We Are The Caretakers - sbrodie
Thanks to everyone that has played and supported We Are The Caretakers since our 1.0 launch went live! Launch went quite smoothly, but this update addresses a few of the minor issues reported by players. Check out the full set of updates below. We always appreciate positive reviews on our store page to help new players, so thanks to everyone that has posted or updated their reviews since after launch!

Full Change List:

  • Fixed story mission screen not able to be interacted with if the Tech Tree was open prior to pressing Begin Mission.
  • Received official Steam Deck review. The game is playable without issue. We're working to adjust some small text in a few areas of the UI in future patches so that we can receive the official "verified" tag, but the game runs great on Steam Deck!
  • Fixed typos and incorrect text in Achievement descriptions.
  • Fixed special Warrior Medic character having 100 physical and mental defense stats.
  • Fixed missing name and description text for Radiate ability.
  • Optimized many textures to reduce memory usage during play.
  • Reduced polygon count of rock debris and wall spawners in Era 2 missions to improve performance and memory usage.
  • Removed some wall spawners to make navigation easier and reduce overall wall spawner memory use.
  • Adjusted lower quality settings to reduce texture sizes further to make the game run faster with those options.
  • A variety of behind the scenes changes that make it easier for us to make different optimizations on console and steam versions of the game.

We Are The Caretakers - sbrodie
After 4.5 years in development and 1.5 years in Early Access on Steam, We Are The Caretakers has exited Early Access and released to 1.0!!! Our team has worked hard alongside the player community to improve the game and finish the amazing strategy narrative campaign we always wanted to create. The final version build has gone live ( and with it unlocks the final 4th Era, end game, new scoring system, and more!

We can't wait for you to play the final version! There is a 10% launch discount for the first week. 10% of our net revenue will also go to support Wildlife Conservation Network, so you'll be supporting a good cause with your purchase!

You can help us by writing a review on our store page, and spreading the word to friends you think would like the game.

Thanks for supporting us on this development journey and let's make launch a success! We've accomplished a lot through Early Access, winning awards, and adding tons of polish. Let us know what you think in the Steam forums or in our official discord channell.

Scott Brodie
Design Director, Heart Shaped Games

We Are The Caretakers - sbrodie
After 4.5 years in development and 1.5 years in Early Access on Steam, We Are The Caretakers is ready to launch to 1.0 this Friday, January 6th! Our team has worked hard alongside the player community to slowly improve the game and finish the amazing strategy narrative campaign we always wanted to create.

We can't wait for you to play the final version! To help us get ready for launch we encourage you to download the game, wishlist it, and spread the word to friends you think would like the game. If you have the Early Access game, we would love for you to drop a review on the store page so we can hit the ground running on launch day with up-to-date and positive reviews for new players to read.

We released 10 major patches in 2022, so check out our other announcements for all of the changes that have made there way into the game during Early Access. On launch day you can expect a new patch that will unlock the last Era (5 additional missions + end game) and some additional final improvements.

Follow us on Twitter or join our Discord to join in the fun come launch day. Thanks for playing, and see you Friday!
Dec 23, 2022
We Are The Caretakers - heartshapedgames
Patch for We Are The Caretakers is now live with a host of balance changes, improvements, and polish!

Change List:
  • Added functionality for "Animal Sanctuary" technology. At the end of each Era, if you have this tech unlocked, there is a chance to gain +1 Raun Power directly tied to your Reputation. (ex: if you have 60 reputation, you have a 60% chance to gain +1 Raun Power). Added transmission feedback message to show when this Raun Power is earned.
  • Changed debris wall spawners in era 2 missions to reduce changes of units being stuck when spawning from towns nearby.
  • Added portrait and description for Graveyard map object in Era2M1.
  • Now show character status effect icons in character slots, for the Unit UI when viewed in the RTS field. Abilities are shown in the HQ and encounters to make these icons more useful.
  • Fixed some incorrect control text in tutorial text messages.
  • Conductor "region of origin" is now always West Shadra.
  • Fixed missing tool tip text for Raun count in top bar UI.
  • Fixed same resource reward for story mission choices in Era 2 story mission.
  • Tranquilize ability now reduces threat to differentiate it from Kick ability.
  • Fixed all dialogue appearing in second portrait in some mission text boxes.
  • Decreased "chance to miss" slightly across combat, and ensured no misses during first mission to reduce frustration.
  • Removed a lot of debug output to clean up debug console messages when it is enabled.
  • Updated the store page description text and short description.
  • Smoothed terrain to avoid rare "stuck units" bug in era 2 missions.
  • Aggressive finishers ("Wound", etc) now lower your reputation by 1 additional point to make them more of a consideration.
  • Added new environment for Era 2 "Protect Raun" mission.
  • Increased coin and trap reward amounts to balance economy in the campaign.

