Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Bane!
- Added Co-op matchmaking games versus bots.
- Fixed bug with kill credit when illusions get the kill.
- Charge of Darkness and Wrath of Nature no longer alert the target to attack the caster if the target is far away.
- Fixed Mekansm not healing you if it activated right after you come out of Astral Imprisonment.
- Fixed bug with Astral Imprisonment disappearing from invisible units.
- Fixed Essence Aura triggering on zero cooldown spells (like Ball Lightning).
- Fixed being able to trigger Essence Aura with Toss when there are no valid targets to Toss
- Enabled Outworld Destroyer in Captain's Mode.
- Restored previous Blink double click behavior.
- Fixed Courier Speed Burst canceling Transfer Items.

- Fixed dragging an item from the courier to a hero's inventory not combining an item properly.
- Fixed some audio settings are not saving correctly (speech level, background sound, boostgain).
- Selling items no longer factors into gold-per-minute.
- Added an option to autoselect summoned units and illusions to the game settings.
- Fixed bug with camera jumping up and down when moving the mouse in the minimap while in spectator chase cam.
- Fixed bug with moving the camera and creating selection windows while in spectator chase cam.
- Fixed bug with some heroes having their Ultimate fire when ALT-TAB (or Windows key hit).
- Fixed some game interface settings not saving.
- Fixed bug where having legacy selected at load wasn't disabling the hero, courier, and neutral binds.
- Added specular, texture quality, and render quality to video settings as performance trade-offs
- Various improvements to unit selection/targeting feedback
- Increased maximum number of people in each chat channel.
- Accepting a game invite via Steam will join that person's party.
- Ignore/unignore options now shown for friends in the main menu.

- Added a number of aura effects.
- Fixed Tiny's tree not being properly equipped in his stone grip.
- Fixed an issue where hero movement would stutter on some network connections.

- Added rival death-taunts and other miscellaneous lines to flesh out dialog set for Sand King.

- Made bots want to pick up Cheese with the same rules that they use for picking up Aegis and Rapier.
- Improved bot last-hit logic.
- Bots will now deny using the same logic they use for last-hitting.
- Bots now last-hit and deny while farming a lane, just as they do during the laning phase.
- Fixed issues with loadouts of Bane, Kunkka, and Sniper.
- Fixed bugs with bots geting stuck trying to purchase an item, failing to purchase an item, or dumping items on the ground due to a full stash.
- Bots will stop farming just for buyback when they have 1.5x their current buyback cost.
- If a bot's stash is completely full, they are now more likely to pick their stuff up regardless of its value.
Dota 2 - Valve
Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. Fixes include:

- Enabled Outworld Destroyer!
- Added new game mode: Single Draft.
- Added querying of dead units. This lets you click allied portraits in the top bar to inspect their items and skills, even when they're dead.
- Queued move commands show a waypoint flag briefly.
- Added new settings panel.
- Matchmaking displays average wait time for each region.
- New interface for finding lobbies.
- New Matchmaking panel.
- Players can chat and use voice communications while the game is paused.
- Added game mode (AP, SD, CM) selection for matchmaking.
- You can now find replays by MatchID from the Watch panel.
- Added Grid Mode to the Shop.
- Added Repick functionality to the hero picking panel (costs 100 gold to repick, lets you select a hero again).
- Implemented "Suggest invite to party" menu option.
- You can now see which heroes your allies are about to pick.
- Added Steam avatars in the scoreboard.
- Added the ability to jump to any position in a replay.

