2013 年 3 月 25 日
Crusader Kings II - Valve
2013-03-25: v1.092
- Added a Trade Post limit for patricians, based on palace upgrades and number of adult males in court
- Family dues are now given only to adult males of your family in your court, and they all receive the same share
- Patricians can no longer increase their Demesne limit with higher tier titles. However, the Doge gets +1
- Patricians who imprison or banish someone now get a tyranny opinion penalty from everyone in the whole Republic
- Patricians no longer confiscate gold from dynasty members that they banish
- Doges can no longer use the Seize Trade Post plot
- Patricians can now only use the Seize Trade Post plot on Patricians owning more Trade Posts than themselves
- The Seize Trade Post plot now always costs a small amount of money to implement
- The Holy War CB no longer works against too distant targets
- Sieging will siege back your own holdings first
- Tanistry electors are no longer de jure
- The Windows version is now large address aware
- Fix for crash on multiplayer game start on Windows 8
- Fixed a bug where a vassal of a vassal who won a war against an outside state would become a vassal of that state
- Several events, including those dealing with the creation of the Hansa, no longer require "The Republic" to trigger
- Rewrote large parts of the tutorial to be up-to-date with current features
- Fixed a problem in basic military tutorial that made it impossible to proceed past a certain stage
- Fixed a problem in basic war tutorial that made it impossible to proceed past a certain stage
- Fixed a crash in court view during observer mode
- When determining what tier a character is for the purposes of marriage, the highest ranked non-republican ruler among their close relatives is now used (so the nephew of a King would count as King tier)
- Will no longer get prestige hits for marrying below your tier unless you marry more than one level below it (so a King would get a prestige hit for marrying a Countess but not a Duchess)
- AI now takes into account both tier prestige and dynastic prestige when responding to marriage offers
- AI now takes into account prestige effects when selecting spouses for themselves and their relatives
- Exported MARRIAGE_AI_PRESTIGE_VALUE to defines.lua, this variable is a multiplier on the importance AI places on prestige when arranging marriages
- The Prestige cost for breaking a truce is now much harsher; 50% of current Prestige + 200.
- You now get a -5 Diplo penalty for five years if you break a truce
- Diplomacy View: The Piety and Prestige costs for declaring war no longer prevent you from selecting the action to see why
- The 'any_neighbor_province' trigger now works for sea zones as well
- Trade Posts dont give warscore unless the war is using an Embargo or Sieze Trade Post CB
- You now need twice as much value in a trade zone before reaching its bonus cap
- Fixed a bug where Patrician stewards would add modifiers to tax multiple times when performing the tax action
- Fixed a bug with the trigger 'is_land'
- The republican CB to seize a whole coastal county is now range dependent
- The republican CB to seize a coastal city now requires the Patrician to have a trade post there already
- Can no longer grant independence to an antipope
- Fixed a bug where de jure status of kingdoms would reset upon loading a save game
- de_jure_liege="---" now works properly in history files
- Tied bride price to total prestige gain at a ratio defined by DOWRY_MULTIPLIER in defines.lua
- Can now only ask to embargo republics with trade posts in target ruler's realm
- AI: Less willing to launch embargo wars in general, especially against rulers they like
- AI: Less willing to accept requests to embargo on opinion alone
- AI: Will now factor in strength of target when deciding on whether to accept a request to embargo
- Inherited retinues are now added to the heirs use of retinue cap
- CB types now takes ai_will_do with modifiers to modify the priority they place on a particular CB
- Fixed the birthdate of Domenico Dandolo
- Minor fixes to Alan dynasties
- Fixes to Sergiids/Spartenos names
- Corrections to various Italian characters
- Several Mamluk dynasties should now use the proper Muslim dynastic shields
- The correct event is now triggered when an old Patrician family member marries a young woman
- The Voice of Satan is now properly removed when a character is no longer possessed
- Characters will no longer hear more than one voice when possessed
- Patrician family members that are betrothed will no longer experience random marriage events
- Two additional childhood learning events are now correctly triggered for Muslims
- Added additional Komi dynasties
- Minor fixes to some Irish and Welsh characters
- Added many new Ethiopian characters
- Added Ethiopian Patriarchs
- Added Nestorian Patriarchs
- Exported chance of getting a birth trait to traits.txt files
- AI doges will no longer gift powers they want to start embargo wars if those powers would say no even when gifted
- Added new scripting trigger realm_size = x for checking total holdings in realm
- Added new scripting trigger realm_manpower = x for checking max manpower in realm
- dynasty = x can now be used to check for whether a character belongs to a specific dynasty
- You no longer get a claim on the Papacy if he was in a successful independence faction
- Fixed a slight bug in the claimant faction ultimatum decision
- landed_titles now takes assimilate = no, which will turn off all de jure drift (both ways) for a Kingdom or Empire level title
- Fixed a bug with Patricians revoking castles from baron vassals

2013 年 1 月 25 日
Crusader Kings II - Valve
2013-01-25: v1.091

- Fixed a bug preventing some people from building new trade posts
- Fixed some instability issues on the Mac and Linux versions
- Fixed bug where taking over the last duchy or higher title from a Merchant Republic could give you Patrician vassals
- Blocked "Offer Vassalization" for one Merchant Republic vs another
- Fixed a tooltip bug for the succession type in secondary kingdoms and empires held by Merchant Republics
- When a regular lowborn Mayor forms a Merchant Republic, he should get a dynasty and become a Patrician
- The Patricians in newly formed merchant republics now get some starting money
- Homosexual characters no longer get the ambition to get married
- Doubled the effect of Prestige on Patrician Respect for Doge elections
- Tutorial: Fixed a crash in Realm View
- Fixed a bug where you would end up at war with your liege if beating him to victory in a claim war
- Added text warnings for Independence wars and factions for Patricians, if it would mean Game Over
- Made Ultimogeniture possible for anyone to take, should they be so inclined
- Added the Barony of Altenburg to Meissen
- Gave Ultimogeniture to the Ilkhanate, the Golden Horde and the barony of Altenburg
- Fixed some issues with sound freezes
- Fixed a bug with the "coastal_county_republic" CB that could make vassals of merchant republics independent
- Fixed missing description for Trade Post garrison building
- Fixed issue where a feudal liege could burn a vassal Patrician's Trade Post
- The correct event picture is now shown when Aztecs sacrifice prisoners
- Fixed flag issues for players who don't own Sunset Invasion
- Fixed issues with the Romeo & Juliet event chain
- Added cooldown before the Seize Trade Post plot can be used on the same character again
- Republic random trade events are now slightly less likely to occur
- Lowered the cost and buildtimes of all Family Palace buildings
- Fixed an issue where the Seize Trade Post plot wasn't properly cancelled
- Fixed a bug where your children in foreign courts would not accept being educated by you
- Added a check for negative fertility on either parent to prevent impregnation of or by celibate characters, eunuchs, etc
- Fixed a bug where culture name lists with more than 100 entries would be cut off at 100 entries due to a low random number
- Fixed a problem where a vassal of a vassal who takes an outside would become a vassal of the enemy rather than the old liege's liege
- The Trade posts of Patricians who become independent should no longer be lost in most cases, but taken over by a replacement family
- Fixed bug making Republic capitals immune to some CBs, like Holy War
- Fixed a bug where a betrothed character who married a different person than they were betrothed to could retain the betrothal even when they were not permitted to have another spouse
- Fixed a bug where the educate child menu would be unavailable in foreign courts
- Fixed a bug where children abroad would not show up in the education menu
- Muslims can now never marry matrilineally under any circumstances
- Fixed a bug where the AI would repeatedly unassign and assign a child the same tutor
- Fixed a bug where a deposed ruler would die on the next day
- The Ecumenical Patriarch's pentarchy will now function correctly
- Pentarchs defined in history files for non-titular titles will now always override Autocephaly
- Titular realms will now use their capital when determing religious head for religions with Autocephaly
- Army AI: Fixed an issue with stupid long range land movement
- The Bishopric of Rome will no longer be renamed to the Lateran if the Move Capital to Rome decision is taken
- Gaining a title you are fabricating a claim on via plot will now abort the plot
- The Anti-Pope opinion bonus towards liege will now be properly inherited when liege dies
- Added field to cultures: [used_for_random = yes/no]. Blocks the culture from being available for characters created with random culture.
- Made it more likely that the Mongol Hordes convert to Islam
- Faction View: The Faction labels are no longer capitalized
- Fixed bug with early holders of Family Palace holdings not showing up in the history
- Increased the random factor in doge elections
- Marcella Ziani now has the correct gender
- No longer possible for close relatives to become a married character's mistress
- AI Patricians are now far more likely to upgrade their Family Palaces
- Multiple assassination events should no longer appear when plotting to kill someone
- The province of Ar'Ar has been renamed to Shaka
- When transfering a vassal, the selected vassal will now be shown on the map
- Can no longer ask to join wars against a ruler who is imprisoning you
- You can now always transfer the vassalage of a duke to the de jure liege of their primary title, even if they hold multiple duchies
- Fixed a bug where a landed vassal who inherited their liege's title would remain in their previous factions
- Duplicate independence factions gained from conquering or inheriting titles will now be disbanded
- Fixed a bug where you would not be able to marry the courtiers of Holy Orders and Mercenary Companies despite them showing up as eligible
- Fixed a bug where the add_spouse command would have undesirable results for Muslims
- Improved Jihad notification event to include the religion and portrait of the Caliph
- Fixed a bug with Tanistry that could cause Game Over
- Anti-Pope will now remain as an Emperor's vassal if you press his claim to the Papacy
- Fixed a bug that was causing characters over 1000 years old not to receive events properly
- Exported is_holy_war to cb_types, this determines whether neighbouring AIs of the same religion will consider joining defensively against the attacker
- Can now ask to join Muslim Invasions
- AI will now ask to join Muslim Invasions when appropriate, and is slightly more inclined to defend neighbours against a Muslim Invasion than a Holy War
- Improved duchy distribution AI
- Fixed a bug where you would not be able to ask a character to stop backing a plot if their answer was no, depriving you of just cause to imprison them
- AI: Will now value Kiev more highly and be more inclined to use it as their primary Duchy
- AI: Will now value prestige effects of marriage at a more reasonable level
- The Muslim Invasion CB now requires either a foothold in or border with the target kingdom
- AI: Fixed a bug where countries with a vassal merchant republic would refuse to embargo _any_ republic
- Fixed a bug where a country who had vassal merchant republics could lose them when _winning_ a war against another merchant republic
- Fixed a bug with the Jizya tax modifier for Muslim merchant republics

