Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Netolic Pro League Ticket
- G-1 Courier: Added particle effects, haste animation and upgraded courier quality
- Bristleback: Fixed Quill Spray stacks being removed by Dark Pact and Kraken Shell.
- Bristleback: Fixed Warpath's oldest stack duration not getting refreshed if another spell was cast with max stacks.
- Rubick: Fixed Rubick gaining infinite no-collision if he stole another spell while following the Spectral Dagger path.

- Bots will now soimetimes use Medallion of Courage on neutrals.
- Fixed BH potentially selling a stout sheild that he needs to make poor man's shield.
- Sand King will now break Sandstorm if he's not invisible.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Bristleback!

- Broodmother: Fixed Insatiable Hunger cooldown on level 1 and 3.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Blood armor bonus not carrying over to Illusions.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Dragon Form frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.
- Doom: Fixed Doom damage being blocked by Pipe.
- Enchantress: Fixed Nature's Attendants lasting 1 second less than intended.
- Huskar: Fixed Life Break leap moving too fast.
- Magnus: Fixed Shockwave hitting units behind you.
- Mirana: Fixed Mirana's Leap range being slightly too short.
- Nyx Assassin: Fixed Impale traveling too far.
- Phantom Lancer: Fixed being able to have 1 juxtapose illusion too many
- Razor: Fixed Static Link break range being 25 too short.
- Shadow Shaman: Fixed Shackles doing a little less damage than intended.
- Slark: Fixed Pounce not initiating an attack order on the leashed target.
- Spectre: Fixed a case where leaving and rejoining the Spectral Dagger path could cause Spectre to temporarily lose no-collision.
- Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld buff getting dispelled.
- Visage: Fixed Familiars not getting affected by Chronosphere.
- Weaver: Fixed being The Swarm units being unable to Latch onto sleeping units.
- Weaver: Fixed The Swarm getting permanently dispelled if the enemy is invulnerable .
- Weaver: Fixed the Swarm units not doing their initial attack immediately upon latching.
- Added Psuedo Random chance for Roshan's Bash.
- Fixed Eye of Skadi frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.
- Fixed Diffusal Blade proccing multiple damage instances.
- Fixed heroes flickering on the minimap when walking by Sentry Wards while under Smoke of Deceit.
- Fixed Shiva's Guard negative attack speed aura not working on Magic Immune units

- Pausing in a practice or tournament game now prevents the team that paused from querying units, moving the camera or accessing the shop.
- Added ability and item notes, detailed tooltips that will display only if ALT is pressed.
- Adjusted Replay Highlight scene leadin time a bit.
- Arcane Boots now has 'mana' as a shop alias.
- Wisp name change to Io.
- Added 10 second rewind button to replay controls.
- Spectator Items panel now takes up less space and shows items ordered by value.
- Steam friends can be added, removed, and friendship requests confirmed/ignored from within Dota 2.
- Added "Select unit under mouse" keybind for Spectators
- Fixed drag-selection being broken sometimes.

- New Vengeful Spirit model
- Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Gem of True Sight, Observer Wards, and Sentry Wards

- Added Bounty Hunter bot.
- Significantly revised how Roam mode works internally.

- Revised Beastmaster's voice.

- Added the Treasure Key of the Cursed Wood and the Treasure Key of the Shaper Divine.
- Several old keys have returned to the store along with a very low drop rate for some older community chests.
- The current set of community crates will no longer expire, but their drop rate will be decreased over time and their rarity increased over time.
- Added new sets for Brewmaster, Lich, Riki, Juggernaut, Beastmaster, and Spectre.
- Added a couple new couriers!
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 3/27/2013

[ MISC ]

