Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa - hemanshu

We’re celebrating this most wonderful time of the year by offering you Hindsight 20/20 at 30% off during the Steam Winter Sale!

While the town of Champaner is celebrating the holidays, the Raakshasas continue to threaten your family and friends. Explore the complex and multifaceted story in Hindsight 20/20 to discover how you can save them and everyone in your hometown!

From everyone at Triple-I games, we wish you a happy and fun Holidays!

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Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa - hemanshu

We’re celebrating Thanksgiving by offering you Hindsight 20/20 at 50% off during the Steam Autumn Sale!

Jehan and his friends are celebrating too. Enter the world of Hindsight 20/20 to learn more about their relationships and the events that brought them together. Use the power of the Experience Engine to see how your choices can either strengthen or damage those bonds.

We wish you a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

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Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa - hemanshu

We’re celebrating Halloween by offering Hindsight 20/20 at a discount of 25%!

While the children try to scare their hero, Jehan, on Halloween with their spooky costumes, he will eventually have to face terrifying monsters. Playing as Jehan, you’ll venture into your rival town - Gibsonia. It is a place overflowing with creatures called “Raakshasas”. They will stop at nothing to kill you. Here are a few Raakshasa mutations that you will face...


You’ll run into Asuras more often than not in Gibsonia. Do not get accustomed to their presence or they will quickly overwhelm you with their numbers.


Make sure you strike down a Bhisanas as soon as you see it. They use the acidic crystals growing on their body to create pools of acid across the battlefield. Their attacks will be felt long after you kill them!


The Droshis are the rarest type of Raakshsa and we are thankful for that. They amass all their strength, then rush towards you with an unstoppable charge attack. Conventional techniques will not be enough to defeat these behemoths.

We wish you a happy and safe Halloween! We can't wait to hear about your experiences with the monsters in Hindsight 20/20.

Once again, Hindsight 20/20 is on sale for a limited time at a discount of 25%! Here is our Steam page for more info.

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Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa - hemanshu
The Characters of Hindsight 20/20

This is the second in a series of posts about the characters you’ll encounter when playing Hindsight 20/20. We hope that these short bios will help you better understand them.


Name: Aurthur Chopra
Age: 45
Species: Human


Aurthur is a towering figure. He proudly wears the esteemed Raaja Body Armor, bestowed upon Champaner’s greatest warriors. The banner of Champaner, draped over his broad chest, is emblazoned with the insignia for the Soldiers of Mercy. When wielding his massive stun mace, Aurthur intimidates his foes and inspires his comrades.


Aurthur is a loyal and disciplined soldier. The brashness and idealism of his youth has been tempered by the experience and trials of his life as an accomplished soldier. His loyalty to the king and sense of duty do not come from blind faith. They are, rather, the product of an experienced, reflective, and serious man who gives his allegiances carefully.


Aurthur started his career as a young man filled with visions of heroism and glory. His first assignment was to protect a faraway city. The war, however, was not what he expected. A long and drawn out struggle, Aurthur found the entire experience grim and monotonous. But the citizens and people had endured this war long before he had arrived. Aurthur was appalled by the despair and depravity that surrounded him. It was among this morass that he started to expand his ideas about being a soldier and his loyalty to Champaner. He cultivated a discipline that was unmatched within his ranks. He saw the loose morals of the citizens in this city as contributing to its demise and re-committed himself to his hometown’s principles.

It was here that Aurthur met Vijay. A few years older than Aurthur, Vijay was everything that Aurthur wanted to be - honorable, brave, and incredibly talented in battle. They inevitably became friends. The two were inseparable in camp and unmatched in combat. When the war ended in defeat, the two swore to never let their hometown succumb to the same horrors they saw. A pact was built between them to make Champaner a paragon of justice and virtuousness. A pact that was bolstered by the years of service together.

