A group of smart, latin american, attractive female hackers steal 2 billion of bitcoin from a communist dictator. Then their lives and family are targeted by the dictator for that crime. The team of girls are rescued by Omar, an ex Mi-6 British agent who runs the Spies for Hire team called Unico.
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2023년 10월 19일

로그인하셔서 게임을 찜 목록에 추가하거나, 팔로우하거나 또는 제외하기로 표시하세요.

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이 제품은 귀하의 로컬 언어를 지원하지 않습니다. 구매하기 전에 아래에 있는 지원하는 언어 목록을 확인해주세요.



게임 정보

Chapter 1 of Unispies game starts as a vehicle combat race with an exciting story line staring in Havana Cuba. You are rushed for cover into a vehicle armed with missiles, machine gun, and smoke screen for your protection. Your able to strike your enemies above and below with your armed vehicle but make sure you don't take too many hits or you wont make it out alive. Battle your way out of the Havana Cuba against a timer to your missions objective. Get out of the country as fast as you can. Drive from the actual road map of the city of Havana's malecon North area to the only airport to escape. It won't be easy, air drones, Russian helicopters and armed drones above shoot you on the way their and you need to have enough life to make it out alive to your checkpoint. Also, Stryker military trucks with machines guns will be shooting at you and blocking your way there. Watch out for the Russian military Hind-24 helicopters ready to blow you up. Can you make it in time to airport runway where Unico's air cargo plane waits to extract you out of the country safely?
If you like a challenge, that's what Unispies game play is about. It won't be easy and never any fantasy unrealistic tricks here in our games, just the best real life weapons and technology at your fingertips. All that's missing is your skills.
The good news is you can set your difficulty on timer, you have weapons at your fingertips either using your keyboard or mouse. All control functions appear on screen to help you as much as possible survive.
Good luck and hope you make it out alive!

The Story:
A group of Latin American women decide to steal 2 bilion of their personal bitcoin from a powerful Dictator. They quickly find out that was a really bad idea. While on the run for their lives, an Ex-Mi-6 agent Omar, helps save them from the Dictators wrath. And we find out it's too late, the girls familes have already been kidnapped and will have to save them. This is the beginning of a series of Unispies in Chapters. This is Chapter 1 Havana, Cuba. The map used is actually the real 3d map of the route to first obejctive exit through Havana's Jose Marti's airport. Be on the look out for next chapters being added soon and also a Comic Book based on the same game.

시스템 요구 사항

    • 운영 체제: Windows 10/11 64-bit
    • 프로세서: Core i3-3225 3.3 GHz
    • 메모리: 8 GB RAM
    • 그래픽: Intel HD 4000 on PC; AMD Radeon Vega 8
    • 저장공간: 3 GB 사용 가능 공간

UNISPIES - Chapter 1 Havana Cuba에 대한 고객 평가

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