A competitive Run-and-Gun 3D Platforming FPS video game ...THE CLOCK'S TICKING… Carve an ice-cool path through the Icebox, cutting corners, dodging obstacles & eliminating guards, as you race to become the Ultimate Speedgunner. Can you “Escape the Icebox” before time runs out?
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18. okt. 2017

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Kjøp ICEBOX: Speedgunner



“ICEBOX Speedgunner is a speedrunning style game but with a unique twist, you have to shoot your way through a level to get the fastest time.”
8.4 – End World Gaming

“... giving a new fresh look into the speed runners’ genre”
8 – Johnny X Reviews

“Giving an entirely new meaning to run-and-gun, ICEBOX: Speedgunner is a first-person shooter designed for speed, speed, and more speed ... ICEBOX is one of those games that looks relatively unassuming on the surface, but the actual feeling of playing is incredible.”
Hyper Magazine‏, PC Authority

Om spillet


In the spirit of games like SEUM, DEADCORE, CLUSTERTRUCK and old-school DOOM, this game ain't for the faint of heart. Leaning on fast-paced FPS gameplay (ie. no cover-based hiding), ICEBOX raises the stakes by introducing speedrunning, 3D platforming and global Leaderboards. This game's for the toughest of players, not scared of taking on the monumental challenge of mastering the ICEBOX – and becoming the Ultimate Speedgunner.

Besides, we've equipped you with a bunch of special abilities and weapons to dominate the Sentinels and their Environment. Your GLITCH ability hands you an unfair advantage by manipulating time & gravity. You'll also receive assistance from an outside hacker – she'll guide you through the ICEBOX as you carve an ice-cool path, cutting corners, dodging obstacles and eliminating guards. And we've included a tutorial to help you master the basic mechanics.

So the challenge awaits, if you're up to it. A 20 level campaign, culminating in a battle against the Central AI. Or try one of the procedurally-generated marathon levels up to 100kms in length (including checkpoints). And we've provided other quick-game levels like “Hunter”, “Super-jump” and “Arena” to give you the opportunity at honing your skillz.

You'll probably die a lot. You may even want to quit or take a break, and that's ok, we won't judge you. In fact, we've got you covered – with Zen Mode! Play the game without enemies while listening to the game's dynamic soundtrack for the ultimate chill out.

This game is best played with a mouse/keyboard for hardcore precision, but it does also support Xbox 360 Controller.


Can you “Escape the Icebox” before time runs out?

ICEBOX: Speedgunner is a competitive Run-and-Gun 3D Platforming FPS video game ...THE CLOCK'S TICKING… Carve an ice-cool path through the Icebox, cutting corners, dodging obstacles and eliminating guards, as you race through it's digital labyrinth to become the Ultimate Speedgunner. Can you “Escape the Icebox” before time runs out?



SteamOS + Linux
    • OS *: Windows XP SP2
    • Prosessor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz
    • Minne: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: VRAM 512MB
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0c
    • Lagring: 400 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: Integrated chipset
    • OS: Windows 10+
    • Prosessor: i5-6500 3.2GHz
    • Minne: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: VRAM 2GB
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0c
    • Lagring: 500 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Tilleggsmerknader: SSD, 1080p 60Hz+ Monitor, Mouse/Keyboard highly recommended
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.
    • OS: Mac OS X 10.8
    • Prosessor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz
    • Minne: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: VRAM 512MB
    • Lagring: 400 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: Integrated chipset
    • OS: Mac OS X 10.9+
    • Prosessor: i5-6500 3.2GHz
    • Minne: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: VRAM 2GB
    • Lagring: 500 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Tilleggsmerknader: SSD, 1080p 60Hz+ Monitor, Mouse/Keyboard highly recommended
* Fra og med den 15. februar 2024 kommer ikke Steam-klienten til å støtte 32-biters spill, eller macOS 10.14 eller lavere.
    • OS: Ubuntu 12.04
    • Prosessor: 2GHz
    • Minne: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: VRAM 1GB
    • Lagring: 400 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Lydkort: Integrated chipset
    • OS: Ubuntu 14+
    • Prosessor: i5-6500 3.2GHz
    • Minne: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: VRAM 2GB
    • Lagring: 500 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Tilleggsmerknader: SSD, 1080p 60Hz+ Monitor, Mouse/Keyboard highly recommended

Kundeanmeldelser for ICEBOX: Speedgunner




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