Train Station Project - Bart
Train Station Project Devlog: First Update & Playtest

Welcome to the inaugural developer update for our upcoming game, Train Station Project. We are incredibly grateful for your interest in our project and are excited to announce that sign-ups for the playtesting phase are now open.

At this stage, we have completed the environment for the main location and implemented all the core mechanics. Our focus in the coming weeks will be on polishing the game to prepare for a public demo release.

As a sneak peek, we’ve included a few concept sketches from our talented concept artist, showcasing the creative process behind the game’s environment. Enjoy!

Join us on our Discord to stay updated and connect with the community:
Unknown Presence - Ragdoll
Hello everyone,

I've got the first update here for you all today! I've done many fixes and have added some things. Please read below for all changes.

  • Added extra text to indicate when you cannot go through a door.
  • Added and adjusted some story related particle effects.
  • Added music for when you're close to an alien.
  • Added extra sounds for alien vision and other various events.
  • Added a new alien that spawns earlier than previously implemented.
  • Added extra objects around the map.
  • Added a couple new post processing effects in certain areas.

  • Have done extra optimisations in the first house scene.
  • Have fixed an issue allowing the player to walk on water.
  • Have fixed a couple grammatical errors in the game notes.
  • Have fixed a few UI issues.
  • Have fixed an issue causing ambient animal noises to still play when underground.
  • Have fixed/adjusted various animations.
  • Have fixed an issue that caused the death animation to be skipped in the last second.
  • Have fixed an issue that caused some aliens to not have footstep sounds.
  • Have fixed an issue causing certain items in interiors not to render.
  • Have adjusted most of the aliens detection radius's to make it harder for you to be detected.

Thank you all for your support so far! Please let me know any issues you encounter so that I can fix them! :)
Dead Age: Survivors - Holy Avatar

Greetings survivors!
It's summertime and we have a Dead Age 2 update for the Italian language + a regular Engine update, if you need it later. Another good news: Dead Age 2 will finally be released for modern consoles (PS5 and Xbox Series S/X). The date is August 8th. and a bad but also a very good message for new Dead Age: Survivors.

Please add it to your wishlist and support us Indie RPG Devs & Gamers

Ciao italiani!

You have one of the coolest accents of all languages and the Steamuser Coccoloco has built you this version. Thank you very much and have fun! If you find any errors and want to let us know, please use this thread:

You can also meet us in Discord:

First of all, the bad news. Silent Dreams went bankrupt after 18 years and 6 released RPGs due to financial problems and most of the people had to look for new jobs. It was a horror time for me (with 4 diseases at the same time!) because Silent Dreams is my baby (like the captain and his ship ;-)) but in the end it wasn't that bad.

A real life indie story about hard times and ascent.

I am now unemployed, but a real fighter. My soul is working like this: I'm now working full-time with Simone an Italian indie RPG developer and 3 part-time programmers and 1 artists (my best buddy Sandro who worked on Settlers, for example,) We work without money, but with a lot of passion, because after my horror time now comes the ascent!!!

But it has to be clear that we are taking our time, because time stress is one of the worst problems in the dev business. Dead Age Survivors should be finished in 2026 and that has some advantages.

+ I have time for new quests, a new faction "The Lost" and events that weren't even planned. This is supposed to be the best Dead Age!

+ I play the version all the time, so the version will have few bugs once we go into Early Access

+ We will start a Kickstarter campaign before Early Access, we will then use this money to bridge the development time until release. Now Kickstarter had better times, but I think we can convince fans, especially since there is no risk, we are doing this just before Early Access to launch Silent Dreams 2.0

+ The combat needs some improvements and we want to get that under control and have cool (small) teams of about 10 people compete against each other to conquer or defend territories. But the troop combat still has to be realized.

Since I used to have a bigger team and had todo with lot of gamedesign and project management, I've spent the last few months learning how to script quests, which was previously done by a programmer. Here you can see what it looks like.
In principle you will be overwhelmed with information at the beginning, but if you work your way from note to note, you will gradually understand how many possibilities our quest and event system has.

We will tell (and show) you more about Dead Age: Survivors in the future - so make sure to follow the game and add it to your wishlist. This would really help us a lot!

Happy Summerdays
Rayk (Holy Avatar) & the (part-time ;-)) Silent Dreams Team

Neospace: Prologue - ShizzyDE
Dear Neospace friends

Finally version 1.4.0 is the first update from our roadmap and as promised we have fixed a lot of things you told us about to give you a better game experience.

