrol behavior that would sometimes return way points the guard can not reach, causing lag or crashes.
  • Fixed a rare issue where sometimes you couldn't grab or interact with a mob who was standing over a dead body.
  • Re-added bow to the bow firing animation.
  • Possible fix implemented for a very rare crash if a mob is shooting something with a bow they can not reach, and the bow is taken from them misfiring.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Redesigned the path finding arrows that display when a mob is selected. They now show actual arrows, and are colored based on their job color.
  • When highlighting or selecting a mob, they now light up.
  • When a work building or home is highlighted or selected, all the mobs assigned to it are selected, light up and show their current paths.
  • Optimized and rewrote the range and perimeter system.
  • Decreased firing rate of static tower, and increased energy cost.
  • The animation system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • The sprite sheet loading system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • Movement speed is now calculated into animation speed, so mob animations play faster or slower based on terrain.
  • Trimmed the mob overlay down a bit.
  • When a building is under construction, it'll no longer obey the storage paused and disable settings.
  • Water Masters and Organizers will now only take water from water sources if the buckets are full.
  • Slightly buffed crystal golems stength, boosting their damage and hitpoints.
  • Added map Perilous Waters to the developer's choice maps, made by Mckloshiv.

InDev 29 Unstable 1b, 1c and 1d *HOTFIX* Change Log

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Fixed typo in Catjeet provisioner's job title.
  • Fixed rare redistribution AI crash caused by bad save data.
  • Lighting now properly updates faster when speed is increased.
  • Holy golems no longer emit particles while the game is paused.
  • Catjeet provisioners and laborers can now use gates properly. (Note, Catjeet spawned in previous saves may still not use the gates.)

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Catjeet are more willing to leave the village when they're hot or cold.
  • Miners can now store and clearout gold ore.
  • Wild Doggos can now use gates.

InDev 29 Unstable 1 Change Log

The Marketplace, Gold and Catjeet
  • A new mob has been added; The Catjeet. They are similar to villagers in stats, but they have more dexterity, less strength, fur and a tail.
  • The marketplace has been added to the game. When built, you will attract Catjeet provisioners and laborers, whom you can buy and sell resources with or hire, and become a permanent part of your village.
  • Buy and sell values of items are based on supply and demand, and adjust as your or the Catjeet's stock go up and down.
  • You can hire Catjeet laborers who visit the new marketplace, becoming permanent members of your village.
  • New job added; The Provisioner. The new provisioners will interact with the Catjeet, processing all buy and sell requests, as well as keeping gold stocked in the marketplaces.
  • Catjeet's resource inventory is global. Meaning if you sell 1,000 wood in one village, you can buy the same 1,000 wood in another later. Exception is in Skirmish mode, where each save gets its own inventory.
  • Catjeet generate new stock at dawn, the more Catjeet at your marketplace, the more stock will be generated.
  • The more marketplaces you have and the more upgraded they are will encourage more Catjeet to visit. Catjeet are also more likely to visit the lower the total Catjeet you have.
  • A new trade panel has been added to the left hand GUI that can be used to interact with the new marketplace and Catjeet.
  • Gold ore can now be harvested from rock, and smelted into gold ingots that can then be processed into gold coin sacks at the forge to buy items from the new Catjeet provisioners.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Redesigned the sprite loader system to support more mob sprites without going over the 4k texture limit.
  • Fixed wood golem combobulators spawn caps during upgrades.
  • Fixed a bunch of very minor errors in some of the mob sprites.
  • Fixed some minor in-game mob coloring errors, mostly with ghosts.
  • Removed a duplicate name from the names list.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for particles.
  • Removed some legacy launcher code. YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE ANY MANUALLY MADE SHORTCUTS

Storage Management System
  • All old storage buildings have been removed from the game, and replaced with a new storage building that can be upgraded 4 times.
  • A new gold storage building has been added to the game, to store gold ingots and coins.
  • You can now pause or disable storage of resources in buildings by clicking on their icons in the bottom GUI. Setting a resource to pause will prevent any more from being added, setting it to disabled will cause the workers to remove any resources that are already inside.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Completely overhauled how water storage works, water no longer has a set storage value in buildings, everything is based on buckets, and buckets are created/destroyed as needed for space.
  • Removed light blocking code from all buildings.
  • Resource Limbo has been completely removed from the game, use the marketplaces!
  • Tooltips now render at the bottom right of the mouse.
  • Reversed changes to particle sizes, now all particles are the same size again.

Known Issues that will be resolved before the stable build
  • The farm tip uses the old farm in the tip video.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

InDev 29 Unstable 4 has been released, this patch is (hopefully!) the final patch before release InDev 29 Stable on December 17th. Barring any serious issues, this patch should be compatible with InDev 29 Stable saves, but I can't make any definite promises. :)

This patch introduces the upgradable housing, a crap ton of optimizing and bug fixes, some balance changes, and shameless links to the newly launched Patreon.