2013 年 1 月 14 日
Crusader Kings II - Valve
2013-01-14: v1.09

- Merchant Republic gameplay (Duke or higher tier Republics with a coastal capital)
- Added a 'Grant Independence' diplomatic interaction
- Titles can now automatically change name depending on the culture of their top liege
- The Reign length opinion modifiers are now dependent on how long a character has been the liege of someone, not how long the primary title has been held
- Added 1241 Bookmark - "The Mongols"
- Save file transfer now works on Mac
- Reduced max demesne size from ruler tier, especially for Dukes
- Reduced the effect of Stewardship on max demesne size (now 15%, down from 25%.)
- Added a max demesne size bonus (+1) for dukes with more than one duchy
- Increased the Prestige effects of a rank difference in marriages by a factor of 5
- All merc regiments now grow in max size over time
- Added more mercenary bands: Finns, Lapps, Abyssinians, Nubians, Lithuanians, Scots, Irish and Alans
- Added Ultimogeniture succession law
- Added Tanistry succession law

- Fixed a bug with religions that have become or stopped being heresies not being correctly reset on reload
- Sunset Invasion: Slightly increased the arrival strength of the Aztecs
- Increased the strength of the Timurids
- Added a hidden event that clears diplomatic immunity from faction members if the faction leader dies while waiting for the liege response to an ultimatum
- When forming the Roman Empire, de jure assimilation into the Byzantine Empire is now carried over
- Fixed a bug allowing you to declare excommunication wars on lieges above your immediate liege (the war would then invalidate)
- AI: Will not attach units to allied units unless they are in the war target area
- Fixed a bug where a king who was also emperor lost the empire title in a civil war, but retained all dukes as vassals under the kingdom
- Fixed a crash in the province view
- Retinues no longer cost maintenance when you are out of money ( since they do not reinforce when you are out of money )
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when a character was exiled from the last existing republic
- Fixed a bug with de jure withdrawal out of empires where the counter would reset and nothing would happen
- AI: Infinitesimal chance that the AI will fold to faction demands from tiny factions
- Fixed some bugs with the outcomes of the Imperial Reconquest CB
- Fixed a bug with characters not always returning correctly from foreign courts
- Fixed a CTD with the GamersGate in-game store API if there was a network error
- Forbidding councillors from leading armies is now saved
- Forbidding councillors from leading armies will no longer lead to an out of sync in multiplayer
- Fixed issue where a settlement could be awarded to an enemy after a siege was won
- Character screen no longer moves to front when it updates its data
- When creating a new unit one subunit will automatically transfer over if the selected unit has at least two
- Added a message for when someone takes over as a faction leader
- Prerequisite building missing text in building tooltip is now localized
- Fixed issue where character browser was showing some rulers when set to "all characters" and "no rulers"
- AI: Fixed a somewhat borked odds calculation vs attached units
- Army AI: Fixed an indecision issue - will be more determined to hunt down certain armies
- Army AI: Fixed a bug with splinter armies putting the whole agent into retreat mode
- Army AI: Fixed a rare collection livelock issue if a splinter army was besieging a holding
- Army AI: Fixed a glitch with the potential target province calculation due to moving enemy units
- Claimant Factions are no longer valid for non-elective titles if the claimant has no claim
- Fixed a confusing "any demesne title" trigger tooltip
- Removed the kingdom of Pommerania from the de jure HRE
- Liege levy maintenance cost is now shared with sub vassals
- The old liege now only gets weak claims on members of successful independence factions
- Fixed a rare crash in AI flank leader unit assignment
- Fixed an issue that could allow vassals of vassals to launch independence faction wars
- Independence faction wars are now invalidated if the pre-war liege becomes vassalized himself
- Fixed a bug where the successor of an Ecumenical Patriarch (or a vassal Pope) could change religion to the liege's.
- Vassals of vassals can no longer start claimant factions for claimants in another realm
- You now correctly gain Piety for granting bishoprics to courtiers
- Muslim rulers no longer get Piety for creating a random mosque holder
- Hamburg and Celle now have ports
- Province of Alexandria adjusted to include the site of the actual city
- Gender corrections to certain characters
- Added missing parents for Roupen I of Armenia Minor
- Fixed broken House Oitir dynasty
- Fixed several Mongol characters having the wrong religion
- Constantine de Hauteville is no longer female
- Gytha Thorkelsdottir now has the correct deathdate
- Louis d'Evreux now has the correct mother
- Fixes to Václav II and descendants
- William 'Adelin' now has the correct deathdate
- Miscellaneous database corrections to the de Luxembourg dynasty
- Miscellaneous database corrections for the Normans and the 1st Earl of Chester
- Fixed the birthdate of Saint Louis IX of France and his brother Robert of Artois
- Switched culture for two characters from Irish to Scottish
- Fixes to Danish and Norwegian bastards
- Added the Hvide Bishops of Roskilde
- The culture of Khwarizm now changes to Turkish at the correct date
- Updated the Jarls of Västergötland
- Fixed various issues with wrong or missing mothers for Frankish characters
- Fixed the lineage of Erik III of Denmark
- Added new Maghreb Wikipedia links
- Tweaked deathdate of Mubashir, Duke of Mallorca, and made him eunuch
- Fixed the spelling of the de Cuiseaux dynasty
- Corrections to the Af Sverker family
- Fixes to the ruler history of the Perigord and La Marche counties
- The Pirate King Kyrillos is now correctly imprisoned when captured through event
- Added dynasty and descendants to Umar ibn Khattab
- Fleshed out the the Rassid dynasty of Yemen
- Additions to the Banu 'Amir dynasty and its descendants
- Various changes and additions to the Hammudid dynasty
- Added the Mayzadids of Hillah
- Updated the Scottish name list
- Minor changes and additions to the Italian name list
- The Umayyad and Hashimid now have Muslim-style Coats of Arms
- Added some missing Dukes of Brittany
- Namechanges for several Scottish characters
- Constantinople is now protected by the Theodosian Walls
- Some corrections to Swedish kings and their families
- Links for Hungarian names added
- Changes to the Baltic pagan setup
- Corrections to Birger Jarl's family line
- All Armenian characters are now Miaphysite
- Added descriptive texts of all buildings
- Fixed issue with certain buildings referring to an obsolete Seljuk title
- Updated the credits
- Basra and Tigris now have the correct ruler in 1152
- Blocked claimant factions for vassals of vassals under Medium or higher crown authority
