Jul 23, 2018
Guns of Icarus Online - Ayetach

New content:
  • Four Team Brawl: Test your skills in our new PvP game mode! This unique experience is a departure from our other game modes in that more than two teams can compete for dominance! Join in and master new engagement styles with Brawl Deathmatch mode!
    • Two new teams join the fray. Yellow and Purple!
    • Deathmatch: First team to 9 points wins.
    • Default lobby size is 2v2v2v2, but can be force started by Captains with 2v2, 2v2v2, or 1v1v1v1.
    • Note: All ships with any crew must have captains, and all captains must agree to Start Match via button vote. Empty ships will not spawn in. Point limit automatically reduced to 5 with 4 ship lobbies (2v2 and 1v1v1v1). Mismatched teams such 2v2v1 or less than 4 total ships are not permitted.
    • ‘Leader’ spotting system. Auto-spots teams that are ahead by ⅓ total score, and marks them as leaders while displaying a message to all players to indicate when a team takes the lead.
    • 2 corner home spawns for each team, plus 8 shared spawns.
    • Hazard spawns: Spawns that have an enemy within 500m will glow.
    • Three maps adapted for Brawl Deathmatch.
    • Brawl at Blackcliff
    • Battle Hazard
    • Brawl on the Dunes (no sandstorm)

  • Alliance War: Sanguine March vs. The Halcyon Cartel - The world has tipped over the boiling point and alliances have been struck, new orders have come down and the match to demonstrate world supremacy has begun, which league of factions will you join in the fight?
  • 4v4 Canyon Ambush: Long requested and awaited, Canyon Ambush has passed stress testing and joins our growing number of 4v4 maps! Enjoy the chaos of never knowing where your next enemy will appear amongst the cloud-shrouded bluffs.

  • Adjusted clouds on all Oblivion-based maps to use Downfall Departure clouds.
  • Canyon Ambush
    • Red spawns adjusted for all map sizes
    • 3v3 and 4v4 map expanded North and East
    • New map image
  • Spotted ship names now use team colors (all modes)
  • Colorblind adjusted (spots only)
  • Drop shadow added for contrast on light backgrounds
  • Renamed ‘Chute Vent’ to ‘Balloon Vent’ to avoid confusion with ‘Drogue Chute’

Balance Changes from Experimental Crew:

  • Stormbreaker: Feedback from the previous trial has been analyzed, and stats have been adjusted accordingly. 65% of survey takers felt that the trial version was more balanced and should be the direction taken with some modifications.
    • Lateral (side) Drag: 0.4 (from 0.75)
    • Armor: 420 (from 320)
    • Gun 2: 53° port (from 40)
    • Gun 3: 37° starboard (from 90 Port) Moved to right of ship.
    • Gun 4: 102° port (from 110)
    • Speed: 32 m/s (from 30)
  • Galleon
    • Hull: 1500 (from 1400)
    • Armor: 820 (from 800)
    • Longitudinal Speed: 36 m/s (from 30.02)
    • Acceleration: 3.2 m/s^2 (from 2.10)
    • Turn Speed: 8 deg/s (from 8.02)
    • Turn Acceleration: 6 deg/s^2 (from 5.06)
  • Junker
    • Vertical Speed: 14 m/s (from 13)
    • Vertical Acceleration: 5.5m/s^2 (from 3)
  • Pilot Priority (Captain’s Spot) Target Duration 20s (from 10s)
  • Mine Duration
    • 1200s (from 240s)
  • Drogue Chute
    • +250% Vertical Drag (no change)
    • +250% Longitudinal Drag (from 0)
    • +500% Lateral Drag (from 0)
  • Removed Engine Force Alteration (from -60%)
  • Impact Bumpers
    • +350% Angular Drag
    • +500% Lateral Drag
    • Removed Engine Force Alteration (from -60%)
    • -30% Impact Damage (from -25%)
  • Pipe Wrench
    • -1 fire per repair (from 0)
  • Hwacha
    • Rate of fire decreased: 7 shots per second (from 8.33)
    • Direct (Explosive) Damage: 15 (from 24.66)
    • Reload: 13.5 (from 14)
  • Nemesis
    • Jitter: 1° (from 2)
    • Velocity: 375m/s (from 400)
    • Zoom: 2x (from 1.75x)
    • Shell Drop: 9.8 (from 13)
    • Range: 1770m (from 800m)
    • Horizontal turn speed: 30deg/s (from 60)
    • Vertical turn speed: 40deg/s (from 60)
    • Rate of fire increased: 0.6 (from 0.5)
    • Reload: 6s (from 5)

