Can you face the challenges of the Oval Office? Find out in Mr. President, a sandbox simulation of the U.S. presidency. Pursue your legislative agenda. Compete with rivals Russia and China. Deal with crises from 9/11 to COVID-19; and direct the U.S. military against terror groups and rogue states.
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Release Date:
July 2025

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Planned Release Date: July 2025

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About This Game

Experience the complexities and challenges of modern American leadership in this faithful digital adaptation of GMT Games’ acclaimed board game Mr. President: The American Presidency 2000-2020. Step into the Oval Office during two decades that transformed America and the world.

Select your Cabinet and guide your administration through pivotal moments in recent history - as well as those that didn’t happen, but could have. What if the global financial crisis had happened earlier - or been even worse? What if violence in Central or South America escalated to create a cartel-dominated rogue state? What if outsourcing and automation, or an oil price spike, drove a domestic political crisis? Make the crucial decisions that will define - or tarnish - your presidential legacy.

Play any of the five historical scenarios - one for each of the presidential terms from 2000 to 2020 - and see if you can do better than your historical counterpart. Can you pass Social Security reform in the early 2000s? Protect the world from a nuclear Iran or North Korea? Hammer out lasting immigration reforms? Or play the sandbox scenario, which represents the general trends of these two decades. In addition to dealing with diplomatic and domestic crises, you’ll nominate Supreme Court justices and shepherd their confirmation hearings; manage scandals; run your re-election campaign; work with Congress to pass your legislative agenda; and 

True to the Original, Easier to Manage

The digital version maintains everything that made the original board game compelling:

  • Over 150 different Crisis events, both historical and counterfactual

  • Specific action lists and agendas for America’s key allies and adversaries - no recycled gameplay that makes Israel and Canada seem the same except for the flag

  • Choose from a large menu of action choices at every turn - and agonize how to spend your limited action budget

  • Prioritize America’s strategic capabilities, from cyber warfare to space to intelligence gathering, always with an eye to America’s peer rivals Russia and China

But now you can focus purely on strategy, while the game handles all the administrative tasks that slowed down tabletop play.

Digital Features That Enhance Your Experience

  • Every table and action list you need is a mouse click away

  • Seamless board view that lets you slide effortlessly between the big picture and the crisis of the moment

  • Scenario setup in seconds

Whether you're a fan of the original board game or new to presidential politics, this digital adaptation offers the perfect blend of accessibility and depth. Make the hard choices. Shape history. Experience the presidency.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz, AMD FX 8120 @ 3.1 GHz or equivalent
    • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 1070 or equivalent
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