Like the visions of his youth, Aurthur’s dreams for Champaner have been shattered by reality. His old friend, killed by his own hand. A plague that has begun to tear his beloved city apart. And a neighboring faction that has conjured up an ominous cloud above Champaner that threatens to destroy the town in a blink of an eye. Despite this, Aurthur pushes on. He and his soldiers are slowly ridding the town of the Raakshasas. Soon he will confront the sorcerer behind the threat from above. But first, he must face the son of Vijay, Jehan, and answer for his transgression.

Next Time

We hope today’s post gives you a better understanding of Aurthur and why he's so important to Champaner and your story. Next time we’ll talk about Jehan's best friend - Kumar.

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Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa - hemanshu
The Characters of Hindsight 20/20

Today we are introducing the first in a series of posts about the characters you’ll encounter when playing Hindsight 20/20. We hope that these short bios will help you better understand the characters you’ll interact with and how you should treat them.


Name: Priya Parekh
Age: 32
Species: Human


A pleasant and affable woman who wears the humble garb of Champaner. She adorns herself with the jewelry she has found in the abandoned parts of her town. Together with a more traditional hairstyle, they both serve as reminders of Champaner’s glory days.


Priya’s looks do not deceive. She is a gentle and kind woman, loyal to her friends and family. While she is by nature a very analytical person, it never interferes with her unswerving sense of hope. The future, for her, is always filled with better days.


Priya spent her childhood exploring Champaner and the natural world. She fell in love with two things during those formative years - nature and knowledge. The beauty of Champaner’s forests were a welcome contrast to the tragic ruins of her town. But it was in Champaner’s abandoned library where Priya would find her true calling. Scattered across the fragmented books(which she called “treasures”) in that lonely place, she pieced together her unique perspective. The bits of science she discovered sharpened her analytical mind, and the old tales of a great city filled the young girl with hope for the future. Priya, with the wondrous years of her childhood behind her, was ready to make her vision of Champaner a reality.

Yet that was not to be.
The terrible Raakshasa plague has proved to be a step backwards. It is a time to readjust one’s expectations. A time for despair. Priya’s hopes and dreams still persist, but they have taken on a new shape. She now spends her days using her intellectual gifts to study the Raakshasas in Champaner’s ravaged pub, the Shakti Lounge. When her mind needs rest, she sits on the old bar daydreaming about the future. A bright future where the Shakti Lounge has come back to life, filled with the cheers and laughter of merry people.

Next Time

We hope today’s post gives you a better understanding of who Priya is and why she’s so important to her town. Next time we’ll talk about Champaner’s great protector - Aurthur.

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Sep 25, 2021
Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa - hemanshu
Why You Need Hindsight 20/20

It has been just two weeks since our launch, and we are grateful for all the positive vibes we've been receiving! We are excited to talk about some of the key reasons to play Hindsight 20/20 for those who haven't had a chance to experience it yet.

Game Choices Actually Matter

The choices you make in Hindsight 20/20 have the potential to impact everything. A single decision on the battlefield might make your opponent rethink their strategy. The consequences could end there… or they may not. The fate of your hometown could be at stake. Your best friend’s destiny, hinging on your temperance. One of the most compelling parts of Hindsight 20/20 is discovering what your choices mean in the moment and in the larger story.

Gameplay and Narrative Blend Seamlessly

To truly make choices matter, gameplay and narrative need to blend together seamlessly. The design of Hindsight 20/20 is one of a tight cycle between gameplay and narrative - choices in gameplay affect the story, the story impacts the gameplay, the gameplay again impacts the story, and so on - all within a single playthrough. You’ll want to finish the game multiple times to see how your choices can alter this cycle.

Zelda-influenced Gameplay and Art Style

Zelda has had a big influence on Hindsight 20/20 in two important ways. First, our combat has the fun, accessible, and responsive controls from The Wind Waker. It’s a key part of making an immersive action RPG. Second, the imaginative art style and dark undertones of Majora’s Mask has informed our art direction and game design. It has allowed us to be more expressive both in presentation and gameplay. Taken together, we hope these influences will make you more emotionally invested in what happens to the people and places of Hindsight 20/20.

