Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Realm_Devs

Hey everyone Krathan here!

Guild tab is going live as the first item on the Roadmap, we're excited about it and looking forward to your feedback on it. The Friends list and Guild List are now combined under the "Social" UI and bring a set of quality of life features targeted at social interactions in the game.

The long-awaited Lost Halls rework is also finally here!

Also, we would like to make it clear that we're taking stalking, harassing and griefing other players seriously and have made some behind the scenes changes in order to prevent such behaviors. We will continue to do so.

As always, there are a bunch of new fixes. Plus, Thessal and her Coral Gifts have received the HP scaling treatment!

Now, onto the patch notes.

  • Guild Tab! The Friends UI is now the Social UI and comes with a few improvements, including a new tab for managing and interacting with your guild.
  • Horrific Sorcerer ST Set now drops in-game, from both the Mad Lab and the Parasite Chambers monsters: Abomination's Wrath (Wand - Nightmare Colony), Grotesque Scepter (Scepter - Horrific Creation), Garment of the Beast (Robe - Nightmare Colony) & Horrific Claws (Ring - Crusher Abomination).

Horrific Sorcerer Stats

Set Bonus: +15 Defense, +3 Attack, +6 Speed

Abomination's Wrath
  • Damage: 225-265
  • Range: 9
  • Rate of fire: 53%
  • Fame Bonus: 4%
Grotesque Scepter
  • Lightning: 3 targets - 935 dmg, reduced by 135 for each subsequent target
  • Effect on self: Hexed for 1 sec, Stunned for 1 sec
  • On Equip: +4 Speed
  • MP Cost: 100
  • Fame Bonus: 4%
  • Usable by: Sorcerer
Garment of the Beast
  • On Equip: +10 Defense, +50 Maximum MP, -5 Dexterity, +8 Attack, +4 Wisdom
  • Fame Bonus: 4%
Horrific Claws
  • On Equip: +40 Maximum HP, +5 Attack, +50 Maximum MP, +5 Speed, -3 Dexterity
  • Fame Bonus: 4%

Lost Halls Rework
  • Environment, enemies as well as items received various aesthetic updates.

Dungeon Changes
  • Various adjustments to enemy behaviors and damage, as well as a few new additions.
  • HP Scaling and base HP adjustments across the board.
Lost Halls
  • Rooms: Bigger, more variety, fewer in total and fewer dead ends.
  • Boss: New mini boss to gain access, survival phase is more interactive, new final phase.
Cultist Hideout
  • Rooms: Fewer in total.
  • Boss: New attacks.
The Void
  • Boss: New rage phase.
Item Stats

Sword of the Colossus
  • Amplitude: 1 -> 0.7 tile(s)
Marble Seal
  • Effect: Armored within 3 -> 4 tiles
  • Effect: Damaging within 3 -> 4 tiles
Magical Lodestone
  • On Equip: +5 -> +6 DEF
  • On Equip: +5 -> +6 DEX
  • On Equip: +5 -> +6 ATT
  • On Equip: +5 -> +6 SPD
Staff of Unholy Sacrifices
  • Rate of Fire: 50 -> 55%
Skull of Corrupted Souls
  • Damage per WIS (if bigger/equal 50): 4.2 -> 5
Ritual Robe
  • On Equip: +12 -> +15 WIS
Bloodshed Ring
  • On Equip: +80 -> 100 HP
Bow of the Void
  • Damage: 135–205 -> 165-235
  • Projectile Speed: 15 -> 16 tiles/seconds
  • Range: 6.23 -> 5.6 tiles
Quiver of the Shadows
  • Damage: 200-250 -> 400-500
  • MP Cost: 90 -> 80
Armor of Nil
  • On Equip: -2 DEX -> 0 DEX
  • On Equip: 80 HP -> 110 HP
  • On Equip: 80 MP -> 110 MP
  • On Equip: 4 -> 6 SPD
Brain of the Golem
  • Explosion: Dazed for 2 seconds within 1.75 tiles
  • On Equip: -2 -> 0 ATT
  • On Equip: -2 -> 0 DEX
Golem Garments
  • On Equip: +4 -> +8 ATT
Rusty Cuffs
  • On Equip: +40 -> +70 HP
Lost Golem Set Bonus
  • On Equip: +6 -> +10 ATT
Cloak of Bloody Surprises
  • Effect on Self for 3.5 seconds: Damaging -> +25 ATT
  • Effect on use: Stasis for 3 seconds within 3.25 -> 6 tiles
Omnipotence Ring
  • On Equip: 60 HP -> 80 HP
  • On Equip: 60 MP -> 80 MP
  • On Equip: 3 ATT -> 4 ATT
  • On Equip: 3 DEF -> 4 DEF
  • On Equip: 5 VIT -> 4 VIT
  • On Equip: 5 WIS -> 4 WIS
Quality of Life
  • Added a tooltip with "Last seen" information for Friends and Guild Members.
  • Redesigned Friends tab in the Social UI.
  • A new option under Graphics has been added which displays tiers on items directly (enabled by default).
  • The Epic Quest Chest loot table has been updated (now drops the Orb of Aether instead of Kageboshi in addition to the new Sorcerer ST pieces from the Nightmare Colony).
  • Tomb of the Ancients: the Mark drop and future Chest Event triggers now happen when all bosses are dead.
  • Orb of Aether (and other future abilities that work this way): now requires the targeted tile to be walkable.
  • Disable Ally Projectiles no longer disables character firing animations.
  • Greater Nature Sprites are now immune to stasis.
  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to immediately kill Skuld in the Haunted Cemetery without her dropping any loot.
  • Fixed and unified damage thresholds in Ocean Trench, Oryx Castle, Janus and various low level dungeons (Pirate Cave, Forest Maze, Forbidden Jungle, The Hive and Spider Den).
  • Fixed behavior aggro issue in Guild Halls (Guill not throwing the Potion Gift sometimes, etc.).
  • Fixed the Mountain Temple encounter sometimes preventing the realm from closing.
  • Fixed a bug with the Friends list hotkey after startup.
  • Fixed overflowing text in the Security Questions pop-up.
  • Disable Ally Shoot now disables animations as well, setting renamed from "On" to "All", added "Proj" setting to keep animations. The hotkey will still toggle between Off and All.
  • Fixed inventory slots remaining red after a trade or moving an item to the backpack.
  • Fixed guild tab not functioning at all under Social in certain cases.
  • Pausing is now disabled in realms for the time being.
  • Reduced the amount of Basaran shots during the final fight with Malus.
  • Fixed HP Scaling in the Void.
  • Adjusted Spectral Sentry EXP.
  • Introducing the Axolotl, a new addition to common aquatic pets! It has Heal as its first ability.
  • The common humanoid pet Muddy Tidechaser now has Magic Heal as its first ability.
  • The common woodland pet Rat now has Heal as its first ability.
  • Fixed an issue where trying to hatch a pet would instead result in an error.
  • Thessal the Mermaid Goddess and Coral Gifts now have HP scaling.
  • Thessal base HP: 96000 -> 69000
  • Coral Gift base HP: 1200 -> 23000
  • Ice Cave: Esben briefly stays invulnerable after spooky minions are cleared and said minions now have multi hit attacks in the final phase as well.
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Realm_Devs

