Life is Strange: Before the Storm - JoshuaSquareEnix
As we approach the #JourneysEnd, we wanted to take some time to deep dive on one of Life is Strange 2’s most important, but also most misinterpreted systems. We hope that this added insight will help guide you in your decision making as you start Life is Strange 2 either for the first time or on a repeat playthrough.

As you may know, choices and their consequences in Life is Strange 2 are centered around your brother: Daniel. What we purposefully haven’t outlined properly to date is the depth of this system or how it actually functions as we believe a Life is Strange is best experienced purely rather than trying to game the system underlying it. Quite often we will see players deconstruct the outcome of a Life is Strange 2 episode using the choice and consequence system of previous games: “If you choose these specific three or four options you should get outcome X”. Today we wanted to take some time to explain that interpreting Life is Strange 2 solely through that kind of system can only lead to confusion.

Before we get into the new system underlying Life is Strange 2 though, know that each entry in the season does have episode-specific consequence systems that conform to the more traditional choice and consequence approach. Your relationships with secondary characters, for example, are often based on the branching that you’ve come to expect from a Life is Strange game. If you work hard to build a specific relationship, that character’s attitude towards you may change significantly which in turn will open or close off options that determine the fate of these characters.

With respect to Daniel however, the system has added layers of complexity. From what we’ve seen so far, Daniel’s education is believed to rely on a “one-track” model similar to the one described above. That is to say that you can, for example, only teach Daniel to either be “Good” or “Bad” and that only certain key decisions will affect his education by nudging him towards becoming either a good or an evil person. The truth, however, is that Daniel grows and learns from your example based on two separate values: Morality and Brotherhood.

• Daniel’s Morality state determines how he acts in any given situation. Does he act in a kind and considerate way, or is he entirely selfish, without regard for other people’s feelings or safety?
• Daniel’s Brotherhood state determines how he responds to what you, as Sean, teach and ask of him. Does he trust you to make the right choice for the two of you, or will he disregard what you say because you’ve been unable to win his trust?

Here’s the thing: the choices you must make in Life is Strange 2 are, like in other Life is Strange games and life in general, imperfect options. There is no true “right” or “wrong” decision, and all of them are laced with their own pros and cons that could contain a sting in the tail.

While some decisions may improve Daniel’s Morality, those same choices can have a negative impact on his trust in you, and vice versa. There are some choices that may add to both Morality and Brotherhood, just like there are others that may reduce them both, or only impact one while leaving the other unaffected. You will have to weigh up each option for yourself and decide which outcome will be better for your personal Diaz brothers.

It’s also key to note that opposing choices aren’t just mirrors of one another. That is to say, choosing option A, which may award an increase in Morality, doesn’t mean that option B will reduce Morality by the same amount. Each choice is weighted individually and entirely on its context. Choosing the opposite of a choice that would have affected Daniel’s Brotherhood and trust may not impact his Brotherhood either negatively or positively.

In the diagram below we’ve outlined a small number of hypothetical examples of how this concept functions – please note that the diagram and the choice examples are purely for illustrative purposes and are not present in Life is Strange 2. The diagram is also greatly simplified as it has been trimmed down to just 5 examples rather than the multitude of choices that play into determining the consequences you will experience.

Choice 1: Sean reminds Daniel that stealing is wrong, in every situation, and refuses to take money from an unattended wallet.
Choice 2: Sean ‘borrows’ a can of cola from a store, to quench Daniel’s thirst, and promises he’ll send the store a couple of dollars in the mail when they get some money.
Choice 3: Sean stays up late entertaining Daniel with bedtime stories, with wholesome morals, staving off his nightmares and helping him sleep through the night.
Choice 4: Sean shoots a potential kidnapper in the arm with the man’s own gun, in order to save Daniel.
Choice 5: An angry Sean blames Daniel for having to shoot the man.