- Blocked most factions for vassals of vassals under Medium crown authority in addition to High and Absolute
- Fixed a problem with the limit of children for heirs
- AI: Fixed a bug with it not dismissing liege levies when done with them
- The pre-spawned 1066 conquest armies in England now suffer normal attrition
- Event spawned civil war armies now suffer normal attrition
- Made the bastard birth event (450) more common
- If married, women now fool their husbands about the parentage of children born from the bastard birth event (450)
- Fixed a bug with kingdom adjudication and barony tier titles under lieges with split allegiances
- Lowered the inheritance chance a bit for most congenital traits
- Fixed some glitches with the Mongol conversion events
- There is now a chance that the Ilkhanate will convert to Nestorianism
- There is now a small chance that the Golden Horde will convert to Nestorianism
- AI: Tweaked the effect of the Content trait on the creation and joining of Claimant factions
- AI: A bit smarter about launching claimant ultimatums
- Diplomacy View: Fixed a minor prestige tooltip issue when marrying lowborn characters
- AI: Vassals of a conqueror's title should not support claimants of another culture
- DoW AI: Now more aware of the possibility of mercs and the military value of Gold
- AI: More keen on using mercs if even slightly outnumbered
- AI: Very rich states are now more likely to use multiple merc regiments if needed
- Renamed the merc fleets after sea zones
- Added a hidden event to disband William's special invasion fleet
- AI: Lords and their heirs always answer each other's call to wars
- AI: Fixed a bug that could prevent the passing of laws
- AI: Smarter about trying to institute Agnatic-Cognatic law
- Retinues are now correctly passed on to the _player_ successor, not the primary title successor
- Fixed a crash bug in the Diplo and Province views with character with a null list of enemies
- Fixed a bug where characters inherited debts
- Fixed a minor bug in the effect 'vassalize_or_take_under_title' that would allow vassalization of unvassalizable titles like the Hashashin
- The religious CB now vassalizes lords of your own religion in the target Duchy
- AI: Fixed an issue where lords would marry off their councillors matrilineally to lowborn courtiers
- Fixed a bug with succession law opinions of children not of their parent's dynasty
- Optimized the line of succession calculation code
- AI: Fixed some bugs with elective successor choices
- Fixed (hopefully) a gross bankruptcy bug with the 'transfer_scaled_wealth' effect
- AI: External powers now more aggressive against civil war revolters
- Various code speed optimizations
- Fixed another bug with dead character in the Allies list
- AI: Husband and Wife always answer each other's calls to war
- Reversed the order of rulers in the Title History View (latest now on top)
- Invasion AI: Fixed a bug where fleets were afraid of loaded armies on enemy fleets
- Army AI: Fixed a brain death issue when under invasion by a Mercenary company whose unit was destroyed
- Army AI: Fixed an issue where it would not raise its own demesne ships
- AI: Will tend to hand out the latest acquired baronies rather than the oldest
- The Traitor opinion is now inherited by ruler successors
- Calling someone to war now makes them dislike you by the same amount you will like them for answering
- Conquerors (rulers of conquered titles) can now call on rulers from back home (Cultural Bonds) while defending against other cultures
- Fixed a rare crash in the Diplomacy View
- The 'vassalize_or_take_under_title' effect now correctly restores the taker liege afterward
- Fixed a bug where certain event effects in CBs could take Patrician titles
- Fixed a bug with the backend poster not having a HTTP POST timeout
- Fixed a bug with the random seed in event effect descriptions not matching the actual effect
- Fixed a bug where rampaging mercs would make an invalid DoW
- Fixed a bug preventing you from nominating bishop successors
- Muslim pulse events are now triggered correctly
- Fixed misplaced IF in decadence_invasion
- Added additional rulers to Chalkidike in the history database
- Chancellor event while improving relations is now properly triggered
- Fixed error in polygamy event
- Fixed issue with event where a character tries to free his/her spouse
- Added missing parents to several Arabic characters
- Added additional Alan dynasties
- Fixes to several Welsh dynasty names
- Some Armenian dynasty names are now Greek as intended
- Fixed the dynasty of Udalard de Besalu
- Characters older than 50 will no longer fight in tournaments
- Fixed pronoun error in Guardian event
- Removed superfluous church opinion effect from several Muslim-only event modifiers
- Fixed issue where the wife of a courtier could suggest a new Lord Spiritual
- Fixed option effect in event 1009
- Added additional Irish and Welsh dynasties and characters
- Added missing parents for the Riyahdids
- Added Muslim Hafsids of Crete and the Anemas dynasty
- Tatikios now has Greek culture and is employed by Alexios Komnenos
- Various additions to Norwegian and Irish family trees

- The event trigger and effect 'any_faction_backer' without a 'faction' field now work for the backers of all factions
- The 'copy_title_history' effect now also copies de jure assimilation
- Fixed some bugs with the 'de_jure_liege_or_above' and 'de_jure_vassal_or_below' triggers
- Character event flags are now shown in the portrait debug tooltip
- The modifier 'assassinate_chance_modifier' on the acting ruler now has an effect
- Added trigger 'is_at_sea'
- Added trigger 'is_patrician'
- Added trigger 'is_merchant_republic'
- Removed unused on actions 'on_siege_won' and 'on_siege_list'.
- Added on action 'on_siege_over' which triggers for all characters in the province
- Exported DOGE_SUCC_RANDOM_FACTOR to defines
- Added effects 'embargo' and 'lift_embargo'
- Added trigger 'has_trade_post'
- Added event target 'trade_post_owner'
- Added event effect 'seize_trade_post'
- Added 'attrition' field to the 'spawn_unit' effect. This is an attrition multiplier.
- Added 'cuckoo' (impregnation) console command
- Added 'culture = random' to 'create_character' and related event effects
- Added 'rep_trade_posts' Plot type
- Added define 'ENFORCE_ONE_OF_EACH_HOLDING' (Require players to build at least one City, Temple and Castle in each province)
- Added event target 'plot_target_province'
- Added a 'capital_holding' event target
- Added trigger 'num_of_trade_posts'
- Added trigger 'num_of_trade_post_diff'
- Added event trigger 'any_trade_post'
- Added event effect 'any_trade_post'
- Added event effect 'random_trade_post'
- Added 'same_religion = yes' field to the effect 'vassalize_or_take_under_title'. It will only vassalize rulers of the taker's religion
- Added 'is_patrician' filter to events
- Increased max demesne size limit for Patricians by 1 (define DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_PATRICIAN)
- Added trigger 'any_attacker' (war scope)
- Added trigger 'any_defender' (war scope)
- Added 'inherit' field to opinion modifiers

