The Universim - Crytivo
Hello Creators and Future Astronauts,

We know it’s been a while since we last had a full-fledged blog post for The Universim, but today’s going to be a special one - one you’ve eagerly been waiting for! In this blog, we will share more info about the Space Era in The Universim and what awaits us.

Before we jump into the details, we would like to ask you to be so kind and leave us an honest review on Steam if you’re enjoying our work. Your reviews always put a smile on our faces and we love seeing our fans’ thoughts. Leave a review here.


The Universim will be filled with hundreds of different planets, all of which can be colonized. Each planet will have a specific ‘type’ and, prior to colonization, may look similar to each other. The Universim will have the following planet types:

Terrestrial planet. These planets are filled with life and flora. They are ready to be immediately colonized and won’t require much work on your side. Well, except for establishing a new colony. They’re similar in condition to the Mother Planet you’re used to playing on. These planets are rare and are rich in resources; finding one is definitely going to be an event!

Barren Planet. This will be the most common type of planet in The Universim. These planets are dead on the surface, but may contain a good amount of resources, including a very rare resource - Unobtanium. Unobtanium will be used in the manufacturing of Drones and other valuable items.

Lava Planet. Some planets will have extreme surface temperatures that will require special technology to colonize. These spicy planets, and Drones in particular, will play a significant role in such colonization. Lava planets are very challenging, but they might yield an obsessive amount of valuable resources.

Ice Planet. Similar to lava planets, ice planets are hard to manage with their frosty surface. You’ll need to use plenty of resources to melt surface ice and stabilize temperatures to an acceptable level for your nuggets to survive. Though it may be difficult, going through these challenges will likely prove worthwhile.

Toxic Planet. Similar to the Lava and Ice Planets, Toxic Planet environments will be very hostile for nuggets and bring with them plenty of challenges.

We designed this system that will give us the ability to create planets with unique characteristics. Visually speaking, planets will have the aforementioned distinguished environments that will be revealed as you terraform them, making them sustainable for life. As you terraform planets, you will slowly see those changes around you. Clouds and fog will start appearing as your atmosphere recovers, toxic smog and clouds will be cleaned out, and your planet will start looking less grim.

Certain planets will be filled with resources of different types, but others will have a scarce amount of resources. Our complex system responds to visual changes and will adjust environmental lighting to match a planet's characteristics. Things are very connected on this side of the game, and we’ll talk more about this detailed system later on.

Atmosphere and Oxygen

Two important planet characteristics are Atmosphere and Oxygen.


Atmosphere drastically improves the lives of your Nuggets. The main contributor for the atmosphere is, obviously, Oxygen. Additionally, at a certain level of oxygen, your trees and lakes will contribute to both atmosphere and oxygen levels.

Without Atmosphere, your planet will often be bombarded by passing meteorites. Not having an atmosphere will also influence the birth rate of the Nuggets, animal population, clouds, natural disasters, and transportation.

Since Oxygen is directly connected to the Atmosphere, it will be one of the largest contributors to the overall state of the planet.

You have also probably noticed some updates to our Environment panel.

A planet will have scarce oxygen levels or none at all. Without any oxygen on the planet, your Nuggets will be forced to wear spacesuits in order to breathe. During this time, Nuggets will have very limited mobility as they will need to constantly refill their oxygen tanks to stay alive.

As you progress with restoring the plant’s oxygen, you will see the atmosphere shift in appearance. The planet will slowly start changing its colors. As oxygen levels improve, you will start seeing life on the planet. Natural disasters will return, but Meteor Strikes won’t be as frequent.

Similar to how any planet can be terraformed and cleaned to sustain life, every planet can also be ruined by any reckless progress by the Nuggets.

Since the atmosphere is directly linked to water and trees, if you’re being reckless with those resources and fail to replenish them, your planet will start to lose oxygen and its atmosphere. This loss can lead to a lack of breathable oxygen and the death of your population. Low atmosphere will also inflict temperature changes and see an increase in pollution. Remember, everything is connected in our game and there are a lot of calculations happening behind the scenes.

Pollution and Temperature

Temperature and Pollution are the secondary factors that will influence your planet look and define the hostility of the planets.

Certain planets will have a toxic environment and will therefore be considered polluted (your Mother Planet can be drastically affected by pollution as well). As your civilization progresses forward, more and more factories and machinery will be created, which will slowly lead to the decrease of the planet's quality and potential death. As you produce pollution, and without proper management, it will start affecting everything around you. Your nuggets will get sick, toxic clouds will appear on the planet, and your lakes will become polluted. Haze will also cover your planet and affect the temperature.
To fight rising pollution levels, you’ll need to build parks, research filters for your factories, and positively contribute to nature by planting trees and restoring lakes.

Temperature will influence the appearance of Blizzards and Firestorms. Trees will be especially affected by fluctuations in temperature, resulting in a decrease of oxygen when they’re burned down. In order to restore the temperature, you will have to utilize Temperature Generators as well as a Terraformer building.

When your planet is unbalanced, the temperature will fluctuate every year. Year by year, the planet will become colder or hotter until it ultimately becomes a lava or ice planet. Change will be gradual and you’ll have plenty of time to react by recovering the natural balance of the planet. You also can use Thermo Generators to keep temperature balanced. Like other thermoforming buildings, Thermo Generators are going to be pretty expensive to maintain, but they will give you the quickest results.

As you’ve probably noticed, a lot of those systems are interconnected so make sure to keep your planets healthy!

How to Colonize the Planet?

Alright Nugg Armstrongs, as many of you know, the colonization process of other planets consists of multiple steps.

Step 1. Locate the planet. Nuggets are curious creatures eager to explore. The Observatory will be a starting point for the Space Age and will ultimately unlock the Space Map to locate new planets. It will also help you receive certain signals and distress calls from space.

Step 2. Prepare for launch. In order to learn how to fly, you need to help your Nuggets to survive the Mother Planet and help them progress through the Modern Age. From this point, you should be able to build your first colonization rocket in the Cosmodrome.

