The Last Leviathan - SuperPunkGames
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the closure of Super Punk Games and therefore the removal of our games from sale, including The Last Leviathan.
We’ve been unable to give Super Punk the time and resources that it has needed to flourish and progress and it’s overdue to formally close its doors.
We’d like to thank everyone who had fun playing our games, and all of the people involved in making them. You will still be able to play our games if you have bought them, but there will be no further support or activity from SPG.

Please accept our apologies if this is in any way inconvenient for you.

Thank you.

Nov 11, 2019
The Last Leviathan - Crimson Zeta
Hail, sea-lovers. We're back with a small patch for you!

Changes in Version v0.3.3

• Improvements to Water for both visual and performance.

• Bug-Fix: When optimising ship blocks for CPU load reduction, blocks were grouped and sometimes lost their paint colour.

• Bug-Fix: Prevent ships from getting outside the sky dome and breaking the illusion of being in an ancient world...

• Bug-Fix: Going into FPS camera for cannons mounted on their side or upside would cause gimbal lock and erratic camera behaviour.

• Bug-Fix: When playing through some activities, the UI system would break preventing progress when the Results screen is shown.

• Bug-Fix: Mission markers in the game no longer have shadows that made them look odd.

• Bug-Fix: Addressed issue where the Telescope being active just before the Results screen was shown would break the game.

• Bug-Fix: Steam Leaderboard button now correctly labelled as Steam Community Page.


Many thanks for your continued support of our game,
~ the Super Punk team
The Last Leviathan - Crimson Zeta
🐙✨PantomT and NotAlex are our Submarine competition winners! ✨🐙

PhantomT's submission:

NotAlex's submission:

Thanks for your submissions! The winners will be receiving a handy mug and spiffing T-shirt each for their efforts.

Stay tuned for our next competition, and keep up the good work!

- the SPG team
The Last Leviathan - Crimson Zeta
Harold is looking for the best submarine designs out there!

For 3 weeks, 25th Feb - 11th March, we'll be keeping a keen eye on the best submarine design submissions to the workshop.

The THREE best designs we find will be selected and the winners will be given some TLL goodies!!

How to Submit:
Upload your work to the steam workshop and tweet us a link to your ship's workshop page, @The_Last_Levi

  • It has to be your own creation. Anyone caught stealing someone else's hard work will be fed to the crablings and disqualified.

  • Your submission must be uploaded to the workshop from now and until 11th of march, old workshop items cannot be re-used!

  • There are no specific build requirements, simply appease Harold by making the best Submarine you can, and he will be the judge!


The clock starts ticking from NOW, get building!

Good luck, and and happy torpedo-ing.

~ The Super Punk team.

The Last Leviathan - Crimson Zeta
Don't forget, you have a chance to win some goodies from us at Super Punk Games!

With the flying block update comes a new event challenge. To access it, simply click on the 'events' button in the main menu.

We want YOU to video record your best attempt at collecting all of the chests. Do it in the shortest time possible - show only your best attempt, not all of them!

With your gameplay recorded, post it on social media. Don't forget to mention us with an @the_last_levi for twitter and @TheLastLeviathan for facebook.

The winners will be selected based on the speed at which they gather chests (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) and a extra prize will be given to the most ingenious flying ship creation. There are no set rules for the latter prize - just impress us ;)

This competition ends on the 21st of November (this month :O).

Good luck, have fun and fly well!
The Last Leviathan - Crimson Zeta

We are very pleased to release our next update for The Last Leviathan.
This update introduces flying blocks to the game, along with various fixes and a challenging flying event to try out your sky-galleons on.

Flying blocks open up a whole new world of possibilities; will you build a mighty blimp airship? An attack helicopter? A flying saucer? We're excited to see all of your creations!


Flying Blocks Added:

⦁ Left/right fixed wings
⦁ Left/right retractable wings
⦁ Flight rudder
⦁ Flight elevator
⦁ Flight rotor
⦁ Small, medium and large air balloons (1x1, 2x2, 3x3)

New Event:

Fly, you Fools! Steal a bunch of treasure chests from a perilously rocky dormant volcano island. Flying ships are required.