- Alchemist: Fixed Goblin's Greed's interaction with Aegis.
- Ancient Apparition: Fixed Ice Blast's secondary ability not firing off when you die.
- Axe: Fixed Battle Hunger self buff sticking on Axe permanently if the spell was dodged by Puck's Phase Shift.
- Batrider: Fixed Flamming Lasso being interrupted by an enemy Force Staff.
- Batrider: Fixed turn rate.
- Batrider: Fixed Firefly having a cast time.
- Batrider: Added stack counter effect for your team when using Sticky Napalm.
- Clinkz: Fixed not being able to cast Searing Arrows manually on buildings.
- Clinkz: Fixed Death Pact not being castable on Magic Immune units.
- Clinkz: Fixed Searing Arrows autocast working while silenced/doomed.
- Clinkz: Fixed Searing Arrows bonus damage being treated as a seperate damage instance (it could get reduced twice by stout shield).
- Clinkz: Fixed Death Pact being purgeable.
- Clockwerk: Fixed Hookshot failing if he is infested by Lifestealer.
- Dark Seer: Fixed Vacuum continuously pulling new units in the aoe for a period of time after initial cast.
- Dark Seer: Fixed Vacuum disable/pull duration lasting too long.
- Doom Bringer: Fixed Devour not working when eating a converted neutral creep.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Dragon Form Frost Breath slowing units while Doomed.
- Huskar: Fixed Life Break partially ignoring Linken's Sphere.
- Huskar: Fixed Life Break continuing to follow a target that teleported away.
- Invoker: Fixed Invoke not dispelling Curse of the Silent.
- Invoker: Fixed Cold Snap triggering on self damage.
- Invoker: Fixed Tornado dispelling various buffs it shouldn't (like Wind Walk)
- Kunkka: Fixed X Marks The Spot being purged by Tornado/Diffusal.
- Lich: Fixed Chain Frost having a chance to end prematurely near fog of war edges.
- Lich: Fixed a recent bug where chainfrost wouldn't choose a magic immune target to bounce to.
- Lich: Fixed Chain Frost deciding late as to which unit it will bounce to next (it would decide after its bounce delay, instead of before)
- Mirana: Fixed Leap being canceled if Mirana got purged during it.
- Nature's Prophet: Double clicking Teleportation will cast it at the fountain.
- Omniknight: Fixed Repel causing Spirit Breaker to be unable to cancel his Charge of Darkness.
- Puck: Fixed Phase Shift sometimes not dodging incoming attack projectiles.
- Puck: Fixed some types of spells (like EMP) from causing damage when already Phase Shifted.
- Silencer: Added intelligence steal counter to Last Word aura.
- Slardar: Fixed Slithereen Crush's physical damage not hurting Magic Immune units.
- Sniper: Fixed Headshot bonus proc damage working against Towers and Buildings.
- Sniper: Fixed Headshot working while Doomed.
- Spectre: Fixed Haunt not working properly after a disconnect.
- Spectre: Fixed Reality clearing Curse of the Silent and triggering Magic Stick.
- Ursa: Fixed Fury Swipes working while Doomed.
- Ursa: Fixed Fury Swipes working on allied units.
- Viper: Fixed Poison Attack damage being lethal.
- Witch Doctor: Fixed Paralyzing Casks deciding late as to which unit it will bounce to next (it would decide after its bounce delay, instead of before)
- Zeus: Fixed Lightning Bolt's aoe truesight not revealing wards.

- Added Clinkz to Captain's Mode
- Fixed ranged creep moving infront of the rest on the bottom dire lane
- Fixed collision sizes on Barracks and Filler buildings
- Ring of Aquila, Ring of Basilius, and Radiance no longer flip their toggle if their aura was toggled off when their owner dies.
- Fixed Boots of Travel not selecting dominated units.
- Fixed sweet exploit where you could buy a nice juicy passive item, give it to another friendly hero, have that hero die and upon respawn the passive effects of the item would be granted -- Desolator would start desolating, butterfly would start buttering, etc.
- Items now expire their sellback time when their owner dies.
- Fixed Roshan not respawning at the correct time if he was killed before creep spawn.
- Fixed Bounty Hunter and Clinkz's invisibility getting dispelled by Tornado.
- Fixed Blademail being able to reflect damage from allies/self (causing suicide).
- Trees are now temporarily prevented from respawning if there are any player-controlled units whose collision are within 250 units of the center of the tree.
- Fixed unit targeting behavior being bugged for the following abilities: Carrion Swarm, Dragon Slave, Breathe Fire.
- Fixed courier getting stuck if it received deliver orders from multiple players.
- Fixed Blademail being dispellable.
- Fixed shop item stock not depleting when purchasing items with a full inventory and stash.
- Fixed being able to refresh allied items with Tinker's ultimate.

- Fixed an exploit possible that could allow a small portion of abilities to be used while stunned .
- Fixed a rare bug where you would sometimes attack an unexpected unit when attempting to last-hit by spamming stop with auto-attack turned on.
- Shift+Hero Select now toggles selection of the hero from the current selection if multiple units are selected.
- Fixed dead heroes being selected when using control groups.
- Fixed bug where the camera would reposition itself when drawing lines on minimap.
- Blink Dagger now blinks in the direction your mouse is in when you double click it.
- Fixed a rare bug where an item could be deleted upon delivery from the courier.
- Fixed a rare bug with legacy keys that could cause your hotkeys to get changed when querying an enemy.
- Purchasing a whole item now gathers owned items from the team's couriers when calculating what to buy.
- Fixed accidentally selecting units when moving your camera around in camera drag mode.
- Fixed not being able to drop an item from the stash if it is owned by another player.
- Double clicking the "Select All Other Units" hotkey will now move the camera to the location of the units rather than adding your hero to the selection.