Show your loyalty and prestige with 12 new unique faction costumes! Complete one of the 6 following missions for your respective faction:
  • Keeper of Eden

  • Serene Magnate

  • Virtuous Autocrat

  • Industrial Technocrat

  • Majestic Sovereign

  • Wayfaring Vagabond

Completing the mission for your faction by committing 10,000 coins unlocks a new male and female version of the faction costume.

  • Fixed issue with multiple boss ships appearing
  • Fixed a typo on a profile picture name
  • Removed collision errors on Thornholt Crest.
Guns of Icarus Online - Ayetach
Memorial Day Weekend Giveaway

During this Memorial Day weekend, in honor of everyone who served and sacrificed, we’ve partnered with Steam to offer a limited-time giveaway event. It starts today at 1pm US eastern time and lasts until Tuesday 5/29 1pm US eastern time. Get the game for free here!

New Content:

Corsair: Command the skies against other players in a new combat-ready skyship! Presenting the Anglean Corsair, the latest addition to available ships in the PvP!

New PvE Map: Crown Summit, the newest Blockade map in PvE available for teams of 2-4 ships. Navigate through new hostile environments as you battle to defend your refineries from the waves of enemy bomber fleets!


[Steam] New costume bundles. PS4 bundles and deals coming soon.

Balance Changes from Experimental Crew:
Corsair -
  • Forward speed: 30 (from 34.74)
  • Forward accel: 8
  • Turn speed: 10
  • Turn accel: 9 (from 7.45)
  • Mass: 250t (from 500t)
  • Vertical speed: 15
  • Vertical accel: 4
  • Armor:650 (from 1200)
  • Hull:1200 (from 1800)
  • Light gun (4 and 5) angles: 75deg off center (from 60)
  • Moved helm forward to railing to increase view.
  • Added armor to front blade of balloon to avoid 'free' balloon rams.
  • Moved light engines forward to match mounts.
  • This is an attempt to get as wide a spread between turning and forward acceleration, with turning acceleration being higher, while keeping around 34% of the total engine force on the light engines. Previous Corsair had 0.5% thrust on light engines.
Mobula -
  • Vertical accel: 7 (from 5.5)
King of the Hill -
  • Capture Point radius increased from to 200m (from 150m)
  • Capture time reduced to 15 seconds (from 30)
  • Decapture time reduced to 15 seconds (from 30)
  • These are the same changes previously made to Crazy King capture points.
Desert Scrap -
  • Capture and Decap time to 15 seconds each.
  • Capture point radius to 180 (from 150). Area has to be a little smaller than the other KotH maps to keep it inside the wreck.
  • Points increased to 450 (from 400).
  • Point moved slightly to compensate for increased point size and keep the capture area inside the wreck.
PvE Skills -
Air Horn
  • Cooldown: 40 seconds (from 200)
  • Duration: 60 seconds (from 120)
Engine Stabilization
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds (from 200)
  • Duration: 20 seconds (from 15)
Combustion Dampener
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds (from 200)
Component Disruption
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds (from 200)
  • Range 800m (from 600)
  • Note: Damage has falloff from 100% at 0m to 0% at 800m, so will have 50% damage at 400m range.
Proximal Detonation
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds (from 200)
  • Duration: 20 seconds (from 15)
  • AoE damage: +30% (from +0%)
Concussive Blast
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds (from 200)


Stormbreaker: Trial of the Skies -
Modifications have been made to our Arashi combat ship, the Stormbreaker. Let us know what you think about these changes and how they feel in both PvE and PvP. This trial period will last for two weeks to allow you, our community of aviators, to push the limits of these changes and judge for yourself! Let us know what you think by clicking on the survey link below. You can also find the link to this survey in our ‘Community’ section under the ‘Events’ banners with the name ‘Stormbreaker Trials’. Click ‘Sign up’ to be taken directly to the survey in your default web browser.