The Cosmodrome is the true starting point for your adventure. In this building, you will be able to pack your Colonization rocket with useful space goodies that you will bring to other planets. Be sure to plan carefully! Each colonization rocket only has a certain amount of space. You will have a variety of things to bring on board (i.e. crew members, resources, and DRONES). At this point, you probably know enough about Nuggets and, if not, go back to God School by restarting the game.

Besides that, each rocket will have reservoirs, oxygen tanks, and batteries. This should allow you to survive for some time on another planet, but don’t procrastinate for too long. Otherwise, you will most likely need to send another crew...


Drones are designed to withstand the extreme conditions of alien planets. They’re fast and effective, but building them will require spending a valuable resource - Unobtanium. Similar to Nuggets, Drones will possess certain characteristics.

Health - A drone’s health can be depleted in multiple ways, but they all require physical force. Certain external forces such as sarlaccs, alien attacks, exile village attacks, or your own creator powers will be able to destroy the drones. Once damaged, their health cannot be restored without specific perks that can be unlocked in the research tree.

Charge - Similar to a Nugget’s stamina, charge is what makes the Drone go. Drones will have to return to their building in order to recharge. As you progress forward, you will get an opportunity to learn a perk that will allow your other drones to recharge each other which will improve your drones further.

Furthermore, drones are not only a great tool to use on hostile planets, but they can also be used on your Mother Planet. Certain buildings will allow the use of drones as workers. Each drone will be as efficient as 3 Nuggets, so make sure to use them to improve your infrastructure. Drones are quick and can carry a large amount of resources; advantages that should help you in your space exploration and colonization.

Step 3. Colonization. The colonization of the planet does not simply end by landing on the planet. Based on the planet’s conditions, you will need to build specific structures that will help improve quality of life. Some of those structures include:

  • Terraformer
  • Oxygen Generator
  • Hydro Collider
  • Cloud Generator
  • Space Harvester

Terraformer - The terraformer is one of the main building blocks of planet terraforming. This structure will consume resources and slowly start to terraform the planet, which will slowly restore life on the planet within a specific radius.

Oxygen Generator - Based on the planet's condition, you might be required to place the oxygen generator. From the name of it, you might’ve already guessed its purpose. This building is needed to restore oxygen levels on the planet.

Hydro Collider - Certain planets might be overwhelmed with lava or be entirely empty. The Hydro Collider is a quick solution for the problem. Utilize this building if you need to fill the lakes or even drain them. As the planet’s quality is restored, your lakes will be full, but it definitely won’t be cheap.

Cloud Generator - By collecting water and processing it through this building, your Nuggets will be able to create clouds! And not just any clouds, but rainy clouds. These rainy clouds will accumulate near an empty lake and begin to fill it. One by one, they will restore the water level on your planet and, even though this restoration technique is cheap, it requires more time to accomplish its task compared to the Hydro Collider.

Space Harvester - Certain Planets will possess completely new and unique resources that won’t be found on your Mother Planet. In order to harvest those resources, you will need to utilize Harvesters. These machine mining vehicles will be able to obtain alien resources and transport them back to the processing center where they will be transformed into resources that your Nuggets can use.

Since we have a lot to cover for the Space Age, this blog post is merely part 1 of 2. We still have plenty to show you and tell.

Our goal is to give you dynamic gameplay where you can choose your own route to colonization. Our team is extremely excited to be working on the Space Age and we’re going full speed!

Join our Discord or drop a comment to offer your thoughts on this jam-packed blog.

Thank you for your unstoppable support!
-Crytivo Crew

The Universim - Crytivo
Hello Creators,

We are happy to introduce you to resized planets! This exciting addition was requested by the community for quite some time and, though we would have loved to have rolled it out earlier, we were waiting for the right time to pull the trigger. Creating resized planets was a monumental task that required plenty of game optimization and a reworking of the systems in place.

As many of you know, we are working full speed ahead on the Space Age (in addition to new planets). If you checked out our Halloween Patch, you not only were able to experience some holiday atmosphere, but you were one of the first players to test a couple planet customization systems for the upcoming Space Age and its alien planets!

Today, we are happy to present another part of our Space Age puzzle: resized planets. Please note that the size of the planet will require more resources from your at-home equipment. We tried to optimize the game and planet generation process to work as fast and efficiently as possible but, due to increased planet size, object amounts, etc., bigger planets will require more resources from your PCs. The biggest input on the performance will be your computer memory. As of now (and based on our internal tests), in order to comfortably play on the biggest planet, you will need at least 16bg RAM. This patch will allow us to experiment with sizing in the hopes of achieving comfortable gameplay experiences for you, our Creators.

Low Memory Warning

If you try to load the largest planet on a machine that does not have enough memory, we will warn you in order to ensure your understanding that the planet's performance may struggle. You still will be able to proceed forward and load the planet.

Pollution System

In further preparation for the Space Age, we are adjusting our pollution system to provide different conditions on foreign planets, ultimately influencing your approach to a planet’s colonization - in fact, even affecting your decision on whether or not you WANT to colonize it.

New pollution system UI was added to the game. We are still iterating different effects, but from that UI you will notice 3 main factors: toxicity, atmosphere, and temperature. All 3 factors will influence your planet in several different ways. As of now, the following changes are already in effect:

  • Pollution is accumulative. In other words, your factories will constantly contribute to pollution and will subsequently increase each year if no other buildings that combat pollution are built.
  • Increased pollution will influence your lakes. Nearby lakes to your civilization will become toxic which can lead to different negative effects.
  • Based on the atmosphere and pollution factors, the temperature will take a hit as well. Each year, the temperature will either slowly increase or decrease, causing the vegetation to die out under the effect.
  • Main contributions to the atmosphere will be trees and lakes. Decreasing either will have an effect on your environment and planet.

Improvements and Balance Changes
  • Water usage was 100% removed from residential houses for the Stone and Medieval Eras. Modern Age residentials will still require water.
  • Water usage was removed from the fishing huts across all eras.
  • Reservoir capacity was decreased by 20-25% across all eras to adjust for changes to fishing huts and residential areas.
  • Rain will cover a larger area underneath the clouds.
  • The minister of water has had massive balance changes. It should respond better to your current civilization's demands.
  • Eateries now cook and provide water 25% faster.
  • Stone Age warehouse capacity adjusted from 100 to 150.
  • Medieval Age warehouse capacity adjusted from 500 to 750.
  • Rebalanced pollution on all buildings.
  • Sick Nugget messages will disappear from the screen as soon as this Nugget is admitted to the hospital or healed using a creator power.
  • Destroyed storage buildings now create resource piles of the items that they stored. 75% of all stored resources will be saved.
  • Raised resource pile decay from 20 to 30 min.

