Dice Legends is a fused Roguelike Deckbuilder and Dice Element that create the best Deck Builder variation that you can imagine.
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Planned Release Date: 2025

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About This Game

Dice Legends is a game that combines dice-rolling mechanics and card collecting. In it, you can collect unique cards that will allow you to create incredibly powerful combos against your enemies.

Roguelike Deckbuilder With A Dice

To use any game card, you need to place the corresponding die on it. Each card has specific dice requirements. Some cards can be activated with any die, some require only even numbers, and some need two identical dice.

Item`s that increase your ability

In the game, you can find various items that occupy specific slots on your character. For example, you can find armor that gives you 15 defense at the start of each battle, a necklace that restores health after killing each monster, and more.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Pentium CPU G860
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 840M
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