KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Elin

A new Skirmish event is live now until February 25th!

Here’s everything you need to know.

Skirmish is a special game mode, easily accessible from the main screen, where you play with an alternate set of rules. These rules vary between the Skirmishes; you’ll face something different at every new Skirmish event.

Get ready for exhilarating matches with these Skirmish rules:
  • Choose your own deck to battle with.
  • Players start with 12 Kredits.
  • Cards cost a minimum of 4.

In addition to the exciting and unique battle experience you’ll get with this Skirmish ruleset, you’ll also get a random card pack with your first win in this Skirmish!

Access the Skirmish event from the game's main screen or from the battle screen to get a detailed overview of the game mode, rules and prize.

This Skirmish is available from Friday, February 23rd (12:00 GMT) until Sunday, February 25th at 18:00 GMT. Join this special event and win your Skirmish to claim victory and the spoils!

Please let us know what you think of the event in the comments below or on the KARDS Discord.

See you in the Skirmish this weekend!
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Elin

A new Skirmish event is live now until February 11th!

Here’s everything you need to know.

Skirmish is a special game mode, easily accessible from the main screen, where you play with an alternate set of rules. These rules vary between the Skirmishes; you’ll face something different at every new Skirmish event.

Get ready for thrilling matches with these unique Skirmish rules:
  • Choose your own deck to battle with.
  • Your deck must contain at least 20 tanks.
  • Tanks are the only unit type allowed in the deck.

In addition to the exciting and completely different battle experience you’ll get with this Skirmish ruleset, you’ll also get a 1-day medkit with your first win in this Skirmish!

Access the Skirmish event from the game's main screen or from the battle screen to get a detailed overview of the game mode, rules and prize.

This Skirmish is available from Friday, February 9th (12:00 GMT) until Sunday, February 11th at 18:00 GMT. Join this special event and win your Skirmish to claim victory and the spoils!

Please let us know what you think of the event in the comments below or on the KARDS Discord.

See you in the Skirmish this weekend!
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Elin

A new Skirmish event is live now until January 28th!

Here’s everything you need to know.

Skirmish is a special game mode, easily accessible from the main screen, where you play with an alternate set of rules. These rules vary between the Skirmishes; you’ll face something different at every new Skirmish event.

Get ready for a completely different battle experience with these unique Skirmish rules:
  • Each player gets an identical 10-card deck.
  • At the start of each turn, choose 1 of 3 3-cost cards randomly chosen from a pool of 9.
  • Each player starts with three extra Kredit slots.

In addition to the one-of-a-kind battle experience you’ll get with this Skirmish ruleset, you’ll also get a random card pack with your first win in this Skirmish!

Access the Skirmish event from the game's main screen or from the battle screen to get a detailed overview of the game mode, rules and prize.

This Skirmish is available from Friday, January 26th (12:00 GMT) until Sunday, January 28th at 18:00 GMT. Join this special event and win your Skirmish to claim victory and the spoils!

Please let us know what you think of the event in the comments below or on the KARDS Discord.

See you in the Skirmish this weekend!
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Elin

Dear KARDS players, friends, and WWII enthusiasts,

We are thrilled to bring you a freshly updated KARDS roadmap!

What is the roadmap?
The roadmap is a regularly updated, high-level overview of the milestones and important events for KARDS: The roadmap contains only the highest level of features.

The roadmap does not display regular game updates and improvements, regular in-game events, official tournaments, and general KARDS refinements. Also not listed on the roadmap are card balance changes, even though they are a vital part of our ongoing work on KARDS.

Without further ado, let’s have a look at some of the exciting things we can look forward to in KARDS in the coming months!

KARDS Living Roadmap

In 2024, we plan on four major releases, two of which (summer and winter) bring you a ton of new cards and mechanics, while the other two (spring and fall) focus on new features, game modes and improvements.

March: Major Release
The March release is our big spring release, which focuses primarily on game improvements and some new features. Last year was a busy one for KARDS, where, among other things, we overhauled the UI, released KARDS on mobile, and brought two major expansions to the game. Throughout these times our focus was primarily on the bigger picture, making sure that the major points were delivered to our players. We’re looking at the March release as an opportunity to focus on a huge amount of polishing and introducing various smaller, and potentially some slightly larger, frequently requested features to improve players game experiences, as well as a meta shake-up through card balancing and reinforcements arriving from the Reserve pool. Keep an eye out for more details in an upcoming dev blog!