As per usual, checkout the change log for details!

I will also be holding another "screenshot roundup" soon, and will be accepting screenshots that are 1080p or greater of your villages to use on the official store page. (1920x1080, full screen, on default/max settings preferred) So if you muster up some nice villages, don't forget to take a screenshot to submit for later! :)

YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE YOUR SHORTCUTS TO LAUNCH THE GAME. Some old launcher legacy code has been removed in this update. :)

You can report bugs over at the official website's Support and Bugs Forum, or on the Steam Discussion Board. :)

InDev 29 Unstable 4b *HOTFIX* Change Log

Big Fixes
  • New housing can now be dismantled or paused while under construction.
  • Fixed "runaway" progress bars in the object and mob panel GUIs.
  • Fixed storage priority flags so camps and ancillaries are properly lower priority than storage buildings.
  • Fixed an extremely rare bug where villagers would get stuck in their home waiting for their mate to arrive, even though both are already in the home.
  • Fixed a few rare case-specific crashes caused if a house is being upgraded and the AI tries to access it.

InDev 29 Unstable 4 Change Log

Upgradable Housing
  • All old housing has been removed from the game, and replaced with a single "Housing" building that can be upgraded in 3 paths, 4 times per path.
  • The upgrade paths are "Occupancy", "Standard" and "Quality". "Occupancy" will only increase the buildings maximum housing size, where "Quality" will provide significantly less housing, but will give a significant boost energy, happiness and health regeneration rates for its occupants. "Standard" as you might have guessed, is a balance between the two.

The Marketplace, Gold and Catjeet
  • Doubled the amount of stock Catjeet add to their inventory every day.
  • Keys now spawn in the starter stock for Catjeet
  • Catjeet starter stock is now 10 times higher.

Loot Boxes
  • Loot boxes now get annoyed with the player and teleport away if you click on them a bunch of times.
  • Natural loot box generation chances lowered by 50%.
  • Decreased suspicious key cost in the marketplace.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Villagers can now gain social if they're in a home with other villagers at the same time.
  • Miscellaneous storage can no longer store water buckets.
  • Changed the sort priority on ancillaries and camps from very low to low, the same as storage buildings.
  • All vegetation but crystals (Yes, the code thinks crystals are vegetation) now only spread if motivated, stopping trees from "taking over" the map extreme-late game.
  • Updated all world maps with the new upgradable housing, farming and storage.

Interface Changes
  • Patreon link added to main menu.
  • Map zoom in and out keys have been moved to the [] key.\
  • You can now speed up and slow down the game speed with the minus and equals key (next to backspace for most people)
  • When your available stock is 0, but you have villagers with that item equipped, the marketplace now properly displays "Empty".
  • Moved the resource values of buildings off the title bar, and is now only displayed on the left hand of the dismantle notification message.
  • Hit points, energy and spawn timers on the building GUI have all been changed to progress bars.
  • Changed the loading screen a bit.
  • Cleaned up and tweaked a ton of small areas of GUI code.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Chests, ancient cullis gates and ancient radiance pools no longer count against the building cap.
  • Fixed an endless loop in the provisioner AI when they have found resources to work with, but can't reach them all.
  • Villagers and doggos will no longer try to chat with monsters.
  • Villagers will now obey distance checks when chatting.
  • Tip panel no longer renders behind the other panels.
  • Gold ingots priority in the forge is now properly set to very high, so organizers will stop removing gold ingots before smelters can turn them into coins.
  • Monsters will no longer attack loot boxes when they're blocking a path.
  • Optimized the map AI module that controls map regrowth and spread mechanics.
  • Optimized the aggro checks slightly.
  • Optimized the waypoint generation system.
  • Golems no longer use crystal motivators as waypoints.
  • Fixed a few minor bugs in how waypoints were generated, that may have caused some crashing issues.
  • Fixed map writer rendering mobs incorrectly.
  • Fixed abandoned rain catcher shadow generation.
  • Marketplace can now be used even if its being upgraded or under construction.

InDev 29 Unstable 3b *HOTFIX* Change Log

Big Fixes
  • Fixed a lag issue when too many floater icons were generated at once.
  • Fixed a bug with provisioners sometimes not hiring Catjeet laborers even though a hire order was placed and the marketplace had enough gold.
  • Fixed a crash when dropping resources in the cullis gate.

InDev 29 Unstable 3 Change Log

Loot Boxes
  • Loot boxes are randomly hidden all over the map, it's up to you to find them!
  • Loot boxes can be opened with a key, for only $2.99 USD. You can buy them on the main menu. Buy in bulk and save! for only $100 USD you can get 100 keys!
  • Just kidding.
  • The keys to open the loot boxes can be found randomly in the game world when harvesting wood, water or wild food. They can also be purchased from Catjeet, and very rarely found in place of a loot box spawn. When a key is found, you can drop it on the box to open it.

