Guns of Icarus Online - Keyvias

To enter the contest send your screenshots to!
The skies of Icarus have always held a great multitude of strange beasts from Ducks to Spacemen, from Gentleman to those that ride storms, and every other conceivable creature you could think of.
There is none more elusive than the Novice. A creature rarely seen for an extended period of time either running from experienced ships or learning to blend in with their crews. A recent storm has pushed many into our skies though and National Discovery wants pictures of them, we want them tracked, and we want to see their habits in action.  We will pay handsomely for these photo shots that we will screen (screenshots if you will.)

So professional and amatuer photographers gets ready to spot, track, and send in a bunch of pictures of this shy and sometimes violent beast.

Between November 18th till November 30th we will be running this contest and accepting screenshots. To play all you have to do is send in screenshots to and list what category you’re entering.

The winner of each category will get an exclusive National Discovery badge and any muse-made item of their choice from the store.

Best Photo:
Send us the screenshot that you most feels captures the essence of the Novice.

Novice Tracking:
Take a screenshot of the same novice on 3 different maps. The winner will have “tracked” the most novices

Novice Preservation:
Take a screenshot of a novice in your clan and online. Any clan member may take credit for the capture and the same capture can be credited to multiple people (of the same clan.) The winner will have sent in the most screenshots.

Novice in their Natural Habitat:
Take a screenshot of novices on your ship. The player that sends in the most screenshots of different novices wins.
Guns of Icarus Online - Keyvias

To enter the contest send your screenshots to!
The skies of Icarus have always held a great multitude of strange beasts from Ducks to Spacemen, from Gentleman to those that ride storms, and every other conceivable creature you could think of.
There is none more elusive than the Novice. A creature rarely seen for an extended period of time either running from experienced ships or learning to blend in with their crews. A recent storm has pushed many into our skies though and National Discovery wants pictures of them, we want them tracked, and we want to see their habits in action.  We will pay handsomely for these photo shots that we will screen (screenshots if you will.)

So professional and amatuer photographers gets ready to spot, track, and send in a bunch of pictures of this shy and sometimes violent beast.

Between November 18th till November 30th we will be running this contest and accepting screenshots. To play all you have to do is send in screenshots to and list what category you’re entering.

The winner of each category will get an exclusive National Discovery badge and any muse-made item of their choice from the store.

Best Photo:
Send us the screenshot that you most feels captures the essence of the Novice.

Novice Tracking:
Take a screenshot of the same novice on 3 different maps. The winner will have “tracked” the most novices

Novice Preservation:
Take a screenshot of a novice in your clan and online. Any clan member may take credit for the capture and the same capture can be credited to multiple people (of the same clan.) The winner will have sent in the most screenshots.

Novice in their Natural Habitat:
Take a screenshot of novices on your ship. The player that sends in the most screenshots of different novices wins.
Guns of Icarus Online - Keyvias
"Soon" (credit to Claus)
Welcome to the next Mayday Friday, where we talk about the community, the nicest players, the competitive players, and where you can get the latest information on Alliance mode. First up let me introduce our next event!
The skies of Icarus have always held a great multitude of strange beasts from Ducks to Spacemen, from Gentleman to those that ride storms, and every other conceivable creature you could think of.
There is none more elusive than the Novice. A creature rarely seen for an extended period of time either running from experienced ships or learning to blend in with their crews. A recent storm has pushed many into our skies though and National Discovery wants pictures of them, we want them tracked, and we want to see their habits in action.  We will pay handsomely for these photo shots that we will screen (screenshots if you will.)

So professional and amatuer photographers gets ready to spot, track, and send in a bunch of pictures of this shy and sometimes violent beast.

Read below for the Rules!<!--more-->

Between November 18th till November 30th we will be running this contest and accepting screenshots. To play all you have to do is send in screenshots to and list what category you’re entering.

The winner of each category will get an exclusive National Discovery badge and any item of their choice from the store.

