Mar 4, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Another month, another update!

I hope y'all survived February – the bleakest and grayest of months (at least for those of us on the northern hemisphere). Both Erik and I survived, which is fortunate since we still have another chapter to finish. Right now we're working on the last big puzzle sequence in the game. It's fairly involved, with lots of moving parts. But once that's done, we'll be on the home stretch. We're not ready to give any dates yet, since historically our release estimations have been off by a mile or two.

In the meantime, here's a small update to ensure the game is running smoothly for y'all.

Check out the details below:

• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Added XML load UI
• Game: Tweaked credits
• Chapter 2: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 2: Fixed anvil related bug
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Added sound effects
• Chapter 5: Added interaction options
• Chapter 5: Tweaked interaction options
• Chapter 5: Attempted to fix void crossing bug

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Mar 4, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach
Another month, another update!

I hope y'all survived February – the bleakest and grayest of months (at least for those of us on the northern hemisphere). Both Erik and I survived, which is fortunate since we still have another chapter to finish. Right now we're working on the last big puzzle sequence in the game. It's fairly involved, with lots of moving parts. But once that's done, we'll be on the home stretch. We're not ready to give any dates yet, since historically our release estimations have been off by a mile or two.

In the meantime, here's a small update to ensure the game is running smoothly for y'all.

Check out the details below:

• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Added XML load UI
• Game: Tweaked credits
• Chapter 2: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 2: Fixed anvil related bug
• Chapter 2, 4 & 5: Added sound effects
• Chapter 5: Added interaction options
• Chapter 5: Tweaked interaction options
• Chapter 5: Attempted to fix void crossing bug

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Feb 1, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

I couldn't go back to sleep so I figured I might as well use the time productively and push an update live. It's not super meaty, since we've mainly been busy working on Chapter 6. I've been trying to get rid of that annoying crash on start-up bug that happens on PC sometimes, but I haven't quite nailed it yet. It still happens - but hopefully less frequently.

The last few design bits on Chapter 6 have started to fall into place, and Erik has begun building some of the last sets. Once they're a little bit further along, we'll start implementing. I wish I could tell you more, but you wouldn't thank me if I did.

In short: still a lot to do. No date yet.

Check out the update details below:

• Engine: Staggered XML file loading
• Engine: Improved start-up time
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Added captions to the chapter selector
• Game: Tweaked Game Menu button behavior
• Chapter 5: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 5: Tweaked some exit interactions
• Chapter 5: Tweaked door behaviors in Willard's dream

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Feb 1, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

I couldn't go back to sleep so I figured I might as well use the time productively and push an update live. It's not super meaty, since we've mainly been busy working on Chapter 6. I've been trying to get rid of that annoying crash on start-up bug that happens on PC sometimes, but I haven't quite nailed it yet. It still happens - but hopefully less frequently.

The last few design bits on Chapter 6 have started to fall into place, and Erik has begun building some of the last sets. Once they're a little bit further along, we'll start implementing. I wish I could tell you more, but you wouldn't thank me if I did.

In short: still a lot to do. No date yet.

Check out the update details below:

• Engine: Staggered XML file loading
• Engine: Improved start-up time
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Added captions to the chapter selector
• Game: Tweaked Game Menu button behavior
• Chapter 5: Tweaked dialogue
• Chapter 5: Tweaked some exit interactions
• Chapter 5: Tweaked door behaviors in Willard's dream

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Jan 4, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Hot off the heels of the new year, we decided to upload a new volley of tweaks! Like a little software firework, resplendent and delightful.

Right now, we're designing the last third of Chapter 6. There's still a lot of work to do on it for sure, but progress is picking up. We don't have a release date yet, but we'll tell you once the dust settles.

Check out the details below:

• Engine: Tweaked dialogue manager
• Engine: Fixed rare bug that would make the wrong dialogue option dim
• Engine: Made certain dialogue options undimmable
• Chapter 1: Tweaked mirror interaction
• Chapter 3: Tweaked bartender dialogue
• Chapter 4: Made sure Victor remains seated during tea party
• Chapter 4: Fixed typos

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Jan 4, 2016
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

Hot off the heels of the new year, we decided to upload a new volley of tweaks! Like a little software firework, resplendent and delightful.

Right now, we're designing the last third of Chapter 6. There's still a lot of work to do on it for sure, but progress is picking up. We don't have a release date yet, but we'll tell you once the dust settles.

Check out the details below:

• Engine: Tweaked dialogue manager
• Engine: Fixed rare bug that would make the wrong dialogue option dim
• Engine: Made certain dialogue options undimmable
• Chapter 1: Tweaked mirror interaction
• Chapter 3: Tweaked bartender dialogue
• Chapter 4: Made sure Victor remains seated during tea party
• Chapter 4: Fixed typos

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Dec 19, 2015
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

This month's update took a little bit longer than usual. That's because we've been ever so busy finalizing the first two acts of Chapter 6. Aside from some minor additions, they are now finished and we're moving on to finalizing the last act. Hopefully we'll have a solid release date estimation soon.

Taking a very brief break from Chapter 6, I thought it might be a good idea to release the updates we've done to the previous chapters. Nothing major, mostly small humble tweaks. We hope you'll like them regardless.

