Level up your team as you venture further and further from your home, collect unique items, defeat epic bosses, gain mutations and return home so you can breed and further your bloodline, in this turn based legacy roguelike draft sim about cats!
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Suunniteltu julkaisupäivä: 2025

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Tietoa pelistä

From the creator of The Binding of Isaac, Super Meat Boy and The End is Nigh comes... Mewgenics! A game where you hoard, breed, train and set cats out on epic adventures through a sprawling world of complete chaos.

Level up your team as you venture further and further from your home, collect unique items, defeat epic bosses, gain mutations and return home so you can breed and further your bloodline, in this turn based legacy roguelike draft sim about cats!

  • 100s of hours of gameplay!
  • 6+ classes, each with 50+ unique abilities to draft from!
  • 100s of unique items!
  • hoard 100s of pieces of enchanted furniture!
  • level up your house to make room for more cats!
  • 200+ enemies and bosses that will upset your mom!
  • tons of unique NPCs with quests that will make you gasp!
  • poop!

Aikuissisällön kuvaus

Kehittäjät ovat kuvailleet sisältöä seuraavasti:

Attacks are highlighted by blood-splatter effects, dismemberment, and decapitation; several areas are littered with blood pools and entrails. Some areas depict large amounts of feces and urine on the floor; certain items allow cats to defecate, urinate, or summon excrement-themed characters. During the course of the game, players' character can consume a variety of pills to gain buffs. Cats will frequently hump one another, but this can be turned off in options. oh also there is a good amount of random swearing and innuendo.


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: TBD
    • Suoritin: TBD
    • Muisti: TBD MB RAM
    • Grafiikka: TBD
    • Tallennus: TBD MB kiintolevytilaa
    • Äänikortti: TBD
    • Lisätietoja: TBD
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