A city-building game in HELL







“" Hell as a subject for game concept are common and long. We were comtemplating on making a city simulation no studio has attempted before, and hell is one of the main contender. "

" We know it will be hard and challenging; especially nobody 'actually' went to hell and come back to tell us how was it. Thus, the whole conceptions were heavily based on the Christian account of what hell is. We are required to imagine the cities, the economy, the social politic that all the citizen and its building navigate with each others. Most cities if not all city simulation based on growing the population up. Hell doesn't have that mechanism simply because nobody in their right mind choose to migrate or move to Hell. One idea came to us is processing large influx of souls as the main goal. Souls who are came in too fast and huge dues to sudden major catastrophe event on the human world. Soul in this game; become the catalyst both as labor and also 'resources'."

"Considering the sheer complexity of the game lore, mechanism and design. And no similar game to learn or made comparison with. We know it will be huge mountain to climb. We needed time to learn, design and build this Tartarus of a Game."

"Our team consisting a lot of proud and perfectionist who wanted to do everything perfect. But done is better than perfect. We needed the early access setup to enable us the option to continue refining, toiling toward a game build, we can be that stubborn proud perfectionist."”


““We expect the Early Access to last at least a year."”


“" Full version will have most major and minor bugs fixed.
Game balance will be stable. "

" Players input will be the core driver for continuos efforts to make this game FUN and EXCITING.
Is in our head, the longevity and acceptance of this labor will be ultimately decide by the players. "”


“" 4 playable missions. Tested on playability for at least 100 hours."”




“" We will engaged within the community to test play the game before any major update and fixes are implemented. "”


此游戏尚未在 Steam 上推出



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The HELL is city-builder genre based on life after death. A soul management city simulation.

Player will play as a Hell Governor managing influx of departed souls from major natural disaster happened on earth from the early 600-700bc to early 18th century. From managing the Fimbulwinter in ancient Nordic to the Great Kanto Earthquakes of Japan.

There will be 4 missions in this launch:

a) Dancing Plates in Kanto, Japan 1923
b) Broken Vein in Krakatoa, Indonesia 1883
c) Jungle Fever in Aztec, South America 1530
d) Stolen Sun in Nordic Region 650bc

Unlike many cities builder which focus on growing the population, The HELL main challenge is to process all these damned soul into sinners. They will be burst into your environment through the mouth of the Titan in placed. These Titan have a unique role for each of the mission to be unravel by players; it will promised both exhilaration and enragement.

Souls will then scatter all overs. Yet they will be drawn to the The Wait. And started to crowd that area.

All Souls will be gathered there to literally wait for their turn to be process by the tall and majestic building you will see on the map. The Purgatoria

Soon you will have turned those souls into Sinners; the core labor unit (and more) to grow your necropolis into a functional soul processing center.
You will use them to build, for mining and hauling your resources to wherever it's needed.
The ants to your colony.

Four main resources will be soon be generated by these sinners.

a) Blood
b) Waste
c) Cries
d) Fears

Waste is the main building block for construction. Cries will nurture Dreadful Tree to unlock Lores & Sanction which in human terms: Technology & Building Type Restriction.
Fears are the essence for evoking Seven Deadly Sins power onto your world.
Blood is to pump and keep all your building and function operational.

While Sinners doesn't cost any upkeep to maintain. There will be a moment where you have a lot of sinners idling around your domain of hell.
You could put them into Needles Cage to generate the resources - Cries, which is crucial for unlocking plethora of lore. Lores are the enhancement or technology to improve the overall management capability of your city.

Or you may just simply sacrifice them into resources via the pit.

Is imperative to keep the balance of sinners in check as they could be killed by a creature called Slitters. The Slitters are formed by enraged souls and murdered subjects.

There is also Shallow. A sneaky creature, the pestilence who infest your building and steal resources direct from it.

All these is not without any reparation method, you can transmogrify your sinners into Sentry, Siren and Stalker.
A Sentry can be placed in the building and act as a guard to deter Shallow action.
A Siren can keep soul in calm thus reduce agitation and chance of becoming a pest to your domain.
A Stalker will simply hunt and kill all the Slitters and Shallows from doing any further chaos.

The challenges will be how to balance all this unit population and not create too much of the same role that reduce effectiveness as numbers increases.

Players will be further tested by "Decree". A law to be enacted as the mission progressed, a decree will be chosen by you. Choices to be made to cater to the ways you would like to manage your souls, building, environment and social context. Some of the choices are double-edged sword. Be mindful of your decision.

Dreadful Tree act as the host for Technology and Building Upgrade mechanic.
The Flowers hold all special technology you would want to research or "learned" accustomed to your playing style. The best of all, there is no penalty for you to straight go for the most advanced technologies available to pick. Players can opt to open up the highest tier technology should he decide to.
You would need Cries to unlock this technology.

It's a novelty of technologies game mechanism players would not find it elsewhere.

The Roots allow players to access a wider type of Building and environment enhancement. Two main categories in The Roots; Strict and Spoilt.
Generally strictly speaking, Roots dominate your infrastructure matter.

Strict focused on building security, soul processing and general defense.
Strict also let players to upgrade The Wait.

The Wait : Fire

The Wait : Ice

Spoilt focused on titan management, resources generation and booster effect
Spoilt main feature will be Titan Choker. The apparatus to control the incoming of the souls in the domain.

Titan Choker

One more thing; the Seven Deadly Sins will be unlocked by the sheer number of souls you have successfully processed. Players can access these authorities from the Governor Palace.
Envy, Lust, Wrath, Pride, Greed, Gluttony and Sloth.

Lastly, in each mission, there will be a Boss Fight moment. Players will experience a city simulation game with Boss Fight mechanism invoked seamlessly.
All in all, while discovering the reason why Lucifer fell into disgrace in The HELL in a reversed chronologically time line.

So many souls, the imminent threat of a Titan and a taboo.

The HELL welcomes your miserable soul. Amen.



If you zoom in there will be some scene showing sacrificing your units in a lava pool for resources.


    • 操作系统: 64-bit Windows 10 or newer
    • 处理器: 2-core 1.7 GHz or better
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: GeForce GTX 1050, AMD R9 270X or similar
    • DirectX 版本: 12
    • 存储空间: 需要 6 GB 可用空间
    • 操作系统: 64-bit Windows 10 or newer
    • 处理器: 4-core 2.9 GHz or better
    • 内存: 16 GB RAM
    • 显卡: GeForce GTX 3050, Radeon RX 6550 or similar
    • DirectX 版本: 12
    • 存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间


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