COME ON DOWN!! If you live for chaotic numskully activities while trying to survive with your pals, then the tunnels might be right for you.




注: この早期アクセスゲームは不完全であり、これから変わることも、変わらないこともありえます。現時点でこのゲームをプレイしても満足に遊べない場合は、 ゲームの開発が更に進捗するまで待ってみる必要があるかもしれません。 詳細はこちら



“We are a very indie game studio, our goal with early access is to build a game a community can really enjoy. Launching our game in early access serves as the cornerstone of our development philosophy, centered on community engagement and iterative improvement. By embracing early access, we're inviting our players to join us on an exciting journey of as we recognize that our community members are integral players, each with unique perspectives, preferences, and insights that can profoundly shape the evolution of our game. Early access empowers us to establish a direct line of communication with our players, fostering a collaborative environment where feedback flows freely and ideas are welcomed. We view this phase not merely as a beta testing period, but as a pivotal opportunity to coalesce around a shared vision, refining and enhancing the gameplay experience based on real-world usage and player input. Every suggestion, critique, and commendation fuels our passion, ensuring that each update brings us closer to delivering a game that resonates deeply with our community. In essence, early access represents the foundation upon which we build not just a game, but a vibrant, dynamic ecosystem where player voices are not only heard but actively shape the course of our development trajectory.

We encourage players to use Steam Forms to contact us!”


“Ideally less than 6 months after launch, so around March/April of 2025 we'd like to have the game fully polished up to the point of the early access release, and possibly with the addition of more content.”


“We really want to add more tunnels. Along with that, Ideally, we want to add things like procedural generation. Our goal is that every game should feel "different" in how the maze is drawn out, so players will feel challenged every time they play. To do procedural generation right it's just going to take us a good deal of time and funding. Along with that, we want to add a few more zones such as a water zone, dessert pyramid zone, and abandon theme park maze.

Our goal is that the tunnels are a massive labyrinth. Currently, they are elaborate and should provide a ton of fun gameplay hours, but we want to keep expanding so that when someone finds the Golden Mask, it really feels like a major accomplishment and they can look back on a diverse handful of puzzles and challenges they overcame to get to that point. Currently, as mentioned, there is still a ton of content, but we are aiming to add even more.”


“See "How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version" for more detail.

In addition, the current game early access version will be totally playable for you and up to 3 additional friends (4 player co-op). There exists a diverse cast of mobs, zones, puzzles, and other fun challenges you and others can have fun trying to overcome, all the way up to finding the Golden Mask.”


“We do plan to gradually raise the price as we ship new content and features.”


“Feedback is super important to us. We want to know what's working and what feels like it's missing the mark. This includes opinions on mobs, items, and challenges such as giant fans or the Wave of Death.

Any and all feedback that we can build off of is greatly appreciated, as we hope to build a game that our community will get a lot of laughs and memorable moments out of. In addition, we'd love to know what sort of future content people want to see, whether that's zones, mobs, items, or challenges, we're all ears on making sure this game is both challenging and fun.”
日本語 はサポートされていません



リリース予定日: 2024年10月24日

このゲームのアンロックまであと約3 ヶ月




TunTun is a co-op comedy horror best played with others. Work together to gather weapons and resources to better help your explorative adventure through a labyrinth of tunnels.

Be warned: As you progress, scarier and deadlier monsters will try to stop you! But with your trusty tools and floppy fools (or whatever you call your friends) you'll be...fine...and you'll have adventures worth telling the next generation!

You're looking for THE GOLDEN MASK. It's the all powerful, incredibly rare, super shiny mask that grants its wearer god powers. If you happen to find that, you, my friend, are the ruler of the tunnels.

But don't get all caught up in the quest for power, have fun! Enjoy the flickering lights, bloodthirsty monsters, getting so turned around you lose your mind--it's paradise!


    • OS: Windows 10
    • プロセッサー: Intel Core i5-7400 CPU
    • メモリー: 8 GB RAM
    • グラフィック: NVIDIA 1050
    • ストレージ: 3 GB の空き容量
    • 追記事項: Headset Recommended
