Embark on a high-octane adventure with a young robot named Chip, as he teams up with his trusty companion Sparky to track down corporate pirates who have stolen his uncle's latest invention. Blast through action-packed levels, master high-tech gadgets, and overcome thrilling obstacles!
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The developers of this game intend to release as a work in progress, developing with the feedback of players.

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Planned Release Date: To be announced

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About This Game

Embark on a high-octane adventure with Chip, a young robot living and working in his inventor uncle Rusty's shop. When a mysterious ship descends over the town and raids Rusty's shop, Chip discovers his uncle injured and his latest invention stolen by corporate pirates. Now, Chip must use his wits, gadgets, and determination to track down the thieves, stop their nefarious plans, and recover his uncle's prized invention.

Key Features:

Exciting 3D Action Platformer Gameplay: Jump, dash, and blast your way through vibrant levels filled with enemies, obstacles, and secrets.

Gadgets Galore: Utilize an arsenal of unique gadgets and weapons, from explosive blasters to gravity-defying gadgets, to overcome challenges.

Dynamic Duo: Team up with Sparky, Chip's trusty side kick, who can assist in combat and solve puzzles.

Upgrade and Customize: Collect Scrap to upgrade Chip and Sparky's abilities, and customize their appearances with various skins and accessories.

Epic Boss Battles: Challenge towering bosses that will test your skills and strategies.

Engaging Story: Uncover the mystery behind the corporate pirates and their connection to Rusty's invention in a captivating narrative.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
    • Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD 2.5 GHz or superior
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia rtx 20 Series
    • Storage: 12 GB available space
    • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
    • Processor: Intel i9
    • Memory: 32 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series
    • Storage: 32 GB available space
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