Hey everyone, Krathan here!

Today we finally bring you the Ice Cave rework, Mountain Temple changes and more fixes!

We're happy to announce that another legacy issue has been taken care of - you can now use your abilities when hovering the walls or void outside of dungeons, if they are not targeting tiles (the exceptions being Spells, Skulls, Poisons, Traps, Orbs and of course Prisms).

We also finally started rolling out some changes to address the long standing issue with damage thresholds. There are more to come and hopefully soon we will have unified and more co-op friendly loot distribution!

For more information on what's coming to Realm of the Mad God in the future, make sure to read our Producer's Letter!

Ice Cave rework!
  • More enemy variety, with more threats and fewer bullet sponges
  • Changed dungeon generation to make clearing come more naturally (group is split across two paths)
  • Watch out for the new slippery damaging tiles in the main dungeon
  • Boss fight is now HP based rather than time based, certain phases are also more engaging (watch out for the summons!)
  • The chest has been removed, loot table and distribution has been fixed

Staff of Esben
  • Projectile Speed: 10 t/s -> 16 t/s (same range)
  • Rate of Fire: 70% -> 80%
  • Damage: 60-95 -> 70-90 (+10 min, -5 max,+2.5 average)
  • Fame Bonus: 4% -> 6%
  • Attack Bonus: 1 -> 0
  • Feed Power: 700 -> 800
Mountain Temple changes!
  • Added a treasure room (activate all lanterns in the outdoor zone to access Daichi's private study after you defeat him!)
  • Daichi drops the new UT Orb of Aether: this Orb create a static energy zone that lasts 5 seconds and paralyzes enemies close to its center while slowing the one that are farther
  • Jade and Garnet Statues now drop Kageboshi
  • Increased the delay before the statues charge players: 1 -> 2.5
  • The statues now flash in light blue before charging players
  • The Encounter now always drops a portal to the Mountain Temple
  • Loot table and distribution has been fixed

Wand of the Fallen
  • Projectile Speed: 12 t/s -> 14.4 t/s (same range)
  • Damage: +5 min (+2.5 average)
  • Projectile Speed: 14 t/s -> 16.1 t/s (same range)
  • Damage: 360-440 -> 414-506 (+54 min, +66 max,+60 average)
Quality of Life
  • The default camera angle is now 0 degrees
  • The chat text box size has been decreased
  • The default chat star requirement now set to 2 stars


  • Fixed crash issue related to the Deadwater Docks
  • Fixed error when using abilities that do not target tiles while hovering walls or the black background
  • Fixed flash indication on objects not showing when arriving after it started for portals, bags, damage evaluation phases for Liches, Ent Ancients and Ghost Kings, Jade and Garnet statue telegraphs
  • Fixed and unified damage thresholds in Davy Jones's Locker, Oryx's Chambers, Wine Cellar, Sprite World, Undead Lair and Abyss of Demons
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Realm_Devs
Hello everyone,

It’s been a while since we last gave you a rundown of what is going on, what is coming in the near-term and what might be in the cards down the road. Recently we took some time as a team to reflect on the past year and tried to figure out which things we want to prioritize for this year.

As you have hopefully already noticed, we strive to bring you quality of life improvements, balancing and small feature updates with every patch. We enjoy taking the temperature of the community and working on things that players want, and we absolutely love the effort that all contributors and the community as a whole put in to make this game great.

Speaking of making the game great, we have had a couple of hiccups in the past and a lot of feedback from you guys on several topics. While we can’t react to everything all the time, we at least wanted to touch on a few things that stood out to us.

First, we had an issue where we adapted the key prices to better reflect the rarity, risk & reward of dungeons. While our numbers made sense on paper, we completely failed to pay attention to how it would affect players, especially ones that had been with the game forever. We have listened to your feedback and reverted the change while keeping some key prices lower than before. We will make sure to find a better way of evaluating, communicating and rolling out any such changes in the future.