Check out the details below:

• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Improved performance while on menus
• Game: Increased sound ducking on menus
• Game: Swapped graphical assets
• Chapter 1, 4 & 5: Fixed rare elevator glitch
• Chapter 2: Tweaked portal puzzle
• Chapter 2: Added hints to portal puzzle
• Chapter 2: Prevented player from self-sabotaging ear puzzle
• Chapter 3 & 4: Tweaked sounds
• Chapter 4 & 5: Tweaked inventory graphics
• Chapter 4 & 5: Fixed Willard's letterbox interaction
• Chapter 5: Fixed witch house transportation glitch
• Chapter 5: Fixed graphical glitch
• Chapter 5: Fixed grave related bug
• Chapter 5: Tweaked void gate interactions
• Chapter 5: Fixed typos

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!

Oh, and happy hollidays!


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Dec 19, 2015
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

This month's update took a little bit longer than usual. That's because we've been ever so busy finalizing the first two acts of Chapter 6. Aside from some minor additions, they are now finished and we're moving on to finalizing the last act. Hopefully we'll have a solid release date estimation soon.

Taking a very brief break from Chapter 6, I thought it might be a good idea to release the updates we've done to the previous chapters. Nothing major, mostly small humble tweaks. We hope you'll like them regardless.

Check out the details below:

• Game: Tweaked UI
• Game: Improved performance while on menus
• Game: Increased sound ducking on menus
• Game: Swapped graphical assets
• Chapter 1, 4 & 5: Fixed rare elevator glitch
• Chapter 2: Tweaked portal puzzle
• Chapter 2: Added hints to portal puzzle
• Chapter 2: Prevented player from self-sabotaging ear puzzle
• Chapter 3 & 4: Tweaked sounds
• Chapter 4 & 5: Tweaked inventory graphics
• Chapter 4 & 5: Fixed Willard's letterbox interaction
• Chapter 5: Fixed witch house transportation glitch
• Chapter 5: Fixed graphical glitch
• Chapter 5: Fixed grave related bug
• Chapter 5: Tweaked void gate interactions
• Chapter 5: Fixed typos

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!

Oh, and happy hollidays!


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Nov 1, 2015
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

In celebration of a new and exciting month, I decided to bestow an update upon you, our beloved players! Working on Chapter 6 gave us reason to go back and tweak some old environments. That gave us the opportunity to fix a few things that's been bothering us for a while.

Chapter 6 is going pretty well (no date yet). It's been hard to dial in the right trippy vibe, but I think we've gotten a lot closer during these last few weeks. Things are about to get weird...

Check out the details below:

• Engine: Fixed music manager bug
• Engine: Added mouseover actions to reading aid
• Game: Realigned helmet overlay
• Game: Made sure the game menu icon displays correctly
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Chapter 1: Swapped graphics to high resolution equivalents
• Chapter 1: Decreased compression rate of graphical assets
• Chapter 1: Color corrected graphical assets
• Chapter 1: Tweaked clipping mask
• Chapter 1: Tweaked kitchen background
• Chapter 1: Tweaked living room background
• Chapter 1: Tweaked fridge behaviour
• Chapter 1: Added dialogue
• Chapter 2: Tweaked surveillance room background
• Chapter 3: Tweaked mermaid interaction
• Chapter 3: Fixed depth sorting issue on deck 2
• Chapter 4: Added interaction options
• Chapter 5: Tweaked mob scene background
• Chapter 5: Optimized lake water animation (map view)
• Chapter 5: Split asset file to combat memory crashes

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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Nov 1, 2015
The Dream Machine: Chapter 1 & 2 - Cockroach

In celebration of a new and exciting month, I decided to bestow an update upon you, our beloved players! Working on Chapter 6 gave us reason to go back and tweak some old environments. That gave us the opportunity to fix a few things that's been bothering us for a while.

Chapter 6 is going pretty well (no date yet). It's been hard to dial in the right trippy vibe, but I think we've gotten a lot closer during these last few weeks. Things are about to get weird...

Check out the details below:

• Engine: Fixed music manager bug
• Engine: Added mouseover actions to reading aid
• Game: Realigned helmet overlay
• Game: Made sure the game menu icon displays correctly
• Game: Tweaked UI
• Chapter 1: Swapped graphics to high resolution equivalents
• Chapter 1: Decreased compression rate of graphical assets
• Chapter 1: Color corrected graphical assets
• Chapter 1: Tweaked clipping mask
• Chapter 1: Tweaked kitchen background
• Chapter 1: Tweaked living room background
• Chapter 1: Tweaked fridge behaviour
• Chapter 1: Added dialogue
• Chapter 2: Tweaked surveillance room background
• Chapter 3: Tweaked mermaid interaction
• Chapter 3: Fixed depth sorting issue on deck 2
• Chapter 4: Added interaction options
• Chapter 5: Tweaked mob scene background
• Chapter 5: Optimized lake water animation (map view)
• Chapter 5: Split asset file to combat memory crashes

As always: shout out in the comments below if you encounter anything strange/buggy in the game. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to report an issue!


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