Summer: Major Expansion
A new major expansion is coming to KARDS this summer! Expect this major expansion to be of a similar size as the two major expansions in 2023, including a heap of new cards and new mechanics. Get ready to enjoy a bunch of new content in KARDS this summer!

Fall: Major Release
This fall we bring another major release focusing on new features, game modes and general improvements. We’re thrilled to share more details with you about the upcoming fall release in the coming months!

Winter: Major Expansion
This winter in KARDS, a new major expansion enters the battlefield! Estimated to be a similar size as previous recent major expansions, you can expect a boatload of new cards and mechanics with this expansion. We’re thrilled to bring an exciting strategic shakeup to KARDS next winter!

Winter: World Championship
As always, we are ecstatic to bring another World Championship to you this year, with the qualification process starting in the latter half of the year, culminating in an epic Grand Finals series this December. Keep an eye on the KARDS news feed for updates about this!

This roadmap provides a broad overview of what we have planned for KARDS. We will also bring you many smaller features, improvements and events throughout this period.

The whole team is incredibly excited for what’s ahead and we would love to hear your feedback! Please tell us what you think on the KARDS Discord or in the comments below.
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas

Hello everyone!

Earlier this month, we released information about upcoming balance changes in our latest dev blog. These changes have now been deployed in the January patch. We also include some bug fixes with this patch.

Read on for all the intel on what is included in this patch.

Card Balance Changes
A total of 8 cards have been updated in this patch.

Old: Veteran. When this unit becomes Veteran gain 3 additional kredits.
New: Veteran. When this unit becomes Veteran gain 2 additional kredits.

Old: Deployment: Remove the top 6 cards of your deck. Gets +1 attack for each with even cost.
New: Deployment: Remove 6 cards from your deck. -1 operation cost for each with even cost.

H39 sWG


Old: Add a LIGHT INFANTRY to your hand, support line and frontline, if possible.
New: Add two LIGHT INFANTRY units to the battlefield, one in the frontline if possible.


Old: Heavy Armor 1. Costs 3 less to deploy if you control a unit with 3 or more operation cost.
New: Blitz, Heavy Armor 1. Costs 3 less to deploy if you control a unit with 3 or more operation cost.

Old: Blitz, Heavy Armor 1. Deployment: Suppress all enemy units.
New: Heavy Armor 1. Deployment: Suppress all enemy units.


Old: Salvage. Deployment: Destroy target enemy unit with cost 2 or less.
New: Smokescreen, Salvage. Deployment: Destroy target enemy unit with cost 2 or less.

Bug Fixes
  • When HOME DEFENSE was in the opponent’s hand, and the opponent’s HQ had 10 or less defense, the game would get stuck when playing the A6M2-21 ZERO. Fixed.
  • Fixed multiple broken interactions with SNOWSTORM resulting in incorrect operation cost in certain circumstances.
  • When an exile unit was suppressed and retreated to hand, after playing the same exile unit from hand, the exile keyword was not correctly acknowledged by other units, such as when a unit providing an exile-related buff was played. Fixed.
  • When COLD TRAP was active and triggered, if the support line was full, SISSI was not added to the frontline. Fixed.
  • If a P-38 LIGHTNING was on the board when a HALIFAX B Mk I was played, the damage dealt by the HALIFAX B Mk I on deployment was not correctly buffed by the P-38 LIGHTNING. Fixed.
  • When BREAKTHROUGH was played on the 50. INFANTRY REGIMENT (Veteran), the Ambush ability was not correctly removed. Fixed.
  • When an artillery unit pincered to KING’S OWN SCOTTISH attacked an opponent’s unit, an attack animation was incorrectly displayed on KING’S OWN SCOTTISH. Fixed.
  • Fixed issue causing the ranked battle win streak to be reset when a game was lost in unranked or classic battle modes.
  • When OUT OF THE MIST was played on a unit with 1 defense that had the “immune to damage” effect on it (e.g. through LIGHTNING CONQUEST), the game would get stuck. Fixed.
  • A golden NO SURRENDER did not spawn golden LIGHT INFANTRY units. Fixed.
  • Fixed broken interaction between certain orders that buff a unit and then destroy it at the end of your turn (e.g. HONOR) and suppression.
  • Fixed broken interactions between guarded units and cards that grant guard ability (e.g. STRONG BOND), as well as cards that remove guard ability (e.g. BREAKTHROUGH).

