26 fev. 2013
Don't Starve - Valve
Update Notes - Feb 26th

-Winter comes every 20 days or so, with snow and a new audio landscape.
-Ambient air temperature is modelled, and Wilson will get colder the longer he stays out in the open.
-Getting too cold for too long will cause freezing damage. You can extend your time away from the fire by wearing warm clothing.
-Nights are longer, and vegetation does not replenish.
-Bees and butterflies don’t leave their houses in the winter.

-There is a new mod API that should make mods break less when the game updates, and allows multiple mods to work at the same time. There is some documentation on how to create
a mod at: http://forums.kleientertainment.com/showthread.php?10817-TUTORIAL-Creating-a-Mod-using-the-Mod-System

-Language packs are now actually supported. The game supplies a 'strings.pot' template file with every update, and the game can load .po language files. This should make maintaining translations a lot easier, and allows the usage of industry-standard tools. For more info, go to: http://forums.kleientertainment.com/showthread.php?10819-TUTORIAL-Creating-a-translation-using-the-PO-Format

-MacTusk the Walrus - Sets up camp in an igloo, and then hunt you with blowdarts and hounds.
-Deerclops - He’s big, he likes to smash stuff, and he’s really hard to kill. You should probably just run away.
-Winter Koalefant - You can harvest his warm winter trunk.
-Snowbird - A winter bird that drops a new type of feather.
-Mosquitos - Spawn from ponds or Maxwellian traps. They eat too much and explode!
-Ice Hound - Comes instead of the Fire Hound during winter.

-Blue Gem
-Walrus Tusk
-Deerclops Eye
-Tam o’Shanter
-Snowbird Feather

-Ice Staff
-Blow Darts (damaging)
-Winter Trunk Vest

-This update continues the development of Adventure mode, and seeks to refine the difficulty curve.
-Varying summer/winter lengths
-Varying day/night lengths
-New resource-starved worlds
-Island chain worlds with lots of wormholes

-Added a new world creation screen. There are only a couple of options enabled currently, but soon you will be able to unlock more!

-From our testing, we determined that sanity was coming on too early for new players, but was also easily avoidable by established players. The intention is for sanity to be a long-term lurking danger, so this was the complete opposite of what we were going for. Here are some changes to help rectify this:
-Vegetables, crock foods don’t regen as much sanity.
-Monsters cause more sanity drain when near.
-Player’s Initial sanity is higher.
-Pure darkness causes a large drop sanity (instead of a gradient around a light source).
-Shadowbeasts show up later in the sanity curve, and are unattackable when you are not insane.
-The crawling horror is weaker and the Terrorbeak is tougher.
-The invisible monster deals sanity damage when he hits you.
-The sanity effect jiggles more slowly, so as to be less nauseating.

-Rabbit traps work again
-Maxwell leaves traps for you in adventure mode
-Armour is less effective
-Player attacks are less powerful
-Pigs can’t be stunlocked, have less windup animation before an attack, attack less often, have more health, take longer to respawn, and attempt to kite their targets
-Bees run around between attacks
-Meat healing and health values adjusted
-Dead rabbits respawn slower
-Beefalo drop fewer meats
-Honey doesn’t heal as much
-Honey generates more slowly in bee boxes
-Spider dens have more warriors, and cycle through levels faster
-Spoilage is a bit faster in general
-Stale food has less of a hunger penalty
-Healing values are a bit lower in general
-Ponds show up in more places
-Eyebones turn to ash during teleportation even if you hide them in a backpack
-Teleportato pieces are more scattered, and have little setpiece scenes surrounding them
-Panflutes require a mandrake to craft
-Darts shouldn’t miss targets that are walking away
-More effective bushhat
13 fev. 2013
Don't Starve - Valve
Update Notes - Feb 12th

