KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas
This patch introduces in-game chat, delivers several visual battlefield improvements, brings bug fixes and contains card balance updates. The patch was published on February 27th.

Read more about these latest KARDS improvements.
  • In-game chat is available now. You can chat with your in-game friends in a 1-1 conversation.
  • New overview of recycled cards from opening card packs.
  • The timing of draw- and discard-animations has been improved.
  • New effects sounds have been added.
  • The targeting arrow on the battlefield has been updated.
  • The battlefield animations have been improved. For example, air units are now moving more smoothly to another location on the board.
  • New visuals have been added for cards in hand that have altered Kredit costs.
  • The rarity icons in the collection have new tooltips.

Card balance changes
Read more about the latest card balance update.
  • 22nd Guards Brigade defense increased from 4 to 5.
  • 25 Pounder defense decreased from 4 to 3.
  • 28cm Coastal Howitzer operation cost increased from 2 to 3.
  • Unexpected Resistance activation cost decreased from 1 to 0.
  • 83rd Naval Brigade deployment cost increased from 5 to 6.
  • M4 Sherman deployment effect changed. If you have a US unit in the frontline upon deployment, draw 2 cards (was: draw 1 card).

Bug fixes
  • The scroll arrows when selecting a cardback for your deck didn’t actually scroll through your available card backs. Fixed.
  • You didn’t see changes in your opponent’s kredit count when their countermeasure(s) got triggered. Fixed.
  • Ki-61-II TONY was deployed in some situations even when you had less than 7 kredits available. Fixed.
  • The auto-finish on deck creation sometimes resulted in invalid decks. Fixed.

As always, please let us know what you think about this update and please report bugs either on KARDS Discord or directly via a bug report ticket.
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas
Hello friends!

Today we celebrate Ash Wednesday here in Iceland and kids of all ages dress up goofy and beg strangers for sweets. Humbug! What better than a dev blog to take the mind off such foolishness? ːsteamhappyː

We aim to bring a patch out later this week. This patch will include several features and improvements for the game, most of them visual. We are also doing a minor balance tweak on a few cards. The patch is currently being tested, so be aware that if we discover any nasty bugs in some of the stuff discussed below, then we might pull that out of the patch. Make sure to keep your eyes out for the patch notes released later, with full details on what is included in the update.

In-game chat
The biggest new feature is chat! You will now be able to chat with your friends directly in the client.

The chat function is pretty standard, so I won’t go into excruciating details in this blog, just try it out in game once it is live. A couple of points though:
  • You can only chat with those in your friend list.
  • You can chat while in a match. It is not possible to resize the chat window, but you can drag it around and minimize it.
  • You are responsible for what you type in chat: don’t harass your friends.

Improved auto-recycling
We are going to change a bit the visuals of recycling extra cards when opening packs. Instead of automatically breaking it down right during the pack opening, there is now a button for you to manually break down surplus cards you own. You get an overview of how many and rarity spread of the cards you are breaking down.

The reason for this change is that the current system makes it rather hidden when a card is being broken down, especially for newer players. We want to make it a bit clearer and more visual when this happens.

Improved battlefield UI
There are many visual changes arriving in the patch. Some are very noticable, like the targeting arrow getting a revamp, to more subtle ones like timing of draws, discards and some effects.

Another neat new addition is the ability to see cost changes on cards in your hand more clearly, whether they cost more or less than their base cost. The buff history on the card indicates what card altered the cost.

Card balances
We are making balance tweaks to 6 cards this time around. The first 3 are to balance better the experience at lower tiers for newer players. The last 3 are then intended to adjust the balance slightly at higher tiers. Let’s get to them.

The 22nd Guards Brigade sees a fair amount of play at lower tiers and is pretty efficient at what it does. But we want to push it a little to make it more useful for longer.

Artillery is extremely strong at lower tiers, where removal is less dominating. The 4 defense on the 25 Pounder made it very hard to deal with for many players, so we’re tuning the unit down slightly to improve the experience of facing one early on in your KARDS career.

The same applies to the 28cm Coastal Howitzer, which can totally take over games at lower levels on its own. We want to maintain the powerful aspect of the unit, but make it a bit more commitment to using it. You are now less likely to be able to shoot an enemy unit in addition to deploying or operating threats of your own, making the 28cm Coastal more of a board controller/delayer, than a big tempo advantage like it can be today. These artillery changes should also help improve some draft experiences slightly.

Desert Rats being nerfed was tough for the British, as it meant they had no really solid cheap removal to deal with fast aggro decks. We don’t want to give them too much push in this area, as Britain should be focused more on delaying over hard removal. Even at 0-cost Unexpected Resistance is still unlikely to see a wholesale adoption in all British decks, but it’s good they at least have the option of using it when the metagame calls for it.