This new design may be changed back and tested further, or they may stick around! Let us know what you think in the survey, email to feedback@musegames.com or Discord http://discord.gg/gunsoficarus in the #experimental-crew channel!

Survey link found on the game's start screen and in-game event banners.

Stormbreaker Trial Stats -
  • Gun 2 angled 60° port (left) (from 40°)
  • Gun 3 moved to starboard (right) and angled 45° to starboard (from 90° port) (reference image in survey)
  • Added more armor hitboxes (reference image in survey).

  • Fixed a bug which may cause game to crash when receiving voice chat.
  • Fixed networking performance issues caused by accidentally shipping debug libraries

PS4 specific (version 1.06):
  • Improved text chat: players may now long hold touchpad during matches to start text chat.
  • Players with USB keyboard can use space to start chat, arrow keys to switch channel, space to start typing, and Esc to cancel.
  • Fixed a bug where you may skip an item in header menu with L2/R2.
Guns of Icarus Online - Ayetach
Guns of Icarus Alliance has Arrived on PS4!
Starting today, Steam and PS4 players would be able to play and TALK in the same match, for the first time ever. With it, we’re also adding more contents and special, exclusive items to celebrate the PS4 release and cross-platform play.

Also, a special thanks to everyone who supported us during the Daily Deal sale and giveaway! For those still wait for keys, they’re coming! Thanks for being patient!

New content:
  • Derelict Deception - PvP Deathmatch based on the northern third of the PvE Oblivion map. 2v2 through 4v4. Take part in epic battles in close quarters, under the shade of the skeletal remains of a gargantuan ship.

  • Relic - PvP King of the Hill based on the northern third of the PvE Oblivion map. 2v2 through 4v4. Claim ownership over the ruins of this downed behemoth. Dive into its belly to hold the point from enemies.

  • Raid in the Abyss - PvP Crazy King based on the PvE Sunken Reach map. 2v2 through 4v4. Weave in and out of the twisting pipes and fend off your opponents as you fly from one end of the map to the other, but try not to get stuck!

Special Additions:
  • PS4 Launch Limited Special Item:
    To celebrate our launch we are offering a limited stock of the “Cult of the Abyss mask to the first 10K number of players who log in!
  • PS4 Referral system:
    With the release of Guns of Icarus Alliance on PS4, players on this platform will now have a referral system to recommend exceptional players on their ships and teams. Each tier earns both players a unique costume!

  • Added Playstation 4 cross-play and voice support!
  • 2v2 VIP removed
  • New gun view background added to Library
  • Removed transparency from chat panel

  • Fixed issue of team commendations not working
  • Fixed match option for matchmaker selections
Guns of Icarus Online - Ayetach

The Daily Deal sale and giveaway has ended! Thanks everyone so much for the overwhelming support! It's been truly amazing, and we can't thank everyone enough. We still have a large pile of requests to respond to (over 7,000 has been responded to so far!), so thanks in advance for your patience. We're still waiting for the next batch of keys from Steam, and as soon as we get them, we'll resume sending them out to everyone.
Guns of Icarus Online - Ayetach

Guns of Icarus Alliance is going live on PS4 on May 1st!

It’s the first seamlessly cross-platform Steam and PS4 game. Not only can you play with PS4 players in the same match, but you can call out commands or chat about life via voice chat as well!

In celebration, we are going ALL OUT!
- Get the game now for -85% and grab 3 free copies for a full crew of friends!
- Simply activate the game and send your Steam Receipt to feedback@musegames.com! It’s that easy*

Tell your friends! This is for players and friends only, no key resellers please*

Fly safely,
Your Muse Games team!

Pre-Order PS4 US link: https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0456-CUSA09099_00-GUNSOFICARUSALNC

PreOrder PS4 EU link: https://store.playstation.com/en-gb/product/EP0453-CUSA11511_00-GUNSOFICARUSPODR

*Acquisition of the additional keys are, in whole or in part, not available for resale. Free game copies will be distributed when you email us a screenshot of your purchase receipt. Please allow up to seven days time for distribution of game keys.
Guns of Icarus Online - Ayetach

New content:
  • Wandering Ridge: Weave your way through threatening mountain scapes and harsh ambush choke points deep in Yeshan territory. Fight or flight, either way the journey will not be an easy one. Enjoy the challenge of this new infiltration map available to you and your friends in the PvE experience!

