Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] Keyvias
Die deutschsprachige GoIO Community organisiert diesen Sonntag um 17 Uhr Mitteleuropäischer Zeit ein gemeinsames Luftschiffeversenken! Deutschsprachige Spieler, sind dazu eingeladen im Spiel um 17 Uhr nach der Matchlobby mit dem Namen "Schiffeversenken" Ausschau zu halten! Das Spiel wird passwortgeschützt sein und das Passwort wird rechtzeitig vorher in der deutschsprachigen Steam Community (Link = bekannt gegeben! Bei Fragen zum Ablauf oder der deutschsprachigen GoIO-Community stehen euch die CAs RainerZuFall und Mark Abrams im Spiel zur Verfügung, auf Steam könnt ihr auch "Hialgu" aka Kyren kontaktieren!
Guns of Icarus Online - Keyvias
Die deutschsprachige GoIO Community organisiert diesen Sonntag um 17 Uhr Mitteleuropäischer Zeit ein gemeinsames Luftschiffeversenken! Deutschsprachige Spieler, sind dazu eingeladen im Spiel um 17 Uhr nach der Matchlobby mit dem Namen "Schiffeversenken" Ausschau zu halten! Das Spiel wird passwortgeschützt sein und das Passwort wird rechtzeitig vorher in der deutschsprachigen Steam Community (Link = bekannt gegeben! Bei Fragen zum Ablauf oder der deutschsprachigen GoIO-Community stehen euch die CAs RainerZuFall und Mark Abrams im Spiel zur Verfügung, auf Steam könnt ihr auch "Hialgu" aka Kyren kontaktieren!
Aug 21, 2013
Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] Bubbles
In game at 7 PM CET or 1 PM US Eastern. Look for great veteran players Kyren, Ataris, Wazulu, Skrimskraw, Matilald, and others to help you learn the nuances of the game so you can conquer the skies!

Aug 21, 2013
Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] Bubbles
In game at 7 PM CET or 1 PM US Eastern. Look for great veteran players Kyren, Ataris, Wazulu, Skrimskraw, Matilald, and others to help you learn the nuances of the game so you can conquer the skies!

Aug 12, 2013
Guns of Icarus Online - jerry
Hi everyone, we just pushed v1.3.1 and started up servers around 4AM eastern time. If you're not seeing "Version: 1.3.1 (386)" at the bottom right please update your client program.

Here are the release notes:

- Added ladders to the Mobula, granting direct access between the top deck and the turning engines
- Updated site with info and media material

- Improved layout and readability of the ship customization screen
- Added countdown sound to match lobby
- Expanded and improved Engineering and Piloting tutorials
- Improved minimap and match loading screen
- Added difficulty levels to ships and maps
- New notification system and UI (top left of screen, in the header)

- Additional cloud cover on Battle on the Dunes and Canyon Ambush (both 2v2 and 3v3 version in all maps) to allow ground to be covered against hyper lonjg range weapons.
- Smaller enemy detection spawn points for Duel at Dawn, should solve spawn freeze issues.
- Field Gun: Pitch Degrees -15 to 5 (from -20 to 20), Yaw Degrees -15 to 15 (from -20 to 20), Projectile Speed 750m/s (from 1200m/s).
- Lesmok Round: +80% increase Projectile Speed (from +60%), -30% Clip Size (from -20%), -20% Rotation Speed (from -40%)

Fixes and Optimization
- Projectiles ignore collision with the ship that fired them while in flight (fixes several “misfire” cases with certain gun/ship combinations)
- Fixed a bug that could cause the lobby to hang if many users tried to log in while Steam’s authentication service was down
- Your selected tools reset when your ship dies
- Fixed a collision issue that could cause ships to get stuck against apparently flat surfaces
- Major improvements to server physics performance
- Fixed a major client memory leak
- No more camera shake in spectator mode
- Added missing repair FX on the mine launcher
- Fixed a bug that could cause unintended ship renames
- Spyglass zoom in/out exposed in input bindings (under Helm keys)
- Prevent players from leaving/unreadying in the last moments before a match starts
- Fixed component disappearance when entering tar or sandstorm
- Fixed shader sparkly specular artifact on pixels
- Fixed: Pilot skill now shut off on respawn
- Fixed rain artifacts for specific graphics cards
- Fixed cloud shader affecting framerate in scope mode
Aug 12, 2013
Guns of Icarus Online - jerry
Hi everyone, we just pushed v1.3.1 and started up servers around 4AM eastern time. If you're not seeing "Version: 1.3.1 (386)" at the bottom right please update your client program.