  • In starter campaigns, sometimes the opponent’s name was missing. Fixed.
  • In the first starter campaign, sometimes pop-ups did not correctly disappear. Fixed.
  • In some Theaters of War campaigns, on mobile devices, in specific circumstances, cards in the mulligan could become invisible when put into hand. Fixed.

User Interface
  • In UI scale 0.8, the history text on the TUNIS HQ, SUPPLY CHAIN and JAGDPANTHER jittered in the Russian language. Fixed.
  • Fixed several issues with text in the Collection interface not showing up correctly in certain circumstances, or not fitting correctly into the intended fields.
  • Fixed issues with completed starter campaign text not correctly fitting into intended fields.
  • Sometimes, a salvaged Veteran card would show the incorrect national symbol on the image displayed when the card was hovered over in battle or the Collection interface. Fixed.

  • If all gold copies of a Reserved card were recycled, the crate progress could appear to reset until the game was relaunched. Fixed.

That’s all for now. We thank all of our players and the KARDS Community in general for reporting bugs and discussing the game balance. If you want to get involved, join us on Discord!
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Elin

Hello friends!

What a fabulous year 2023 was in Kards, here’s hoping 2024 will be even better. The first step in making that happen is addressing some of the balance issues Winter War brought along. Winter War gave us a lot of new toys and we’ve been thrilled seeing you guys explore and experiment with them. On the whole, the expansion can be deemed a success, in the sense that it had a marked impact on the meta. We tried to make sure the new strategies and mechanics found in Winter War were powerful enough for people to embrace them, but as always, the danger in reaching for the sky is that you sometimes reach too far. There are several cards and strategies that have come out since the expansion released that are a bit overtuned. So we are doing a small balance patch now, and then aiming for a bigger release in March to shake up the meta.

This January patch is intentionally limited in scope - we are only adjusting cards from the new set and only 8 in total. The reason being that we only want to adjust cards that have clear balance issues in the new set and wait with any bigger picture changes until March. We feel this is fine because even if the meta is too narrow for our taste (in the sense that a few cards/strategies are a bit too prevalent), there are no big red flags that require drastic changes.

Without further ado, let's look at the changes coming on the 18th of January.

Old: Veteran. When this unit becomes Veteran gain 3 additional kredits.
New: Veteran. When this unit becomes Veteran gain 2 additional kredits.

The 64. Panzergrenadier can give explosive starts and an almost insurmountable lead, if the stars align. And it doesn’t take a lot for them to align, leading to these veteran wannabes to show up in a wide variety of shells. We do like that it encourages fights for the frontline, but dislike how ubiquitous the unit has become. So we like for the unit to continue to be viable, but a bit less explosive, hence we are reducing the Kredits it gives to 2 instead of 3.

Old: Deployment: Remove the top 6 cards of your deck. Gets +1 attack for each with even cost.
New: Deployment: Remove 6 cards from your deck. -1 operation cost for each with even cost.

It is always fun to see new deck archetypes, but the fun can quickly turn unfun if the new archetype ends up stomping you repeatedly, followed by stealing your lunch money and giving you a wedgie. Such bullying is unbecoming a respectable archetype and requires a firm slap on the wrist. In this case, the wrist-slapping comes in the form of an increased operation cost, increased attack and a changed ability to now reduce operation cost instead of increasing attack. The expected result is that the unit can still function in the same decks as before, but is capped at an attack of 5 instead of 7, and running any odd-cost cards can risk the unit not being able to attack the turn it comes down, if played on 6 kredits. Sometimes you just need to beat some sense into these new kids on the block, you know.

H39 sWG

The SwG has swaggered into several powerful decks since its arrival. Alongside its primary accomplice 101. Infantry Regiment, it has been known to make grown men cry and opponents Furious (pun intended). It mainly shines when it comes out early, getting to work before the enemy has a real chance to deal with it. By increasing its cost to 4, delaying its arrival by a turn, players now have a much better chance of being able to deal with this menace on sight.