A Choice Between Two Completely Different Combat Styles

Deciding which weapon to use in Hindsight 20/20 is a critical choice. Sure, it affects many things outside of combat, but also we wanted that choice to be felt in the heat of battle. That’s why each weapon has a completely different combat style.

The sword is a fast, visceral experience. You’ll quickly take out your enemies and leave their blood splattered on the floor. It’s a simple message to anyone who might oppose you.

The baton is a weapon fit for nobility. Its elegant and thoughtful moves will make you feel both powerful and merciful. You’ll earn the respect and admiration of everyone who witnesses your benevolence.

But your role in combat is only one part of how a combat style feels; your opponents play an important part in this too. Your choice of weapon will not go unnoticed. Enemies will react and respond to the sword with fear and your baton with confidence. Remember - choices matter.

See You Soon!

We hope you can enjoy Hindsight 20/20 soon. We will continue to make Hindsight 20/20 better and push the importance of choice in our game. We hope you’ll join us in this ride!

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Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa - hemanshu
Resolution Options

Today we’re adding an option to the preferences menu to change the resolution of your game! It’s available when you start a new game from the main menu or in the game’s pause menu.

You’ve told us that this is an important feature for the PC version of the game and we’ve listened! We welcome your suggestions and feedback. It’s important to us that Hindsight 20/20 is a great experience on the PC, so please send your feedback and suggestions to support@iii-games.com.

We will continue to update Hindsight 20/20 on a regular basis to address issues, add features, and, in the near future, to add new content.

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Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa - hemanshu
Two Towns

Hindsight 20/20 takes place across two towns - Champaner and Gibsonia. The fates of these two towns are intertwined by the plague that created the Raakshasa. A plague that threatens to destroy one town and brings prosperity for the other. The choices you make and the actions you take will resonate throughout their histories. Such a responsibility requires some serious study. Let’s now look at Gibsonia.


Gibsonia is a town at odds with Champaner. No one is safe here. The sanctity of life has been forgotten. Instead, these unrecognizable, mutated humans - the Raakshasa - are constantly on the prowl for blood. Do not expect to have a casual conversation with the monsters that dwell here.


Unlike Champaner, Gibsonia has no proud history. In fact, it has almost no history at all. Its origins are recent, when the sinister Sinha decided to flee Champaner and create a place for those infected with the virus. Its heritage is one of exile, of outcasts. They are monsters focused on one goal - survival.


Gibsonia is strategically placed south of Champaner in the Shaapit mountains. When an infected human wants to escape their town, they only need to remember one thing - head south. The fractured landscape of these mountains make Gibsonia a chaotic place. There is only one thing that can act as a landmark - Sinha’s lair. Floating high above his “people”, this levitating island provides a laboratory for the terrifying experiments he runs. This is where the Trishakti was created, a terrible device capable of destroying Champaner.


Gibsonia is a town steeped in survival. It’s home to outcasts and monsters. There is no sense of community among the Raakshasa and no love for each other. Their thirst for blood will certainly drive them to kill any human they see, but it doesn’t end there; they have been known to kill each other. The lack of any heritage makes this a chaotic place, filled with mutants that have no respect for life. No ideology. They may be capable of speech, but do not listen to what they utter. It is only filled with deception.

Nightmares in Gibsonia

The Raakshasa have no dreams for the future. Their leader, Sinha, rules by intimidation and a simple promise - survival. He offers no inspiring visions or bright path forward. It is a place wholly immersed in the present, living by instinct, and gratification of the most base desires. Do not be deceived by the words of Sinha or any other Raakshasa you meet.

How Will You Change These Towns?

Hindsight 20/20 is a game where your choices affect everything. Champaner and Gibsonia are no exceptions. How might you change these towns?