While major choices will have a greater impact on Daniel’s education overall, the lessons they teach him can still be outweighed by the many smaller choices you may make throughout your journey and the example you set. You can’t choose to only be righteous when it counts, if that’s what matters to you. You have to be an example to Daniel in everything you do and say.

This is also why certain playthroughs result in different outcomes, even though players may have made the same major choices as their friends and other players. These outcomes are likely down to choosing differently in a series of smaller choices.

To date, Life is Strange 2 has featured over 50 individual choices that have pushed Daniel towards becoming moral/amoral and/or trusting/not trusting of Sean. This is what we mean when we say, “everything you do will have an impact on Daniel.”

You have so far had 50 opportunities to mold Daniel into the kind of person you want him to become - 16 of those already appearing during Episode 1. Each opportunity and decision will have stacked on top of the others, to cumulatively determine which outcome you see at the end of each episode, and which endings (that’s right, we heard you!) will be available to you at the end of the game. This additive system means that a single save file will not be able to see every single outcome of Life is Strange 2 as you will not be able to simply reload and re-pick one or two choices in order to see all other endings.

You will also notice that Daniel’s moment-to-moment behavior throughout the season also subtly changes depending your choices. Some of those subtleties will be evident in his general behavior, interactions with Sean and other characters as well as the words he uses. Others become apparent through the “look at” cues you can investigate that relate to Daniel and what Sean thinks of him.

As Daniel becomes the person you are teaching him to be, his learned state of mind will also open up or close off some bigger and smaller decision options that you are given. There are cases throughout the episodes where you may try to interact with Daniel in a particular way, but he refuses to listen or accept your advice or help. That refusal may mean that what you’re trying to teach him may not have the same impact as if he had accepted it. This is because your previous choices have reinforced and compounded themselves as you proceeded through the story of Life is Strange 2. This is particularly visible if you have a sudden change of heart or feel strongly about a certain decision that may not align with what you’ve taught him so far.

Each time the little wolf icon is highlighted, your decision will have had an impact on Daniel

Daniel’s Morality and Brotherhood values aren’t just on a 0-100 scale either. It is entirely possible for Daniel’s values to dip into negative numbers, which is when players will truly start to see Daniel’s dark side.

There is absolutely some truth to the idea that if you end up with a Daniel who is entirely misbehaved, never listens and doesn’t trust Sean… then that’s a direct result of you choosing to raise Daniel in that way.

The ultimate outcome of the Life is Strange 2 story reflects the accumulation of all your previous choices with regards to Daniel. His actions and demeanour are determined by what you taught him throughout the season, in interactions big and small. This will be important, particularly when he reaches a point where he may well assert his independence and start making big decisions of his own.

We have purposefully not gone into exact details about which choices impact Daniel’s education, or to what extent, as we want you to experience Life is Strange 2 using your own personal feelings about right and wrong as a guide, rather than trying to ‘build’ a specifically good or evil and obedient or rebellious Daniel.

Choices, just like in real life, can be messy and are rarely clear-cut. You will often need to make peace with what you feel is best for the Diaz brothers as they journey towards Puerto Lobos.

We’ve outlined a few examples to explain the system a little bit more on our official Youtube Channel (you can also watch it below), though this video will include spoilers. We’ve structured the video in a chronological manner so that you can view it up until the spoiler warnings for an episode you haven’t yet played to avoid getting spoiled. If anything at all about what we covered in this blog was confusing, this video will be sure to help!

We’re now just under a month away from the full release of Life is Strange 2 and are looking forward to hearing whether knowing more about how Daniel is taught changes how you approach the game in the weeks of the #JourneysEnd that lie ahead.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm - SE Toby
The moment many of you have been waiting for. Life is Strange 2 is getting a physical release on PC!

