"Rastignac The Homeless" plunges you into a survival horror nightmare in an urban city overrun by zombies. Scavenge, fight, and drive your way through the quarantine zone to escape. Every move could be your last in this gripping tale of desperation and survival.
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Welcome to "Rastignac The Homeless," a gripping survival horror experience that plunges you into a desolate urban city overrun by zombies. As the last survivor in town, you must navigate through the chaos and horror of a quarantined zone, where every corner hides new dangers and challenges.

In "Rastignac The Homeless," you'll face relentless hordes of zombies hungry for flesh, scavenging for resources to stay alive, and strategizing your escape amidst the ruins of the city. With its immersive atmosphere and heart-pounding gameplay, every decision you make could mean the difference between survival and becoming another victim of the apocalypse.

Key Features:

Survive in a post-apocalyptic urban city overrun by zombies.
Explore a vast and detailed environment filled with hidden dangers and secrets.
Utilize a variety of weapons and tools to fend off the undead and scavenge for supplies.
Drive through the city streets in search of safety and salvation, but beware of obstacles and ambushes.
Experience a gripping story of survival and desperation as you fight to escape the quarantine zone.
"Rastignac The Homeless" will test your courage, resourcefulness, and determination as you battle against the odds to survive in a world consumed by darkness. Are you ready to face the horrors that await and prove yourself as the ultimate survivor?

Tiedote tekoälysisällöstä

Kehittäjät kuvailevat pelissään käytettävää tekoälysisältöä seuraavasti:

There is not usage of AI in game, just used sometimes to help us to generate content ( images and text )

Aikuissisällön kuvaus

Kehittäjät ovat kuvailleet sisältöä seuraavasti:

Tämä peli saattaa sisältää materiaalia, joka ei sovi kaikenikäisille eikä töissä katsottavaksi: Paljon väkivaltaa tai verta, Aikuisille suunnattua sisältöä


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä *: Windows 7 or newer, 64-bit
    • Suoritin: Intel Core i3-6100 / AMD FX-8350
    • Muisti: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: GTX 860 / AMD RX-560
    • DirectX: Versio 9.0
    • Tallennus: 15 GB kiintolevytilaa
    • Käyttöjärjestelmä *: Windows 7 or newer, 64-bit
    • Suoritin: Intel Core i3-6100 / AMD FX-8350
    • Muisti: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: GTX 860 / AMD RX-560
    • DirectX: Versio 9.0
    • Tallennus: 15 GB kiintolevytilaa
* 1.1.24 alkaen Steam-asiakasohjelma tukee vain Windows 10:tä ja uudempia versioita.
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