OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

Having issues or have suggestions? Join us on Discord or post on the Steam Discussions!

Happy holidays everyone! Thank you for supporting OVR Toolkit through 2021! Every bit of feedback provided is very much appreciated and I look forward to implementing more user suggestions through the remainder of this year and into 2022. <3

- Added 'Calibrating battery levels, accuracy reduced' message until 50% of battery monitoring calibration is complete. (Requires a full charge cycle of the device to calibrate for best accuracy)
- Clicking on battery info will now toggle between showing hours/minutes remaining, estimated time the device will run out of charge, and percentage remaining. (After calibration finishes)

- Battery remaining in minutes will now by enabled by default for users of Vive, Index, and Oculus HMDs. (Oculus to allow for Vive Tracker support)
- Battery monitoring improvements. (Every charge cycle will now improve the accuracy of the time remaining)

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a potential log spam related to Custom Apps which would cause very large log file sizes. (Caused reduced performance)
- Fixed Custom App options menu not working.
- Hopefully fixed an issue that could lead to browser windows defaulting back to the desktop.
- Fixed an issue that could result in 'phantom devices' appearing in the battery info section of the wristwatch.

OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

Please remember to report any issues you find in Discord or Steam Discussions so they can be fixed!

- Added Eco Mode indicator.

- Auto-curve will now automatically turn off when angle snapping is set below 5 degrees. (To avoid automatic snapping to level for auto-curve)

Bug fixes:
- Added missing webcam flip options to Simulator Mode's Window Settings page.
- Fixed head gaze cursor appearing on webcam captures when Head Gaze is disabled.
- Webcams now appear as their name instead of 'Unknown' in Simulator Mode's Window List.
- Made a minor change to try to ensure Ctrl key can't become stuck on closing Simulator Mode menu.
- Keyboard language button should now properly open the Workshop Viewer menu. (Only worked if already in Edit Mode)
- Keyboard should now appear in one click when already open but minimized by toggling off windows.
- Fixed selection border not appearing on webcam captures.
- Clicking the gear icon will now maximise the Edit Mode menu if already in Edit Mode but the menu had been minimized. (Such as by the keyboard being open)
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Added notification to show now playing track when changing media via Hand Tracking.
- Added instructions and warning about Hand Tracking when enabling the setting.

- Loading screen is now 'Pro Gamer Friendly'.
- Increased precision of window cropping + and - buttons in both standing and keyboard mode menus.
- Hand gestures will now fallback to pressing media keys if UWP Bridge isn't connected.
- Edited 'Outdated Windows' warning to make sure users understand its just a warning and doesn't change what OVR Toolkit will actually work on.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed desktop capture error detection not working as intended. (Should once again reinitialize the API if a CreateTexture error has been found)
- Fixed media timeline info updating slowly. (Turns out Windows only updates the timeline position value every 4-5 seconds...? Anyway, added interpolation now. #Michaelsoft)
- Fixed cropped sections of windows triggering input blocking to application.
- Fixed Hand Tracking causing OVR Toolkit to freeze or crash when tabbed into a game. (Vive Hand Tracking SDK pauses the app on focus loss, yeet'd that logic)
- Fixed a UWP bridge crash. (Would cause OVR Toolkit to lose notifications and media info)
(This is actually a Windows bug, it crashes Spotify too... Seems like the media API can crash. :binbows: )

Hand Tracking:
All gestures are performed by pinching your finger and thumb.
Pinch both hands > Toggle windows on/off
Pinch either hand and drag down > Play/Pause media
Pinch either hand and drag left > Previous media
Pinch either hand and drag right > Next media
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

Congratz to Eliteiment for winning the Spooky Skeletons mini-game with a score of 154!

- Added experimental 'Hand Tracking' option. (See bottom of changelog for more info)

- Removed timer from bug report message, can now click 'Home' to close immediately.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed 'Outdated Windows' error not appearing on desktop window outside of VR. (Appears if you are on a version < Windows 10 2004)

Hand Tracking:
All gestures are performed by pinching your finger and thumb.

Pinch both hands > Toggle windows on/off
Pinch either hand and drag down > Play/Pause media
Pinch either hand and drag left > Previous media
Pinch either hand and drag right > Next media

(Hand Tracking is only supported on Valve Index, HTC Vive, Vive Pro, Vive Pro 2, Vive Cosmos, and Vive Cosmos Elite)
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

Don't forget to try out the 'Spooky Skeletons' Halloween mini-game! Click the pumpkin icon!

- Added 'Display battery remaining in minutes' option. (Will require an initial monitoring for 4% charge before minutes remaining is displayed)
- Added config file option to disable mouse down position hold. (Assists with clicking when touchscreen mode is off, some people wanted an option to toggle this)
- Added + and - buttons to the 'Window Crop' menu in standing VR mode to allow for finer control over crop position.

- Adjusted precision of Simulator Mode 'Window Cropping', 1 key press is now 1% movement instead of 2%.
- Neatened up the notifications UI a little.

Bug fixes:
- SteamVR should no longer force-close OVR Toolkit when shutting down SteamVR. (This should help prevent some file saving issues as well as the program being stuck running on Steam)
- Fixed keyboard becoming a helicopter.
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Added chroma key support for full desktop captures. (Was only window captures previously)

Bug fixes:
- Fixed webcam flip settings not loading correctly on profile change.
- Fixed battery info displaying negative minutes remaining.
- Fixed Touchpad Scrolling not working on window captures.
- Fixed rapid tabbing in/out issues.
- Fixed cursor jumping to corner of screen.