Frozen Assets offers a lot of value for a low cost - often being able to kill the best the enemy has to offer and then copy it just to rub it in a little. We do like the overall concept of the card and do not want to nerf it too heavily, but bumping the cost to 4 seems like a no-brainer.

Old: Add a LIGHT INFANTRY to your hand, support line and frontline, if possible.
New: Add two LIGHT INFANTRY units to the battlefield, one in the frontline if possible.

Soviet Tokens was the first deck to explode into the top tier post-Winter War. Though its performance has stabilized a bit since then, it is still putting up respectable numbers. The main culprit for putting tokens back on the map is Line of Engagement, it not only could give 3 tokens total, but could also allow the deck to contest the frontline as early as turn 2, something previous incarnations of the deck had struggled with. This gave tokens a much better game against aggressive strategies. We don’t want to remove this possibility from the card, so we are instead removing the unit you get in hand. Note that there is a slight upside to the card - you will always get 2 units on board, even if the frontline is unavailable - a slight uptick on the older version. So the card is now slightly worse if the frontline is empty or owned by you, but slightly better if the frontline is enemy controlled.


This card is exactly the same as before. But the two brats it spawns are seeing some change.

Old: Heavy Armor 1. Costs 3 less to deploy if you control a unit with 3 or more operation cost.
New: Blitz, Heavy Armor 1. Costs 3 less to deploy if you control a unit with 3 or more operation cost.

Old: Blitz, Heavy Armor 1. Deployment: Suppress all enemy units.
New: Heavy Armor 1. Deployment: Suppress all enemy units.

Essentially, we are swapping the Blitz around, from the already very-powerful B-24J to the much less used B-24D. This change is intended to reduce the power level of the B-24J, which was on the higher side, buff the B-24D - and possibly indirectly 3-operation cost matters deck - and on the whole give players a more interesting choice on which version to pick.


By now many of you may already have had enough of all these lame nerfs. Fear not! We are ending on a bit more of a positive note, with a couple of buffs to round things out. Salvage has performed pretty well, both on the ladder and in draft, but we do want to push it slightly to allow it to shine some more. The first of these is an improvement to the Winter Regiment, giving it an extra defense. Coupled with its inherent repair ability, this unit is now much better suited to take on all comers on the battlefield, especially common sights such as 5th Rangers and 7. Schützen. Winter Regiment was already a pretty strong unit, our hope is that by pushing it some more it can become the lynch pin in either Japan-based Salvage decks or Japanese midrange decks.

Old: Salvage. Deployment: Destroy target enemy unit with cost 2 or less.
New: Smokescreen, Salvage. Deployment: Destroy target enemy unit with cost 2 or less.

Finally, we want to push another already strong unit in Detached Battalion 4. Smokescreen is a very useful ability for a unit with the Salvage ability as it increases the chance of being able to attack profitably and thus utilize the Salvage ability. On the whole, Finland is used to a decent success in various different shells, ranging from a British control shell to air decks and German blitz strategies. We are happy that it is generally performing well and is supporting various different archetypes, but are slightly sad that none of them have really taken off. By buffing one of their better Salvage units we are hoping to see Finland bloom even further. Whether that will happen or not is up to you, dear reader.

That’s it for the changes. The patch is currently scheduled to go live on January 18th, make sure to keep an eye out for the full patch notes.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that there are more cards we are monitoring than just the ones being changed now. Specifically, we are aware of the potential highroll issues with War Production decks and we are also keeping a close eye on the British Push deck. We decided it was not necessary to change anything in it this time around, but if it becomes more problematic we are sure to address it in March. Until then, keep giving us your wonderful feedback, it is always appreciated and valued.

See you on the battlefield, commander!
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Elin

A new Skirmish event is live now until January 14th!

Here’s everything you need to know.

Skirmish is a special game mode, easily accessible from the main screen, where you play with an alternate set of rules. These rules vary between the Skirmishes; you’ll face something different at every new Skirmish event.

Get ready for exhilarating matches with these unique Skirmish rules:

  • Choose your own deck to battle with.
  • All units have Deployment: Destroy a random unit with lower cost.

In addition to the exciting and completely different battle experience you’ll get with this Skirmish ruleset, you’ll also get a random card pack with your first win in this Skirmish!

