Blazing Beaks - Applava
Hey all,

3 years after game release has passed. For this occasion we want to celebrate with some awesome gifts.
All you need to do is comment on this post or on our social media contest posts till this Friday, 13th of May, 10 AM PST.

18 winners will be selected and we will contact each winner individually with more details.

Each winner gets:
  • Blazing Beaks Steam key or console physical copy of winners choice.
  • Fat Fly and Blingy keychains.
  • A pair of socks or cap of winners choice.

Best regards,
Tomas & Eduardas
Oct 6, 2021
Blazing Beaks - Applava

We have some very exciting news. An official merch store is now open!
Now you can buy various Blazing Beaks related goodies.

Check it out:

Dec 4, 2020
Blazing Beaks - Applava
Hi everyone,

Here's an update with some bug fixes and other changes. To be more specific about the main changes - we removed "No weapons in the shop" passive ability for Enigma character. With this ability removed, in general nothing changed for Enigma - even if a weapon is purchased in the shop it will be changed to a random weapon after leaving a shop. However, it enables some additional pros like being able to make use of Tag and Gift Bag items and playing in co-op another player now will be able to purchase a weapon.

More detailed patch notes:

  • Removed "No weapons in the shop" passive ability for Enigma character.
  • Playing on EASY difficulty Ravel enemy will charge towards player slower compared to NORMAL difficulty.
  • Playing Goosebumps challenge in co-op Pocket Ghosts for that challenge will move slower.
  • Removed Black Matter, Surprise and Paranoia artifacts from Collector challenge.
  • Defeated bosses in Collector challenge will drop an item instead of artifact.
  • If Enigma character will carry artifacts with 3 or more risk value will increase a chance to get better weapons.
  • Edited "Odd Egg" artifact name in Russian translation.

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug where in some occasions players could lose HP after entering the door.
  • Fixed a bug where in rare occasions Plasma Gun projectiles never disappeared if bounced in small space.

We also received some reports about the bugs that are very rare and occur only in a very specific situations. Due to this it's very difficult to reproduce them and find the exact cause, so we added some additional safety checks that potentially could prevent them from happening:
  • A bug where occasionally in the late loops (over loop 20) the game froze on loading level state.
  • A bug where if dropped loot (coins, hearts, keys) ended up on destroyed bushes it instantly teleported to the initial spawn position.

Best regards,
Tomas & Eduardas
Nov 5, 2020
Blazing Beaks - Applava
Hi everyone,

Here's a small update with a bug fix.

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug when trading artifacts additional hearts were not dropped for Penguin after it was revived in the shop.

Best regards,
Tomas and Eduardas
Oct 29, 2020
Blazing Beaks - Applava
Hi everyone,

We are happy to present you a new small update which got some spooky Halloween themed surprises during Steam Halloween event. Besides that, we added 4 new artifacts which will be permanent even after Halloween event ends, made some other changes and fixed some bugs. As always we want to thank to our community for feedback and suggestions. Good news for loopers - new changes now will prevent from complicated situations where players couldn't make a choice whether to loop or end the game. Enjoy! :)

More detailed patch notes:

  • Added 4 new artifacts.

  • Changed Razor Blade artifact visual representation and name into Larva's Tusk. Artifact affect remains the same.
  • Edited Helmet item description.
  • Added a limit of how much projectiles speed can be reduced in total when stacking a lot of Coal artifacts.
  • Projectiles now will be destroyed soon after final boss health is depleted.
  • Also projectiles now will be destroyed soon after the last shot in final boss fight.
  • Bouncing projectiles in final boss fight will have a short range when shooting the last shot despite of items and artifacts affects.
  • Removed Poisoned Spearhead, Infected Bandages, Nettle, Grappling Hook, Bogy Bone, Ice Cube, Dead Slug and Crutch artifacts from artifacts pool in "Collector" challenge.
  • Increased hearts drop possibility for Easy difficulty runs.
  • Fuser ability will not be dropped anymore in "The Hard Way" challenge.
  • Players will not be able to take damage using Nails ability in final moments of final boss fight.
  • Corrected English descriptions for few items.

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to end the game without looping if player had Thistle weapon.

Best regards,
Tomas & Eduardas
Aug 20, 2020
Blazing Beaks - Applava
Hi everyone,

Here's a small update fixing some changes and bug fixes.

  • Made improvements for explosive Puffus corpses so that it wouldn't obstruct the doors anymore.
  • Corrected Japanese translation for Guts artifact description.
  • Turned the volume down for Thistle weapon projectiles.

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug where Ice Cube artifact went into affect for both players regardless of who picked it up.
  • Fixed a bug where Ice Cube artifact didn't let revice co-op player in second or later shop visits.

Best regards,
Tomas and Eduardas
Jun 30, 2020
Blazing Beaks - Applava
Hi everyone,

Here's a small update fixing some bugs that have been reported by our community members.

  • Fuser ability won't be dropped in Collector challenge anymore.

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug where picking up too many items caused a door icon to appear instead of the actual item icon in the pause screen.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to kill yourself when stacked Bait artifacts went into affect.
  • Fixed a bug where you could trigger Feather ability and slide even without using movement stick on gamepad.

Best regards,
Tomas and Eduardas
Jun 2, 2020
Blazing Beaks - Applava
Hi everyone,

We've just published a small update fixing a bug and making some corrections in Polish translation.

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug where in specific situations the game froze on level loading screen.

  • Corrected some texts in Polish translation.

Best regards,
Tomas and Eduardas
May 16, 2020
Blazing Beaks - Applava
Hi everyone,

We've just published another small update with some changes:

  • Corrected German translations for 2 active abilities unlock descriptions.
  • Made changes to projectiles for Razor Gun and Crag that caused rapid bouncing back and forth if the the distance between the wall and boss was very small.

Best regards,
Tomas and Eduardas
May 14, 2020
Blazing Beaks - Applava
Hi everyone,

Here's another small update fixing some bugs.

Patch notes:

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the game froze if explosion triggered ghost statue in Graveyard and that statue was completely surrounded by bushes.
  • Fixed a bug where in very rare occasions some parts of the level were unreachable.
  • Fixed a bug where in some cases the same amount of levels per area was generated for the next runs.

Best regards,
Tomas and Eduardas

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