- Browse practice lobbies your friends have created or joined.
- Improved readabilty of hero names in minimap.
- Changed Hero Highlighter visuals.
- Removed some elements in the minimap texture that would cause confusion with creeps.
- Fixed controlled units not showing the color of the player controlling them in the minimap.
- Updated Day/Night indicator
- Pause is now correctly delayed for spectators.
- Fixed inventory not updating the state of items if the slot and item matched between querying different units.
- Added a subtitle in the inventory item tooltip indicating if an item's aura is active or not.
- Added inactive image for Radiance.
- Fixed matchID not showing up on end scores.
- The topbar timer is no longer reset when the game ends.
- Added game settings option for the hero finder when holding alt down
- Added game settings option for the minimap hero icons (shows hero text names when turned off)
- Added game settings option for the HP numbers above your hero's in world HP Bar
- Fixed long cooldown labels being truncated in item tooltips.
- Fixed cooldown and mana cost not showing properly in dashboard item tooltips.
- Quick buy item tooltips are no longer estranged from their arrow.
- Autocast state is no longer shown for enemy abilities.
- Added visual feedback when moving a hero via the minimap.
- Added "This game is safe to leave" message on the matchmaking status page practice lobbies or matchmade games with a leaver detected.
- Your own row is now highlighted on the game end scoreboard.
- When a player is banned, everyone who reported them since their last ban receives a message when they next login informing them that justice has been served.
- Your friends list is now sorted alphabetically.
- Pinging an enemy now places the ping on them for a short time.
- Mana cost and cooldown fields in the ability tooltips now reflect the current state of the ability (they take into account Death Prophet's Witchcraft, Aghanim's changes, etc).
- Added cooldown timers to shop items that are out of stock in grid mode.
- Items from different owners that would stack (e.g. wards) no longer stack in the courier's inventory.
- Fixed client-side modifier durations so that the icon sweep displays correctly when entering and exiting FoW.
- Fixed bug where there would be a brief flash of the full-duration border on a modifier as it expired.
- Combat log fixes/changes:
- It now specifies whether units are illusions or not for all events.
- Heals now track and specify the healing unit.
- The end-of-game combat summary now counts neither illusions nor self-damage.
- Damage done by units under a hero's control are now credited to their hero in the combatlog and end-of-game summary.
- Mousing over each server location will show you the name, whether you're searching in that region or not, and an estimated wait time.

- Redesigned the setting panel to allow for more keybindings and options. You may need to rebind your keys.
- Updated all the keybindings to take advantage of the new settings panel.
- Added spectator keybinds.
- New key input code for spectator and alt-keys.
- Spectator and alt-keys now handle + binds correctly.
- Del, backspace, and backquote/tilde are now bindalbe (ie. console is bindable)
- Added courier, neutral and hero specific ability binds.
- Spectators now correctly get all active buffs and debuffs on heroes when joining a game in progress.

- The replay format has changed and old replays are no longer viewable.
- Your own private games are now displayed in your match history.

- Added effect for Phase Boots and Fiery Soul.
- Made Dark Seer's illusion effect more differentiated from a normal illusion effect.
- Made all known illusions draw with a creep style healthbar. This does not effect enemy illusions, but does apply to Dark Seer's Wall of Illusion illusions.
- Crystal Maiden illusions will no longer play her custom death anim.
- Heroes now flail while getting force staffed.

- Fixed the item combine sound playing to you when other players combine their items on your courier.
- Added rival death-taunts and other miscellaneous lines to flesh out dialog set for Juggernaut and Sven.

