X3: Albion Prelude - Claos
  • Simplified first-time setup on Windows
  • Fixed lib compatibility issues on Linux
X3: Albion Prelude - belgoray
Today is an exceptional day. It brings an event that many surely didn't think possible – the release of X3: Farnham's Legacy, a new game in the popular X3 series. Furthermore, it is FREE to all owners of X3: Albion Prelude! A dedicated group of players from our DevNet community have been working on this project since 2016, and they are hugely excited to unveil the results of their efforts.

If you enjoy X3: Farnham's Legacy and want to thank the project team, by doing a good deed, you can buy the X3: Farnham's Legacy - Donation Pack. 100% of Egosoft's proceeds of this Donation Pack will be forwarded to Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders. If you prefer to make a donation through another channel, please visit the website of Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders.

X games discounts
To celebrate the release of X3: Farnham's Legacy, we're running a big promotional discount this week, which will last until Monday, May 10th, 2021. So, if you don't already own the games you need to play X3: Farnham's Legacy for free, you can now get them at a much reduced price. Just check out the Terran War Pack bundle.

We have also reduced the price of X4: Foundations as part of this promotion. Take advantage of a 40% discount and start your space adventure today! The timing couldn't be better, coming so soon after the extensive 4.00 update, which we released in March 2021.

Thank you for your support. Have fun with X3: Farnham's Legacy - and of course with X4: Foundations!
X3: Albion Prelude - belgoray
X3: Farnham's Legacy is a new game in the X3 space game series. TRADE, FIGHT, BUILD, THINK in a living and breathing universe. It incorporates a new storyline and yet more additions to the open, free-form gameplay that forms the core of all X series games. X3: Farnham's Legacy is free to owners of X3: Albion Prelude and will be released on May 4th, 2021.

A few days before the release, we have one last team interview for you. This week N8M4R3 answered our questions.

Q: Please briefly introduce yourself to the readers and tell us when, and how, you first got involved with an X game?
A: Many years ago, while visiting a friend, I saw him playing this space game which at that point was unknown to me. I was completely enthralled by what I saw on the screen. Since my colleague was glued to the keyboard and mouse, and couldn't be moved, I decided to buy the game the next day. That's how I started in the X universe, back in 2004, with X2: The Threat. After several hours of vanilla gameplay, I started to try out scripts and mods. Later on, under X3: TC/AP, I started to make changes to the game myself and published one or two things. You might have seen me on the forum under my username N8M4R3.

How did you end up on the team that has been working on X3: Farnham's Legacy for five years?
I became aware of a post on the forum about a request to release the source code for X3. In that post there was also a reference to a project involving X3 that was already underway. I immediately sent off a signed NDA, with the hope of being allowed to participate in the project. Some time later, and after various e-mails to the Egosoft team, it worked out.

What was your personal motivation to work on this project? What makes the X3 series so special for you?
Since I was already working on several modifications for X3: Albion Prelude beforehand, this project came at the right time for me to incorporate my ideas for improvement, and my wishes for additional script commands, into a new installment.

I really like the design of the ships in the X3 series, and the ever-growing possibilities to play and modify the game in your own way.

When we announced X3: Farnham's Legacy in early April, we shared the news that the game would include new diplomacy options, resulting in dynamic relationships between the player and the factions they encounter. How would you whet readers' appetites for this feature? What can they look forward to?
The diplomacy options not only give the player a new, non-aggressive way to improve their relationships with individual factions, but also allow them to quickly compensate for any loss of reputation that may result from a gain in reputation with another faction. In addition, this feature offers a whole range of other integrated options with which the player can, for example, obtain blueprints for software, stations and factories. Furthermore, some rare and special ships no longer necessarily have to be captured or boarded, as they can now be unlocked for purchase at various shipyards instead.