Next, there was a lot of back and forth on the monthly quests and chest events. This one is a tough cookie because it is not as straightforward as one might think.

If we look at the numbers of total players logging in and playing the game while there are chest events vs days where there are none, we can clearly see that many people seem to be craving additional chances for loot. On the other hand, we have people complaining that it feels pushy or boring and forces them to log in every day.

We also hear feedback that some UTs are devalued because they are supposedly easier to get via chest events. We definitely do not want to force people into an activity, nor do we want to devalue UTs - although there have been other voices too, saying that it is too hard to get UTs for a permadeath game. We guess it will be impossible to have a solution that serves everybody, but we are committed to trying to make it better. That’s why in May, we will be removing a lot of the chest events and instead have only two weekend ones while also trying out a couple of less loot-focused events and adding the monthly skin to Oryx instead of a quest.

Putting aside the live status of the game currently, there is a bunch of stuff we are working on that will not make it into the game for a while, but we hope you can get as excited about as us.

RotMG Development Roadmap

Short Term

These features are currently being implemented and should be released to the game soon - which still does not mean tomorrow or guaranteed with the next update. A lot of things can change on short notice, but we are going to put ourselves out there anyway. Without further ado:

Pet Wardrobe

Back when we introduced pet stones, we wanted to give you tons of options for customizing your pets. We got criticism due to the fact that they were one-time use items and that it was not really possible to switch back and forth between your different skins unless you had a lot of them. Taking your feedback, we are developing a Pet Wardrobe that will serve you in a similar fashion as your character skin wardrobe. The system will allow you to acquire permanent pet skins, collect them and apply them to your pets. There are still a lot of implementation details to hammer out, especially on how to acquire the skins and how to use them, but we are working hard to shape it into a good and fair feature. What we can definitely tell you already though, is that all of your pet stones will turn into permanent pet skin unlockers.

Guild List

When we updated the friends list in release X24, we decided to also kickstart the creation of a similar list for Guilds. It is currently being implemented by our team and should be up for testing very soon! This feature, even if smaller, is definitely one of our favorites. From the same UI, you will be able to see who is Online/Offline, when they connected last to the game and interact with guildies (teleport to server, whisper). Guild officers will also be able to manage their guilds directly from the list as we are also adding guild management functionalities to it (promotion, demotion, guild kick). Long overdue.

Mid Term

While these features are underway, they will take longer to implement than the features listed above and should be expected to make it into the game within 3+ months:

Fame System rework

The next big thing on the horizon is fame. It is our intent to bring back fame as a more meaningful part of the core game loop. As of this writing, we are evaluating different options to change both the way you gain fame, as well as the use you can make of it and the leaderboards.

The first phase of this project was completed when we released the Statistics Panel.

We are currently prototyping and testing both new XP formulas (fame gained from monsters) and Fame Bonuses (fame gained from bonuses or achievements on your character). The goal is to make it more coherent, exciting, and challenging to build the perfect Legend character.

Once the above is completed, we are going to implement (or re-implement) additional ways for players to spend fame and fix that loop where what you just gained by dying should help you rebuild your next character.

This whole project will require a lot of testing and balancing, stay tuned for more details.

New Class

Yes, we have decided that we would add a new class to the game. We feel like it is about time and we know most of you feel that way too since the last class was added in October 2012! We are gunning for a release around Month of the Mad God.

Our designers are working on several class concepts as we speak, helped by years of suggestions by the Community, and we hope that we can present you with something soon to gather more feedback. We are building it with you guys in mind, so obviously we want you to help us make it an awesome experience that really adds something fresh to the game.

Dungeon Rush

To us, the Arena always seemed like an unfinished feature idea that was kind of tacked on and not well integrated with the rest of the game. In this state, it was pretty much abandoned and we also only used it for some event tests and otherwise left it aside. Based on our data, most of you guys would agree that it is not particularly appealing. At the same time, we see something there that might be salvaged and that is providing something to those of you who look for things to do casually every now and then without the ever-looming risk of permanent death around the corner.

We are currently prototyping and writing specifications for a feature that is supposed to replace the Arena surrounding rushing dungeon bosses and also providing something like a limited but lower risk training grounds. At this point, we don’t have anything fleshed out enough to share in detail though.

Long Term

The long-term projects that are currently being specified, prototyped and simply imagined. Some are already in development cycle but will require a massive amount of effort, others will simply never get implemented:

A new client technology

It is happening and we have started scoping and evaluating different technologies. We will likely go through a period of prototyping before we can fully commit.

This is by far the most demanding and challenging project that our team has in the pipes at the moment. Porting a project like RotMG is very expensive and quite frankly not easy to pull off, especially when the highest priority is to not lose the way the gameplay feels to the players! We will keep you posted as we go forward, and as mentioned in the beginning, we hope you are at least a fraction as excited as we are about this prospect. It is a really big step towards making Realm last for years to come.

Give a purpose to unused items overflowing chests and inventorie

Hundreds of items in the game are just rotting in players’ chests or inventories, either because they lost purpose over time, because they are too precious to throw away but essentially useless or because they’re not worth feeding. We are discussing solutions to that with the team and have a few ideas on paper that will eventually turn into prototypes for a system that gives all items a purpose.

More stuff for Guild

Guilds are important! Making friends and facing challenge together play a big role in online gaming. We want to develop new content and add more functionalities to find a guild, recruit new members and manage communities in the game.

New trading functionalitie

Trading and "merching" play an important part in RotMG. The current feature set works but is pretty basic and not secured enough. We want to investigate and eventually invest time into developing a better system for in-game trading.


