The Coroner Saga - Bruni Multimedia
Choose your romance path
Will Sara be able to figure out where her heart lies? While Gabe is fine, Thomas continues to flirt with her, and things are going well for them. Will she be able to choose one of them in the end? And what about Lily's relationship with her? Is she prepared to risk it all as well?

New story focus
These final episodes will contain a more in-depth look at Sara's life and interpersonal connections. A murder case will be introduced in Episode 5, which will reappear in the season finale as her personal decision takes center stage.

Episodic Release
This episode is the fifth of 6.
The game's replayability gives you the chance to start over and face completely new situations.
The Coroner Saga is an episodic Visual Novel which will have you deal with Sara's personal and professional life as well. Meet new people, interact with colleagues and fellow doctors and uncover the truth behind several murder cases throughout the game's season.

Medical accuracy
Developed with the help of a real MD, the game features medical informations that are accurate and up-to-date. Please do not take medical informations other than for having fun in the game. If you experience some medical concern ask your doctor as soon as possible.

Original Soundtrack
New scores have been added to the soundtrack to involve you more and more into the game's situations.

The Coroner Saga - Bruni Multimedia
  • Pre-patch for Episode 5, with bug and typo fixes
The Coroner Saga - Bruni Multimedia
While Sara investigates on different murder cases, this episode will focus more on her life and relationships.

I decided to change the tone of the episode because I want to focus more on Sara's personal life.

The original idea was to make the player explore Sara's relationships with Gabe, Thomas and Lily.

I think it would be interesting if the player could see how she works under pressure and how her personal life is connected with her job.

Sara's character will be more fleshed out and the player will get a chance to understand her better. There will also be new cases for the player to solve, as well as some familiar faces from previous episodes. Choices will be few but meaningful.

You can expect around 5-6 hours of gameplay.

I really hope you enjoy this episode, which will set the stage for the season's conclusion!

Thank you,
The Coroner Saga - Bruni Multimedia
The eagerly anticipated fifth episode of The Coroner Saga will finally be released in August, after months of delays.

Episode 5 will pick up where the last one left off, with protagonist Sarah Brennan investigating the mysterious deaths of five people whose bodies were found full of cuts and bruises.

As always, the game will feature hand-drawn visuals and an atmospheric soundtrack, as well as plenty of twists and turns to keep players engaged.

You will also engage deeper in Sara's personal life as Gabriel, Thomas and Lily will appear more often to provide emotional support during the case.

These are the first images released for the game, and I hope you'll enjoy them. Episode 5 features new visuals and a new lighting system. It is also planned to review the previous episodes of the game to fix grammar typos, add more romance choices and adding new images too!

Thank you for your support, and thank you for following us!
The Coroner Saga - Bruni Multimedia
An update for The Coroner Saga has been released!

  • General Bug Fixing
  • The game is now ready for the upcoming Episode 4 releasing on June 5th!
The Coroner Saga - Bruni Multimedia
Solve an ominous murder
Dig deep into an ominous murder of a Christian Reverend's son. Apparently the killer took a lot of time to skin him face away. Is it because of a dark ritual? When the FBI comes to investigate in the murder, Sara must be very careful about choosing her next step, or the Institute reputation will be ruined for good!

Meet new characters
Introducing fan-favourite Benedetta Borelli from General Practitioner, Sara will meet and interact with many new and different people, while increasing her bond with already known characters as well.

Sara's relationship moves forward
The struggle inside Sara's heart between Thomas and Gabriel goes on in this episode. Who will Sara eventually choose?

Please remember that owners of the "Season 1" DLC won't need to buy this DLC, their game will be automatically updated to include the new content!

Thank you for following me and my games, I hope you will have lots of fun with this one!
Dec 31, 2020
The Coroner Saga - Bruni Multimedia
Greetings to all players and community!

This has been an unique year. And I sincerely hope it stays that way.

Many of my projects have suffered a serious delay, both for personal family issues which I already told you about in the last few months and that are far from being over, and for economical reasons, of course. The plan to launch a brand-new Kickstarter campaign in November was halted, as the world and people are still struggling with the pandemic and its effects on our lives.

Development for my games hasn't stopped a bit, but it was delayed as I had to take care of my children and family, especially while schools were closed and they had to stay home. I managed to release many updates and new stories, and in the next few months more will come with a new Otome Visual Novel, new chapters for The Devil's Shoes, improvements on Yomi Alliance, the 2nd free DLC for General Practitioner and two new episodes of The Coroner Saga, which are already written and only need some polish.

New rewards are also available for Patrons on my Patreon page, and they will keep getting released over and over. I think that would be the best way to thank you for your support, despite my setbacks which are not due to my will but which I apologize for, regardless.

Developing a videogame, even a Visual Novel, is a very costly effort, and you only see results months after you spend those money. For a single-man company like mine this is more than a challenge at times, and that's why I completely rely on your support and your appreciation of my work to keep doing what I do: develop games to entertain you in the best of times, and in the worst of times.

So, thank you for your support, past, present and future. Without you, there won't be any Bruni Multimedia to talk about and no videogames at all from me.

I hope you can live a happier year, we're going through this together, as the Doctor told during the "Coronavirus Exam" released last February (my, it's already a full year!).

Happy new year to everyone. Keep following me, because there will be tons of news coming up in the next few days

Stay safe, and healthy!
The Coroner Saga - Bruni Multimedia
Greetings guys!

As you might have seen, General Practitioner, Yomi Alliance and The Coroner Saga are available at a discounted price for Steam's Autumn Sales! The same discount applies on Itch-io as well!