- Revised how and when bots decide to push lanes, defend lanes, and farm.
- Temporarily disabled late game team roaming. It will be back!
- Fixed bug where bot code would cause buyback of human players when playing with bot teammates.
- Made bots more aware of ganks that were happening near them.
- Increased the strength of human pings, and in general made them last longer.
- Fixed bug where bots weren't going back to base to fetch their TP scrolls, even when they had nothing better to do.
- Made bots less likely to wander across the map just to hit the side shop.
- Fixed bug where bots would buy superfluous flying courier items.
- Fixed bots ignoring seige engines when farming a lane.
- Fixed bots being standoffish to their own creeps.
- Fixed bug that was causing bots to not attack the lowest-health creep when farming a lane.
- When fleeing an enemy hero, bots will no longer immediately forget about the enemy the instant they lose sight of them.
- Made bots more likely to defend structures closer to their base, particularly barracks and their ancient.
- Fixed a case where bots were getting preoccupied with creeps when defending their base.
Dota 2 - Valve
Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. Fixes include:

  • Added Clinkz!
  • Added Legacy Key support for Invoker.
  • Fixed Invoker's Quas, Wex, and Exort not giving Invoker bonus stats properly when upgraded.
  • Fixed Invoker's Invoke to properly swap the invoked abilities in the 1st and 2nd slots if the spell already existing in the 2nd slot is invoked again.
  • Fixed Cold Snap not being castable on Roshan
  • Fixed EMP cast range
  • Lane creeps will now stand still if they become unable to attack, such as when hit by Invoker's Deafening Blast, instead of charging past enemy creeps and towers.
  • Enabled Invoker in CM
  • Fixed gold-transfer hack, the sellback cooldown is now reset when combining stacks where the items have different owners.
  • Fixed Sticky Napalm triggering off of Orb of Venom
  • Fixed Glaives of Wisdom being usable while silenced

  • Made chat messages HTML safe.
  • Fixed some buttons in the hero selector being broken after playing in a CM game.
  • Added a chat -ping command
Dota 2 - Valve
Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. Fixes include:

UPDATE January 20th, 2012:
  • Fixed Invoker's Quas, Wex, and Exort not giving Invoker bonus stats when upgraded.
  • Fixed Invoker's Invoke to properly swap the invoked abilities if the new spell already exists
  • Fixed Sticky Napalm triggering off of Orb of Venom
  • Fixed Glaives of Wisdom being usable while silenced
  • Fixed EMP cast range
Dota 2 - Valve
Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. Fixes include:

  • Enabled Invoker!
  • Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture not hurting heroes when they blink.
  • Bounty Hunter: Fixed Track ignoring Linken's Sphere.
  • Morphling: Fixed Morph removing Curse of the Silent.
  • Puck: Fixed Ethereal Jaunt from triggering Last Word/Magic Stick.
  • Puck: Fixed Phase Shift autocasting if you were already stunned before.
  • Puck: Fixed being able to move in certain situations while auto-casting Phase Shift.
  • Silencer: Fixed being unable to steal Int from dying magic immune heroes.
  • Silencer: Fixed Last Word silencing invulnerable units.
  • Silencer: Fixed stealing intelligence from Reincarnating heroes.
  • Spiritbreaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness picking units that are invisible or in the fow when it tries to find a new target.
  • Spiritbreaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness ignoring Hex.
  • Spiritbreaker: Fixed Greater Bash working with illusions
  • Spiritbreaker: Fixed Greater Bash bonus damage working on Towers, Wards and Denies
  • Spiritbreaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness and Greater Bash going through Magic Immunity
  • Storm Spirit: Fixed Ball Lightning costing draining more mana if you cast it again while still in it.
  • Tiny: Ultimate Scepter upgrade is now enabled.
  • Tiny: Fixed Toss damaging allied units.
  • Fixed Dagon int bonus being off by 1.
  • Fixed Arcane Boots giving 300 mana instead of 250.
  • Fixed night vision radius being a little smaller than intended.
  • Standing right next to a tree no longer removes its vision obstruction.
  • Silencer: Fixed Global Silence silencing only heroes.
  • Enabled Silencer and Spirit Breaker in Captain's Mode.
  • Fixed Healing Ward and Windrunner auras' sticky durations to 2.5 seconds.
  • Fixed Dagon's incorrect intelligence bonus values.
  • Fixed Heaven's Halbred's disarm allowing attack-spells to be cast through it.
  • Fixed Orchid using the old values at the new price.
  • Fixed Pipe not costing any mana.
  • Fixed Flying Courier HP not being upgraded after the last update