Be sure to wishlist or buy the game ahead of our upcoming 1.0 launch in early January! Join our Discord to follow along with our launch announcements!
We Are The Caretakers - sbrodie
After a long period of design and tech work on the game, I'm pleased to share we've released a major update that includes 2 months of all new content, fixes, updates, and final launch prep. That's right, after 4 and half years and nearly 2 years of improvements in Early Access, we're really close to releasing the final game, and this update sets the stage!!

If all goes well with our final dev work, We're releasing the 1.0 version of We Are The Caretakers in early January! We'll be announcing the specific date just as soon as we're officially through certification on all platforms, so look out for another update very soon here and on our social media pages to find out the final date. When we reach 1.0, the 4th Era of the campaign, all achievements, and more will be unlocked and all early access trappings will go away.

Also, at the time of this update going live, the Autumn sale discount is live for the game. This is the last chance to get the game on sale before 1.0! If you haven't purchased yet, be sure to Wishlist and consider purchasing now or on our launch day. Wishlists help tell Steam that players are excited about the release, and can help us get visibility in the Steam store.

Finally, we need your help in the lead up to release. If you've already purchased the game, thank you! We would love to have you check out the changes, send us any last minute bugs/feedback that we should address, and consider posting a positive review on our store page. Having a number of positive and up-to-date reviews on our store page at launch will help us out a lot with new players once we change our status to "Released".

Below is the full, massive change log for update (don't let the version number fool you, as we're not quite at the true 1.0 yet).

Change List:
  • Finished all Era 4 content, missions, special features/mechanics, and game ending sequence. LOTS of new stuff we can't talk about yet -- come back for 1.0 to unlock and play the full content!
  • New difficulty settings: When starting a new game, you can select from Easy and Hard difficulty. Hard mode reduces your starting coins, reputation, and raun power; you'll also encounter higher-leveled and more aggressive enemies, with more characters in their units. Lastly, you'll receive fewer "rare" recruits early in the game in the Atrium. For your trouble, you'll receive a bonus in your final scoring and be eligible for some hard-mode only achievements.
  • Revamped combat UI. Removed redundant info and changed character slot UI to show Will as bars. Goal was clarity and reducing visual clutter. Use the "Peek" function to show full info during combat.
  • New 3D scene for the Atrium, featuring your advisor Kray.
  • All new UI animations throughout the game to make interactions feel better and more polished.

  • Added more "generic" dialogue in each Era, that plays when a town doesn't have a custom dialogue conversation.
  • Polished story mission text window, and updated images for all story mission screens.
  • Split up many story mission screens to reduce the amount of information in each beat.
  • Save key narrative choices made in the player save data.
  • Added sound effects for more HQ cutscenes.
  • Added many optimizations for memory usage and textures. The "Good" quality setting also features model optimizations that help with running the game on older systems.
  • Added an Era-transition screen and fixed all transition-related bugs.
  • Significant updates to tutorial text, for controller and mouse versions.
  • Added camera focus events for enemy spawns and other key events on the RTS map.
  • Completed all tasks related to our other release platforms.
  • New abilities and effects related to Era 4 character classes.
  • Territory walls (debris or fences) now spawn individual fences, clearer entrance points, and have more visual variety.
  • Added final portraits for all towns, landmarks, and structures when selected.
  • New spaceship landing site to replace the player spawn point in many missions.
  • Added final description text for selectable objects on maps.
  • Updated randomized unit spawning rules for enemies, to ensure balanced compositions, and adjust stats based on difficulty.
  • Reduced opacity on terrain gridlines.
  • Polished decorations and environments for all missions.
  • New central selection cursor when in controller mode.
  • Added new start screen as entry point for some platforms.
  • All achievements implemented.
  • Experimental Survival Mode hidden.
  • Updated the save game version to avoid bad experience for users with old save game data.
  • Updated store description, screenshots, images.
  • Updated final scoring formula and balanced values.
  • Balanced class starting stats and damage/defense values across the game.
  • Give feedback earlier in the loading process so there is never an extended black screen while a load is running.
  • Save game error message now properly returns to the title screen after clicking OK.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug where some characters, including the conductor, would not show the correct portrait and model in the HQ.
  • Made final dialogue and UI text edits, and localized all remaining strings that were showing as untranslated.
  • Fixed an issue with regaining input control after mid-mission tip screens appear.
  • Fixed some missions missing title text.
  • Fixed instances where the baby Raun name was not shown correctly.
  • Fixed not being to select the Barrier Breakdown boss area in E1M2, along with other selection/highlight issues.
  • Fixed bug when characters were removed from the player army.
  • Fixed issues with town colliders and conversion detection.
  • Fixed seams on edges of environment terrain.
  • Fixed bug on returning to the Atrium after the first mission on some platforms.
  • Fixed a variety of controller cursor navigation issues between screens.
  • Fixed placement issues with tooltips in the select ability menu. Added delay to account for new animations. Reduced size of controller cursor.
  • Fixed controller navigation jumping in tech tree.
  • Fixed not being able to navigate to newly unlocked unit slots until reloading the save game.
  • Fixed some incorrect "Control Guide" ui entries. Sometimes would display incorrect button functionality text.
  • Fixed major bug where controller would not be recognized at the start of missions, requiring the user to hit input again to swap control modes.
  • Fixed incorrect re-assignment of leader collider after the original leader was wounded. Caused issues with converting towns when back on the map.
  • Fixed crash when the Conductor's unit was fully wounded and undeployed.

