Territory - threat vector
  • Relevant cooking recipes now show in the player crafting menu (left side) when you open a cooking station. You can also find all cooking recipes as a reference if you sort the player crafting menu by cooking recipes when not in any cooking station.
  • Made drop all items on death code more reliable to avoid losing items
  • Consumed Fuel Remaining time not displaying on after save/load game with equipment switched off
  • Cardboard pants craft returning 1 duct tape instead of costing 1 duct tape
  • Snow effects to base roof build parts
Crystarise - YUKIUSAGI Games
Ver. 0.2.12 update is now available.

It includes:
・Fixed a problem in which some crystals were not available in the marsh biome
・Fixed an issue in the lava biome where unintentional placements were being generated
・Fixed a problem that prevented some achievements from being completed
・Fixed a problem in which some objects did not work when placed facing right
・Fixed other minor bugs

Please obtain the latest version when playing.
Shrimp.io - VuVuu Inc.
Hello fellas,

I added a few more item drops into the game!

There are now drops that can be gained from just playing the game, it'll drop you one texture item per 60 minutes up to 2 times a day.

I added other drops in the last update, which are no longer locked to the beta branch.
link to the market: https://steamcommunity.com/market/search?appid=2782530

🦐 Changes this patch:
- Added some item drops

🛠 Known issues that haven't been fixed:
- some swarms in the Swamp Map are broken.

👷‍♂️📜 Planned things for any of the future update:
- Add Rerolls
- Add More Achievements, Weapons, and Meta Upgrades.
- In-run Stats panel.
- Add Cloud Saving
- Better Balancing
- Full Controller support.

If you like or dislike the game, I would greatly appreciate it if you would write a review.


And as always, If people continue to play the game, then I will update it in the future, enjoy! :D

The new texture items look a little wild in-game, but we shall just say they are supposed to be animated. 👍
琉隐九绝 - xiaonan
Thank you for your support and attention. The game will participate in the Steam Trial Festival in June, and we will have another one hour live trial at 8pm on the 16th. Please stay tuned.
Village Heroes - CUNX
The Path of the Brave quest is mainly used to guide novices to familiarize themselves with the various systems in the game. It is currently only the [initial version] and its functions are not yet complete. We will continue to improve it later, and will also add [challenge quests]. Next, we will work hard to fix various bugs and experience issues accumulated in the past two weeks.

[Note] This update: 1. Quest progress is cleared; 2. Ranking data is cleared; 3. Compensation rewards have been distributed via email.

  • Adjust the affix values ​​seen in skill cooldown: 5% -> 7%
  • Adjust the stacking weight of runes of the same type: 4 -> 6
  • The stacking method of skill cooldown and mana consumption reduction is changed to multiplication
  • Rune [Endless Guardian] value adjustment: 2.5-5-7.5-10
  • Adjust the [Mana Limit Potion] value: 5 -> 3
  • Shooter profession skill adjustment: increase attack speed -> increase agility
  • The team mode of the Trial Tower is adjusted to count the total score of the whole team.
  • Optimize the novice experience: increase the gold coins obtained, and increase the probability of obtaining equipment for this profession.
  • Optimize the drop algorithm and clarify the impact of luck value on the equipment of this profession.
  • Greatly increase the bonus of talents, affixes, and divine runes to luck value.
  • Remove the skill cooldown tips.
  • The Angel of Death no longer drops at the dungeon entrance.
  • The continuous opening time of the Shadow Dungeon entrance is adjusted to 30 minutes.
  • Optimize the gold coin sequence frame animation.
  • The main city casting interface has a character deletion restriction.
  • Optimize the player's mini-map icon to make it more conspicuous.
  • Optimize the skill and blood bottle tips to reduce unnecessary prompts.
  • Reduce the warehouse backpack operation cooldown time.
  • Implement the Brave Road task to guide novices to familiarize themselves with various systems.
  • Fixed the display error of agility value in attribute panel.
  • Removed redundant BOSS damage percentage symbol.
  • Fixed the server error caused by account deletion.
  • Fixed the problem that the tips popping up in the center of the screen did not disappear.
Doom Survivors - BunaGames
Doom Survivors Demo V 1.09 is now released! This update has refined the map of Chapter 2 and added sound effects for the release of certain skills.

version 1.09

  1. The monster generation method in Chapter 2 has been changed to prevent them from spawning too close to the player.
  2. The item generation method on the map of Chapter 2 has been adjusted to avoid placing items in unreachable locations for the player.
  3. Added sound effects for the release of character skills.
  4. Added sound effects for the release of the Meteor Strike skill.

Mithra - jazibobs
Hey everyone,

I hope you've all had a wonderful Next Fest. We've been blown away by the response to Mithra and it's got us all really excited to share the full release with you all.

Thank you to everyone who has been streaming/let's play-ing the demo, it's been really useful for us as a team to see the strengths of the game and what we can improve to make the full release of Mithra even better.

That said, we've been working on a few quality-of-life fixes for the demo based on player feedback:

    - We've added keyboard and mouse support for all puzzles- We've updated the collision boxes for interactable items to make them more accurate- We've updated the emoji font for the opening puzzle for those of you who saw weird glyphs- We've added the ability to play the game full screen or windowed in the main settings- We've updated the audio settings so everything doesn't fire out at 100% volume on opening- We've improved the 3d audio effects in the game to make everything a bit more ethereal- We've been fixing a few typos and fixing any small bugs we've found since release

We're always looking to improve Mithra, if you have any further ideas for the suggestion box please send us a message on our Steam Community Pages or join our Discord server.

no signal - exodrifter

I will be tabling at 2D Con this year on August 23rd to 25th in Minneapolis, MN. You can get tickets here.

I'll be showing off a demo of no signal and selling physical copies of Gender Dysphoria at Indie Island! I'm looking forward to the event and if you go, I hope to see y'all there ❤️
Delverium - Sagestone Games
We are very excited to be demoing Delverium as part of the Queensland Games Festival at the Brisbane Powerhouse on June 22nd! Entry is free, so please drop by if you are local, say hi and get an early look at Delverium.

It isn’t just about Delverium though, so make sure you take a look at all the other great Queensland made games, chat with developers and check out the free hands-on workshops.

Queensland Games Festival

For those unable to attend, stay tuned! We hope to showcase Delverium at more events and are working hard to prepare a playtest build to share through our Discord server in the near future.

- Skoddle, Sagestone Games
E.E.R.I.E2 - P.C is dust
V1.00 version update content
1. New accessories: Three silencers can reduce the range of gunshot sound.
2. Skeleton Model Update: The current skeleton has a female humanoid shell and softer animation.
3. Weapon modification system improvement: In the weapon modification window, you can see the performance changes that accessories bring to the weapon, and you can also fold the stock of the weapon.
4. Workshop Support: Can create characters, costumes, maps E.E.R.I.E2. The development toolkit and tutorials are still being developed. Currently, I have uploaded a test map that I made myself in the Workshop.
5. New title screen.
6. Model improvement of AR15 stocks。
Future plan
1. Workshop development toolkit and tutorials will be completed within a week.
2. This month, some weapons and accessories will be added.
3. The first DLC will release a trailer video after determining the theme during production preparation.
4. The development of the multiplayer is currently under consideration.

If you encounter any bugs, please report them here as soon as possible. The game will be set to full version within 24 hours.

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