  • Added Steam avatars to the dashboard.
  • Added Dota Profile page to the main menu, showing your personal match history, commendations and most successful heroes.
  • Fixed a bug where your control could be lost if you were selecting a enchanted/converted unit. It now goes back to your hero.
  • Party area of miniprofile now uses Steam avatars.
  • Party area of miniprofile now shows rich presence for friends
  • Party area of miniprofile now shows "View Steam Profile" link for non-friends
  • Party chat channel automatically gets focus when you join a party
  • Added a '*' to channel tabs with pending messages
  • Fixed being able to sell back an item for full price if it was combined using an item that had an active ability.
  • Added spacebar to pause games during replays.
  • Fixed clicking on the minimap border and then dragging into the minimap resulting in the camera getting stuck to the cursor.
  • Chat channels now get deleted if the last member in the channel goes offline.
  • Fixed clicking on blank space in the UI sending move orders to invalid locations.
  • Default private lobby version is now Tournament Mode.
  • When player names draw they now draw with player color instead of white.
  • Added leave party button in mini profile.
  • Now when attempting to cast-attack a target while hard disarmed, the error message "Can't Attack" will appear when you reach attack range of the target.
  • Holding now spotlights your hero.
  • Illusions now copy the number of charges in source unit's inventory items.
  • Fixed Courier purchase having no cooldown (now 7 seconds, primarily for accidental purchases early on).

  • Fixed bots repurchasing a courier when their courier died.
  • Fixed a case where bots would buy duplicate flying courier recipes.
  • Improved Earthshaker bot's Echoslam logic -
  • he'll now search for optimal places to Blink + Echoslam.
  • Made bots better about detecting attacking units without cheating and detecting other units' right-clicks.
  • Fixed Windrunner's buildout which broke due to the new Orchid recipe build. Also added force staff to her build.
Dota 2 - Valve
Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. Fixes include:

  • Added Bounty Hunter!
  • Beastmaster: Fixed Wild Axes being left behind when blinking to a location with a different z-value while they're in-flight.
  • Ursa: Fixed fury swipes to apply the effect before the hit.

  • "Watch Game" user menu option now also shows up for friends watching a game. Clicking it will take you to the same game they're watching.
  • "Watch Game" user menu option shows up for friends in practice lobbies with "allow spectators" turned on.
  • Added timestamps to main menu chat.
  • Added an announcement for when spectator sizes change in game.
  • Spectator names can be clicked in chat to commend, report or ignore them.

  • Fixed server crash that could happen occasionally as the ancient is destroyed.

  • Improved how bots predict missing enemy locations.
  • Added level of desire to all the things that bots currently avoid (mostly lessening the avoidance desire of things that they don't care much about).
  • Made bots less spammy about movement when moving to a location within a lane.
  • Increased range at which bots will consider coming to an ally's defense.
  • Increased bot desire to retreat when they're dangerously low on health.
Dota 2 - Valve
Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. Fixes include:

  • Added Ursa!
  • Broodmother: Fixed Insatiable Hunger working against illusions.
  • Death Prophet: Fixed Crypt Swarm not allowing unit targets.
  • Nature's Prophet: Fixed Treants spawning the maximum amount regardless of the number of trees present.
  • Razor: Fixed Static Link not showing bonus damage on the modifier
  • Razor: Fixed Static Link interaction rules.

  • Fixed Necronomicon truesight not revealing wards.
  • Fixed bug that was causing item chests in the world to sometimes disappear.
  • Mjollnir's Static Charge buff used to double hit entity that triggered the effect, now it only gets hit once.
  • Mjollnir's Static Charge buff will now only fire once a second. It used to have no cooldown.
  • Enabled Lifestealer and Death Prophet in Captain's Mode.

  • Added Suggested Item Editor. Access this from the shop, all your new builds will be saved to the cloud.
  • In multiselection, units with active abilities are now sorted ahead of units without active abilities.
  • Buying an item while dead no longer puts it in the main inventory. Fixes an exploit of buying items while dead with Aegis or as Skeleton King and respawning with the item.
  • Instead of dropping items on the ground, we now show an error when trying to buy items from the side or secret shop that would not all fit in the inventory.
  • We now allow courier to purchase items away from base (they go into the stash).
  • Fixed right clicking on items in the stash with the courier selected.
  • Game client will remember and automatically rejoin custom chat channels.

  • Fixed a bug where ground blood wasn't showing up for a bloody Infest emerge.
  • Fixed dropped items occasionally disappearing.
  • Units will no longer run in place after the game ends.
  • Added victory and defeat animations to creeps.

  • Illusions will no longer comment on victories or losses.
  • Witch Doctor will now express his frustration when performing a terrible malediction.