2012 年 12 月 19 日
Crusader Kings II - Valve
2012-11-15: v1.08

- Added Nahua culture and Aztec religion

- Retinues no longer get free leaders
- Liege levies raised via the province view are now raised in the selected province
- You can now forbid your council from leading armies
- Optimized succession calculation, which could cause massive slowdowns in big dynasties with many landed members
- Intrigue plots vs barons or their courtiers can now include their liege's courtiers and other vassals
- Fixed Scottish Schiltron building giving 10x defensive bonus to pikes
- Fixed Dutch cultural retinue lacking pikes
- Fixed an issue with AI strength calculations the first month after loading a game
- A bit more randomness in the size of the rebel reinforcements in civil wars
- The Pope now receives even less war contribution score in Crusades
- Fixed a crash with a null war list in Province View and Diplomacy View
- Mercenary regiments and Holy Orders will now automatically get a new leader when the old one dies
- Less likely that the captain of a merc regiment gets reassigned to lead something else
- Kingdoms no longer assimilate out of de jure empires that have no holder
- Fixed a bug with not being able to move capital back to your title's preferred capital
- The Imperial Reconquest CB now only works for the restored Roman Empire
- The Imperial Reconquest CB no longer clears out all rulers under the title
- Disbanding multiple selected units will never disband retinues if there are non-retinues in any selected unit
- Liege levies will now disband if their owner is at war with the owner of the unit
- Retinues no longer reinforce if their owner has no money
- Diplo AI: Imprisoned vassals or below will always accept a demand for religious conversion, and go free from prison
- AI: Much better at assigning flank commanders for important armies
- AI: Less likely to go overboard with Crown Authority
- AI: Not interested in Lower CA plots in irrelevant kingdoms/empires
- AI: Fixed a bug with it not dismissing liege levies when done with them
- Army AI: Fixed a bug with invasions not happening when they should
- Ledger page with independent rulers now shows troops including retinues
- Shift or Ctrl clicking buttons in Ruler Designer coat of arms designer now multiplies the frame change by 5 or 10
- Fixed bug where byzantine unit pack was replacing all eastern europeans
- Raising troops via raise all or raise on province will now merge units
- Now allowed to ask to join tribal invasion wars
- Fixed bugged altaic culture building modifier
- Fixed the history of c_sodermanland
- Fixed consistency issue with German characters name Philipp
- Fixed faulty employment date for Robrecht van Gent
- Fixed broken Ua Conchobair dynasty
- Province of Bira no longer stays Orthodox for the entire game
- Fixed bug where imprisoned underage rulers could kill their regents
- Gave The Two Saltuks from Erzurum their correct names
- Corrections to Phillip IV of France and many related characters
- Sigrid Ylving no longer has the wrong mother
- Fixed the deathdate of King Charles IV of France
- Added missing Ecumenical Patriarchs
- Fixed a bug where courtiers of landless characters would be listed in a weird location
- Fixes and additions to various Frankish and Occitan dynasties
- Fixes and additions to the Hunfirding dynasty
- Missing marriages, mothers, children of Valdemar II and Erik V of Denmark added
- Fixed a rare crash in 'on_siege_over'
- AI: The independence faction does not present an ultimatum until it has at least 33% of the liege's strength
- AI: De jure vassals of your culture and religion, except kings, will not start or join independence factions
- Reduced the chance of massive rebel reinforcements for the Independence faction
- Diplo AI: Mongols and Aztecs will no longer revoke titles off human players just for having the wrong religion or culture
- Armenian, Georgian and Alan cultures updated with new names, name linkings and patronymics
- Fixes to the County of Melgueil
- Ingeborg Magnusdotter now has the correct gender
- Sartag Khan now converts to Nestorianism instead of Orthodoxy
- Corrections to the religion of several Zirid characters
- A few Catalan name fixes
- Changes and additions to the Godwin dynasty
- Fixed a bug with Primogeniture when tracing back through the current holder's mother
- Fixed a very rare crash with Holdings with no holder
- Fixed an issue with inheritance by landless characters when there was no de jure vassal title they could take off the previous holder
- Diplo AI: Much more careful about imprisonments
- Imprisoning characters no longer affects their position in the line of succession
- Fixed a bug with the event pictures on Mac and Linux
- Added blinded trait to historically blind characters in the database
- Added missing space to Armenian dynasty prefix and Irish male patronym
- Byzantine, Armenian and Georgian character fixes and additions
- Fixed wrong liege for Duchy of Champagne and County of Gevaudan at certain dates
- Welsh/Hiberno-Norse Dublin character fixes and additions
- New dynasty for the Kurdish Shaddadids, extended Mirdasid pedigree
- On player agreement, the game now sends information to the Paradox backend when you start a game, containing the names of the DLCs and Mods you run (can be toggled with "dont_track_data = [yes/no]" in settings.txt)
- AI: The leader of a claimant faction will no longer leave the faction in an elective realm where the claimant is currently the heir
- AI: Fixed a slight bug where current heirs would not back claimant factions for themselves
- Spymaster Scheme job has been overhauled and simplified
- AI: Fixed an issue with the number of available galleys check
- Fixed an issue with part of the de jure drift mechanic not being cleared on resign

- The criterion for determining who can lead troops is now determined by the allow trigger for 'job_marshal' (so women can now be modded to lead armies)
- Added trigger 'is_adult'
- Added trigger 'is_marriage_adult'

2012-10-22: v1.07b

- Fixed an issue with broken portraits and other graphics on certain older graphics cards
- Fixed a bug with Claimant Faction wars becoming invalid in Elective Realms
- Fixed a bug where various Dynasty variables would not be correctly reset on resign, which could even cause crashes
- Fixed the initial tech levels in the Nestorian and Miaphysite provinces
- Fixed a crash bug in the religion view that could happen when your ruler's religion changed
- Fixed a bug with Gavelkind succession in Empires where the holder also had many kingdoms
- Fixed an issue where you could become independent by joining an independence faction war in another realm
- Kurds now have access to the Persian cultural building
- William the Conquerer no longer set as mother of three Breton characters
- Fixed the history for c_aprutium
- Fixed deathdate of character 161537
- Fixes/additions to the Strathearn dynasty
- Fixes to the counts of Malta
- Fixed broken de Mello dynasty
- Various additions/fixes to several English dynasties
- Various additions/fixes to several German dynasties
- Renamed duplicate Onega province
- Added rulers to various Eastern pagan provinces
- Spymaster can now use Scheme in provinces belonging to your liege's other vassals
- Fixed hunting event to correctly apply to barons
- Fixed an ugly "invalidated war" message showing messy trigger conditions
- No longer possible to start or join Factions while in revolt against your current liege
- Fixed an issue where a vassal revolt war could sometimes invalidate on mostly unrelated other revolts in the same realm
- Fixed a glitch with the tooltip on the "Start a Faction" button
- No longer allowed to start claimant factions for female claimants against Agnatic law titles
- Fixed an issue with Protected Inheritance
- Reduced size of all event pictures by 25% at no loss of quality
- Muslim Jihads no longer possible before 1187
- The title is now displayed correctly for Russian Grand Princesses
- Some changes to the religious setup in the Levant

2012-10-16: v1.07

- Faction System
- Characters can have both a Plot and an Ambition
- Retinue System support for the Legacy of Rome DLC
- Orthodox and related religions have Autocephalous Patriarchs and the Pentarchy
- Rebalanced Combat, with more focus on leaders and their traits. More leader traits.
- Liege levies. You only raise levies from your direct vassals, and they are not directly connected to Holdings.
- A number of self improvement Ambitions for characters
- New religions: Miaphysite, Nestorian, Monothelite
- Two new Bookmarks: The Alexiad and The Latin Empire
- AI: Improved military AI
- Major speed optimizations
- Greatly reduced graphics memory load
- Plugged some memory leaks
- New events for characters with the lunatic trait
- Spymaster's Discover Plots job has been renamed to Scheme, and now also affects faction membership
- New icons added to all decisions