Web API changes:
- Updated Web API 'GetFingerCurls' API call to return both hands finger curls instead of just active hand.
- Web API call 'GetWristwatchTransform' now returns the overlay size.
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Added Window Crop menu to Simulator Mode's Window Settings.
- Updated keyboard exporter tools. (Thanks @Tayou 💜!)

- Changed a very intrusive sound to a less intrusive sound. No more context needed.
- Keyboard suggestions/voice input bar now resizes with the keyboard. (Controls remain normal size to be consistent with other overlays)
- Keyboard position is now saved per-profile.
- Keyboard lock now saves between sessions.
- Removed legacy 'Low battery sound' option on desktop window. Please use the sliders in 'Global Settings > Interface > Volumes' instead!
- Simulator Mode menus now cycle around. (Pushing down at the bottom of a list goes to the top)
- Webcam captures now default to flipped both vertical and horizontal. (Seems to be most common settings for cameras)
- Switched APIs used for keyboard key emulation to improve compatibility with other applications. (From keybd_event to SendInput)
- Updated default keyboards included with the KeyboardTemplates package.
- Fixed the fix for the Environment.UserName crash. (A 23 was supposed to be a 24, literally that simple. Substring problems)

Bug fixes:
- Hopefully fixed keyboard spawning at 0,0,0. (Being in the floor on startup)
- Fixed a Simulator Mode menu navigation issue which caused invisible items to be navigated in Window List.
- Fixed webcam selection not working in Simulator Mode.
- Fixed 'Window not found' message not clearing after switching from a missing webcam window to displaying a connected webcam.
- Fixed Window Cropping not working on webcam and browser windows.
- Fixed Chroma Key not working on webcam captures.
- Fixed backslash key being incorrectly mapped on default US keyboard.
- Re-center point no longer changes on switching profiles. Windows will spawn in relative to the same location as the last profile used.

Custom Apps changes:
- Added 'SetBrowserResolution' Web API call to dynamically set resolution of an already spawned overlay.
- Added selection dropdown to Custom Apps Debug page to allow selecting the specific overlay to view details of versus just the one currently selected in VR.
- Fixed 'getUniqueID' web API call not returning anything if called on the entry app overlay. (Now returns -1 for invalid)
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Added webcam capturing support.

Bug fixes:
- Added workaround to resolve a crash related to a buggy Windows update.
- Chrome Speech Proxy now stops performing speech recognition when the keyboard is closed.
- Fixed process name based window size saving affecting some window sizes when starting the program/changing profile.

Custom App changes:
- Web API call for 'GetOverlayTransform' now returns local-space position and rotation when the overlay is attached to a device.
- Fixed Custom Apps debug page showing rotation as Quaternions not EulerAngles. (EulerAngles are used when setting rotation)
- Custom Apps debug 'Copy to clipboard' now copies the stringified JSON for 'OverlayTransform', can be used directly in a Custom App to spawn an overlay in the same position.
- Added Web API support for setting an overlay to display a webcam. (OverlayType 3 is now Webcam)
- Added 'getWristwatchTransform' call to return the wristwatch's position, rotation, and attached hand.
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Added support for displaying the battery charge of more than 5 devices. (Battery info will allow you to scroll left/right if more than 5 are added)
- DeepSpeech is gone, Speech Proxy is here. (It's better, a lot better, and still free!)
- Added text-to-speech button to speak out a message you have spoken by speech recognition. (For mutes I suppose, people who don't want to use their real voice in games? Still needs Virtual Audio Cable to transmit to game!)

- Updated French translations. (Many thanks to Yaekai!)

Bug fixes:
- Windows notifications are no longer cleared unless the option to display them in VR is enabled.
- Disabled window tilting in Simulator Mode when using the 'Move all windows' option.
- Disabled window resizing in Simulator Mode when using the 'Move all windows' option.
- Fixed an installation issue that could cause running the Task Scheduler entry to produce a file not found error. (Task Scheduler bug it seems)
- Fixed a text scaling issue with Chinese translations.
- Fixed Chinese Traditional using the Chinese Simplified flag for the currently selected language. (Sorry if this offended anyone!)
- Fixed controllers scrolling controller bindings page on the desktop settings window.
- Updated default keyboard to fix a visual glitch when toggling caps lock with FN active.
- Fixed a UI minimizing issue that would cause the initial click of the gear icon to not display the Edit Mode menu.
- Fixed various profile switching bugs in Simulator Mode. (Now generates folders 1 to 6 for profiles to better support Simulator Mode's static profile selector. Should be updated to a dynamic one like standing play has some day!)
- Fixed '-useSavedUserName' parameter not doing what it was says it will do. (Yes, I used the call it was supposed to avoid using in another class so this parameter was totally pointless! Fixed now though. Derp)

(Sorry for the delay, was on vacation for a week so it delayed work on both sides of it. :p)
OVR Toolkit - CurtisVL

- Added wrist button to quickly disable Touchscreen Input.

- Enabled window saving on application quit. (This was previously disabled due to cache issues, but these seem to be resolved)
- Changed all references for the web server from domain name to direct IP to avoid DNS issues.
- Custom Apps now show as 'Untitled Custom App' in Window List instead of 'Unknown' if the developer hasn't set a window title.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a window reloading issue where all desktop windows would revert to desktop 1.
- Fixed Custom Apps not being added to the favourites menu in Simulator Mode.
- Fixed the loading screen not appearing, again. (3rd time now? I keep leaving the loaded object enabled in Unity after making changes. Forget to disable it again!)
- Improved window saving reliability.


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