We hope we were able to give you a glimpse of what is cooking in Oryx’s Kitchen. We voluntarily focused on the features and major changes but of course, there are hundreds of other changes planned in our backlog: balancing and reworking content, introducing new dungeons and items, fixing legacy bugs, adding small but meaningful QoL changes, etc. Those, we will continue to implement with every patch along the way and we will continue updating our backlog based on your feedback.

The RotMG team at Deca is excited to work together towards implementing all of these changes in the future.

As usual, thank you for your continued support and love for the game. We are very grateful for the feedback you’ve been providing and look forward to more!

The Deca Team
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Realm_Devs

Hi everyone

A few days have passed since the vernal equinox so it's high time we released our Spring update, aka the Magic Woods update! As most of you know, Magic Woods is the name of the newest dungeon, which is now available for you to play. Kudos to Toastrz for designing this dungeon with the precious help of Poshun's artistic touch! We would like to thank all of the contributors (artists, testers) who have also helped to bring this dungeon to life

With this update we are also activating Easter events, updating the Friends list interface and changing the appearance of the Nexus. Full details below

  • Coming along with a UT Mystic set, the new low-mid level dungeon Magic Woods is now available and rarely drops from Ent Gods and Ent Ancients
  • The Hanami Nexus is back
  • Oryx's Frozen Castle finally thawed
  • The Leprechaun has left the realm
  • Increased Pet eggs drop rates across the Realm for the duration of the Events

  • Main Event: Easter Egg Hunt *March 29 - April 12

The Easter Egg Hunt has started again! Collect Magic Eggs & Golden Egg tokens and trade them for guaranteed exclusive gear and skins

You can collect Magic Egg tokens from egg baskets that are placed all around the realm, from an encounter with a certain Buffed Bunny after you destroy all 16 giant eggs in a given realm, and a variety of Chest Events

With the help of the Tinkerer, you can turn in a total 10 stacks of Magic Eggs x10 every day to get a maximum of 20 Golden Eggs per day. The Golden Eggs can then be traded for guaranteed exclusive gear and skins

  • April Weekly Quests *April 3 - 30

The ORYX tokens are back! Collect the ORYX April Shards from the Login Calendar, Chest Events and trade them for the O, R, Y and X letter tokens. Collect all 4 letters across the event to obtain the exclusive Penguin Warrior skin

  • Chest Events *April 3 - 30

There will be 2 Chest Events running each week throughout the month of April! Check out the full list below, or the visual calendar

  • Undead Lair & Manor of the Immortals - *April 3 - 10
  • Toxic Sewers & Davy Jones - *April 10 - 17
  • Mad Lab & Woodland Labyrinth - *April 17 - 24
  • Puppet Master Theater & Mountain Temple- *April 24 - 30

  • Applied a tentative fix to the disconnection issue when swapping or picking up items
  • Fixed wisdom bonus calculations in tooltips for orbs, seals and tomes
  • Nest Encounter Beehemoths always show on the minimap
  • Re-enabled quests in the Lair of Draconis

  • Friend list rework - usability, performance and a new look
  • Implemented New quest type “One per account

Heads up
  • The Feed Power value for all Character skins and Pet skins will be revised very soon. We want that value to be more consistent across the board and avoid unnecessary discrepancies. All of the soulbound skins will be worth 2000 FP, while the tradeable skins will be worth 500 FP. This means that, for instance, the skins that are worth 5000 FP will see their value lowered to 2000 FP. The same goes for Pet skins. If you have been holding onto any skins with plans to feed them to your pets in the future, start feeding them now before the update hits

    The Deca Team ~
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Realm_Devs

Hi everyone

A few days have passed since the vernal equinox so it's high time we released our Spring update, aka the Magic Woods update! As most of you know, Magic Woods is the name of the newest dungeon, which is now available for you to play. Kudos to Toastrz for designing this dungeon with the precious help of Poshun's artistic touch! We would like to thank all of the contributors (artists, testers) who have also helped to bring this dungeon to life

With this update we are also activating Easter events, updating the Friends list interface and changing the appearance of the Nexus. Full details below

  • Coming along with a UT Mystic set, the new low-mid level dungeon Magic Woods is now available and rarely drops from Ent Gods and Ent Ancients
  • The Hanami Nexus is back
  • Oryx's Frozen Castle finally thawed
  • The Leprechaun has left the realm
  • Increased Pet eggs drop rates across the Realm for the duration of the Events

  • Main Event: Easter Egg Hunt *March 29 - April 12

The Easter Egg Hunt has started again! Collect Magic Eggs & Golden Egg tokens and trade them for guaranteed exclusive gear and skins

You can collect Magic Egg tokens from egg baskets that are placed all around the realm, from an encounter with a certain Buffed Bunny after you destroy all 16 giant eggs in a given realm, and a variety of Chest Events

With the help of the Tinkerer, you can turn in a total 10 stacks of Magic Eggs x10 every day to get a maximum of 20 Golden Eggs per day. The Golden Eggs can then be traded for guaranteed exclusive gear and skins

  • April Weekly Quests *April 3 - 30

The ORYX tokens are back! Collect the ORYX April Shards from the Login Calendar, Chest Events and trade them for the O, R, Y and X letter tokens. Collect all 4 letters across the event to obtain the exclusive Penguin Warrior skin

  • Chest Events *April 3 - 30

There will be 2 Chest Events running each week throughout the month of April! Check out the full list below, or the visual calendar

