Hearts of Iron IV - Addaway

Hello everyone!

This weekend, from today until the 22nd of December, we've created a bundle along with our friends over at World of Warships!

The bundle includes:
  • World of Warships (free-to-play)
  • World of Warships — Exclusive Starter Pack
  • Hearts of Iron IV
  • Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns

You can get all this content from both games at 50% discount- so if you've been looking for new WW2-themed games to play, look no further!



To mark this collaboration between ourselves and World of Warships, we'll be having a stream together tomorrow Friday 18th December at 1400 CET!

We'll be playing both World of Warships and Hearts of Iron back-to-back, so it will be a great opportunity to see both games in action alongside one another.

Make sure to tune in over on our twitch tomorrow at 14:00 CET! : https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive

Hearts of Iron IV - Addaway

World War Wednesday continues!

We'll continue Putting The Band Back Together in tomorrow's stream, live 1330-1500 CET!

With Monarchs safely back on the thrones of Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, war against the western powers is imminent.
Our hosts' first target will be Italy, with German medium tanks and Austro-Hungarian fighters ready to be unleashed.

Make sure you set a reminder for the stream and tune in at 1330 CET tomorrow!
Hearts of Iron IV - Addaway
Hello everyone!

Patch 1.10.3 of the "Collie" update is now live and should be downloading through Steam and Microsoft Store as we speak. The new checksum is aa89.

This update aims to address a compatibility issue with the recent release of macOS 11.0 "Big Sur".

Saves made with 1.10.0, 1.10.1 and 1.10.2 are expected to be fully compatible with 1.10.3 and you can continue your previous game without risk.

Should you still have an older saved game (from 1.9 "Husky" or 1.8 "Fork"), it will not be compatible with 1.10.3, even if the game does not report it as such. This is sadly an issue we could not fix in this patch without painful side effects (see the known issues page).

As always, if you have an older save you can finish it by rolling back to an older patch.

If you discover any bugs in patch 1.10.3, please report them in the bug report forum as usual.

######## Patch 1.103 "Collie" #########

# Stability & Performance

- Fixed compatibility issue with macOS 11.0 (Big Sur)
Hearts of Iron IV - Addaway

The Weekly Streams Return!

Yes we're back with a new weekly stream series- for the next five or so weeks, we'll be 'Putting The Band Back Together'; reforming the central powers of Imperial Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, with a view to avenging defeat in the Great War.

We'll be streaming for 90 minutes each week, from 1330-1500 CET on Wednesday's, starting tomorrow 18th November!

We've got Community Manager Josh, Game Designer Robert and our resident salt king Da9L taking on the world together.

Be sure to set a reminder over on the right and tune in over on our twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive

Hearts of Iron IV - Addaway

Hello everyone!

Patch 1.10.2 of the "Collie" update is now live and should be downloading through Steam and Microsoft Store as we speak. The new checksum is f82d.
This update brings a number of bug fixes and balance changes to the 1.10.1 release of last month (see changelog below for details).

Saves made with 1.10.1 are expected to be fully compatible with 1.10.2 and you can continue your previous game without risk.

Should you still have an older saved game (from 1.9 "Husky" or 1.8 "Fork"), it will not be compatible with 1.10.2, even if the game does not report it as such. This is sadly an issue we could not fix in this patch without painful side effects (see the known issues page).

As always, if you have an older save you can finish it by rolling back to an older patch.

If you discover any bugs in patch 1.10.2, please report them in the bug report forum as usual.