Social System
  • Villagers (and Doggos!) now have social stats, and will no longer just chat randomly. They will chat when their social levels are low or they have nothing better to do, reducing the amount of random downtime chatting.
  • When their social stats are too low, they will be much less likely to work and their happiness will plummet.
  • Finding a mate and coitus chances are now based on their overall social level. The higher their social, the better chance they'll accept a mate or coitus with one.
  • Tons of new chatting icons have been added to the game.
  • Chat AI has been partially rewritten to do a better job of finding chat partners.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Can now poke dead mobs again.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for the mob job module.
  • Heavily optimized font rendering code.
  • Optimized the light rendering code slightly during all times of the day, and greatly during midday.
  • Optimized several of the mob searching algorithms, speeding up many parts of the AI.
  • Optimized the AI interrupt system, improving all AI slightly.
  • Fixed the motivation bolt from firing the incorrect missile type, sometimes causing crashes on load.
  • Optimized many parts of the GUI.
  • You can now buy and sell with catjeet even if the marketplace is being upgraded.
  • Optimized the way point generation system.
  • Lightning now properly hits the center of tiles, rather than the corners.
  • Mobs now obey terrain depth when highlighted.
  • Fixed a redistribution AI on load crash.

Interface Changes
  • You can now selectively grab things from buildings using the grab spell, similar to how the take from limbo spell works.
  • The rotation speed for the take from limbo spell type rotation is now double.
  • Spawners now show the paths of the mob types they spawn.
  • Construction projects now show the paths of the mob that are working on the building.
  • "No Production" now says "No Production Set", to help clarify the player needs to do something.
  • Redesigned the mob GUI a bit, changing most data types to fill bars instead of numbers, but you can still view the numbers by scrolling over them.
  • You can now mouse over a building and mob at the same time and see both overlay GUIs.
  • Lowered the default music volume, and raised the default sound volume.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Added harvesting and tending speed boosts to upgraded farms.
  • You can now buy and sell water bottles.
  • Halved the catjeet laborer's price.
  • Combobulators will now stop producing golems when paused.
  • Tweaked confusion behavior a bit, and they now look in the direction that has caused their confusion.
  • Villagers can now get pregnant and coitus as soon as they are "generated", increasing early game reproduction rates.
  • Wild doggos are more likely to hang out in high-desirability areas, and their AI has been tweaked to prevent them from wandering off as often.
  • The maximum production settings are now 500, before switching over to infinite.
  • Villagers are now less willing to work if they're hungry, thirsty, unhappy or have low social.

InDev 29 Unstable 2 Change Log

Upgradable Farms
  • The "Small Farm" has been removed from the game.
  • The farm is now upgradable twice, starting with 6 crop tiles, then 9, and finally 13.
  • Crop tiles now grow twice as fast to off-set there being less actual crops in the base farm before upgrades. Meaning the new base farm with 6 crop tiles grows nearly the same rate as the old large farm with 13, and a fully upgraded farm now grows roughly twice as fast as the old farm even though it has the same amount of actual crops.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Fixed a crash on load bug in the redistributing AI code.
  • Fixed a crash in the guard patrol behavior that would sometimes return way points the guard can not reach, causing lag or crashes.
  • Fixed a rare issue where sometimes you couldn't grab or interact with a mob who was standing over a dead body.
  • Re-added bow to the bow firing animation.
  • Possible fix implemented for a very rare crash if a mob is shooting something with a bow they can not reach, and the bow is taken from them misfiring.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Redesigned the path finding arrows that display when a mob is selected. They now show actual arrows, and are colored based on their job color.
  • When highlighting or selecting a mob, they now light up.
  • When a work building or home is highlighted or selected, all the mobs assigned to it are selected, light up and show their current paths.
  • Optimized and rewrote the range and perimeter system.
  • Decreased firing rate of static tower, and increased energy cost.
  • The animation system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • The sprite sheet loading system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • Movement speed is now calculated into animation speed, so mob animations play faster or slower based on terrain.
  • Trimmed the mob overlay down a bit.
  • When a building is under construction, it'll no longer obey the storage paused and disable settings.
  • Water Masters and Organizers will now only take water from water sources if the buckets are full.
  • Slightly buffed crystal golems stength, boosting their damage and hitpoints.
  • Added map Perilous Waters to the developer's choice maps, made by Mckloshiv.

InDev 29 Unstable 1b, 1c and 1d *HOTFIX* Change Log

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Fixed typo in Catjeet provisioner's job title.
  • Fixed rare redistribution AI crash caused by bad save data.
  • Lighting now properly updates faster when speed is increased.
  • Holy golems no longer emit particles while the game is paused.
  • Catjeet provisioners and laborers can now use gates properly. (Note, Catjeet spawned in previous saves may still not use the gates.)

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Catjeet are more willing to leave the village when they're hot or cold.
  • Miners can now store and clearout gold ore.
  • Wild Doggos can now use gates.