  • Undead Lair & Manor of the Immortals - *April 3 - 10
  • Toxic Sewers & Davy Jones - *April 10 - 17
  • Mad Lab & Woodland Labyrinth - *April 17 - 24
  • Puppet Master Theater & Mountain Temple- *April 24 - 30

  • Applied a tentative fix to the disconnection issue when swapping or picking up items
  • Fixed wisdom bonus calculations in tooltips for orbs, seals and tomes
  • Nest Encounter Beehemoths always show on the minimap
  • Re-enabled quests in the Lair of Draconis

  • Friend list rework - usability, performance and a new look
  • Implemented New quest type “One per account

Heads up
  • The Feed Power value for all Character skins and Pet skins will be revised very soon. We want that value to be more consistent across the board and avoid unnecessary discrepancies. All of the soulbound skins will be worth 2000 FP, while the tradeable skins will be worth 500 FP. This means that, for instance, the skins that are worth 5000 FP will see their value lowered to 2000 FP. The same goes for Pet skins. If you have been holding onto any skins with plans to feed them to your pets in the future, start feeding them now before the update hits

    The Deca Team ~
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Realm_Devs

Happy Valentine’s day everyone!

A new event is starting today. For the next 2 weeks, various monsters and bosses in the Realms will drop Heart items.

You can stack these heart items up to 10 and then exchange them for Love Letters at the Tinkerer… or share them with other players!

Love Letters can be stacked up to 20 and also be exchanged at the Tinkerer for pieces of the Valentine’s Day Archer Set:

  • Heartstruck Bow (UT)
  • Quiver of Dazing Love (UT)
  • Cupid’s Garments (UT)
  • Ring of Unbound Love (UT)

Bella’s Garden also now drops the unique Heart of Gold Prism!

Valentine’s Event details:
  • Event Start: 02/14/2018
  • Event End: 03/01/2018
  • Tokens: Heart & Love Letters

Drop of interest and Location:
  • Heart(s): Godlands, Dungeon Bosses (tradable)
  • Love Letter(s): Tinkerer Quest (soulbound)
  • Heart of Gold Prism (UT): Bella’s Garden

Tinkerer Quests:
  • Love Letters Quests (2,4,6,8)
  • Love Quests (Unbound, Dazed, Struck & Cupid)

  • Added Zodiac Dog pet stone
  • Applied fix on Piglet Sorcerer dye mask
  • Increased size of Lovebird, Prince Frog & Mini Pegasus pet skins
  • Fixed the description for the Rusty Cuffs
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Realm_Devs

Happy Valentine’s day everyone!

A new event is starting today. For the next 2 weeks, various monsters and bosses in the Realms will drop Heart items.

You can stack these heart items up to 10 and then exchange them for Love Letters at the Tinkerer… or share them with other players!

Love Letters can be stacked up to 20 and also be exchanged at the Tinkerer for pieces of the Valentine’s Day Archer Set:

  • Heartstruck Bow (UT)
  • Quiver of Dazing Love (UT)
  • Cupid’s Garments (UT)
  • Ring of Unbound Love (UT)

Bella’s Garden also now drops the unique Heart of Gold Prism!

Valentine’s Event details:
  • Event Start: 02/14/2018
  • Event End: 03/01/2018
  • Tokens: Heart & Love Letters

Drop of interest and Location:
  • Heart(s): Godlands, Dungeon Bosses (tradable)
  • Love Letter(s): Tinkerer Quest (soulbound)
  • Heart of Gold Prism (UT): Bella’s Garden

Tinkerer Quests:
  • Love Letters Quests (2,4,6,8)
  • Love Quests (Unbound, Dazed, Struck & Cupid)

  • Added Zodiac Dog pet stone
  • Applied fix on Piglet Sorcerer dye mask
  • Increased size of Lovebird, Prince Frog & Mini Pegasus pet skins
  • Fixed the description for the Rusty Cuffs
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Realm_Devs

Hey everyone, r4ndomSXD here!

We're happy to announce that today marks the opening of a new server cluster for Australia! With that, we also moved some of the server clusters in new physical locations in order to improve latency per region. These changes mainly affect some of the US servers.

Additionally, we also decided to invest some time into providing official tools to address the need for third-party solutions used by a vast majority of players. You will now be able to use the URL with the Flash Projector to connect to the game easily.

Some QoL, a lot of fixes and Events coming up this Month. Have fun!


Are you ready for a Dungeon Challenge this month? It’s your chance to get your hands on some FP, Cosmetics, ST parts and the exclusive Turtle Knight Skin!

Every week of February, a different dungeon will host a Chest Event:

  • Events will start on 02/02/2018.
  • In order: Undead Lair (week 1), Davy Jones's Locker (week 2), Woodland Labyrinth (week 3) and Puppet Master's Theatre (week 4).
  • Defeat the Boss of the Dungeon to spawn the Reward Chest and a chance to collect a Shard or other rewards.
  • Collect a stack of 10 Shards and bring it to the Tinkerer to receive the weekly Dungeon trinket.
  • At the end of the month, you will be able to turn all 4 trinkets in and qualify for the Monthly Dungeon Challenge rewards!
  • Dungeon Shards and Trinkets will disappear after this month.

More Events are coming mid-months with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, stay tuned!


  • New Server Cluster for Australia accessible from the servers list.
  • Other server clusters have been redeployed to new physical locations in order to improve latency.
  • Teleportation is disabled again in the Nest.