- If CTs rescue a hostage and win game now plays "Hostage has been rescued" announcement before announcing "Counter-Terrorists Win".
- Hostages now correctly drop to ground when hostage carrier was killed mid-air.
- Menus will now correctly display on various resolution ratios including 5:4 and triple monitor
- Friends panel will now display an invited icon for invited friends.
- Fixed mouse input in demo playback .
- Lobby leader is now highlighted in lobby.
- Various layout changes to Lobby and Scoreboard.
- Map makers can now choose to show a custom loading image in place of the map overview/radar image
  --To do this, place a .jpg image in the same directory as the .bsp (in maps) named _loading.jpg (it needs to be packed manually into the bsp before uploading to the workshop)
- Fixed player viewmodel arms rendering inside out when cl_righthand was set to 0
- Added back player_say game event for server plugins.
Team Fortress 2 - Valve
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Fixed a bug that caused invisible players in the world
  • Fixed Engineer bots in Mann Vs. Machine building disposable sentries that upgrade into tiny, red, level 3 sentries
  • Added the Ready Steady Pan tournament medal for Season 2
  • Fixed the Festive Axtinguisher, The Disciplinary Action, The Wanga Prick, and The Wrap Assassin sometimes floating in the world after death
  • Removed the promotion restrictions from Croft's Crest, The Fortune Hunter, and The Tomb Wrapper
  • Updated Mvm_Bigrock to fix a hole in the terrain
  • Community requests:
    • Added new inputs for the tf_logic_koth entity: SetRedTimer, SetBlueTimer, AddRedTimer, AddBlueTimer
    • Added a "team" field to the teamplay_flag_event game event to identify which flag the event is for
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed being unable to complete the tutorial
- Fixed Random message not displaying the hero name
- Fixed Bot cheat commands not working
- Fixed Tower attack speed being too low
- Fixed Ward selection radius being too big
Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
Release Notes for 3/21/2013

- Added new Hostage Rescue map cs_militia
- Update Hostage Rescue Mode rules
- Hostage positions are randomly assigned at the beginning of the match. The hostages will start at these positions for the entire match.
- Hostages are now carried by CTs instead of following behind.
- Hold +use for 4 seconds to pick up a hostage. (Equipping a rescue kit will decrease the time required to 1 second.)
- CTs win a round when the first hostage is rescued.
- Reduced round timer. Round time is extended when the first hostage has been picked up.
- Rebalanced money rewards to accommodate new rules.
- Hostages now indicate whether they are above or below you on the radar.
- cs_office, cs_assault, and cs_italy have updated to use random hostage spawn points.
- Added convars to modify new hostage rules
-- mp_hostages_max - Sets the maximum number of hostages to spawn.
-- mp_hostages_rescuetime - Setting 0 removes the time extension when CTs pick up the first hostage.
-- mp_hostages_spawn_farthest - Setting 1 forces hostage spawn points to choose be the farthest possible combinations.
-- mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions - Setting a comma separate list (ex: 0,2 ) forces specific hostage spawn point combinations.
-- mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round - Setting 0 randomizes the hostage spawn points every round.
-- mp_hostages_takedamage - Setting 0 allows hostages to be hurt.
- Added hostage entity properties for new hostage rules
-- HostageSpawnRandomFactor - Allows to increase probability of hostage random spawning rules to use that spawn point.
-- HostageSpawnExclusionGroupN - Hostages sharing same spawn exclusion group will never spawn together.
- The action of defusing a bomb will now terminate when you turn your view too far from facing the bomb.
- Players always play a quiet client-side jump sound that can only be heard by the jumper.
- Players play the regular jump (step) sound when moving greater than walk speed that can be heard by both the jumper and all clients in earshot.
- The timer that performs the random map selection visuals now properly gets killed when the scoreboard hides.
- Fixed convar mp_weapons_allow_map_place not properly eliminating map-placed weapons. NOTE: FY servers will need to set this convar to 1.
- Added an option to func_dustmotes entity volumes that lets them choose to not be affected by wind.
- Fixed in-game clipping for triple-monitor rendering configurations.
- Added overtime indicator to GOTV spectators miniscoreboard.
- Radar should now correctly follow spectated player when spectating via GOTV.
- Adjusted score and MVP rewards for gameplay events related to planting, defending and defusing the bomb, and for reaching, protecting and extracting hostages.
- Steam overlay game details will now correctly show players score.
- Fixed special characters of player name not correctly displaying in some UI elements.
- Fixed a bug where friends were banned from joining parties where one of the members failed to recently accept a competitive match.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Clockwerk: Fixed being able to break Hookshot movement with purge/stonegaze/etc.
- Drow Ranger: Marksmanship bonus is removed when there are nearby enemy heroes (instead of just being halved).
- Drow Ranger: Reduced Marksmanship enemy detection aoe reduced from 400 to 375.
- Keeper of the Light: Illuminate manacost from increased 150 to 150/160/170/180.
- Keeper of the Light: Illuminate AOE reduced from 400 to 350.
- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Mana Leak not getting removed by Dark Pact or Kraken Shell.
- Mirana: Fixed cast and attack behaviors during Leap.
- Nyx Assassin: Spiked Carapace duration reduced from 2.75 to 2.25.
- Nyx Assassin: Spiked Carapace cooldown increased from 14 to 23/20/17/14.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death debuff getting dispelled.
- Timbersaw: Fixed attack capability getting reset while Magic Immune when Chakram is used.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death stat drain not affecting Magic Immune units.
- Treant Protector: Living Armor damage reduction is now done for all instances of damage that reduce its charges.
- Tranquil Boots: Disabled speed reduced from 50 to 25.
- Tranquil Boots: Heal increased from 170 to 250.
- Tranquil Boots: Cooldown increased from 40 to 60.
- Tranquil Boots: Heal duration increased from 10 to 20.
- Tranquil Boots: Fixed being able to drop the item to reset its state.
- Tranquil Boots: Fixed damage detection threshold on Tranquil's heal.
- Heaven's Halberd: Disarm is no longer dispelled by Manta.
- Added Timbersaw to Captain's Mode (Tournament Version).
- Fixed attack acquisition range on Disruptor, KOTL, Wisp, Visage and Medusa.
- Fixed Towers sometimes attacking you too soon when moving out of range.
- Temporarily disabled Relocate camera movements

