EZ-Crosshair - lluisvinentdev
You can now choose to let the app adapt to your operating system's theme or use your own custom theme.
Toy Shop Simulator - PaperPixel Games
Scooter Interaction
You can now interact with the scooter while holding a box, and it no longer takes up inventory space.

Customer Satisfaction
Customers will no longer become upset if you give them the exact change.

Hanging Shelf Fix
Fixed an issue where toys were not hanging correctly on the Hanging Shelf.

Delivery Confirmation
You can now left-click to confirm online order deliveries.

Shelf Bug Fixes
Fixed various bugs related to shelves.
FLAKE The Legend of Snowblind - duje.segvic


Don't miss out on short turn 60% discount on FLAKE the Legend of Snowblind

See if you can survive the ENDLESS WINTER and the PSYCHEDELIC GHOST'S MIND MAZE
and have FUN along the way.

Thank you for your support of my solo developing adventure.
Future adventures depend on you.
Genome Guardian - Alpherior
  • (turret) Helios:
    • Damage & Knockback scaling with Charge 100-300% → 50-300%.
    • Charge Delay 0.5s → 0.75s.
  • (turret) Scorch: Firerate scales with Heat up to +150% → +200%. 🔥🔥🔥
  • (turret) Bouncer: First mount mod slots 2 → 3, third mount mod slots 2 → 1.
  • (turret) Chrono:
    • Weapon mounts have changed to (4/1)(3/2)(2/3)(1/4) (DNA letter slots vs Weapon Mod slots).
    • Heat Max 100 → 150.
  • (turret) Bearclaw:
    • Added Turret Scale +25%.
    • Health Max 40 → 45.
  • (turret) Focus:
    • Added Turret Scale -25%.
    • Health Max 40 → 35.
  • (perk) Leaf: Speed Variation +50% → +30%.

  • A note has been added to the DAILY DIVE screen which mentions that the random generation can potentially create truly unwinnable dives sometimes.
  • Changed how the STATS section of RECORDS handles large numbers, so that you can see more precise values.

  • (turret) Bouncer: It could be unlocked simply by using Frostthrower at Depth 5.
  • (cosmetic) Muzzle: Extended the light grey portion of it to line up better with certain other cosmetics.
  • The "press the lock above an item" text was still appearing even if you hadn't unlocked the Lock feature yet - fixed for real this time.
Banquet for Fools - hannahandjosephgames

~ Fixed bug with dragging inventory items onto an empty portrait in Act 1
~ Fixed issue where Yetis could not level up scepters

* Yetis can only use two-handed scepters
HELL GALAXY - andrea.dangelo27
Hello raiders!

It's great to meet again in this new dev diary. Work on our beloved galaxy is progressing with great enthusiasm, and we're excited to share that energy with you as we continue developing this project. Please keep in mind that the images we show you are works-in-progress, so some elements may change in the final product.

Today's diary doesn't focus on a specific topic, but rather provides an update on various areas of development we're currently working on. From time to time, we like to give you these broader updates to take a step back from the many dangers lurking in Neterun.
One of the tasks we're focusing on is making minor adjustments to the environments you'll be exploring in the final game. We're not making any major changes (we love the spaces we're building), but we do want to introduce some small dynamic elements into the world. In certain areas of the game, we're adding subtle details that will only become visible after you complete specific missions. The raider colonies scattered across the Galaxy of Neterun are always in a state of unrest, and it's easy to come across skirmishes over a supply station blockade or the spread of strange biological growths.

These additions also give us a chance to refine the navigability of the levels and perhaps introduce some new enemy groups that weren’t there before. Recently, we've populated one of Neterun's most mysterious regions, where interstellar clouds conceal forgotten structures and haunted ruins, with new groups of creatures.

Speaking of creatures, we’re also tweaking some of their attacks, such as the sonic matter ray of the gunlaxies, which we introduced in a previous dev diary. Our goal is to make combat fun, not frustrating, but sometimes we get a little carried away and end up tormenting our raiders more than we intended, creating battles that are… well, brutal. However, we don’t want to be too mean, so we’re working hard to ensure that the creatures you encounter strike a balance between fun and challenge. Fun, but also a little dangerous, of course.

And with that ongoing battle against the gunlaxies’ relentless rays, we’ve reached the end of this dev diary. We’ll be back soon with more updates, but until then, you’ll find us lurking in the perilous neterunian ruins.

Farewell, raiders!
Chaotic Conflicts Playtest - steampunk0108
Decreased machine gun spawn rate.
Made machine gun last one round.
Bum Bum Monsterz - KaRgA
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Delic - rafaeldigiuseppe
Join the heads of Nuncnox and Cyberpunk Works to learn more about the future of Delic.
Amarillo's Butt Slapper - Amarillo
My fellas, I know the Halloween event might have been too drastic a change for some people regarding drop rates. I'm opening this thread for those of you who would like to leave their thoughts.

I'd like to offer a brief explanation behind the decision to make these items substantially harder to get.

Since releasing the game I received a lot of comments about the market. This is something I am not really experienced with as I haven't used it much as a gamer myself, so I probably made a lot of mistakes that lead to a less than ideal experience for the enthusiasts in the community. In fact, the vast majority of feedback I've been receiving has been about what I should do to make the market work better.

Even if becoming a small market hit wasn't my original intent, you have all quite literally raised me to a level here on Steam that most developers can only dream of. I feel like the least I can do is listen to you and work hard to make the game better. And for this case, my understanding is that the market is probably the most important feature.

So I came up with the idea for this event. I thought that it was important to create a way to make the Butt Crates more useful. Steam doesn't show data on this to developers, but I suspect that a lot of you have already unlocked most of the items in the game (prior to this event) by what I'm seeing shared around. If that is the case, then many would be starting to have increasing stacks of Butt Crates. Seeing how their price in the market was at the minimum possible, it felt like a reasonable decision to make the main way of obtaining new crates be an exchange mechanic (known in other games as crafting or transmutation).

I guess it is still too early to draw conclussions, so I'll keep paying attention to the reaction of the community and the market. The most important thing for me right now for this project, is to maintain a healthy and happy community, as much as that can be possible. If that means sacrificing some potential market income for me, that's not a big deal. I intend to be here for the long run. My main goal is to keep finding an audience that like my work and my art, and to create for them. That, as an internet artist, is my life blood.


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