######## Patch 1.10.2 "Collie" #########

# Features
- Foreign Ship Designers for Bulgaria and Purchase Ships decisions for Soviets.
- Acquire Modern Tools focus now actually gives an industry research bonus to invest in moderns tools.
- New Military High Command Advisor for Communist Bulgaria.
- If Impending Zveno Coup mission is active, most of Zveno-related internal faction decisions will add a certain amount of days to the coup mission timer.
- Tim Buck now has a unique portrait
- Acquire Modern Tools, Follow the Stalinist Doctrine, Balkan Federation of Socialist Republics, A Balkan Confederation, Join the Allies, The Fate of the Balkans, Sign the Tripartite Pact are now 35-days focuses
- Delayed formation of the Fatherland Front and Fatherland Front civil war.
- Added Italian Materiel Designer. Replaced pitiful Italian Tank designer trait by a better one for Bulgarian foreign version of it. Naval designers are now unlocked by Naval Cooperation Agreements decisions, which become available after completing focus A Black Sea Fleet.
- Readjusted Turkish and Greek 1939 unit history files to add air force and Turkish tank division, added unique Greek and Turkish airplane names

# Balance

- Time required to complete the focus Spanish Coup has been reduced to 35 days to match its communist counterpart.
- Made the Finnish Him achievement more consistent. Players now need to hold Moscow as Finland and have at least 15% war participation when the Soviet Union capitulates, without being in a faction
- added fifth research slot at the end of Turkey's industrial branch
- Reduced Turkish focus completion times across the board by 175 days and reduced an additional 35 or 70 days for every path, shifted the Armed Forces decisions to be more accessible, added more player agency to Kurdish pacification decisions so they didn't feel like an endless sink, swapped cost for said decisions from political power to command power, added incentive for Turkish radicals to justify their own wars, reduced amount of Turkish geniuses in high command, rebalanced Clodius to greatly reduce the odds of getting upwards of six military factories
- Integrate Faction and Destroy Faction decisions no longer gives any ideology boost/debuff.
- National Military Academy now is a 35-days focus.
- The focuses The Peoples Republic of Bulgaria, Legislative Elections and Depose the Tsar now require 40% support for the appropriate ideology instead of 50%.
- PP penalty from National spirit Democratic Opposition Voicing Protests has been reduced from -50% to -25%. This NS will be added as a timed national spirit like other generic ideology drift national spirits.
- Reduced PP penalty in national spirit Democratic Opposition Voicing Protests from -25% to -20%
- Focus The Peoples Republic of Bulgaria no longer requires faction loyalty from the Agrarians. Focus Legislative Elections no longer requires faction loyalty from the Broad Socialists.
- The Spanish Struggle and Support the Spanish Coup no longer have manpower requirement.
- reduced all instances where bulgaria generates WT from 5 to 1
- decrease bulgarian WT reduction from macedonian organizations from 5 to 1
- slightly increased germain infantry equipment production factors
- Focus Crush the Communists is now a 35-days focus

# Stability & Performance
- Fixed CTD when loading a save where operatives were performing the control trade mission
- Fix CTD when mousing hover autonomy alert after becoming independent
- Fixed CTD when annexing a country with rocket sites

# AI

- the AI will now be more likely to bring back the Kaiser in non-historical mode (WTT only)
- Adjusted Bulgarian AI strategy to focus on internal affairs, building civs and improving relations for an extra year.
- AI Improvements to make Bulgaria join the war earlier
- Improved AI weights in Ultimatum to Albania so that there are more factors now influencing the decision of Albania

# UI

- Added missing characters to hoi4_24header.fnt to unify the support turkish characters

# Modding

- added bypass_if_unavailable = yes option for focuses
- added state highlighting for on_map_area for decision categories
- added error log when a trigger/effect that was supposed to go in {} is not
- limit inside on_research_complete is now deprecated, use on_research_complete_limit outside of on_research_complete instead
- Add new effect to remove war goals of a specified type targetting a nation
- Add Is leading volunteer group trigger
- Added variable party_popularity_100 which is a variant of party_popularity where the value is multiplied by 100 as to allow script to have as much precision as code when manipulating party popularity
- Add is_leading_volunteer_group_with_original_country trigger
- Added optional parameter keep_political_leader to start_civil_war effect which controls if the party leader of the revolting ideology will join the revolter as its leader.