Today I'm announcing you that the next chapter for "The Devil's Shoes - An erotic Visual Novel", will be available on Sunday, November 29th for 5$+ patrons and as an itch-io limited exclusive (until it reaches chapter 6.

  • Play "The Massage", "Working Friend" and "The Guest", three erotic stories, each 10k words long
  • "The Massage" features 18 (eighteen) different endings to unlock
  • "Working Friend" features 10 (ten) different endings to unlock
  • "The Guest" features 5 (five) different endings to unlock
  • 5-6 hours of gameplay to unlock every ending
  • More stories are going to be added in the coming weeks
  • Customize your name and the name of your love interest
  • "The Massage" and "Working Friend" feature a M/F relationship, "The Guest" features a M/M relationship other stories will feature F/F, M/F/F and Solo

Grab the game now while it only costs you 2 chapters, as the price will change once Chapter 3 is released!

Some of you asked me if single chapters would be available stand-alone, however this is not the case for this game. Unlike "The Coroner Saga", The Devil's Shoes was not intended to be released episodically, but as a single-standalone game without any DLC. The price of the game will change as each chapter is released, so you can save some money by buying it sooner than later, or by pledging at least 5$ on my Patreon Page, which also supports my work!

Thank you guys, you're one of the most amazing communities I might have hoped for when I started this job!
The Coroner Saga - Bruni Multimedia
Did you know we have a Patreon page?

Back in 2017 everything started there: General Practitioner was just an idea, a bold project for an expert software developer who still had no experience in videogame developer until then.
Patreon is where I put myself to the challenge of developing something worth playing, funny and interesting with a bit of educational purpose and a spicy sexy story to deal with.

Today I want to introduce you my updated, fully overhauled, Patreon page

Many of you will surely ask why they should give me more money after they already paid for the full game on digital delivery platforms. That's a proper question, and I'm going to tell you that no in-game content will be cut from the Steam release to be available on Patreon only.

I worked a lot to find rewards you won't find anywhere else, and I promise you that you won't find in-game content in such rewards. Still, crowdfunding is the only way true indie developers can survive and keep doing what they do: creating new game experience for you to enjoy.

If you join our Patreon page you will receive many rewards!

  • Have you ever considered becoming a Visual Novel developer? Follow my lessons to start working in Ren'Py as I do
  • Exclusive interviews with actors and artists who work with me, including Star Trek actor Manu Intiraymi and many more...
  • Choose which path the story will take by replying to our monthly polls!
  • Request a scene. You can write any scene you'd like to include in our games and play it once it becomes available!
  • Receive exclusive items such as mugs, stickers, posters and t-shirts for our most loyal followers
  • Grab collectors copies of my games as soon as they become available!
  • Learn the Tricks of the Trade of a videogame developer!
  • Exclusive content preview: read the stories and play the game ahead of others!
  • ...many more are available on the Patreon page and more are going to be announced soon!

If you like what I do, if you wish to support my work and receive very special rewards, visit my Patreon page!

Join Yomi Alliance, be a hero!
The Coroner Saga - Bruni Multimedia
Greetings fellow space officers!

First of all, sorry for the lack of latest updates about the game. This was due both to the holiday period and to a very bad personal family situation of mine, which slowed down things a bit.
I can only hope you are still with me on this project, because there will be many interesting stuff available real soon for you to enjoy!

Today I am introducing you a roadmap for the future of all my games up to December 31st, when I will publish a new roadmap up to June.

I hope you'll be excited as I am for the new features and upcoming in-game events!

  • 17th - update #15 for Yomi Alliance, including 4 new full classes, Academy stories, Dr. Li's full personal story, Sulijan interactions, assistant interactions and more!
  • 30th - full revision of our Patreon Page, with new rewards and new tiers. Expect the Patreon page to be updated at least three times a week with new polls, behind-the-scenes, downloadable content and more

  • 15th - update #16 for Yomi Alliance, including the remaining part of classes, Academy stories, Aberoin's full personal story, Mivak interactions, the voice of Manu Intiraymi and more!
  • New content patch for General Practitioner, including two brand new medical examinations with moral choices to be made. A very deep bug fix wlil also be included to further polish the game!
  • 20th - The Devil's Shoes Episode #2 available for all Patrons and on
    The Devil's shoes is not available on Steam yet, but it will be in a few months after its sixth episode.

  • 15th - update #17 for Yomi Alliance, which will include a fully featured mission, different for each career choice and taking part in Academy grounds after the Prophet's attack. Sulijan will also receive a full voice-over, stay tuned for the announcement of the Actress playing her!
  • 30th - DLC #2 for General Practitioner "Emergency Procedures" will be out for Patreon supporters. The DLC will be free on Steam on December 20th for the Christmas Holidays
  • 30th - The Coroner Saga Episode #4 will be available as a reward preview for Patroen supporters. The episode will be free for Season One owners and will be available on Steam on December 20th

  • 15th - update #18 for Yomi Alliance, including the full stories for Lt. Mkrell, Sulijan, Serena and Mivak
  • 20th - DLC #2 for General Practitioner "Emergency Procedures" will be out for free to everyone owning the base game.
  • 20th - The Coroner Saga Episode #4 will be available on Steam
  • 25th - Special Christmas gift to Patreon supporters (it's a surprise!) and a special, free DLC update for General Practitioner, including a very sexy and nice christmas medical examination.

As you can see there's plenty of stuff becoming available in the next few weeks. I hope you'll keep enjoying my games and supporting them. And I apologize for any delay due to my personal situation.

Be safe and healthy, see you out there!

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