Bug Fixes
Fixed: Fade in / Fade out under certain conditions didn’t work properly during transition to and from the main menu
Fixed: Save folder link was breaking if Windows username had a space in it
Fixed: Nuggets were getting stuck in the bunker
Fixed: Nuggets getting stuck in defense towers and garrisons during an attack
Fixed: Coffin dodgers were getting stuck in the hospital
Fixed: Saving and loading the game while Nugget reserved the drinking spot in the building (reservoir) would cause that Nugget to get stuck forever
Fixed: Missing text with instructions on how to build the exit for the hyperlube
Fixed: Thunder sound was not affected by the audio settings in the game
Fixed: Atmosphere/fog flickering was happening in the intro to the game
Fixed: Subtitles were being displayed in the main menu screen
Fixed: Hunters were able to hunt invalid animals
Fixed: Text on the animal UI was too small
Fixed: Localization error when volcano eruption was killing a Nugget
Fixed: Tooltips with the death cause and information about the dead Nugget were not working correctly in the cemetery
Fixed: Saving and loading the game during the appearance of the easter egg with the portal was causing an error
Fixed: Game crashed when the Nugget was thrown into the temple with a chance to spawn confetti
Fixed: Previously, custom resolution fields allowed 6 digit numbers to be entered that were crashing the game
Fixed: Error was causing by using telekinesis and dropping a Nugget over the water portion of the water building
Fixed: Lost child quest had an issue where dropping the Nugget next to the epicenter would cause the Nugget to fall through the world
Fixed: Text on the billboards in the Modern Age was not correctly displayed

We hope that you enjoyed the Halloween Patch and that you are ready to play on resized planets! As always, we value your feedback and take every constructive suggestion into consideration to better The Universim.

Thank you for your support and the love we see across our social media, Steam, and our Discord channels. We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this latest patch.

If you enjoy what we do, join our Discord and leave us a review on Steam!

Thank you everyone!
All the best,
The Crytivo Crew

The Universim - Crytivo
Hello Creators,

Today, we are celebrating Halloween! For this special occasion, we’ve developed a seasonal patch for The Universim. This spine chilling update will introduce a variety of nightmarish aesthetics and spooky secrets, including a brand new Halloween planet. The Universim is also on SALE for a limited time this holiday season, so get it while it’s hot!

Be warned, this Halloween planet is an extremely dangerous place for your nuggets. With this newfound danger, you can expect to put in some extra work in protecting your civilization.

We don’t want to give too much away, but we’ve implemented some truly spooktacular things to the game. Below are just a few highlights from this pumpkin-like patch. Minor SPOILERS beware.

New Planet

We all know how eager our community is to colonize a new planet. To sate that hunger, we’ve decided to give you something fresh to play with. New looks, new challenges, and frightening monsters await you. We hope you enjoy this planet and the secrets it carries...

Kraken Games

One of the challenges you’ll face on the Halloween planet is the Kraken! This ultimate squid wants to play games with your nuggets, but he’s not your regular cephalopod. This monster holds mystical powers which pose a constant threat to your civilization.


Zombies were in The Universim previously, but with this update, we decided to refresh their look and improve their abilities. A single zombie may be a low threat, but a group of zombies will be quite the challenge.

Uncover More

As we mentioned above, we would like to avoid major spoilers so you can discover things for yourself. We are extremely excited about this patch and we can’t wait for you to experience it. Enjoy the holiday season and stay spooky!

Thank you to everyone for your support and the great feedback we receive on Discord, Twitter, and Steam. It helps us to define the mechanics and game systems that our community desires as we fine tune our content. As always, if you enjoy the game, please feel free to leave us a review on Steam.

If you would like to see any other changes to The Universim, drop us your feedback on Discord.

Happy haunts to everyone!

The Crytivo Crew
The Universim - Crytivo
Hello Creators,

Starting today, we will be releasing additional patch notes about our Space Age progress! While we are still hard at work on the overall game, we have moved the majority of our team’s focus to beyond the stars.

Shortly following this patch, we will regularly be posting behind-the-scenes progress on the highly anticipated Space Age! For this particular patch, we worked heavily on exile expansion. We also added a new structure called ‘hyperlube’ that will be extremely valuable on other planets. Let us know how you like it :)

As always, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please join our Discord and let us know! We do our best to read each of your messages, so don’t be shy in letting us know your thoughts.

Now, let’s explore the content of this patch.


Heading to space means that nuggets will require a new means of transportation. hyperlube! The hyperlube is a fast and reliable way for your nuggets to move from point A to point B. The hyperlube will allow your nuggets to travel through mountains and lakes with ease, however, it does require quite a bit of energy to operate. Nuggets will largely prioritize the hyperlube when they need to reach the point where the end of the hyperlube is located.


We have been receiving consistent feedback from our community regarding the addition of conflict elements to The Universim. Previously, exiles were the ones responsible for causing trouble. Now, with this patch, we are introducing barracks to address these troublemakers. Train your military and stop aggressors from the outside. Your trained military will defend your nuggets from any kind of trouble and can also be utilized to eliminate threats from exile villages. What kind of neighbour would you be?

Exile Temples

Nuggets can leave the city based on many different factors. Your nuggets might be unhappy or lose trust in you, their creator. Despite everything, each and every nugget needs something (or someone) to believe in. With this in mind, every exile will be protected by their own creator.

There are 5 creators who possess different powers:

Thunder Emperor “Baal” has the ability to manipulate lightning and will obliterate their enemies with thunderstorms about their heads.

Wind Emperor “Enlil” possesses the power to manipulate wind and create destructive tornadoes.

Fire Emperor “Amaterasu” has honed their powers to rain fire down on unsuspecting nuggets.