Access the Skirmish event from the game's main screen or from the battle screen to get a detailed overview of the game mode, rules and prize.

This Skirmish is available from Friday, January 12th (12:00 GMT) until Sunday, January 14th at 18:00 GMT. Join this special event and win your Skirmish to claim victory and the spoils!

Please let us know what you think of the event in the comments below or on the KARDS Discord.

See you in the Skirmish this weekend!
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Elin

A new Skirmish event is live now until December 31st!

Here’s everything you need to know.

Skirmish is a special game mode, easily accessible from the main screen, where you play with an alternate set of rules. These rules vary between the Skirmishes; you’ll face something different at every new Skirmish event.

Get ready for thrilling matches with these unique Skirmish rules:

  • Choose your own deck to battle with.
  • Shuffle six 114th INFANTRY REGIMENT into each player’s deck at the start of the battle.
  • All units that are added or deployed have an operation cost of 3.
  • Each player starts with an extra kredit slot.

In addition to the unique and engaging battle experience you’ll get with this Skirmish ruleset, you’ll also get a random card pack with your first win in this Skirmish!

Access the Skirmish event from the game's main screen or from the battle screen to get a detailed overview of the game mode, rules and prize.

This Skirmish is available from Friday, December 29th (12:00 GMT) until Sunday, December 31st at 18:00 GMT. Join this special event and win your Skirmish to claim victory and the spoils!

Please let us know what you think of the event in the comments below or on the KARDS Discord.

See you in the Skirmish this weekend!
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Elin

A new Skirmish event is live now until December 24th! Join now and get a free card pack for your first Skirmish win!

Here’s everything you need to know.

Skirmish is a special game mode, easily accessible from the main screen, where you play with an alternate set of rules. These rules vary between the Skirmishes; you’ll face something different at every new Skirmish event.

Get ready for exhilarating matches with these unique Skirmish rules:

  • Choose your own deck to battle with.
  • Each turn, add 1 of 3 0-cost cards to your hand.

In addition to the exciting and completely different battle experience you’ll get with this Skirmish ruleset, you’ll also get a random card pack with your first win in this Skirmish!

Access the Skirmish event from the game's main screen or from the battle screen to get a detailed overview of the game mode, rules and prize.

This Skirmish is available from Friday, December 22nd (12:00 GMT) until Sunday, December 24th at 18:00 GMT. Join this special event and win your Skirmish to claim victory and the spoils!

Please let us know what you think of the event in the comments below or on the KARDS Discord.

See you in the Skirmish this weekend!
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Elin

Hello everyone!

It’s been an exhilarating year for KARDS, with the arrival of KARDS mobile, two major expansions: Brothers in Arms and Winter War, and a plethora of other bigger and smaller features and updates. We look back on the year that has just passed with a huge amount of gratitude to all our players who have been with us through these major upgrades and all the new players that have joined us along the way. With that, we’re excited to move into the holiday season and celebrate with all of you, our wonderful players!

The holiday cheer is arriving in KARDS with special holiday themed music and battlefield snow that will last throughout the holiday season. Coming up we have some special daily gifts from the KARDS team for everyone to enjoy!

🎁 Daily Holiday Gifts 🎁
Celebrate the winter holidays with KARDS and enjoy daily holiday gifts from the KARDS team!

Between December 22nd and the 31st, you’ll be able to claim your daily free gift in the in-game shop or with your first win of the day. The gifts include temporary seasonal cosmetic items, card packs, wildcards, gold and more. Make sure to log in every day to claim all your holiday gifts!

⚔ Double Skirmish Holiday ⚔
During the holiday season, we will have two skirmishes for you to enjoy with special rulesets!

Join us during the weekend of December 22nd to the 24th, as well as December 29th to the 31st, to enjoy the holiday Skirmish fun and earn your first win reward. Keep an eye out on the latest news for more details on the upcoming Skirmishes!

🎄 Special Shop Offers 🎄
We’re thrilled to bring you some extra exciting offers in the in-game shop for the holiday season!

Make sure to check the shop regularly for the latest holiday offers at lucrative discounts.

We hope you all enjoy this year’s winter holidays in KARDS and have a great end of year 2023.

Happy holidays and merry KARDSMAS from the KARDS team!

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