Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Myzzrym

We teased it, and you better beelieve it… The Nest is now live! Will you bee able to clear it, or will you bee one of the unfortunate to leave a tombstone in it?



* The Nest is out! Credits:
  • Dungeon Lead: MrUnibro
  • Art: Beige, Poshun, Dappertron, Bloodqwen
  • Special thanks to: Krathan, Kiddforce, Atrapper
* The new Huntress ST Set, Queen Bee ST Set is out!

Month of the Mad God Preview



* We will soon be lowering the price of several older Skins and Pet Stones for all of you out there. That means we will also have to lower the FP of those skins in particular to avoid having issues where Skins start being more interesting than Pet Food in the long run. If you have any duplicate skin lying around that you are not using, please make sure to feed them soon to avoid losing FP!


More to come… Soon...
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Myzzrym

We teased it, and you better beelieve it… The Nest is now live! Will you bee able to clear it, or will you bee one of the unfortunate to leave a tombstone in it?



* The Nest is out! Credits:
  • Dungeon Lead: MrUnibro
  • Art: Beige, Poshun, Dappertron, Bloodqwen
  • Special thanks to: Krathan, Kiddforce, Atrapper
* The new Huntress ST Set, Queen Bee ST Set is out!

Month of the Mad God Preview



* We will soon be lowering the price of several older Skins and Pet Stones for all of you out there. That means we will also have to lower the FP of those skins in particular to avoid having issues where Skins start being more interesting than Pet Food in the long run. If you have any duplicate skin lying around that you are not using, please make sure to feed them soon to avoid losing FP!


More to come… Soon...
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Myzzrym

Hey people!

Is… is that? Yes, we’re finally getting rid of 27.7 and going full X mode! Let’s celebrate that with the gorgeous Summer Nexus from Beige, and a refreshing summer rain of balance changes!

As for the Art Contest, we’re still going through all your submissions. Just like you guys, we’re super stoked about it - more than 200 participants took the challenge! Hopefully we will be able to reach the winners in the coming week.

Important Announcement: We will soon be lowering the price of several older Skins and Pet Stones for all of you out there. That means we will also have to lower the FP of those skins in particular to avoid having issues where Skins start being more interesting than Pet Food in the long run. If you have any duplicate skin lying around that you are not using, please make sure to feed them soon to avoid losing FP!

Note: If you can’t connect to the game, try using the website to see if the issue comes from the Client you’re using!



* The Summer Nexuses are now live! With creativity and hard work, Beige brings us the latest Nexus Technology™ with a time-based Nexus, which goes through a complete Day/Night cycle every 8 hours!
* Mini Sphinx Pet Stone now drops from the Grand Sphinx
* Mini Crystal Steed Pet Stone now drops from the Crystal Prisoner
* Mystery Items are out! Using one will drop an random related item (Mystery Skins will drop Skins for instance). The quality of the item depends on the quality of the Unlocker (Gold / Silver / Bronze).



* Using abilities while stunned functions properly and no longer results in disconnects (Shields, Quivers and Shuriken)
* Fixed ocean vent and wounded Thessal not appearing when they should (for real this time)
* Snake Pit Guard is no longer invisible on the mini map and displays its HP bar correctly
* Reduced another repetitive line from the Avatar
* Cleaned up Oryx Taunt strings (double spaces, etc.)



* Opening secret room now makes a sound like it was intended!
* Brought back backgrounds - Sprite Worlds have stars again! (only when Hardware Acceleration is off)
* Scepter of Geb renamed to Wand of Geb to avoid confusion
* Equipment Tool Tips
* Abilities now display their cooldown
* Set pieces now display the full set bonuses (lightly grayed if not active)
* Traps and Scepters: added new properties and improved stat comparisons
* Improved comparisons for MP Costs




Max Attack: 60 -> 70
Base Attack: 10 -> 12


Scepters have received quite an overhaul! The goal with these changes is more engaging and strategic game-play, on top of making the choice of equipment more interesting.