A town is composed of its citizens. What the people do and who they are will always shape a town’s fate. Here are some questions you might ask yourself as you play the game:
  • How will people react to my choices?
  • Will I inspire them?
  • Will they fear me?
  • What actions will they take in response to my choices?
The people of Champaner and Gibsonia share only one thing in common - they listen to their leaders. This gives Marcos and Sinha the power to alter the fate of their towns. Consider these questions during your adventure:
  • What words can I use to influence Marcos?
  • How can I inspire him?
  • What actions can I take to sway Sinha’s actions?
  • Which choices can I make to strike fear into Sinha?
Until next time

Our next update marks the beginning of a new series. We will start introducing the characters in Hindsight 20/20 that are a part of your story.

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Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa - hemanshu
Two Towns

Hindsight 20/20 takes place across two towns - Champaner and Gibsonia. The fates of these two towns are intertwined by the plague that created the Raakshasas. A plague that threatens to destroy one town and brings prosperity for the other. The choices you make and the actions you take will resonate throughout their histories. Such a responsibility requires some serious study. Let’s get started.


Champaner is a peace-loving town, home to every human. Its quaint appearance is as inviting as its citizens are welcoming.


This humble town was built upon the ruins of an ancient city. Once a great civilization thrived here, but those days are long past. The technology that dominated has been reduced to rubble. That tragic tale is a lesson to the people of Champaner. Humility before hubris.


Built in Bhaagyavaan valley, Champaner is sheltered by the surrounding mountains. Two great fissures in the valley’s floor split the town into three main areas. Lower Champaner is the largest of the three and sits at the entrance to the valley. The gates to the city are built here. Middle Champaner is the pride and joy of Champaner. It includes the massive Marcos statue, the town’s power generator, and a great market where citizens congregate every day. The last area is Upper Champaner. The entire land mass is covered by an enormous castle which serves as the residence for Marcos, the town’s benevolent leader. The majestic gates that protect this building will only open for those worthy of seeing the king.


The citizens of Champaner are simple human beings. They enjoy a quiet afternoon with friends, dinners with family, and genuine conversation with their fellow townspeople. As Jehan, everyone you meet here will be more than willing to share their story. Make time to speak with them. You’ll discover that they are proud of their town’s heritage, a way of life that respects all life at any cost. The more you learn about them, the more you’ll understand how they’ll react to your choices.

Dreams of Champaner

Champaners’ look to their past for guidance, but even more important is that those traditions will survive. The town reveres their king for his devotion to this goal. The resplendent statue of Marcos, built at the center of the great market, is a constant reminder of his vision. During these dark times, with the plague running rampant and a terrible rift looming above, his statue seems to shine even brighter. He is the beacon that will lead them back to their simple lives.

Until next time

Next time, in part 2, we'll cover the other town in Hindsight 20/20 - Gibsonia.

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Hindsight 20/20 - Wrath of the Raakshasa - hemanshu
Hindsight 20/20 - Launch Day Reviews

Our small indie team has been blown away by all the incredible reviews we’ve received! We’ve seen both small, passionate streamers and large press sites share their excitement for our combat and choice based systems. We are so thankful that all our hard work is paying off and having an impact on those that play our game! Here are some of our favorite reviews with quotes that have made us extremely happy:

Xbox Hub - 4.5/5: "A profoundly engaging video game experience, both in its message on morality and how players choose to play."

Hey Poor Player - 4.5/5: "Hindsight 20/20: Wrath of The Raakshasa is fantastic, with fun mechanics and a surprisingly great narrative that’ll leave you questioning what you believe in.”

But Why Tho - 7.5/10: "A Different Take On Choice"

Gamer Escape - 8/10: “A unique experience that's absolutely worth a playthrough (or three)”

Movies Game and Tech - 7/10: "I loved how the world evolved based on your decisions, and how easy it was to take a different path during alternative playthroughs."

Thank You

Thank you to everyone that helped us get our game this far. We hope that you'll be able to play our game soon and enjoy it just as much!

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