# Audio

- Sounds for the Bulgarian light and heavy planes (reused and renamed the medium asset)
- Mixed planes for final

# Bugfix

- Yugoslavian communist coup targets will automatically join Yugoslavia's faction if the original tag is at war - this prevents the target from joining other factions due to common enemies.
- game rules interface now follows the database order while listing game rules
- Bulgarian Military Cooperation Agreements decisions can no longer be activated if there is another decision of this type already ongoing.
- Bulgarian Aircraft Agreements decisions can no longer be activated if there is another decision of this type already ongoing.
- Removed minimum loyalty requirement for Fund Faction decisions, which could lead to blocking the player from interacting any more with the factions, due to loyalty being modified by events/focuses after having legalized a faction.
- Fixed the editor crashing on start due to the limit of the number of texture
- Tooltip about Yugoslavia signing the Tripartite Pact is now more clear.
- Changed the localization for Yugoslavia in the Gathering Storm to correctly refer to the State of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
- Yugoslavia should no longer lose national spirits on a civil war
- Late-stage peasant councils are no longer temporary
- Fixed Bulgarian generals Hadzhipetkov and Boydev disappearing in January 4th 1936.
- Yugoslavia can no longer gain cores on the entirety of Europe
- Fixed 3 instances of the Regency council created with a wrong sub-ideology, leading to the Regency Council being added to the wrong ideology.
- The "One Nation under Atatürk" achievement will no longer be given for just starting the game under certain circumstances. Already awarded achievements will be kept.
- Spanish Falangist AI strategy path will now pick "Sin Paquito" focus, and follow down the expected Falangist branch
- Bulgaria on the Three Seas focus will now take 70 days to complete.
- Fixed missing localization from Romania dividing Yugoslavia
- Romania will now be informed that their focus enables them to divide Yugoslavia
- Dividing Yugoslavia now uses the proper icons
- Losing an airfield will properly evacuate planes again, if possible
- Yugoslavian industry focuses will now improve member states instead of Serbian states where possible.
- Removes mutual exclusivity for King Michael's Coup and relocated it under Force Abdication
- Romania can no longer change sides to a country of the same ideology as their current faction (cannot jump from Axis to Co-Prosperity Sphere, Little Entente to Allies, etc.)
- fixed incorrect airplane models are being displayed on map when a country has a cosmetic tag that had plane models
- fixed bad romeance achievement not firing correctly
- the Byzanthine namelists are now available for Byzantium in the BFTB version (still available for WTT Byzantium)
- Improved triggers to fix certain cases where Bulgaria could not access Foreign Agreements and Purchase Foreign Equipment decisions.
- Yugoslavia will now complete granting its subjects independence on the Devolution strategy plan
- States with Pre-Arranged Bulgarian Territorial Expansion state modifier will no longer be transferred to Bulgaria if the owner has a core on those states.
- Decision Pressure to Lift Arms Restrictions will no longer be available until after the players has failed on negotiating Bulgarian rearmament or has completed focus Support Macedonian Organizations.
- Player can no longer get Bulgarian Army national spirit via National Military Academy, after having completed Prussia of the Balkans (which provides a national spirit that replaces Bulgarian Army).
- Kurdish state decisions will no longer be visible if Kurdistan is a puppet of Turkey or anybody else, integrate decisions have been split up to give player more agency and reduce potential edge-cases
- Removed AI weight towards garrisoning in Bulgarian AI strategy, so that it no longer prioritizes garrisoning cities instead of defending its borders during a war.
- Zveno coup can now be properly stopped by either destroying/integrating the Zveno, completing focus Fatherland Front or having the Fatherland Front formed and working against the player.
- Leaders are now properly assigned to each side. No more zombie Boris coming back from the grave, no more country leaders mysteriously disappearing from the original tag.