* Wisdom scaling: past 50 Wisdom, Scepters will receive bonuses
* Each point increases damage, the amount depends on the Scepter
* Every 10 points will add an additional target (+3 for 80 WIS for example)
* Damage distribution: damage decreases for each subsequent target
* Narrower arc: lowered from 90°, now they actually have to be aimed to some extend
* Overall: damage increased significantly

Scepter | Tier | MP | Arc | Base Dmg | New Dmg | Decrease/ Target | Bonus/ WIS | Base Targets | New Targets
Lightning Scepter | 0 | -20 | -60° | +30 | 80 | 8 | 1.5 | | 3
Discharge Scepter | 1 | -15 | -60° | +40 | 120 | 12 | 2.5 | | 4
Thunderclap Scepter | 2 | -10 | -60° | +50 | 160 | 20 | 4 | -1 | 4
Arcblast Scepter | 3 | -5 | -60° | +60 | 200 | 25 | 5 | -1 | 5
Cloudflash Scepter | 4 | | -60° | +70 | 240 | 30 | 6 | -2 | 5
Scepter of Skybolts | 5 | +5 | -60° | +80 | 280 | 35 | 7 | -3 | 5
Scepter of Storms | 6 | +5 | -60° | +100 | 300 | 40 | 8 | -3 | 5
Scepter of Fulmination | | +15 | -60° | +40 | 220 | 40 | 8 | -3 | 4
HoneyScepter | | -20 | -45° | | 100 | | 4 | -4 | 6


* Damage increased to bring them more in line with other weapons
* Faster projectiles (without affecting range) to make them more responsive
* Bulwark now hits multiple enemies, range displayed in tool tip is more accurate

Wand | Tier | Speed | Min | Max | Avg | Old | New
Fire Wand | 0 | +30 | +5 | +5 | +5 | 20-35 | 25-40
Force Wand | 1 | +30 | +5 | +5 | +5 | 30-45 | 35-50
Power Wand | 2 | +30 | +5 | +5 | +5 | 35-50 | 40-55
Missile Wand | 3 | +30 | +5 | +5 | +5 | 40-55 | 45-60
Eldritch Wand | 4 | +30 | +5 | +5 | +5 | 50-65 | 55-70
Hell's Fire Wand | 5 | +30 | | +10 | +5 | 60-75 | 60-85
Wand of Dark Magic | 6 | +30 | | +15 | +7.5 | 70-85 | 70-100
Wand of Arcane Flame | 7 | +30 | -5 | +20 | +7.5 | 80-95 | 75-115
Wand of Death | 8 | +30 | | +5 | +2.5 | 80-120 | 80-125
Wand of Deep Sorcery | 9 | +30 | | +10 | +5 | 85-120 | 85-130
Wand of Shadow | 10 | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 85-125 | 90-135
Wand of Ancient Warning | 11 | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 90-125 | 95-135
Wand of Recompense | 12 | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 90-130 | 95-140
Sprite Wand | | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 5-210 | 10-220
Crystal Wand | | +30 | -5 | +10 | +2.5 | 75-100 | 70-110
Wand of the Bulwark | | -3 | +50 | +50 | +50 | 300-400 | 350-450
St. Abraham's Wand | | +20 | | +10 | +5 | 90-110 | 90-120
Conducting Wand | | | +5 | +20 | +12.5 | 55-130 | 60-150
Wand of Budding Romance | | +30 | | +10 | +5 | 85-120 | 85-130
Wand of Egg-cellence | | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 90-125 | 95-135
Wand of Ancient Terror | | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 90-125 | 95-135
Scepter of Geb | | | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 65-90 | 70-100
Present Dispensing Wand | | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 90-125 | 95-135
Frozen Wand | | +30 | -5 | +10 | +2.5 | 75-100 | 70-110
Eternal Snowflake Wand | | -3 | +50 | +50 | +50 | 300-400 | 350-450
Wand of the Fallen | | -5 | +20 | | +10 | 120-190 | 140-190


* Lower MP Costs
* Attack bonus for higher tiers
* Throwing Traps is faster
* Traps last 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds
* Coral Venom Trap
* Feed Power: 500 -> 700
* Fame Bonus: 4% -> 5%

Trap | Tier | MP | ATT | Base Dmg
Hunting Trap | 0 | | | +10
Wilderlands Trap | 1 | -10 | | +5
Deepforest Trap | 2 | -20 | |
Savage Trap | 3 | -25 | |
Demonhunter Trap | 4 | -30 | +1 | +10
Dragonstalker Trap | 5 | -35 | +2 | +20
Giantcatcher Trap | 6 | -35 | +3 | +50
Coral Venom Trap | | -30 | |

* Added a new UT for pure damage and with other unique properties!


* Ghost Ship
* Drops the new Trap of the Vile Spirit!
* HP: 42000 -> 66000
* Stun Immune
* Paralyze Immune
* Great Coil Snake
* Now only spawns a limited amount of Coil Snakes
* Coil Snakes have less defense: 20 -> 5
* Coil Snakes have more HP: 50 -> 100

Oryx has fortified his castle!