-New Character: Wes - Do you think Don’t Starve is too easy? Try playing as Wes, the mime! He’s not good at doing anything!
-Save Slots - You can have up to four save games at once now. Your existing save will be imported into the first slot when you start the game for the first time.
-Sandbox Mode - This is the game as you all know it. There will eventually be a customization screen before you start a level, but you just get the default generation for now.
-Experimental Adventure Mode - When you start a new game, you can choose to play in adventure (ie story) mode. Currently, there are five levels of difficulty as you progress through the levels. This is an early test, so we have a lot of work to do to make these levels meaningful and fun. We also need to add the story’s ending. This is for experienced DS players who want a taste of the future.
-Pathfinding - Monsters and followers can navigate around corners and walls.
-Mod Support - Modding is now allowed! We’re distributing the source scripts with the game, so have a look in data/scripts, and see what you can do. There is an example (machine-translated) French language pack included with the game to get you started.
See the modding forum for more details: http://forums.kleientertainment.com/forumdisplay.php?54-Don-t-Starve-Beta-Mods-amp-Tools

-The player character loses sanity when he is left alone in the dark, gets close to scary monsters, or does crazy things like eating monster meat or jumping through a wormhole.
-Sanity can be regained through acts of dapperness, like wearing fancy clothes in the sunshine and eating candy.
-Low sanity is not fatal, but strange creatures from another time and place are attracted to madness.
-There are new, powerful items that can be built from the Nightmare Fuel that the strange creatures leave behind when killed.

-Bush Hat - Hide from your enemies in plain sight.
-Night light - Light your nights with nightmare fuel.
-Night Armour - Protects the flesh, but sacrifices the mind.
-Night Sword - Live by the sword, go crazy by the sword.
-Cobbles - Build your own roads.
-Taffy + Pumpkin Cookies - New recipes! Mmmmmmm!

-The Tent is now cheaper to make, and doesn’t restore health any more.
-Natural roads are curvy and look better.
-There is a way for non-Wilson characters to find Beard Hairs in the wild.
-Sometimes, when you find pig villages, they will have carrot and flower farms.
-Lots of small, under-the-hood changes to the world gen.
-Seeds now provide less hunger.
-Birds now drop a Feather -or- a Morsel, never both.
-Rabbits take longer to respawn.
-Hounds drop teeth less often.
-Traps and Toothtraps have slightly fewer uses.
-Farms take a bit longer to grow.
-Birds won’t land on Seeds if you are standing too close to them.
-Spider dens spit out less creep.
-Creep without a spider den disappears. (As a side-effect, creep can no longer be picked up and placed.)
-Walls have more health!
-Torches cost more to build, but last longer.
-Corpses are back!

-There is much less mist in the graveyards, since it was causing performance and visibility issues.
-Items that fall near the ocean shouldn’t disappear anymore.
-Stone walls don’t take fire damage.
-Hounds don’t follow you through the teleportato.
-You can’t be killed while you are using the teleportato.
-Tree stumps no longer rain from the sky on loading some games.
-Rabbits no longer phase through obstacles.
-Placers for campfires won’t disappear into the night when trying to build them.
-Mating beefalo won’t go out of their way to aggro walls.
-Spider Queens no longer give birth to unlimited spiders when they have a combat target.

-The old world gen and the old research system have been removed. If you have an existing save game that was using the old research system, you will have to build some science machines to unlock your recipes.
15 jan. 2013
Don't Starve - Valve
Update Notes - Jan 15

-Food spoils over long periods of time. Stale and Spoiled foods are less beneficial. Rotten food is practically inedible, but can be used as fuel or fertilizer.
-Crock pot foods are now stackable.
-You can build a Ice Box now to mitigate spoilage.
-New unlockable character: WX78, a robot who can eat spoiled food with no penalties, and who hates all living things.
-Steam cloud can now be disabled. (details below)
-New camera controls for streamers/YouTubers: CTRL+P will freeze the camera in place. CTRL+H will hide the hud.
-Smallbirds now grow up to become angsty Teenbirds. Teenbirds will grow up to be Tallbirds and leave the player.
-The mysterious Otto Von Chesterfield can be found in some swamps. (You will need to start a new map to find him)
-Beefalo travel in proper herds now. Herds regenerate off-screen (currently with adults)
-Beefalo herds become agitated when they go into heat, and will chase away the player if they are not wearing a beefalo hat.
-Beefalo sometimes drop a beefalo horn, which can be used to move beefalos around.
-The Spider Hat is no longer craftable - you just wear the Spider Queen's head directly. It also can't be used to steal spiders from an existing queen.

