Above: The Fallen is a 2D side-scrolling, puzzle - platformer game that is centered around travelling upwards instead of to the left or right. The goal is to climb the trees of an ancient and mystical forest in order to break through the canopy.
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Nella media (33) - 33 recensioni degli utenti (60%) di questo gioco sono positive.
Data di rilascio:
19 set 2017

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Gioca a Above: The Fallen


Informazioni sul gioco

Above: The Fallen is a 2D side-scrolling, puzzle - platformer game that is centered around travelling upwards instead of to the left or right. The goal is to climb the trees of an ancient and mystical forest in order to break through the canopy. You must manipulate two main characters at the same time throughout the game, solve puzzles, and avoid the hazards of this dark forest.

Mankind has been driven from their homes among the trees by the Night King, a nightmarish beast whose origin has been lost to time. Now, man lives in the dirt, fearing the moments the Night King leaves his roost to prey upon their vulnerable forms.

Every generation the elders send a young couple out into the world to find a new home for their people where they need not fear the relentless hunger of the Night King. Every generation these journeys have failed. This time however, the young couple has decided to ascend into the trees and reclaim their ancestral home instead of fleeing into the darkness. Can they rise above?

Controlling 2 Characters with 1 GamePad

In Above: The Fallen, you play as both the male and female characters at the same time (Single Player Mode Only). They often find themselves in situations that require them to work together to solve puzzles and progress up to the canopy. Each character is controlled with one half of the Gamepad. This offers an additional challenge and requires you to think about each character's positioning before moving. If you don't get the hang of it right away, don't worry, it won't be long before you're climbing through the jungle like Tarzan.

Single Player or Co-op mode!

Bring a friend along with you as you adventure through the world, solve puzzles and work together to defeat the Night King. Swap back and forth easily from single player to co-op with a push of a button.

Vertical Scrolling / Climbing

Climbing is essential to the goal of reaching the forest's canopy. This differs from traditional side-scrollers where you generally move in a straight line throughout the world.


There are many interesting puzzles that you'll come across as you play. Some puzzles are solvable in multiple ways which allows for some freedom to explore. Each successfully completed puzzle brings you closer to facing the Night King!


As you progress through the world you'll come across shrines that when activated, interact with your amulet, and unlock ancient magic hidden away from humanity. The character's will then receive a new skill which will be needed to complete upcoming puzzles.


There are many animals to watch out for while exploring the forest. Use caution while approaching them though, they don't like being disturbed.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo *: Windows 7 or later
    • Processore: 2 GHz Processor
    • Memoria: 2 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: Intel HD 520
    • DirectX: Versione 11
    • Memoria: 1 GB di spazio disponibile
    • Note aggiuntive: Recommend Gamepad Support
* A partire dal 1° gennaio 2024, il client di Steam supporta solo Windows 10 e versioni successive.

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