It has become a lot more sturdy! This intends to increase incentive for clearing, give slower players opportunities to catch up and make it better withstand the usually big groups of players.

* Destructible Wall
* HP: 3000 -> 9000
* Fortified Destructible Wall
* New walls that replace the regular ones on the bridge until the end
* HP: 24000
* Living Floor and Quiet Bombs
* Fixed a bug where Quiet Bombs could be destroyed instantly after spawning
* Inflicts Weak for 5 seconds (in addition to Quiet for 5 seconds)
* Projectile Amount: 18 -> 15
* Projectile Speed: 50 -> 40
* Damage: 10-20 -> 20
* The Stone Guardians
* Depending on the party size, the Stone Guardians now regenerate!
* HP: 60000 -> 80000
* DEF: 100 -> 80

The Shatters

EXP in the Shatters has been increased across the board!

* Defense System (Avatar): 58 -> 1000
* Fire Mage: 39 -> 100
* Fire Adept: 78 -> 150
* Archmage of Flame: 39 -> 200
* Ice Mage: 39 -> 150
* Ice Adept: 78 -> 200
* Glassier Archmage: 39 -> 250
* Paladin Obelisk & Titanum: 117 -> 600
* Bridge Sentinel: 243 -> 4000
* Inferno: 243 -> 1000
* Blizzard: 243 -> 1000
* Twilight Archmage: 243 -> 4000
* Royal Guardian L: 39 -> 500
* The Forgotten King: 117 -> 7000

The Puppet Theatre

Puppets have significantly decreased HP!

* The Puppet Master: 110000 -> 70000
* False Puppet Masters activate sooner
* Knight Puppet: 5000 -> 2000
* Warrior Puppet: 4000 -> 1500
* Paladin Puppet: 3500 -> 1500
* Puppet Leather: 4000 -> 1000
* Puppet Robe: 3000 -> 800
* Sorcerer Puppet: 2500 -> 600
* Oryx Puppet: 45000 -> 35000
* Minion Puppet: 7000 -> 2000

Disappointed to not see any changes to Skulls? Not to worry, they're in the works! Let us know what you would like to see changed about them!



* Added a new batch of Summer Skins
* Fix to the following Skins / Dye Masks: Mini Rosen
* Added credits to: Bagston Pet Stone (MillSup)


That’s it for now! Big thanks to all our testers out there, you know who you are! Please enjoy the Summer Nexus and the new reworks. As always don’t hesitate to drop us a word if you have a comment or feedback - and don’t forget to feed those duplicate skins to your pets!
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Myzzrym

Hey people!

Is… is that? Yes, we’re finally getting rid of 27.7 and going full X mode! Let’s celebrate that with the gorgeous Summer Nexus from Beige, and a refreshing summer rain of balance changes!

As for the Art Contest, we’re still going through all your submissions. Just like you guys, we’re super stoked about it - more than 200 participants took the challenge! Hopefully we will be able to reach the winners in the coming week.

Important Announcement: We will soon be lowering the price of several older Skins and Pet Stones for all of you out there. That means we will also have to lower the FP of those skins in particular to avoid having issues where Skins start being more interesting than Pet Food in the long run. If you have any duplicate skin lying around that you are not using, please make sure to feed them soon to avoid losing FP!

Note: If you can’t connect to the game, try using the website to see if the issue comes from the Client you’re using!



* The Summer Nexuses are now live! With creativity and hard work, Beige brings us the latest Nexus Technology™ with a time-based Nexus, which goes through a complete Day/Night cycle every 8 hours!
* Mini Sphinx Pet Stone now drops from the Grand Sphinx
* Mini Crystal Steed Pet Stone now drops from the Crystal Prisoner
* Mystery Items are out! Using one will drop an random related item (Mystery Skins will drop Skins for instance). The quality of the item depends on the quality of the Unlocker (Gold / Silver / Bronze).



* Using abilities while stunned functions properly and no longer results in disconnects (Shields, Quivers and Shuriken)
* Fixed ocean vent and wounded Thessal not appearing when they should (for real this time)
* Snake Pit Guard is no longer invisible on the mini map and displays its HP bar correctly
* Reduced another repetitive line from the Avatar
* Cleaned up Oryx Taunt strings (double spaces, etc.)