Soviet good-value decks have been putting up extremely solid results lately, with plenty of ways to deal with early aggression and the ability to grind out wins against midrange and control alike. One of the key culprit is the 83rd Naval Brigade. As always, we are loath to adjust elite units, especially one that is crafted as much as the 83rd is. But its power level was such that we had to adjust it slightly and it can even be argued that even with one higher cost it is still extremely good (it even dodges Annihilation now). If you have crafted this unit recently and are unhappy with this change, feel free to contact Thomas to get the full 320 resource refund if you so desire (the unit will be removed from your collection of course in this case).

The USA have on the other hand been struggling a little bit as a main nation (they are very solid as allies), so we want to give them a slight boost. We’re using this opportunity to promote the iconic M4 Sherman, as we’d like to see it used a bit more than it currently is. Drawing 2 cards is of course extremely solid, but does require a bit stronger commitment to the US cause.

That’s it for balance changes. Feel free to let us know on social media your thoughts on these changes.

Bame balancing insight
Before sounding off, we want to take this opportunity to address the issue of balancing the game a bit. When it comes to balance, there are many caveats to take into account. One, as was mentioned above, is to not only look at what the veteran top players are playing, but also what the experience is for newer players.

Secondly, and most importantly, the balance must take the overall win rate and matchups into account, and not just look at what players are playing the most. The reason for this is simple - ladder grinding is NOT a good indicator of balance, despite what many think.

This comes down to math, so let me give you an example (using a bit extreme numbers to highlight the issue): Let’s say we have two decks, one has a win rate of 60%, the other of 80%. But the average match length with the first deck is 2 minutes, while it’s 10 minutes for the latter. Which one is better to use on the ladder? The answer is that it is much, much better to use the first one. Playing deck 1 for 50 minutes gives you approximately 75 points in the Officer Club ladder. Playing deck 2 for the same time gives around 40 points (in all cases, point gain assumes you are playing someone with a similar amount of points as you).

The same applies when grinding stars in rank - because it’s all about achieving streaks rather than overall win rate, it is better to use a fast deck, even if it has a lower win rate than a slower deck. This is why in games with both ladders and tournaments, there is frequently a big difference in the types of decks you face in each. In fact, this was something we saw in the World Championship last year. As we don’t have a tournament mode (yet), all players have to go by are the ladder decks, which can easily give a distorted picture on which decks are best.

That’s it for now. The update will go live in the next couple of days. It is likely it requires a bit longer downtime than usual, as we have to do a bit of database and server updates/maintenance as well.

We welcome all your feedback and encourage you to let us know how you like these changes - especially after they are live! Please use either the comments here or use our KARDS Discord server.

See you on the battlefield!

Feb 14, 2020
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas
Dear KARDS players, friends, and WWII enthusiasts,

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we present the freshly updated KARDS roadmap. The roadmap is a regularly updated, high-level overview of the milestones and important events for KARDS. Keep in mind that this is a living document and that the events further in the future will receive more info as time passes by.

Without further ado, let’s have a look at what we can expect in the coming months!

Let’s go briefly over each item, more details will follow with separate blogs closer to the actual release dates.

PC Release
This speaks for itself! We are super excited about the KARDS release in April. We will use the remaining time to make KARDS bug free, to polish up the UI and other elements of KARDS, and to catapult KARDS to AAA-level.

Campaign Release
The long-awaited single-player campaign mode! Play through historic events, enjoy new cards and face new challenges! This is an ongoing commitment as
we will add more campaigns over time.

Mobile Release
Again, this speaks for itself. Highly anticipated, the mobile version for Android and iOS devices allows you to connect and play anywhere you want. Of course, you keep all your cards and your collection when using the mobile client - you have the full multi-platform experience!

Tournament Mode
After the highly successful World Championship last year, we open up tournaments for a broader audience. This is a great step forward towards a more competitive esports scene!

World Championship Qualifier and Finals
The World Championship is back! Similar to the previous World Championship, we will have qualifiers and then the actual tournament with a special final. As with all other items on the roadmap, details will follow.

Winter expansion
The Winter expansion is the second highlight of the season, next to the World Championship finals. While details of the expansion haven’t been locked down yet, we are committed to another outstanding expansion for the winter.

All these items are, of course, only the tip of what we have planned. There are many more small features and improvements planned.

As you can see, 2020 is packed with KARDS excitement. The whole team is thrilled for the future and would love to hear your feedback!

KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas
This patch introduces several important bug fixes (e.g. incorrect damage calculations) and UI improvements. The patch was published on February 13th.