Do you have a particular highlight from working on the project that you would like to share with readers?
When you're a first-timer on a project like this, pretty much everything is a highlight. I was very pleased to get to know the other team members better during Skype conferences, having previously only read their posts on the forum. Thanks to a warm welcome and pleasant conversations about X3 - and sometimes also about topics completely outside of it - I was able to integrate myself relatively quickly into the ongoing project. For some of the suggestions I made, I had to learn that things could be far more complex internally than I was aware of, and couldn't be changed individually without rewriting large parts of the code. Nevertheless, many of my other suggestions made it into the game, which makes me very happy. If there is a 2.0 update one day, and I hope there is, I'll be happy to be back!

With X3: Farnham's Legacy just days away from release, is there a final message you'd like to share with X3 fans out there?
I hope that players will enjoy the new expansion to the X3 series, with its many small changes and also some larger ones, and that any outstanding wishes can be fulfilled through the massively expanded scripting and modding possibilities.

Thank you for sharing some insights with us and thank you for your participation in the project!

X3: Albion Prelude - belgoray
X3: Farnham's Legacy is a new game in the X3 space game series. TRADE, FIGHT, BUILD, THINK in a living and breathing universe. It incorporates a new storyline and yet more additions to the open, free-form gameplay that forms the core of all X series games. X3: Farnham's Legacy is free to owners of X3: Albion Prelude and will be released on May 4th, 2021.

As we build up to the release, we continue to interview some of the project team members. This week, Cycrow answers our questions.

>> Visit the X3: Farnham's Legacy - Scripts and Modding forum, which is now available.

Q: Please briefly introduce yourself to the readers and tell us when, and how, you first came into contact with an X-game?
A: Hi, I’m Matt, also known on the forums as Cycrow. My first X game was X2: The Threat, which I started playing while I was at university. Since then, I started to mod for the games, starting with X2, and it has been my main gaming focus ever since.

How did you end up on the team that has been working on X3: Farnham's Legacy for the past five years?
As I had worked on some of the previous games, X3: Terran Conflict and X3: Albion Prelude, I was approached about helping out with this new project.

What was your personal motivation to work on this project? What makes the X3 series so special for you?
I’ve spent a long time both playing and modding the games, and I always felt a lot more could still be done to improve the X3 series. So, this was a great chance to really expand on the previous games and to hopefully see how far modders will be able to take it after release.

I think it's pretty safe to say that X3 modders in particular will be flabbergasted at the release of X3: Farnham's Legacy, won't they? Since that’s one of your topics in the project, what can the modders among our players look forward to?
The simple answer is ‘lots’. So much has been added to the modding, in particular the Script Engine which has been expanded more than in all the previous games combined. It gives more control over many aspects of the game, including vastly improved input and menu systems, allowing new menus to be created.

Do you have a particular highlight from working on the project that you would like to share with readers?
Too many to go into in any real detail, but I’m particularly happy with how the Ship Browser and Station Manager turned out.

Any last message you'd like to give to X3 fans out there, with just under two weeks to go before the release of X3: Farnham's Legacy?
Prepare to be blown away by just how much has been added and improved on.

Thank you for sharing some insights with us and thank you for your participation in the project!

X3: Albion Prelude - belgoray
X3: Farnham's Legacy is a new game in the X3 space game series. TRADE, FIGHT, BUILD, THINK in a living and breathing universe. It incorporates a new storyline and yet more additions to the open, free-form gameplay that forms the core of all X series games. X3: Farnham's Legacy is free to owners of X3: Albion Prelude and will be released on May 4th, 2021.

Over the next few weeks, as we build up to the release, we will be interviewing some of the project team members. This time around, we've had a chat with X2-Illuminatus.

Q: Please briefly introduce yourself to the readers and tell us when, and how, you first came into contact with an X-game?
A: Earth year 2005. In the computer games department of a German department store I see a copy of X2: The Threat Limited Edition on the bottom shelf. I was asking myself whether to buy it or not, as the packaging was actually slightly damaged. Yet, being a sci-fi fan, and the game only costing 10 €, I figured there’s not much that could go wrong. The RAM I bought a few months later, in order to properly play the game, was more expensive though.