Thank you to everyone that has supported us during this amazing development journey. We can't wait to get 1.0 to you and see what you think!!

Heart Shaped Games
We Are The Caretakers - heartshapedgames
We've just released version 0.77 for We Are The Caretakers, bringing a host of new improvements and bug fixes across the game. Here's the full list of changes!

  1. Added a new transition sequence between Eras that includes the Era name, current year, and narrative description for the events that will take place.
  2. Music themes now change in the HQ during the Era transition instead of later.
  3. Fixed poacher units being able to initiate another attack sequence on a Raun they just wounded in the field.
  4. Town info text now includes Bonus tribute in the total amount.
  5. Town info text now changes to reflect the stats it heals after new technologies (will healing -Temples) are unlocked.
  6. Continued work and bug fixes on Era 4 content (to be released at 1.0)
  7. Properly block UI input in the HQ during some transitions and main screens when appropriate.
  8. Fixed repairable structures being destroyed on repair, leaving hanging callout icons, and not retaining their roll-over outline and info. Improved reliability of enemy AI sequences when they look to undo player repairs.
  9. Added a big reputation loss when the baby raun is finished by opposing units in encounters. Protect the baby raun at all costs!
  10. HQ Globe objects such as the barrier and [*redacted*] now keep their visibility state after missions and after loading a save game. Added sounds and UI polish to HQ globe cutscenes.
  11. Adjusted the look of some towns in Era 3 missions, and improved how outlines cover the boundaries of the models.
  12. Era 2 Defeat Poachers mission now shows the "poacher spawn bar" previously only used in survival mode. Changed the spawn timing and unit compositions for this and other missions in Era 2
  13. A major boss unit in Era 3 now reliably appears in a single earlier mission instead of a chance of it in many missions. This improves the challenge of earlier missions and ensures the narrative events make sense later in the era.
  14. Major boss in Era 3 has improved field AI and more states to give the player time to react.
  15. Changed victory and idle animations for many characters.
  16. Fixed bugs with returning from mid-mission sequence in major boss mission.
  17. Fixed error when a selected field loot item gets consumed while it is being inspected.
  18. Removed redundant HQ dialogue in Era 2 protect raun.
  19. Changed the "Mission Length" text for each mission to reflect their play time accurately.
  20. Improved washed out lighting in Era 3 biome encounters.
  21. Added new boss music for a variety of boss and major encounters in the game.
  22. Shortened the length of the boss intro camera.
  23. Fixed Wound finisher not applying the reputation loss appropriately (now has variable amounts and shows feedback)
  24. Hide floating stat change text when the amount is 0 for non stamina/will stats.
  25. Fixed some hidden technologies not revealing their description when requirements are met.
  26. Button sounds now play in controller mode in HQ story missions.
  27. Better enemy types and squad compositions for mission in Eras 2 and 3
  28. Balanced stats for bosses (generally giving more stamina and support units to add challenge)
We Are The Caretakers - heartshapedgames
We're excited to release a new "Mega Fix" update that addresses an incredible 40+ new features and bugs. We played through the Early Access campaign as a team and addressed as many items both small and large to improve the overall campaign experience. We hope you like it -- see the detailed change list below, and look out for more updates this month!