  • Added "-dumpbots" chat command for dumping the bot state.
  • Improved how bots handle defending a building that's within their base.
  • Fixed bug where bots would accidentally know about invisibile enemy heroes nearby.
  • Reworked how commit-to-attack calculations are done. Bots should be better about evaluating their surrounding threats and in particular should no longer walk by each other like ships in the night.
  • Improved bot last-hitting performance.
  • Fixed item build issue with Earthshaker Bot.
  • Tidehunter will use Ravage more intelligently now (tries harder to hit multiple enemies ).
  • Increased bots desire to do Roshan even if they don't happen to be nearby, when it's safe to do so.
  • Made bots better at defending the base when there are enemy creeps inside it.
  • Fixed bots not trying to avoid the enemy fountain.
  • Fixed bots never using Shadow Blade.
  • Fixed bots never farming when they've decided that they want to save money for a buyback.
  • Fixed bug where bots would move back and forth just within tower range when waiting for pushing creeps to arrive.
Dota 2 - Valve
Updates to Dota 2 have been released.

  • Added Lifestealer!
  • Alchemist: Fixed Chemical Rage not changing his base mana regeneration.
  • Alchemist: Fixed Goblin's Greed working on buildings.
  • Alchemist: Fixed various delays on his spells.
  • Axe: Fixed Berserker's Call to properly force affected invisible enemies to attack.
  • Batrider: Fixed level 4 Sticky Napalm making turn rate faster rather than slower.
  • Badrider: Fixed Flamebreak being able to knock Roshan out of his area.
  • Beastmaster: Fixed base damage.
  • Beastmaster: Fixed Wild Axes potentially getting stuck in the world.
  • Bloodseeker: Fixed Thirst working on illusions.
  • Bloodseeker: Fixed a bug with Rupture against magic immune enemies.
  • Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture hurting you while you are cycloned.
  • Chen: Fixed Holy Persuation allowing Wildkin's channeled Torando to go uninterrupted.
  • Dark Seer: Fixed being able to Surge magic immune allies.
  • Doom: Fixed neutral critical strike ability from affecting wards.
  • Jakiro: Fixed Liquid Fire working with Illusions.
  • Leshrac: Fixed Pulse Nova not toggling off when you run out of mana
  • Necrolyte: Fixed Heartstopper Aura damaging wards.
  • Puck: Fixed a bug with Phase Shift that could let you use it an infinite number of times.
  • Puck: Fixed endless Phase Shift during Chronosphere.
  • Pudge: Fixed Rot doing continuing to do damage after you die.
  • Warlock: Fixed Golem's Immolation not doing any damage.
  • Windrunner: Fixed Powershot killing Couriers.
  • Enabled Alchemist in Captain's Mode.

  • Fixed Manta Style images not carrying over Chemical Rage buff.
  • Fixed Repel/Purge stopping Battery Assault.
  • Fixed Repel/Purge removing Ghost Ship allied buff.
  • Fixed Repel/Purge removing various consumable buffs.
  • Fixed invisibility state on minimap toggling off if you walked near an enemy sentry ward (or other source of true sight).
  • Fixed Ethereal Blade and Ghost Scepter not sharing cooldown.
  • Fixed teleport scroll not dispelling item ethereal buffs.
  • Fixed evasion not being disabled properly under Doom/Chronosphere.
  • Fixed minimum damage check on Mjollnir's Static.
  • Illusions now copy the toggled state of inventory items on spawn (Armlet, Radiance, Basilius, etc.)
  • Fixed the following auras' interactions with Siege units: Necronomicon, Assault, Mekansm, Vladmir.
  • Fixed Mekansm not healing Siege units.
  • Fixed collision size on Nether Ward being too big.
  • Fixed Roshan bashing wards.

  • Fixed the -wtf cheat command not working.
  • Fixed spawncreeps to not spawn more creeps if there are already more than 75 creeps alive on the map.
  • Hooked up item aliases in shop search! You can enter 'bkb' for Black King Bar, 'gg' for branch, and much, much more.
  • Hero Picker: Added skill icons to the hero summary page.
  • Hero Picker: Moved lore to its own tab.
  • Added hero picker to the Learn tab.
  • Fixed bug where some long tooltips were getting truncated.
  • Item tooltips in the game end screen now show the item level.
  • Spectator items panel now shows item level.
  • Player names and colors are now filled in before the player selects a hero. Previously the row would be blank until a hero was chosen.
  • Fixed crash when clicking on an empty slot in the top bar.
  • Fixed a crash when clicking in the minimap area before the map has loaded.
  • Fixed hang on exit.
  • Removed the timer between clicks to self-cast abilities and items that are able to quick-cast.
  • Adjusted default hotkeys (please note that hotkeys will be influx for a while, so you may need to rebind them from time to time).
  • Fixed default camera settings to not glide/skate.
  • Party display now shows the number of pending invites.
  • Added page showing your win and loss counts with each hero.
  • The chat channel list is now sorted.
  • Increased number of users per regional chat channel.
  • Your Friends list shows when a friend is finding a match.
  • Fixed some legacy key issues.