In 2006 I registered on the Egosoft forum under the name of X2-Illuminatus, and from 2008 onwards I became an active forum member. As a moderator, DevNet member, scripter and also simply a player, I participated in different ways in the development of the X series games over the years.

How did you end up on the team that has been working on X3: Farnham's Legacy for the past five years?
For over a decade, together with Ketraar, I have been working on several mod and community projects. For example, we created the ‘Operation Loose Ends’ plot in the X3: Albion Prelude update 2.5. Through my activity in DevNet I was always pretty close to the development of the X series games, and so I was asked one day whether I would be interested in, and whether I had any ideas for, developing X3 further.

What was your personal motivation to work on this project? What makes the X3 series so special for you?
It’s a combination of nostalgia and the possibility of writing and experiencing storylines. X3 was always very good at providing these little stories about life in, and the history of, the X Universe – not only through plots and bigger storylines, but also through sector descriptions and pieces of information you receive about the objects you interact with. X3 provides the means to add these little stories easily yourself. Additionally, X3: Albion Prelude – back then the ‘last’ X3 game – was a game I still enjoyed playing. Whenever entering Argon Prime or visiting Getsu Fune, and the typical sector music starts playing, I feel reminded of my first start in X2: The Threat or of my first explorations of the X Universe.

X3: Farnham's Legacy starts very differently to previous games in the X3 series, doesn't it? Could you tell the readers a bit more about what they can expect in that regard?
X3: Farnham's Legacy plays during a time when more and more gates are shutting down. Obviously, this has an enormous impact on the different factions of the X Universe, which need to deal with this completely new situation. We thought it would be a great idea to let the player experience a similar situation – on their way to a sector, the destination gate suddenly shuts down and the player ends up in an unknown system. There’s no way back. The player will have to explore the unknown to find associates, new technologies, and in the end, hopefully, a way back home.

No-one has to worry too much though: those who do not get lost on the way there, may explore many more systems and sectors, and will experience the familiar sandbox gameplay, with many new possibilities.

Where did you get your inspiration for the new storyline of X3: Farnham's Legacy?
The X series games from Egosoft, and the X Universe books by Helge T. Kautz, created a dense lore for the X Universe, which I could always immerse myself in. The gate shutdown is the single biggest event in recent X Universe history, yet was only alluded to before. The first gates have been shut down in X3: Albion Prelude already, and we experience the reactivation of gates in X Rebirth and X4: Foundations. What happened in the time between – which people will later call ‘The Dark’ – we only know from stories. In that respect, I found it very exciting to imagine how the different races of the X Universe would react, when the universe they’ve known for decades or centuries changed drastically in such a short amount of time. Do they try to fight it or come to terms with it, and in what kind of situations could individuals end up?

Do you have a particular highlight from working on the project that you would like to share with readers?
For me it was the collaboration with people who are as interested as me in breathing new life into X3, but who are also more experienced than me in doing so. Anyone who has worked on a game or mod project, as a team effort, knows that it can be quite hard sometimes to convince others of one’s own ideas and to get them implemented in the way they were meant to be. All the more fun it is then, when your own ideas are agreed to, and any implementation challenges one may see are blown away by a short ‘should be no problem’ by Cycrow, or when one is encouraged by Ketraar to continue working on them.

Any last message you'd like to give to X3 fans out there, with just under four weeks to go before the release of X3: Farnham's Legacy?
Embrace and enjoy X3: Farnham's Legacy for what it is: a fun return to the X3 universe with many new ideas.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and thank you for your work on the game!

X3: Albion Prelude - belgoray
X3: Farnham's Legacy is a new game in the X3 space game series. TRADE, FIGHT, BUILD, THINK in a living and breathing universe. It incorporates a new storyline and yet more additions to the open, free-form gameplay that forms the core of all X series games. X3: Farnham's Legacy is free to owners of X3: Albion Prelude and will be released on May 4th, 2021.