Best Photo:

Send us the screenshot that you most feels captures the essence of the Novice.

Novice Tracking:

Take a screenshot of the same novice on 3 different maps. The winner will have “tracked” the most novices

Novice Preservation:

Take a screenshot of a novice in your clan and online. Any clan member may take credit for the capture and the same capture can be credited to multiple people (of the same clan.) The winner will have sent in the most screenshots.

Novice in their Natural Habitat:

Take a screenshot of novices on your ship. The player that sends in the most screenshots of different novices wins.
As always we'll be doing a live stream for the dev fireside at 3 pm eastern answering questions about skirmish and releasing new information on Alliance mode! You can catch that all at the

Competitive Scene:
Timmy B announced winners: Crepe Crepe took first with Anglean Gym in second and Unholy Batter in third.
In the SCS #76 Kaktuskumpelz 2000 (ryder clan) defeated the ClanClan.
The Cronus League is the next large taking shape right now and if you'd like to learn more or input your ideas click here!
Guns of Icarus Online - Keyvias
"Soon" (credit to Claus)
Welcome to the next Mayday Friday, where we talk about the community, the nicest players, the competitive players, and where you can get the latest information on Alliance mode. First up let me introduce our next event!
The skies of Icarus have always held a great multitude of strange beasts from Ducks to Spacemen, from Gentleman to those that ride storms, and every other conceivable creature you could think of.
There is none more elusive than the Novice. A creature rarely seen for an extended period of time either running from experienced ships or learning to blend in with their crews. A recent storm has pushed many into our skies though and National Discovery wants pictures of them, we want them tracked, and we want to see their habits in action.  We will pay handsomely for these photo shots that we will screen (screenshots if you will.)

So professional and amatuer photographers gets ready to spot, track, and send in a bunch of pictures of this shy and sometimes violent beast.

Read below for the Rules!<!--more-->

Between November 18th till November 30th we will be running this contest and accepting screenshots. To play all you have to do is send in screenshots to and list what category you’re entering.

The winner of each category will get an exclusive National Discovery badge and any item of their choice from the store.

Best Photo:

Send us the screenshot that you most feels captures the essence of the Novice.

Novice Tracking:

Take a screenshot of the same novice on 3 different maps. The winner will have “tracked” the most novices

Novice Preservation:

Take a screenshot of a novice in your clan and online. Any clan member may take credit for the capture and the same capture can be credited to multiple people (of the same clan.) The winner will have sent in the most screenshots.

Novice in their Natural Habitat:

Take a screenshot of novices on your ship. The player that sends in the most screenshots of different novices wins.
As always we'll be doing a live stream for the dev fireside at 3 pm eastern answering questions about skirmish and releasing new information on Alliance mode! You can catch that all at the

Competitive Scene:
Timmy B announced winners: Crepe Crepe took first with Anglean Gym in second and Unholy Batter in third.
In the SCS #76 Kaktuskumpelz 2000 (ryder clan) defeated the ClanClan.
The Cronus League is the next large taking shape right now and if you'd like to learn more or input your ideas click here!
Guns of Icarus Online - Keyvias
One of the many fog tests we're doing!
Hello Everyone,
We're going to use this as a weekly platform to explain what's happening in the Guns of Icarus world, events you should be looking out for, and our Player of the Week.
As always you can hear the latest news and the best sneak peeks straight from the office with the Dev Fireside Chat on Twitch at 3 pm eastern. Come join us and we'll answer every question that you have!

On the event front hats off to the Storm Ryders for taking first in the Blood and Brass tournament. Team Predators came second and the Bard Revival group got third. A big thanks to all the teams that came out and we can't to wait to see what next competitive comes our way.In the meantime check out the Sunday Community Skirmish and Iron Fork of Friday which happens in game every Friday at 4 pm eastern!

