Project Warlock - RVSergey
Hey Warlocks!

Exciting news! We've conjured up a brand-new offer for you: Project Wizorlock bundle. This magical combo includes Project Warlock and Wizordum, two explosive shooters with 10% off.

Dive into the dangerous worlds of both games and experience a fusion of fast-paced shooting and magic. Whether you're battling dark forces or solving mystical puzzles, Project Wizorlock has it all.

If you already own Project Warlock, you can still get Wizordum with 10% off through this bundle!

Wizordum is a retro FPS that puts you in the role of a Mage on a quest to track down the source of Chaos. With a wide arsenal of spells and magic items, battle your way through the world of Terrabruma in this unique blend of classic 90s shooters and modern gaming elements.

Grab it now and enjoy!
11. Juli
Project Warlock - RV Novar
Hey Warlocks!

We're back with another fix of an issue that's been reported recently, where changing the game's difficulty mid-play resulted in the game crashing, and this could only be fixed by restarting the game.

This should no longer be the case, and switching difficulties during a single gameplay session should pose no more problems.

Enjoy, and see you in the next one!
4. Juli
Project Warlock - RV Novar
Hey Warlocks!

After a longer break, we’ve managed to identify and fix the elevator issue several players reported. The bug caused players to sometimes fall through the elevators, and it made some of the elevators miss their destination points. Those issues should be fixed with this patch.

As it turned out, the elevator issues were related to incorrect physics-related calculations within the game engine, due to which the position of some elevators could have miscalculated the player's exact location. We’ve managed to resolve the issue and make sure elevator's movement is now applied correctly.

We know it took a while, but we’re not stopping with the updates a (just as the elevators didn’t stop in some levels).

See you in the next one!
Project Warlock - RV Novar
Hey Warlocks,

As per last week's announcement, the Open Playtest of Project Warlock II: Reworked Chapter 1 is now live! It’s starting today and running all the way until next Monday.

The aim of this playtest is for everyone who hasn’t yet had the chance to play Project Warlock II to dip their feet into Reworked Chapter 1, which reflects changes to the game from the last two years of Early Access. You will be able to try out the upcoming improvements and help us reshape Chapter 1 as we add the finishing touches to the update.

Project Warlock II: Chapter 1 tells the story of Palmer, Warlock’s disciple, whose affinity for guns and a touch of magic fuels the fight against the ruthless demonic army. The reworked Chapter 1 is the fruit of player feedback in combination with paying homage to the original Project Warlock game, and is how we see Project Warlock II going forward with Chapters 2 and 3.

A quick recap of what’s changed from the previous version:
  • A fully revamped upgrades, perks, and skills system
  • Brand new weapons with new alt-fire methods
  • Adjusted magical skills
  • Elemental runes for weapon enchantment
  • and much, much more
To join the playtest, head to Project Warlock II's store page, scroll down to the Playtest section below Demo, and request access. Since it's an open playtest, you will automatically gain access to the Playtest build, and Project Warlock II Playtest will show up in your Steam Library.

We've prepared a short Feedback Survey for you to fill out once you play a fair bit of the Reworked Chapter 1.

You can find it here:

We can't wait to hear your feedback - here on Steam forums, the feedback survey, or in our Discord.

Project Warlock - kmpaplinski

This year's December 6th will mark the 5th Anniversary of Project Warlock launching on Steam. Five years of adventures where you took the titular Warlock for a spin and navigated the five episodes filled to the brim with devious enemies, fiendish secrets, powerful weapons, impactful spells and handy skills and perks.

All across both PC and consoles, physical editions - both console and PC, and literally hundreds of thousands of people enjoying what was the first step on the journey for the titular Warlock. In the meantime - as you are aware we embarked on another adventure to expand the roster of characters inhabiting the Warlock World before the inevitable explosive finale that will be Project Warlock III (when we announce it). Before we do that, though, we'd like to announce something a bit less expected.

Throughout the development of Project Warlock II the game went into an ambitious direction, taking a lot of the things that we felt made Project Warlock and created a bigger, more expansive, more detailed and more dynamic sequel. Nailing down the shape and scope of the game is something that is still on the way but the goal was always simple - to make sure the path to the sequel was not going to be the easiest one. A sort of Doom to Quake scenario.

We know a lot of you enjoy Project Warlock II, and a lot of the feedback we received after launching the game in Early Access last year helped impact the development and bring the vision closer to what you feel the game should be, while ate the same time allowing us to expand on everything that made the first game.

At the same time we do realise that many of you still enjoy the first game and wouldn't mind continuing the adventure that was set in motion half a decade ago. That's why, earlier this year work started on what is now unveiled before your very eyes. Project Warlock: Lost Chapters is a game that brings fans of original Project Warlock more of what they enjoyed, and allows us to keep working on Project Warlock II and expand on the premise of that game as well as per the team's vision.

Juggling two projects is no easy task, but that's why the past months we have been keeping quiet, to make sure we can be confident in the announcement of Lost Chapters, and make it work with the concurrent work on Chapter 2 of Project Warlock II.

Project Warlock II Chapter 2 will be launching within the next couple of weeks, and in the meantime everyone can check out the demo that we release this week. Chapter 1 of Project Warlock II underwent fundamental visual overhaul that we will be showing and communicating soon, Chapter III design is already underway, and the final piece of the Warlock puzzle - Lost Chapters will launch later next year.

We have been waiting to share this news with you and are extremely grateful for your support and following. We wanted to make sure we can make this year worthy of the Warlock's 5th birthday.