* Opening secret room now makes a sound like it was intended!
* Brought back backgrounds - Sprite Worlds have stars again! (only when Hardware Acceleration is off)
* Scepter of Geb renamed to Wand of Geb to avoid confusion
* Equipment Tool Tips
* Abilities now display their cooldown
* Set pieces now display the full set bonuses (lightly grayed if not active)
* Traps and Scepters: added new properties and improved stat comparisons
* Improved comparisons for MP Costs




Max Attack: 60 -> 70
Base Attack: 10 -> 12


Scepters have received quite an overhaul! The goal with these changes is more engaging and strategic game-play, on top of making the choice of equipment more interesting.

* Wisdom scaling: past 50 Wisdom, Scepters will receive bonuses
* Each point increases damage, the amount depends on the Scepter
* Every 10 points will add an additional target (+3 for 80 WIS for example)
* Damage distribution: damage decreases for each subsequent target
* Narrower arc: lowered from 90°, now they actually have to be aimed to some extend
* Overall: damage increased significantly

Scepter | Tier | MP | Arc | Base Dmg | New Dmg | Decrease/ Target | Bonus/ WIS | Base Targets | New Targets
Lightning Scepter | 0 | -20 | -60° | +30 | 80 | 8 | 1.5 | | 3
Discharge Scepter | 1 | -15 | -60° | +40 | 120 | 12 | 2.5 | | 4
Thunderclap Scepter | 2 | -10 | -60° | +50 | 160 | 20 | 4 | -1 | 4
Arcblast Scepter | 3 | -5 | -60° | +60 | 200 | 25 | 5 | -1 | 5
Cloudflash Scepter | 4 | | -60° | +70 | 240 | 30 | 6 | -2 | 5
Scepter of Skybolts | 5 | +5 | -60° | +80 | 280 | 35 | 7 | -3 | 5
Scepter of Storms | 6 | +5 | -60° | +100 | 300 | 40 | 8 | -3 | 5
Scepter of Fulmination | | +15 | -60° | +40 | 220 | 40 | 8 | -3 | 4
HoneyScepter | | -20 | -45° | | 100 | | 4 | -4 | 6


* Damage increased to bring them more in line with other weapons
* Faster projectiles (without affecting range) to make them more responsive
* Bulwark now hits multiple enemies, range displayed in tool tip is more accurate

Wand | Tier | Speed | Min | Max | Avg | Old | New
Fire Wand | 0 | +30 | +5 | +5 | +5 | 20-35 | 25-40
Force Wand | 1 | +30 | +5 | +5 | +5 | 30-45 | 35-50
Power Wand | 2 | +30 | +5 | +5 | +5 | 35-50 | 40-55
Missile Wand | 3 | +30 | +5 | +5 | +5 | 40-55 | 45-60
Eldritch Wand | 4 | +30 | +5 | +5 | +5 | 50-65 | 55-70
Hell's Fire Wand | 5 | +30 | | +10 | +5 | 60-75 | 60-85
Wand of Dark Magic | 6 | +30 | | +15 | +7.5 | 70-85 | 70-100
Wand of Arcane Flame | 7 | +30 | -5 | +20 | +7.5 | 80-95 | 75-115
Wand of Death | 8 | +30 | | +5 | +2.5 | 80-120 | 80-125
Wand of Deep Sorcery | 9 | +30 | | +10 | +5 | 85-120 | 85-130
Wand of Shadow | 10 | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 85-125 | 90-135
Wand of Ancient Warning | 11 | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 90-125 | 95-135
Wand of Recompense | 12 | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 90-130 | 95-140
Sprite Wand | | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 5-210 | 10-220
Crystal Wand | | +30 | -5 | +10 | +2.5 | 75-100 | 70-110
Wand of the Bulwark | | -3 | +50 | +50 | +50 | 300-400 | 350-450
St. Abraham's Wand | | +20 | | +10 | +5 | 90-110 | 90-120
Conducting Wand | | | +5 | +20 | +12.5 | 55-130 | 60-150
Wand of Budding Romance | | +30 | | +10 | +5 | 85-120 | 85-130
Wand of Egg-cellence | | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 90-125 | 95-135
Wand of Ancient Terror | | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 90-125 | 95-135
Scepter of Geb | | | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 65-90 | 70-100
Present Dispensing Wand | | +30 | +5 | +10 | +7.5 | 90-125 | 95-135
Frozen Wand | | +30 | -5 | +10 | +2.5 | 75-100 | 70-110
Eternal Snowflake Wand | | -3 | +50 | +50 | +50 | 300-400 | 350-450
Wand of the Fallen | | -5 | +20 | | +10 | 120-190 | 140-190