  • The Crusader: Hail from the lands of the Fjord Baronies! A new ship now available for the exhilarating PvP experience! Learn new strategies and tactics in ambushing enemy vessels with this ship, all in the name of glory!

  • Steam Workshop items developed by the community:
    - Harry's Hat
    - Bard Logo
    - Cat Skull
    - Ridden into the Ground
    - Clover
    - Gears and Roses
    - Traditional Snowflake
    - Anglean Iceflake
    - True Gentlemen
    - Birdy Engineer
    - Snakes Bite
    - Nautical Star

Playstation Release Date Announced:
The long-anticipated announcement for our definitive release of Guns of Icarus Alliance on the Playstation is now here! Click on the links below to find out more!

US PlayStation Blog: https://blog.us.playstation.com/2018/03/29/take-to-the-skies-with-guns-of-icarus-alliance-out-may-1-for-ps4/

Pre-Order: https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0456-CUSA09099_00-GUNSOFICARUSALNC

  • Crusader team flags moved further back to avoid blocking view in doorways
  • Adjusted post-processing effects on night maps to improve visibility
  • Drop down menus from player names should now disappear when clicking on other areas of the UI
  • “Reload speed” metric changed to “Reload Time” in weapon books
  • General UI revamps
  • Players can now ‘opt-out’ of a leadership role for each leadership rotation period
  • Ship scrambling is now added to queued Alliance lobbies that return from a completed match
  • Removed duplicate AI control bindings
  • Changed game font
  • Added the ability to swap to a more traditionally first-person camera setup in spectator mode (default key is P)

Balance Changes:
Brought to you by the Experimental Crew, a diverse group of players from fresh faces to grizzled vets with a shared interest in the extreme sport of number crunching and spreadsheet tossing.
  • Crusader
    - Moved armor repair point to area between mid guns.
    - Forward Speed: 32 m/s
    - Acceleration: 4 m/s² (from 4.64)
    - Max Turn Speed: 12.5 deg/s (from 14.15)
    - Turn Acceleration: 7 deg/s² (from 6.11)
    - Max Vertical Speed: 17.03 m/s
    - Vertical Acceleration: 2.75 m/s² (from 8)
    - Mass: 180t (from 280)
  • Judgement
    - Acceleration: 3 m/s² (from 3)
  • Magnate
    - It has been discovered that the Mercantile Guild shipyard dockmaster has been supplying priveteers with faulty heavy engines and pocketing the profits. The Guild has suitably punished the offender and has replaced the barely functioning main engine.
    - Forward Speed: 34 m/s (from 26.02)
    - Acceleration: 5 m/s² (from 4.3)
    - Max Turn Speed: 15 deg/s
    - Turn Acceleration: 4 deg/s² (from 4.5)
    - Max Vertical Speed: 16.01 m/s (from 17.03 m/s)
    - Vertical Acceleration: 3 m/s² (from 3.5)
    - Mass: 200t (from 125)
  • Stormbreaker
    - Acceleration: 9.5 m/s² (from 15)
    - Turn Acceleration: 6.51 deg/s² (from 4.5)
  • Balloon rebuild Spanner hits decreased to 9 (from 10)
  • Seraph Tempest MK-S & Seraph Tempest MKI
    - Side arcs increased to 50deg (from 40)
    - Jitter reduced 90% (aesthetic change, minimal effect on balance)

  • Removed invisible step lip on Crusader and other navmesh issues
  • Fixed missing Crusader balloon when viewed at 155+ meters away
  • Fixed unicode display text for player tags in lobbies
  • Fixed overlapping victory screen text
  • Fixed sound clipping (again) in soundtrack track 21, The New Manifest Destiny
  • Fixed issues with hint bubbles for novice players
Guns of Icarus Online - Ayetach

New content:
  • Wandering Ridge: Weave your way through threatening mountain scapes and harsh ambush choke points deep in Yeshan territory. Fight or flight, either way the journey will not be an easy one. Enjoy the challenge of this new infiltration map available to you and your friends in the PvE experience!

  • The Crusader: Hail from the lands of the Fjord Baronies! A new ship now available for the exhilarating PvP experience! Learn new strategies and tactics in ambushing enemy vessels with this ship, all in the name of glory!

