Prison Architect - Azure

It's Live!

Our first update from Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven is available now.

Patch Notes
  • 4 new floor tiles and 4 new wall types added
  • Increased the number of foremen that can be hired for larger prisons where foremen also teach programs
  • Added new sprites for missing orientations to many items. Aiming to provide full set of rotations to all objects in the future
  • Added “Guard Response” button that allows players to immediately send existing nearby guards to a location, instead of needing to hire additional guards to deal with incidents
  • New “Tunnel Search” button that allows the player to have guards search all toilets only, for hidden escape tunnels
  • Additional Quick Rooms added to the Quick Build menu, for quicker and easier room construction
  • Following prisoners and staff has been made easier, you can now double-click on them to enable

Mod Support: Special thanks to badAim and Murgh for helping us identify this issue
  • New content is being added to a brand new tileset file
  • The current tileset.png has been made larger, allowing for more custom content

Known Issues:
We're investigating an issue where the game crashes due to the update. We'll update you as soon as we have a fix! UPDATE - we found the issue. Working on deploying hotfix

We also accidentally changed the size of the boilers. Hotfixing that as well!

UPDATE 2: hotfix is now live. Boilers and the crashing should be fixed. Please let us know if there are still crash issues

UPDATE 3: We put out another hotfix so your prisoners no longer are making telephone calls from containers of bleach! Also, they are sitting properly at tables!

Thanks for your patience with these bugs. We rushed this free update to bring it to you ASAP, and in hindsight we realize that more work needed to be done to assure quality. We apologize for this, and promise a MUCH smoother release for our next free update.

Thanks again for your support =)
Prison Architect - Azure

As mentioned on our last stream, we made the hard decision to stop updating the "Name in the Game" feature on August 6th. The manual labor involved in the name process would have cut down on the time we had to make bug fixes and create new content for the game.

Rest assured, all names will stay in the game! So make all the last edits and submissions before August 6th and you'll forever be memorialized as a prisoner of Prison Architect

Instructions for Submitting a Name or Editing:
  • Visit and log in to your Introversion Forum account.
    - If you haven’t created a forum account, you can register one here:

  • If you bought from Steam, you will have a CD Key that begins with PBIOSM that you can use to verify your "Name in the Game" purchase. Otherwise, if you bought from Introversion directly, the registration application should be able to check the purchase database that you have purchased "Name in the Game" tier or higher using your email address.

  • Once the registration process is complete, this same register link will allow you to edit your prisoner’s biography.

  • After submitting the biography, please allow a few days for the support staff to approve your update.

If you're having trouble finding your game CD Key, please reach out to the store from which you purchased the game.

If you require assistance after following these steps, please reach out to us on Twitter:
Prison Architect - Azure

Hello Prison Architects!
I'm Jonathan, aka Azure, and if you missed our stream on Thursday then I'm pleased to recap the announcement here!

We're proud to announce that DoubleEleven is developing Prison Architect, bringing more gameplay, bug fixes, updates to the game! They're well known for developing the console versions and have worked with Paradox Interactive and Introversion for multiple years!

Their first gift to players is a FREE update on June 27th that includes the following:
  • 4 new floors
  • 4 new walls
  • increased foreman cap
  • guard response button
  • fixed scanners
  • more quick rooms
  • tunnel search button
  • full rotations for items

And a couple other minor updates and fixes! This is just the beginning of lots of FREE updates and content, but hey - you may want to know about the PAID content. Like all game companies, we make games that you want to buy. So what do you want to buy?

Join our stream on Thursday June 27th at 5pm CEST and talk with me, Jonathan (Community Developer) and Gaz (Design Manager at D11) about YOUR ideas, suggestions, wishlists, and fixes. We'll be taking what the community wants, and packaging them into regularly released updates, some of it paid, some of it free. That's the Paradox way!

Join us here:

Or on Twitter here:

Looking forward to hearing your ideas!

Jun 20, 2019
Prison Architect - emmkid

And we're LIVE! Come join us over at:
Prison Architect - Azure

We're BACK! As promised, we've found a new dev team to continue this incredible game. We'll be revealing the new team tomorrow LIVE at:

Thursday, June 19th at 17:00 CEST / 8am PT

Who will be your new Wardens? And even more importantly... what are they working on?