Death Emperor “Mot” oversees death itself. In raising the dead, he manipulates the souls of nuggets in order to wreak havoc upon the planet.

Nature Emperor “Abu” oversees living creatures. Abu uses the power of nature in order to awaken an ancient creature that lives underground.

Though these creators are not as powerful as you, they certainly can cause trouble while simultaneously protecting their loyal nuggets. Their powers can be used against you and your civilization in addition to other exile villages. If you are in a good relationship with an exiled group, the creator of that exile will be benevolent towards you and your civilization. If, however, you have caused some issues, you will become a foe rather than a friend.

Each exile also has their own clothing and colors associated with their creator. Therefore, you will always know who is attacking you and who you should be aware of.

Exile Dome

Once an exile is established, it will be encompassed by the temple-created protective dome. Destroying the temple will remove the protective dome. The dome can also be destroyed by using your Creator Powers - though this may not be as easy as it sounds. It will require a vast amount of Creator Powers to bring down the dome and destroy an exile’s protection. Sometimes, it is easier to send your troops to deal with the exile.

Exile Attack

Utilize different military forces to attack an exile village if it poses a threat to you or your allies. Currently, there are two different in-game unit types: soldiers and bombers. Based on the Age, soldiers will use crossbows or military grade weapons. The bombers will carry the explosive to nearby exile structures and blow them up. You can start an attack via the barracks menu at any time.

Holy Ground

Bless the ground and indicate to your nuggets where they should build their next home. Using the Holy Ground Creator Power, you can indicate the area in which nuggets should build their residential houses. Once the area is fully built, nuggets will return to placing the buildings where they left off prior to the use of Holy Ground Creator Power.

Improvements and Balance Changes

Powder Quest

The format of the powder quest was quite unique in the sense that the quest was not fully finished when certain conditions were met and, in some cases, the quest was still active for multiple hours. This caused a lot of confusion. This quest was slightly reworked and adjusted to the same standard of other quests. In other words, when the task is completed, the quest is considered to be successfully finished.

Icons to Indicate That the Mine Is Depleted

Previously, the conditions for the icon that indicates that the mine has a low amount of resources appeared too early and, therefore, caused a lot of confusion among players. All values were readjusted. A warning indicator will appear when the amount of resources underneath the mine is 100 or less. A critical warning will appear when the amount of resources underneath the mine is 50 or less. Previously, the amount was set to be at 500 and 350.

Other Improvements:
  • Performance improvements
  • Planet loading time improvements (especially for other planet sizes)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Hunters attacked Cattle Farm animals.
  • Fixed: Power hour event was turning off buildings that didn’t require electricity, thus never turning them back on after the event.
  • Fixed: Picking up animals with a vortex Creator Power from a cattle farm caused an error to happen.
  • Fixed: Nuggets working in the buildings will collect herbs themselves if the building is out of herbs and there are no available nuggets who can bring herbs.
  • Fixed: While on expedition, nuggets were taking damage from different area-based damage Creator Powers (lighting strike, meteor strike, etc.)
  • Fixed: Nuggets were getting infected from different sources while being on expedition.
  • Fixed: Stone Age expedition debris would turn into Modern Age debris if the Modern Age expedition camp research was upgraded before the rebuild option was selected.
  • Fixed: Missing localization from the starting advice section.
  • Fixed: Nuggets will now cancel their dating and mating AI’s if the partner is on an expedition.
  • Fixed: Wounded nuggets were not transferred correctly when the expedition camp was destroyed/upgraded during the expedition.
  • Fixed: Using vortex to pick up the space box caused errors.
  • Fixed: In the quests menu (menu where all the quests are being showcased), the animation was sometimes getting stuck and, therefore, it displayed the incorrect state of the quest.
  • Fixed: Decorative trees were missing from the residential area.
  • Fixed: Previously, you could throw exiles and dead bodies into rehab/prison/police stations.
  • Fixed: Missing disaster icons.
  • Fixed: Firefighters getting stuck in non-firefighter's hut buildings.
  • Fixed: Farm windmills pointing in random directions.
  • Fixed: Multiple hospital doctors would target the same patient, slowing down healing and causing double herb consumption.
  • Fixed: An issue with nuggets having crazy rotations if pausing on one side of the planet and moving over to the other side while still paused.
  • Fixed: Meteors were clipping through the ground in some situations.
  • Fixed: Resource statistics panel had an issue where, in some cases, it didn’t correctly indicate the amount of trees and stones that were collected.
  • Fixed: Tornado dirt on screen issue.
  • Fixed: Instances of the Black Market not being built.
  • Fixed: Quest-giver nuggets could have become exiled.
  • Fixed: Healing exile nugget construction sites would create an error.

Thank you to everyone for the constant support and feedback on Discord, Twitter, and Steam.
We appreciate all of your input and we take each idea and suggestion seriously. If you enjoy the game and you have yet to leave your review on Steam, please be sure to do so. A simple review helps us, as developers, to see if you enjoy what we’re doing.

If you would like to see any other changes to the game, drop us your feedback on our Discord.

Thank you everyone!

All the best,

The Crytivo Crew
The Universim - Crytivo
Hello Creators,

Today, we are celebrating our 50th patch for The Universim! WOW! Looking back, the game has evolved quite a lot, especially when adding new content via patches. This particular patch is no exception as we hope it enhances your gameplay. While we are pretty proud of the content in this 50th patch, you can be rest assured that we have plenty more in store for you and your precious nuggets. One might even say that some features will carry over onto other planets...

As always, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please join our Discord and let us know! We do our best to read each of your messages, so don’t be shy in letting us know the happenings of your worlds.

Now, let’s explore the content of this patch.

Cattle Farm
One of the most requested features in our community has been cattle farms - to raise your own animals and receive food in return. The cattle farm will appear during the Medieval Age and will allow you to tame wild animals for the purpose of domestication. Please note that you will only be able to domesticate herbivorous animals. In order to tame an animal, you will be required to 1) build a cattle farm and 2) find the animal in the wild. Once located, you can click on the animal you wish to domesticate and you will have the option to tame it. After a few songs and dance numbers around the animal, they will be tamed. You will now be able to tend to them on your farm!