InDev 29 Unstable 1 Change Log

The Marketplace, Gold and Catjeet
  • A new mob has been added; The Catjeet. They are similar to villagers in stats, but they have more dexterity, less strength, fur and a tail.
  • The marketplace has been added to the game. When built, you will attract Catjeet provisioners and laborers, whom you can buy and sell resources with or hire, and become a permanent part of your village.
  • Buy and sell values of items are based on supply and demand, and adjust as your or the Catjeet's stock go up and down.
  • You can hire Catjeet laborers who visit the new marketplace, becoming permanent members of your village.
  • New job added; The Provisioner. The new provisioners will interact with the Catjeet, processing all buy and sell requests, as well as keeping gold stocked in the marketplaces.
  • Catjeet's resource inventory is global. Meaning if you sell 1,000 wood in one village, you can buy the same 1,000 wood in another later. Exception is in Skirmish mode, where each save gets its own inventory.
  • Catjeet generate new stock at dawn, the more Catjeet at your marketplace, the more stock will be generated.
  • The more marketplaces you have and the more upgraded they are will encourage more Catjeet to visit. Catjeet are also more likely to visit the lower the total Catjeet you have.
  • A new trade panel has been added to the left hand GUI that can be used to interact with the new marketplace and Catjeet.
  • Gold ore can now be harvested from rock, and smelted into gold ingots that can then be processed into gold coin sacks at the forge to buy items from the new Catjeet provisioners.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Redesigned the sprite loader system to support more mob sprites without going over the 4k texture limit.
  • Fixed wood golem combobulators spawn caps during upgrades.
  • Fixed a bunch of very minor errors in some of the mob sprites.
  • Fixed some minor in-game mob coloring errors, mostly with ghosts.
  • Removed a duplicate name from the names list.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for particles.
  • Removed some legacy launcher code. YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE ANY MANUALLY MADE SHORTCUTS

Storage Management System
  • All old storage buildings have been removed from the game, and replaced with a new storage building that can be upgraded 4 times.
  • A new gold storage building has been added to the game, to store gold ingots and coins.
  • You can now pause or disable storage of resources in buildings by clicking on their icons in the bottom GUI. Setting a resource to pause will prevent any more from being added, setting it to disabled will cause the workers to remove any resources that are already inside.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Completely overhauled how water storage works, water no longer has a set storage value in buildings, everything is based on buckets, and buckets are created/destroyed as needed for space.
  • Removed light blocking code from all buildings.
  • Resource Limbo has been completely removed from the game, use the marketplaces!
  • Tooltips now render at the bottom right of the mouse.
  • Reversed changes to particle sizes, now all particles are the same size again.

Known Issues that will be resolved before the stable build
  • The farm tip uses the old farm in the tip video.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Greetings fellow gamers,

By overwhelmingly popular demand (Seriously, I get multiple requests a week!), I have setup an official Patreon for SixtyGig Games (aka the one man company behind Rise to Ruins!)

I've been resistant, because I feel like you guys already support me enough by making your initial purchase, but people keep asking to donate and are disappointed when I turn them down. So I finally caved! :)

The Spill

SixtyGig Games is a DRM, DLC and microtransaction free company now and forever. All the games SixtyGig Games will make will always fit that criteria. The problem with that, is it isn't quite as easy to maintain as other business models. Once you've sold all the copies you can, you're left high and dry. You either need to make another hit game, or go out of business. Regardless though, I feel it's the right thing to do! Gamers should never have to pay more than once for the same game.

That's where the Patreon comes in! 100% of the money pledged to this Patreon will be put into a special rainy-day account, so in a worst-case-scenario, SixtyGig Games can continue development on current and future projects even if the projects lose sustainability. As long as the current projects are profitable, absolutely none of this money will ever be touched. So your pledges are acting as an insurance, to keep me chugging along making great games at a low cost, with no sneaky underhanded tricks.

I'd also love to hear your comments below, and how you feel about all this. I was very resistant (and hesitant) setting up a Patreon for a company that sells a video game, but people really want to throw in their support!

Do not feel in any way obligated to be a patreon! But, if you're interested in supporting SixtyGig Games now and in the future, click here!
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Greetings fellow gamers,

By overwhelmingly popular demand (Seriously, I get multiple requests a week!), I have setup an official Patreon for SixtyGig Games (aka the one man company behind Rise to Ruins!)

I've been resistant, because I feel like you guys already support me enough by making your initial purchase, but people keep asking to donate and are disappointed when I turn them down. So I finally caved! :)

The Spill

SixtyGig Games is a DRM, DLC and microtransaction free company now and forever. All the games SixtyGig Games will make will always fit that criteria. The problem with that, is it isn't quite as easy to maintain as other business models. Once you've sold all the copies you can, you're left high and dry. You either need to make another hit game, or go out of business. Regardless though, I feel it's the right thing to do! Gamers should never have to pay more than once for the same game.

