Online (6v2) social deduction game that will ruin your friendships. 6 crew members, 2 murderous shape-shifting aliens. Trust No One.
Reseñas generales:
Mayormente positivas (1,546) - El 71 % de las 1,546 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
8 MAY 2020

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Juego con acceso anticipado

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Aviso: Los juegos con acceso anticipado no están terminados y pueden o no cambiar más adelante. Si no te entusiasma jugar en su estado actual, deberías esperar a ver si el juego avanza más en su desarrollo. Más información

Nota: La última actualización que realizaron los desarrolladores fue hace más de 4 años. Es posible que la información y el cronograma que describen aquí los desarrolladores ya no estén actualizados.
Lo que dicen los desarrolladores:

¿Por qué ofreces acceso anticipado?

«As a team of five, we have relied on our community since Enemy on Board's first playable prototype, and our early testers have fundamentally shaped our game with their daily feedback. Our Discord is filled with bughunters, and theorycrafters that drive our development and consistently give us amazing ideas. We believe this community-led development is vital, and are committed to utilizing your feedback to best serve you.

Enemy on Board is already fully-playable and filled with unique content. We have added a "Report Bugs" feature in-game if you do encounter anything. We read these reports daily.
Early Access provides us an opportunity to open up our community as we continue to obsessively deepen and enrich the player experience.»

¿Cuánto tiempo va a estar este juego en acceso anticipado aproximadamente?

«Enemy on Board will be in Early Access for 6-12 months.»

¿Qué diferencias habrá entre la versión completa y la versión de acceso anticipado?

«In Early Access, we are committed to adding meaningful new content and features:
  • Additional Characters, Aliens, and Cyborgs
  • New maps
  • New starting and scavenge weapons
  • New game modes (i.e. Duos mode)
  • Additional cosmetics: skins, taunts
  • New perks and abilities
  • Upgraded camera / capture tools
  • Additional servers
  • Additional language support

¿Cuál es el estado actual de la versión de acceso anticipado?

«For Day 1 of Early Access, we already have a deep set of replayable content:
  • 6 starting characters, 3 shape-shifting aliens, 1 powerful cyborg
  • 1 iconic map
  • 9 starting items, 7 scavenge weapons
  • 36 playable perks, each with three levels
  • 36 abilities
  • 6 skins, 6 taunts,
  • Built-in voice-chat
  • Matchmaking

¿El precio del juego será diferente durante y después del acceso anticipado?

«The game will remain F2P after Early Access. In the long term, our game will be supported by microtransactions of new crew members and cosmetic content.»

¿Cómo tienes planeado involucrar a la comunidad en tu proceso de desarrollo?

«We have been hosting weekly community events through our and will continue to do so until we have built in-game event features. Our Discord is the best place to find us and we are online and available to answer your questions. We host weekly events for our community.»
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Enemy On Board
Enemy on Board - Founder's Edition
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Acerca de este juego

Enemy On Board is an online multiplayer (6vs2) social deduction game where 2 random players are the Alien imposters and the other 6 players are Crew members. The Crew’s goal is to figure out which 2 among them are Aliens, hunt them down, and kill them - all while repairing the spaceship’s generators to keep communication lines open in an effort to escape space isolation. Aliens sow discord, and wreak havoc in order to destroy the Crew members by whatever means necessary. Last team standing wins.

  • Choose from one of many Crew members, each with their own unique character abilities and perks
  • Establish who the 2 Alien impostors are and kill them with your trusted teammates
  • Keep communication lines open, get weapon ammo, and progress through the round by fixing broken generators aboard the Andromeda
  • Scavenge weapons from the Armory and hunt suspected Aliens
  • Survive for long enough and turn into a powerful Cyborg to face the Aliens head on

  • Choose your powerful Alien and execute your deadly strategy to destroy the Crew
  • Sow distrust, deceive Crew members, and stay hidden in plain sight
  • Strategize with your alien partner in Alien voice-chat
  • Gather Evolution Points using your alien ability
  • Harvest enough Evolution Points and transform into your powerful Alien form to decimate the Crew. Each alien has a unique attack, the skill of their species


Enemy On Board is a game of teamwork and trust for the ultimate goal: survival. Aliens and Crew both use built-in voice-chat to communicate, and Aliens even have their own second channel to strategize. Just a piece of advice for you...Aboard the Andromeda, it's best to trust no one.


Space is a messy place - even more so when there are 2 aliens among you, that just killed your friends. Tensions can often rise and you just have to whack someone with a hammer. Instead of voting out the Alien impostors - kill them. Don't just trick people - orchestrate a friendly Saturday-afternoon mauling for them.


Level up your character and progress through the perk-tree to gain that extra edge on your opponents as you compete to be the best. Character abilities and perks all have 3 impact levels. Ascend your character to level up your character ability and roll for upgraded perks.


Enemy On Board is in Alpha via Steam Early Access. We could have kept the game closed or put the alpha behind a paywall and gone F2P later, but we'd rather just get your feedback and build this game WITH you. Updates are released regularly and we plan to operate Enemy on Board for years to come. Our official Discord is the best place to meet friends and share critical feedback with the development team. We sincerely hope to meet you there.

Requisitos del sistema

    • SO *: Windows 7+
    • Procesador: Any dual core processor
    • Memoria: 4 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: Any dedicated GPU
    • DirectX: Versión 11
    • Almacenamiento: 1 GB de espacio disponible
    • SO *: Windows 7+
    • Procesador: Any dual core processor
    • Memoria: 4 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: Any dedicated GPU
    • DirectX: Versión 11
    • Almacenamiento: 1 GB de espacio disponible
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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