  • Players that have been waiting a long time get some priority when finding a match.
  • Players in the low priority pool try to match players that are closer to their actual rating.

  • Fixed Sven's Storm Bolt coming from the wrong hand.
  • Fixed stunning knock back modifiers not having a stunned effect.
  • Fixed Windrunner not playing her Focus Fire run animation.

  • Added new client-bot-debugging command: dota_bot_dump_state. With no parameter, it will dump the general state of all bots. With a (partial) name of a hero supplied, it will dump more detailed information about the state of that specific hero's bot.
  • Enabled a small action delay to better mimic human reaction time.
  • Bots will now save for and use Buyback.
  • Bots should no longer focus too much on wards, and will no longer try to use abilities on them.
  • Added a per-hero aggression factor, which hopefully will help keep poor Crystal Maiden alive a bit more.
  • Improved Vengeful Spirit bot's Nether Swap usage - she should be better about swapping heroes that are getting away.
  • Fixed case where bots would use TP scrolls to port short distances when retreating.
  • Bots will no longer use a TP scroll or Travel Boots when nearby enemies have stuns available.
  • A number of bots will now harass with long-range stuns/abilities when defending a tower and waiting for allies to arrive.
  • When chasing an enemy that blinks away, bots will no longer have perfect knowledge of where they blinked.
  • Fixed case where bots were failing to path back into their fountain (specifically when trying to pull creeps into the fountain).
  • Bots will now try to kill enemy couriers.
  • Fixed bug where bots were not trying to avoid linear projectiles like Mirana's Arrow and Pudge's Hook.
  • Fixed case where a bot with a full inventory (and not willing to drop anything) would get deemed the best bot to pick up an item, causing no one to pick it up.
  • Bots now know if they have mini-stuns on their attacks, and are more likely to attack enemies who are channeling.
  • Bots will no longer buy dust/gem in response to an enemy having an invisibility rune.
  • Bots now take avoidance into account when destroying items the enemy team has dropped, so they should no longer dive for them.
  • Bots should now avoid standing in Sand King's Sandstorm.
  • Earthshaker bot should be better at fissuring fleeing enemies.
  • Fixed case where a bot could get stuck trying to purchase an item at the side shop that's also available at the secret shop.
  • Fixed bots standing in a healing aura when high health rather then retreating to retrieve their items.
  • Made carries better able to interrupt their farming to retrieve items from their stash or the secret shop.
  • Made bots better about doing Roshan if a human pings him.
Dota 2 - Valve
Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted.

Added save/load functionality to private games. Every minute a new save file is automatically created. This happens in the background so you won't notice it. The lobby leader will be able to load any of the saved games from the Game Setup option when creating a new lobby.
Dota 2 - Valve
Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. Fixes include:

