Guns of Icarus Online - Valve
- New ship, the Mobula - an more advanced attack ship with 5 front facing gun and no guns on side or back. It has good vertical movement, but it is more difficult to repair in the heat of battle.
- New gun, the Phobos Light Mine Launcher - A strange addition to airship arsenals, this found-technology shoots a proximity mine that will deploy a balloon after once it reaches its arming time (3s). Each gun can only maintain 5 concurrent mines at a time, if any additional mines are placed then the first laid will explode! For more, read on to the Mine Launcher FAQ!
- New costume bundles on sale, with some costumes discounted and/or converted to multi-class
- Expanded beginning Gunner tutorial
- New progression achievements (level cap is now 15)
- Updated in-game manual

- Added crew formation: ability to assemble a group of up to 4 ship crews before entering a match. Crews can be added from friend list or party. For more, check out the Party and Crew Formation FAQ below!
- Added parties: invite players to your party, then invite your whole party to a match or crew formation lobby. For more, check out the Party and Crew Formation FAQ below!
- Options screen now available from header
- Matches now have their own chat channels
- Chat in the lobby split between “Global” and “Match” tabs
- Chat window now has 2 sizes - short and tall - switchable at the press of a button
- New camera shake when explosions hit the ship, when you collide into other objects, when the ship accelerates, when the ship hits max speed, and when turning at high speeds.
- Redesigned in-game store
- Combined “Look” and “Role” screens into new “Character” screen, with ability to zoom in and out on your character preview.
- Redesigned Social page with player profiles, recent crew list, and account management tools
- Added player profiles with public stats, badges, and recent achievements
- Added character rename feature, with up to 2 free renames
- Added clan tags
- Added badge inventory system


- NEW WEAPON! Phobos Light Mine Launcher. A strange addition to airship arsenals, this found-technology shoots a proximity mine that will deploy a balloon after once it reaches its arming time (3s). Each gun can only maintain 5 concurrent mines at a time, if any additional mines are placed then the first laid will explode! Airship mechanics still don’t understand why but they do know it deals 125 direct piercing dmg and 100 impact dmg in a 60m radius for devastating AoE! Mines can chain detonate so watch out. You can shoot both the mine and its balloon for interesting effects.
- Gatling Gun: 3.5 degree jitter (from 3), 5s reload time (from 4.25s)
- Mortar: 50 degree yaw speed (from 30), AoE 8m radius (from 6)
- Flare Gun: Fixed bad damage and ignite values. 10 fire direct dmg with 100% chance to apply 10 fire charges.

- Any Projectile Speed augmentations now successfully adjust the range of raycast weapons (gatling and carronade)
- Extinguishing now respects all cooldown effects. If a component is cooling down, it cannot be extinguished or repaired until the cooldown has finished.
- Extinguisher: cooldown time 3s (from 7s)
- Chemical Spray: cooldown time 5s (from 3s), lasts 20s (from 15s)
- DynaBuff: Balloon buff refactored to respect new ship flight model. 7s buff time, lasts 90s, -25% vertical drag, +100% lift force
- Heavy Clip: no recoil, -25% clip size
- Lochnagar: -90% rotation (from no rotation), no effect on projectile speed (from -20%), -60% arming time, -50% AoE, +125% dmg (from +150%), 250 damage per shot (from 175)
- Incendiary: -25% clip size (from 30%, fixing a rounding error on 2 clip size guns)
- Fixed Kerosene vs. Phoenix Claw turn issue to respect new flight model.
-- Phoenix Claw: +300% longitudinal drag (from -35%), +50% thrust, actually deals 13 DPS to engines
-- Kerosene: +300% angular drag (from +50%)

- NEW SHIP! Mobula! The Mobula has a unique upside-down design that facilitates increased balloon protection as well as superior vertical mobility at the cost of slow turning and large top-down profile. With 5 front mounted guns (fanned out across its hemispherical design) it can potentially deal high amounts of damage. However, its repair points are tucked away in its interior. 550 Armor, 600 Hull health.