We will of course make further hotfixes if you let us know via our F1 tool ingame.

We will now go straight to the 1.5 update where the roadmap details what you can expect there are visual improvements, new effects, reworked voice acting and much more.


  • selection menu (Q) now has an effect so that you can see what you have selected.
  • An additional field has been added to the Terminal Tips password so that you can see how many tips you can still pick up in each case
  • Interaction system now only marks in green what you can currently use and hides everything you have already used
  • Subtitle setting error would be fixed
  • A new app for the tablet has been added so that you can now take notes
  • You are now asked at the beginning what difficulty you want to play the game on

We thank you and wish you continued enjoyment with Neospace Prologue
Robin Hoffmann - DreamStudios CEO
中世纪君主 Medieval Monarch - StPapi
Please note that all text goes through Google Translate

To test it, I've crammed some of the lords of Europe into one house
The effect is OK
Don't take it seriously

For the convenience of the following, many children are generated directly through the code, the age and description are random, please do not care!

Lord Information interface

Here you can see that some of the Lord's characters, attributes, and functions related to his mates, children, and skills have not yet been fully perfected, so relevant tests will not be done for the time being.

The button in the upper right corner can change their name
Click on the Lord's avatar to switch to the corresponding Lord information interface
For convenience, almost every UI interface now has ESC or the right mouse button to close the last open window.

house tree
Click the red book button to the left of the house name to enter the house screen
The default house tree is unexpanded, and the player can save the Settings by clicking on All to the right

The player can view the house tree of all characters, their character will be represented by a blue flashing layer, when a child is selected, it will be represented by a white layer, and the corresponding interactive button will appear at the bottom

When all characters in the house gain prestige, they will convert the acquired prestige into bloodpoints in proportion to unlock house corrections through bloodpoints, thus bringing bonuses to the entire house

At the same time, you can also interact with the selected character through the interaction button at the bottom
Selecting yourself has a different interaction than selecting other house members
As the leader of your house, you will also have additional interaction features

Slander: consume a small amount of their own house prestige, reduce the other party's large amount of house prestige, the probability of success
Support: consumes one's own house prestige and enhances the other's house prestige
Trial: Consume your own house prestige and convert all of your opponent's house prestige into bloodpoints
Legalization of illegitimate children: Expend their own house prestige, for the role of illegitimate children, the house leader or father can legitimize illegitimate children, have the right to inherit territory
Request support: Increase your own house prestige by consuming your opponent's house prestige, which is also converted into bloodpoints proportionally, giving you 30 points, you can only gain 20 points, of which 10 are converted into bloodpoints.
house banquet: consume their own house prestige, all house members probability to participate in the banquet, improve the relationship between them, and increase everyone's house prestige
Contribution: Burn your house prestige into bloodline points
All contributions: All house members are required to contribute to the transformation of blood points, which will consume additional house prestige

Each year in January, the role of the house will be based on the most prestige of the house as the head of the house.
house leaders tend to target people with more territory in the house, if you are in a country, or belong to the vassal relationship, there will be the possibility of rebellion, so as a player, or ruler, the house has the highest prestige, which means that you can very well stabilize the house members, otherwise they will be ready to move.

The house tree keeps all dead characters
Since there will be many characters in the later stage of the house tree, every 10 years, those who have died and have no heirs will be cleared to ensure the smooth opening of the house tree.

House rules

In the house rules, you can adjust the proportion of blood points converted by each house member when obtaining house prestige, the default is 33%, 10%, 33%, 50%, 70%
No matter why house members acquire house prestige, they must be transformed according to proportion, and they can only get the remaining part after transformation.

The rules also set the number of generations between the house leader and the house will automatically create another house, and the new house will inherit 50% of the blood points of the house, including the blood point tree that has been consumed in unlocking the correction.

At present, this part of the function is not completely finished, so I won't show it.

Since the vassal pyramid structure tree is similar to the house tree, let's take a look at it first
This feature is not completely finished yet

Finally, reissue some English versions of other feature diagrams

Dead Age 2: The Zombie Survival RPG - Holy Avatar

Greetings survivors!
It's summertime and we have a Dead Age 2 update for the Italian language + a regular Engine update, if you need it later. Another good news: Dead Age 2 will finally be released for modern consoles (PS5 and Xbox Series S/X). The date is August 8th. and a bad but also a very good message for new Dead Age: Survivors.