Over the next few weeks, as we build up to the release, we will be interviewing some of the project team members. Today we are kicking things off with Ketraar.

Q: Please briefly introduce yourself to the readers and tell us when, and how, you first came into contact with an X-game?
A: I am known as Ketraar in most places, both on and offline. I started out by playing X: Beyond the Frontier in 1999. I’ve always loved sci-fi, especially space themed - the likes of Stargate, Farscape and obviously Star Trek and Star Wars were a big part of my entertainment consumption. It was no surprise that I fell in love with XBTF as it provided the same type of escapism, but with me now ‘in control’ of at least parts of the narrative.

How did you end up on the team that has been working on X3: Farnham's Legacy for the past five years?
There are always things one could add or change in X games. I had been pitching some of them over the years, the ideas forum has a few examples. It was rather natural to jump on it when I was asked if I would like to pitch some of the ideas for a potential X3 Expansion. I always had a soft spot for the THINK aspect of X games and this would be a great opportunity to give it some TLC. So, after a few emails and a Skype call things just started rolling as people were brought in to join the project.

What was your personal motivation to work on this project? What makes the X3 series so special for you?
I think, in the end, its the fact that X games allow you to express yourself when you play the games, but probably even more so when you modify them. The ability to change things and create new experiences is something I find very interesting and X games, especially X3, has allowed me to do just that.

We've already announced that X3: Farnham's Legacy will incorporate new exploration features that the player will need to use in order to find their way back to civilisation. Can you share some more details on that aspect of the game?
Exploration was always a sizeable part of any X game - you would need to visit systems to find the stations to trade, buy and equip ships. While this is still the case, a new tool is introduced that roughly points towards ‘interesting’ locations. This hopefully adds a more hands-on experience to exploring the galaxy, as it will uncover many things, from crates containing all sorts of things, to derelict ships that are not defined on static positions. Other locations, once found, will open up new sectors that contain who knows what! The Explorers Guild is another major portion of exploration (as the name obviously implies). Players will be able to interact with it and trade in their exploration ‘knowledge’ for many things - some very special.

Do you have a particular highlight from working on the project that you would like to share with readers?
One of the highlights during this project was in 2018 when I was allowed to visit Egosoft HQ. Not just meeting the people there, but also some of the X3FL team members - some I had known for many years, though only online. It was a great experience, several days talking about games with other people that liked games (almost) as much as I do. I felt like I belonged, almost normal. Yes that is the highlight I’d remember.

Any last message you'd like to give to X3 fans out there, with just under four weeks to go before the release of X3: Farnham's Legacy?
Well I hope they enjoy the game. It has many new features and additions - some may even throw the veterans and hopefully provide a new experience.

Thank you for the insights, dear Ketraar, and thank you for your work on X3: Farnham's Legacy!

X3: Albion Prelude - belgoray
We at Egosoft have been working on our current title, X4: Foundations, and have recently released a major 4.00 update, as well as a new expansion, X4: Cradle of Humanity. In the meantime, a new product has emerged from our DevNet community that we would like to tell you about.

Almost ten years ago, with the release of X3: Albion Prelude, Egosoft decided to bring development of titles based on the long-running X3 game engine to an end. However, a dedicated group of players from our DevNet community had other ideas!

The X3: Farnham's Legacy project kicked off in earnest in 2016 but, as with any community project, there were times when progress was faster than others. Five years on, and the team are now finally ready to show you their creation!

Set in the years after X3: Albion Prelude, as the chaos caused by the gate shutdown really takes hold, X3: Farnham's Legacy starts very differently to previous games in the X3 series. Trapped in an isolated area of space, you'll first need to make use of the new exploration features to find your way back to civilisation. Then, once you're there, you'll be able to use the new diplomacy options to help shape your relationships with the factions you find.

The new features don't end with the storyline, though. There are numerous other improvements, ranging from drone carriers, station-building services and an enhanced player headquarters, to a new ship browser and a hyperlinked encyclopedia. And of course, no new X3 game would be complete without new ships and stations!