- Fjords: Red spawn points adjusted to prevent spawning too close to oncoming blue players.
- Desert Scrap: Adjusted blue spawn points and stationary sandstorms to increase field of view
- Paritan Rumble: Slightly smaller map size, adjusted spawn points to decrease bad spawns

Fixes and Optimization

- Suicide (with tar barrel or mine launcher) awards a kill to the last hostile source of damage, if any
- Fixed a missing collider in Flayed Hills and Canyons
- Fixed continuous repair input lag
- Fixed a bug that might prevent Pilot achievements with an “on helm” requirement from being completed
- Fixed rejoining 2 slots at once bug

- Removed misleading spike from traffic graphs when they are first opened
- Client-side networking makes better use of multiple threads (should improve framerate in high-traffic situations, particularly on multicore machines)
- Fixed lag spike caused by another match being started on the same server

- Improved performance of cloud rendering, particularly when they are affected by multiple lights (flares, explosions, etc)
- Fixed a shader bug that caused some lights to affect clouds more intensely than intended
- Fixed a bug with flare shadows that could cause the shadow to be offset from the original model
- Flare shadows now draw on target dummy ships
- Buffed and fireproofed effects no longer render on top of clouds when the part in question is inside the cloud
- Fixed reload animation bug (animation no longer plays twice)
- Prevent muzzle flash from playing when the primary fire button is held down right after the end of reload
- Fixed Field Gun barrel texture
- Fixed hat positioning and clipping

Mine Launcher FAQ

How many mines can I lay?
- The technology behind the Phobos Mine Launcher is still shrouded in mystery. It seems to be only capable of maintaining 5 simultaneous mines. Each additional mine causes the oldest mine to self-detonate.

Can I shoot the mine?
- Yes, the balloon and the mine itself can be destroyed. Shooting the balloon causes the mine to drop. Shooting the mine causes the mine to explode as if you collided with it.

Can I get hurt by my own mine?
- Yes, once mines are deployed they behave like level terrain. You, your teammates, and opponents can trigger the mines and take damage from them. This also means that anyone can shoot the mine.

Party and Crew Formation FAQ

How do I form a crew?
- Go to “Form Crew” from the main menu. Use “Ship Count” to select the number of ships you have to crew (up to 4). Invite crewmates by clicking on their names in your Friends or Party list, and select “Invite to Match.” If you have a party already formed, you can use “Invite All” to bring along the entire group. Once your crews are assembled, select “Match List” to find or create a new match lobby, or “Quick Match” to automatically join a suitable one.

How do I form a party?
- Parties are formed similarly to crews, but without needing to enter a separate screen. To form a party, simply click on the name of each person you wish to add and select “Invite to Party.” As with crews, they must click on your name and select “Join Party” to join you. Every member of your party will be listed on the Party tray in the upper right of the screen.

How do I join a party or crew?
- When you are invited to a party or crew, you will receive a notification in chat. To accept, you must click on the name of the person that invited you and select “Join Match” or “Join Party.”

How do I talk to my party?
- You can communicate with all members of your party no matter where they are using [H] for text chat, and [Z] for voice chat.
Guns of Icarus Online - Valve
- New map: Paritan Rumble, 2v2 deathmatch - Advanced map with low visibility and lots of obstacles
- additional achievements for all classes
- level cap raised to 13
- new elite costumes, hats, and goggles for achievement unlocks
- “Skyrider” costume for Adventure Mode kickstarter backers

- Incendiary Rounds modifiers changed to +25% chance of fire (up from 10%) and -35% projectile speed (down from -50%)
- Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower: increased chance to add fire charge to 20% per particle (up from 15%)
- Banshee Rocket Carousel: increased fire charge chances to 35% chance of 1 charge on direct hit, 22% chance of 2 charges in explosion area (from 12% for 2 and 30% for 1)

Fixes and Optimization
- Fixed a shader bug that could cause pixelated artifacts in rainy levels on some cards
- Maintain correct gun rotation when first getting on a gun