* Lower MP Costs
* Attack bonus for higher tiers
* Throwing Traps is faster
* Traps last 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds
* Coral Venom Trap
* Feed Power: 500 -> 700
* Fame Bonus: 4% -> 5%

Trap | Tier | MP | ATT | Base Dmg
Hunting Trap | 0 | | | +10
Wilderlands Trap | 1 | -10 | | +5
Deepforest Trap | 2 | -20 | |
Savage Trap | 3 | -25 | |
Demonhunter Trap | 4 | -30 | +1 | +10
Dragonstalker Trap | 5 | -35 | +2 | +20
Giantcatcher Trap | 6 | -35 | +3 | +50
Coral Venom Trap | | -30 | |

* Added a new UT for pure damage and with other unique properties!


* Ghost Ship
* Drops the new Trap of the Vile Spirit!
* HP: 42000 -> 66000
* Stun Immune
* Paralyze Immune
* Great Coil Snake
* Now only spawns a limited amount of Coil Snakes
* Coil Snakes have less defense: 20 -> 5
* Coil Snakes have more HP: 50 -> 100

Oryx has fortified his castle!

It has become a lot more sturdy! This intends to increase incentive for clearing, give slower players opportunities to catch up and make it better withstand the usually big groups of players.

* Destructible Wall
* HP: 3000 -> 9000
* Fortified Destructible Wall
* New walls that replace the regular ones on the bridge until the end
* HP: 24000
* Living Floor and Quiet Bombs
* Fixed a bug where Quiet Bombs could be destroyed instantly after spawning
* Inflicts Weak for 5 seconds (in addition to Quiet for 5 seconds)
* Projectile Amount: 18 -> 15
* Projectile Speed: 50 -> 40
* Damage: 10-20 -> 20
* The Stone Guardians
* Depending on the party size, the Stone Guardians now regenerate!
* HP: 60000 -> 80000
* DEF: 100 -> 80

The Shatters

EXP in the Shatters has been increased across the board!

* Defense System (Avatar): 58 -> 1000
* Fire Mage: 39 -> 100
* Fire Adept: 78 -> 150
* Archmage of Flame: 39 -> 200
* Ice Mage: 39 -> 150
* Ice Adept: 78 -> 200
* Glassier Archmage: 39 -> 250
* Paladin Obelisk & Titanum: 117 -> 600
* Bridge Sentinel: 243 -> 4000
* Inferno: 243 -> 1000
* Blizzard: 243 -> 1000
* Twilight Archmage: 243 -> 4000
* Royal Guardian L: 39 -> 500
* The Forgotten King: 117 -> 7000

The Puppet Theatre

Puppets have significantly decreased HP!

* The Puppet Master: 110000 -> 70000
* False Puppet Masters activate sooner
* Knight Puppet: 5000 -> 2000
* Warrior Puppet: 4000 -> 1500
* Paladin Puppet: 3500 -> 1500
* Puppet Leather: 4000 -> 1000
* Puppet Robe: 3000 -> 800
* Sorcerer Puppet: 2500 -> 600
* Oryx Puppet: 45000 -> 35000
* Minion Puppet: 7000 -> 2000

Disappointed to not see any changes to Skulls? Not to worry, they're in the works! Let us know what you would like to see changed about them!



* Added a new batch of Summer Skins
* Fix to the following Skins / Dye Masks: Mini Rosen
* Added credits to: Bagston Pet Stone (MillSup)


That’s it for now! Big thanks to all our testers out there, you know who you are! Please enjoy the Summer Nexus and the new reworks. As always don’t hesitate to drop us a word if you have a comment or feedback - and don’t forget to feed those duplicate skins to your pets!
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Myzzrym

Hey everyone!

This month, we decided to invest time on necessary backend changes to improve the game’s stability and performance. This is an ongoing effort that we think most of you will agree to prioritize over always pumping in new content all the time. That being said, we’re not leaving you dry! We added a slightly reworked Cave of a Thousand Treasure as drop in Godlands, and you can meet your new best buddy in your Guild Hall: Friendly Guill, the Guild Guy.

We also allocated a significant amount of time in fixing some legacy bugs and adding a bunch of UI improvements that we hope you will enjoy and give constructive feedback on.