-Health and Hunger values have been re-tuned across the board. Characters have a larger hunger buffer now.
-Addressed minor spelling mistakes
-Minor tweaks and fixes
-Fixed various save/load issues

Some people have reported save/load issues with Steam Cloud. We have added a workaround that will cause the game to save its files in your documents directory instead. To activate this mode,
add the following two lines to your "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dont_starve\settings.ini" file:

8 jan. 2013
Don't Starve - Valve
-Ground can now be dug up using the Shovel to reveal the bare dirt underneath and creating a Turf item.
-Turf items can be placed down on bare dirt tiles to change the biome (purely cosmetic for now).

-Minor bug fixes and tuning.
-New art for the Rocky biome.
20 dez. 2012
Don't Starve - Valve
Update Notes - Dec 19

-Spider dens have a full life cycle. Tiers are more meaningful, and higher tiered dens will require strategy to overcome.
-Spider queens come out of the highest-tier nests to wreak havoc and spread spideryness.
-A new type of warrior spider protects high-level dens and the queen. They are resistant to kiting, so a frontal assault is not recommended.
-Wilson can build fire darts, and light pretty much every creature on fire.
-Wilson can build a spider hat from egg sacks that lets him control spiders. Just be careful when you take it off!
-Wilson can build tooth traps and use them for defense or for guilt-free rabbit hunting.
There is a new, experimental map gen algorithm that you can use. It is a work in progress and is largely untested and unbalanced, so you may not live for very long! (Don’t worry, though - the old map gen is still the default!)
-Pet Smallbirds will demand food when hungry, and can starve to death.
-Wilson can build a warm hat. It... makes something happen.
-New “epic fight” and “dawn” music.

-High-level hound attacks are more intense.
-Krampus is silent until you reach a certain threshold of naughtiness.
-Farming takes longer.
-Some fruits and cooked foods are a bit less potent.
-Seeds drop less frequently.
-The birdcage seed sorter is less reliable.
-Werepig monster meat threshold increased to 4, werepigs drop normal meat.

-Items that fall out of bounds will disappear after a bit.
-Most monsters will ignore things that are out of bounds.
-Gobblers and Krampusses try to avoid getting caught against the edge of the world.
-Fireflies drop individually.
-Mobs shouldn’t get stuck in sliding animations.
-Fix gold getting stuck on pig king's head
-Fix exploding beemine-in-backpack
Don't Starve - Valve
Don't Starve Update Notes

-Spider dens have a full life cycle. Tiers are more meaningful, and higher tiered dens will require strategy to overcome.
-Spider queens come out of the highest-tier nests to wreak havoc and spread spideryness.
-A new type of warrior spider protects high-level dens and the queen. They are resistant to kiting, so a frontal assault is not recommended.
-Wilson can build fire darts, and light pretty much every creature on fire.
-Wilson can build a spider hat from egg sacks that lets him control spiders. Just be careful when you take it off!
-Wilson can build tooth traps and use them for defense or for guilt-free rabbit hunting.
There is a new, experimental map gen algorithm that you can use. It is a work in progress and is largely untested and unbalanced, so you may not live for very long! (Don’t worry, though - the old map gen is still the default!)
-Pet Smallbirds will demand food when hungry, and can starve to death.
-Wilson can build a warm hat. It... makes something happen.
-New “epic fight” and “dawn” music.

-High-level hound attacks are more intense.
-Krampus is silent until you reach a certain threshold of naughtiness.
-Farming takes longer.
-Some fruits and cooked foods are a bit less potent.
-Seeds drop less frequently.
-The birdcage seed sorter is less reliable.
-Werepig monster meat threshold increased to 4, werepigs drop normal meat.

-Items that fall out of bounds will disappear after a bit.
-Most monsters will ignore things that are out of bounds.
-Gobblers and Krampusses try to avoid getting caught against the edge of the world.
-Fireflies drop individually.
-Mobs shouldn’t get stuck in sliding animations.
-Fix gold getting stuck on pig king's head
-Fix exploding beemine-in-backpack


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