This game series tells the stories from the ancient Chinese book Journey to the West. This is the first part of the first chapter of the stories. Suitable for juveniles.
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Release Date:
Jun 6, 2024

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Buy Little JttW: The Birth


About This Game

UPDATE: This game series is wrong - it should not exist. Therefore, this work is not recommended for purchase.


This game series tells the stories from the ancient Chinese book Journey to the West. Stories has been adapted to help juveniles understand the main idea of the original work, hence the name of this series is "Little Journey to the West".
This is the first chapter of the stories. I split it into three parts, this is the first part.
This is a first-person narrative game.
This game is suitable for people who enjoy reading.
This is not an entertainment game.


In this game, you will play the role of Stone Monkey and experience the story of his birth.


For someone who rarely plays video games, this game is not difficult to get started with.
Different from the repeated play nature of competitive games, this game should be played carefully for the first time without spoilers; this game is suitable for savoring and revisiting.
In this game, please put yourself into the role of the protagonist (role-playing), as if you are the protagonist in the story and are experiencing the plot of the story. Please do not behave unreasonably, such as running around, because the game will judge your behavior.
In the game, if you encounter a situation where there is nothing in front of you but it is like glass blocking you, it is because there is an "air wall" in front of you. The purpose of air wall is to prevent players from going to places they are not currently supposed to go.


In this game, you will experience the entire story from a first-person perspective. No colorful battles, no unnecessary operations.

System Requirements

    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • Storage: 1 GB available space
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