X3: Farnham's Legacy will be released into Early Access on May 4th, 2021. The best news of all, however, is that this new expansion will be FREE OF CHARGE to all owners of X3: Albion Prelude!

In the four weeks until the release, we will provide you with interviews of the team members to further fuel the anticipation. Please keep an eye on our usual news channels.

X3: Albion Prelude - Egosoft
Egosoft is happy to announce that our first Virtual Reality game is finally ready for release. Today marks the end of Early Access and the launch of X Rebirth VR Edition.
To celebrate the launch of X Rebirth VR Edition, we will make all X games available for free for the upcoming weekend on Steam. You can play during the weekend and try out all the games from Egosoft that you do not own yet. Best of all: If you decide you want to buy one of them, there are some massive discounts too. Go and check out our games on Steam.

End of Loyalty Discount: If you own X Rebirth and want VR Edition, buy NOW!

We are going to end the X Rebirth VR Edition loyalty discount on December 10th when this sale ends. So if you own X Rebirth and are considering X Rebirth VR Edition, you can buy it with a 30% loyalty discount added on top of the 20% discount during this weekend at a total of 50% off!

New Updates for X Rebirth, X3TC and X3AP

X3: Terran Conflict 3.4 and X3: Albion Prelude 3.3: These two updates bring a couple of low level engine improvements for better performance especially during large battles. We also added a borderless window mode and fixed some bugs. More about these updates here.

X Rebirth VR Edition 4.30: With the launch also come a number of new features for XR VR, including improved HOTAS and Joystick support and a method to play in VR with mouse and keyboard. See different methods of playing X Rebirth VR Edition explained in this video:
X Rebirth 4.30: This update brings a number of improvements for controlling the game. Joystick and HOTAS improvements that we made during the XR VR development have been back ported to X Rebirth and come along with a default profile for some of the most popular sticks. Also controlling the game with gamepads got a lot easier thanks to a number of new features developed for X Rebirth VR Edition. Click here for a full list of features.

X4 Announcement

And in case you missed it:
X3: Albion Prelude - Egosoft
Egosoft is happy to announce that our first Virtual Reality game is finally ready for release. Today marks the end of Early Access and the launch of X Rebirth VR Edition.
To celebrate the launch of X Rebirth VR Edition, we will make all X games available for free for the upcoming weekend on Steam. You can play during the weekend and try out all the games from Egosoft that you do not own yet. Best of all: If you decide you want to buy one of them, there are some massive discounts too. Go and check out our games on Steam.

End of Loyalty Discount: If you own X Rebirth and want VR Edition, buy NOW!

We are going to end the X Rebirth VR Edition loyalty discount on December 10th when this sale ends. So if you own X Rebirth and are considering X Rebirth VR Edition, you can buy it with a 30% loyalty discount added on top of the 20% discount during this weekend at a total of 50% off!

New Updates for X Rebirth, X3TC and X3AP

X3: Terran Conflict 3.4 and X3: Albion Prelude 3.3: These two updates bring a couple of low level engine improvements for better performance especially during large battles. We also added a borderless window mode and fixed some bugs. More about these updates here.

X Rebirth VR Edition 4.30: With the launch also come a number of new features for XR VR, including improved HOTAS and Joystick support and a method to play in VR with mouse and keyboard. See different methods of playing X Rebirth VR Edition explained in this video:
X Rebirth 4.30: This update brings a number of improvements for controlling the game. Joystick and HOTAS improvements that we made during the XR VR development have been back ported to X Rebirth and come along with a default profile for some of the most popular sticks. Also controlling the game with gamepads got a lot easier thanks to a number of new features developed for X Rebirth VR Edition. Click here for a full list of features.

X4 Announcement

And in case you missed it:
May 15, 2017
X3: Albion Prelude - Egosoft
The macOS and Linux versions of X3: Albion Prelude have been updated with a fix for some input issues.

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