Quality of Life

  • The new official Flash Projector link -
  • New health bar look - darker background and outline, color steps with percentage (red below 20% and orange below 50%), no longer interferes with the player name.
  • Portals of Cowardice have been added to the Haunted Cemetery (all areas), Davy Jones' Locker and the Lair of Draconis (Altar and Ivory Wyvern).
  • Consumables now display whether or not they are potions in their tooltip.
  • Improved Magic Nova tooltip with more information (Pollen Powder).
  • The minimap shows nearby Ocean Vents in the Ocean Trench.
  • Packages granting Vault space and Character slots will now unlock them directly upon purchase.
  • Packages advertised in the News section of the Character selection screen can now be purchased directly from there.


  • To prevent interference with loot bags, various exit portal drop locations have been adjusted: Haunted Cemetery, Puppet Master's Theatre, Puppet Master's Encore, Lair of Shaitan, Battle for Nexus, Oryx's Chamber, Chicken Chamber and Wine Cellar.
  • Adjusted behaviors of various enemies in the Realm to ensure they stay in their biome or set-piece: all parasitic enemies from Infected Buildings, Headless Horseman, Kage Kami and Great Coil Snake.
  • Added health bars to Mad Lab's Tesla Coils and Attack Turrets, as well as Ice Cave's Cursed Graves.
  • Dr Terrible now uses an attack animation for throwing potions and deploying turrets.
  • Fixed Battle for Nexus progress locking up when a boss is killed within 5 seconds.
  • Fixed letter descenders causing a graphical bug in player names.
  • Reduced Haunted Armor and Puppet Master/False Puppet Master text spam.
  • Fixed needlessly destructible bookshelves and paintings in the Manor of the Immortals.
  • Adjusted star tooltip for maxed out Class Quests.
  • The Grand Sphinx removes nearby walls at death.
  • Fixed Assassin of Oryx stacked shots.
  • Fixed support for currencies like TWD, UAH, CRC, KZT, UYU and VND for Steam.


  • Lowered HP and Damage for Realm versions of parasitic Hosts.

Removed damage ranges from all enemies.

  • Shades of the Avatar: 102 - 156 -> 130
  • Shades of the Avatar: 53 - 92 -> 75
  • Killer Pillar: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Killer Pillar: 163 - 213 -> 190
  • Tomb Fire Turret: 30 - 70 -> 50
  • Tomb Thunder Turret: 10 - 100 -> 50
  • Tomb Fire Turret: 20 - 60 -> 40
  • Tomb Thunder Turret: 10 - 80 -> 40
  • Septavius the Ghost God: 40 - 45 -> 40
  • Mixcoatl the Masked God: 45 - 65 -> 50
  • Basilisk Baby: 15 - 30 -> 22
  • Basilisk: 15 - 30 -> 22
  • Basilisk: 25 - 35 -> 30
  • Basilisk: 30 - 45 -> 36
  • Jungle Fire: 10 - 20 -> 20
  • Jungle Fire: 20 - 30 -> 25
  • Purple Goo: 40 - 70 -> 55
  • Ivory Wyvern: 125 - 175 -> 150
  • Ivory Wyvern: 75 - 100 -> 90
  • Mirror Wyvern: 100 - 125 -> 115
  • Red Soul of Pyrr: 115 - 125 -> 120
  • Blue Soul of Nikao: 115 - 125 -> 120
  • Green Soul of Limoz: 115 - 125 -> 120
  • Black Soul of Feargus: 115 - 125 -> 120
  • Titanum of Hate: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Titanum of Despair: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Titanum of Lies: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Titanum of Cruelty: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Paladin Obelisk: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Fire Mage: 100 - 130 -> 120
  • Stone Mage: 80 - 105 -> 90
  • Ice Sphere (Ice Mage): 75 - 150 -> 55, now Armor Piercing
  • Royal Guardian: 100 - 130 -> 120
  • The Forgotten King: 163 - 213 -> 190
  • Inferno: 100 - 130 -> 120
  • Ice Sphere (Twilight Archmage): 75 - 150 -> 115
  • Belladonna: 96 - 103 -> 100
  • Belladonna: 75 - 143 -> 110
  • Belladonna: 82 - 114 -> 100
  • Belladonna: 91 - 155 -> 125
  • Immaculate Red Flower: 103 - 124 -> 115
  • The Puppet Master: 75 - 95 -> 85
  • The Puppet Master: 80 - 100 -> 90
  • The Puppet Master: 95 - 115 -> 105
  • The Puppet Master: 75 - 85 -> 80
  • Wizard Puppet: 50 - 65 -> 55
  • Knight Puppet: 100 - 120 -> 110
  • Assassin Puppet: 50 - 65 -> 55
  • Priest Puppet: 65 - 85 -> 75
  • Archer Puppet: 75 - 85 -> 80
  • Rogue Puppet: 75 - 100 -> 88
  • Warrior Puppet: 100 - 120 -> 110
  • Paladin Puppet: 100 - 120 -> 110
  • Sorcerer Puppet: 75 - 90 -> 85
  • Trickster Puppet: 75 - 90 -> 85
  • Creepy Weird Dark Spirit Mirror Image Monster: 20 - 32 -> 26
  • Icy Whirlwind: 75 - 85 -> 80
  • Esben the Unwilling: 70 - 70 -> 70
  • Esben the Unwilling: 40 - 50 -> 45
  • Sewer Brown Slime: 40 - 70 -> 55
  • Sewer Yellow Slime: 40 - 70 -> 55
  • The Beekeeper: 120 - 160 -> 140

Removed damage ranges from all ground tiles.