  • Steam Workshop items developed by the community:
    - Harry's Hat
    - Bard Logo
    - Cat Skull
    - Ridden into the Ground
    - Clover
    - Gears and Roses
    - Traditional Snowflake
    - Anglean Iceflake
    - True Gentlemen
    - Birdy Engineer
    - Snakes Bite
    - Nautical Star

Playstation Release Date Announced:
The long-anticipated announcement for our definitive release of Guns of Icarus Alliance on the Playstation is now here! Click on the links below to find out more!

US PlayStation Blog: https://blog.us.playstation.com/2018/03/29/take-to-the-skies-with-guns-of-icarus-alliance-out-may-1-for-ps4/

Pre-Order: https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0456-CUSA09099_00-GUNSOFICARUSALNC

  • Crusader team flags moved further back to avoid blocking view in doorways
  • Adjusted post-processing effects on night maps to improve visibility
  • Drop down menus from player names should now disappear when clicking on other areas of the UI
  • “Reload speed” metric changed to “Reload Time” in weapon books
  • General UI revamps
  • Players can now ‘opt-out’ of a leadership role for each leadership rotation period
  • Ship scrambling is now added to queued Alliance lobbies that return from a completed match
  • Removed duplicate AI control bindings
  • Changed game font
  • Added the ability to swap to a more traditionally first-person camera setup in spectator mode (default key is P)

Balance Changes:
Brought to you by the Experimental Crew, a diverse group of players from fresh faces to grizzled vets with a shared interest in the extreme sport of number crunching and spreadsheet tossing.
  • Crusader
    - Moved armor repair point to area between mid guns.
    - Forward Speed: 32 m/s
    - Acceleration: 4 m/s² (from 4.64)
    - Max Turn Speed: 12.5 deg/s (from 14.15)
    - Turn Acceleration: 7 deg/s² (from 6.11)
    - Max Vertical Speed: 17.03 m/s
    - Vertical Acceleration: 2.75 m/s² (from 8)
    - Mass: 180t (from 280)
  • Judgement
    - Acceleration: 3 m/s² (from 3)
  • Magnate
    - It has been discovered that the Mercantile Guild shipyard dockmaster has been supplying priveteers with faulty heavy engines and pocketing the profits. The Guild has suitably punished the offender and has replaced the barely functioning main engine.
    - Forward Speed: 34 m/s (from 26.02)
    - Acceleration: 5 m/s² (from 4.3)
    - Max Turn Speed: 15 deg/s
    - Turn Acceleration: 4 deg/s² (from 4.5)
    - Max Vertical Speed: 16.01 m/s (from 17.03 m/s)
    - Vertical Acceleration: 3 m/s² (from 3.5)
    - Mass: 200t (from 125)
  • Stormbreaker
    - Acceleration: 9.5 m/s² (from 15)
    - Turn Acceleration: 6.51 deg/s² (from 4.5)
  • Balloon rebuild Spanner hits decreased to 9 (from 10)
  • Seraph Tempest MK-S & Seraph Tempest MKI
    - Side arcs increased to 50deg (from 40)
    - Jitter reduced 90% (aesthetic change, minimal effect on balance)

  • Removed invisible step lip on Crusader and other navmesh issues
  • Fixed missing Crusader balloon when viewed at 155+ meters away
  • Fixed unicode display text for player tags in lobbies
  • Fixed overlapping victory screen text
  • Fixed sound clipping (again) in soundtrack track 21, The New Manifest Destiny
  • Fixed issues with hint bubbles for novice players
Guns of Icarus Online - Ayetach

New content:
  • Brand new PvE Defense map: Blistered Abyss! Deep within the desertified valleys lay the ruins of forgotten battles. Excavations, for both scavenge and archaeological purposes, have cut deep into the terrain. Narrow passages have been carved out like a focused Aten blast to iron. Precious resources still lie in the depths. Protect the excavation bases from enemy attack!

  • Crybaby Mask - A Heart Breaker Update exclusive item just in time for Valentine’s Day, for limited time only. This is available when you complete the ‘Fiery Passion’ mission event!

  • Broken Heart Decal - A Heart Breaker Update exclusive item just in time for Valentine’s Day, for limited time only. This is available when you complete the ‘Fiery Passion’ mission event!

