A Gummy's Life - Dvonio ▲▲

Hello! Today we bring you some new balance and improvements to A Gummy's Life!


  • You can now jump on top of A Frog's Life cars.
  • Revamp of how the collisions on moving platforms work. They should work perfectly now.
  • Training mode now starts immediately instead of a 3... 2... 1... counting down
  • Improved synchronization of the online player movements with high ping players
  • Improved synchronization of the online player jumps with high ping players
  • AI now jumps down of Dakongo superior platforms after being thrown by the cannon
  • AI on hard mode now knows how to follow you if you climb walls
  • AI on hard mode does not try to grab a gummy a second time to prevent some cases of saving it
  • New stat: Zombies killed
  • You can now configure Motion Blur (Automatic/Disabled)
  • If someone opens the menu or controls UI in character selection, the countdown will stop
  • Track'n Splash train door has now a better behavior

  • AI in Clockwork, hot potato mode, now has priority on passing the potato rather than getting on top of a number
  • Gummies could freeze and stand still if get up and fall recovery happen at the same time
  • Zombarn tractor can no longer get stuck without moving
  • Gummies' outline in team mode is now in sync with the characters

We hope you guys like it.
Enjoy and don't forget to leave your thoughts on the discussion forums!

Also remember that you can join our community!
18 Νοε 2020
A Gummy's Life - JennyBear

Are you ready to challenge yourself with this funny co-op gummy challenge?

Don't forget to share your results with us!
#AGummysLife #LetsFruight
Twitter https://twitter.com/EPGames
Instagram @agummyslife https://www.instagram.com/agummyslife/

A Gummy's Life - JennyBear
A Gummy's Life is a party multiplayer couch game with crazy fights based on physics.

  • Each character is based on a customizable gummy with slightly different stats, choose wisely!

  • You'll find different maps with different mechanics, as well as different game modes!

Easy to play, hard to master! You can smash all the buttons or learn about its powerful combinations!

Join our friends having an exciting and hilarious multiplayer gameplay showcase & ask the devs about any past or future development ideas!!
A Gummy's Life - Dvonio ▲▲

Hello! today we bring you some new balance and improvements to A Gummy's Life!

Patch Notes:

  • New button to join Discord at the main menu.
  • Deaths after a winner is announced will no longer be counted towards the profile stats.
  • Improved online synchronization after a gummy wakes up from a KO.
  • Now you can see open matchmaking games in the online game list.
  • Limited to 25% the maximum damage of hits.
  • New option of Use XInput: Automatic (plus Enabled and Disabled). In Automatic mode, if the game detects there are more than 4 XInput controllers, XInput will disable itself so the controllers can work. Remember XInput is limited by design to 4 controllers and it's not a game limitation.
  • Fix: Some text fonts not changing when switching languages.
  • Fix: The AI was not releasing its arm from a wall when it was grabbing a player.
  • Fix: Sometimes you could not start a new online game after finishing one.

We hope you guys like it.
Enjoy and don't forget to leave your thoughts on the discussion forums!

Also remember that you can join our community!

A Gummy's Life - Dvonio ▲▲

Hello! today we are updating with some balance and improvements!

  • Improved the defense of the Gummy Egg.
  • When two or more players tie at the end of a game, the last map is played again with sudden death.
  • When two or more players tie and should receive a point, every tied player get the point and not only the one that died the last.
  • Now in Ball or Juice when the timer reaches 0 the gummies won't die. Instead, points will be rewarded but the gummies can keep moving and scoring (Score won't change).
  • Scoring a Goal in Ball or Juice now heals and gives strenght to the scorer.
  • Zombarn tractor now changes directions (forward-backwards) when colliding with a wall.

Improvements and fixes
  • Added a Clear button in the options menu that restore or clear to default all the settings/profiles.
  • Improved performance and memory management.
  • Now the AI is organized differently depending on the teams selected by the humans on Team Mode (equal size team, outnumber humans, humans outnumber).
  • Online Matches list now automatically refreshes when a new match is created.
  • Improved online synchronization of the tackle and plank features.
  • Improved online synchronization of the Ball or Juice ball.
  • Improved online synchronization of the gummy collisions.
  • Fixed the Get up animation sometimes not displaying correctly in the remote players.
  • Fixed the Robot Wars ground sometimes appearing twice in the online game-mode.
  • Fixed some synchronization errors in the conveyer belts of Robox.
  • Fixed the AI stopping if it KO'ed the player in BeeCareful.