Server stability fixes (includes hotfixes made to 1.2):
- Changes to match list distribution to support a larger number of users and matches effectively
- Fixed several memory leaks
- Fixed a rare case where object destruction messages would not be sent
- Improved performance of networking subsystem
- Improved ability of networking and chat to use multiple cores
- Fixed a bug that could cause time in a match to run faster than intended
Guns of Icarus Online - Valve
- New 2v2 King of the Hill map, The Labyrinth
- New Commendation system: at match end, give commendations to fellow players for good sportsmanship, and earn Prizes for commendations received
- Added “Beginners Only” matches for low-level players
- Added basic scripted tutorials for each class
- Revised and expanded contextual tutorial text
- Added actions to Sandbox for summoning stationary, moving, and armed target practice dummies
- New Tutorial, Teaching, and Citizenship achievement categories in “Miscellaneous” tab
- Added new progression achievements and ranks (level cap raised to 11)
- Ship customization screen now shows a 3D preview of your ship
- Holding the mouse button now causes buffing and rebuilding tools to trigger continuously
- Added list of currently online CAs and community group links to Social page
- New hats in the Store
- New gun handles
- New particle effects for Carronade and Mortar
- New flare gun model
- You might see birds

- Rebalanced ship acceleration/speed profiles
-- Top Forward Speed (fastest to slowest): Squid, Goldfish, Pyramidion, Galleon, Junker, Spire
-- Forward Acceleration (fastest to slowest): Squid, Junker, Goldfish, Spire, Pyramidion, Galleon
-- Top Turn Speed (fastest to slowest): Squid, Junker, Goldfish, Spire, Pyramidion, Galleon
-- Turn Acceleration (fastest to slowest): Squid, Spire, Junker, Goldfish, Pyramidion, Galleon
-- Mass (largest to smallest): Galleon, Pyramidion, Spire, Goldfish, Junker, Squid
-- Vertical Acceleration (fastest to slowest, all top vertical speed is 12m/s): Squid, Spire, Goldfish, Junker, Pyramidion, Galleon
- Spire: Upper right gun slot turned slightly forward (allows 2 light and 1 heavy gun on a single target with proper coordination)
- Moonshine: Changed to +200% thrust, -50% longitudinal drag in response to pilot tool fix (see below)
- Ramming damage: Damage dealt and received properly takes into account your ship masses and speed at which the collision takes place. E.g. A large ship ramming into a small ship will deal more damage to small ship and vice versa. Impact damage multipliers still apply.
- Anglean Raiders capture point time increased to 70s from 40s
- Control point multiplier decreased, capturing 3 points in CP points no longer extremely difficult to fight against.
- Mortar
-- Removed spread
-- Increase zoom
- Artemis
-- Increase turn radius
-- Increased projectile speed to 750m/s from 640m/s
-- Increased zoom
- Removed “friendly fire” from ramming damage

Fixes and Optimization
- Scaled mouse sensitivity on Linux to match other OSes
- Fixed a cause of “ghost ships” being left behind on ship death
- Fixed a bug with the way ship angular velocity was inherited by projectiles
- Fixed a bug where ships used different mass values for damage/momentum calculations and for engine acceleration (caused several peculiar situations)
- Fixed a bug with ship collision bounds that could cause ships (esp. the Spire) to get stuck inside other objects
- Made ship collision resolution smoother and more predictable
- Allied ships now always appear on your map, regardless of visibility
- Fixed ship positioning on minimap.
- Fixed a bug with spotting indicators that caused them to scale strangely from some angles
- Fixed several pilot skill effects not being applied correctly (modifications to thrust, damage received, chance of fires)
- Server: Fixed server “hiccups” caused by users joining a game midway through
- Fixed display issue with disabling joystick (thank you Chris Wilson)
- No longer able to unlock an already owned item in Prizes
- Fixed issue with items in store not appearing correctly
- Use Steam’s common redistributables for directx install
- Fixed disappearing wrench sound

Known items for imminent hotfix:
- Adding system persisted lv1-2 matches (there will always be one running)
- Clearer commendation buttons
- Mouse over text positioning on ship customization

Guns of Icarus Online - Valve
Update 1.1.5


- Added support for most character sets in chat, including Cyrillic alphabet
- Added AI name tags with class indicator
- Announce part destructions and kills from the Tar Barrel skill (as with ramming, destructions are credited to the player on the helm)
- Spectators: new UI providing detailed information on ships and crew.
- Spectators: always show crewmembers on a ship you’re orbiting


- Rebalanced rebuild game so that engines are slightly easier to repair than before.