That's where the Patreon comes in! 100% of the money pledged to this Patreon will be put into a special rainy-day account, so in a worst-case-scenario, SixtyGig Games can continue development on current and future projects even if the projects lose sustainability. As long as the current projects are profitable, absolutely none of this money will ever be touched. So your pledges are acting as an insurance, to keep me chugging along making great games at a low cost, with no sneaky underhanded tricks.

I'd also love to hear your comments below, and how you feel about all this. I was very resistant (and hesitant) setting up a Patreon for a company that sells a video game, but people really want to throw in their support!

Do not feel in any way obligated to be a patreon! But, if you're interested in supporting SixtyGig Games now and in the future, click here!
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

InDev 29 Unstable 3 has been released, introducing loot boxes!

The new loot boxes can be found randomly in the world as you play, and for only $2.99 USD you can buy a loot box key to ope--- kidding! The keys for the boxes are also found randomly in the world, and can be purchased from Catjeet with in-game gold. Once you obtain a key, you can drop it on a loot box to open it.

This patch also introduces the new social system, a ton of bug fixes, optimizations and a few AI and balance tweaks.

As usual, checkout the change log for all the juicy details.

YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE YOUR SHORTCUTS TO LAUNCH THE GAME. Some old launcher legacy code has been removed in this update. :)

You can report bugs over at the official website's Support and Bugs Forum, or on the Steam Discussion Board. :)

InDev 29 Unstable 3b *HOTFIX* Change Log

Big Fixes
  • Fixed a lag issue when too many floater icons were generated at once.
  • Fixed a bug with provisioners sometimes not hiring Catjeet laborers even though a hire order was placed and the marketplace had enough gold.
  • Fixed a crash when dropping resources in the cullis gate.

InDev 29 Unstable 3 Change Log

Loot Boxes
  • Loot boxes are randomly hidden all over the map, it's up to you to find them!
  • Loot boxes can be opened with a key, for only $2.99 USD. You can buy them on the main menu. Buy in bulk and save! for only $100 USD you can get 100 keys!
  • Just kidding.
  • The keys to open the loot boxes can be found randomly in the game world when harvesting wood, water or wild food. They can also be purchased from Catjeet, and very rarely found in place of a loot box spawn. When a key is found, you can drop it on the box to open it.

Social System
  • Villagers (and Doggos!) now have social stats, and will no longer just chat randomly. They will chat when their social levels are low or they have nothing better to do, reducing the amount of random downtime chatting.
  • When their social stats are too low, they will be much less likely to work and their happiness will plummet.
  • Finding a mate and coitus chances are now based on their overall social level. The higher their social, the better chance they'll accept a mate or coitus with one.
  • Tons of new chatting icons have been added to the game.
  • Chat AI has been partially rewritten to do a better job of finding chat partners.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Can now poke dead mobs again.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for the mob job module.
  • Heavily optimized font rendering code.
  • Optimized the light rendering code slightly during all times of the day, and greatly during midday.
  • Optimized several of the mob searching algorithms, speeding up many parts of the AI.
  • Optimized the AI interrupt system, improving all AI slightly.
  • Fixed the motivation bolt from firing the incorrect missile type, sometimes causing crashes on load.
  • Optimized many parts of the GUI.
  • You can now buy and sell with catjeet even if the marketplace is being upgraded.
  • Optimized the way point generation system.
  • Lightning now properly hits the center of tiles, rather than the corners.
  • Mobs now obey terrain depth when highlighted.
  • Fixed a redistribution AI on load crash.

Interface Changes
  • You can now selectively grab things from buildings using the grab spell, similar to how the take from limbo spell works.
  • The rotation speed for the take from limbo spell type rotation is now double.
  • Spawners now show the paths of the mob types they spawn.
  • Construction projects now show the paths of the mob that are working on the building.
  • "No Production" now says "No Production Set", to help clarify the player needs to do something.
  • Redesigned the mob GUI a bit, changing most data types to fill bars instead of numbers, but you can still view the numbers by scrolling over them.
  • You can now mouse over a building and mob at the same time and see both overlay GUIs.
  • Lowered the default music volume, and raised the default sound volume.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Added harvesting and tending speed boosts to upgraded farms.
  • You can now buy and sell water bottles.
  • Halved the catjeet laborer's price.
  • Combobulators will now stop producing golems when paused.
  • Tweaked confusion behavior a bit, and they now look in the direction that has caused their confusion.
  • Villagers can now get pregnant and coitus as soon as they are "generated", increasing early game reproduction rates.
  • Wild doggos are more likely to hang out in high-desirability areas, and their AI has been tweaked to prevent them from wandering off as often.
  • The maximum production settings are now 500, before switching over to infinite.
  • Villagers are now less willing to work if they're hungry, thirsty, unhappy or have low social.