Thanks everyone for the excitement! We're good friends with Introversion, and this was a mutual decision long ago to allow Paradox to continue the development of this treasured game.

I think you'll like what we've got planned for Prison Architect! But as always, if you don't, nobody is ever forcing you to buy or change anything. You'll still be able to enjoy all the free updates and bug fixes we make

There are a couple people in here that are being incredibly toxic and immature, and this behavior is not acceptable. We welcome feedback, ideas, and criticism - but to those kids posting insults and other toxicity, you will be removed from this community.

Thanks so much everyone! Looking forward to hearing from you all tomorrow

-Jonathan (Community Developer)
Prison Architect - Azure
Hello Prison Architects!

I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself real quick: I'm Jonathan, a Community Manager at Paradox Interactive over simulation titles like Cities: Skylines and Surviving Mars.

I'm here to announce that after a long and amazing partnership with Introversion, Prison Architect and the associated IP have been acquired by Paradox Interactive. This is something we are all very excited about, me especially! Paradox and Introversion have been working together since 2017 on the Prison Architect: Mobile titles, and mutually eager to see how we can expand and grow this amazing community.

Paradox Interactive Press Release
VentureBeat Press Release

“Ever since our partnership with Introversion in 2017, the Paradox team has felt that Prison Architect is a natural fit for our catalogue,” said Ebba Ljungerud, CEO of Paradox Interactive. “Just as we’ve done for other management-strategy games like Cities: Skylines and Surviving Mars, I believe the considerable player base of Prison Architect will be excited to see where we can take the game next, and we’re eager to explore development of potential new games based off of the ‘Architect’ IP. We promise to exercise good behavior with this cherished title going forward.”
-Ebba Ljungerud, CEO of Paradox Interactive

We realize you probably have some questions - like, "Prison Architect 2 confirmed?" or "Are you going to make a [Insert any noun here] Architect game now?"

To this we reply: We have lots of ideas! Our team's are hard at work watching prison escape movies and are several seasons into the TV series Oz for inspiration, but at this time we have no concrete plans to share. We will be keeping you informed wherever we go though!

Speaking of which, if you have more questions or want to continue following us and our ideas, here are some ways you can do so:

1) Facebook:
2) Twitter:
3) Instagram:

And to help even more, we'll be hosting a Q&A on Facebook and Twitter tomorrow, January 9th, at 5pm CEST. Hope to see you there! And feel free to ask questions here if you'd like =)
Prison Architect - Chris
After several months of testing and improving, we have released multiplayer to everyone - no need to opt in to the beta. Everything you can do in a single player sandbox game can now be done in Multiplayer. We've worked hard to reduce the bandwidth requirements and to increase the reliability - please let us know if you keep having problems!

Here's our video demonstrating the finished sandbox multiplayer:

Worth mentioning that these game modes are not supported in multiplayer yet: Escape Mode, Warded Mode, and any prisons that require Mods.

Thanks to everyone who supported us over the years - have a great xmas, and we will see you all in the new year!
Prison Architect - Chris
Prison Architect Update 16 / Multiplayer Alpha has been released. Non-steam users will be able to download the latest version from the builds page in a few days.

STEAM USERS: This update is on the steam branch 'beta', meaning it will not automatically download. You must manually switch to that branch to see this new version.
- Right click on Prison Architect in your games list
- Click 'Properties'
- Click 'Betas'
- Select 'beta' from the list. (Restart steam if it doesn't show up)
- The update will then download.

= Multiplayer Alpha
Added a multiplayer mode to Prison Architect, build a prison cooperatively with up to 8 people!
While in a regular sandbox game of Prison Architect you can select to Go Online and host a multiplayer game that people can join.
This game can be publicly listed or set to private and protected with a password.
When players have joined you can see them as a marker in the world and can see what material or object they have currently selected and
are about to build.

This is our first alpha release of multiplayer mode, with a focus on getting the core functionality working. This means that some features are
not currently available to connected clients and we plan on adding them over time as we continue working on multiplayer.