  • Character slots now display unit ability icons and colors instead of character traits. This helps identify at a glance what character's strengths are (Damaging, Will Damaging, Healing, Stunning, etc), and supports unit building.
  • Added a new view toggle for "Additional Details" in the HQ that displays a character's Traits and exact Stamina numbers. Press the I key or RB on controllers to swap views in Edit Teams or Atrium screens.
  • Cleaned up the look of empty slots to declutter the unit slot / edit teams screens.

  • Securing Towns now is impacted by the Units that secure them. You gain more or less reputation based on the Charisma stat of the Unit leader.
  • Towns give bonus tribute based upon your overall Reputation once secured. Bonus tribute is displayed in a new town tribute callout on the field, in green or read text (ex: "(+100)").
  • R2 button as well as R3 buttons on controller now control fast-forward speed in encounters.
  • Fixed controller navigation not extending to all 9 units (Was limited to 7 by mistake)
  • Fixed Greatlands Recruits, Leadership Training, and other technologies not being shown as completed in the UI, allowing them to be researched additional times.
  • Removed repeated dialogue in Era 2 protect Raun mission.
  • A few animations had broken foot IK, resulting in bad looking animation playback.
  • Adjusted stats for Officer, Poacher, and most boss classes. Balanced for difficulty & gameplay interest.
  • Survival days goal in Era 3 missions reduced by 1.
  • Adjusted spacing of Tooltips to avoid overlap with buttons being hovered on.
  • Tooltips shown on highlight in more places when in controller mode.
  • Fixed Tech Tree button staying hidden in the field upon return from combat.
  • Adjusted color and text of some notifications to reflect their danger level for the player.
  • Added a few more places where Scout Tower supplies are awarded during the campaign.
  • Fixed no rollover feedback on Diffuse Towers. Added particle effect to repaired diffuse tower.
  • Fixed bug with too much tribute being given by some towns later in the game.
  • Fixed EMP ability. No longer does zero damage and uses power cells correctly.

  • Some classes had incorrect base classes shown in their upgrade tree. Fixed for all classes.
  • Fixed a small subset of classes having incorrect models or classes upon loading a saved game.
  • Fixed Mind Ray ability. Deals mental powered damage now, and has correct tooltip descriptions.
  • Fixed some abilities not showing stamina or will damage as an effect in tooltips when they should.
  • Added checks in rare cases where characters end up outside of the terrain to prevent crashes.
  • Reversed the direction of navigation when selecting targets (was backwards from up/down controls).
  • Fixed bug where moving the leader of a unit to a new slot would change the leader of the unit to another character.
  • Fixed bug in Era 2 Repair mission where units could not move onto Diffuse Towers.
  • Fixed Missile Silos in Era 3 continuing to move and target units even while players were in an Encounter.
  • Leadership traits now only effect the leader, and display properly in the HQ character slot UIs.
  • Trait and effect requirements are now checked in the HQ so that most field-only traits are shown in the UI at all times.
  • Added control helper entries to the bottom bar UI for secondary info toggle (I key or RB on controller)
  • Fixed some callout icons over objects not hiding when other parts of the UI hid.
  • Added new visual effects to Ledding Dusk boss unit members.
  • New abilities and balance for Ledding Dusk boss and unit members.
  • Fixed incorrect portraits being used for NOIR civilians in Era 3 town dialogue.
  • Added description to Reputation Bar tool tip that explains exactly the effects reputation is having on town tribute, Atrium recruits, etc.
  • All combat hit text is now uniformly uppercase to improve readability.
  • Certain HQ input is blocked when a save operation is running, to prevent high memory usage and slowdowns.
  • Fixed incorrect keyboard key displayed for pause time tutorial tip in Era 1 Mission 2.

Reviews on our Steam page, wishlisting, and follows all help us get noticed within the Steam store, so we can't thank all of you enough that have taken the time to do those. Please keep sending us your feedback in the forums and in our official Discord server.

Creative Director, Heart Shaped Games

We Are The Caretakers - heartshapedgames
Hey everyone, we're back with a significant new game update that overhauls the visual look of the game and updates the artwork for the environments and battle scenes! We've also got a number of new sound effects, bug fixes, and polish improvements. Check out all of the changes below. If you're enjoying the game and updates, please consider giving us a positive review on our store page, it makes a huge difference!

Major Changes
  • New post-processing effects that improve contrast, saturation, and brightness of the game in the RTS field and battle scenes. New per-character highlights help units pop against the background. Vignette and FOV adjustments to improve visual focus for players.
  • All 7 combat scenes have been updated to create visual clarity and more interesting backgrounds. Includes lighting, grass, decoration changes.

