Skullgirls 2nd Encore - mikez
You better believe this gets an announcement here!

If you play Skullgirls, YOU SHOULD GO TO COMBO BREAKER.
I'm already registered!Yep! SG and VSav.

Even if you can only travel to one fighting game community event in 2016, MAKE THAT EVENT COMBO BREAKER. Combo Breaker 2015 was the absolute BEST tournament experience I have ever had, and 2016 looks to be equally amazing.

The venue is open 24 hours. You don't have to play games in your hotel room - there are round-the-clock stations for ALL tournament games, including Skullgirls! If you're like me, you go to tournaments to play games against people you never get to play, not to sit around and watch other people do that. Well, Combo Breaker has got that covered. Other tournaments could learn a thing or two. :^)

Oh right. Where is it? It's in Chicago, you fly to O'Hare.
Launch trailer:

I was not compensated in any way for this announcement, I'm just hella excited for this. The Skullgirls community will be out in force!
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Mike Z
You better believe this gets an announcement here!

If you play Skullgirls, YOU SHOULD GO TO COMBO BREAKER.
I'm already registered!Yep! SG and VSav.

Even if you can only travel to one fighting game community event in 2016, MAKE THAT EVENT COMBO BREAKER. Combo Breaker 2015 was the absolute BEST tournament experience I have ever had, and 2016 looks to be equally amazing.

The venue is open 24 hours. You don't have to play games in your hotel room - there are round-the-clock stations for ALL tournament games, including Skullgirls! If you're like me, you go to tournaments to play games against people you never get to play, not to sit around and watch other people do that. Well, Combo Breaker has got that covered. Other tournaments could learn a thing or two. :^)

Oh right. Where is it? It's in Chicago, you fly to O'Hare.
Launch trailer:

I was not compensated in any way for this announcement, I'm just hella excited for this. The Skullgirls community will be out in force!
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - mikez
According to steamspy there are over 600,000 people that own Skullgirls on Steam.
::suddenly gets very nervous::
Er, h...hello. ...everyone...

Indivisible is on Steam
The prototype for that game we're crowdfunding is now available on Steam. Wait a second...YOU'RE on Steam! Why not try it? We're even having speedrun contests. (And other contests, but we all know speedrunners are the popular kids. :^)
Remember, it's a prototype. Nothing is final, lots of things about combat/platforming will be updated, etc. Obligatory campaign link.

Skullgirls tutorial videos
Amazingly helpful community member (and all-around nice guy) Skarmand has been making some really great videos explaining different aspects of Skullgirls. Whether you're a beginner or a super-high-level player who scoffs at tutorials, there'll be something in here you didn't know*:
...and of course it only embeds the video, without the rest of the playlist, so here's the entire playlist.

Skullgirls is out in Japanese arcades!
HOLY CRAP, SKULLGIRLS IS FINALLY OUT ON NESICA IN JAPANESE ARCADES! It's an ARCADE GAME! TRF has tournaments for it! There is a-cho footage! I know it's old-ish news but come on, FREAKIN' ARCADES!

And, down at the bottom where nobody reads...

An apology for delayed fixes
Fixes for some issues raised in the comments of the last update - and some extra things like various optimizations and other bugfixes I've had on my list forever - are coming...except I am not yet able to make new Linux and Mac builds, because I'm just not that suave. Without being able to make those, if I update only the Windows version, it will break cross-platform play. So any fixes have to wait until I can update all three platforms. :^(

For those wondering about console lobbies, the Vita port has taken a lot longer than anticipated (you have no idea!) but it is nearly done. Console lobbies are still coming after that's completed. I apologize for this delay too.

* Those high-level players can pretend they knew, I won't tell. (^.~)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Mike Z
According to steamspy there are over 600,000 people that own Skullgirls on Steam.
::suddenly gets very nervous::
Er, h...hello. ...everyone...

Indivisible is on Steam
The prototype for that game we're crowdfunding is now available on Steam. Wait a second...YOU'RE on Steam! Why not try it? We're even having speedrun contests. (And other contests, but we all know speedrunners are the popular kids. :^)
Remember, it's a prototype. Nothing is final, lots of things about combat/platforming will be updated, etc. Obligatory campaign link.

Skullgirls tutorial videos
Amazingly helpful community member (and all-around nice guy) Skarmand has been making some really great videos explaining different aspects of Skullgirls. Whether you're a beginner or a super-high-level player who scoffs at tutorials, there'll be something in here you didn't know*:
...and of course it only embeds the video, without the rest of the playlist, so here's the entire playlist.

Skullgirls is out in Japanese arcades!
HOLY CRAP, SKULLGIRLS IS FINALLY OUT ON NESICA IN JAPANESE ARCADES! It's an ARCADE GAME! TRF has tournaments for it! There is a-cho footage! I know it's old-ish news but come on, FREAKIN' ARCADES!

And, down at the bottom where nobody reads...

An apology for delayed fixes
Fixes for some issues raised in the comments of the last update - and some extra things like various optimizations and other bugfixes I've had on my list forever - are coming...except I am not yet able to make new Linux and Mac builds, because I'm just not that suave. Without being able to make those, if I update only the Windows version, it will break cross-platform play. So any fixes have to wait until I can update all three platforms. :^(

For those wondering about console lobbies, the Vita port has taken a lot longer than anticipated (you have no idea!) but it is nearly done. Console lobbies are still coming after that's completed. I apologize for this delay too.

* Those high-level players can pretend they knew, I won't tell. (^.~)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - mikez
Ey look, it's a patch notes!