= Currently disabled on clients but will be coming in the near future
- Wire connections
- Deployment
- Logistics
- Intelligence
- Emergency callouts (can be controlled but can't be called in)
- Reports
- Prison Grading
- Graphs

- Mod Support
Added Custom Report Window which can be used by scripted objects to display a mod defined report screen when you click on the object, similar
to the Prisoner's rapsheet. Simply set HasCustomReport to true on the scripted object, and then call SetReportTabs to add tabs to the report.
In the script's PopulateReport function, use the add and remove report component functions to display components for the given tab index.
Components can be modified later using the SetComponentProperties function.
Aug 6, 2018
Prison Architect - John
Prison Architect Update 15 has been released.

More escape plan behaviours. Watch out where you allow trees to grow because prisoners can now climb them to hop over walls and fences. Keep your prisoners away from the road because the bold can now 'jack the supply trucks. Road barriers and barbed wire might help, but have the medics on standby just in case...

Fixes in Update 15b
- Fixed a bug where the game will crash when the prisoners arrive if you make a new prison with escape plans enabled.
- Fixed a crash on start bug when certain mods (e.g. Advanced Roads) enabled.

Detailed Change Log:

= Vehicle Hijacking
Certain types of prisoners are now able to hijack trucks on the road. If they are crossing the road and see a truck left idle, they will attempt to get in and drive it off (beating up the poor driver if he happens to be inside at the time). Regular old road gates won't stop a speeding truck.
Stolen trucks can be stopped either using the new Road Barrier object (a sturdy metal gate that only closes during Lockdown), or by having armed guards nearby to stop any stolen vehicles.
= Rope escapes (continued).
You can now build barbed wire on the top of any external walls. Escaping prisoners will try and avoid barbed wire if they can, but will still climb over it if they really want to escape. It's sharp and painful though, and will harm prisoners who try and climb it. Find it in the objects build list.

= Tree escapes
Prisoners will now climb on fully grown trees to jump over an adjacent wall. They can use this to avoid barbed wire, but can be knocked down off of the tree by a nearby guard as with all other climbing.

= Bug Fixes
0011627: [Gameplay] Insane temperatures after fire (Icepick)
0011586: [Gameplay] Dog Handler does not stop employees when they carry contraband (Icepick)
0011610: [Performance] Game crashes when receiving minimum and medium security prisoners (Icepick)
0011642: [AI & Behaviour] ZE ROLL CALL!!11!! and dormitories have issues (Icepick)
0011624: [Mod System] Crash in DataRegistry::LuaFindDataRegistry, DataRegistry::LuaSetter (John)
Timelapse video recording refactored, crash on shutdown fixed.
Script Debugger crash fix.
Objects with BuiltOnWalls property (e.g. Windows, Barbed Wire) no longer cast shadows.

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Jun 23, 2018
Prison Architect - Chris
Prison Architect Update 14 has been released!

This update is on the steam branch 'beta', meaning it will not automatically download. You must manually switch to that branch to see this new version.
- Right click on Prison Architect in your games list
- Click 'Properties'
- Click 'Betas'
- Select 'beta' from the list. (Restart steam if it doesn't show up)
- The update will then download.

= Wall climbing escape attempts
- Rope escapes
A new contraband item has been added to the game, an improvised rope made from prisoner uniforms. Prisoners working in the laundry will
sometimes steal 5 uniforms in an attempt to make a rope. As with all contraband items, it can be stashed or traded. Prisoners attempting
to escape that have a rope will go grab it and then head to the nearest outside wall. When there, they will throw the rope onto the wall
allowing them to pass over it.

More importantly, other prisoners will also use the rope in their escapes attempts. You will have to tell a Workman to dump the rope
to remove it from the wall.

- Strong prisoners can now escape by climbing over fences.

= Roll Call
You can now request a 'Roll Call' at night.
This wakes up all prisoners and forces them to stand in their cell doorway.
Obviously prisoners just looove being forced to do this at 3am in the morning.
Any prisoners who happen to be tunnelling at the time of the roll call will show up late, giving away their plans.
Guards will notice this if nearby, but the vigilant player should keep his own eye out.