You can discover the changes below, in the Patch Note details:



- Djinns in Godlands now have a low chance to drop a portal to Cave of a Thousand Treasures!

- Guill the friendly guild NPC is now ready and eager to serve! Don’t be shy, say hello to him. You’ll find him in your Guild Hall.


Tweaks & Fixes

- Disconnect Timeout has been lowered from 10 minutes to 2 minutes

- Optimized character list loading time for players with a large amount of items

- Fixed a disconnect issue in the Cave of a Thousand Treasures and re-designed flame trap room

- Lair of Draconis minions needed for progression no longer get stuck in walls

- Character Slot Unlocker and Vault Unlocker items are now only usable in the vault

- Mysterious Crystals, Dragon Eggs and Sumo Masters will now spawn with their own tile to remove obstacles

- After the Hermit God dies, the deep water will turn into normal water after a short while (no more lost loot!)

- Arrow feathers from Bow of Fey Magic should now be purple to be consistent with other bows

- Green Satellite (monster) no longer loses a piece of itself when flying around

- Skins now always display the Skin Class in the item description

- Pet Stones now always display the Family Change warning message in the item description

- Reduced Avatar of the Forgotten King spam, Killer Pillar phase is now only announced by the Avatar itself

- Fixed a few typos in item descriptions and Oryx taunts


UI Update

- Character selection screen now displays how maxed a character is (x/8)

- Character selection screen now displays the current pet of the character

- Character selection screen hover now displays backpack content

- Character selection screen hover now displays stats (also forces numeric text on hp/mp bar)

- Disabled shortening player names (mini map and lock list tool tips)

- Mini map: group tool tip and teleport menu background should now scale correctly with the text

- Mini map: enemies will always render on top

- Quest arrow/portrait now updates immediately

- The experimental “decamenu” is now active by default

- Added experimental toggle option to display how many potions of a certain stat are still needed to max it, applies to both selection screen hover and in game stats panel (only when level 20, disabled by default)

- Added experimental mini-map toggle option for slightly different colors for locked/unlocked players, locked/unlocked guild mates and locked/unlocked white names (disabled by default)

- Added a new cursor and fixed existing ones (thanks to Chvzto!)



- Added a new batch of Skins and Pet Stones

- Made fixes to the following Skins / Dye Masks: Slime Rogue


That’s it for now! Big thanks to all our testers out there, you know who you are! Please note that we welcome feedback on the UI changes, such as the minimap colors - so don’t hesitate to drop a word. As usual if you have questions, remarks or suggestions, fire away!

And don’t worry, Muledump will still be usable with the changes, simply add &muleDump=true to the URL parameters.
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Myzzrym

Hey everyone!

This month, we decided to invest time on necessary backend changes to improve the game’s stability and performance. This is an ongoing effort that we think most of you will agree to prioritize over always pumping in new content all the time. That being said, we’re not leaving you dry! We added a slightly reworked Cave of a Thousand Treasure as drop in Godlands, and you can meet your new best buddy in your Guild Hall: Friendly Guill, the Guild Guy.

We also allocated a significant amount of time in fixing some legacy bugs and adding a bunch of UI improvements that we hope you will enjoy and give constructive feedback on.

You can discover the changes below, in the Patch Note details:



- Djinns in Godlands now have a low chance to drop a portal to Cave of a Thousand Treasures!

- Guill the friendly guild NPC is now ready and eager to serve! Don’t be shy, say hello to him. You’ll find him in your Guild Hall.


Tweaks & Fixes

- Disconnect Timeout has been lowered from 10 minutes to 2 minutes

- Optimized character list loading time for players with a large amount of items

- Fixed a disconnect issue in the Cave of a Thousand Treasures and re-designed flame trap room

- Lair of Draconis minions needed for progression no longer get stuck in walls

- Character Slot Unlocker and Vault Unlocker items are now only usable in the vault

- Mysterious Crystals, Dragon Eggs and Sumo Masters will now spawn with their own tile to remove obstacles

- After the Hermit God dies, the deep water will turn into normal water after a short while (no more lost loot!)