InDev 29 Unstable 2 Change Log

Upgradable Farms
  • The "Small Farm" has been removed from the game.
  • The farm is now upgradable twice, starting with 6 crop tiles, then 9, and finally 13.
  • Crop tiles now grow twice as fast to off-set there being less actual crops in the base farm before upgrades. Meaning the new base farm with 6 crop tiles grows nearly the same rate as the old large farm with 13, and a fully upgraded farm now grows roughly twice as fast as the old farm even though it has the same amount of actual crops.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Fixed a crash on load bug in the redistributing AI code.
  • Fixed a crash in the guard patrol behavior that would sometimes return way points the guard can not reach, causing lag or crashes.
  • Fixed a rare issue where sometimes you couldn't grab or interact with a mob who was standing over a dead body.
  • Re-added bow to the bow firing animation.
  • Possible fix implemented for a very rare crash if a mob is shooting something with a bow they can not reach, and the bow is taken from them misfiring.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Redesigned the path finding arrows that display when a mob is selected. They now show actual arrows, and are colored based on their job color.
  • When highlighting or selecting a mob, they now light up.
  • When a work building or home is highlighted or selected, all the mobs assigned to it are selected, light up and show their current paths.
  • Optimized and rewrote the range and perimeter system.
  • Decreased firing rate of static tower, and increased energy cost.
  • The animation system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • The sprite sheet loading system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • Movement speed is now calculated into animation speed, so mob animations play faster or slower based on terrain.
  • Trimmed the mob overlay down a bit.
  • When a building is under construction, it'll no longer obey the storage paused and disable settings.
  • Water Masters and Organizers will now only take water from water sources if the buckets are full.
  • Slightly buffed crystal golems stength, boosting their damage and hitpoints.
  • Added map Perilous Waters to the developer's choice maps, made by Mckloshiv.

InDev 29 Unstable 1b, 1c and 1d *HOTFIX* Change Log

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Fixed typo in Catjeet provisioner's job title.
  • Fixed rare redistribution AI crash caused by bad save data.
  • Lighting now properly updates faster when speed is increased.
  • Holy golems no longer emit particles while the game is paused.
  • Catjeet provisioners and laborers can now use gates properly. (Note, Catjeet spawned in previous saves may still not use the gates.)

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Catjeet are more willing to leave the village when they're hot or cold.
  • Miners can now store and clearout gold ore.
  • Wild Doggos can now use gates.

InDev 29 Unstable 1 Change Log

The Marketplace, Gold and Catjeet
  • A new mob has been added; The Catjeet. They are similar to villagers in stats, but they have more dexterity, less strength, fur and a tail.
  • The marketplace has been added to the game. When built, you will attract Catjeet provisioners and laborers, whom you can buy and sell resources with or hire, and become a permanent part of your village.
  • Buy and sell values of items are based on supply and demand, and adjust as your or the Catjeet's stock go up and down.
  • You can hire Catjeet laborers who visit the new marketplace, becoming permanent members of your village.
  • New job added; The Provisioner. The new provisioners will interact with the Catjeet, processing all buy and sell requests, as well as keeping gold stocked in the marketplaces.
  • Catjeet's resource inventory is global. Meaning if you sell 1,000 wood in one village, you can buy the same 1,000 wood in another later. Exception is in Skirmish mode, where each save gets its own inventory.
  • Catjeet generate new stock at dawn, the more Catjeet at your marketplace, the more stock will be generated.
  • The more marketplaces you have and the more upgraded they are will encourage more Catjeet to visit. Catjeet are also more likely to visit the lower the total Catjeet you have.
  • A new trade panel has been added to the left hand GUI that can be used to interact with the new marketplace and Catjeet.
  • Gold ore can now be harvested from rock, and smelted into gold ingots that can then be processed into gold coin sacks at the forge to buy items from the new Catjeet provisioners.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Redesigned the sprite loader system to support more mob sprites without going over the 4k texture limit.
  • Fixed wood golem combobulators spawn caps during upgrades.
  • Fixed a bunch of very minor errors in some of the mob sprites.
  • Fixed some minor in-game mob coloring errors, mostly with ghosts.
  • Removed a duplicate name from the names list.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for particles.
  • Removed some legacy launcher code. YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE ANY MANUALLY MADE SHORTCUTS

Storage Management System
  • All old storage buildings have been removed from the game, and replaced with a new storage building that can be upgraded 4 times.
  • A new gold storage building has been added to the game, to store gold ingots and coins.
  • You can now pause or disable storage of resources in buildings by clicking on their icons in the bottom GUI. Setting a resource to pause will prevent any more from being added, setting it to disabled will cause the workers to remove any resources that are already inside.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Completely overhauled how water storage works, water no longer has a set storage value in buildings, everything is based on buckets, and buckets are created/destroyed as needed for space.
  • Removed light blocking code from all buildings.
  • Resource Limbo has been completely removed from the game, use the marketplaces!
  • Tooltips now render at the bottom right of the mouse.
  • Reversed changes to particle sizes, now all particles are the same size again.

