OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

  • Added new methods to the Plugins API. (See our wiki)
  • Plugins API can now be used to display custom device battery levels on the wristwatch.
  • Added 'hmdBattery' OSC parameter for Steam Link HMDs.

  • Steam Link HMD battery will now show with a HMD icon instead of a tracker icon on the wristwatch.
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

  • Plugins API. (Custom wristwatch modules created with .NET/C#, see our wiki here!)

  • Temporarily removed webcam capture options in Set Contents to fix a crash related to Wacom graphics tablet drivers.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed CPU usage display on Windows 11. :)
  • Custom Apps will no longer endlessly ask for permissions.
  • Fixed an issue where curved overlay input was affected by the overlay settings panel being invisible after toggling edit mode off with the panel visible.
  • Fixed wristwatch sidebar sometimes being visible on application start.

For the fellow nerds out there:
Here's a quick demo plugin I built to test the Plugins API.

This plugin is written in C# (.NET Framework 4.7.2), it adds some simple controls that interact wtih the Sensibo web API to control my office air conditioning from within VR.

Maybe some of you can implement something for your own home automation setups?

At this time... These plugins will not be on the Workshop due to security risks. Any plugins you install from Github are at your own risk! Stay safe and only run plugins from known sources. :)

The plugin API is super basic right now, with very limited customization beyond adding buttons and text, but it's a start. Let me know in our Discord what you'd like to see added to this!

As usual, please report issues in our Discord server! <3
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

The Spooky Skeletons mini-game has RETURNED for the 4th year! Last year's champion was Rebind, hoping to beat him this year for your chance to win a Steam gift card? Give it your best shot in everyone's favourite extremely low-effort and buggy Halloween mini-game!

Open Edit Mode and click the SPOOKY pumpkin icon! Wo0o0o0o~

(Make sure you're in our Discord if you do win! Winner will be announced at the end of the month!)

- Added Spooky Skeletons mini-game, again! :pumpkincute:

Bug fixes:
- Grip Resizing now works when in Edit Mode with windows toggled off.
- Window pin and block input icons now update when in Edit Mode with windows toggled off.
- Pinned windows will now disable when unpinned whilst windows are toggled off.

Web API:
- Fixed a Web API bug that prevented pinned windows from appearing when overlays are toggled off.
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Implemented OSCQuery to better find VRChat and other compatible games OSC port.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed 'Play music while loading' not working as of a recent VRChat update which changed a log print we were looking for.
- Spotify advertisements should no longer be sent to the VRC chatbox media output.
- Misc fixes. (In other words, it's been months and I forgot what I did)

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the insanely long time between releases, if you're having issues, please check in our Discord issue tracker that it has been reported as that's what I'll be running through slowly but surely!

I apologize greatly for the lack of changes, some life issues came up and I got into a pretty low place, work became the least of my concerns.

Thankfully, things are improving and I should be able to get back into this and ensure OVR Toolkit remains the 'least bugged' overlay application on the market and that I continue to support you guys! :)

Thanks for your understanding everyone.
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Fixed battery reporting breaking due to Sime device names containing a backslash. (Always sanitize your strings kids)
- Wristwatch can now be moved with Edit Mode open and windows toggled off.
- Edit Mode now works like expected with pinned windows. (Pinned windows can now be moved and their settings will appear when in Edit Mode with windows toggled off)
- Added Events button to the Edit Mode bar.
- Fixed events icon selector not allowing 128x128 or 256x256 resolution icons.
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL
Hello everyone!

Today's update is pretty big, and hopefully works pretty good! I've had good feedback from the people in the Open Beta, so I'm finally ready to release it!

The goal of this update is to make OVR Toolkit easier to use, both for existing users and new users, without sacrificing any functionality. OVR Toolkit's primary audience is still power users and always will be, I'm never going to 'dumb things down', but... There's a lot that could be done to make things easier to use without having to make things dumber!

With this update, the Edit Mode UI (The phone thing) has started the first phase of being deprecated. Edit Mode's common functions like spawn window and recenter windows have been moved to the 'Sidebar', this is a new UI that appears beside the wristwatch when you click the gear icon. When this is open, you are in Edit Mode. No more giant phone blocking your view! Though at this time, the giant phone blocking your view is still used for many things, it just shouldn't need to be used often for core functions of the application like spawning windows or editing basic window settings.