  • You can type "new" into the library search box in your collection to see your new cards.
  • The sound has changed on a few cards.
  • The look of the history bar during the match has been improved.
  • The menus for graphic, audio, and account settings have been merged into one menu.

Bug fixes
  • Extra and negate damage was sometimes calculated incorrectly. For example for 593rd JASCO and J1N1 GEKKO. Fixed.
  • The attack sound was sometimes played twice when a unit attacked. Fixed.
  • Damage on HQ was shown wrong in one place in the tutorial. Fixed.
  • Guard and Guarded icons under units sometimes acted in a strange way. Fixed.
  • The "wheel" icon was missing on a few cards. Fixed.
  • Choosing a language for the first time when starting the game required two clicks. Fixed.
  • The resource and pack icon was in some cases using an older version of the icon. Fixed.
  • Various typos have been fixed.
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas
KARDS features a nice achievement system which allows you to get gold, resources, cards, card packs, emotes while having fun playing KARDS.

Achievements in a Nutshell
You progress your achievements by playing battles or draft matches (training matches do not count for your achievement progress). You can check your achievements progress in your profile / progress tab.

Completing all achievements will get you close to 400 card packs, over 6000 resources, emotes and special visuals such as the “Veteran” card back which you can’t get anywhere else:

Some of the achievements are quite easy to complete, others pose a serious challenge even to the most seasoned players. Take for example the national achievements!

The National Achievements
You complete the national achievements by playing a certain number of cards of a nation. Each nation has its own specific achievement (e.g. Germany with Knights Cross).

You get the first reward of the national achievements, a card of standard rarity, after playing 5 cards for that nation. The final reward for this achievement, the special “Veteran” card back, will be handed out once you have completed playing 50.000 cards of that nation.

Celebrating our first three National Veterans
Now is the time to celebrate the first three players that have completed the final leg of the national achievements by playing at least 50.000 cards of that nation.

It has been a long way from completing the first star of the first level to finally getting awarded the fifth start of the tenth and final level of this achievement!

Drogear completed the British national achievement George Cross and received the “Britain Veteran” card back:

Kezpar for completed the German national achievement Knight’s Cross and received the “German Veteran” card back:

RPC for completed the Japanese national achievement Imperial Force and received the “Japan Veteran” card back:

Congratulations to Drogear, Kezpar, and RPC for being the first-ever KARDS players who fully completed the national achievements!

When will you claim your Veteran card back rewards?

KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas
This patch introduces several important bug fixes (e.g stuck cards) and UI improvements. The patch was published on February 7th.

  • The Friends list has been updated to the new UI design.
  • Several icons and UI elements have been updated.
  • The card hovering mechanics are now much more subtle.
  • The action timing for damage, destroy and heal got slightly tweaked and improved.

Bug fixes
  • When using Sendai Regiment on a unit in frontline the frontline ownership was not changed correctly. Fixed.
  • Sometimes surrender was still being delayed for opponent. Fixed.
  • Cards could get stuck on the screen and either block the battlefield and other cards, or can't be targeted. Fixed for most cases.
  • Sometimes when Komet was played to frontline it got stuck on screen. Fixed.
  • The trigger wheel on A-36 APACHE is missing. Fixed.
  • A-20B sometimes shows incorrect kredit cost after being retreated. Fixed.
  • PATTON sometimes didn't remove Blitz when it should. Fixed.
  • When AI uses FINAL PUSH on a unit that was killed before the end of turn it could make the Destruction trigger for a second time. Fixed.
  • Units can get bugged when playing from hand and immediately moving to frontline. Fixed for most cases.
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas
Celebrate and collect your rewards from Season 10! The season has ended on January 31st, 23-59-59 UTC, and now your rewards are waiting for your in the KARDS client.

Simply log into KARDS - the rewards have been automatically delivered to your account.

We also celebrate the winner of Season 10.

After an intense battle between TowerNumberNine and Darkness, the player TownerNumberNine emerged as winner. Congratulations!

Congratulations also to Darkness for reaching the second place in a row now (after a second place in Season 9 as well).

Your rewards are waiting for you
Here is a quick refresher on the rewards you have received from Season 10:
  • For the first 5 ranks gained: One pack plus one standard Gold card.
  • For every 5 more ranks gained: Either one extra pack OR the Gold card increases by one rarity.
  • For each Field Marshal reached: One national pack.
  • For reaching the Officer Club (minimum three Field Marshal ranks): The Gold card reward is increased in rarity one level. You get one extra pack.

The best player of the season, which is TowerNumberNine: Physical rewards including a KARDS seasonal winner certificate.

