Freja - Patata
Hello horror enthusiasts!

Progress update:

We are currently working on the last minigames in Freja right now and the ending to the story.
Freja has been opted in to a Halloween event so our goal is to release the game in October.

At this stage, the game is near completion but needs a lot of fixes for bugs and the final parts to be implemented. How long this will take is uncertain. It will hopefully be all done before Halloween. Worst case scenario, early access. We'd rather just release the game in a finished state right away though if possible.

Stay tuned!

下午 9:25
Slider - boomo
- Fixed a bug where Romeo would disappear after picking up the 6th Village Slider
- Fixed a bug where the caves rat wouldn't properly attach to Sliders it previously had been on
- Fixed a bug where you needed 2 unused supply drops instead of 1 for the "Supreme Commander" military achievement
- Fixed a bug where the minecart would get stuck in a state where it constantly stopped moving after one tile of movement
- Achievement progress will stay as the highest value you've gotten on Steam (ex. if you have a profile with 8 breadge and you start a new one, Steam will now keep showing 8)
FLEX Disc Golf - Mumbley1
  • New playable characters: Jenny and Marcus
  • New Course: Grand Monadnock
  • Improved tree collision
  • Flight is more realistic after colliding with trees
  • Fixed bug allowing for movement after aiming between throws
  • Fixed basket and chain noise/timing
下午 9:22
Cul-De-Sac - RyanMcFPS
Hey all!

It's been quite a while since last update, and unfortunately today's update is very minor, only including a small UI fix to allow the Mouse Sensitivity option to be lowered than it used to be able to.

I'm hoping that once the summer is over I can get back into the groove of working on Cul-De-Sac again (I've been spending a lot of time doing IRL work at home). I do plan on having at least one major update ready for October for the spooky season! I'm hoping the next major update will be either a new map or major mechanic changes / improvements.

If anyone has any preferences to what type of changes / additions the next big update should have, please feel free to let me know!


古神模拟器 - Rogueroom
1. Fix the issue of captive growth rate being too fast after 100 days.
2. Fix the issue where enemies do not fully recover health after entering battle.
3. Increase the spawn rate of enemies in trials.
4. Added a button for automatically dismantling low-level equipment in offline mode.
From Glory To Goo - MillionMonkey
Hey Everyone,

This is another small bug fix update that also aims to improve the consistency of ore placement on the procedurally generated maps. Let me know on Discord if you encounter any bugs or if you just want to discuss the game and offer suggestions.

Map Generation
  • Improved ore placement on procedurally generated maps to better ensure at least 1 ore patch is close and easily pathable to the starting area
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the spaceship's beam cannon breaking and not allowing placement of beam paths
  • Fixed lost colony buildings not using water on initial connection
  • Fixed saved games breaking if a unit is outside the map
  • Fixed life support not working on the edge of the map
  • Fixed the game breaking on Anomaly Oscar endless
  • Fixed water and power pickups sometimes carrying across games
  • Fixed being able to select bridges with double click
  • Fixed autocannon graphics overlapping other buildings
  • Fixed some tooltips
Gems Of Evolution - gemsofevolution
Hello challengers , we are here with our first update! A few technical fixes and some enhancements have been made. Here are the patch notes:

Thess Available!

The issue with Thess not unlocking has been fixed, and the difficulty of the objective required to unlock this assassin orc hero has been reduced. You'll need to be quick with your fingers to master this hero!


We noticed that players were having difficulty with the second map, so we made some changes. Without significantly altering the base stats, we have applied some nerfs to the elemental debuffs.

Other Notes:

  • The language option has been fixed.
  • A button has been added to access the evolution menu tutorial again.
  • The infinite elemental resistance and health bug for Eywriis has been resolved.
  • The bug where the archer boss's arrows remained on the map has been fixed.
  • Small buffs have been applied to the heroes.
  • Some audio bugs fixed.
下午 9:15
Genome Guardian - Alpherior
  • (weapon mod) Accuracy +50%, Size +50%: $20
  • (weapon mod) Homing +50%, Size -50%: $25
  • (weapon mod) Critical Chance +75%, Firerate -25%: $25

  • (turret) Inferno: Weapon mount slots changed from (4/3)(4/3)(4/3) → (4/4)(4/3)(4/2).
  • (turret) Hotdog: Accuracy +30% → +40%.
  • (turret) Viper: Heat Max 100 → 75. This turret is absolutely godly and I think change suits it.
  • (turret) Commander: Now that it's insanely 🐐ed, I think it's appropriate that I revert these 2 stats to what they were previously: Firerate -45% → -50%, Speed -45% → -50%.
  • (perk) Glue: Eh screw it, instead of lasting 5s, I'll just let it be permanent.
  • (weapon mod) Projectiles +100%, Accuracy -75%: Accuracy -75% → -100%.
  • (weapon mod) Projectiles +100%, Range -30%: Range -30% → -35%.
  • (weapon mod) Critical Chance +20%, Accuracy +35%: Accuracy +35% → +40%.
  • (weapon mod) Homing +50%, Damage -10%: Homing +50% → +75%, Damage -10% → -15%.
  • (weapon mod) Homing +75%, Firerate -15%: Homing +75% → +100%, Firerate -15% → -20%.

  • "Beginner Tips" are now named "Beginner Popups" so as not to be confused with the "TIPS" you see in the SETUP menu.

  • (mode) Shmup: Fixed some weird homing behaviour, where homing projectiles would be somewhat influenced by your turret's position (only Commander is allowed to do that). Some other difficult-to-describe homing issues in this mode have been fixed aswell.
  • If you have skip shop enabled and pick an Endless Mutation, the cursor sometimes wouldn't change into a crosshair.
  • (turret) Tank: The body wasn't moving with it in its Turret Trial.
  • (perk) Stamp: If a projectile had Bounce and hit a microbe that was Stamped, that projectile would produce damage numbers that display in the critical style (redder with an exclamation point) when hitting other microbes afterwards.
下午 9:10
Dystobel - kenneth.o.davis
I have read and seen a lot of feedback since the release, thank you all for your comments, these are some of the changes coming with this update:
-Default controls for XBOX controller are changed, (Yes, you can now jump with the A button!).
-A quick exit from the Electric Tower is added.
-Fixed a bug in one of the exits of the Electric Tower.
-Adjusted the difficulty of some bosses.
-Adjusted the hitbox of several objects in the game.
-Other minor corrections.

Thank you very much for the support received these days with the game! Remember that if you like it you can share it with friends or acquaintances to make it known to more people.
饿殍:明末千里行 - 零创游戏

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