- Arrow feathers from Bow of Fey Magic should now be purple to be consistent with other bows

- Green Satellite (monster) no longer loses a piece of itself when flying around

- Skins now always display the Skin Class in the item description

- Pet Stones now always display the Family Change warning message in the item description

- Reduced Avatar of the Forgotten King spam, Killer Pillar phase is now only announced by the Avatar itself

- Fixed a few typos in item descriptions and Oryx taunts


UI Update

- Character selection screen now displays how maxed a character is (x/8)

- Character selection screen now displays the current pet of the character

- Character selection screen hover now displays backpack content

- Character selection screen hover now displays stats (also forces numeric text on hp/mp bar)

- Disabled shortening player names (mini map and lock list tool tips)

- Mini map: group tool tip and teleport menu background should now scale correctly with the text

- Mini map: enemies will always render on top

- Quest arrow/portrait now updates immediately

- The experimental “decamenu” is now active by default

- Added experimental toggle option to display how many potions of a certain stat are still needed to max it, applies to both selection screen hover and in game stats panel (only when level 20, disabled by default)

- Added experimental mini-map toggle option for slightly different colors for locked/unlocked players, locked/unlocked guild mates and locked/unlocked white names (disabled by default)

- Added a new cursor and fixed existing ones (thanks to Chvzto!)



- Added a new batch of Skins and Pet Stones

- Made fixes to the following Skins / Dye Masks: Slime Rogue


That’s it for now! Big thanks to all our testers out there, you know who you are! Please note that we welcome feedback on the UI changes, such as the minimap colors - so don’t hesitate to drop a word. As usual if you have questions, remarks or suggestions, fire away!

And don’t worry, Muledump will still be usable with the changes, simply add &muleDump=true to the URL parameters.
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Myzzrym
Hey there people! Did you get to enjoy Easter and get smashed by Biff the Buffed Bunny? Here’s a small patch in preparation of the next one.



- Mountain Temple Event Chest! Come one come all to get plenty of loot, including the exclusive Woodland Huntress in celebration of Arbor Day. As per usual, remember that the Chest will only spawn once all the enemies in the dungeon have been eliminated. The Event will end on Tuesday May 2nd at 6pm CET.



- Biff the Buffed Bunny and his eggs has finally left the Realm. The Easter Event is over.


Balance - Mountain Temple

- Increased Daichi HP by 25%

- Added Invincibility Phases

- Added Pierce to Elemental Shots

- Increased the number of monsters

- Added guaranteed Def Pot + 1 additional Random Pot drop (per dungeon not per player)

- Added 15 players limit

- Fixed a few typos and bugs


Fix & Tweaks

- All Keys should now have 200 FP.

- All Skins should now drop in SB Bags (to avoid bot looters).

- Mini Rosen & Rosen Skins should now be properly credited to their respective artist (thanks Lovens & Univoid)

- Added Time Restriction on Creating Guild / Changing Guild Rank to fix an exploit.

- The portal to the Ivory Wyvern in the Lair of Draconis no longer despawns.


That’s it for now! If you have questions, remarks or suggestions, fire away!
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Myzzrym
Hey there people! Did you get to enjoy Easter and get smashed by Biff the Buffed Bunny? Here’s a small patch in preparation of the next one.



- Mountain Temple Event Chest! Come one come all to get plenty of loot, including the exclusive Woodland Huntress in celebration of Arbor Day. As per usual, remember that the Chest will only spawn once all the enemies in the dungeon have been eliminated. The Event will end on Tuesday May 2nd at 6pm CET.



- Biff the Buffed Bunny and his eggs has finally left the Realm. The Easter Event is over.


Balance - Mountain Temple

- Increased Daichi HP by 25%

- Added Invincibility Phases

- Added Pierce to Elemental Shots

- Increased the number of monsters

- Added guaranteed Def Pot + 1 additional Random Pot drop (per dungeon not per player)

- Added 15 players limit

- Fixed a few typos and bugs


Fix & Tweaks

- All Keys should now have 200 FP.

- All Skins should now drop in SB Bags (to avoid bot looters).

- Mini Rosen & Rosen Skins should now be properly credited to their respective artist (thanks Lovens & Univoid)

- Added Time Restriction on Creating Guild / Changing Guild Rank to fix an exploit.

- The portal to the Ivory Wyvern in the Lair of Draconis no longer despawns.


That’s it for now! If you have questions, remarks or suggestions, fire away!
Apr 13, 2017
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Myzzrym
Hey there people! Hope you all had your fair share of fun with April’s Fools content, because we’re back with a brand new dungeon as promised! Enter the first wing of the hidden Mountain Temple and defeat the High Monk Daichi to prevent the arrival of the Demon Lord Xil!



- The First Wing of the Mountain Temple is now live! Thanks to thq32df & Beige for the Art!