What's that? Editing basic window settings without the phone UI you say?
Well well well... How the tables have turned. Mr. "Settings on windows are dumb" over here has finally seen the light. Clicking the gear icon below a window when in Edit Mode will now show commonly used window settings. Clicking the advanced settings button will open up the phone UI like before to show all Window Settings and allow you to edit windows from afar just like before.

You know what is a commonly used 'window setting'? Changing the content of a window, it's literally the first thing you do when spawning a new window, this is dumb. How have I made it less dumb? Windows now spawn with the set contents panel already visible on them, again dodging the phone UI.
(p.s - yes I know the list has to load each time you open a window, W.I.P)

You know what is ALSO a commonly used window setting? Turning off Eco Mode!
I've made Eco Mode less dumb, it now disables whilst you're looking at an overlay. Hopefully no more "why my youtube video 2 fps" comments! As a result, this setting is not included in the new quick access settings menu on windows.

Overall... These changes make OVR Toolkit 'flow' a lot nicer.
Spawn window is quicker to access, it's quicker to set the content of the window, and it's quicker and less confusing to edit the settings of the overlay.

Hopefully you all like these changes! Please let me know your thoughts in our Discord server! :)


- Edit Mode sidebar to the wristwatch.
- Common window settings can now appear on a window itself by clicking the gear icon below it when in Edit Mode.
- Added tooltips to parts of the wristwatch.

- When opening a new window it will now default to a 'Set Contents' screen instead of Desktop 1.
- Edit Mode is no longer the 'phone UI', it is now a sidebar beside the wristwatch.
- Eco Mode is less annoying now. (Will disable when looking at a window)

(And a lot of small things, too many to list)
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Workshop Viewer show sorts by most subscribed items vs. most upvoted items.
- Clarified location of volume settings.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed Windows cursor getting set to 0,0 when not pointing at an overlay.
- Fixed notifications appearing upside down at some head angles.
- 'YouTube Music' should no longer appear in the media chatbox output when nothing is being played.
- Attempted to fix notifications not appearing if they only have title text.
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Added language setting support to Speech Proxy.

- Attempted to make the launcher less blinding.
- VRC Chatbox bar will now trigger notification sound in VRChat when a message is sent.
- Google Cloud now supports continuous transcribing. (Warning, kinda expensive over time!)
- VRChat Chatbox bar can now receive input from Google Cloud. (No longer just Speech Proxy)
- Added 'Speech language' button to voice settings page.
- Events can now have an icon that is 128x128 or 256x256.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where playing/pausing media wouldn't update immediately on the wristwatch.
- Fixed an issue where notifications with no body text wouldn't be displayed.
- Fixed an issue where keyboard keys could flicker when hovering over them.
- Fixed long delay between voice recognition and it being sent to the chatbox. (Interim transcripts are sent now too)
- Fixed an issue where clicking the left controller battery life wouldn't toggle between percentage and time remaining.
- Google Cloud stream should now automatically restart after its streaming limit.
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Added the ability to type into the VRChat Chatbox directly from the OVR Toolkit keyboard. Click the 'VRC' button across the bottom! (This button is replaced by the 'Paste to game' button in other titles)
- Added 'Continuous voice recognition' option to Global Settings > Keyboard for continuous voice transcribing to VRChat. (Only supports Speech Proxy at this time)

- Added red-tinted background to voice input panel when it is recording.
- Wristwatch should be less likely to drift out of position when changing controllers/turning controllers off and back on.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where OVR Toolkit would fail to launch after changing install location. (Or, fail to launch when running Steam version after previously running it from PiMax Store)
- Fixed an issue where touchscreen input could become stuck down.
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Added bHaptics battery monitoring.
- Added a setting to automatically play media when in a VRChat loading screen.

- Move window delay is now off by default for new users.
- Adjusted priorities for picking up overlays, Edit Mode UI and Wristwatch UI are now the lowest priority items and should be less likely to be picked up by accident when actively pointing at a different overlay.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where window movement could fail if trying to move a window with your hand too close to the Edit Mode UI.
- Fixed an issue where the only undock point for an overlay attached to the HMD was the world detach point. All docking points should now appear.
- Fixed an issue where moving the Edit Mode UI to another hand would prevent one of the hand cursors from working until the application was restarted.

Just a quick side-note but these VRChat specific features have no performance impact at all when they're turned off, and they're off by default. No need to worry about that if you don't play VRChat but more than 90% of our userbase does!

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