As for what the team has been working on:
Some shader features for a new map, in particular giving us ground fog (demo image above, though this is just a test scene right now)Also laying groundwork for improvements to how we handle networked data on the client. More better smoother things.
- Prepping for OGDE talk this weekend
- Some sprint planning follow ups
- Reviewing player ideas
- Setting up a new community trello Q&A system
Working on the new Tutorials.
- Some more features to boss ship destruction
- Fixed some Ship creation tools bugs- Fixed in game bugs.
New planning for the community side of things to keep things organized for devs and interns

For our player of the week:
Thank you, Gene sis!
For being a generally awesome person you get a free item!Some of the applauds read:
"Super friendly, all that and a bag of chips"
"I bet you don't even read these. If you do I will eat my hat. If it is edible." (looks like it's time for you to find an edible hat)
"Being awesome" 
Guns of Icarus Online - Keyvias
One of the many fog tests we're doing!
Hello Everyone,
We're going to use this as a weekly platform to explain what's happening in the Guns of Icarus world, events you should be looking out for, and our Player of the Week.
As always you can hear the latest news and the best sneak peeks straight from the office with the Dev Fireside Chat on Twitch at 3 pm eastern. Come join us and we'll answer every question that you have!

On the event front hats off to the Storm Ryders for taking first in the Blood and Brass tournament. Team Predators came second and the Bard Revival group got third. A big thanks to all the teams that came out and we can't to wait to see what next competitive comes our way.In the meantime check out the Sunday Community Skirmish and Iron Fork of Friday which happens in game every Friday at 4 pm eastern!

As for what the team has been working on:
Some shader features for a new map, in particular giving us ground fog (demo image above, though this is just a test scene right now)Also laying groundwork for improvements to how we handle networked data on the client. More better smoother things.
- Prepping for OGDE talk this weekend
- Some sprint planning follow ups
- Reviewing player ideas
- Setting up a new community trello Q&A system
Working on the new Tutorials.
- Some more features to boss ship destruction
- Fixed some Ship creation tools bugs- Fixed in game bugs.
New planning for the community side of things to keep things organized for devs and interns

For our player of the week:
Thank you, Gene sis!
For being a generally awesome person you get a free item!Some of the applauds read:
"Super friendly, all that and a bag of chips"
"I bet you don't even read these. If you do I will eat my hat. If it is edible." (looks like it's time for you to find an edible hat)
"Being awesome" 
Guns of Icarus Online - jerry
New content

  • new map: 3v3 version of Clash at Blackcliff
  • costume pieces:
    - Blood and Brass Tournament hats (male and female)
    - Birthday hats (King and Queen)
    - Daybane hat - workshop (male and female)
    - Javanicus - workshop (male and female)
    - Soulseeker mask - workshop (male)
    - Old Straw Hat - workshop (male)
    - Octagonal Spectacles - workshop (male)
    - Garrison cap - workshop (male)
    - Peaked cap - workshop (male)
    - Trusty pipe - workshop (male)

  • decals:
    - Hold Fast (unlocked through Clan Progression)
    - Thick as Thieves (unlocked through Clan Progression)
    - bless of éole - workshop
    - Nysa Orchard Bee - workshop
    - Wings of SoShi - workshop
    - Polaris - workshop
    - Grim Reaper - workshop
    - Sandstorm Republic - workshop
    - Imperial Order - workshop
    - The Four of Us - workshop
    - Cephalopod Tentacle - workshop
    - Steampunk Dragon - workshop
    - Ghost in My Journal - workshop
    - I Define Balance - workshop

  • Clan Progression: levels 6 to 10 unlocked, each with new rewards!
  • Practice Maps: practice maps for all region types, hooray!
  • Improved Match Loading: match start is now delayed until all players have loaded! (up to 60 seconds)
  • fireworks are back
  • added "Searching" status for social menu
  • confirmation that a friend was added
  • launcher
  • warning when pilot mid-match join to inform crew slot that role will switch
  • AI crew now listens to ship captain’s voice commands: gunning direction & repair type designation. General crew orders overwrite the voice commands, so sometimes you’ll want to order them to “All repair” or “All guns” first.