- Cleaned-up ultra-messy tooltip for Impending Zveno Coup decision. Now it is short and easy to read.
- Kimon Georgiev will remain in original Bulgaria if he has been appointed as an advisor or country leader before the civil war starts
- Several focuses in the Bulgarian FT are now locked if Bulgaria is a puppet. Note that puppet Bulgaria can still complete the focuses to "approach" a country, but will not be able to progress any further in the branch.
- Germany now has a new infantry model after bringing back the Kaiser (WTT only)
- fixed some startup errors regarding Camels for people without BFTB and Pikelhauben for people without WTT
- Fixed Bulgaria not able to send volunteers to the Spanish civil war without La Resistance active.
- The decision chain to Cooperate with IMRO no longer gets blocked if the player controls all Macedonian states.
- Boris can no longer die after having been removed as a political leader.
- Fixed achievement Balkan Problem Solved being unlocked by just completing focus The Unification of the Balkans and getting cores in the Balkans. Now it will require Bulgaria to actually control those cores.
- Yugoslavia will no longer be informed that they have married themselves.
- Fixed national spirit Balkan Federation Project Propaganda instantly disappearing if the country targeted is in faction with Bulgaria.
- The event triggered by Carry the Revolution Abroad focus, which invites communist nations to Bulgaria's faction, now triggers the appropriate event back to Bulgaria if the country refuses the invitation.
- Fixed misleading tooltip in Carry the Revolution Abroad description.
- The state modifier Skirmishes against the IMRO will be removed from Macedonia, Central Macedonia and Thrace, if active, when any of these states fall under Bulgarian control.
- Fixed a few edge cases in which the decision chain to destroy a faction could get blocked forever.
- Romania will no longer be able to divide Yugoslavia if they are a puppet
- Divide Yugoslavia focus will now give a wargoal if Yugoslavia is already a puppet
- Nations being invited to divide Yugoslavia will now be given a tooltip informing them of the decision to make claims
- Divide Yugoslavia will now bypass if Yugoslavia either does not exist or is already a Romanian puppet
- Yugoslavia will no longer be able to be divided if it has already been divided
- Divide Yugoslavia no longer has missing localization
- Fixed Portuguese focus Arsenal do Alfeite not providing any naval bases as promised in its tooltip.
- Germany will now get a wargoal on Yugoslavia if Prince Paul is deposed.
- French Basque Country now has a slot for an airport
- Prussia of the Balkans no longer weakens new generals and admirals by providing +2 LVL. Instead, it now grants +1 Attack and Defense to generals and admirals.
- Both sides of the Yugoslavia civil war should now keep the appropriate national spirits.
- French Basque Country airport is now in the correct province.
- The Soviets claiming the straits will now add a claim on Istanbul
- Ultimatum to Greece as the Soviet Union will now require owning Istanbul
- fixed an issue where the Collaborative Civil Works focus for Turkey instantly bypassed
- siding with the EEE in the Greek Civil War will now actually start a civil war
- fixed broken meta_effect & meta_trigger
- the Greek debt to the IFC decision category should no longer disappear completely for a month when making a large payment
- Added custom+historical Greek and Turkish tank names, added historical+custom Turkish jet names, and added interwar bombers for Turkey as a starting tech
- Bulgarian wargoals on its puppets are now removed after subjugating them via Fate of The Balkans decisions.
- Support the Spanish Coup will now promote a general who actually fought in the SCW when the civil war ends.
- Decision "Prepare Bulgarian occupation" now also adds a positive state modifier to Bulgarian-occupied Macedonian states.
Oct 21, 2020
Hearts of Iron IV - BjornB
Hello all, and welcome back to another DevDiary! Last week, we released Battle for the Bosporus (some of you may remember it). Given that we took the number 1 top-seller spot on steam within an hour of launch, and without pre-orders, I daresay that the idea of a country pack has been a success.