It’s a fantastic way to begin and remember your journey forever - in tangible form sitting very attractively on your shelf, as all good mementos do! It’s also a great way to introduce your friends and family to the long, emotive road to Puerto Lobos. How will your journeys compare?
The physical release will be available December 3rd, 2019 in Europe, and February 4th, 2020 in the Americas. It will come in two flavours – the Life is Strange 2 Standard Edition and the Life is Strange 2 Collector’s Edition.

The Standard Edition is priced at £34.99/€39.99/$39.99 and will contain:
  • The Complete Season - Episodes 1-5 of Life is Strange 2
  • Bonus Game - The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
  • Arcadia Bay Patches - These items let you customize Sean’s in-game backpack!
The Collector’s Edition is priced at £64.99/€69.99/$69.99, and will contain:
  • The Complete Season - Episodes 1-5 of Life is Strange 2
  • Bonus Game: The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
  • Arcadia Bay Patches
  • Jonathan Morali’s official score - 4x 7 inch Vinyl Box Set featuring the game’s amazing original music
  • 32-page hardcover artbook - featuring concept art from Life is Strange 2
  • 4 inch/10cm Sean and 3 inch/8cm Daniel vinyl figurines
  • Collector’s Edition presentation box
The Collector’s Edition will be exclusive to the Square Enix Store, and available to the UK, Europe and the Americas on the dates mentioned previously.

And to address the Mantroid in the room – the different release dates. It’s nothing personal, we love you all equally.

Different countries have different requirements when it comes to rating the content on the discs, and in some cases, this means that a game (or Episode) can’t be rated until it’s complete and submitted, even if it’s not on the disc, which is why the game will be releasing later in the Americas.
With Life is Strange 2 we understand that some players may have been waiting for the final episode to release before diving into the game, and that in an ideal world, those holding out for the physical release wouldn’t want to wait longer than those playing digitally.

We wanted to give as many people as possible the opportunity to choose between a digital and physical box full season release on December 3rd, but for the reasons touched on above, we aren’t able to provide a simultaneous release in every territory.

The only alternative was to push every release date back to February 4th, 2020. As Life is Strange fans, you’ll know that struggling with hard choices is at the core of what we do – this was one we agonised over!

In the end, we decided a split release was the best way to give the most players the widest amount of choice. For those of you in the Americas who are already playing digitally, or who have been waiting for the game’s full release on digital platforms before diving in, have no fear: the upcoming Season Finale will launch digitally everywhere on December 3rd.

Life is Strange 2 is available to buy digitally on Steam. Physical boxed editions are available to pre-order now, from Additional retailer links will be added to this page as they go live.
We’re approaching the end of the Life is Strange 2 road, but there’s still so much to see before your choices lead you to your grand finale!

The Life is Strange team
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Inexorabilis
Episode 4 of #LifeisStrange2 is out now!

Gravely wounded in Humboldt County, California, Sean wakes in hospital to find Daniel still missing. Under arrest, and facing tough questions, Sean's options are few: only quick thinking and unexpected allies can secure his freedom.

Searching for Daniel under the scorching Nevada sun and through freezing desert nights, Sean must make his toughest choices yet. Puerto Lobos and the dream of freedom have never felt so far away.

Will Sean’s faith in Daniel be rewarded – or is the young wolf lost forever?
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Inexorabilis

Episode 4 of #LifeisStrange2 launches this Thursday, August 22!

Gravely wounded in Humboldt County, California, Sean wakes in hospital to find Daniel still missing. Under arrest, and facing tough questions, Sean's options are few: only quick thinking and unexpected allies can secure his freedom.

Searching for Daniel under the scorching Nevada sun and through freezing desert nights, Sean must make his toughest choices yet. Puerto Lobos and the dream of freedom have never felt so far away.

Will Sean’s faith in Daniel be rewarded – or is the young wolf lost forever?
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Inexorabilis

Sean and Daniel Diaz’s journey to Mexico continues in Episode 3, a few months after the events in Episode 2 and the boys’ escape from Beaver Creek. The brothers experience life on the fringes of society, as they befriend a close-knit community of drifters and runaways, and become embroiled in an illegal trade among the towering redwood forests of California.