Minotaur: Increased jitter to 3.5 degrees (from 3), increased muzzle speed to 550m/s (from 350), increased AoE burst size to 10m (from 8), reduced pitch and yaw to 30 degrees in all directions (from 45), decreased rate of fire to 0.33 b/s (from 0.44), increased piercing damage to 90 (from 60), increased shatter damage to 225 (from 140), increased knockdown force to 200000 on both direct and burst hit (from 160000)

  • primary dye changes the secondary color's shade on Boneyard costume
  • rope flag covering sight at rear gun on Squid
  • bottom part of dropdown menu in progress is missing
  • map coordinates are blurry
  • "win conditions" on map actually shows the map description
  • offline players aren't listed in order of the time last being online in the social menu
  • wrong images for Paritan Rumble
  • at achievement progress the hotkey is also shown
  • a random clipping flag on Northern Fjords
  • steam leaking from gun
  • typo in matchmaker tip
  • match loading screen glitch
  • can't change letter case in player names because of name "already taken"
  • some sound effects can't be heard
  • issue with dust cloud and steam layered on each other
  • the barrels of the light flak are steaming
  • hitmarker on enemy projectiles
  • spectator marker and red ship marker have almost identical colors
  • kill feed goes missing
  • balloon decal changes to an other one
  • scratched overlay when joining a match
  • loading mid-match problem
  • compass visual issue fixes
  • when private match is opened to matchmaker password is not removed
  • chat switches to global
  • captain voice chat icons for non captains on match end screen
  • title rewards for veteran achievements are showing up blank in the profile title selection
  • being listed as featured player with no reason
  • team chat becomes visible for spectators in some cases
  • deploy screen issues on multi-monitor systems
  • kill feed gets covered by deploy screen
  • clan description overlaps clan XP if the text is long enough
  • mines' sound effect gets stuck
  • ship name disappears from map
  • team indicator arrow icon glitch

  • removed duplicate "LeaveGun", “LeaveHelm” entries from controls menu
  • Traveller theme adjustments on Junker and Goldfish
  • more tutorial text
  • spectators aren't allowed to vote map
  • Junker’s default loadout adjusted
  • added “Instructions” button to workshop client
  • when choosing a new leader for a clan, choose those who played the game within 7 days first
  • matchmaker adjustments
  • menu music volume slightly lowered
  • added description for practice loading screen
  • guns’ level of distance models adjusted
  • separate spawn points for all 4 crew members
  • changed colliders on Mobula & Spire to not have “invisible walls” on ships with themes
  • adjusted the position of Goldfish’s turning engines
  • kill feed wraps to two lines for long messages, that makes following the feed much more harder
Guns of Icarus Online - jerry
New content

  • new map: 3v3 version of Clash at Blackcliff
  • costume pieces:
    - Blood and Brass Tournament hats (male and female)
    - Birthday hats (King and Queen)
    - Daybane hat - workshop (male and female)
    - Javanicus - workshop (male and female)
    - Soulseeker mask - workshop (male)
    - Old Straw Hat - workshop (male)
    - Octagonal Spectacles - workshop (male)
    - Garrison cap - workshop (male)
    - Peaked cap - workshop (male)
    - Trusty pipe - workshop (male)

  • decals:
    - Hold Fast (unlocked through Clan Progression)
    - Thick as Thieves (unlocked through Clan Progression)
    - bless of éole - workshop
    - Nysa Orchard Bee - workshop
    - Wings of SoShi - workshop
    - Polaris - workshop
    - Grim Reaper - workshop
    - Sandstorm Republic - workshop
    - Imperial Order - workshop
    - The Four of Us - workshop
    - Cephalopod Tentacle - workshop
    - Steampunk Dragon - workshop
    - Ghost in My Journal - workshop
    - I Define Balance - workshop