Now, let’s look at some Telemetry we got from the first couple of days after release!

For starters, we are seeing a big increase in people playing the new countries that is not at all surprising. After release, Germany still leads the list of most-played countries, but it’s overall margin has shrunk quite a bit over the years. After the game’s initial release, some 40% of games were played as Germany, now it is less than 20%. In second place is, unsurprisingly, Turkey with 16%, followed by Greece at just under 10% and the Soviet Union at 7.4 %. Bulgaria comes in a hair below it at 7% of total games played.

Next, let’s look at the focuses everyone has been picking!

About a third of players in Turkey opted to bring back the Sultan, compared to 48% who decided to remain a republic and engage with the big three factions. 12% opted to form their own faction and integrate the Balkans. Of the players who opted to join the world war, most chose to join the Axis, while only a small handful managed to get the old Central Powers back together. Only about 11% managed to bring back Camelry, showing that perhaps the age of the Camel in warfare has passed.

In Greece, it appears that monarchy is in crisis, with 73% opting to bring back the exiled republicans, although more than two thirds then decided to compromise with the monarchists in what can only be described as a disgusting lack of principles. Unfulfilled with merely supporting a simple king, a total of 43% then continued to revive the double-headed eagle in an attempt to restore the Byzantine Emperor.

May we remind people that we have recently released an entire game where you can play as the Byzantine Emperor from the start?

Just putting that out there.

In Bulgaria, it appears that Monarchy is decidedly back in fashion as about two thirds decided to give power to the Tsar. A similar number then allowed the Tsar to form the government, before later having to choose between strengthening the royal dictatorship or arranging for an unfortunate accident for Tsar Boris. The vast majority decided to plot against the Tsar, showing that once again HoI players have the right mindset to play CKIII.

The vast majority then decided to back the old Tsar Ferdinand I - perhaps unsurprisingly, considering that the alternative is a literal child.

On the other side of the divide, there is a clear preference for the Balkan Federation of Socialist Republics, which was picked about 7 times as often as the alternative. Perhaps people just don’t like Stalin? For more than 10% of games, this ends with the Balkans fully unified.

We did also get a lot of feedback from you guys about bugs and other issues that we are going to address in the coming weeks. Like we did before, we will be having an open beta coming soon with a number of bug fixes and some changes to address some of the more widespread concerns raised, such as the time you spend addressing political issues in the Turkish focus tree. We expect that patch to become available for the main branch at a later date. More info on what is in the open beta and how to access it will come when the beta becomes available.

DevDiaries will be taking a small break as we continue work on the next DLC and Patch “Barbarossa”. More info on those will come when we resume. We don’t expect this break to be nearly as long as the one between La Resistance and Battle for the Bosporus, but 2020 has been a year full of unexpected events, so we can’t give you a firm promise on when they will return.
Hearts of Iron IV - Addaway
Steer Your Path Through Dangerous Waters in Battle for the Bosporus

STOCKHOLM - 15 October 2020 - The fascist powers are to the west. The Russian bear to the north. And the coasts of Egypt and the Levant belong to France and Britain. The independent nations of the eastern Mediterranean live in a dangerous neighborhood . What can Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey do to secure their own safety while the world around them is at war? Seize the reins of power in Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus, available now.

Battle for the Bosporus is a new country pack for Paradox Development Studio’s best-selling strategy wargame about World War II. Armchair generals will find new national focus trees for three nations that border the strategic waterways of the Black and Aegean Seas. Pursue alternate histories alongside major powers in a strong faction, or control your own destiny, free from meddling imperial giants.

Features of Battle for the Bosporus include:

  • National Focus Tree for Bulgaria: Balance the factions in a divided land or reclaim territory lost in 1919. Follow the historical alliance with Germany or resist the German pressures on Tsar Boris, standing up for a free Bulgaria.
  • National Focus Tree for Greece: Riven by political division, Greek neutrality is maintained by the controversial Metaxas. Build a strong relationship with the Allies under the guidance of King George II, follow arch-conservatives into fascism or restore the glories of Greek Empire in the east.
  • National Focus Tree for Turkey: Robbed of its empire in the last war, what future is there for Turkey in a new one? Continue or halt the reforms of Kemalism, stand as the protector of the Balkans in a new regional faction, restore the Sultan to the throne or found a new Islamic state.
  • New Music Tracks
  • New 3D Unit Models for Balkan and Turkish Armies
  • Unique voice overs for Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey

Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus is available now for a suggested retail price of $9.99/£7.19/€9.99

Hearts of Iron IV - Addaway
Hello everyone!