Here are the release notes:

- Added ladders to the Mobula, granting direct access between the top deck and the turning engines
- Updated site with info and media material

- Improved layout and readability of the ship customization screen
- Added countdown sound to match lobby
- Expanded and improved Engineering and Piloting tutorials
- Improved minimap and match loading screen
- Added difficulty levels to ships and maps
- New notification system and UI (top left of screen, in the header)

- Additional cloud cover on Battle on the Dunes and Canyon Ambush (both 2v2 and 3v3 version in all maps) to allow ground to be covered against hyper lonjg range weapons.
- Smaller enemy detection spawn points for Duel at Dawn, should solve spawn freeze issues.
- Field Gun: Pitch Degrees -15 to 5 (from -20 to 20), Yaw Degrees -15 to 15 (from -20 to 20), Projectile Speed 750m/s (from 1200m/s).
- Lesmok Round: +80% increase Projectile Speed (from +60%), -30% Clip Size (from -20%), -20% Rotation Speed (from -40%)

Fixes and Optimization
- Projectiles ignore collision with the ship that fired them while in flight (fixes several “misfire” cases with certain gun/ship combinations)
- Fixed a bug that could cause the lobby to hang if many users tried to log in while Steam’s authentication service was down
- Your selected tools reset when your ship dies
- Fixed a collision issue that could cause ships to get stuck against apparently flat surfaces
- Major improvements to server physics performance
- Fixed a major client memory leak
- No more camera shake in spectator mode
- Added missing repair FX on the mine launcher
- Fixed a bug that could cause unintended ship renames
- Spyglass zoom in/out exposed in input bindings (under Helm keys)
- Prevent players from leaving/unreadying in the last moments before a match starts
- Fixed component disappearance when entering tar or sandstorm
- Fixed shader sparkly specular artifact on pixels
- Fixed: Pilot skill now shut off on respawn
- Fixed rain artifacts for specific graphics cards
- Fixed cloud shader affecting framerate in scope mode
Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] awkm
We are aware of a potential issue with our servers. We are currently investigating it.

We'll update everyone when we figure it out.




It appears that some of our servers were under DDOS attacks. It looks like the attacks have stopped and we're up and running again.

No data was compromised so there's nothing to worry about.

We'll continue to monitor our servers for the next few hours for any major spikes in traffic.

Thanks everyone!

Guns of Icarus Online - awkm
We are aware of a potential issue with our servers. We are currently investigating it.

We'll update everyone when we figure it out.




It appears that some of our servers were under DDOS attacks. It looks like the attacks have stopped and we're up and running again.

No data was compromised so there's nothing to worry about.

We'll continue to monitor our servers for the next few hours for any major spikes in traffic.

Thanks everyone!

Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] Bubbles
1.3 Release Notes!
- New ship, the Mobula - an more advanced attack ship with 5 front facing gun and no guns on side or back. Good vertical movement, difficult to repair.
- New gun, the Phobos Light Mine Launcher - For more, read on to the Mine Launcher FAQ!
- New costume bundles on sale, with some costumes discounted and/or converted to multi-class
- Expanded beginning Gunner tutorial
- New progression achievements (level cap is now 15)
- Updated in-game manual

- Added crew formation: ability to assemble a group of up to 4 ship crews before entering a match. Crews can be added from friend list or party. For more, check out the Party and Crew Formation FAQ below!
- Added parties: invite players to your party, then invite your whole party to a match or crew formation lobby. For more, check out the Party and Crew Formation FAQ below!
- Options screen now available from header
- Matches now have their own chat channels
- Chat in the lobby split between “Global” and “Match” tabs
- Chat window now has 2 sizes - short and tall - switchable at the press of a button
- New camera shake when explosions hit the ship, when you collide into other objects, when the ship accelerates, when the ship hits max speed, and when turning at high speeds.
- Redesigned in-game store
- Combined “Look” and “Role” screens into new “Character” screen, with ability to zoom in and out on your character preview.
- Redesigned Social page with player profiles, recent crew list, and account management tools
- Added player profiles with public stats, badges, and recent achievements
- Added character rename feature, with up to 2 free renames
- Added clan tags
- Added badge inventory system


- NEW WEAPON! Phobos Light Mine Launcher. A strange addition to airship arsenals, this found-technology shoots a proximity mine that will deploy a balloon after once it reaches its arming time (3s). Each gun can only maintain 5 concurrent mines at a time, if any additional mines are placed then the first laid will explode! Airship mechanics still don’t understand why but they do know it deals 125 direct piercing dmg and 100 impact dmg in a 60m radius for devastating AoE! Mines can chain detonate so watch out. You can shoot both the mine and its balloon for interesting effects.
- Gatling Gun: 3.5 degree jitter (from 3), 5s reload time (from 4.25s)
- Mortar: 50 degree yaw speed (from 30), AoE 8m radius (from 6)
- Flare Gun: Fixed bad damage and ignite values. 10 fire direct dmg with 100% chance to apply 10 fire charges.