A competition will run from the day of this update's release, (7th November) up to the 21st November 2018. Create a flying ship that can complete the event challenge in the shortest time possible and upload footage of your attempt to social media. Be sure to @ us with a @the_last_levi in your post!

Winners shall receive rewards and goodies! The most mind-bending or down-right brilliant creations shall also be rewarded.

User Creations... GOG Support:

GOG users can use the Super Punk Factory to download and share their creations!

Simply create something in-game, save it, then upload it for all to see in the factory browser tab.

General big fixes:

⦁ Motor and rotor mechanisms should be a little more rigid and less prone to rotation due to gravity acting on connected blocks.

⦁ Water caustic effects should now be active across all maps.
⦁ The world skybox is now fixed to the player's current view... no more escaping into space!
⦁ Improved collision boxes on trees.
⦁ Events now push the player back to the main menu after results screen.

With plenty of other tiny fixes... most of which are technical-sounding. We won't bore you with those.


We know that The Last Leviathan hasn’t received as much of our attention as we would have liked of late, but be assured that it is our baby and held very close to our hearts and we will continue to work on the game whenever we are able.

Thank you for your support and continued faith in our project. More events and various other shenanigans are soon to follow!

You guys are awesome. Now... get flying!

the Super Punk team

The Last Leviathan - Crimson Zeta

Hi, folks.

Our video editing monkeys at Super Punk Games have recently been working on some classy video tutorials for both new and returning players; It has been a while, after all, and many of us are a little rusty.

This new tutorial series will take you from the basics, right through to building your own advanced Dinkus - or whatever else you can think of! (But please, not too many Dinkuses).

You can watch the tutorial trailer here:
TLL: Updated Tutorial Series Trailer

Give it a like! It makes our monkeys happy :)

New content for TLL is still on its way. It's just cooking... slowly... but cooking! Rest assured, we will keep you informed here, and via our social media pages.

TLL Twitter
Super Punk Twitter
Super Punk Facebook

Great things await!

With lots-o-love,
The Last Leviathan - SuperPunkGames
Hi All!

Ok so time for an apology, we've been naughty and not communicated with you for some time on TLL and for that we are sorry.
It’s not that we didn't want to, just that we didn't have much to say, but regardless, it wasn't our intention to leave you guys in the dark for so long.
Please accept our humble apologies and this piece of virtual rum :rumbarrel:

Onto the update!
We've not been able to do much on TLL in the last year as we had a difficult year in 2017 for one reason or another, but we're very happy to say that 2018 has been brilliant so far - WOOT!
We're just about to turn the TLL development taps back on properly so you will see some new TLL content soon - on this point we have a question:

What would you like to see next?
1) Multiplayer
2) More Crusades
3) Monsters!
4) Other (please define)

We're thinking Multiplayer but let us know what you think!

New Hire!
We've just hired a new community ninja who starts in July and whose job it will be to ensure we never ever get to this point again in the future. We've got a very detailed plan for him to crack on with in July so expect to see this happening and please welcome him into the community, he'll be your main conduit to development though we'll also be around obvs

New Game
One of the reasons 2018 has been much better than last year is that we managed to do a deal with a big cool company for a new game. Nice.

WAIT! I know what you're thinking, this will detract from TLL, and to be fair, it will a bit, BUT, it also facilitates TLL, in that we can now continue to develop TLL in earnest and not just ad-hoc bits and pieces in the evenings as we've been doing recently.

This game will be announced next Tuesday (12th) at E3, which means I can't tell you what it is yet but you'll see it during the E3 announcements if you have your eyes peeled.
This deal has also allowed us to hire more staff and become a better, more well-rounded development company with new people that can contribute to TLL in a number of different ways

We will finish TLL, we've always said that regardless of how successful it is, it will be finished, and we stand on that statement. Thank you for being with us for so long and we're very glad to be able to finally give you some good news!

More soon

Live long and fish!

The Last Leviathan - Major Knox

This release is the first in a series of brand new content releases showcasing the work we've been doing over the past 10 months. We’ve completely rewritten the editor so its massively more powerful and this update focuses on the new S.U.P.E.R. Editor functions with the addition of some brand-new power-blocks:

New Blocks
We’ve added the following to this version:
The Piston
Butt Hinge
Powered Hinge
Powered Ball Joint
The Controller

There are more new blocks that will hit the BETA branch very soon, more on that later.