  • Lava: 30 - 60 -> 45
  • Liquid Evil: 25 - 40 -> 32
  • Evil Water: 50 - 60 -> 55
  • Puke Water: 50 - 60 -> 55
  • Magma: 70 - 80 -> 75
  • Pure Evil: 70 - 80 -> 75
  • Killer Honey: 50 - 70 -> 60
  • Deep Killer Honey: 80 - 120 -> 100
  • Oryx Poison: 30 - 60 -> 45


  • The following cosmetics were added:
  • Fixed Mini Rosen Blade skin & dye mask.
  • Fixed Mad Dwarf dye mask.
  • Added the Rat as a new Common/Uncommon Woodland Pet.
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Realm_Devs

Hey everyone, r4ndomSXD here!

We're happy to announce that today marks the opening of a new server cluster for Australia! With that, we also moved some of the server clusters in new physical locations in order to improve latency per region. These changes mainly affect some of the US servers.

Additionally, we also decided to invest some time into providing official tools to address the need for third-party solutions used by a vast majority of players. You will now be able to use the URL with the Flash Projector to connect to the game easily.

Some QoL, a lot of fixes and Events coming up this Month. Have fun!


Are you ready for a Dungeon Challenge this month? It’s your chance to get your hands on some FP, Cosmetics, ST parts and the exclusive Turtle Knight Skin!

Every week of February, a different dungeon will host a Chest Event:

  • Events will start on 02/02/2018.
  • In order: Undead Lair (week 1), Davy Jones's Locker (week 2), Woodland Labyrinth (week 3) and Puppet Master's Theatre (week 4).
  • Defeat the Boss of the Dungeon to spawn the Reward Chest and a chance to collect a Shard or other rewards.
  • Collect a stack of 10 Shards and bring it to the Tinkerer to receive the weekly Dungeon trinket.
  • At the end of the month, you will be able to turn all 4 trinkets in and qualify for the Monthly Dungeon Challenge rewards!
  • Dungeon Shards and Trinkets will disappear after this month.

More Events are coming mid-months with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, stay tuned!


  • New Server Cluster for Australia accessible from the servers list.
  • Other server clusters have been redeployed to new physical locations in order to improve latency.
  • Teleportation is disabled again in the Nest.

Quality of Life

  • The new official Flash Projector link -
  • New health bar look - darker background and outline, color steps with percentage (red below 20% and orange below 50%), no longer interferes with the player name.
  • Portals of Cowardice have been added to the Haunted Cemetery (all areas), Davy Jones' Locker and the Lair of Draconis (Altar and Ivory Wyvern).
  • Consumables now display whether or not they are potions in their tooltip.
  • Improved Magic Nova tooltip with more information (Pollen Powder).
  • The minimap shows nearby Ocean Vents in the Ocean Trench.
  • Packages granting Vault space and Character slots will now unlock them directly upon purchase.
  • Packages advertised in the News section of the Character selection screen can now be purchased directly from there.


  • To prevent interference with loot bags, various exit portal drop locations have been adjusted: Haunted Cemetery, Puppet Master's Theatre, Puppet Master's Encore, Lair of Shaitan, Battle for Nexus, Oryx's Chamber, Chicken Chamber and Wine Cellar.
  • Adjusted behaviors of various enemies in the Realm to ensure they stay in their biome or set-piece: all parasitic enemies from Infected Buildings, Headless Horseman, Kage Kami and Great Coil Snake.
  • Added health bars to Mad Lab's Tesla Coils and Attack Turrets, as well as Ice Cave's Cursed Graves.
  • Dr Terrible now uses an attack animation for throwing potions and deploying turrets.
  • Fixed Battle for Nexus progress locking up when a boss is killed within 5 seconds.
  • Fixed letter descenders causing a graphical bug in player names.
  • Reduced Haunted Armor and Puppet Master/False Puppet Master text spam.
  • Fixed needlessly destructible bookshelves and paintings in the Manor of the Immortals.
  • Adjusted star tooltip for maxed out Class Quests.
  • The Grand Sphinx removes nearby walls at death.
  • Fixed Assassin of Oryx stacked shots.
  • Fixed support for currencies like TWD, UAH, CRC, KZT, UYU and VND for Steam.


  • Lowered HP and Damage for Realm versions of parasitic Hosts.

Removed damage ranges from all enemies.