- Added Jakiro bot.
- Added Sand King bot.
- Bots that have been hit by multiple stacks of Sticky Napalm will now contemplate their misfortune further back in the lane.
- Fixed a bug where bots would try to cast stuns when being wildly out of range.

- Minimap now displays illusions for spectators.
- Fixed a bug that caused enemy-created Meepo illusions to get added to the original player's multi-hero interface.

- Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Tango and Dust of Appearance.

- Updated Dagon visual effects and scaled it with level.
- Added an effect when Marksmanship is active.

- Fixed music volume bug.
- Fixed a bug preventing heroes from commenting on specific item purchases.
- Fixed AA's ult cast sounds to only play for teammates or nearby enemies that have vision.
- Added a unique sound for Viper's orb attack.
- Added sound to Diffusal Blade purge.
- Various mix tweaks across creeps, ui and the tutorial quest sounds.

- Disabled browsing & submitting in the Test Client, but allowed imports for testing purposes.
- Submissions now have the option of including a PSD containing marketing materials for the submission.
- Added Beastmaster's Hawk and Lone Druid's Bear to the Ability Import list.
- Attack animations now describe the animation timing required for the attack to match the character using them.
Mar 21, 2013
Left 4 Dead 2 - Valve
- Fixed a possible buffer overflow in keyvalues
- Fixed player_death event setting "victimname" to "Charger" when the Spitter gets killed.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the rescue vehicle to arrive immediately when the second team in a versus match started the finale.
Mar 21, 2013
Portal 2 - Valve
- Fixed an issue Mac users were having when trying to compile community maps they had created.
Counter-Strike: Source - Valve
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:

  • Disabled Java for the in-game web browser
  • Added a new ConVar sb_filter_incompatible_versions. This will default to true and hide servers on the Internet tab that are running incompatible versions.
  • Fixed a client crash related to the audio system
  • Fixed a client crash related to rendering models
  • Fixed a client crash related to audio in the web browser
  • Fixed servers crashing with the error message "Overflow error writing string table baseline"
  • Fixed a missing material when setting mat_viewportscale to anything other than 1
  • Fixed a missing material when changing the value of mat_color_projection
  • Fixed a material system client crash for the Linux version
  • Fixed windowed mode under certain window managers for the Linux version
  • Updated controller support for the Linux version
  • Improved performance for the Linux version

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