Fixes and Optimization

- Fixed excessive lens distortion on high-zoom scoped weapons (e.g. Mercury)
- Fixed gun rotation bug that led to shots not going where expected when the gun was rotated partially in both axes
- Enabled new packet CRC functionality; this should fix router-specific disconnection errors (WRT54G and others)

- Made a number of server fixes to improve performance and reduce/eliminate slow-time:
-- Eliminated the (completely pointless) physics cost for spectators
-- Improved physics performance in general
-- AI crewmembers raycast for line-of-sight less frequently
-- Improved networking performance; in particular, the amount of load per-user-per-object has been reduced.

- Fixed a number of bugs related to asset loading
- Fixed a bug where map name would not update after a vote
- Fixed a number of Explicit AFK bugs, particularly related to respawn

- Made several changes to graphics options (will be reset to default values):
-- Excessive/redundant entries in graphics options removed
-- Fixed a bug with initial resolution detection
-- Fixed several bugs related to resolution settings

- Fixed an issue where AI gunners would not perform the correct line-of-sight check under 300 meters
- Fixed shader issue that could cause aliasing around objects silhouetted against smoke particles
- Fixed trails so they properly fade out.

Guns of Icarus Online - Valve
- New Trailer out, now!!
- New maps:
-- Battle on the Dunes 3v3 Deathmatch
-- Fight over Firnfeld 3v3 Deathmatch (based on Anglean Raiders)
-- Canyon Ambush 3v3 Deathmatch
-- Northern Fjords 3v3 Deathmatch
- New hats in the store

- First release on Linux! (Awaiting steam for store integration to go live in store)
-- Known issues: black patches on some ships at some angles, antialiasing does not yet work
-- this build, while stable, is primarily intended to collect feedback from the community

- Added automatic AFK detection: kicks players from a match after 2 minutes with no input
- Added a “Go AFK” button in Options that allows you to temporarily replace yourself with an AI and resume later. (Will still be removed after 5 inactive minutes)
- Added effects to indicate buffed and fireproofed components
- Practice: added hotkeys to toggle AI on/off, damage your ship, and light your ship on fire
-- You may need to manually bind these keys in the Options menu, or reset your bindings to default to get their default bindings (this is a known bug with our keybinding system)
- Tutorial text is much more detailed and context-sensitive, including explanation of various tools
- Gun tooltip UI in ship customization changed to a more graphical design for clarity
- Guns now gradually lose functionality as they are damaged (like engines and the balloon)
-- Time between shots and time to reload increases linearly with damage, up to 150% normal
-- Rotation speed decreases linearly with damage

Map Changes
- New spawn logic to combat “spawn camping.” Please report any issues with screenshots of the map screen and the map you were playing to
- Adjusted spawn points to support new logic
- Reduced “Scrap on the Dunes” point limit to 800

- Changes to fire and fire-related equipment:
-- Maximum fire charge count increased to 20 (from 16)
-- 8 charges required to disable guns (guns will glow red when 8 charges are reached)
-- Fires deal base 8 damage per second; each charge deals an additional 2 fire damage per second
-- Fire damage multiplier against mechanical parts reduced to 0.25 (from 0.8)
-- Fire damage multiplier against armor increase to 0.5 (from 0.4)
-- Chemical Spray: extinguish power 2, makes component immune to additional charges for 12 seconds, causes 6 seconds of repair cooldown
-- Fire Extinguisher: Extinguishes all charges, causes 10 seconds of repair cooldown
-- Reminder: Fire-fighting tools bypass repair cooldown to extinguish fires but do not cancel them
-- Banshee Rocket has 12% chance to apply 3 charges on direct hit, 30% change to apply 1 on AoE as well
-- Dragon Tongue has 13% chance to apply 1 charge per particle (13 particles per second)
-- Incendiary Rounds adds a separate 10% chance to apply 1 charge on hit to all weapons.