  • Shades of the Avatar: 102 - 156 -> 130
  • Shades of the Avatar: 53 - 92 -> 75
  • Killer Pillar: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Killer Pillar: 163 - 213 -> 190
  • Tomb Fire Turret: 30 - 70 -> 50
  • Tomb Thunder Turret: 10 - 100 -> 50
  • Tomb Fire Turret: 20 - 60 -> 40
  • Tomb Thunder Turret: 10 - 80 -> 40
  • Septavius the Ghost God: 40 - 45 -> 40
  • Mixcoatl the Masked God: 45 - 65 -> 50
  • Basilisk Baby: 15 - 30 -> 22
  • Basilisk: 15 - 30 -> 22
  • Basilisk: 25 - 35 -> 30
  • Basilisk: 30 - 45 -> 36
  • Jungle Fire: 10 - 20 -> 20
  • Jungle Fire: 20 - 30 -> 25
  • Purple Goo: 40 - 70 -> 55
  • Ivory Wyvern: 125 - 175 -> 150
  • Ivory Wyvern: 75 - 100 -> 90
  • Mirror Wyvern: 100 - 125 -> 115
  • Red Soul of Pyrr: 115 - 125 -> 120
  • Blue Soul of Nikao: 115 - 125 -> 120
  • Green Soul of Limoz: 115 - 125 -> 120
  • Black Soul of Feargus: 115 - 125 -> 120
  • Titanum of Hate: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Titanum of Despair: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Titanum of Lies: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Titanum of Cruelty: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Paladin Obelisk: 200 - 300 -> 250
  • Fire Mage: 100 - 130 -> 120
  • Stone Mage: 80 - 105 -> 90
  • Ice Sphere (Ice Mage): 75 - 150 -> 55, now Armor Piercing
  • Royal Guardian: 100 - 130 -> 120
  • The Forgotten King: 163 - 213 -> 190
  • Inferno: 100 - 130 -> 120
  • Ice Sphere (Twilight Archmage): 75 - 150 -> 115
  • Belladonna: 96 - 103 -> 100
  • Belladonna: 75 - 143 -> 110
  • Belladonna: 82 - 114 -> 100
  • Belladonna: 91 - 155 -> 125
  • Immaculate Red Flower: 103 - 124 -> 115
  • The Puppet Master: 75 - 95 -> 85
  • The Puppet Master: 80 - 100 -> 90
  • The Puppet Master: 95 - 115 -> 105
  • The Puppet Master: 75 - 85 -> 80
  • Wizard Puppet: 50 - 65 -> 55
  • Knight Puppet: 100 - 120 -> 110
  • Assassin Puppet: 50 - 65 -> 55
  • Priest Puppet: 65 - 85 -> 75
  • Archer Puppet: 75 - 85 -> 80
  • Rogue Puppet: 75 - 100 -> 88
  • Warrior Puppet: 100 - 120 -> 110
  • Paladin Puppet: 100 - 120 -> 110
  • Sorcerer Puppet: 75 - 90 -> 85
  • Trickster Puppet: 75 - 90 -> 85
  • Creepy Weird Dark Spirit Mirror Image Monster: 20 - 32 -> 26
  • Icy Whirlwind: 75 - 85 -> 80
  • Esben the Unwilling: 70 - 70 -> 70
  • Esben the Unwilling: 40 - 50 -> 45
  • Sewer Brown Slime: 40 - 70 -> 55
  • Sewer Yellow Slime: 40 - 70 -> 55
  • The Beekeeper: 120 - 160 -> 140

Removed damage ranges from all ground tiles.

  • Lava: 30 - 60 -> 45
  • Liquid Evil: 25 - 40 -> 32
  • Evil Water: 50 - 60 -> 55
  • Puke Water: 50 - 60 -> 55
  • Magma: 70 - 80 -> 75
  • Pure Evil: 70 - 80 -> 75
  • Killer Honey: 50 - 70 -> 60
  • Deep Killer Honey: 80 - 120 -> 100
  • Oryx Poison: 30 - 60 -> 45


  • The following cosmetics were added:
  • Fixed Mini Rosen Blade skin & dye mask.
  • Fixed Mad Dwarf dye mask.
  • Added the Rat as a new Common/Uncommon Woodland Pet.
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Realm_Devs

Hello everyone and Happy New Year!

With this update, we are thrilled to introduce a new Quality of Life feature. Whenever you are in the Nexus or on the Character Selection screen, you can now access a new panel and see the character's lifetime statistics!

This information has been stored by us forever, but previously players could only see it when their characters died or by using third party tools. It felt like this sort of data should be easier for players to access! Additionally, this panel lists all of the current achievements that grant players bonus Fame upon death, another piece of previously hidden data. Hopefully, this will make the Fame System a little less opaque to you.

This update has given us an opportunity to take a hard look at this current set of Achievements; and we think they could be better. We have not made many changes yet, but are planning to, in a future release, update the Achievements to be less arbitrary and exploitable, and hopefully more fun and engaging. We know that Fame is an important resource to players, and there are many of you who spent hours optimizing how much fame your character would earn - eventually making it to the Leaderboards.

Stay tuned for some more in the next updates and in the meantime, share with us your feedback on that new feature, how it can be improved and continue sharing with us ideas of changes you would wish for the Bonus Fame Achievements.

End of Oryxmas Events

The Oryxmas celebrations have come to an end.
  • The Permafrost Lord no longer spawns in the Realms.
  • Encounters and quests now have their normal sprites back.
  • Reskinned abilities and other items no longer drop from Events.
  • Tokens (Ice Shards, Primal Ice, Ornaments and Bells) no longer drop from Encounters and quests.
  • Tokens can still be used to claim rewards if you have a full stack.
  • Reindeer companions no longer grant buffs when activated but can still be summoned.
  • Santa's Workshop can still be accessed if you use a key, tokens still drop from Santa's Workshop.
  • Event Quests will remain available for an extra week, allowing you to turn in your Primal Ice for weapons as well as Ice Shards for Primal Ice and SW keys (until 01-15-18).

New Feature: Statistics Panel

You can now access a new Statistics panel in-game by either clicking on the Fame icon (Character selection screen) or on the (i) button next to fame on the GUI.

The panel displays information on your current character's performance:
  • Statistics (number of shots, abilities used, gods killed, etc.)
  • Fame bonuses (status locked/unlocked, fame gain from each bonus, etc.)
  • Total Fame on Death

The statistics displayed in the panel are updated each time you enter the Nexus or go back to the Character selection screen.

Character creation date will only apply for new characters created after today and display "Unknown" for older characters. Because it was not functioning correctly, the Legacy Builder achievement has been disabled.

Quality of Life
  • Added Shop Button on HUD for direct access from within the Nexus, replacing the old packages button.
  • Added (i) and (+) Button on the Resources to have a direct call to action for the new Statistics Panel and to Buy Gold.
  • Fixed player limit issue when attempting to use portals that lead to the Nexus or Realm.
  • Fixed certain dungeons not counting towards the Dungeons Completed counter.


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