Release 1.10.1 "Collie" is now live with its new features and bugfixes. The patch should be downloading through Steam as we speak. The expected checksum is dd56.

If you wonder if you missed patch 1.10.0, don't worry, you didn't! It was only released internally and to our beta testers, but the timetable allowed us to skip ahead and go live with 1.10.1 directly which includes a few fixes for issues found during beta.

Please note that 1.10 will not be save game compatible with 1.9.3. If you want to finish off any ongoing ironman games, please remain on 1.9.3 for now. Here are instructions on how you revert patch levels.

As always please make sure that any mods you are using are updated for 1.10, or your game might not run properly.

If you discover any bugs in patch 1.10.1, please report them in the bug report forum as usual.

Update 1.10 'Collie' Changelog

# Battle for the Bosporus Country Pack
- New Focus Tree for Greece
- New Focus Tree for Turkey
- New Focus Tree for Bulgaria

# Features
- Reworked Focus Tree for Yugoslavia (Death or Dishonor)
- Reworked and tweaked the starting position for Romania (Death or Dishonor)
- added a number of new releaseable nations to the game
- The Heavy Cruiser 3d Asset Pack has been merged into the base game
- added a special infantry model with Pickelhaube for Unaligned Germany (Waking the Tiger)

# Bugfix
- Fixed a bug where Serbia was using the incorrect country colours.
- Banning Communism or Fascism should now also remove foreign communist/fascist influence national spirits.
- fixed foreign equipments not showing up under stockpiles ui
- Yugoslavia may now complete industry focuses if the owner of the province is their subject
- fixed enemy ship count now showing up in strategic region ui
- added some missing descriptions of special ship hulls (MtG only)
- Fixed some mods being erroneously removed at game start
- The external actor on the losing side of a civil war no longer get their units wiped if they were in the winner's territory as long as the civil war did not become a full blown out war
- Yugoslavia will now lose the Anti-German Military spirit if the military has already instigated a coup.
- Rocket sites will now properly delete remaining stock when captured and not crash the game further down the line
- fixed a missing national spirit icon in the French tree
- fixed some issues with AI operative assignments that was trying to make them assign same operative multiple times
- Fixed operative being stuck on rescue mission when there are no operative left to rescue
- Added a nudger generated file to the list of files to backup and remove by the Clear Cache action
- Added missing "do nothing" option to an event
- Set ROM starting ruling party to non-aligned
- Updated Institute Royal Monarchy focus to start with 65% Non-Aligned support
- Fixed a typo in wtt_events_l_english.yml for Germany Anti-Soviet Pact news pop-up
- removed Italian_generic_land_4 soldier and added Britain_generic_land_6 soldier instead.
- new hat for error dog
- added portrait to vanilla GER

# Balance
- naval supremacy is now scaled to a percentage depending on enemy intel level instead of getting reduced to 0% at low intel
- Germany can no longer annex Yugoslavia with a single focus and no input from the Yugoslavian player under certain circumstances

# Stability & Performance
- improved performance of national focus gui when there are focuses with many prerequisites or expensive allowed triggers
- Fixed OOS triggered by displaying the description of some focuses and event effects
- Improved performance of CPoliticalMinister that was evaluating decision with an ai_factor of zero
- Fixed CTD when interacting with the army portraits while merging armies
- Fixed CTD in AI code
- Added allowed trigger for ai strategy plans
- Fixed CTD related to carrier air missions
- Fixed OOS caused by localized state name
- Fixed CTD caused by effect from history trying to access the not yet initialized graphical map