  • Year of the Dog Decal - Heart Breaker Update special item, a free decal to celebrate the Lunar New Year!

  • 4v4 Clash at Blackcliff: Like battling it out amongst the refineries, in the rain, in the dark? Well you can do it with 31 other friends now!

  • Fiery Passion: Show your friends and enemies your Valentine passion by bringing 250 ship components to flame! Completing this will earn you the Crybaby masks and Broken Heart decal! This mission will be available to complete in the first two weeks following Valentines day.

  • New EULA: In preparation for PS4 release and cross-platform support, we’ve updated the EULA. This would also help us work with content creators to make sure their items could be distributed on PS4.
  • Wider lobbies to accommodate maximum width names
  • 2v2 version of Crazy King maps resource limits lowered to 450

Experimental Crew balance changes:
  • Shrike:

    - Armor: 425 (from 400)

    - Forward Speed: 40 m/s (from 36.38 m/s)
- Forward acceleration: 10 m/s2 (from 8.04 m/s2)

    - Turn Speed: 15 deg/s (from 13.65 deg/s)

    - Turn Acceleration: 7.5 deg/s2 (from 8.01 deg/s2)
- Mass: 75 tonnes (from 95)
- Vertical Speed: 17m/s (from 9.43 m/s)
- Vertical Accel: 2.5m/s2 (from 4.16 m/s2)
  • Judgement:

    - 2 m/s2(from 4)
- Turn Speed: 16 deg/s (from 12)
- Turn Acceleration: 4.5 deg/s2 (from 7)
  • Choppy (Static Turret Engineer ability):

    - Increased duration to 100 seconds (from 90s, equal to cooldown)
- 100 second cooldown (from 200)
- Damage: FIXED! Both Gats can shoot in unison. MOAR DAKKA!

    - Gun 1 Gatling: 7 piercing/7 shatter, 100 ammo, 4s reload, 8 shots per second
- Gun 2 Gatling: 7 piercing/7 shatter, 100 ammo, 4s reload, 8 shots per second

    - Gun 3 Mortar, 60 explosive/60 explosive (from 30/30), 6 ammo, 5 second reload, 0.45 shots per second
  • Salvo Neutralizer Engineer ability:
- 2000 HP (from 500) Armor type
- Duration 20 seconds
- Lower cooldown to 30 seconds (from 200)
  • Minotaur:

    - Force: 120,000n (from 150,000)
  • Nemesis:
- Added 1.75x zoom (from no zoom)

    - Force: 200,000N (from 100k)
    -Minotaur has 400k per buck, 5 bucks, and 5 shots
- Velocity: 400m/s (from 350)
  • Blackcliff start spawns and respawns reworked for 4v4. Grouped at start, with two additional respawns.

  • Overhauled ship balloon dyes to ensure dye colors come through clearly on all ships
  • Fixed several “A Perfect World” Infiltration achievements not completing due to checking the wrong health value
  • Chat will appear above the end game screen instead of hidden behind it
  • Reallocated several achievements so that they can be achieved in either Alliance or Skirmish (Neutral) as well as making sure they are sorted properly
  • Static turret (Choppy) firing bug fixed. Guns now fire independently instead of in series.
  • Fixed Stormbreaker ‘halo’ lights showing through clouds (removed the halos).
  • Fixed ‘Go AFK’ text.
Guns of Icarus Online - Ayetach

New content:
  • Brand new PvE Defense map: Blistered Abyss! Deep within the desertified valleys lay the ruins of forgotten battles. Excavations, for both scavenge and archaeological purposes, have cut deep into the terrain. Narrow passages have been carved out like a focused Aten blast to iron. Precious resources still lie in the depths. Protect the excavation bases from enemy attack!

  • Crybaby Mask - A Heart Breaker Update exclusive item just in time for Valentine’s Day, for limited time only. This is available when you complete the ‘Fiery Passion’ mission event!

  • Broken Heart Decal - A Heart Breaker Update exclusive item just in time for Valentine’s Day, for limited time only. This is available when you complete the ‘Fiery Passion’ mission event!

  • Year of the Dog Decal - Heart Breaker Update special item, a free decal to celebrate the Lunar New Year!