Known Issues that will be resolved before the stable build
  • There are no new tips explaining the marketplace.
  • The farm has the wrong GUI icon.
  • Loot boxes do not have a GUI icon in sandbox mode.
Rise to Ruins - Rayvolution
Click here for help on accessing the Unstable branch!

InDev 29 Unstable 3 has been released, introducing loot boxes!

The new loot boxes can be found randomly in the world as you play, and for only $2.99 USD you can buy a loot box key to ope--- kidding! The keys for the boxes are also found randomly in the world, and can be purchased from Catjeet with in-game gold. Once you obtain a key, you can drop it on a loot box to open it.

This patch also introduces the new social system, a ton of bug fixes, optimizations and a few AI and balance tweaks.

As usual, checkout the change log for all the juicy details.

YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE YOUR SHORTCUTS TO LAUNCH THE GAME. Some old launcher legacy code has been removed in this update. :)

You can report bugs over at the official website's Support and Bugs Forum, or on the Steam Discussion Board. :)

InDev 29 Unstable 3b *HOTFIX* Change Log

Big Fixes
  • Fixed a lag issue when too many floater icons were generated at once.
  • Fixed a bug with provisioners sometimes not hiring Catjeet laborers even though a hire order was placed and the marketplace had enough gold.
  • Fixed a crash when dropping resources in the cullis gate.

InDev 29 Unstable 3 Change Log

Loot Boxes
  • Loot boxes are randomly hidden all over the map, it's up to you to find them!
  • Loot boxes can be opened with a key, for only $2.99 USD. You can buy them on the main menu. Buy in bulk and save! for only $100 USD you can get 100 keys!
  • Just kidding.
  • The keys to open the loot boxes can be found randomly in the game world when harvesting wood, water or wild food. They can also be purchased from Catjeet, and very rarely found in place of a loot box spawn. When a key is found, you can drop it on the box to open it.

Social System
  • Villagers (and Doggos!) now have social stats, and will no longer just chat randomly. They will chat when their social levels are low or they have nothing better to do, reducing the amount of random downtime chatting.
  • When their social stats are too low, they will be much less likely to work and their happiness will plummet.
  • Finding a mate and coitus chances are now based on their overall social level. The higher their social, the better chance they'll accept a mate or coitus with one.
  • Tons of new chatting icons have been added to the game.
  • Chat AI has been partially rewritten to do a better job of finding chat partners.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Can now poke dead mobs again.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for the mob job module.
  • Heavily optimized font rendering code.
  • Optimized the light rendering code slightly during all times of the day, and greatly during midday.
  • Optimized several of the mob searching algorithms, speeding up many parts of the AI.
  • Optimized the AI interrupt system, improving all AI slightly.
  • Fixed the motivation bolt from firing the incorrect missile type, sometimes causing crashes on load.
  • Optimized many parts of the GUI.
  • You can now buy and sell with catjeet even if the marketplace is being upgraded.
  • Optimized the way point generation system.
  • Lightning now properly hits the center of tiles, rather than the corners.
  • Mobs now obey terrain depth when highlighted.
  • Fixed a redistribution AI on load crash.

Interface Changes
  • You can now selectively grab things from buildings using the grab spell, similar to how the take from limbo spell works.
  • The rotation speed for the take from limbo spell type rotation is now double.
  • Spawners now show the paths of the mob types they spawn.
  • Construction projects now show the paths of the mob that are working on the building.
  • "No Production" now says "No Production Set", to help clarify the player needs to do something.
  • Redesigned the mob GUI a bit, changing most data types to fill bars instead of numbers, but you can still view the numbers by scrolling over them.
  • You can now mouse over a building and mob at the same time and see both overlay GUIs.
  • Lowered the default music volume, and raised the default sound volume.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Added harvesting and tending speed boosts to upgraded farms.
  • You can now buy and sell water bottles.
  • Halved the catjeet laborer's price.
  • Combobulators will now stop producing golems when paused.
  • Tweaked confusion behavior a bit, and they now look in the direction that has caused their confusion.
  • Villagers can now get pregnant and coitus as soon as they are "generated", increasing early game reproduction rates.
  • Wild doggos are more likely to hang out in high-desirability areas, and their AI has been tweaked to prevent them from wandering off as often.
  • The maximum production settings are now 500, before switching over to infinite.
  • Villagers are now less willing to work if they're hungry, thirsty, unhappy or have low social.