Thanks to our wonderful friends at Humble, some bugs have been fixed:
- Fixed a crash on the Video Settings menu in the 32bit Linux build.
- Hopefully fixed a crash after spectating a match across operating systems, that is, it would crash after Windows spectated a Linux/Mac match or vice versa. Now it shouldn't crash. (^.^)

(The DRM-free Linux version has been updated to fix the Video Settings crash, as well.)

...that's it, nothing else has changed. :^)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Mike Z
Ey look, it's a patch notes!

Thanks to our wonderful friends at Humble, some bugs have been fixed:
- Fixed a crash on the Video Settings menu in the 32bit Linux build.
- Hopefully fixed a crash after spectating a match across operating systems, that is, it would crash after Windows spectated a Linux/Mac match or vice versa. Now it shouldn't crash. (^.^)

(The DRM-free Linux version has been updated to fix the Video Settings crash, as well.)

...that's it, nothing else has changed. :^)
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - mikez
(We've tried to keep Indivisible stuff out of this group as much as possible, but this one's directly related.)

Did you miss out on the Skullgirls VA "voicemail" tier from the Skullgirls campaign? Did you not even know there was such a thing?
Were you confused last time and thought it had to specifically be a voicemail? It doesn't have to be one.
Well...we brought it back!
(A sample request from before, thank you Sarah Williams!)

Spend some of your hard-earned dosh and, in addition to the usual $350 tier rewards, get one of these voice actors to much anything you want, within reason:
Rich Brown - Big Band
Christine Marie Cabanos - Filia
Erin Fitzgerald - Parasoul
Kyle Hebert - Leduc, Vitale, Irvin, others
Kai Kennedy - Beowulf
Cassandra Lee - Minette, Umbrella, others
Danielle McRae - Painwheel
Erica Mendez - Annie
Matt Mercer - Zane
Laura Post - Valentine
Patrick Seitz - Samson
Christopher Smith - Albus, others
Kaiji Tang - Black Egret C, Politician Double, others
Kimlinh Tran - Ms. Fortune
Josh Tomar - Announcer
Cristina Vee - Cerebella
Sarah Williams - Peacock
Mike Z - Tommy Ten-Tons, that terrible Russian announcer. Yes, really.

If you missed it last time, now's your chance to un-miss it.

We're also happy to announce that the Indivisible prototype is now available for Linux thanks to community hero cybik, who was also responsible for a ton of the early work on the SG Linux and Mac ports.

And now back to your regularly-scheduled sleeping. Or possibly eating. Maybe sleep-eating? Or eat-sleeping, but I am not sure how that would even work...
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Mike Z
(We've tried to keep Indivisible stuff out of this group as much as possible, but this one's directly related.)

Did you miss out on the Skullgirls VA "voicemail" tier from the Skullgirls campaign? Did you not even know there was such a thing?
Were you confused last time and thought it had to specifically be a voicemail? It doesn't have to be one.
Well...we brought it back!
(A sample request from before, thank you Sarah Williams!)

Spend some of your hard-earned dosh and, in addition to the usual $350 tier rewards, get one of these voice actors to much anything you want, within reason:
Rich Brown - Big Band
Christine Marie Cabanos - Filia
Erin Fitzgerald - Parasoul
Kyle Hebert - Leduc, Vitale, Irvin, others
Kai Kennedy - Beowulf
Cassandra Lee - Minette, Umbrella, others
Danielle McRae - Painwheel
Erica Mendez - Annie
Matt Mercer - Zane
Laura Post - Valentine
Patrick Seitz - Samson
Christopher Smith - Albus, others
Kaiji Tang - Black Egret C, Politician Double, others
Kimlinh Tran - Ms. Fortune
Josh Tomar - Announcer
Cristina Vee - Cerebella
Sarah Williams - Peacock
Mike Z - Tommy Ten-Tons, that terrible Russian announcer. Yes, really.

If you missed it last time, now's your chance to un-miss it.

We're also happy to announce that the Indivisible prototype is now available for Linux thanks to community hero cybik, who was also responsible for a ton of the early work on the SG Linux and Mac ports.

And now back to your regularly-scheduled sleeping. Or possibly eating. Maybe sleep-eating? Or eat-sleeping, but I am not sure how that would even work...
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - mikez
This isn't strictly Skullgirls news, but it's Lab Zero news and I run this account so yeah. :^P

The Indivisible crowdfunding campagin is live!
What the heck is Indivisible? It's the next game we want to make!
How 'bout a video:
Help make this game a reality, and help Lab Zero employees be able to pay rent, too. ;^)

The prototype is now available for everybody, so if you're on Windows why not play it for yourself!
If you enjoy it, contribute to the campaign so we can make the full game!

Nearly every sentence in this post ends with an exclamation mark, but that felt strange, so here are some periods and a dour face to balance it out: . . . . . :^|
Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Mike Z
This isn't strictly Skullgirls news, but it's Lab Zero news and I run this account so yeah. :^P

The Indivisible crowdfunding campagin is live!
What the heck is Indivisible? It's the next game we want to make!
How 'bout a video:
Help make this game a reality, and help Lab Zero employees be able to pay rent, too. ;^)

The prototype is now available for everybody, so if you're on Windows why not play it for yourself!
If you enjoy it, contribute to the campaign so we can make the full game!

Nearly every sentence in this post ends with an exclamation mark, but that felt strange, so here are some periods and a dour face to balance it out: . . . . . :^|

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