The Controller is a very special block that gives you the power to sequence block functionality over time. This is an R&D block and we're looking forward to seeing what you guys do with it.

There will be a tutorial video coming soon for this very special block, but let’s see if you guys can figure it out on your own first…

The Editor Re-Write
The Ship Editor has been re-written from the ground up to make it hugely more powerful and in preparation for Monsters. What it also gives us is more freedom to create, removing the grid-like limitation you had before and opening up possibilities for greater building tools. The new editor has been dubbed the SUPER Editor and contains the tools:
  • Build Mode (Default): Standard building interface
  • Translate: Tutorial Video here:
  • Rotate: Tutorial Video here:
  • Scale: select individual or multiple blocks and scale in various axis
  • Copy: copy a block and its properties
  • Paint: choose one of 8 colours for blocks individual or as a group
We’ll be doing more tutorial videos very soon.

Other Features of Note
  • Bounds Limit: there is now an option to turn the bound limit off for your creations, this means you can build ‘outside the box’ and not just think outside the box (see what we did there?). Three words: EPIC Massive SHIPS!!
  • Point at a block and press F to focus the camera on a particular block in the editor.
  • Block Properties panel is now scrollable and exposes more block properties than before. Block properties are also copied when you copy a block.
  • Billions of optimisations.
  • Save data – Even though we’ve changed the game on a fundamental basis all your current save data should be fine, as should your ships. If you notice anything not right about this, please add it to the bug list. We need to know that stuff!

As always, if you want to build HUGE ships or are still experiencing low framerates, please adjust your graphical settings at start up to 'Fastest' and untick/lower the various graphical settings in the options menu.

There are no monsters or multiplayer yet. Both these items are HUGE investments in time for such a small team. We have started monsters but they will take some time to get right and we will only release when they are, they HAVE to be frickin awesome don’t they!

Thank you and have fun!

The Last Leviathan - Major Knox

This release is the first in a series of brand new content releases showcasing the work we've been doing over the past 10 months. We’ve completely rewritten the editor so its massively more powerful and this update focuses on the new S.U.P.E.R. Editor functions with the addition of some brand-new power-blocks:

New Blocks
We’ve added the following to this version:
The Piston
Butt Hinge
Powered Hinge
Powered Ball Joint
The Controller

There are more new blocks that will hit the BETA branch very soon, more on that later.

The Controller is a very special block that gives you the power to sequence block functionality over time. This is an R&D block and we're looking forward to seeing what you guys do with it.

There will be a tutorial video coming soon for this very special block, but let’s see if you guys can figure it out on your own first…

The Editor Re-Write
The Ship Editor has been re-written from the ground up to make it hugely more powerful and in preparation for Monsters. What it also gives us is more freedom to create, removing the grid-like limitation you had before and opening up possibilities for greater building tools. The new editor has been dubbed the SUPER Editor and contains the tools:
  • Build Mode (Default): Standard building interface
  • Translate: Tutorial Video here:
  • Rotate: Tutorial Video here:
  • Scale: select individual or multiple blocks and scale in various axis
  • Copy: copy a block and its properties
  • Paint: choose one of 8 colours for blocks individual or as a group
We’ll be doing more tutorial videos very soon.

Other Features of Note
  • Bounds Limit: there is now an option to turn the bound limit off for your creations, this means you can build ‘outside the box’ and not just think outside the box (see what we did there?). Three words: EPIC Massive SHIPS!!
  • Point at a block and press F to focus the camera on a particular block in the editor.
  • Block Properties panel is now scrollable and exposes more block properties than before. Block properties are also copied when you copy a block.
  • Billions of optimisations.
  • Save data – Even though we’ve changed the game on a fundamental basis all your current save data should be fine, as should your ships. If you notice anything not right about this, please add it to the bug list. We need to know that stuff!

As always, if you want to build HUGE ships or are still experiencing low framerates, please adjust your graphical settings at start up to 'Fastest' and untick/lower the various graphical settings in the options menu.

There are no monsters or multiplayer yet. Both these items are HUGE investments in time for such a small team. We have started monsters but they will take some time to get right and we will only release when they are, they HAVE to be frickin awesome don’t they!

Thank you and have fun!


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