Sean and Daniel’s resolve is put to the test once again, as new relationships create friction between them and they both learn much about who they are as individuals. Uncertain about their once united purpose, can they stay together, or will their journey together end here?
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Inexorabilis
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Inexorabilis
The first of 5 episodes of #LifeisStrange2 will release in one week on September 27, 2018!

Watch the Life is Strange 2 Launch Trailer by clicking the thumbnail below!
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - SE Toby

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is now available on MacOS & Linux thanks to the hard work of Feral Interactive!
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Inexorabilis
Life is Strange 2 is rapidly approaching, with Episode 1 releasing at the end of the month on September 27th! We’re really excited that the first episode of our all-new story of road trips, brotherhood, and coming-of-age is almost ready to land in the hands of players all over the world. We hope that the journey of Sean and Daniel Diaz will be just as great of an experience for you as it has been for us here in the Life is Strange team.

In preparation for release, we wanted to give you one last sneak peek at Episode 1, and tell you a bit more about the thinking behind the direction of Life is Strange 2. ‘The Road to Life is Strange 2’ is a short documentary about the making of Life is Strange 2, featuring an exclusive look behind the scenes and comments from Co-Creators Michel Koch, Raoul Barbet, and Jean-Luc Cano, as well as other key figures in the development team.


The Life is Strange team
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - Inexorabilis

Dear Life is Strange fans,

You've waited so long for it, and it's finally here... today we reveal everything you need to know about Life is Strange 2. The first of 5 episodes will release September 27, 2018 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC (Steam)!

First things first: the trailer!
The main characters of Life is Strange 2 are brothers Sean (16) and Daniel Diaz (9), two brothers living a fairly normal life in Seattle, Washington state. Following a tragic event, their lives are forever changed. Now on the run from the police and threatened with both separation and incarceration, Sean decides to take his younger brother and seek a better life in their family's home town of Puerto Lobos, Mexico.

Life on the road is tough and dangerous. The brothers will face all manner of challenges as they bravely undertake a journey that will test the bonds of brotherhood. Playing as Sean, you will need to make the kind of tough choices you can expect from a Life is Strange game, and you will need to live with the consequences of your actions. The game will this time focus on brotherhood alongside the need to guide and educate your younger brother whilst simultaneously coming of age yourself. As with previous games in the series, Life is Strange 2 will tackle a host of issues that all of us can identify with and that will cause moral dilemmas and require much soul searching. These themes come together most powerfully in the way Daniel will develop depending on the lessons you teach him and the role model you decide to be.

We are also really excited to confirm that Life is Strange 2 will feature a new power. What it is and how it relates to the brothers is something you will discover in due course!

As Sean and Daniel travel towards Mexico, they will meet an entirely new cast of characters and pass through numerous new settings. Life is Strange 2 will also include multiple features that will be unveiled over the course of the next week, as we strive to deliver the most ambitious Life is Strange entry with the highest production values in the game series to date. Jonathan Morali, the French composer who worked with the team on the first game, is also composing a new original soundtrack for Life is Strange 2 which will be supported by a brand new licensed soundtrack.

If all that information wasn't enough, you can also look forward to gameplay from Life is Strange 2 being released in the coming days. Make sure to subscribe to us on Youtube to be notified as soon the gameplay is released! If you are attending Gamescom 2018, do drop by the Square Enix booth (Hall 9, Booth B31) to play the opening scene yourself.

If you previously played The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, some of the finer details about the story and the brothers may now start falling into place. If you haven't yet played The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, you can download it entirely for free on Steam.

Episode 1 of Life is Strange 2 will release September 27, 2018 and you can pre-order it here.

This game represents as much of a journey to us as it does to our heroes Sean and Daniel, and we can't wait to embark on it with you. Let's get started!

The Life is Strange team

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