These rewards are yours when you have have scored at least five PVP victories during Season 10.
Log into KARDS and check out your rewards!

Stay up to date and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news!
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas
This patch introduces UI improvements and bug fixes. It was published on January 31st.

  • Surrender now takes less time and blows up your HQ!
  • All history texts are now localized for all cards.
  • The UI has been updated at some places (profile, colours and more)
  • The seasonal rewards for Season 11 and onwards have been adjusted (rewards for current Season 10 finishing on January 31 remain unchanged).
  • The UI improvements continue: Profile window revamped, color adjustments and more!

Bug fixes
  • In some instances the Pin icon did not appear (e.g. Sexton at beginning of turn). Fixed.
  • Clicking multiple times on the profile button caused in some cases a crash. Fixed.
  • Cards that have variable Kredit cost were sometimes wrong when moved to hand. Fixed.
  • Some cards that had a passive effect were not removing when going to hand/deck. Fixed.
KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas
Season 10 in KARDS ends on January 31st (at 23'59'59 GMT). The more ranks you have gained, the bigger the reward.

Use remaining time to gain as many ranks as you can to get a big payout! You gain ranks by winning PVP matches. This is the perfect opportunity to get a nice boost.

Reward details

With the end of the season, you will receive rewards like card packs and cards. After you have received the rewards, your ranks will be lowered a bit.

As a reminder, here is what you will receive as seasonal rewards:
  • For the first 5 ranks gained: One pack plus one standard card
  • For every 5 more ranks gained: Either one extra pack OR the rewarded card increases by one rarity. Log into KARDS and check out your rewards in PROFILE -> RANKS.
  • For each Field Marshal reached: One national pack.
  • For reaching the Officer Club (minimum three Field Marshal ranks): The reward card is increased in rarity one level. You get one extra pack.
  • The best player of the season: A special, physical reward including a KARDS seasonal certificate.

Have fun and best of luck for the rest of the season! The next Season 11 starts on February 1st!

For direct feedback to the dev team please use KARDS Discord. You are also welcome to use the comment section below.

Stay up to date and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news.

KARDS - The WW2 Card Game - Thomas
This patch introduces card balance updates, UI improvements, and bug fixes. It was published on January 24th.

  • We continue the KARDS localization! A one-time popup window at the start of KARDS lets you easily choose between the currently available languages Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, German, Polish, Russian, and Simplified Chinese. You can always change the language in the KARDS settings. Please provide feedback about the quality of the localization!
  • A first batch of UI improvements have been implemented: Buttons and icons have received a facelift and have been repositioned.
  • The font for emotes in game has been changed to “Quiet evening”...yes that’s the name of font!
  • New combat sound for infantry has been added.
  • The nation-related game music are now shuffled in a better way to avoid repetitiveness.
  • The card animation in Mulligan has been improved.
  • If you are already Field Marshal, then the Field Marshal promotion window no longer pops up at the end of every match.
  • Gold cards that spawn new cards now spawn gold cards instead of normal cards.
  • Temporary units (T-34 and T-70) are now discarded from hand rather than exploding in hand.

Card balance updates
For further details, please consult the recent card balance dev blog.
  • T-80 defense value has been decreased from 3 to 2.
  • BLOODY SICKLE deployment cost changed from 0 to 1. It can deal damage to any target unit now (was: damage to ground units only).
  • ARADO AR 196 deployment effect changed. You now draw an order card if you have equal or less units on the battlefield (was: if you have less units).
  • PANTHER G operation cost increased from 2 to 3, and the attack value decreased from 7 to 6. Additionally, the PANTHER G cannot be targeted by enemy orders now.
  • FW 190 A attack decreased from 6 to 5 and a deployment effect was added. You now draw a card when the FW 190 A is deployed.
  • THE EMPIRE STRIKES now deals increased damage, equal to the number of bombers you control +1 (was: deal damage equal to the number of bombers you control).

Bug Fixes
  • Several visual and animation bugs have been fixed.
  • Changes to your equipment/battlefield customizations aren't always saved between game sessions. Fixed.
  • HQ smokescreen is removed when WILDCAT F4F-4 leaves play, even when 1st MARINES is still in play. Fixed
  • ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS did not get a bonus when returning from ISOLATION. Fixed.
  • Sd KFz 222 buffs incorrectly sometimes. Fixed.
  • Countermeasures couldn't be deactivated if remaining kredits were less than cost of countermeasure. Fixed.
  • SPOILS OF WAR could be played from hand with less than 2 kredits, causing stuck cards in hand. Fixed.
  • Cost of MIG 3 was sometimes incorrectly adjusted. Fixed.

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