  • Clan Progression: levels 6 to 10 unlocked, each with new rewards!
  • Practice Maps: practice maps for all region types, hooray!
  • Improved Match Loading: match start is now delayed until all players have loaded! (up to 60 seconds)
  • fireworks are back
  • added "Searching" status for social menu
  • confirmation that a friend was added
  • launcher
  • warning when pilot mid-match join to inform crew slot that role will switch
  • AI crew now listens to ship captain’s voice commands: gunning direction & repair type designation. General crew orders overwrite the voice commands, so sometimes you’ll want to order them to “All repair” or “All guns” first.

Minotaur: Increased jitter to 3.5 degrees (from 3), increased muzzle speed to 550m/s (from 350), increased AoE burst size to 10m (from 8), reduced pitch and yaw to 30 degrees in all directions (from 45), decreased rate of fire to 0.33 b/s (from 0.44), increased piercing damage to 90 (from 60), increased shatter damage to 225 (from 140), increased knockdown force to 200000 on both direct and burst hit (from 160000)

  • primary dye changes the secondary color's shade on Boneyard costume
  • rope flag covering sight at rear gun on Squid
  • bottom part of dropdown menu in progress is missing
  • map coordinates are blurry
  • "win conditions" on map actually shows the map description
  • offline players aren't listed in order of the time last being online in the social menu
  • wrong images for Paritan Rumble
  • at achievement progress the hotkey is also shown
  • a random clipping flag on Northern Fjords
  • steam leaking from gun
  • typo in matchmaker tip
  • match loading screen glitch
  • can't change letter case in player names because of name "already taken"
  • some sound effects can't be heard
  • issue with dust cloud and steam layered on each other
  • the barrels of the light flak are steaming
  • hitmarker on enemy projectiles
  • spectator marker and red ship marker have almost identical colors
  • kill feed goes missing
  • balloon decal changes to an other one
  • scratched overlay when joining a match
  • loading mid-match problem
  • compass visual issue fixes
  • when private match is opened to matchmaker password is not removed
  • chat switches to global
  • captain voice chat icons for non captains on match end screen
  • title rewards for veteran achievements are showing up blank in the profile title selection
  • being listed as featured player with no reason
  • team chat becomes visible for spectators in some cases
  • deploy screen issues on multi-monitor systems
  • kill feed gets covered by deploy screen
  • clan description overlaps clan XP if the text is long enough
  • mines' sound effect gets stuck
  • ship name disappears from map
  • team indicator arrow icon glitch

  • removed duplicate "LeaveGun", “LeaveHelm” entries from controls menu
  • Traveller theme adjustments on Junker and Goldfish
  • more tutorial text
  • spectators aren't allowed to vote map
  • Junker’s default loadout adjusted
  • added “Instructions” button to workshop client
  • when choosing a new leader for a clan, choose those who played the game within 7 days first
  • matchmaker adjustments
  • menu music volume slightly lowered
  • added description for practice loading screen
  • guns’ level of distance models adjusted
  • separate spawn points for all 4 crew members
  • changed colliders on Mobula & Spire to not have “invisible walls” on ships with themes
  • adjusted the position of Goldfish’s turning engines
  • kill feed wraps to two lines for long messages, that makes following the feed much more harder
Sep 21, 2015
Guns of Icarus Online - jerry
Server just restarted at Sep 21th 5AM EDT (9AM UTC) from a hotfix, which is supposed to fix an issue for some players stuck at "Loading Lobby Data". If you still have problems entering the game, please email to Thank you!
Sep 21, 2015
Guns of Icarus Online - jerry
Server just restarted at Sep 21th 5AM EDT (9AM UTC) from a hotfix, which is supposed to fix an issue for some players stuck at "Loading Lobby Data". If you still have problems entering the game, please email to Thank you!

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