- Easter Egg Hunt has started! Eggs will spawn around the Realm, destroying all of them will spawn a Giant Egg! Be careful about destroying this one though, someone might get angry...

- Pet Eggs drop rate are doubled for Easter!

- Added In-Game Message Board (Scroll Icon on the top left of the screen)



- After being constantly exterminated by adventures, the Leprechaun community have decided to move out of Realm of the Mad God. The Leprechaun Chase Event is over.

- April’s Fools Reskins have been removed.

- Oryx Chicken will no longer spawn.



- Added a new batch of Skins and Pet Stones

- Made fixes to the following Skins / Dye Masks: Ascended Sorcerer, BB Wolf, Dark Elf Huntress, Demon Spawn, Hunchback, Jack the Ripper, Lil’ Red, Mischievous Imp, Nexus no Miko, Poltergeist, Slime Skins, Stanley the Spring Bunny, Vampiress, Zombie Nurse.



Servers daily restart time have been changed depending on their cluster:

- USW Cluster: 3am PST (UTC -7) / 10am UTC

- USE Cluster: 3am EST (UTC -4) / 7am UTC

- EU Cluster: 3am UTC

- Asia Cluster: 3am PHT (UTC +8) / 7pm UTC


Shops & Items

- Keys can no longer be purchased in the Nexus Shop by players under 10 Stars.

- Keys can no longer be used by players under 10 Stars.

- Keys’ price have been permanently lowered.

- Equipment can no longer be purchased in the Nexus Shop by players under 2 Stars.


Oy! What does that mean? To put it simply, the restrictions have been implemented to combat fraudsters, who create new accounts and buy / use large amounts of keys before charging back.

At the same time, we believe that a lot of items are currently too expensive. One of our goal is to make players feel good about spending a few bucks in the Nexus, without feeling forced to gamble with Mystery Boxes or having to spend more to afford expensive packages. We have permanently lowered the price of most keys, and are looking into repricing other items in future patches


That’s it for now! If you have questions, remarks or suggestions, fire away!
Apr 13, 2017
Realm of the Mad God Exalt - Myzzrym
Hey there people! Hope you all had your fair share of fun with April’s Fools content, because we’re back with a brand new dungeon as promised! Enter the first wing of the hidden Mountain Temple and defeat the High Monk Daichi to prevent the arrival of the Demon Lord Xil!



- The First Wing of the Mountain Temple is now live! Thanks to thq32df & Beige for the Art!

- Easter Egg Hunt has started! Eggs will spawn around the Realm, destroying all of them will spawn a Giant Egg! Be careful about destroying this one though, someone might get angry...

- Pet Eggs drop rate are doubled for Easter!

- Added In-Game Message Board (Scroll Icon on the top left of the screen)



- After being constantly exterminated by adventures, the Leprechaun community have decided to move out of Realm of the Mad God. The Leprechaun Chase Event is over.

- April’s Fools Reskins have been removed.

- Oryx Chicken will no longer spawn.



- Added a new batch of Skins and Pet Stones

- Made fixes to the following Skins / Dye Masks: Ascended Sorcerer, BB Wolf, Dark Elf Huntress, Demon Spawn, Hunchback, Jack the Ripper, Lil’ Red, Mischievous Imp, Nexus no Miko, Poltergeist, Slime Skins, Stanley the Spring Bunny, Vampiress, Zombie Nurse.



Servers daily restart time have been changed depending on their cluster:

- USW Cluster: 3am PST (UTC -7) / 10am UTC

- USE Cluster: 3am EST (UTC -4) / 7am UTC

- EU Cluster: 3am UTC

- Asia Cluster: 3am PHT (UTC +8) / 7pm UTC


Shops & Items

- Keys can no longer be purchased in the Nexus Shop by players under 10 Stars.

- Keys can no longer be used by players under 10 Stars.

- Keys’ price have been permanently lowered.

- Equipment can no longer be purchased in the Nexus Shop by players under 2 Stars.


Oy! What does that mean? To put it simply, the restrictions have been implemented to combat fraudsters, who create new accounts and buy / use large amounts of keys before charging back.

At the same time, we believe that a lot of items are currently too expensive. One of our goal is to make players feel good about spending a few bucks in the Nexus, without feeling forced to gamble with Mystery Boxes or having to spend more to afford expensive packages. We have permanently lowered the price of most keys, and are looking into repricing other items in future patches


That’s it for now! If you have questions, remarks or suggestions, fire away!

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