- Launcher now remembers DLC and Mod settings
- Very large savegames can now be sent to clients in multiplayer
- Now always allowed to move capital back to the traditional capital of your primary title (even if you've moved capital once already)
- You now always need at least two kingdom titles to create an Empire
- Fixed several bugs with Gavelkind and Primogeniture succession
- Fixed some issues with the Supply Limit and attrition rules
- It's no longer possible to place councillors in grayed out provinces
- Many, many changes and fixes to the history database
- Character View: Selecting an ambition now auto-updates the window
- Added ticking war score to Claim All wars
- Made the Seljuks pre-mobilized in 1066, like the English contenders
- Added portrait tooltip about a character's religious head
- Added code for locking Constantinople to the Emperor better
- Adjusted the colors of some duchies and kingdoms, mainly in Eastern Anatolia
- Fixed the ship unit position in Lake Mälaren
- Added "Foreign Conqueror" opinion modifier
- Ormond is no longer a republic
- Improved some trigger and event target tooltips
- Fixed some issues with the "change succession law" CBs against secondary kingdoms
- No longer allowed to press Muslim women's claims against anyone
- No longer allowed to press other women's claims on _any_ titles against a ruler with Agnatic succession
- Fixed a problem with law triggers in decisions
- All casus belli event effects are now also initialized properly, so they can refer to laws
- Characters in feudal realms will not flee to republics or theocracies when exiled
- In republics, courtiers who are heirs to foreign titles can no longer be elected
- Gave William the Conqueror three more castles at game start and adjusted the initial armies of all three contenders
- The liege is now imprisoned when losing his or her primary title in a claimant war
- When creating a new higher tier title in the game, your current laws will be copied (if it's not Duke-to-King)
- When creating a new higher tier title that has never had a holder before, its holder history will be copied from your current title
- Plot View: Fixed an issue where Vassal Decisions could be listed twice
- Plot View: Fixed a bug with the tooltip on the Start Plot button
- Fixed the tooltip for effects 'remove_title'
- Fixed the tooltip for effects 'give_job_title'
- Fixed some bugs with the 'spawn_unit' tooltip
- Portraits: All characters are now bald if they wear the chain mail hood
- 1066: Adjusted the traits of the main Saxon lords to like Eadgar the Aetheling a lot
- The end game screen now shows the correct Komnenos dynasty shield
- Added proper claims and ruler history for Tostig Godwinson
- The loser in an invasion CB is now imprisoned by the winner if he becomes a vassal of the winner
- Made the Varangian Guard better
- Added tooltips to the Flank Leader selection view
- Fixed a bug where children of Western ethnicity would not look it if of another culture
- Fixed some bugs with graphical culture type of characters not correctly falling back to Western
- The Golden Horde now receives slightly fewer reinforcements in the second event
- Fixed a bug with the opinion penalty for destroying a title
- Combat events no longer happens the first few days anymore
- The Ambitions to have a son or daughter now increases fertility
- Tweaked fertility effect on impregnation
- Religious wars and Jihads/Crusades now reduce the Decadence for all successful participating Muslims
- Tweaked some default message priorities
- You now only get a Weak Claim on titles that have been revoked
- You are no longer allowed to usurp titles from others in the same realm unless you have a Strong Claim
- Fixed a bug where you could ask to join the wars of your liege's enemies
- Muslim Invasion CB outcomes now also affect Decadence
- Fixed a bug with the "Weaken Fellow Vassal" Plot, where the target could go independent when losing his last Duchy
- Fixed an assymmetric hostility issue vs revolters of an ally of someone you're attacking
- The "No Ambition" alert should no longer appear if there are no valid ambitions to pick
- Fixed a bug with white text showing in some event windows
- Fixed a bug where the AI could ask to educate children of vassals who were actually 'employed' by the vassal's Spouse
- Fixed a bug in the portrait tooltip, where it did not always list the highest title a character was heir to
- Fixed some issues with the wrong event frame being shown for some Knights of St John events- A liege no longers retains any imprison or revoke title reasons against rebel vassals when losing a civil war
- Decadence revolts now only disband the earmarked regiments when they end- Fixed a bug making Holy Orders theocracies
- Added missing clergy clothes for other graphical cultures
- Fixed a bug with dead character portraits not looking correct when loading save games
- Many new CoAs, courtesy of Txini
- Fixed some glitches with the inheritance of Councillors
- Fixed a rare bug with wars ending "inconclusively" just before they ended normally
- Added more war invalidation explanations to the message
- Slightly toned down the size of Decadence revolters
- Pressing the claim of a dynasty member will now always vassalize him or her if possible
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for normal AND triggers
- Titles are now also considered contested if a title de facto above them is contested
- Tweaked Title Creation and Usurpation tooltips
- Fixed a bug where revolters could remain in an ongoing uprising even after no longer being part of the realm
- Crushing a major revolt now gives all direct vassal rulers a +25 opinion modifier of you for 10 years
- When you White Peace revolters, they now get a 'Spared after Rebellion' opinion modifier of you, +25 for 10 years
- Fixed a bug where a legitimized bastard would hate the parent for doing it
- The Mongol reinforcements no longer arrive if the Horde has already been completely defeated
- Fixed some issues with characters getting opinion modifiers of themselves
- Added beard portrait scripts
- Added missing string about not being able to revoke the last Temple Holding off your own religious head
- Fixed two bugs with landless Mongols not declaring war
- Claimant Wars: if the claimant is a bishop or mayor, those titles are now lost on success
- Wars over titles are now more likely to give the title capital to the claimant
- No longer possible to declare depose liege, or claimant wars on liege while the liege or above is himself in revolt
- Fixed a bug where vassals could nominate successors for secondary duchies or below
- Made the basic "Recently Conquered" tax penalty more severe, so it cannot be offset by tech, etc
- A ward who is at war with his or her guardian now automatically returns home
- Fixed an issue with the automatic removal of inappropriate scripted traits from underage historical characters
- Independent kingdoms with a king that controls their entire de jure area can now break out of de jure empires
- No longer possible to employ Holy Orders while excommunicated
- Fixed a bug with the tooltips for triggers 'lower_tier_than' and 'higher_tier_than'
- You no longer pay maintenance for Holy Orders if you're in a justified war, even if you're also in another type of war
- Fixed an issue where you could not grant titles to vassals which you could not formally create
- Gave most mercs and holy orders a base culture
- Ensured that merc and holy order leaders are always of the right culture and religion
- Slowed down event '39500' which automatically converts counties to Islam
- Fixed a bug where you could move your capital again after a reload
- Fixed a bug where a landed spouse who is the councillor of another ruler would not give you that attribute bonus
- The Excommunicate diplo action is no longer shown for excommunicated characters
- Fixed an issue with granting titles including lower not fully working if the target becomes independent from you through the action
- Blocked Agnatic-Cognatic succession for Hordes
- Horde type culture rulers cannot have Cognatic or True Cognatic succession laws
- Improved kingdom division on inheritance kingdom split
- Fixed a bug with characters not knowing of their own plots
- Fixed a bug with the de facto liege of titles after revocation
- Fixed a bug with the succession bethrothal icon not showing
- Fixed a bug allowing you to assign too many wards to a guardian
- Boosted the effect of the Chancellor's Improve Diplomatic Relations job
- Corrected many spelling mistakes
- Added a notification event when a character is killed in battle
- Both sides in a siege now see the effects of triggered siege events
- The event where a vassal offers guardianship now shows which child will become the vassal's ward
- Fixes to the Christian and Muslim tournaments
- Famous Muslims who join your court now have dynasties and improved stats
- Scottish names are now English instead of Gaelic, whereas before they were a mixture of both
- Russian duchies are now called grand principalities, and their rulers are referred to as grand princes
- Fixed the event where the Hashshashin go after the Mongol leader
- Revised Combat tooltips
- Muslim Heavy cavalry now use CoA colors on their flags rather than the christian flag
- Revised cultural building modifiers
- Added a global supply limit modifier that increases with tech
- Ruler Designer now handles culture different from ethnicity
- Loading screens and flags now look a bit better
- Fixed issue with special characters in find title box
- Flanks will now pick tactics even if they have no leader
- You are no longer allowed to build in settlements held by someout outside your realm or by someone you are at war with
- Fixed some trigger tooltips that looked bad
- Added the winners of the AAR contest as characters in the game
- AI: Smarter about heir nomination when having multiple kingdoms (to keep them together)
- AI: Fixed bug with silly Muslim handing out of titles
- AI: Baron tier and landless characters now get a complete AI when they have raised units on the map
- AI: Fixed an issue where it could spam a player asking to become a vassal
- AI: Holy Orders should no longer run off to help others if they are already "hired"
- AI: Will always accept guardians for childen offered by the Regent (and won't have them replaced on its own)
- AI: Improved passing of demesne laws
- AI: Should now want to revoke a Castle Holding when the primary holding in a County is NOT a Castle
- AI: Prevented some stupid placing of the Chancellor to fabricate claims
- AI: Vassals will no longer spontaneously declare war on their liege to depose him or take a title off him (these things are now faction based.) The only time they might declare war on their own is to create a succession crisis.
- AI: Improved handing out of counties if it's over the demesne limit
- AI: Will now execute "vassal decisions" (like blinding and castrating prisoners)
- AI: Will now switch Guardian for children if appropriate (wrong religion or culture)
- AI: Will not disband free galleys (from event effects)
- AI: Fixed some bugs with turning betrothals into marriages
- AI: More careful with title usurpation and the cost in gold
- Diplo AI: Fixed a bug with "divine blood" marriage calculation
- Diplo AI: Does not care about Matrilineal marriage factors if both parties are from the same dynasty
- Diplo AI: Children in other realms will now still accept education offers from their own parents
- Diplo AI: Fixed a bug with borked marriage proposals and spamming
- Diplo AI: Less aggressive about revoking titles (requires a worse opinion or religious enmity)
- Diplo AI: Will now break betrothals that won't be accepted anymore
- Diplo AI: will not revoke titles while under a regency
- Diplo AI: Early surrender now possible with Muslim invasion CBs. Defender more stubborn.