The best way to celebrate this with us would be to wishlist Lost Chapters, play Project Warlock II Chapter 2 demo and wishlist or buy the game and provide feedback.

Connect with us on our official channels:

Follow Project Warlock on Twitter
Follow Retrovibe on Twitter
Visit Retrovibe Publisher Page

Project Warlock - RV Novar
Hey everyone!

We're excited to let you know that Project Warlock series is coming to Realms Deep 2023!

Join us this Saturday, 30 September at 8 PM CEST / 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT on!

Make sure to grab snacks and drinks, and get ready for one of a kind show!

We hope to see you there,

Buckshot Software and Retrovibe
Project Warlock - RV Bartek
Hey Warlocks!

We're excited to let you know that Project Warlock is a part of the Lovecraftian Days 2023!

Join us on a livestream today, April 7, at 21:00 CEST for a chance to win 1 of 5 Project Warlock keys!

To celebrate Lovecraftian Days, you can get the Project Warlock x Project Warlock II bundle with 25% discount for the next 72 hours!

Project Warlock - RV Bartek
Hey again, Warlocks!

We're coming to you today with a hotfix that addresses issues that players have reported after our last patch.

Here are the changes:
  • Fixed an issue with weapon order display on the weapon bar
  • Claymore now destroys barrels and decorations
  • Fixed the invincible zombie issue after destroying barrel with an axe
  • Added OpenGL support

See you in the next one!

Buckshot Software & Retrovibe

30. März 2023
Project Warlock - RV Bartek
Hey Warlocks!

The Hard Coded Dilemma

First of all, we'd like to address the comments after our last update featuring key bindings changes. We've decided to revert the changes addressing key bindings. We appreciate your honesty and quick feedback, however harsh it may be.

Introducing Claymore was a bit more problematic than we would have expected, as with its inception one category had 3 weapons, while the players were able to assign only 2 weapons to a specific key as per Project Warlock’s code. To find a workaround we've decided to hard code specific key bindings and it seems that was not something anyone welcomed. At the same time we were working on the new difficulty level and the lives system. Over the course of the last few weeks we've tried to find solutions to the binding issue, but it turned out the best one was to revert to the pre-patch settings. So we did and moved Claymore to the 6th slot by default. At the same time we're removing the hard code to allow anyone to bind up to 2 weapons to a single key as before.

Fresh look at the lives system

And now - to give you more insight into an update to the lives system, as well as one brand new difficulty option!

Difficulty levels and losing lives, specifically, has been a hot topic since the game launched in 2018. The original concept (have limited lives and restart the full game if you lost them) was optional, but still the choice didn’t really sit well with a lot of the players. Some of the issues with that stemmed from difficulty spikes in certain areas, so we tried amending that by making a lot of adjustments to the game’s balance. The aim was to provide fair gameplay for the players and reduce the frustration caused by losing all their lives on a single boss fight, or a stage.

Five years on Project Warlock still finds new players and we decided it’s time to shift approach to the lives system with this patch, and we’re introducing redefined difficulty levels and reworked lives system. For those of you seeking the most hellish experience that results in losing all your progress, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Here are the patch notes:
Key bindings changes
  • 1-0 keys are no longer hardcoded
  • You can assign up to 2 weapons to a single key
  • The sword has been moved from Slot 1 to Slot 6 (by default)
Reworked lives system
  • Reworked the functioning of lives. Instead of losing all progress, in any mode (sans the Single LIfe Mode) that offers limited lives you'll be sent back to your most recent Workshop visit with 3 lives
Redefined difficulty levels
  • Casual - Unlimited lives
  • Standard - Limited lives, upon losing all lives go back to your most recent Workshop visit with 3 lives
  • (NEW) Hard - Unlimited lives, double monster damage, fast monsters
  • Hardcore - Limited lives, double monster damage, fast monsters, upon losing all lives go back to your most recent Workshop visit with 3 lives
  • Single Life Mode - Single life, double monster damage, fast monsters, progress reset upon death

We hope these changes will allow more players to experience the deadlier difficulties of Project Warlock without worrying about losing all their progress, while still providing the most difficult experience in the Single Life Mode.

Make sure to let us know what you think about these changes, so if you’d like to share your feedback, or report any issues with the game, please do so on the Steam forum, or our official Discord server.

As always, please share Project Warlock with your friends and leave a Steam review if you’re enjoying the game to help us reach even more players.

See you in the next update!

Buckshot Software and Retrovibe
3. März 2023
Project Warlock - RV Bartek
Hey Warlock fans!

After the last patch we’re coming in hot with another round of fixes for Project Warlock. See them below:

  • Fixed Additional Weapon Binding - The keys 1-0 are now hardcoded and cannot be changed - additional bindings in the controls menu are now unable to be bound to those keys. You are still able to add alternative key bindings to the weapons, for example “X” to the Axe, etc.
  • Added additional binding for Claymore to the keybinding menu. You can now quick-select the Claymore whenever you need it!
  • Fixed Ghouls and Spiders being invincible after barrel spawn
  • Fixed Dynamite throw physics
Thank you for reporting the issues and your feedback, we’re constantly trying to improve our now 4-year old game, while simultaneously working on the sequel.

If you’d like to share your feedback, or report any issues with the game, please do so on the Steam forum, or our official Discord server.

As always, please share Project Warlock with your friends and leave a Steam review if you’re enjoying the game to help us reach even more players.

See you in the next update!

Buckshot Software and Retrovibe


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