- Any Projectile Speed augmentations now successfully adjust the range of raycast weapons (gatling and carronade)
- Extinguishing now respects all cooldown effects. If a component is cooling down, it cannot be extinguished or repaired until the cooldown has finished.
- Extinguisher: cooldown time 3s (from 7s)
- Chemical Spray: cooldown time 5s (from 3s), lasts 20s (from 15s)
- DynaBuff: Balloon buff refactored to respect new ship flight model. 7s buff time, lasts 90s, -25% vertical drag, +100% lift force
- Heavy Clip: no recoil, -25% clip size
- Lochnagar: -90% rotation (from no rotation), no effect on projectile speed (from -20%), -60% arming time, -50% AoE, +125% dmg (from +150%), 250 damage per shot (from 175)
- Incendiary: -25% clip size (from 30%, fixing a rounding error on 2 clip size guns)
- Fixed Kerosene vs. Phoenix Claw turn issue to respect new flight model.
-- Phoenix Claw: +300% longitudinal drag (from -35%), +50% thrust, actually deals 13 DPS to engines
-- Kerosene: +300% angular drag (from +50%)

- NEW SHIP! Mobula! The Mobula has a unique upside-down design that facilitates increased balloon protection as well as superior vertical mobility at the cost of slow turning and large to
Guns of Icarus Online - [Muse] Bubbles
1.3 Release Notes!
- New ship, the Mobula - an more advanced attack ship with 5 front facing gun and no guns on side or back. Good vertical movement, difficult to repair.
- New gun, the Phobos Light Mine Launcher - For more, read on to the Mine Launcher FAQ!
- New costume bundles on sale, with some costumes discounted and/or converted to multi-class
- Expanded beginning Gunner tutorial
- New progression achievements (level cap is now 15)
- Updated in-game manual

- Added crew formation: ability to assemble a group of up to 4 ship crews before entering a match. Crews can be added from friend list or party. For more, check out the Party and Crew Formation FAQ below!
- Added parties: invite players to your party, then invite your whole party to a match or crew formation lobby. For more, check out the Party and Crew Formation FAQ below!
- Options screen now available from header
- Matches now have their own chat channels
- Chat in the lobby split between “Global” and “Match” tabs
- Chat window now has 2 sizes - short and tall - switchable at the press of a button
- New camera shake when explosions hit the ship, when you collide into other objects, when the ship accelerates, when the ship hits max speed, and when turning at high speeds.
- Redesigned in-game store
- Combined “Look” and “Role” screens into new “Character” screen, with ability to zoom in and out on your character preview.
- Redesigned Social page with player profiles, recent crew list, and account management tools
- Added player profiles with public stats, badges, and recent achievements
- Added character rename feature, with up to 2 free renames
- Added clan tags
- Added badge inventory system


- NEW WEAPON! Phobos Light Mine Launcher. A strange addition to airship arsenals, this found-technology shoots a proximity mine that will deploy a balloon after once it reaches its arming time (3s). Each gun can only maintain 5 concurrent mines at a time, if any additional mines are placed then the first laid will explode! Airship mechanics still don’t understand why but they do know it deals 125 direct piercing dmg and 100 impact dmg in a 60m radius for devastating AoE! Mines can chain detonate so watch out. You can shoot both the mine and its balloon for interesting effects.
- Gatling Gun: 3.5 degree jitter (from 3), 5s reload time (from 4.25s)
- Mortar: 50 degree yaw speed (from 30), AoE 8m radius (from 6)
- Flare Gun: Fixed bad damage and ignite values. 10 fire direct dmg with 100% chance to apply 10 fire charges.

- Any Projectile Speed augmentations now successfully adjust the range of raycast weapons (gatling and carronade)
- Extinguishing now respects all cooldown effects. If a component is cooling down, it cannot be extinguished or repaired until the cooldown has finished.
- Extinguisher: cooldown time 3s (from 7s)
- Chemical Spray: cooldown time 5s (from 3s), lasts 20s (from 15s)
- DynaBuff: Balloon buff refactored to respect new ship flight model. 7s buff time, lasts 90s, -25% vertical drag, +100% lift force
- Heavy Clip: no recoil, -25% clip size
- Lochnagar: -90% rotation (from no rotation), no effect on projectile speed (from -20%), -60% arming time, -50% AoE, +125% dmg (from +150%), 250 damage per shot (from 175)
- Incendiary: -25% clip size (from 30%, fixing a rounding error on 2 clip size guns)
- Fixed Kerosene vs. Phoenix Claw turn issue to respect new flight model.
-- Phoenix Claw: +300% longitudinal drag (from -35%), +50% thrust, actually deals 13 DPS to engines
-- Kerosene: +300% angular drag (from +50%)

- NEW SHIP! Mobula! The Mobula has a unique upside-down design that facilitates increased balloon protection as well as superior vertical mobility at the cost of slow turning and large to

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