  • Added Alchemist!
  • Ancient Apparition: Fixed the location from which Ice Blast fires.
  • Ancient Apparition: Fixed Level 3 Cold Feet doing 1 too much damage.
  • Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture damaging invulnerable/cycloned units.
  • Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Dragon Form attack properties getting lost when he is purged/repelled.
  • Huskar: Fixed Burning Spears working against wards.
  • Jakiro: Fixed Liquid Fire not working correctly against siege units.
  • Kunkka: Fixed Tidebringer working against wards.
  • Huskar: Fixed Inner Vitality being cast-able on yourself when Magic Immune.
  • Necrolyte: Fixed Heartstopper aura being blocked by magic immunity.
  • Nature's Prophet: Fixed the spawn location of the Treants in Nature's Call.
  • Omniknight: Fixed the following ability interactions with Repel/Purge: Inner Vitality, Weave, Moonlight Shadow, Overload, Holy Persuasion, Warcry, Shadow Word, Focus Fire, Sukuchi, Berserker's Call, Chilling Touch.
  • Pudge: Fixed Dismember lasting too long on Roshan.
  • Pudge: Fixed Meat Hook interrupting allied channel abilities.
  • Riki: Fixed Backstab on wards
  • Sand King: Fixed Repel stopping Sandstorm.
  • Sand King: Fixed a bug with Epicenter doing its Ultimate Scepter number of pulses regardless of level.
  • Shadow Shaman: Fixed Ether Shock hitting invisible units.
  • Warlock: Fixed Rain of Chaos AoE stun not lasting longer with Scepter.
  • Warlock: Fixed Rain of Chaos not destroying trees
  • Warlock: Fixed Fatal Bonds disabling Blink Dagger/Regen.
  • Warlock: Fixed Fatal Bonds damage being reduced by resistance.
  • Warlock: Fixed Rain of Chaos not doing any impact damage.
  • Warlock: Fixed Golem's Immolation working against Ancients.
  • Weaver: Fixed Swarm not latching onto magic immune enemies.
  • Weaver: Fixed Swarm losing their attack ability ability once an enemy becomes magic immune.
  • Witch Doctor: Fixed Paralyzing Casks stun lasting 5 seconds on Roshan.

  • Fixed Maelstrom/Mjolnir procing on denies/wards/sieges.
  • Fixed Helm of the Dominator life-stealing off ward type units
  • Fixed Ring of Basilius aura not working on siege units.
  • Fixed Janggo aura not working on siege units.
  • Fixed item critical strikes working against wards.
  • Fixed item selling exploit where heroes could transfer sharable items and sell them back within the sell-back time.
  • Cleaned up juke lanes in dire top lane.

  • Fixed a bug with courier purchasing, where trying to complete an item would not take into account items held by the courier.
  • Fixed a quick-buy bug. With Mekansm displayed, buying a branch, then headdress would result in a branch missing from the list.
  • Added a setting to disable screen shaking.
  • Fixed double clicking Force Staff not working if you are Repelled.
  • Fixed Smoke of Deceit and Dust of Appearance purchase announcement not appearing when an ally buys them.
  • Fixed Omniknight and Dragon Knight legacy keys.
  • Enabled Warlock for Captain's Mode
  • Error messages will no longer appear if some unit in your multi-unit selection cannot perform the requested order.
  • Practice Lobbies now appear on dota tv (can be selected to private in game setup).
  • Fixed not being able to access the home shop after a respawn.
  • Creeps under the control of a player now draw using that player’s color on the minimap.
  • Fixed towers that are denied in the FoW still drawing for the other team on the minimap.
  • Made overhead gold values not fade out as quickly when your controlled hero is high level.
  • Added a new function (defaulted to Space Bar) that moves the camera to the last pinged location (if you press it again afterwards it goes back to your hero).

  • Added impact effect to Leshrac's Lightning Storm.
  • Added burned ground to Warlock's Rain of Chaos.
  • Tweaked Dire tree shapes.

  • Added more movement lines for Dazzle, Dark Seer, Dragon Knight, Furion, Huskar, Riki, Skeleton King, Slardar, Spectre, and Jakiro.
  • Updated Jariko's voice-overs.

  • Fixed bug where bots would stand under the tower in the lane they were pushing when it had backdoor protection activated. Now they should move back to their lane front.
  • Bots no longer assume that humans will fully help out when they're deciding whether to do Roshan.
  • Revised Windrunner's Shackle Shot and Windrun usage -
  • they won't trigger as much when doing a casual retreat.
  • In late-game, bots are more likely to go to side shops to get what they need (especially TP scrolls).
  • Bots are no longer controllable by spectators.
  • Improved the logic for deciding when to give up on an attack target that they haven't touched in a while.
  • Fixed issue where bots would attack creeps rather than defend their tower from enemy heroes.
  • Reworked how bots push lanes, they should be less likely to tank towers and should be in appropriate positions more often now.
  • Fixed bug where heroes would leave their tower too easily when not fully recharged.
  • Bots will now use a bottled regen rune rather than retreating all the way back to base to heal.
  • Fixed bug in Zeus's Thundergod's Wrath usage that caused with him to killsteal with it too much.
  • Bots should be better about harassing heroes during the laning phase -
  • melee heroes should no longer be able to last-hit with impunity.
  • Revised sniper bot skill build to be less push-oriented and more gank/dps oriented.
  • Reduced spamminess of bots announcing the defense of a lane.
  • Made bots better about retreating to retrieve their items.

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