- IMPORTANT: Added 'inherit_chance' to traits, replacing 'congenital'
- The 'replace_path' bug is now fixed for real
- Added 'effect' character history command. It's like an event option that's run for the character at game start.
- Fixed a bug with 'immortal' traits and sex appeal
- Added trigger 'leads_faction'
- Added trigger 'faction_power'
- Added trigger and effect 'any_faction_backer'
- Added trigger 'completely_controls = [title]' (I or my vassals hold everything in it)
- Added trigger 'revolt_distance'
- The 'ai_will_do' clause in Decisions is no longer binary (the value determines the MTTH)
- Fixed an issue with law triggers in the 'ai_will_do' field of decisions
- Added trigger 'in_faction'
- Added trigger 'war_title'
- Added trigger 'defending_against_claimant'
- Added event targets 'supported_claimant' and 'supported_claimant_title'
- Added 'set_parent_religion' effect
- Can now create Lowborn characters with the 'create_character' effect
- Fixed a bug with scripted attributes in the 'create_character' effect
- Fixed a bug in the 'conquest_culture' trigger
- Added 'is_conquered' trigger
- Added event targets 'heir_under_seniority_law' and 'heir_under_primogeniture_law'
- Added trigger 'any_claimant'
- Added 'from_potential' trigger to decisions (vassal and dynasty decisions only)
- Added event effect 'add_spouse_matrilineal'
- Added 'opinion_diff' trigger
- The event targets 'owner' and 'holder_scope' are now the same and work on both titles and provinces
- Added event effect 'copy_title_history'
- Added event effect 'copy_title_laws'
- Fixed a bug with trigger 'is_landed = no'
- Fixed a bug in the effect 'spawn_unit' with the 'match' argument
- Can now set a specific leader in the effect 'spawn_unit'
- Fixed a bug in trigger 'de_jure_liege_or_above'
- Fixed a bug in trigger 'de_jure_vassal_or_below'
- Fixed some bugs with the 'set_name' effect
- The 'set_name' effect can now change the name of titles
- Added 'capital' effect
- Added 'province_capital' effect
- Added effect 'participation_scaled_decadence'
- Added trigger 'num_of_faction_backers'
- Added trigger 'race'
- Added trigger 'graphical_culture'
- Fixed a bug with event name spaces not working in 'events' fields in On Actions
- Fixed a bug with event name spaces not working in 'events' fields in Job Actions
- Added 'divine_blood' marriage opinion modifiers
- Added more gradual Attrition Defines
- Added 'secondary_graphical_culture' to cultures and culture groups (a fallback option, when not having certain DLCs)
- Added trigger 'has_earmarked_regiments'
- Added 'earmark' argument to the 'spawn_unit' event effect
- The 'disband_event_forces' effect now takes an earmark argument
- Added trigger 'diplomatic_immunity'
- Added effect 'diplomatic_immunity'
- Exported AGE_OF_MARRIAGE to defines
- Ported the last old defines to lua
- Added SeaZone province text promotion
- Added PrevPrev text promotion
- Added trigger 'is_tribal_type_title'
- Added trigger 'has_horde_culture'

2012 年 7 月 4 日
Crusader Kings II - Valve
2012-07-04: v1.06b

- The date widget arrows in the lobby no longer stay gone after you've looked at your save games
- Added a separate set of Muslim feudal (Iqta) laws
- Added a separate Muslim invasion CB with longer truce and no taking of all occupied provinces
- The success chance for kill plots now increases drastically past 100% Plot Power
- MP: Fixed an OOS issue between people with and without SoI. (Unfortunately, this means modders with SoI cannot just script in any number of wives in other religions.)
- Fixed a serious but simple error messing up the Spanish localization text
- Corrected a load of German text using ';' in the localization, corrupting the text database
- Decadence revolter special troops now disband after the war
- The game will no longer crash if you have the African Unit Pack DLC but not the Sword of Islam
- Exported EMPIRE_CREATION_PIETY_COST to defines
- Fixed a bug with 'replace_path' in mods
- Empires now cost 400 Piety to create (up from 200)
- Fixed a bug that would not actually detract the empire creation Piety cost
- Fixed a problem with the event effects 'gain_settlements_under_title' and 'vassalize_or_take_under_title' where rebel or revolter occupied counties would not be taken in the peace
- Muslim vassals can no longer declare Holy Wars on rulers of their top liege's religion
- Corrected the English regnal numbers to exclude the Saxon Edwards
- Fixed a bug where breaking a truce would not actually cost Prestige
- Added 'creation_requires_capital' field to landed titles
- Added harsher creation conditions for the Latin Empire
- Added proper creation conditions for the Caliphates
- Fixed a bug with the event effect 'abdicate_to_most_liked_by' that could cause the new ruler of a non-feudal state to become independent when he should not
- Character modifiers now correctly recalculated when a timed character modifier expires
- No longer possible to revoke the last landed title off a ruler with significant vassals
- The chancellor in West African cultures is now called Grand Vizier
- The minor title 'title_ruler_consort' no longer has separate localization strings - it's now the other gender version of the spouse's ruler title
- Added 'title_female' custom holder title to landed titles
- Added separate law message for when muslims pass laws
- Added event effect 'disband_event_forces'
- Fixed some glitches with betrothals in the Muslim world
- Fixed a bug with Heavy Armor tech level 5
- Fixed a bug with the Ramadan events firing at once if war was declared
- Religion View: The portrait of the religious head should now age correctly
- Doubled the opinion penalty for revoking a kingdom
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for usurping emperor tier titles
- Fixed some errors in the Welsh character database
- Women with 'immortal' flagged traits no longer grow infertile after 45, and the AI knows this
- Fixed an issue with 'immortal' marked traits added in the ruler designer or the history
- Should no longer be possible to get both the Sayyid and Mirza traits
- Fixed two bugs with a dynasty's Coat of Arms changing for no reason
- Scripted banned colors for Coats of Arms should now work
- Corrected event picture for event 75075
- Fixed some events using incorrect form 'only_capable'
- Removed some duplicate text entries
- Tech focuses can no longer change when you inherit someone's title
- Commander traits are now generated for characters created with the 'create_character' effect with a martial trait
- The Jizya tax modifier is now shown with an icon on Holdings
- Corrected the religion of Muhammad's ancestors
- Corrected lots of (harmless) errors in the gui files
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for usurping emperor tier titles
- Fixed a bug with the NTechnology defines and REN_PROVINCE not being read
- Changed the name of the 'Empire of Spain' to 'Empire of Hispania'
- Can no longer transfer Duke or King rank vassals to anyone except their de jure liege
- Buffed the Christian states of Iberia by giving them more holdings, more initial building upgrades and slightly higher tech
- Invasion AI: Fixed some deadlock situations that could occur when armies were loaded on fleets belonging to the wrong agent
- Army AI: Fixed a glitch with attrition avoidance when having attached units
- When moving an army into a sea zone, it will now prefer loading onto the smallest possible fleet
- Attached units can no longer lead a siege if the unit they are attached to is also besieging
- Increased the max number of holdings in many counties in continental Europe, England and the Levantine coast
- Attached units now move at the same speed
- Can no longer select holy orders to play in the lobby
- Page 12 in the Ledger no longer crashes in "observer" mode
- When divorcing a spouse, the "matrilineal" marriage status is now correctly reset
- Vassals with a weak claim on the liege that they can't currently use no longer get an increased revolt risk
- Diplo AI: Tweaked "desires better alliance" factor for marriages
- Fixed a bug where armies containing Holy Order regiments could be disbanded when the Holy Order itself withdrew its forces for another conflict
- Fixed a bug preventing a host without The Sword of Islam from hosting MP games with those who do and have selected Muslim rulers
- Fixed a freeze bug in the lobby when stepping back through history from an advanced date
- Fixed a bug with historical scripted non-succession laws being overridden at start
- Fixed a bug where landless religion heads could be succeeded by ones of the wrong religion
- Added 'decadence' character history command
- The Seljuks now start at 0% Decadence
- Fixed a bug in some combat tactics that would immediately destroy all enemies of a certain unit type