- Typhon Flak Cannon:
-- Arming time of 1 second; does not apply area damage until ~240m
-- Damage is split evenly between direct and area (so it will deal half damage under arming distance)

- Mercury Field Gun
-- Decreased piercing damage (from 100 to 75)
-- Increased projectile drop (from 12 to 15 m/s^2)

- Hellhound Heavy Twin Carronade
-- Increased spread (from 2.5 degrees to 6)

- Banshee Rocket Carousel
-- Increased direct and area damage (from 15/20 to 20/25)
-- Added chance to cause fires (12% chance of 3 charges on direct hit, 30% chance of 1 charge on area hit)
-- Decreased spread (from 5 degrees to 3)
-- Reduced burst area radius (from 14 to 8)

- Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower
-- Increased damage per particle (from 3 to 4)
-- Reduced chance to add fire charge per particle (from 25% to 13%)

- Artemis Light Rocket Launcher
-- Decreased area radius from 4 to 3
-- Decreased direct damage from 80 to 60
-- Increased area damage from 70 to 120

- Other skills:
-- Tar Barrel clouds slightly larger (by about 30%)
-- Lochnagar Shot: rate of fire reduction change to -25% (from -15%), spread reduction increased to -100% (from -90%), rotation speed penalty increased to -100% (from -95%)
-- Lesmok Rounds: rotation speed penalty changed to -40% (from -30%)
-- Doubled the number of hits required to rebuild guns and engines

- Squid received small boost to armor, from 200 to 220 (Charged Rounds + Field Gun now requires 2 shots to destroy full Squid armor)

- Other damage type changes:
-- Explosive damage multiplier against armor reduced to 0.3 (from 0.5)
-- Flechette damage multiplier against armor increased to 0.5 (from 0.2)
-- Flechette damage multiplier against hull health decreased to 0.2 (from 0.3)

- Reduced damage dealt by sandstorms (from 7 to 5 shatter damage per second)

Fixes and Optimization
- Fixed a small difference in vertical positioning of gun interaction boxes between client and server (previously you could get kicked off the gun unexpectedly in edge cases)
- Projectiles that detonate due to damage no longer cause friendly fire.
- Spectators: Opening the menu in spectator mode no longer resets your position
- Spectators: Fixed interest management issue that could cause guns or engines to disappear from ships near the edge of the map or in cloud cover.
- Optimized most level and ship assets to reduce vert count, texture size, and draw count where possible. Should improve frame rate, particularly on low-end machines.

- Call for video submission! Show off how and why you fly in a 2 min short video, and add another 2 minutes of you and your crew in game. All for a chance to win a one-of-a-kind Guns of Icarus Online bullet USB.

- Facebook and Steam like drive still going on. We are 500 away from 2000 recommends on Steam, and a bit over 2,500 likes on facebook, so plenty of chances to win stuff still. Give us a like and help us spread the word!

- Inaugural “the Cogs” league open for sign ups!

Guns of Icarus Online - Valve
Guns of Icarus Online January Update - Release Notes
- New “Raid on the Refinery” Crazy King map
- “Zale’s Handbook,” new in-game player manual
- New accessories and “Steampipe” and “The Warrior” costumes in-store

- New “Crazy King” game mode, point capture with a moving point
- Steam Achievements integrated
- Map Vote - vote for your next match after each battle
- Level Weather: new effects for rain and frost
- Level Weather: wind and moving storms
- Indication of blocked players
- Add Back to Main Menu button in Loading Screen while waiting for connection

Map Changes
- King of the Flayed Hills is now Crazy King
- moving sandstorms added to Scrap on the Dunes

- Heavy Flak Changes:
-- Decreased rate of fire with increase in damage to maintain DPS
-- Reduced muzzle speed with increased shell life to maintain range (1020m)
-- Slight increase to drop

- Fixed some networking issues that could cause client state to not sync properly (causing various strange bugs with reload, fire, and repair state display).
- The “Light Quality” setting in Options now more aggressively controls cloud quality. Try reducing it if you have framerate drops when looking at large cloudbanks.
- Missing rock collider in Canyon Ambush now fixed
- Fixed issue with components on fire not colliding properly
- Fixed resolution settings being improperly applied
- Surrender button no longer in spectator mode
- Fixed extinguisher animation bug in avatar preview
- Corrected Lumberjack ironsights layout

- Collector’s Edition costume pack has been expanded to include 6 costumes, one Ladies’ and one Gents’ for each class. Anyone who already has the CE or 4-pack will retroactively have the additional costumes automatically unlocked. If you have the CE and and have already purchased one of these new additions, then we'll give you your choice of another item of equal value. Just email us at and let us know which item you’d like!
- The Facebook Like and Steam recommendation drive is still happening! Like us now or write a recommendation on Steam for a chance to win goodies.

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