Mini Events System
Throughout The Universim, you will encounter events that require you to make a choice. You may not have the luxury of easy choices, for everything has a consequence. Our advice to you, dear Creator, is to choose carefully and aid your nuggets when they need it the most (even the ones who get themselves into trouble).

Proper city planning is vital for a strong civilization, now more so than ever before. Be cautious where you place your buildings or you may end up with your very own Pompeii. With this 50th patch, you now have a chance to generate an active volcano with every new world! Volcanoes go through quite the process before erupting, which is why our own eruptions occur after multiple stages. Though you may have some time before your volcano erupts, you won’t want to delay protecting your civilization! Volcanoes are rather rare events on a mother planet, but it can be quite devastating on others.

Earthquakes are another natural disaster that can now occur on your planet. While they may not be as devastating as other Universim disasters, you will have to ensure that you have adequate engineers near the earthquake's epicenter so they can immediately repair any damages. Certain planets may have an unfavorable terrain or difficult conditions; you will later have your choice of conquering these territories or skip them altogether.

Passive Discovery Points System
Discovery points will play an important role in The Universim. The players will have a choice to either actively generate points through expeditions or passively generate them via special building types (i.e. schools and theaters). Multiple schools and theaters won’t contribute to the total number of discovery points being generated, so there won’t be any need to place more than the reasonable amount. You will need 1 type of each building in order to start generating passive points.

Improvements and balance changes

Help menu for the expedition camp
The expedition camp received a tutorial window which explains the overall mechanics of the camp and provides clarity for players on what to do.

Residential blocks placement
Residential blocks will be placed closer together and will attempt to occupy empty spots if they can fit. This should allow players to have more condensed cities and ultimately provide more space for other buildings.

Discovery Points for Quests and Events
Certain quests and events will award players with discovery points that can be used to unlock new perks.

Warehouse Storage
We added another requested feature from our players! The total warehouse storage capacity can now be found on the bottom of the panel, next to all of your resources. Here you can see the storage you have available and how much is occupied.

Other Improvements
  • Tornadoes can no longer be trapped inside of a dome
  • Tornadoes will now pick up trees and nuggets
  • Farms received a food production buff
  • The camera’s position will now save with the game and load where you left off
  • Hunters killing animals near the edge of a lake will no longer cause a lake to go toxic
  • Players are no longer blamed for exile deaths unless they directly caused them
  • Minor improvements to lightning
  • Minor performance improvements
  • Space Box UI improved

Bug Fixes:
Fixed: Bug that sometimes caused hunters to not pick up food after hunting. This resulted in labor nuggets wandering far out to get the food piles.

Fixed: Several bugs with farms that were negatively impacting food production.

Fixed: A bug preventing nugget thoughts from working after a save game load.

Fixed: Some bugs that could cause garrisons to endlessly defend the city.

Fixed: Various terrain leveling bugs fixed.

Fixed: Several visual bugs with meteors.

Fixed: Several bugs with the Expedition Camp UI.

Fixed: A bug that delayed or prevented a single target from healing.

Fixed: A bug with space boxes that could slow down - or lock up - the game.

Fixed: A bug that caused the stored power in a battery, or batteries, to not properly display on the bottom HUD.

Fixed: Tornado screen camera effects.

Fixed: A bug with AOE healing and hospitals that could cause nuggets to remain flat and not animate.

Fixed: Several bugs with bunkers and the alarm.

Thank you everyone for all the constant support and feedback on Discord, and Steam. We truly appreciate it. We hope that all of those new changes will put a smile on your face. As always, if you enjoy the game, please feel free to leave us a review on Steam.

If you would like to see any changes to be introduced to the game, drop us your feedback on our Discord.

Thank you everyone!
All the best,
The Crytivo Crew

The Universim - Haren

Build a world with The Universim creator Alex Koshelkov.
He'll be answering questions and hanging out with chat. Hope to see ya there!

The Universim - Crytivo

Hello Creators,

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. The Crytivo team was hard at work on this upcoming patch and we are happy to introduce you to a bunch of new additions and updates.

As we work on the Space Age certain systems that will be used in that era are slowly being introduced to the early game. We hope you will enjoy this new patch and will have fun with the new mechanics.

Now let’s dig in and introduce you to some of the newest features.

Expedition Camp

Strange things always draw Nuggets attention and the hole created by Sarcalass wasn’t an exception. The Nuggets, in all of their wisdom, immediately started jumping down into the darkness. After a few broken bones, Nuggets finally realized they might need to be a bit more selective with who they tossed into the hole. Those chosen Nuggets returned with new and helpful items that allowed them to advance their knowledge and boost their confidence. These “elite” Nuggets got the name Explorer and received their own building, the Expedition Camp.

Discovery Points

As we start to move into the space age, some old and a few new technologies will use “Discovery Points” to unlock them. For now these points can be earned through successful Expeditions. Later on we'll be adding other ways for you to earn these same points if expeditions aren’t your flavor of adventure.


Puffy and fluffy. This is how we like them. New clouds are being introduced with this patch. We changed how our cloud generation system works. Alien planets will have other worldly shapes that will dazzle your imagination. Although Mother Planet received more standard looking clouds they have a pretty cool effect when you fly through them. We can’t wait for you to try and tell us what you think!

Rain and Snowfall

The revamp of clouds required us to make some changes to the existing rain system, but we didn’t just rework it. We also improved it. Rain will now splash when it hits the ground or water. During winter the clouds will also snow. We think it’s pretty cool.

Era Changes

We made another big change that a lot of you asked for. Now you can select buildings from different eras. Customize your cities the way you want and create a unique look. Certain structures that are built automatically, like roads or the black market will still progress according to the research tree, but for any other building you can select the era you want once it’s unlocked.

Improvements and balance changes

Town Hall UI

Town hall UI received was reworked. Previously numbers indicated in the Town Hall UI confused some players. We changed the system, so it will use the percentage value. This percentage will indicate your total adult population that can be assigned to jobs. By default this value will stay at 75%. Which means that 25% of your population will be reserved as laborers. The system will also stop players from setting the number above 90%. This should prevent the issue where players were left with no laborers and the game progression halted.