2012 年 6 月 26 日
Crusader Kings II - Valve
- Muslim Decadence System
- Muslim Polygamy
- Added new provinces, titles and history for Mali, Songhay and Ghana
- Added the province of Aprutium (split off from Spoleto)
- Added the new creatable Empires of Russia, Britannia, Spain, Francia, Scandinavia, Persia and Arabia
- Strong and Weak Claim System
- Overhaul of game text for Muslims
- Added plots to claim titles
- Split up the former Kingdom of Khazaria into many de jure kingdoms
- Split the Kingdom of Rus into the kingdoms of Rus and Ruthenia
- Added the duchies of Susa and Latium
- Revised murder plots completely. No decisions, just events.
- Commander traits added
- Heavily revised combat tactics
- Loads of new events

- AI: Much more eager to join Crusades/Jihads if it has de jure interests in the target kingdom
- AI: Much more eager to join Crusades/Jihads if in the same realm as the religious head
- AI: More stubborn about fighting decadence revolters
- AI: Tweaked Crusade targetting - will no longer target kingdoms with 0 'holiness' value for that religion
- AI: Non-Muslims will not accept marriages for female relatives with Muslims, unless they are vassals
- AI: Now prefers giving baronies/counties to courtiers with static dynasties rather than creating random characters
- AI: Vassals of vassals can now correctly revolt to depose their liege
- AI: DoW now factors in the strength of enemies of enemies
- AI: Willing to join another rebelling vassal's war for the crown only if they'd like them better as _liege_
- AI: Vassals should no longer start wars (except for revolts) if the whole realm is under attack from outside
- AI: Caliphs will now be more aggressive with calling Jihads
- Army AI: Will now assault when appropriate
- Army AI: Fixed a problem where you could trick AI armies into ping-ponging while it was trying to gather its forces
- Army AI: Fixed some issues where it would not count attached units properly
- Army AI: Better at moving across land without marching together with other armies, causing unnecessary attrition
- Army AI: Improved attrition check in targetting calculations
- Army AI: Fixed an issue where it would merge armies to huge sizes by not considering attached forces
- Invasion AI: Fixed an issue where it would choose poor secondary targets if the target province was too heavily defended
- No longer possible to call lieges to war against their own vassals
- Fixed a bug with the succession message not being shown for the ones who inherit titles
- Fixed an issue with the de jure law vote message not going away when trying to approve it
- Slightly increased merc reinforcement rates
- Fixed a memory leak with timed opinion modifiers that time out naturally
- Moved the county of Chalons into Lower Burgundy and Grisons into Upper Burgundy
- Fixed a bug with the depose liege CB sometimes making the new ruler independent (bug in the effect 'abdicate_to_most_liked_by').
- Fixed a bug with the effect 'abdicate_to_most_liked_by' that would invalidate outside wars
- Fixed a bug with the 'grant_title' effect which would assign the liege to the liege of the granter
- Fixed a potential infinite loop in war name generation
- Fixed a bug with the Feudal Elective law being tolerated for Republics
- If the loser in a war is imprisoned, he is now automatically released on peace
- Fixed a bug with created characters sometimes getting duplicate education traits
- People who avoid imprisonment will now always flee to another realm
- Added a whole bunch of cleaned up title coats of arms
- Muslim coats of arms should now use better colors
- No longer allowed to grant titles to prisoners
- You can now correctly press the de jure claims of vassals of vassals
- Fixed a bug with being able to call vassals of vassals of the enemy into wars within the same realm
- When winning (enforce or reverse) a war, all prisoners from your realm held by the enemy are now released
- Added opinion modifiers 'Imprisoned my Child' and 'Executed my Child'
- No longer allowed to ask to join outsider wars against your liege
- Fixed a bug with the depose liege CB in republics and bishoprics
- Rulers deposed with the 'depose' casus belli no longer get any land from their old vassals to remain rulers
- Fixed an issue where a ruler could not offer peace to a rebelling vassal if he had holdings occupied by another (loyal) vassal in a separate war
- Fixed a bug with the hostility icons for loyal vassals in separate wars with rebelling vassals
- If a vassal is at war with another vassal who is rebelling, the war no longer ends if the liege wins and the rebellion is crushed
- Fixed a bug with lieges ending up in two wars if a vassal revolted while a revoke action was pending
- Blocked excomm wars against revolters
- Fixed some issues with succession not being recalculated after certain event effects
- Peace Offers now make it clear whether it's a demand for surrender, white peace or surrender
- Cleaned up all CB tooltips
- The initial Seljuk-Byzantine war is now a full invasion of the de jure kingdom of Armenia
- Added "Scarred" trait
- Fixed a bug allowing rulers of a hostile religion to vote for de jure laws even when not de facto vassals
- Toned down base attribute gain of children from guardians
- Optimized the CPU heaviest events
- Fixed a nasty old crash bug with the defection of the Victual Brothers
- Fixed a hostility bug with allies helping to defend against a revolter
- Fixed an issue with Gavelkind inheritance in baronies, where the youngest child would inherit first
- Fixed an issue with the random seed in delayed events
- Fixed a bug allowing you to usurp titles from your own vassals
- Fixed an issue with vassals of vassals gaining independence when you pressed their claims
- The titular kingdoms of Naples and Trinacria are no longer creatable in-game
- The Ecumenical Patriarch will now refuse to excommunicate a character who has repented, even if the Emperor asks
- Merc navies will now disband when not getting paid
- Fixed an issue with the lower Crown Authority plot when the liege folds to the ultimatum of a vassal king
- No longer possible to grant duchies to barons
- The event effect 'destroy_landed_title' now gives the current holder a strong claim on the title
- The events where the Mongols receive reinforcements no longer trigger if the titles are held by non-Tengri or non-Mongol rulers
- Fixed an issue with attached units and siege outcomes
- Fixed a bug with Revokation plot wars against vassals who lose the title to someone else
- Fixed a bug where a vassal in revolt against his liege would sometimes have the war end inconclusively when the liege got a new liege
- Fixed an issue where children would change guardian if they became landed
- AI spouses of lower rank than you will now always accept education requests- In feudal elective titular realms, _all_ vassals of the appropriate tier are now electors
- The death of a spouse no longer makes characters lose their jobs
- Characters who end up leading the troops of their enemies should now automatically return home
- The opinion penalties for revoking a title are now applied whether or not the target accepts or refuses
- If a vassal refuses a title revokation and wins or achieves a white peace, the 'declared_war' opinion modifier is now cleared (meaning the liege does not get a 'free' title revokation)
- There is no longer a cooldown for calling allies to war who _accepted_ a previous call
- Primogeniture: more heirs should now be listed
- Gavelkind: fixed a glitch with grandchildren
- Removed impassable terrain between Kartli and Albania
- Fixed unit position in the Irish Sea
- Made Sviatopolk Rurikovich (count of Zaozerye in 1066) a legit bastard
- Heretics and infidels are now barred from inheriting anything that the religious head holds
- The portraits for undiscovered murderers should now be hidden in the event window
- Mercs and Holy Order commanders should no longer be shown in the quick marriage window
- Now always allowed to attach your units to your lieges' units
- Added an event where a ruler converts to the native culture
- Adjusted and improved the events where provinces change culture
- Reactivated the lifting FoW for allies in wars
- Doubled regular assassination costs
- The "Arrange Marriage" button now shows random courtiers if there are too few interesting women around
- There is now a slight chance of a random education outcome
- Fixed some issues with war invalidation for banishment of landed characters
- Can no longer banish mercs, holy order heads, or religious heads
- Attached units that are not in the same province as the master unit are no longer hostile to the master unit's enemies
- The spouse will now get a message on divorce
- Fixed some historical issues with Chios and Lesbos
- The liege should now get pressed claims on _all_ titles of characters who declare independence
- If an ally could legally call you into a war, you should always be able to ask to join as well
- Battle Death should now show the unit owner rather than the unit commander
- Vassals of lieges who are fighting their liege will no longer revolt
- Holy War CBs are now valid for Catholic vassals of Orthodox lieges, etc
- Added automatic county conversion events for Muslims (35500 and 35501)
- Pathfinding now prefers friendly territory to enemy territory
- Vassal vs Liege wars should now end with a _mutual_ truce