  • 4v4 Clash at Blackcliff: Like battling it out amongst the refineries, in the rain, in the dark? Well you can do it with 31 other friends now!

  • Fiery Passion: Show your friends and enemies your Valentine passion by bringing 250 ship components to flame! Completing this will earn you the Crybaby masks and Broken Heart decal! This mission will be available to complete in the first two weeks following Valentines day.

  • New EULA: In preparation for PS4 release and cross-platform support, we’ve updated the EULA. This would also help us work with content creators to make sure their items could be distributed on PS4.
  • Wider lobbies to accommodate maximum width names
  • 2v2 version of Crazy King maps resource limits lowered to 450

Experimental Crew balance changes:
  • Shrike:

    - Armor: 425 (from 400)

    - Forward Speed: 40 m/s (from 36.38 m/s)
- Forward acceleration: 10 m/s2 (from 8.04 m/s2)

    - Turn Speed: 15 deg/s (from 13.65 deg/s)

    - Turn Acceleration: 7.5 deg/s2 (from 8.01 deg/s2)
- Mass: 75 tonnes (from 95)
- Vertical Speed: 17m/s (from 9.43 m/s)
- Vertical Accel: 2.5m/s2 (from 4.16 m/s2)
  • Judgement:

    - 2 m/s2(from 4)
- Turn Speed: 16 deg/s (from 12)
- Turn Acceleration: 4.5 deg/s2 (from 7)
  • Choppy (Static Turret Engineer ability):

    - Increased duration to 100 seconds (from 90s, equal to cooldown)
- 100 second cooldown (from 200)
- Damage: FIXED! Both Gats can shoot in unison. MOAR DAKKA!

    - Gun 1 Gatling: 7 piercing/7 shatter, 100 ammo, 4s reload, 8 shots per second
- Gun 2 Gatling: 7 piercing/7 shatter, 100 ammo, 4s reload, 8 shots per second

    - Gun 3 Mortar, 60 explosive/60 explosive (from 30/30), 6 ammo, 5 second reload, 0.45 shots per second
  • Salvo Neutralizer Engineer ability:
- 2000 HP (from 500) Armor type
- Duration 20 seconds
- Lower cooldown to 30 seconds (from 200)
  • Minotaur:

    - Force: 120,000n (from 150,000)
  • Nemesis:
- Added 1.75x zoom (from no zoom)

    - Force: 200,000N (from 100k)
    -Minotaur has 400k per buck, 5 bucks, and 5 shots
- Velocity: 400m/s (from 350)
  • Blackcliff start spawns and respawns reworked for 4v4. Grouped at start, with two additional respawns.

  • Overhauled ship balloon dyes to ensure dye colors come through clearly on all ships
  • Fixed several “A Perfect World” Infiltration achievements not completing due to checking the wrong health value
  • Chat will appear above the end game screen instead of hidden behind it
  • Reallocated several achievements so that they can be achieved in either Alliance or Skirmish (Neutral) as well as making sure they are sorted properly
  • Static turret (Choppy) firing bug fixed. Guns now fire independently instead of in series.
  • Fixed Stormbreaker ‘halo’ lights showing through clouds (removed the halos).
  • Fixed ‘Go AFK’ text.
Guns of Icarus Online - Ayetach

New content:
  • The Arashi Stormbreaker is now available in PvP:
    Power through the skies against other players as the Arashi Stormbreaker saunters in from the western sunset. Packing guns a-plenty and sporting the highest acceleration of any other ship, it is a thing to be reckoned with. Watch your flanks if you face one in the air. However, with great power comes… poor construction. Keep your engineers handy, as the Stormbreaker practically shakes itself apart in hard maneuvers. Time for a little chaos.

  • Crazy King renovated and activated for all lobby sizes (2v2 after event):
    To some, Crazy King is a legend, a myth spoken by grizzled veterans. They speak of long chases and countless ships filling the sky. Legend no more! Crazy King has been gone over with a fine tooth comb to address some wrinkles and bumps, and will be making its debut in 2v2 to join its King of the Hill brethren. This will be the first time the famed Flayed Hills will be seen by some players that have never ventured into a 4v4 match. With 7 Capture Points instead of 5, closer spawns, and fast capturing points, Flayed Hills will be a tour to remember. Get ready for a wild ride!