# Modding
- add the modifiers navy_leader_start_level, navy_leader_start_attack_level, navy_leader_start_defense_level, navy_leader_start_maneuvering_level, navy_leader_start_coordination_level to match the sames for army_leader.
- Fixed has_dlc trigger to return false when the name of the dlc is not known
- Added support for nesting localization strings, i.e. use a localization key within another localization string, enabling strings like "Unlock $nukes$ in the $technology$ screen" where 'nukes' and 'technology' are localization keys.
- Added support for dollar signs in localization strings. Normally a dollar sign denotes the start or end of a variable. With this change "$$" will produce a single dollar sign in the resulting string.
- add_equipment_to_stockpile effect now accepts variables as producer
- added faction_leader scope change
- added custom_modifier_tooltip support for dynamic modifiers
- added add_victory_points/set_victory_points effects
- Added console command Audio.PlayEffect to play a scripted sound effect at will
- added can_be_produced trigger to equipments so they can be blocked for certain countries for production
- Added the ability to specify a variable refering to an idea for triggers and effect has_idea, add_ideas, remove_ideas, swap_ideas, add_timed_idea and modify_timed_idea
- Added support for the triggers is_enemy, is_friend and is_neutral to adjacency rules to enable script to determine which rule to use. Evaluation order is documented in adjacency_rules.txt.
- Added global.province_controllers game variable array that returns an array containing the controller for each province, where array index is mapped to province ID. For example global.province_controllers^4135 returns the controller of Gibraltar.
- Added equipment buildable trigger

# Database
- Added a series of decisions for Yugoslavia to promote a communist uprising in Bulgaria, Albania, and other Balkan nations
- Added General entry for Constantin Sanatescu
- Hooked Iraqi fascist leader into vanilla
- Added Kurdistan tag, history, and leaders
Hearts of Iron IV - Addaway

Make sure you join us for the release stream of Battle for the Bosporus, at 1300 CEST tomorrow, 15th October!

Count down the minutes with us and be the very first to know when the Country Pack is live.

You can set a reminder for the stream with the button on the right, and while you're waiting why not check out today's Dev Diary?


Tune in over on our Twitch channel at 1300 CEST tomorrow! https://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive
Hearts of Iron IV - Addaway

As release is almost upon us tomorrow, I want to say that I hope you will enjoy Battle for the Bosporus! Today I will be showing the changelog, mention some cool stuff we are giving out for free and also talk about an onboarding experiment we will be running soon… so lets jump in!


Click here to view the full changelog for the 1.10 Update

Heavy Cruiser Pack now free for all!

When we stopped selling the Colonel Edition and moved most of the cosmetics there to new armor packs instead we had nowhere to put our Heavy Cruiser pack and we figured it would just be a nice thing to give it away to everyone for this update - so thats what we did! It will now be baked in. The pack contains the following ships 3d models :

France - Algérie
USA - Baltimore
UK - Exeter
Soviet - Kirov
Japan - Mogami
German - Prinz Eugen
Italy - Trieste Class

Onboarding Experiments

Hearts of Iron is not a game known for how easy it is for new players to get into it... and that is probably not going to change ;D But we do feel like we could do a lot better job at helping new players out here. We have a lot of ideas around improving the pretty basic tutorial, more context help and helping you see changes in patches and such that we dream of doing, but much of this is still in some far away potential future. Right now though we have gotten help from our awesome experiment group at Paradox Arctic in testing some stuff on you all. Well some of you at least...

See we are doing this as a test to compare how the changes affect new players so the system will automatically enable it only for certain people next week, so do not worry if you see stuff your friends aren't or the other way around.

So what have we actually done? We have integrated little short video clips tied to alerts and such to help illustrate how to deal with them. These are also accessible from the main menu for browsing. Do note that this is not some full coverage of features yet, but we hope it will be enough to see if there is any impact on new player behaviors and if it works out there is a good chance we will record and add more in the future if we roll it out for everyone.

Here are some pictures of how it looks:

So see you all tomorrow for the release and for some followup diary the week after :) Oh and because you will ask. The release is aimed to go out in the afternoon tomorrow, but hey its 2020 so I don't dare give you any exact times ;D


Our release stream will be beginning at 1300 CEST, here's all the details!


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