Please add it to your wishlist and support us Indie RPG Devs & Gamers

Ciao italiani!

You have one of the coolest accents of all languages and the Steamuser Coccoloco has built you this version. Thank you very much and have fun! If you find any errors and want to let us know, please use this thread:

You can also meet us in Discord:

First of all, the bad news. Silent Dreams went bankrupt after 18 years and 6 released RPGs due to financial problems and most of the people had to look for new jobs. It was a horror time for me (with 4 diseases at the same time!) because Silent Dreams is my baby (like the captain and his ship ;-)) but in the end it wasn't that bad.

A real life indie story about hard times and ascent.

I am now unemployed, but a real fighter. My soul is working like this: I'm now working full-time with Simone an Italian indie RPG developer and 3 part-time programmers and 1 artists (my best buddy Sandro who worked on Settlers, for example,) We work without money, but with a lot of passion, because after my horror time now comes the ascent!!!

But it has to be clear that we are taking our time, because time stress is one of the worst problems in the dev business. Dead Age Survivors should be finished in 2026 and that has some advantages.

+ I have more time for quests and events, can tell a really cool story of blackmail, kidnapping and faction fights, where the zombies of course also have an important role.

+ I have time for new quests, a new faction "The Lost" and events that weren't even planned. This is supposed to be the best Dead Age!

+ I play the version all the time, so the version will have few bugs once we go into Early Access

+ We will start a Kickstarter campaign before Early Access, we will then use this money to bridge the development time until release. Now Kickstarter had better times, but I think we can convince fans, especially since there is no risk, we are doing this just before Early Access to launch Silent Dreams 2.0

+ The combat needs some improvements and we want to get that under control and have cool (small) teams of about 10 people compete against each other to conquer or defend territories. But the troop combat still has to be realized.

Since I used to have a bigger team and had todo with lot of gamedesign and project management, I've spent the last few months learning how to script quests, which was previously done by a programmer. Here you can see what it looks like.
In principle you will be overwhelmed with information at the beginning, but if you work your way from note to note, you will gradually understand how many possibilities our quest and event system has.

We will tell (and show) you more about Dead Age: Survivors in the future - so make sure to follow the game and add it to your wishlist. This would really help us a lot!

Happy Summerdays
Rayk (Holy Avatar) & the (part-time ;-)) Silent Dreams Team

MetaDock - undeclared
* Brought back settings button, as too many users were confused with the metadock icon for settings
* Fixed issue where RSS feed could sometimes crash MetaDock
* Added Ctrl+N hotkey to create a new window from within any window
* Updated F6/F7 command to have immediate layout use instead of floating windows
Internet Cafe & Supermarket Simulator 2024 - Tian
  1. 🎮 [New Multi-Save System] The long-awaited multi-save feature is now launched! You can now have multiple game records simultaneously, no need to worry about new games overwriting old saves. Try different management strategies, enjoy the multiple fun of the game! 🔄
  2. 🌐 [Comprehensive Language Expansion] We have added 11 new language versions, including Vietnamese, Indonesian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Hungarian, Czech, Romanian, and Ukrainian. Making it easier for global players to enjoy the game, and we will continue to add more languages! 🌍📚
  3. 🚀 [Performance Optimization Upgrade] We have comprehensively optimized the game's performance under different hardware and complex game scenarios. Now, the overall average FPS has increased by 40%-60%, significantly reducing CPU and GPU usage. Experience a smoother and more stable gameplay process! 💻📈
  4. 👥 [Significant Customer Flow Optimization] Based on player feedback, we have adjusted the customer flow in the game. Now the issues of insufficient customers at internet cafe devices and long queues at supermarket checkouts have been effectively resolved. Expand your equipment, meet the challenge of more customers! 📈🛒
  5. 🛍️ [Major Increase in Supermarket Product Types] We have added nearly a hundred new products in the supermarket, including various snacks, processed foods, canned goods, frozen and chilled goods, beverages, and more. Hurry up and explore a richer variety of goods, enrich your supermarket! 🥫🍫
  6. 🌡️ [Introduction of Efficient Air Conditioning System] Responding to player needs, a brand-new air conditioning system is now online, providing a more comfortable shopping environment for your store's customers. Find and purchase the most suitable air conditioning system in the Abay market, creating an ideal shopping paradise for your customers. 🌬️🛒
  7. 🌿 [Decor Upgrade] We have added various types of small potted plants and large landscape paintings, making your store's decoration more beautiful and diverse, creating a more attractive shopping environment. 🖼️🌺
  8. 🏪 [Adjustment of Convenience Store Location] The convenience store has been moved from the same side of the store to the opposite side. 🔄🏢
  9. 📏 [Store Area Expansion] To support your business expansion, we have added a store area purchase option. Now you can buy more space, place more money-making equipment, expand your business empire! 📈🏗️
  10. 🛠️ [Interface and Bug Optimization] We have fixed some known bugs and optimized the interface layout and animation effects, committed to enhancing your gaming experience. Make every click smooth and enjoyable! 🔧🖥️