  • Era 3 (Central Greatlands) environment overhaul. New rocks, grass, tree, and town models and layouts.
  • Era 3 towns and interactive objects have correct portraits when selected.

  • New sound effects! Command/Continue button click, Raun noises, message box confirm, controller highlight/select, Begin round, Button hover, and more.
  • Raun have grunts/vocalization sound effect responses when selected in the field.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed seams between environment borders and the gameplay terrain.
  • Removed hot spring objects/mechanic.
  • Fixed washed out lighting in Era 3 Arenas.
  • Updated sound effects on some existing abilities. Flurry, Takedown, Incapacitate, Unstun, Finisher success. Adjusted volume and mix for most sfx.
  • Fixed big town in Era 3 sometimes being placed on seams of terrain territories.

Lastly on a personal note, my wife and I welcomed twins into the world this past month, which is why there was a gap in game updates. I'm back from paternity leave and hopefully continuing with our regular update cadence like normal throughout the summer. Thanks for your patience and support!

-Scott Brodie, Creative Director, Heart Shaped Games

We Are The Caretakers - heartshapedgames
We're pleased to share our latest update to We Are The Caretakers, featuring a refresh of the encounter "Threat System" and the threat UI. This change helps clarify when threat changes, what the threat level impacts, and what will change as threat raises or lowers. We think it will be much clearer what is going on, and reveal a new layer of strategy in encounters.

Change list:
  1. Threat Ring UI has been replaced by a threat bar, that includes markers for important changes such as the threat level, or when enemies will flee. Hovering on the threat bar reveals all possible states, as well as detailed tooltips of the buffs/debuffs that are currently active.
  2. Fixed a bug where threat level tooltips would display incorrect threat impacts (critical hit mods, charisma mods, etc)
  3. Added a helper "?" icon to explain the threat system.
  4. Controller cursor now shows up on HQ globe mission icons to clarify navigation.
  5. Fixed error caused by debuffs limiting available abilities a character can select. Now defaults to "Wait" button in these situations.
  6. Added volume adjuster scripts to keep all sound effects in a scene in balance with the game settings.
  7. Many new sound effects, including: New Round, Bribe, Critical Hit (WIP)
  8. Variety of changes to character victory animations, sound ability animations and vfx.
  9. Fixed doubled sound effect playing whenever there was physical damage.
    [*} Many other small bug fixes and tweaks.

Enjoy the update and have a great weekend. Drop us a review on the game store page if you like what you see!

We Are The Caretakers - heartshapedgames
Another continous improvement update, version 0.73, is up! Take a look at the exciting changes below and give the game a spin.

Revamp and Polish of the Era 1 End Boss Mission

  • All new post-combat cutscene sequencing and visual effects for polish and improved narrative clarity.
  • Boss unit no longer spawns on top of the [redacted] pod.
  • Intro camera for boss changed and removes poor visibility.
  • New sound effect for Boss ability "Beholder".
  • Water Supply blocks fire hazards from burning units passively when held.
  • Fixed bug where extinguishing a Fire Hazard would leave your unit burning until you left the territory.
  • Fixed bug where the Burn Effect from the field would leave an icon visible in combat.
  • New icon for fire hazards.
  • Added status icon (fire) to Unit Callout when burn is being applied to a unit by a fire hazard.
  • Added side notification about units on fire.
  • Fixed incorrect reputation values displayed in some notifications for Fire Hazard interactions.
  • New Supply tip and tip image that helps players discover the Water well in the field and water supply in their unit's inventory.

QoL and Sound Changes
  • New sound effects for Beholder, Silence, and Sniper Shot abilities.
  • Additional sound effect "Voice" set added that plays randomly when a unit is selected on the field. Classes that have this voice will play it when they are the leader of the unit.
  • Changed and improved Idle animations and ability animations across many classes. New VFX for "Weaken Slash" ability.
  • Volume fixes and balance for a number of ability sounds.
  • Fixed bug with being able to navigate to change leader button in Conductor's group with controller.
  • Fixed some additional situations where the controller cursor can be made invisible in combat.
  • Baby Raun now finishes instantly instead of animating out, fixing glitch with its hair model not disappearing!
  • Added fixes for benign error messages that could show up in the debug console.

Thanks so much for the support! It helps us out a lot to receive positive reviews on our store page, so if you like the game and this update, we'd greatly appreciate it! Please let us know if you have any feedback on or bug reports in our official DIscord Server.

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