Perks Rebalance

A good number of perks were reworked to use the new Discovery Points system, like “A Dash of Lightning” that aren’t integral to progression. This way we will be able to test out the new system but also not force players into Expeditions if they don’t want to.

Planet Seed Expansion
Previously the player would get a random planet from 128 different options. The number increased to 999,999. We can’t wait to see what you find!

Save System Improvement
Previously the game was allowed to have only one autosave file that was constantly rewritten. Now the game allows you to have multiple. So say you encounter a bug (what? impossible!) or wish you placed a building a hair to the left you can backtrack further from your most recent auto save. The number of auto save files can be changed in Settings / Game.

Also, while being in the save menu, you can overwrite your existing saves without a need to create new ones. AND it's even faster now. We just really wanted to save the day here. (I’ll show myself out)

New Death Filters
Now you can filter what death messages you would like to receive in the message system. In Settings / News you can select to have “All Death Messages On,” “All Deaths Messages Off,” “First 100 Deaths by Old Age,” and “No Old Age Death” notifications.

Water, Food and Defense Ministers
Ministers received slight rebalances which should provide a better experience and prevent situations where you end up with no food or water. Defense Ministers will more efficiently spread defense towers across the city.

Other Improvements

  • Various Graphic System Additions & Enhancements
  • Shadow Quality Settings
  • Anti Aliasing Settings
  • Graphics Enhancements
  • Grass now has shadows
  • Improved splash effects when a Vortex ball hits the water.
  • Settings now has a new section: “Input”. Anything related has been moved there.
  • Added Mouse look sensitivity and Zoom Sensitivity.
  • Eatery crime generation reduced.
  • Exiles can now use the player road system and generate roads themselves.
  • Prisons, Rehab, and Police stations will now accept nuggets dropped into them.
  • Various improvements to the Nugget AI
  • Exiles can no longer build over player owned areas. Players can no longer build over exile owned areas.
  • Hunters can no longer be quest givers. This was causing... issues.
  • The settings screen, and all options and descriptions, are now fully localized.
  • Added better 21:9 and 32:9 support to the UI systems.
  • The UI can now be zoomed out (shrunk) a bit more using the settings slider.
  • Subtitles are no longer hidden when the game is paused.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed: Bugs with full screen camera effects that prevented them from working (ice, dust, water, etc).
  • Fixed: Bug that prevented the screen from darkening when close to a tornado.
  • Fixed: Vine ( root ) / hole could spawn too close to the mountain causing multiple different issues upon quest completion
  • Fixed: A bug preventing props from collapsing. They were just vanishing.
  • Fixed: Orders in the black market could have been duplicated.
  • Fixed: Creator light was not working properly with the grass in the game.
  • Fixed: Bug that prevented a cursor to disappear in free look mode or panning the camera.
  • Fixed: Bug that causes some planets to load for an extremely long time in some rare cases.
  • Fixed: Several bugs with Tesla's battery quest. Including one that prevented the player from progressing in both the quest and the research screen.
  • Fixed: Several bugs with the Creator Power wheel. Once of which could cause the powers to get stuck and not be able to select other powers.
  • Fixed: Exile demand bugs. They can no longer demand 0 resources. If the demand is 0. It will not be shown on the screen. They can no longer demand an outrageous amount of resources.
  • Fixed: A bug that allowed building ghosters to rotate too fast (on very powerful systems) when pressing Q or E.
  • Fixed: Some bugs with Shadow Distancing not working properly after loading a planet.
  • Fixed: Auto Reconnect to Twitch. If you are disconnected. The game will keep trying to reconnect to twitch for 30 seconds before timing out
  • Fixed: A bug when TKing a nugget, from a boat, using the quick TK option.
  • Fixed: Various bug fixes to TK/Vortex

Thank you everyone for all the support and feedback that you keep providing on a daily basis via our discord, twitter and Steam. We extremely appreciate it. We hope that all of those new changes will put a smile on your face and positive emotions. As always, if you enjoy the game, please feel free to leave us a review on Steam.

If you would like to see any changes to be introduced to the game, drop us your feedback on our Discord.

Thank you everyone!
All the best,
The Crytivo Crew

We know you're eagerly waiting for the Space Age, so in the meantime we thought you might enjoy visiting Mars. In Farlanders you're tasked with terraforming the planet as you build a thriving colony. This turn based puzzle builder has a free prologue out on steam you can play now. We hope you check it out!

The Universim - Crytivo

Today we're extremely excited to Announce our Partnership with Netflix and Illumination. Watch all Episodes of Nuggets the Movie today only!

Join Discussion Here
Mar 31, 2021
The Universim - Haren

Hello Creators,

Our new patch is here. Since our last one, we've made huge strides in development. Some of it you will be able to see now, some are getting polished and will be ready in the next patch, and others we will tell you about in the future.

With this patch, we expanded our tutorial system, increased performance, and added building upgrades. We are also adding some additional life improvement features that hopefully will make everyone’s experience more pleasant. A lot of those systems in this patch were requested by you on our discord, steam, and social media. We are extremely grateful to have such a great community and we’ll keep working with you in order to create the best possible experience for everyone.

Thank you for your ongoing support and we hope that you enjoy this patch and we'd appreciate it if you'd leave us a review on Steam.

Now let's dive in.

Expedition Quest
Nuggets have always been curious about the world around and above them, but it is time for them to finally meet the thing that lies below. This quest is a part of a major mechanic that will be expanded on in the next patch. Prepare to dive deep underground and help your nuggets during their journey.

Shortcut System
Who doesn’t like taking a shortcut from time to time? By toggling on the shortcut menu with “x” the player can turn on a labeling system that will show them how to select menus and buildings with just a few keystrokes. For example, pressing B-1-1 will bring up an engineer hut ready to be placed.

Tutorials ( Part 2 )
We are continuing to expand our tutorial system. For the second part of this expansion, we added additional 6 different tutorials that will explain mechanics in the game such as:
  • Reservoirs and how they operate
  • Engineer Huts explanation
  • Explanation for the radius around certain buildings and how they influence the gameplay
  • Where to find the expanded building functionality
  • How to assign nuggets to buildings
  • How to get additional herbs to the hospital and why your hospitals might have an issue
  • Infection and how to fight it
We plan to continue expanding this system. If you have something that you don’t understand or find confusing, drop us a message on our discord. We’ll be sure to review it and potentially add a tutorial for it.