  • Rise of the Monarchs: With the introduction of game changing content, we’ll now be introducing radical new designs with our Crazy King game mode formats! With cooperation from everyone in the community complete 500 matches in PvP game modes: King of the Hill & Crazy King and PvE game modes: Defense & Retrieve. Completing this mission will unlock the fabled Crazy King maps in all new 2v2 lobbies! Join the fight, seize the skies and reap the rewards!

  • Library and War Lore
    - New UI
    - New map organization into area groups
    - Viewable gun models
    - More information on ships and guns
    - Added Faction ship descriptions
    - Removed unlock system and achievements

  • UI Aesthetics changes in menus and Match

  • Moderated match functions (Moderator and referee use)
    - Visible timer (spectator only)
    - Spawn target (spectator only)
    - End match and declare winner (spectator only)
    - Change map in lobby
    - Added ‘referee’ user level

    New changes brought to you by the Experimental Crew, a dedicated group of players working closely with Muse to bring your feedback into reality! Vet to novice, all are welcome. Join the Crew!

  • Water Hazard, Northern Fjords, and Fight over Firnfeld activated for 4v4 Deathmatch

  • Crazy King
    - All CK maps are activated for 2v2 and 3v3
    - Reduced capture and decap times to 15 seconds (from 30)
    - Reduced capture point active time to 170 seconds (from 198)
    - Point A is always first
    - All new start spawns surround Point A
    - Point radius is 200 (from 150).
    - Respawns completely redone on all CK maps
    - Respawns are shared on all CK maps

  • Anglean Raiders
    - Point limit to 500 (from 450)
    - Reordered points to minimize long travel.
    - Moved B8 point to C2 and lowered
    - Moved I8 point to G9
    - Raised flight ceiling 100 meters. Effects all Firnfeld maps (excluding Breach Occupation)

  • Raid on the Refinery
    - Point limit to 500 (from 450)
    - Raised flight ceiling 100 meters. Effects all Blackcliff maps.

  • King of the Flayed Hills
    - Point limit to 650 (from 550)
    - Removed point in A2
    - Added points in D7, G4 and I4
    - Reordered points

  • Veteran Defense drills increased durability
    - This also affects ‘emplacements’ such as enemy walls and turrets in other modes

  • Adjustments to Infiltrate
    - Lower rate of fire on turrets
    - Decreased range
    - Reduced fire stacks per hit to 5

  • Mobula
    - Forward Speed: 28m/s (from 26)
    - Forward Acceleration: 4m/s2 (from 3.5)
    - Vertical Acceleration: 5.5m/s2 (from 4.75)
    - Vertical speed 15m/s (from 17.07)
    - Magnate
    - Armor: 620 (from 525, exactly 8 spanner hits)
    - Turn Speed: 15deg/s (from 11.5)

  • Junker
    - Forward Speed: 30m/s (from 26.01)
    - Vertical Speed: 13m/s (from 17.06)

  • Stormbreaker
    - Armor: 320 (from 700)
    - Speed: 30m/s (from 29.91)
    - Forward Acceleration: 15m/s2 (from 29.21)
    - Turn Speed: 16deg/s (from 18)
    - Turn Acceleration: 10deg/s2 (from 12.38)
    - Vertical Speed: 16m/s (from 12.99)
    - Vertical Acceleration: 3m/s2 (from 6.32)
    - Gun 2 moved left and angled 40° to port (from 15°)
    - Gun 4 angled 115° to port (from 90°)
    - Hull and Balloon fixpoint positions switched. Balloon fixpoint move more forward.
    - Fork in front of balloon is now Hull hitbox.
    - Two braces on right side of main balloon are now Hull hitbox.
    - Small increase in size of right side Balloon hitbox.

  • Spire
    - All structure surrounding Balloon is now Balloon hitbox (was Hull)

  • Goldfish sails color map texture
  • Slots 3 & 4 in crew switched gunners to engineers when a ship swap occurs
  • World map event buff duration longer than it should be
  • Prompt to save character changes even there's nothing changed
  • The team color boxes on ship loadout customization screen appeared white
  • Faction rewards renamed
  • Light mount screw showing on multiple ships. Removed lower geometry.
  • Fixed launcher text/line spacing

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