- Exported inbreeding trait gain factors to defines
- Exported most relevant files under common to their own folders, so they can be broken up into multiple files
- Added 'immortal' flag to traits; stops aging, character will not die of age or poor health
- Added 'pilgrimage' flag to traits; the character is away and needs a regent, but can still be a guardian, etc
- Added 'name_tier' to landed titles, so that empires can be called kingdoms, etc
- Added 'pass_effect' to decisions and laws, which is not run by automatic functions (useful for setting opinion modifiers when passing laws.)
- Added event target 'fromfrom'
- Added trigger 'in_revolt'
- Added 'divine_blood' flag to dynasties, which allows full consanguine marriages and tells the AI to prefer keepin' it in the family
- Added 'founder_named_dynasties' to cultures
- Can now script marriage consanguinity rules in religions
- Added a 'potential' trigger to Job Actions
- Added 'dismiss_trigger' to job titles
- Added a 'potential' trigger to traits
- Added trigger 'num_of_realm_counties'
- Added effect 'vassalize_or_take_under_title'
- Added trigger 'death_reason'
- Added event target 'killer'
- Added event effect 'objective_succeeds'
- The trigger 'can_be_given_away' is now more restrictive. Checks occupation or sieges of constituent Holdings, contestation in wars, etc.
- Added history command 'conquest_culture'
- Added trigger 'plot_power_contribution'
- Added trigger 'random'
- Added trigger 'any_potential_tribal_county'
- Added effect 'any_potential_tribal_county'
- Added effect 'random_potential_tribal_county'
- Added 'new' target in effects ( character = new ) for newly created characters
- Added death reason 'death_hashshashin'
- Added effect 'make_primary_spouse'
- Added trigger 'has_strong_claim'
- Added trigger 'has_weak_claim'
- Added effect 'add_weak_claim'
- Added effect 'add_weak_pressed_claim'
- Added trigger 'has_regent'
- Added trigger 'is_contested'
- Added event effect 'any_spouse'
- Added event effect 'random_spouse'
- Added trigger 'any_spouse'
- Added trigger 'is_main_spouse'
- Added a 'distance' trigger

2012 年 5 月 28 日
Crusader Kings II - Valve
- Fixed a freeze issue with the copying of laws into usurped titles

2012 年 5 月 18 日
Crusader Kings II - Valve
Updates to Crusader Kings II have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

v1.05f (Mac Compatibility Patch)

- The invasion cb can now be granted correctly again
- The Pope now gets a significantly lower contribution score in Crusades
- AI: The Pope/Caliph will now be more reluctant to accept a White Peace when Crusading/Jihading
- The Metaserver should now work again
- Fixed a rare crash with sieges
- Changed the speed settings so they are all faster, except for max speed (level 2 is now level 1, etc)
- Added missing message text for calls of allies
- Added missing message text for offers to join wars
- No longer possible to usurp religious head titles, even if they have de jure vassals
- Tied together a few more cultural names
- Fixed more typos and database errors
- Fixed a bug where you could have duplicate laws due to the history scripts
- Fixed a bug with the event effects 'prestige' and 'health'
- Fixed a rare crash bug with very long war names (could also cause corrupt saves)
- Fixed a rare de jure assimilation issue when one character holds multiple kingdoms/empires
- Fixed an issue with de jure assimilation status not always being saved
- When events in multiplayer time out, the first VALID event option is now automatically chosen (rather than just the first option)
- Added some missing characters in Novgorod
- Fixed numerous relatively rare bugs causing unintentional independences at the end of wars
- No longer possible to declare wars while in revolt against your liege
- No longer possible to revoke titles off or imprison lower vassals in revolt against their liege
- No longer possible to ask for invasion against a liege or above
- Fixed some bugs with Crusade outcomes
- No longer possible to attach units to those owned by someone of a lower rank
- Fixed an asymmetrical hostility issue between revolting vassals of revolting vassals and the top liege
- No longer allowed to ask to join wars while in revolt
- Can no longer ask to join a war against a liege above your liege
- Fixed a bunch of event bugs
- Broken save games no longer crash the game when you open the save game browser, they are now marked as broken and cannot be loaded by clicking on them.
2012 年 4 月 30 日
Crusader Kings II - Valve
- When you press the claim of a vassal ruler, he should now remain your vassal
- Kingdoms that are not previously de jure part of an empire can now also be assimilated
- AI: Fixed an issue with calling allies into single wars
- Fixed an issue with the regency events
- Fixed numerous typos in the database and event files
- AI: Fixed a bug with rulers being able to nominate dead children to titles, if not of their own dynasty

2012 年 4 月 27 日
Crusader Kings II - Valve
Change log for 1.05d:

- Fixed an MP issue where clients would go OOS if the host had clicked around on the bookmarks or time widget at all
- De jure kingdoms can now assimilate into empires
- Fixed a bug with the Crusade CB where the kingdom title was usurped even if the holder was not involved
- Fixed a bug with the 'other_claim' CB where, on success, a title could be broken out of the top realm of the attacker
- Fixed a bug with the 'other_claim' CB where it would make the claimants your vassals when it should not
- Fixed some bugs in the new regency events
- The hostility of attached armies is now determined by the army they are attached to
- A very high opinion of the liege now has a greater effect on reducing the revolt risk
- Can't pick intrigue plots against people with no possible backers (lacking courtiers)
- No longer possible to revoke religious head titles, or plot to do so
- Halved the Varangian Guard in strength
- Removed some more initial Byzantine holdings
- Reduced the initial Crown Authority of the Byzantine Empire a bit
- Increased the initial Crown Authority of the Seljuk Turks and Mauretania
- Fixed a bug with dynasty 715 having a historical CoA when it should not
- Fixed another issue with de jure assimilation
- Vassals in revolt who _attack_ an outside state will no longer make their pre-war liege hostile to the target
- Fixed an issue with too many plots being evaluated for the quick plot button in the Character View
- Fixed another issue with huge plot power values due to the wrong cached military power
- Should no longer be possible to attach armies to navies in port
- AI: Should never try to revoke titles off landless vassals (Varangian Guard, etc)
- AI: Even more likely join a plot with the same goal a character is already plotting for, if the plot power of the asker is higher
- Added trigger 'yearly_income'
- Asking the Pope for an Indulgence now costs a minimum of 25 gold
- Fixed a rare crash when a plot target died while you were inviting a backer in the Diplo View


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