An immersive, narrative videogame that retells Joel Green’s 4-year fight against cancer through about two hours of poetic, imaginative gameplay that explores themes of faith, hope and love.
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Очень положительные (1,280) - 89% из 1,280 обзоров положительные.
Дата выхода:
11 янв. 2016 г.

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“I think it might have changed me in some way that I'm yet to fully understand. ... If you play this game, it may change you.”

“I’ve played a lot of games...but nothing has felt as important or rewarding as making Joel giggle”
The Verge

Об этой игре

"This is where we go to remember our son Joel, up through here along this path. We want to show you who he was, and how his life changed us. Can we walk here together for a while?"

A videogame developer's love letter to his son; an immersive narrative driven experience to memorialize Joel Green and, through his story, honor the many he represents. That Dragon, Cancer is a poetic and playful interactive retelling of Joel’s 4-year fight against cancer.

Using a mix of first-person and third-person perspective, and point-and-click interaction, this two-hour narrative experience invites the player to slow down and immerse themselves in a deeply personal memoir featuring audio taken from home videos, spoken word poetry, and themes of faith, hope, despair, helplessness and love, along with in-game tributes to the loved ones of over 200 of our Kickstarter backers.

Can you find hope in the face of death?

Note: Thank You For Playing is an independent project, produced and directed by Malika Zouhali-Worrall and David Osit. The Green family along with the rest of the Numinous team did not produce the film, but they are very honored to be the subjects of the film.

Системные требования

SteamOS + Linux
    • ОС *: Windows 7 or higher
    • Процессор: 1.80GHz dual core processor
    • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: Video card with 512MB of VRAM
    • Место на диске: 5 GB
    • Звуковая карта: Yes (Headphones highly recommended)
* С 1 января 2024 года клиент Steam будет поддерживать только Windows 10 и более поздние версии.
    • ОС: OS X v10.7 Lion or higher (64bit)
    • Процессор: 1.80GHz dual core processor
    • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
    • Видеокарта: Video card with 512MB of VRAM
    • Место на диске: 5 GB
    • Звуковая карта: Yes (Headphones highly recommended)
* С 15 февраля 2024 года клиент Steam прекратит поддержку 32-битных игр, а также macOS 10.14 и более ранних версий.
    • ОС: Tested on Ubuntu 14.04, 15.04, 15.10 / Latest Steam OS
    • Процессор: 1.80GHz dual core processor
    • Видеокарта: Video card with 512MB of VRAM
    • Звуковая карта: Yes (Headphones highly recommended)

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