We hope you guys like it.
Enjoy and don't forget to let your thoughts on the discussion forums!

Also remember that you can always join our
A Gummy's Life - Dvonio ▲▲

  • Improved the lifting of other gummies and objects of the world.
  • Minor bug fixes (on gummies unlocks, dying under the tractor on Zombarn when it's powered off and some more!).
  • Improved the workflow when you ending a game. Instead of going back to the main menu, the game goes back to the map selection screen in local or the lobby in the online multiplayer mode.

Crossplay between PC and the Nintendo Switch® system is now enabled.
· Join your friends in those platforms and have a juicy fight!

Join the fun, discuss with us in the official discord
Gather other players to play online, leave your feedback on the discussion forums

We hope you guys like it.
A Gummy's Life - Dvonio ▲▲
Hello! It's time, A Gummy's Life comes out of Early Access today.

It has come to a point where we are pretty happy with the feeling, gameplay, content and bug-free state of the game. As a result of that, we are finally releasing A Gummy's Life.
We want you to spread the word, help us grow, play with your friends in online matches, unlock all the gummies, bring your colleagues over and don't stop laughing among other things!
  • Out of Early Access!
  • Overhaul of the movement system to the feeling of the game, faster turn rate, better air control, improved jump
  • Added more feedback when a gummy is being hit
  • Major improvements on the Online network code, smoother and precise
  • You can now invite your friends from any region to a private match via Steam
  • Improved the human-like behaviour of the AI
  • Major performance improvements on low quality settings
  • New option in the map selection settings to play each selected map once
  • New Online ping meter
  • The major feature of clapping with your hands up is now back in the game!
  • Improved the behaviour of swapping your monitor resolution and how it affects the game
  • Minor fixes in some levels

A Gummy's Life has also been released last week on the Nintendo Switch® system
· Later this week or early next week crossplay between PC Platforms and the Switch will be avalaible, so they have run out of excuses, bring your friends together and have a juicy fight!

Join the fun, discuss with us in the official discord
Gather other players to play online, leave your feedback on the discussion forums

We hope you guys like it.
A Gummy's Life - Dvonio ▲▲
Hello! today we added 3 new gummies and finished the online multiplayer map pool!

  • Added Zombarn, A Frog's Life and Robox to the online multiplayer map pool.
  • Added Gummy Ring
  • Added Gummy Twizzler
  • Added a new unlockable Gummy Skull

Help us grow and bring your friends to join the fun!

We hope you guys like it.
Enjoy and don't forget to let your thoughts on the discussion forums or the official discord!
A Gummy's Life - Dvonio ▲▲
Hello! today we added two existing levels to the online multiplayer mode and some more fixes!

  • Added Tagada and Grousky to the online multiplayer map pool.
  • Improved network code in knock-out's and jumps.
  • Improved the Screen-shake effect ingame.
  • UI: You can now see all the online matches being played in the online section, although you can't enter if they are currently being played.
  • UI: Added a "Waiting for players..." message when loading a level in online multiplayer.
  • Fixed the AI in Arigatothewater not going after you if you fake-ko'd.

Help us grow and bring your friends to join the fun!

We hope you guys like it.
Enjoy and don't forget to let your thoughts on the discussion forums or the official discord!
A Gummy's Life - Dvonio ▲▲

Hello! Today we bring you another update where we improve the online multiplayer game feel and add a few more things :3

Patch notes:
  • Added Track 'n Splash and Arigatothewater to the Online multiplayer game mode.
  • New option to up/downscale the render quality, from 50% to 150%.
  • New option to control how long the juice decals last on the ground, from x0 to x3.
  • Added winner screen to the end of all the rounds.
  • Improved the network code to better manage Knock-outs and movement in moving objects.
  • A few more fixes that affected the online multiplayer game mode.
Tell your friends to come join the fun!

We hope you guys like it.
Enjoy and don't forget to let your thoughts on the discussion forums or the official discord!

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