- Graphs and stat tracking
- You can now view graphs plotting various pieces of data over the life time of your prison
- You can compare changes over time by displaying two stats on the same graph

- Mod Support (continued)
- Better Entity modding
- Modded entities can now have DefaultBehaviour and/or StaffNeed properties.
- DefaultBehaviour gives modded entities basic behaviour that all entities in the game have. They can accept jobs from
the jobs.txt file, hang out in a certain type of room (if this is set with the HangOutRoom option), go get healed from
a doctor if injured, and go to a staff room when tired.
- StaffNeeds gives any modded Staff entity (Properties Staff) the same needs system as regular staff, on any map that
guards and workmen get.
- Modded Staff entities now appear in the Staff reports window under "Other", if any modded staff types exist.

- Fixed: Adding an interface element would add it to the currently selected object's window, rather than just the scripted object's window.
- Fixed: If a scripted object made more than one custom job (via CreateJob) then we would fail to stop duplicates of that job.
- Fixed: Jobs are removed from an object when it is destroyed (Mantis #11595).
- Added: Modded jobs will now additively load in worker types. The first loaded job (based on mod order) will still define all properties
of the job (JobTime, Tool, Material, etc.), but subsequently loaded jobs with the same name will add in their worker types.
- Added: CancelJob function for scripted objects. Used to cancel a custom job created on an object (Mantis #11596).

= Bug Fixes
0011602: [Control & User Interface] missing tooltip for needs_help_StaffWarmth (John)
0011546: [Mod System] Funky stuff with entity.DeathType (elDiablo)
0007558: [Mod System] GetProperty() on needs doesn't work (elDiablo)
0011595: [Mod System] Created jobs on objects still exist when object gets deleted (elDiablo)
0011596: [Mod System] Please implement Object.CancelJob() to be able to cancel jobs created with Object.CreateJob() (elDiablo)
0011593: [Gameplay] Cannot schedule programs with requirements fulfilled (lim_ak)
0011555: [Mod System] CTD on save button with these mods combined (John)
0011446: [Save & Load] Crash on save with std::bad_alloc exception (lim_ak)
0011589: [Gameplay] When I have a gun in Warden Mode and try to shoot a prisoner who is attacking me, the gun only works at point-blank range. (lim_ak)
0011585: [Save & Load] Crash on save with 64bit Steam version (13j) (John)
0011584: [Save & Load] 64Bit Steam version will crash upon start when trying to load a prison for the Attract screen (John)
0011591: [Mod System] When a script adds custom buttons to an object, those buttons will appear on any object which is currently selected (elDiablo)
0011553: [Control & User Interface] Cannot buy land expansions in warden mode due to it being out of reach (lim_ak)
0011551: [AI & Behaviour] Spots that are "Too Dangerous" remain forever, blocking all jobs from completing in that area. (lim_ak)
0011563: [Control & User Interface] Hovering over death notification causes the camera to judder in Warden Mode (lim_ak)
0011570: [Control & User Interface] If sniper is interrupted during aiming, the laser is stuck on sniper/target (John)
0011556: [AI & Behaviour] When dog is tired, his guard is still saying "Patrolling" (lim_ak)
0011578: [Gameplay] Prisoners don't work in the Kitchen with specific Regime Settings (John)
0010971: [Control & User Interface] Zoom to mouse using keyboard (lim_ak)
0011569: [Control & User Interface] pickpocket rep does not have tooltip/description (lim_ak)
0010948: [AI & Behaviour] Death Row Inmates don't turn up on the intake bus when they are scheduled (lim_ak)
0011300: [Mod System] Default spritebank has incorrect marker coordinates that interfer with mods. (lim_ak)
0011583: [Gameplay] Unable to end punishments (lim_ak)
0011518: [Control & User Interface] Provide option in preferences.txt to prevent the new intro screen (John)
0011574: [AI & Behaviour] On high-dpi screens, execution report spills outside dialog (John)
0011564: [Mod System] Custom sound files in mods will cause CTD (John)
0011526: [Control & User Interface] Samuel Norton achievement from just watching the intro screen. (lim_ak)
0011534: [Save & Load] Game crashes when loading a save that moved from an upper save being deleted (lim_ak)
0011537: [Gameplay] Game crash - Assertion failed : 'shadow[index] != 0' -- ...steamapps/common/Prison Architect/PrisonArchitect: line 59 (John)

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