InDev 29 Unstable 2 Change Log

Upgradable Farms
  • The "Small Farm" has been removed from the game.
  • The farm is now upgradable twice, starting with 6 crop tiles, then 9, and finally 13.
  • Crop tiles now grow twice as fast to off-set there being less actual crops in the base farm before upgrades. Meaning the new base farm with 6 crop tiles grows nearly the same rate as the old large farm with 13, and a fully upgraded farm now grows roughly twice as fast as the old farm even though it has the same amount of actual crops.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Fixed a crash on load bug in the redistributing AI code.
  • Fixed a crash in the guard patrol behavior that would sometimes return way points the guard can not reach, causing lag or crashes.
  • Fixed a rare issue where sometimes you couldn't grab or interact with a mob who was standing over a dead body.
  • Re-added bow to the bow firing animation.
  • Possible fix implemented for a very rare crash if a mob is shooting something with a bow they can not reach, and the bow is taken from them misfiring.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Redesigned the path finding arrows that display when a mob is selected. They now show actual arrows, and are colored based on their job color.
  • When highlighting or selecting a mob, they now light up.
  • When a work building or home is highlighted or selected, all the mobs assigned to it are selected, light up and show their current paths.
  • Optimized and rewrote the range and perimeter system.
  • Decreased firing rate of static tower, and increased energy cost.
  • The animation system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • The sprite sheet loading system has been completely rewritten from scratch.
  • Movement speed is now calculated into animation speed, so mob animations play faster or slower based on terrain.
  • Trimmed the mob overlay down a bit.
  • When a building is under construction, it'll no longer obey the storage paused and disable settings.
  • Water Masters and Organizers will now only take water from water sources if the buckets are full.
  • Slightly buffed crystal golems stength, boosting their damage and hitpoints.
  • Added map Perilous Waters to the developer's choice maps, made by Mckloshiv.

InDev 29 Unstable 1b, 1c and 1d *HOTFIX* Change Log

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Fixed typo in Catjeet provisioner's job title.
  • Fixed rare redistribution AI crash caused by bad save data.
  • Lighting now properly updates faster when speed is increased.
  • Holy golems no longer emit particles while the game is paused.
  • Catjeet provisioners and laborers can now use gates properly. (Note, Catjeet spawned in previous saves may still not use the gates.)

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Catjeet are more willing to leave the village when they're hot or cold.
  • Miners can now store and clearout gold ore.
  • Wild Doggos can now use gates.

InDev 29 Unstable 1 Change Log

The Marketplace, Gold and Catjeet
  • A new mob has been added; The Catjeet. They are similar to villagers in stats, but they have more dexterity, less strength, fur and a tail.
  • The marketplace has been added to the game. When built, you will attract Catjeet provisioners and laborers, whom you can buy and sell resources with or hire, and become a permanent part of your village.
  • Buy and sell values of items are based on supply and demand, and adjust as your or the Catjeet's stock go up and down.
  • You can hire Catjeet laborers who visit the new marketplace, becoming permanent members of your village.
  • New job added; The Provisioner. The new provisioners will interact with the Catjeet, processing all buy and sell requests, as well as keeping gold stocked in the marketplaces.
  • Catjeet's resource inventory is global. Meaning if you sell 1,000 wood in one village, you can buy the same 1,000 wood in another later. Exception is in Skirmish mode, where each save gets its own inventory.
  • Catjeet generate new stock at dawn, the more Catjeet at your marketplace, the more stock will be generated.
  • The more marketplaces you have and the more upgraded they are will encourage more Catjeet to visit. Catjeet are also more likely to visit the lower the total Catjeet you have.
  • A new trade panel has been added to the left hand GUI that can be used to interact with the new marketplace and Catjeet.
  • Gold ore can now be harvested from rock, and smelted into gold ingots that can then be processed into gold coin sacks at the forge to buy items from the new Catjeet provisioners.

Optimizing and Big Fixes
  • Redesigned the sprite loader system to support more mob sprites without going over the 4k texture limit.
  • Fixed wood golem combobulators spawn caps during upgrades.
  • Fixed a bunch of very minor errors in some of the mob sprites.
  • Fixed some minor in-game mob coloring errors, mostly with ghosts.
  • Removed a duplicate name from the names list.
  • Slightly optimized the update loop for particles.
  • Removed some legacy launcher code. YOU MAY NEED TO UPDATE ANY MANUALLY MADE SHORTCUTS

Storage Management System
  • All old storage buildings have been removed from the game, and replaced with a new storage building that can be upgraded 4 times.
  • A new gold storage building has been added to the game, to store gold ingots and coins.
  • You can now pause or disable storage of resources in buildings by clicking on their icons in the bottom GUI. Setting a resource to pause will prevent any more from being added, setting it to disabled will cause the workers to remove any resources that are already inside.

Miscellaneous Changes
  • Completely overhauled how water storage works, water no longer has a set storage value in buildings, everything is based on buckets, and buckets are created/destroyed as needed for space.
  • Removed light blocking code from all buildings.
  • Resource Limbo has been completely removed from the game, use the marketplaces!
  • Tooltips now render at the bottom right of the mouse.
  • Reversed changes to particle sizes, now all particles are the same size again.

Known Issues that will be resolved before the stable build
  • There are no new tips explaining the marketplace.
  • The farm has the wrong GUI icon.
  • Loot boxes do not have a GUI icon in sandbox mode.

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