Ministers Revamp
As we proceeded with adding new systems to the game, we saw that Ministers needed more and more love. For this patch, we decided to take our time and redesign how their algorithms worked. Initially, all the ministers were “fixers” of issues but that wasn't enough. Now ministers do their best to prevent issues from appearing in the first place. We reworked almost every algorithm for the Ministers system and we’re eager to hear what you think.

Modern Movie Theater
We were starting to think that modern nuggets might be getting bored with the “talkies” that were being shown in the old theaters. So now they will be able to snack on their popcorn in fancy new theaters.

Planet Seed
Have you ever found the perfect planet to later wish you could start over? Planet Seed functionality will allow you to type the specific seed of the planet in the main menu and load that exact planet on which you played previously.

Improvements and balance changes

Full Screen Mode
Full screen mode support was added to the game, which should provide better stability and experience for some of our players.

Change in the saving system ( Archives Removal )
For quite some time we debated about our unique save system. Some people loved it, some people hated it. Based on our analytics and research, we had to take a step back and remove the archive dependent safe system. Now you can save the game at any time through the ESC menu and set up autosave frequency in the game menu settings.

Save Files Management
Since we started to rework our save system, we also added additional functionality to it. Now you can select all or multiple save files to delete. No more one by one deletion of save files.

Building Within a range Indicators
Engineers and Firefighters are important buildings for keeping your city afloat. Placing a building outside the range of Engineers Hut or Firefighters Hut will display an icon above the building you are trying to place indicating that engineers and firefighters won’t be able to reach it.

Concrete City
One of the main distinctive parts of the big cities is the amount of concrete in them. We added roads, we added tall modern buildings, but the city was still missing that little piece that sets it apart from other ages. So now you can have a true “concrete jungle.”

Educated Nugget displayed in the filter system
Educated nuggets now can be found in the filter system and you can see how many nuggets in your civilization have an education.

We keep working on our performance with every patch. For this patch we improved the resource distribution algorithms and their interactions with other systems, which should provide an additional 5%-10% of the performance improvement.

Extinct Animals Icon
A status Icon was added to the Hunters Hut that will appear when an animal is extinct and your hunters are no longer able to hunt it.

Construction Panel for the buildings that were automatically built
Previously, any building that was constructed automatically ( Black Market, Temple etc ), didn’t have a panel that would indicate the progress of their construction. Now you can see how long it will take to behold it in it’s glorious final form.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed: Main Menu planet had a wrong season
  • Fixed: Issue when certain seeds of the planet will keep repeating despite starting a new game
  • Fixed: Interaction with trees in certain cases produced an error, which was breaking save files
  • Fixed: Incorrect tree textures on birch trees
  • Fixed: Shader used for the main menu planet was breaking on certain PC’s
  • Fixed: An issue where not all objects were cleared up by nuggets when the building was placed on top of them
  • Fixed: An issue when the dead animal was not removed from the pool of animals and nuggets would get stuck in an infinite hunting loop
  • Fixed: After killing an animal, nuggets would not bring food back
  • Fixed: In certain cases roads were able to stop the bridge placement
  • Fixed: Bridge constructions sites now have a hover outline
  • Fixed: Bridge and roads were not reconnecting when the road position was updated
  • Fixed: Damage dealt to the nugget health was not calculated properly
  • Fixed: Lens Flare effects were bleeding through the planet
  • Fixed: Nuggets names were not updated in the residential tooltips
  • Fixed: An issue that would prevent the completion of the “Finish House” quest.
  • Fixed: Visual bug that was appearing when you try to enter the escape menu during a tutorial transition
  • Fixed: Search in the nugget list panel was not working correctly
  • Fixed: Building Status Icons were sometimes blinking
  • Fixed: Saving the game while load screen was opened, caused a broken save file
  • Fixed: Ecology panel sometimes caused an error that lead to a corrupt save file
  • Fixed: Tornado creator power had a chance to spawn multiple Tornado’s if the creator power was used in quick succession.
  • Fixed: Evolution tower could have been placed while being in the ESC menu
  • Fixed: Localization in the garage display panel
  • Fixed: Using the vortex creator power above the eatery to get cooked food and after that dropping them on the ground, caused an error that was breaking the game
  • Fixed: Picking up a space box with a vortex and then dropping it while pressing Press F to fly to, caused the space box to get stuck
  • Fixed: Using Vortex about the factory caused nuggets to get picked up as well
  • Fixed: Using Vortex above the lake calculated the usage of creator points incorrectly
  • Fixed: Picking up fruits from one bush sometimes caused other bushes to react as if the fruit was picked up from them as well
  • Fixed: Telekinesis system was not cleared correctly after it was canceled and code kept the reference from the previous object causing “Unable to pick up” effect.
  • Fixed: Extreme jittering in certain cases when the Vortex creator power was used
  • Fixed: Bug that caused tooltips to stay open on the screen
  • Fixed: Cupidon Rainbow effect was getting stuck on the screen
  • Fixed: Bug where nuggets would get trapped in the bunker
  • Fixed: Battery parts from the quest were not saved to the save file properly, causing the failure of the quest
  • Fixed: Bug that prevented the Ministers of Water from placing pumps in the Stone Age
  • Fixed: Bug that prevented the Minister of Agriculture from properly placing food production buildings
Let us know how you feel about our improvements and if we nailed it. Your feedback means a lot to us and we take it seriously. If you would like to see something to be added to the game, please make sure to join our discord channel and drop your suggestions there. We are always checking it.

Thank you, everyone!

Make sure to follow us on Twitter!

All the best,

The Crytivo Crew

The Universim - Crytivo
Hello Creators,

This is our first patch in 2021. Yay! We hope everyone was able to see The Universim special event during New Year’s day. If not, don’t worry, you can see what you missed in the short gif below.

After everyone was done celebrating on January 2nd, we got back to work on a bunch of improvements and even some new systems.

