Planetoid Pioneers - (Alice O'Connor)


Wobbly physics-y build-o-metroidvania Planetoid Pioneers today launches properly, following nine months in early access. It sends a wobbly old man inside circular planetoids, digging, building, destroying, piloting vehicles, and generally dying terribly. From what I’ve heard, it’s a bit of a lark. (more…)

Planetoid Pioneers - (Matt Cox)


What are you going to do when you retire? Maybe you’ll travel, or go and study something you find interesting just for the sake of it. Maybe you’ll find a nice lake to sit next to and do some crocheting. Sadly, one option that isn’t available just yet is to hop in a rocket and set about exploring new worlds – unless you count playing Planetoid Pioneers all day.

The geriatric protagonist of this physics-driven Metroidvania-like is riding that rocket out of early access on February 8th, as you’ll learn in the trailer below. Brendan (mostly) had a blast when he tried the game last year, so you may just want to join him.


Planetoid Pioneers - (Brendan Caldwell)


Every week we abandon Brendan on an early access space rock to test his resolve. This time, the janky, comedy physics of Planetoid Pioneers [official site]>

My robot head is jammed in a gate. I idled too long by a giant steel door while considering my route through the tunnels, and now the door has closed automatically. My bonce is firmly trapped against the ground as if by a giant mechanical boot. By the time I wriggle free, my bot-body will be all scratched and scraped. I d like to say it s the worst thing to happen during my time with Planetoid Pioneers but this isn t the only ignominy I ve suffered in my exploration of the physics-based platformer. I ve been roasted alive, crushed by a boulder, trapped under an elevator, gunned to shreds by turrets, and completely de-limbed by other robots. But I ve also giggled quite a lot. (more…)

Planetoid Pioneers - (Graham Smith)

Wobbly physics crafting game Planetoid Pioneers [official site] makes perfect sense when you see it, but it takes a lot of words to explain fully. Here are those words: it’s a 2D physics building game set upon and inside planetoids in which you must survive, gather resources, fight enemies and craft vehicles, with a creative mode in which you can make your own sprites, construct your own planets and creatures, and share them with others via PNG image files. It’s on Steam Early Access now as a ‘Contributor Edition’ designed for those who want to make things for the game, but there’s more you need to know below.

… [visit site to read more]


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