Thank you all for your love and support for the game. I am very sorry that this update has delayed some time, but I believe that the new features will definitely bring you a better gaming experience. We look forward to your valuable feedback and continue to optimize and improve with us! 💌💬
Come and experience the A10 version and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of the game with us! 🌟🎮
AudioTheory Guitars - Frazilpop

AudioTheory Guitars 3.0.0 is here. This is the largest update for the application yet, and it adds in many new features, including support for 7 string guitars and beyond.

Introducing the Fretboard Builder

The fretboard component of AudioTheory Guitars has been rebuilt from the ground up, finally allowing for many requested customisations that were not previously possibly within the app. It's now possible to set the number of strings, the number of notes and the start fret, as well as the per-string start note and octave. So if you have a seven string guitar tuned to open C, you can easily configure the diagram to match. But even if you're sticking to E standard, the options to configure the size and display of the fretboard still provide a significant boost to the amount customisations you can now make.

Locked & Unlocked mode

Supporting these new customisations has required a large rethink of how the user interface works, and the goal has been to make it less cluttered whilst also adding in more options. The solution is a new padlock icon found in the top right hand corner of the screen. This toggles the application between an unlocked 'edit' mode and a locked 'view' mode where the display configuration options are hidden.

This also replaces 'minimalist' mode, bass mode and the fullscreen fretboard, effectively by consolidating these options into a set of configuration settings that can be used to achieve these old view modes, as well as many more. Further to this, the piano settings have been moved into the new format and a couple of components from the options popup (fretboard size, left handed mode) have been moved onto the main display. The overall result is that 'unlocked' mode provides the full set of display settings overlaid directly onto the main view, and locked mode allows for them to be hidden at the press of a button.

New menu bar

There's a new menu bar in the top left of the window. The chord and scales libraries have been moved here and the dropdowns also provide quick access to save/ load presets and toggle fullscreen mode, amongst other features.

Light theme

A brand new look is here in the form of the light theme. AudioTheory Guitars already has a couple of selectable backgrounds, but this is the first true alternative theme, as almost every colour within the application is changed. This mode is perfect if you want to print out a physical copy of your diagrams.

Colour wheel

The options screen has been rebuilt as a larger popup. It now includes a colour wheel so you can quickly change the per-note colours. This builds upon the custom colour functionality introduced in AudioTheory Guitars 2.4.0, and the colours can still be modified directly in the .ini file if you'd prefer, but now you can easily update the colours at runtime using the new selector.

And the rest...

The following changes and bug fixes have also made their way into this update:

  • Chords are now evenly spaced across the screen regardless of the application window width
  • The loaded preset name is now an input field that can be edited directly
  • Fixed Do: Option to set Si or Ti as the 7th note in the scale
  • Movable Do: bugs fixed and new option to set minor scale as 'La-based' or 'Do-based'
  • The 'clear highlighting' delay time for the 'high' setting has been increased from 1 second to 2 seconds
  • Fixed some issues with the sustain feature and some issues specific to using the mouse to play notes and chords. You can now play notes on the keyboard by dragging the mouse, as was previously possible on the fretboard.
  • You can now click on the scale name in the bottom left to swap between the major and relative minor scales
  • Pentatonic scales now just load the major scale chords. Chords no longer auto load when swapping between the major scale and pentatonic with the same root.
  • 'Interval' label corrected to 'Degrees'
  • The 'Set from chords' button now correctly distinguishes between major and relative minor scales

One final thing, the binary name has now changed. Originally just titled 'Guitars.exe' it makes more sense to now present it as 'AudioTheory Guitars.exe' for consistency with the other AudioTheory applications. This is why you'll now get a prompt when launching the app in Steam, the selector is essentially just in place to ensure the old version can still be launched through the client.
Tentacles Party With Nuns - weissgarden
Hi! This time we add new plots and a new character in the demo.
There are more images, plots, and content, enjoy it!


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