We know a good number of you can’t wait for Space age to be released, and honestly neither can we. But we ask you to bear with us a little bit longer. Every system and every bug fix brings us one step closer to that goal. We want to release Space when it’s ready, so that you’ll have a great time playing The Universim and exploring new planets endlessly. You may have noticed that our patches are a little bit smaller as of late. This is due to us shifting more forces to work on Space Age in order to release them in the shortest possible time, while still providing new features and life improvement changes to the game. We are extremely thankful for your support. As always, if you enjoy the game, make sure to leave us a review on Steam!

Now let's dive in.

Alex is Streaming new Patch Right now!
Live on Twitch

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We had roads, we had cars, but no parking space for them? Welp we had to fix this issue. Garages will provide a limited number of cars that your nuggets can use. Based on the era you are in, garages will consume either oil or fuel in order to function properly. If you’re out of those resources, your nuggets will have to learn to walk again. But if you have amazing oil magnate skills, you won’t have to worry about that issue! Each garage will display the total number of resources that are being consumed by all of your garages on the billboard. Individual garage stats can be seen by opening the garage panel itself.

Medieval Cars
Time to get rolling with Steam! Let us introduce you to our own interpretation of cars in the Medieval era! You heard it right. Your nuggets will be able to get a headstart with that technology and start driving in the Medieval era. Maybe those cars are not as efficient as Modern cars, but they definitely can beat pedestrians in a race.

Telekinesis (Vortex Power)
For a very long time we wanted to simplify the collection of resources via creator powers. Telekinesis provided great interactions with the world and individual objects, but it was far away from the best tool to use in order to bring all the materials to a construction site. For this patch we decided to change that and expand on our Telekinesis creator power. By pressing and holding telekinesis for a longer time, you’ll be able to create a vortex that is so strong, that it will suck everything nearby into a whirlwind. In addition to picking up Nuggets, stones, and trees, you’ll be able to grab what’s made in buildings like, refined wood and stone, metal, glass, cement and etc. Then with those resources in your creator clutches, you’ll be able to supply a construction site or a building upgrade. Just be careful that no nuggets are being harmed during your use of your fancy new creator power! With great power comes great… well, you get the idea.

Water System Improvement
As we are working on some new alien planets, we had a need to expand our functionality with water. Starting from this patch, you will be able to use the Vortex to pick up water in the oceans and move it wherever you need it.

Tutorials ( Part 1 )
New features and mechanics are always cool and exciting to work with, but we wanted to make sure that anyone who picks up our game will know what to do. What’s the best way to ensure that? Of course tutorials. Starting from this patch, we will be adding tutorials for the most confusing systems and mechanics in the game. This will be an ongoing task for us. For this patch, we created a backbone system for our tutorials and added some basic ones. Next patch will expand on that system and provide even more content for our new players. But if this isn’t your first time ruling over Mother Planet, or if you're that kind of daredevil, you’ll have the option to turn them off when starting a new game.

Brightness Setting
We received a lot of feedback after we released our last patch about the brightness in the game. Since everyone has various monitors, the brightness is different for each player. For some our “standard” setting was perfect, but for others it was not so good. We decided to hand over that control to the player and added a Brightness Setting screen. We hope this improvement makes your day a little brighter, or darker, or somewhere in between. ;)

Improvements and balance changes

Snow Changes

Some player’s reported that winter was too bright and buildings were too hard to find. Our initial intent was to create a cold feeling for the player, but in the process we overshot it. The brightness of snow was reduced and it won’t cover 100% of the buildings anymore making them more visible.

Static Combine

We added a very experimental setting to the game that can be found in the gameplay settings. The setting is called “Static Combine”. It basically allows the game to combine multiple similar objects into one, which increases the overall performance of the game. The biggest performance improvement we saw was on the lower end machines, but since this is still experimental and we can only test on so many computers, we wanted to make sure people could still play the game if something goes wrong.

Building Progress

Previously all the buildings that were built automatically (Black Market, Temple etc.) the player couldn’t tell how long it would take to finish. Now clicking those buildings will show the construction progress.

Status Icons interaction

You can use creator powers on Status Icons in order to interact with its associated building. For example, you can use Healing creator power in order to restore the durability of the building. Regular clicking on an icon will still bring your camera to it.

Bug Fixes:

Fixed: Korean language had major issues with the characters display
Fixed: Removed outdated Narrator Dialogue regarding wells in the game
Fixed: UFO’s caused nuggets to get stuck in the fearing state and caused UFO itself to get stuck in one place
Fixed: CP usage error when a very small amount of trees was created
Fixed: Bug that would cause the Camera to get stuck when LMB and RMB were pressed at once.
Fixed: Quest Givers sometimes would end up underground
Fixed: Bugs related to Tesla quest, which caused the disappearance of the parts and not being able to complete the quest
Fixed: Debris
Fixed: Visual bug fixes related to roads and bridges
Fixed: Visual / Shadow / snow issues on medieval bridges
Fixed: Name a nugget quest could have been completed by renaming the same nugget twice
Fixed: Planet filters incorrectly displayed information in certain cases
Fixed: Visual and performance issues related to the toxic lakes
Fixed: Bug that was crashing twitch integration system when invalid characters were used in OAuth field.
Fixed: Certain sounds in the game were extremely loud compared to other in game sounds.

Thank you guys a lot for all your feedback, positivity and support. It means a lot to us and we are working extremely hard to deliver the best possible experience while playing The Universim. Let us know how you feel about our improvements and if we nailed it. Your feedback means a lot to us and we take it seriously.

Did you hear the news? Our friends at META Publishing is working with two awesome games: HordeCore and Time Loader!

HordeCore is a cool side-scrolling shooter, where you blast the hordes of angry Hordelings! Make your kick-ass team of survivors and join the fight!

Time Loader is a cozy puzzle-platformer with a cute robot and time travels! What a mix! If you like physics based puzzles, 80-90s atmosphere, and beautiful handcrafted locations — this is a game for you!

Conveniently, they BOTH have demos! Check 'em out.

Thank you everyone!
Make sure to join our discord and follow us on Twitter!

All the best,
The Crytivo Crew


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